Modern technologies do not stand still. Scientists are developing gadgets that greatly facilitate human life. Many modern developments have a drawback, they do not work offline.

To help travelers, navigators, walkie-talkies, transmitters and other devices for orientation in space have been developed. In most cases, due to the fact that they require constant electrical charging of the power supply, it is not always possible to use them.

For this reason, the old method of orientation is used - the compass. He will help out, no matter where you are, in the forest, the desert, if you are a fan of hunting, fishing.

Its advantages:

  • Little weight.
  • Affordable price.
  • Small sizes.
  • Does not require additional power.

You can take navigators or other geolocation devices on a trip, but you should always take a compass, it will help you out everywhere. Many people do not know how to use a compass, but it is worth learning.

The instruction for use is quite simple, you just need to know the concepts from physics, geography. Before using the navigation device on the road, it is important to practice in familiar territory to understand how the arrows work. After that, you can go travel.

If you find yourself in the forest without a map and newfangled gadgets, a compass will help you navigate the terrain.

  • Before using it, you need to remember especially prominent large objects located on the ground. This is a lake, a building, memorable snags of trees.
  • Before you start your journey, put the compass in working position, stand facing the landmark and release the arrow from the brake, the arrow will point north.
  • Move 20–30 steps away from the chosen landmark, draw an approximately imaginary line from the device to the landmark and remember the scale readings. In the future, this figure will be the main one to determine how much you have gone astray.
  • You need to measure the azimuth, this is the angle that lies between the direction to the north and the deviation from it to your landmark. So, in the future, you will be able to accurately determine the deviation from the given path back.
  • Moving forward, you should pay attention to the location of the arrows and align the journey according to their indications.
  • When finding the path, the device must not be tilted, otherwise it will show the wrong path, and you will go astray.

It is still better to use it with a map, since indicating the magnetic poles of the earth with an arrow connecting them to the map will allow you to determine the location and quickly understand where you are on the map.

If there is an anomalous zone nearby, that is, iron ore lies in the depths of the earth, the arrow will begin to spin randomly, you need to move away from this place and look at the readings again. You will quickly orient yourself after the arrow calms down and shows you the right path.

Device and characteristics

A compass is a round box, an arrow with two ends and a scale. The round box serves as protection for the arrow and the magnetic field that is created inside the box. The arrow has a red end, which points to the south, blue, shows the location of the north.

Advice: when buying a navigation device, you should check its performance, you need to bring an iron object to it, if the arrow deviates, then the compass is working. If you sharply remove the iron object, the arrow should take its previous location.

Types of compasses

View Description
Electronic The action is based on microprocessor computing. The compass has a built-in GPS beacon.

The coordinates are determined through the signal that the beacon sends to the satellite and back. The downside is that there is no outlet for recharging.

Gyro-compass Used to determine coordinates in sea voyages. It is mechanical, the action is based on the principle of the gyroscope, that is, the rotation of the earth around its axis.

When the equator line is found, the arrow begins to rotate intensively. Very easy to use, always correctly determines the direction and is insensitive to changes in the magnetic field.

Magnetic Principle: The magnetic field of the earth interacts with the magnetic field of the compass, in which the arrow will determine the location of the parts of the world.

Very easy to use, small, cheap, but sensitive to magnetic anomalies.

Engineering A kind of magnetic, only made in the form of a watch, made of shock-resistant material, has a belt that fastens the compass on the hand. Using engineering is very convenient.

It is equipped with a rotating scale located on the glass, with which you can determine the azimuth, and a lens that magnifies the fine divisions of the scale.

Military The most accurate device. It differs from other devices in a metal case, which makes it reliable during combat operations.

In today's society, in the absence of a conventional compass or those listed above, the experienced traveler will not go astray, since the compass can be built into the phone, very easily when the phone is newfangled. On the iPhone, you can install an application that will show the way according to the principle of a navigator.

No matter what kind of compass you use, military, army, engineering, digital or travel, this device will never let you down and will always help you navigate any terrain.

If you do not know how to use it, with the help of the Internet you can learn everything. On sites about compasses, you can find information of interest about any compass. You can watch instructional videos in which experienced people will tell you in detail and show you how to use the compass.


