Photon - elementary particle, a quantum of electromagnetic radiation.

Photon energy: ε = hv, where h = 6.626 10 -34 J s is Planck's constant.

Photon mass: m = h·v/c 2 . This formula is obtained from the formulas

ε = hv and ε = m c 2 . The mass, defined by the formula m = h·v/c 2 , is the mass of the moving photon. A photon has no rest mass (m 0 = 0), since it cannot exist at rest.

Alternatively, the derivatives of the energy in the reference frame with respect to the observer's velocity give momentum. The fact that the frequency of photons is seen as red or blue shifts for different observers coincides with the fact that the photon has momentum. It's beautiful how all the different concepts here connect with each other and come together. We have a transition from classical physics to relativistic physics, which has changed our understanding of what the symmetries of physics are. On the other hand, we have these different conservative quantities, and Noether's theorem shows us how the symmetries and conserved quantities are parallel to each other in both theories.

Photon momentum: All photons move at a speed c = 3·10 8 m/s. Obviously, the momentum of the photon is P = m c, which implies that

P = hv/c = h/λ.

4. External photoelectric effect. Volt-ampere characteristic of the photoelectric effect. Stoletov's laws. Einstein's equation

The external photoelectric effect is the phenomenon of the emission of electrons by a substance under the influence of light.

The source of this text is a historical document written by a woman who deciphered the causes and cures for cancer. She has demonstrated this a hundred times over and documented it, even on autistic patients. She was even nominated for Nobel Prize. At that time, their knowledge could not yet be translated into a healing technical product.

About 45 years after MD. Request Documentation: "Easy Healings!". If a solar particle, a photon, hits a substance, then this incoming energy can pass into matter. The information in this energy drop becomes part of the hit. But the opposite way is also possible: Matter can turn into pure radiation. Light is the most beautiful substance and the fastest form of energy.

The dependence of the current on the voltage in the circuit is called the current-voltage characteristic of the photocell.

1) The number of photoelectrons N' e escaping from the cathode per unit time is proportional to the intensity of light falling on the cathode (Stoletov's law). Or in other words: the saturation current is proportional to the power of the radiation incident on the cathode: Ń f = P/ε f.

A beam of light hitting a living system hits an electron. Electric Energy electrons and their orbits is not fixed - it is variable. Depending on the light effect, the electron changes its orbit and reaches a new quality. This qualitative change of electrons by light is the theme of life: the loss of energy means a narrower electron orbit around the atom. Energy powered by light means an extended electronic path.

Also, the added light combines with the existing electron. This union is called the so-called resonance or connection. Through the supply of light, my electrons vibrate, receive new, positive information and, with this new inner strength, jump on a wider path.

2) The maximum speed V max that an electron has at the exit from the cathode depends only on the frequency of light ν and does not depend on its intensity.

3) For each substance there is a limiting frequency of light ν 0, below which the photoelectric effect is not observed: v 0 = A out / h. Einstein's equation: ε = A out + mv 2 max /2, where ε = hv is the energy of the absorbed photon, A out is the work function of the electron from the substance, mv 2 max / 2 is the maximum kinetic energy of the emitted electron.

Resonance to sunlight always means a higher energy state of matter. This higher energy state means an increase in order in the sense of Erwin Schrödinger. High energy state = high order= Health Low energy state = Low order = Disease.

Budwig calls this resonant process of higher energy electrons "quantum power". Light reactions mean an increase in order, which means an increase in what we call health. Of course, the radiation must be suitable for the biological system!

Einstein's equation, in fact, is one of the forms of writing the law of conservation of energy. The current in the photocell will stop if all the emitted photoelectrons slow down before reaching the anode. To do this, it is necessary to apply a reverse (delay) voltage u to the photocell, the value of which is also found from the law of conservation of energy:

Energy consumption of a person mental capacity, enhancement of all life processes, as well as vitality and orderly growth processes are included in this process of evolution by enhancing light reactions by resonance in electronic orbits as a process of quantum biology.

The corresponding photon radiation completely affects people in their material and in their mental-mental-energetic form. In addition to material physical health, the corresponding emission of photons also affects mental and emotional conditions.

|e|u z = mv 2 max /2.

5. Light pressure

Light pressure is the pressure exerted by light falling on the surface of a body.

