Culture and Arts was one of the leading creative universities in our country. Now this university exists, but under a slightly different name. However, it still occupies an important place in the educational system of Russia, gaining good positions in the rankings of higher educational institutions.

Name change

The creative educational organization of Krasnodar, known as the Krasnodar State University of Culture and Arts, was formed in November 1966. Her name was slightly different. It was the Krasnodar Institute of Culture. In the first year, about 150 people were accepted for training. After 2 years, a hostel was opened, and the recruitment of foreigners to the university was started.

In the 90s, the educational organization changed its name and status several times. From an institute, the university was transformed into an academy, and a little later it became a university. In 2015, the educational institution was returned historical name. Now the university is again being spoken of as the Krasnodar State Institute of Culture.

Structural units

The State University has 5 main faculties:

  1. Information and library. This faculty traces its history almost from the very moment the university was founded. The structural division was opened in 1967. At first it was a library faculty. In 1993 he received modern name.
  2. Broadcasting and theatrical art. This structural division is quite young, since it appeared only a few years ago. It was formed as a result of the merger of 2 faculties.
  3. Folk culture. This structural unit at the Krasnodar University of Culture and Arts appeared about 10 years ago. It was also formed as a result of the merger of the already existing faculties of traditional culture and choreography.
  4. Fine arts, design and liberal education. This is a young faculty, opened just a couple of years ago.
  5. Tourism and socio-cultural activities. Approximately 4 years ago, the structural unit had a different name. It was the faculty of advertising, social service and cultural studies. The name change is due to the abandonment of some educational programs.

Conservatory of the educational institution

A special structural subdivision is the KGUKI Conservatory. It has been leading its history since 1992, when the faculty of arts was opened at the university. A little later, the structural unit received a higher status. It became known as the Institute of Arts. Today it is no longer a faculty or an institute, but a conservatory. She conducts educational activities.

The conservatory offers various specialties, master's programs (for example, "vocal art", "conducting", "musical pedagogy"). Students here are offered not only high-quality education, but also an interesting student life. Competitions, festivals are regularly held in the conservatory, student groups (orchestras, academic choir, etc.) work.

Undergraduate and Specialist

Applicants wishing to receive higher education at the state university are offered a wide range of undergraduate areas and specialties. Training is updated periodically. Several years ago it was introduced point-rating system evaluation of learning outcomes. Today it is used in 7 educational programs:

  • “Protection of objects of natural and cultural heritage and museology";
  • "Archivalistics and Documentation";
  • "information and library activities";
  • "tourism";
  • "culturology";
  • "folk artistic culture»;
  • "musical applied art and musicology".

Of all the existing areas, the most popular are "television and film directing", "graphics", "history and theory of art", "acting art". It was on these programs in 2017 that the most high competition on the budget.

Termination of studies in some undergraduate programs

Krasnodar State University Arts and Culture in 2017 refused to enroll in 4 non-core areas of undergraduate studies - "Psychological and Pedagogical Education", "Service", "Advertising and Public Relations", "Applied Informatics".

The implementation of several specialized bachelor's and specialist's programs was also discontinued. From 2017, it is no longer planned to receive:

  • to "applied ethics";
  • "folk crafts and arts and crafts" in the profile "artistic embroidery";
  • "art and humanitarian sciences» on the profiles of "art business", "advertising and visual communications";
  • "graphics" with a specialization "graphic artist (art of the book)".

Secondary vocational education (SVE)

Applicants in the presence of the main general education can enroll in secondary vocational education programs that are available at the Krasnodar State University of Culture and Arts. Few directions. Here is their list:

  • “archival science and documentation support of management”;
  • “folk art (by type)”;
  • “design (by industry)”;
  • Choral and solo folk singing.

In 2017, the list of training areas has increased. Admission to the musical cadet corps for a new specialty was announced - “instrumental performance (by type of instrument): orchestral percussion and wind instruments”. Based on the results of the competitive selection, 20 cadets were enrolled in it.

Annual career guidance events

In order to produce qualified specialists, KGUKI of Krasnodar is actively engaged in career guidance to attract talented people for training. During the year, the university (institute) holds more than 10 open days, cultural and educational events in different cities and regions of the Krasnodar Territory.

Career guidance includes master classes, public lectures, creative meetings. Attention is also paid to people with disabilities, because they can also enter the university. They are informed about admission both in the educational institution itself and virtually. Additional career guidance activities for this category of applicants are the annual creative competitions of the Krasnodar branch of the All-Russian Society of the Blind.