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Progressive digital technologies have greatly simplified not only specialists, but also ordinary people, any kind of orientation, giving mankind GLONASS and GPS satellite navigation. But the skills of how to use the compass correctly, this old reliable companion of any traveler, still remain useful.

The relevance of a conventional magnetic compass is explained simply - it does not require power and recharging, access to a cellular network or the Internet. This device works in the deep forest or in the steppe, in extreme conditions or when the battery of the smartphone runs low - you just need to figure out how to follow the compass.

The desired area and the path to it are marked on the map, and the compass movement is verified by calculating the azimuth, which is the angle between the route to the selected object and the northern geographical direction, if we are talking about the northern hemisphere. In the southern hemisphere, the azimuth corresponds to the direction to the south pole.

How does a magnetic compass work?

The device with a magnetized needle, which unfolds strictly along the lines of force of the planet shrouded in a magnetic field, is already more than a thousand years old - its creation is listed as one of the four great Chinese discoveries, along with gunpowder, paper and printing on fabric. It has undergone improvements and had more modern narrow varieties, but the principle of operation has remained unchanged - geographic orientation by compass is carried out according to a single algorithm.

  • The classic magnetic compass is a compact round device in a metal or plastic case.
  • Under the transparent top cover there is a flat dial (limb), where the angular degrees are marked, increasing clockwise. There can be a different number of divisions, depending on the model, but there is always a full circle measurement coverage - 360º.
  • Opposite 0º is the north with the international designation N (north) or Russian - C (north). Opposite 180º - south with the designation S (south) or Yu (south). Opposite 90º - east with the designation E (east) or B (east). Opposite 270º - west with the designation W (west) or W (west).
  • In the center of the limb, a magnetic double-sided arrow is strung on the needle, one half of which is usually painted red or specially marked - it is she who always points with the tip to where the side of the north magnetic pole is.
  • In the non-working state, the arrow is held by the arrester - a mechanical lever that acts as a stopper. If you release it, the arrow will immediately turn its marked tail to the north.
  • The famous Adrianov model has an outer ring that wraps around the body - by rotating it, you can shift and set the sight in the form of a front sight with the whole to fix the direction to the landmark.
  • Many of today's touring models have an additional hand-rotated arrow that visually marks the direction of the desired route, and may also have a ruler for working with the map. Models with a rotating dial are also available.

Note! For correct orientation, the device must be in a horizontal position.

How to use a magnetic compass

The instructions for a standard tourist device describe in detail how to use the compass, but this description is not always at hand. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to explain the basics of working with the device.

  • Having placed the body of the device strictly horizontally, it is necessary to release the magnetic needle and wait until its swing stops.
  • Now you need to carefully align the tip of the arrow with the designation of the north, that is, with the letter N or Russian C.
  • To do this, either turn the device itself, if the dial is statically fixed in it, or rotate the movable dial until the letter and the tip of the arrow match.
  • The tail of the magnetic needle marked in red or specially marked out by itself always turns to the north, and when the designation of the north on the limb is combined with the arrow, this will correspond to the correct indication of the cardinal points.
  • Directly along the arrow - north, on the opposite side - south, to the right - east, to the left - west, indicated by the corresponding letters.

Note! Near accumulations of metal (for example, railway tracks), under power lines, in the zone of magnetic anomalies, at high altitude in the mountains, the magnetic compass makes significant errors! Therefore, you need to move 0.3 - 1 km and repeat the orientation.

Now you can leave unfamiliar terrain if you know where to go. In this case, the calculation of the azimuth will help.

How to use a compass to find the bearing

The desire of a beginner to learn how to use a compass is not a guarantee of successful orientation. Be sure to master the calculation of the azimuth, so as not to get lost. It is not difficult, but in extreme or critical conditions it will come in handy. And for hunters, mushroom pickers and tourists who prefer hiking, it is absolutely necessary to know.

Azimuth is the angle in degrees between north (0º) and the selected object (on the map or on the ground), always counted clockwise. That is, if the desired point is deviated from the north towards the west (counterclockwise) by only 1º, its azimuth will be equal to 359º.

The net bearing azimuth is 45º to the northeast, 90º to the east, 135º to the southeast, 180º to the south, 225º to the southwest, 270º to the west and 315º to the northwest. But the desired object may deviate, so you have to learn how to determine the exact azimuth.