If we consider light as a stream of photons, then, according to the principles of classical mechanics, when particles hit a body, they must transfer momentum, in other words, exert pressure. This pressure is sometimes called radiation pressure. To calculate the light pressure, you can use the following formula:

Man is an antenna for sunlight. Its health depends on the quality of the photon cosmic radiation and the photon radiation radiation associated with the product. Each biological system is able to store these incoming photons, that is, to form light warehouses - the basis of health. To the extent that this memory is emptied creates disease in the environment.

The last disease is cancer, here the cell is completely emptied. Thus, the body has freedom of action and can compensate for temporary energy deficiencies by the body, which is currently extracting the missing energy from its stores. Poisons, acids and all particles that are stored in the body and do not belong to them can now be prevented as "sturgeon atoms", which can make optimal use of this photon storage. Toxins weaken the energy situation by disrupting the electronic conduction of the electronic energy flow.

p = W/c(1+ p), where W is the amount of radiant energy incident normally on 1 m 2 of the surface in 1 s; c is the speed of light, p- reflection coefficient.

If the light falls at an angle to the normal, then the pressure can be expressed by the formula:

6. Compton - effect and its explanation

The Compton effect (Compton effect) is the phenomenon of changing the wavelength of electromagnetic radiation due to its scattering by electrons.

As the strongest energy destroyer, X-ray or gamma radiation is obtained. Here is the key danger point of any radiotherapy: photon stores are attacked to the point of destruction. In cancer, the tumor can inhibit growth, but the price is so high that you don't have to pay it: the whole person is taken from his inner energy.

Budwig calls this award after himself. Decreased secretion of the glandular membrane, blocking the secretion of urine and urine, water retention in the tissue associated with dehydration of the mucous membranes, facilitation of cardiac function and blood circulation, reduced oxygen consumption, blue discoloration of the lips and other tissues, impaired breathing of all vital functions. False, hostile radiation, such as gamma radiation, the living is destroyed because the light pipes are destroyed in the body.

For scattering by an electron at rest, the frequency of the scattered photon is:

where is the scattering angle (the angle between the directions of photon propagation before and after scattering).

The Compton wavelength is a length dimension parameter characteristic of relativistic quantum processes.

The energy absorbed by extraneous radiation and foreign substances in the body leads to more and more "blurring" in resonance and, therefore, to the disease - the final stage: cancer. The thesis that cancer is aggravated by radiation therapy has a physical reality here. This number does not need to be commented on, but you should exclude the term "therapy" in this context without replacement.

The destruction of the tumor has a devastating effect on the central processes of life in a game between the sun and "quantum efficiency" that the health benefits of cancer patients are not associated with this application. But let's turn to the most positive news: coherent light, that is, "corresponding" radiation - and it heals! It heals causation, that is, the absence of photons, which is a condition of disease.

λ C \u003d h / m 0 e c \u003d 2.4 ∙ 10 -12 m - the Compton wavelength of the electron.

An explanation of the Compton effect is impossible within the framework of classical electrodynamics. From the point of view of classical physics, an electromagnetic wave is a continuous object and should not change its wavelength as a result of scattering by free electrons. The Compton effect is a direct proof of the quantization of an electromagnetic wave, in other words confirms the existence of a photon. The Compton effect is another proof of the validity of the corpuscular-wave dualism of microparticles.

Resonances in a biological system with magnetic fields electrons control the energy environment and, consequently, metabolic processes. Without these resonances, toxic particles are deposited, surrounded by fat cells, turn into garbage dumps, gas and destroy common system more and more sustainable.

The energy of photons in living systems is decisive. In the formation of antibodies, immune defense, in muscle contractions, nerve functions, brain functions, in all processes of vital functions, in the spectrum of living matter par excellence. Whoever understands this no longer asks in what diseases the corresponding resonant radiation can help.

The photoelectric effect shows that electromagnetic radiation able to behave like a particle - a photon. During absorption, emission or interaction of a photon with any particles, the same laws of conservation of energy and momentum can be used as in the interaction of bodies. However, a photon in any medium moves at the speed of light ( With= 3*10 8 m/s) and therefore the conservation laws must be written in relativistic form.

To cure diseases, it is necessary to restore the fundamental natural conditions person. Cardiac contact currents, supply and use of oxygen, blood circulation dynamics, digestion, skin and mucous membrane permeability functions, glandular cascade dynamics, starting from the pineal gland as the beginning of the cascade, liver and bile organs, genital organs. With optimization, the joy of life, the life force is awakened, the connection that strengthens the positive control circuits!