Work is also underway to attract foreigners to the faculties and specialties of KGUKI. A specialized preparatory department has been created for them, information and promotional materials have been developed, career guidance meetings are being held.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the doors of the university (institute) are open to every applicant. You can understand whether any faculties and specialties are suitable for KGUKI by attending career guidance events. For children who have talents and know about them, the university has developed additional pre-professional programs in the field of arts. They are recruited annually. There are many people who want to study in such programs, so the university allocates a limited number of places, both paid and free.

Krasnodar State University of Culture and Arts higher educational institution in the town .


Krasnodar State University of Culture and Arts was founded in 1967 by a decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR. Now it is a creative university in the South of Russia, one of the largest universities in Russia in the field of culture, art and education.

Krasnodar state institute culture was created by the decision of the government of the USSR of November 1966 (Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of 05.11.1966 No. 863). The newly created institute had library and cultural and educational faculties, 200 students studied there (according to other sources 150), and there were 45 teachers. In 1968, their own hostel for 502 people appeared. In the same 1968, for the first time there was a set of foreign students. In 1973, the Faculty of Music and Education was added.

In 1991 the Institute was renamed into the Krasnodar State Institute of Arts and Culture.

In 1993 the institute was renamed into the Krasnodar state academy culture, later in 1997 - to the Krasnodar State Academy of Culture and Arts.

  • First Rector Pavel Vasilyevich Nayanov (until 1983)
  • Leonty Alekseevich Solodukhin (from 1983 to 1991)
  • Irina Ivanovna Gorlova (from 1991 to 2008)

In 2008, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, professor, member of the Union of Composers of Russia Natalya Romanovna Turavets was elected rector of KGUKI. She worked in this position until November 2010 .

At the University, about five thousand students study at the same time in 50 specialties in all forms of education (full-time, part-time, second higher education). AT educational process 88 specializations of higher education are successfully implemented vocational education, 11 - postgraduate studies and 3 - doctoral studies. Currently, 89 doctors of sciences, professors, 165 candidates of sciences, associate professors, 8 people's and 15 honored artists of the Russian Federation, 6 honored artists of the Russian Federation, 1 honored worker of science of the Russian Federation, 13 honored workers of culture of the Russian Federation, 1 honored worker high school of the Russian Federation, 1 People's Artist of the Russian Federation, 3 Honored Artists of the Russian Federation, 1 Honored Architect of the Russian Federation, 1 Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation, 1 Honored Trainer of the Russian Federation, 1 Honorary Worker of the SPO, 41 people have honorary titles Kuban, 52 members of various creative unions, more than 40 winners of competitions and festivals. .


  • information and library
  • music and humanities education
  • economics and Management
  • broadcasting
  • theatrical art
  • law and legal protection of culture
  • linguistics and intercultural communications
  • advertising and socio-cultural activities

The University Conservatory is headed by Honored Art Worker of Russia, head of the regional branch of the Union of Composers of Russia V. A. Chernyavsky.

The University closely cooperates in the training of specialists with the Krasnodar State Academic drama theater, the Krasnodar State Philharmonic and the Premiere Creative Association. The Youth Opera Theater of the university performs opera productions. Teachers and students staged performances of the operas Eugene Onegin by P. I. Tchaikovsky, The Dawns Here Are Quiet by K. V. Molchanov, Aleko by S. V. Rachmaninov, and the children’s opera Terem-Teremok by V. A. Chernyavsky .



Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

  • Krasnodar SPTA

See what "Krasnodar State University of Culture and Arts" is in other dictionaries:

    Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation- This term has other meanings, see Ministry of Culture. The request "Ministry of Culture of the USSR" is redirected here. A separate article is needed on this topic ... Wikipedia


    If you want to become a cameraman, a cultural worker or a lawyer, you are here.
    While studying at the faculty of teleoperator's skills, I received a lot of valuable experience and a lot of practical experience.
    passing admission committee and handing over the documents, I really wanted to become a member of this world of KGUKI, and I did it, which I am glad about. Studying at the Faculty of Telecamera Skills, I was surprised by the large amount of equipment for practice.
    The educational process is very well organized - students do not read lines from books, but share their own invaluable experience, which of course will help you and come in handy.
    Very good specialists tell such stories, giving great lectures on large-scale problems from the world of television.
    Let's not talk about the reputation, which is very high, and the university can compete with other "big" educational institutions
    Personally, my group had an internship at the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company Kuban, which we are very happy about - this is also an invaluable experience, which is provided almost free of charge by KGUKI with great love.