  • First, the device is given a horizontal position, and the magnetic needle is released.
  • After it has taken a stable position, the tip of the arrow is aligned with the designation of the north N or C (by rotating the case or dial).
  • Further, the direction to the object of interest is indicated - either on the map, or in kind.
  • It remains to calculate the angle between the north mark and the mark pointing to the object, clockwise.

The resulting value in degrees is the azimuth, following which it is impossible to lose an unfamiliar object and go astray.

In a completely unfamiliar area, it can be any orienting object that rises above the rest or stands out for something - the found direction will allow you to reach it. Having reached it with the help of the obtained azimuth, you need to continue the path to choose the next one and repeat the calculations.

Note! You should return along the reverse azimuth, which is the opposite of that calculated on the dial. To do this, lay a straight line between the found angle and the center of the limb - the opposite value will be the reverse azimuth.

How to navigate with a compass and a map

When traveling far from civilization, the skills of how to navigate using a compass and a map will be most useful, since such a route will take into account all possible deviations. Responsible tourists always study the proposed route on the map at the beginning of the journey, calculate the direct and reverse azimuth, recording the data.

For such calculations, you need a map of the area, a compass, a ruler and a pencil.

  • Spread the map horizontally, mark with a pencil all the points of the planned route and its end point.
  • Put the compass on the map and release the arrow.
  • Align the arrow on the compass with the designation of north on the dial.
  • Now rotate the map until its north designation matches the compass indication.
  • Applying the ruler so that its line coincides with the middle of the limb and the first point of the route drawn on the map, calculate in degrees the angle between north and the ruler. Write down the value for this segment of the path. Immediately find the back azimuth and write it down.
  • Do this for all marked waypoints along the route to the final destination, recording the values ​​of each leg of the route.
  • Move along the way, referring to the compass.
  • Return in reverse azimuth.

With such calculations, you can absolutely not be afraid to get lost - the compass will lead exactly to the planned point and return back.

How to learn to use a compass easily without a map

There are also simplified versions of compass orientation without any calculations, and even without a map. For example, a mushroom picker or hunter who knows how to use this device in the forest will calmly wander through the thickets without worrying about the route and returning home. And although without reference to the map, the calculations will only be approximate, but the compass will provide invaluable assistance in moving around unfamiliar terrain.

  • The cardinal points are taken as the basis of the landmark, and the beginning of the path from some significant object with a large length - a highway, a field, a river, a railway track - is taken as a reference point.
  • Before starting the path, you need to stand facing the object and with your back to the beginning of the route.
  • Find the direction on the compass, for example - southeast. This will be the direction in which you need to return.
  • Forward movement will be in the opposite direction - in our example, this is the northwest.

That is, in the above example, walking through the forest, it remains to check from time to time with the compass readings and move to the northwest, and as soon as you want to return, go to the southeast. It is unlikely that the exit will coincide with the starting point, but the right direction will always lead to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe desired area.

Important! Don't forget to check the reliability of the compass! Magnetic compasses often fail due to demagnetization of the needle. Before setting off on a long and dangerous journey, check the device for viability by bringing any metal object closer to it with the arrow released from the brake. If the arrow reacted, then the device can be taken with you. But it is better to check with another compass so that their arrows coincide in direction.

One of the most important skills for any hiker is knowing how to navigate with a compass. It is not enough to have a compass with you, you need to understand well how to use it, and how to use the compass to determine the desired direction.

How the compass works

The compass is an ancient invention and it is quite simple.

The main part of the compass - magnetized needle. She always strives to be located along the magnetic meridian in the north-south direction. It also reacts to large accumulations of metal, live wires, deposits of magnetic ores in the ground and can deviate greatly from the original value.

Around the arrow on the compass is a movable scale with divisions, called limbo. It divides the circle into 360 degrees. The divisions of the scale most often correspond to 2⁰. The first division, which is also 360⁰, is indicated by the letter " N", that is, Nord - north.

The south is indicated by the letter " S» - Suid (south)

West left - " W» - West (west)

East right - " E» — East (ost)

Different compasses have additional aids for aiming and determining bearings.

Types of tourist compasses

To begin with, let's figure out what types of tourist compasses are.

First of all, let's recall the old and well-known Adrianov compass from the Soviet era. By the way, Adrianov is a Russian military cartographer, who, in fact, designed a compass with illumination (on a phosphorus basis) back in 1907.