Budwig clearly states: The rays of the sun, emanating from space, obey the laws of nature, which require attention. The sun's rays, as "suitable rays" for the spectrum of human life, sacrifice energy and govern according to the iron laws of nature. The absorption of this radiant energy through resonance is vital for humans.

Let us consider some features of the particle-photon. When the particle speed is equal to the speed of light, the denominator of the expression:

for relativistic energy vanishes, and the energy becomes infinitely large, which physically does not make sense.

For the energy to be finite, it mathematically follows that the numerator of the fraction must also be equal to zero in this case. It follows from this that particles that move at the speed of light must have no mass . On the other hand, a photon, as a massless particle, can only move at the speed of light. Otherwise, the photon must die. So, it makes no sense to talk about a photon that is at rest!

This includes: promotion of all life processes, storage of energy and nerve force, activation of fermentation processes and secretions. Promotion of the growth and formation of blood, overcoming congestion in the liver, bile, lymphatic vessels and tumors.

What coherence can do, we already understand with the help of such a simple example as children's swing. Even the strongest blows, applied in a random sequence, are never sufficient to direct the hanging ropes and the seat into the orderly movement of the pendulum.

By revising thermal radiation and the photoelectric effect, it was assumed that light is emitted and absorbed in portions. However, this does not prove that light exists in the form of particles - photons. Weighty evidence in favor of the quantum (that is, not wave) theory of light are the effects in which the momentum of photons is manifested. The presence of the momentum of the body is equivalent to determining the direction of its movement at each moment of time.

What fun can make kids even a short ship rock at a relatively low level, but instead, in general mode, relapses sometimes move almost to the point of capsizing. The less chaotic the interaction, the less energy is required to achieve long-term effects.

The oscillation becomes more and more stable, and hence the longer the coherence - here as a measure of the "non-randomness" of the coupling - the longer the lifetime. Coherence has something to do with resonance: it is necessary to match the frequency of vibration of the transmitter and receiver. The better this setting, the higher the amplitudes can rise.

Since the photon has no mass, it is also impossible to consider the momentum of this particle in the usual way (in classical mechanics, the momentum of a body ) . The momentum of a photon can be expressed in terms of energy:


Formulas (2.4, 2.5) connect the wave characteristics (frequency or wavelength) with the characteristics of ordinary bodies (mass, energy, momentum). Moreover, if we know one of the four parameters (energy or momentum of a photon, frequency or wavelength of light), then we can automatically calculate the rest using the appropriate formulas. That is, you can describe the properties of light using any of these parameters, and this clearly shows that a photon simultaneously has the properties of both a wave and a particle. It is called wave-particle duality. The choice of parameter depends on the specific task.

Between the generator of pulses and the receiver, a certain property of interaction can be recognized, which we describe in common use as "communication", in science with a "communication base". Quantum biology belongs to the branch of biophysics. It explores the influence of quanta on energy processes in living systems.

She was one of the best biochemists in Germany and also one of the best cancer researchers in Europe. She was also a pharmacist. She was nominated seven times for the Nobel Prize. The secret to success lies in the blend of high quality linseed oil with cottage cheese combined with raw food, fresh fruits, nuts and steamed vegetables.

So, one of the phenomena described using the concept of momentum is light pressure. Recall that pressure is a quantity P, equal to momentum ∆p, transferred to a unit of surface per unit of time . Light pressure is due to the fact that photons transfer their momentum to the surface, which is determined by formula (2.5).

Cold pressed flaxseed oil occupies a prominent position in the oil-protein diet: it contains a large proportion of polyunsaturated fatty acids, to which sulfur-containing protein can be stored. Through this connection, fat is water-soluble, it can be transported to the smallest blood vessels and used there as energy.

In addition, linseed oil contains high levels linoleic and linolenic acids, which have an anti-inflammatory effect. Especially in the case of cancer, inflammatory indicators in the blood usually increase - this is where the oil-protein diet begins.

Let the luminous flux incident on a unit area contain N photons. For simplicity, consider a monochromatic light wave. If the reflection coefficient for a given surface is ρ, then reflected from the surface ρ N photons, but will be absorbed (1–ρ) N. Each absorbed photon imparts momentum to the surface , and each reflected is a double impulse , since when a photon is reflected, the momentum changes to the opposite (from R before -R), that is, the momentum modulus changes to ∆р=2р photon.