    0 comment

    The best years of life!!! This is the only thing I can write about my studies at the Krasnodar State University of Culture and Arts. And I can rightly call him "Kulek"! Without humiliating at the same time its value! And only complete squalor use this name wanting to offend its graduates.
    Most of the lectures were held in the second building. Yes, of course, the building would not have been in the way of a major overhaul. But, to say that it greatly interfered would be a lie. And what teachers! Living legends! Even we, correspondence students, were given maximum attention! Well, there were a couple of outright non-professionals extorting money, but they “left” rather quickly. The main thing is that here in most specialties they provide a fairly broad education. That is, graduates can work both creatively and as managers in their field.
    When I was thinking about where to enter, there was a choice: either Kulek or Kubik (KubSU). And I do not regret a bit that I made my choice in favor of the First! And the best!

    0 comment


    dear girls and guys, if you really love cinema, theater music, don’t ever go there, all your dreams will be smashed and your talents will be buried, the dean molests girls under fear of expulsion, teachers are drunk on couples and yell obscenities with real obscenities for no apparent reason , the level of education is very weak, half of the teachers are pressured by their orientation, so my advice to you is not to let this dirt into your life

    0 comment


    This, as you might guess, this, so to speak, university.
    From which, after a few years, I successfully transferred to another university and was satisfied.
    great advice to young ambitious people who dream of working in the cinema - never enter the faculty of television and radio broadcasting. and if you are also a happy owner of some kind of talent, don’t bother here at all.
    disgusting quality of education, disgusting teachers who shout and swear at students OK! the dean who hits on girls! half of the teaching staff does not come to classes at all ...
    in general, several years of life wasted in vain. When I walked near the Institute of Culture on warm, fine days, from the open windows of this institution I heard singing and beautiful playing of musical instruments. It was the wonderful faculty of the conservatory that conducted its activities. In total, there are 11 faculties here today. And this is not the limit. The university is constantly improving and developing further.

    Krasnodar State Institute of Culture
    international name Krasnodar State University Of Culture
    Former names KGIK, KGIKI, KGAKI, KGUKI
    Motto Looking to the future
    Year of foundation
    Type of state
    Rector Sergei Semenovich Zengin
    students over 4500
    teachers over 300
    Location Russia, Krasnodar
    Campus urban
    Legal address st. 40th anniversary of the Victory, 33


    The Krasnodar State Institute of Culture was established by the decision of the USSR government of November 1966 (Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of 05.11.1966 No. 863) . The newly created institute had library and cultural and educational faculties, 200 students studied (according to other sources 150), there were 45 teachers. In 1968, its own hostel for 502 people appeared and the first intake of foreign students took place. In 1973, the Faculty of Music and Education was opened.

    In 1991 the institute was renamed into Krasnodar State Institute of Arts and Culture, in 1993 - in Krasnodar State Academy of Culture, in 1997 - in Krasnodar State Academy of Culture and Arts, November 23, 1998 - in Krasnodar State University of Culture and Arts. On August 4, 2015, the university was renamed the Krasnodar State Institute of Culture, returning its historical name.

    About five thousand students study at the institute in 50 specialties in all forms of education (full-time, part-time, second higher education). In the educational process, 88 specializations of higher professional education, 11 postgraduate studies and 3 doctoral studies are implemented. In 2013, 89 doctors of sciences, professors, 165 candidates of sciences, associate professors, 8 people's and 15 honored artists of the Russian Federation, 6 honored artists of the Russian Federation, 1 honored worker of science of the Russian Federation, 13 honored workers of culture of the Russian Federation, 1 honored worker of the highest schools of the Russian Federation, 1 People's Artist of the Russian Federation, 3 Honored Artists of the Russian Federation, 1 Honored Architect of the Russian Federation, 1 Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation, 1 Honored Trainer of the Russian Federation, 1 Honorary Worker of the SPO, 41 people have honorary titles of the Kuban, 52 members of various creative unions, more than 40 winners of competitions and festivals. .

    In 2008-2012, the University Conservatory was headed by V. A. Chernyavsky, Honored Art Worker of Russia, head of the regional branch of the Russian Composers Union.

    The Institute closely cooperates in the training of specialists with the Krasnodar State Academic Drama Theatre, the Krasnodar State Philharmonic and the Premiere Creative Association. The Youth Opera Theater of the university performs opera productions. Teachers and students staged performances of the operas Eugene Onegin by P. I. Tchaikovsky, The Dawns Here Are Quiet by K. V. Molchanov, Aleko by S. V. Rachmaninov, and the children’s opera Terem-Teremok by V. A. Chernyavsky .