The advantages of this tool is that the pointer of the arrow, the direction of the world, as well as the pointer of the sight sight are highlighted in the dark. In addition, it is quite reliable and is very popular among tourists in post-Soviet countries. The downside to using it is that the magnetic needle is unstable when moving.

There is also an opinion that some compasses of this type are radioactive. This applies to old compasses that used radioactive elements for illumination.

In orienteering, liquid compasses are the most popular. Due to the fact that its internal volume is filled with liquid (kerosene, etc.), the arrow does not fluctuate when walking or running. This is quite convenient when you need to quickly navigate and reach objects.

Tablet compasses are also popular among tourists. They are convenient in that they have a ruler with a pointer and a magnifying glass. This helps you navigate the map more accurately.

In addition, you can select a keychain compass, wrist compasses, a finger compass.

But the most important thing when choosing this item, in addition to external attractiveness and ease of use, is to make sure that it is functional and serviceable.

Since the market is oversaturated with goods from China, be sure to check the compass as follows before buying. First, we check whether the direction of the magnetic needle corresponds to the geographic north. If everything is in order with this, we bring a metal object to the compass, for example, a knife. The arrow should deviate from the original position. Then we pick up the item. After that, the arrow should return to its original position without visible deviations.

All tourist compasses use the property of a magnetized needle to be located along the magnetic field lines of the Earth. At the same time, for ultra-precise orientation (for example, on ships), an amendment is made to the fact that the Earth's magnetic lines do not completely coincide with geographic meridians. And accordingly, the angle between geographic and magnetic meridians is calculated.

How to navigate with a compass - in a simple way

    1. The blue end of the arrow will indicate north, the red - south ... If you face where the blue end of the arrow points, then to your left will be west, to your right - east ... But the main thing is to know the direction (azimuth) in which you should go, otherwise compass is useless...
    2. Just look at natural landmarks. And then about the compass. You do not know where you will come from and in which direction you will come. But a compass is always needed!

In specialized stores selling accessories for fishermen, hunters, tourists or athletes, you can find various modifications of magnetic compasses. In order to navigate in an unfamiliar place, the simplest, cheapest device is enough. It is hardly worth spending money on a more “fancy” device, given that all its capabilities (functionality) will not be implemented in practice anyway. Probably, in this regard, the only useful recommendation is to pay attention to the "liquid" models of the compass. A special mixture is pumped inside their flask, which “quenches” the fluctuations of the arrow. Such modifications of the device are more convenient because they allow you to navigate without stopping, directly in the process of movement. For a tourist making a pedestrian crossing, such a compass is preferable. There are several ways to check the performance of the device. The simplest of them is to bring the compass closer to any metal product (stained glass frame, door handle, etc.) right in the store. The arrow should not just deviate, but orient itself smoothly, without jerking. This sometimes happens with cheap models due to improper mounting on the axis. Those who use a compass to "bind" the map to the terrain should be aware of such a calculation parameter as magnetic declination. The device shows the pole is magnetic, and for all maps the geographic value matters. In most cases, this orientation error is not taken into account, but if you need maximum accuracy in determining the coordinates, you will have to take it into account. Relevant reference data are indicated on each sheet of the map.

You can survive in the wilderness without a compass, but it is very difficult. In order not to get lost and not get lost, a topographic map and a reliable compass are not enough - you still need to be able to use them. Anyone can learn how to navigate by a compass, this article will help.

How to use a compass - compass marks

Each compass has its own look and feel, but they are all built in the same way. Each compass has a magnetic needle that points to the poles of the planet. Let's look at what parts the compass consists of:

  • Plastic transparent plate on which the compass is placed.
  • An arrow that indicates the direction.
  • A transparent ring on which the compass is fixed (magnetic needle).
  • A rotating arc around the compass.
  • An arrow that rotates inside a compass.
  • Non-magnetized arrow that indicates the direction.
  • Landmark lines.

How to use a compass - how to hold

The compass must be placed in the palm of your hand and brought to your chest. This is the correct compass position during any travel. If you just need to refer to the map, then lay it on a flat surface and put the compass on top. So you can navigate the area as accurately as possible.