This diet is by far the most successful anti-cancer diet in the world. They suffered from a dry cough, unable to cough up phlegm. This greatly encourages them when fats with their richness of electrons suddenly revitalize the vital signs and the patient immediately begins to feel better.

These natural substances, added for about three months, cause the regeneration of tumors. Phosphatides and lipoproteins that have disappeared from the blood are then optimally detected again. With their appearance, weakness and anemia disappear, and Vital energy is being restored. Symptoms such as cancer, liver dysfunction and diabetes are completely eliminated.

Total impulse, transmitted to the surface, is equal to


Thus, the pressure exerted by light on the surface is proportional to the energy of photons, their density in the light flux ( N/S is the flux density or the ratio of the number of photons incident on the surface to the area of ​​this surface), and also depends on the reflectivity of the body surface.

These conclusions were experimentally verified in 1901 by P. N. Lebedev. He designed a suspension (Fig. 2.4), on which very thin metal “wings” were fixed on the lightest glass thread - dark and light disks 0.01 - 0.1 mm thick. With such a thickness, the wings had a uniform temperature, which made it possible to avoid introducing corrections for the temperature gradient (difference in the temperature of layers located at different depths).

Rice. 2.4. Scheme of Lebedev's experiment

The suspension was placed in an evacuated balloon, a movable system of mirrors made it possible to direct light onto both surfaces of the wings. The light pressure was determined from the angle of rotation of the filament with illuminated wings. The results obtained coincided with those predicted theoretically, in particular, it turned out that the pressure of light on the blackened surface of the wings is two times less than on the mirror surface.

The pressure of light is certainly low. For example, consider the pressure of natural sunlight at the Earth's surface. Even if the reflectivity of the body is extremely small, the pressure experienced by the surface will be approximately 350 10 -10 mm Hg. Art. For comparison - Atmosphere pressure at the surface of the Earth is 750 mm Hg. Art., that is, 10 orders of magnitude more.

Compton effect

The presence of the world corpuscular properties also confirmed by Compton scattering of photons. The effect is named after the man who discovered this phenomenon in 1923 American physicist Arthur Holly Compton. He studied the scattering of x-rays on various substances.

Compton effect– change in the frequency (or wavelength) of photons during their scattering. It can be observed when X-ray photons are scattered by free electrons or by nuclei when gamma radiation is scattered.

Rice. 2.5. Scheme of setup for studying the Compton effect.

Trx-ray tube

Compton's experiment was as follows: he used the so-called line K α in the characteristic X-ray spectrum of molybdenum with a wavelength λ 0 = 0.071 nm. Such radiation can be obtained by bombarding a molybdenum anode with electrons (Fig. 2.5), cutting off radiation of other wavelengths using a system of diaphragms and filters ( S). The passage of monochromatic X-ray radiation through a graphite target ( M) leads to the scattering of photons at certain angles φ , that is, to change the direction of propagation of photons. By measuring with a detector ( D) the energy of photons scattered at different angles, one can determine their wavelength.

It turned out that in the spectrum of scattered radiation, along with radiation coinciding with the incident radiation, there is radiation with a lower photon energy. In this case, the difference between the wavelengths of the incident and scattered radiation ∆ λ = λ – λ 0 the greater, the greater the angle that determines the new direction of photon motion. That is, photons with a longer wavelength were scattered at large angles.

This effect cannot be substantiated by the classical theory: the wavelength of light should not change during scattering, because under the action of a periodic field of a light wave, the electron oscillates with the frequency of the field and therefore must radiate secondary waves of the same frequency at any angle.

Explained the Compton effect quantum theory light, in which the process of light scattering is considered as elastic collision of photons with electrons of matter. During this collision, the photon transfers to the electron part of its energy and momentum in accordance with the laws of their conservation, exactly as in the elastic collision of two bodies.

Rice. 2.6. Compton scattering of a photon

Because after the interaction relativistic particle a photon with an electron, the latter can get ultra-high speed, the law of conservation of energy must be written in a relativistic form:


Where hv 0 and are the energies of the incident and scattered photons, respectively, mc 2relativistic energy rest of the electron is the energy of the electron before the collision, e e is the energy of an electron after a collision with a photon. The law of conservation of momentum has the form:


where p0 and p are the photon momenta before and after the collision, pe is the momentum of the electron after the collision with the photon (before the collision, the momentum of the electron is zero).

We square expression (2.30) and multiply by since 2.