    In 2012, the Krasnodar State Institute of Culture was recognized as an inefficient university. Quick and comprehensive solutions were needed to improve the performance of the team. A program for the development of the university for 2013-2018 was adopted, which included measures to update the content of education, improve scientific and artistic work, develop international activities, and strengthen the educational and material base.

    Over the years, the situation has completely changed. Now the Krasnodar Institute of Culture is recognized as one of the best educational institutions in your industry.

    For 2015-2016 academic year 38 master classes and creative meetings were organized and held with invited experts (managers, professors, cultural and art workers, folk artists, directors, actors, screenwriters, musicians) both from Russia and from foreign countries (Italy, USA, Serbia , Finland, China).

    In 2016, the Head of the Kuban Cossack Choir, Dean of the Faculty of Folk Culture of the Krasnodar State Institute of Culture, Professor Viktor Zakharchenko was awarded the State Prize in the field of literature and art.

    The highest regional award - the medal "Hero of Labor of the Kuban" - was awarded to the dean of the faculty of television and radio broadcasting, theater and fine arts Krasnodar State Institute of Culture Professor Vladimir Runov.

    The winners of the Krasnodar Territory Administration Prize were Natalia Aleksandrovna Gangur, Dean of the Faculty of Social and Humanitarian Education, Svetlana Aleksandrovna Zhiganova, Head of the Department of Folk Choral Art, Vardan G. Torosyan, Professor of the Department of Theory and History of Culture, and Tatyana Aleksandrovna Krinitskaya, Associate Professor of the Department of Folk Choir Art. Krinitskaya T. A. was also awarded the title of Honored Worker of Culture of the Kuban.

    Now the Krasnodar Institute of Culture is recognized as one of the best educational institutions in its industry. Changes in the work of the university took place in several directions at once.

    The education system is developing. In 2015, the institute switched to a multi-level system of education. Now KGIK is a center of lifelong education: children attend children's studios and an art school, then continue their studies at college and university. And in 2017, within the framework of this system, the first admission of students to the Musical Cadet Corps took place. Today, 40 young musicians are studying here, who are already winning prizes at all-Russian and international competitions. In the summer of 2018, students of the Krasnodar Musical cadet corps performed in Rostov-on-Don and Moscow at the World Cup.

    The content of educational programs has been updated. The university abandoned non-core areas of study and focused on creative specialties. Now the institute is preparing for three programs of pre-professional education, six specialties of secondary vocational education and 52 areas higher education. In total, about four thousand students and pupils study at the university. 250 teachers work with them.

    Over the past five years, the material base of the university has been strengthened: major repairs have been carried out in all academic buildings and dormitories. For about a year, the restoration of the premises in the old mansion of the 19th century, a unique monument of history and culture "The House of Merchant Nikitin" was underway. It has completely restored the exterior and interior decoration, made a major overhaul of the building. The institute has two own buses, new ones have been purchased musical instruments, a photo lab is open, the conference room is equipped with the latest technologies. The territory of the university has been landscaped, sports grounds with exercise equipment have been installed. A long-awaited gift for everyone was the construction of a new stadium on the territory of the institute. It is equipped with everything necessary for training and training sessions. Sports games, competitions, quests and flash mobs are held here. And in the fall of 2018, a new modern library was opened at the university, the work of which is based on RFID technologies. Not only students study here, but specialists from all over the Kuban come to learn how to use library innovations.

    Student activity is growing at the university, educational and creative projects are being developed. Every year the institute hosts about 100 scientific conferences, seminars and open lectures. And also - more than 150 artistic and creative festivals, competitions and concerts. Students and teachers become participants in outstanding events in our history. They took part in the opening and closing ceremonies of the Sochi Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games, XIX World festival of youth and students in Sochi, as well as at concerts in the fan zones of the World Cup.

    In June 2018, the Institute hosted the VII All-Russian Festival of Art and Culture Educational Institutions. It was attended by about 50 delegations from all over the country. And in October 2018, as part of the ART-PRO movement, more than 70 representatives of the institute went on a tour of the North Caucasus. They held various master classes, methodical meetings and concerts.

    A special place is occupied by the work of a patriotic orientation. Together with the Russian Military Historical Society, students conduct excursions to places military glory and also implement the Face of Victory project. In April 2019, the fifth volume of the book was published with portraits of veterans, which are painted by university artists. The All-Kuban Suvorov Readings are held annually at the university.

    The Krasnodar Institute of Culture has significantly expanded its international relations. Now more than 250 students from 35 countries of the world study here. The university fruitfully works with universities, conservatories, colleges and libraries in Great Britain, China, Venezuela, Italy, Poland, Slovakia, Belarus. In 2015 Rector Sergey Zengin joined the Board of Trustees of the Association of International Students of Russia. In 2016, a delegation of university students visited the IV Caspian Forum of Foreign Students and Alumni. Last fall, the Institute became the organizer of China Today Art Week. It was held in Russia for the first time. The central event of the Week was the performance of the opera Marriage with a Sky Fairy.

    Thanks to all these changes, the institute has achieved recognition of its effectiveness according to the monitoring of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education Russian Federation. In February 2018, the Krasnodar State Institute of Culture passed state accreditation, and a year before that - international professional and public accreditation. At the end of 2018, he entered the federal project "Creative People".



    • conservatory
    • information and library
    • socio-cultural activities and tourism
    • broadcasting and theater arts
    • folk culture
    • design, fine arts and liberal education
    • continuing and additional education

    Krasnodar State University of Culture and Arts higher education institution in the city.


    Krasnodar State University of Culture and Arts was founded in 1967 by a decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR. Now it is a creative university in the South of Russia, one of the largest universities in Russia in the field of culture, art and education.

    The Krasnodar State Institute of Culture was established by decision of the USSR government of November 1966 (Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of 05.11.1966 No. 863) . The newly created institute had library and cultural and educational faculties, 200 students studied there (according to other sources 150), and there were 45 teachers. In 1968, their own hostel for 502 people appeared. In the same 1968, for the first time there was a set of foreign students. In 1973, the Faculty of Music and Education was added.

    In 1991 the Institute was renamed into the Krasnodar State Institute of Arts and Culture.

    In 1993, the institute was renamed the Krasnodar State Academy of Culture, later in 1997 - the Krasnodar State Academy of Culture and Arts.

    • First Rector Pavel Vasilyevich Nayanov (until 1983)
    • Leonty Alekseevich Solodukhin (from 1983 to 1991)
    • Irina Ivanovna Gorlova (from 1991 to 2008)

    In 2008, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, professor, member of the Union of Composers of Russia Natalya Romanovna Turavets was elected rector of KGUKI. She worked in this position until November 2010 .

    At the University, about five thousand students study at the same time in 50 specialties in all forms of education (full-time, part-time, second higher education). In the educational process, 88 specializations of higher professional education, 11 postgraduate studies and 3 doctoral studies are successfully implemented. Now 89 doctors of sciences, professors, 165 candidates of sciences, associate professors, 8 people's and 15 honored artists of the Russian Federation, 6 honored artists of the Russian Federation, 1 honored worker of science of the Russian Federation, 13 honored workers of culture of the Russian Federation, 1 honored worker of higher education of the Russian Federation, 1 People's Artist of the Russian Federation, 3 Honored Artists of the Russian Federation, 1 Honored Architect of the Russian Federation, 1 Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation, 1 Honored Trainer of the Russian Federation, 1 Honorary Worker of the SPO, 41 people have honorary titles of the Kuban, 52 members of various creative unions, more than 40 laureates of competitions and festivals. .


    • information and library
    • music and humanities education
    • economics and Management
    • broadcasting
    • theatrical art
    • law and legal protection of culture
    • linguistics and intercultural communications
    • advertising and socio-cultural activities

    The University Conservatory is headed by Honored Art Worker of Russia, head of the regional branch of the Union of Composers of Russia V. A. Chernyavsky.

    The University closely cooperates in the training of specialists with the Krasnodar State Academic Drama Theatre, the Krasnodar State Philharmonic and the Premiere Creative Association. The Youth Opera Theater of the university performs opera productions. Teachers and students staged performances of the operas Eugene Onegin by P. I. Tchaikovsky, The Dawns Here Are Quiet by K. V. Molchanov, Aleko by S. V. Rachmaninov, and the children’s opera Terem-Teremok by V. A. Chernyavsky .



    Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

    See what "Krasnodar State University of Culture and Arts" is in other dictionaries:

      This term has other meanings, see Ministry of Culture. The request "Ministry of Culture of the USSR" is redirected here. A separate article is needed on this topic ... Wikipedia