How to use the compass - determining sides

This is a quick and easy way to navigate the terrain. Look at the magnetic needle. Let's say you're heading north.

  • Rotate the division scale. This is done until the magnetic needle overlaps the direction arrow. Both arrows should point north. After that, determine the direction of your movement. You can do this by looking at the direction arrow.
  • See where the tick scale intersects with the direction of the movement arrow. Look at the division scale to accurately determine your direction. If the intersection occurs near the number 20, then you are moving 20 degrees to the northeast.

How to use a compass - the difference between the magnetic/geographic North Poles

Even though they are both "Northern", you will remember the difference very quickly, as it is very important for the correct use of the compass.

The difference in readings may not be significant, but a difference of 1 degree will mean a deviation from a certain target by 100 meters per kilometer. But what happens if you need to walk 10 or even 20 kilometers? It is simply necessary to take into account the difference.

How to use a compass - calculate your direction

When moving through an open area or through a forest, it is necessary to periodically determine your direction. Rotate the compass so that the direction arrow aligns with your direction (where you are going). The magnetic needle will only match if you are moving north.

How to Use a Compass - Keep Moving

Hold the compass correctly. Turn with it so that on the division bar the magnetic arrow points to the north. Move in the direction the direction arrow is pointing. You can refer to the compass all the way, just be careful not to move the tick bar.

How to use a compass - use landmarks

When you follow the indicated direction, where the arrow points, select a landmark (pillar, stone or tree). Do not select too distant objects (mountain) - they will not allow you to navigate with the necessary accuracy. Having reached one landmark, look at the compass and choose the next one.

How to use a compass - transfer the course to the map

Lay the map on a horizontal surface and place the compass on top. The direction line should point north. Now place the compass so that it passes through your position, with the arrow still pointing north. Draw a line along the compass passing through your position on the map. Stick to this direction.

In order to quickly and correctly navigate in unfamiliar terrain, to be able to choose the shortest path and know your location, you need to regularly exercise with a compass and a map, train observation and visual memory. The compass is the most reliable companion of a tourist, provided that they know how to use it. In order not to find yourself in a ridiculous situation when you have a compass, but you get lost and do not know where to go, study our article now, sitting with a cup of tea at the computer.

Nowadays, when modern technologies are widely developed, it is more common for travelers to use a GPS navigator than a compass. GPS navigators seem to be more understandable, convenient and practical in a new area than the good old travel assistant.

No one will argue with the convenience of the navigator, but it has a serious disadvantage: it has the ability to discharge. And it is not always possible to charge the battery while hiking. If the battery is dead, you will need to rely on intuition or look for a path through the stars. The compass will become the tool that will help out at any moment.

In this article we will tell you how to use the compass and navigate the terrain correctly. You will be surprised, but everything is not as difficult as it seems at first glance.

How to use a compass?

Away from civilization, skills that help you navigate the terrain will always come in handy. The compass helps a lot in this case. How to use this tool to help you build a route?

Every traveler must study the route before leaving home. You need to look at the map, calculate the direct and reverse azimuth, write down all the data in a notebook. Such calculations allow a responsible tourist to make sure that his path is correct.

To make such calculations, you need not only a compass, but also a map, a ruler, a pencil, and a notepad for writing. Research before the trip takes a lot of time, so we recommend starting the trip with this.

How to learn the route on the map and compass?

  1. Take a map of the area where you are going to go, spread it on the floor or on the table. With a pencil, mark all the points through which you will need to pass: the starting point, the final point, halts for snacks or even overnight if the trip is expected to be long.
  2. Place a compass on the map and rotate it until the north readings match.
  3. Use the ruler to mark your route. It must be laid so that the starting point of the route coincides with the midpoint on the dial. The degree obtained in this case must be calculated. This value is written in notepad. Immediately it is worth writing down another value. This is the reverse azimuth.
  4. The entire segment of the path must be recorded on paper. So you will know exactly how to move from point to point, and your walk will be productive.

While moving, you need to navigate along the arrow, you will already go back according to the calculation of the azimuth. Preliminary preparation for the trip will protect you and your group from unexpected places. It will be impossible to get lost if you move strictly according to the compass.

Step #1 - finding the azimuth

Before you understand how to use a compass correctly, you must definitely understand the basic concepts when working with this device. One of the most important skills will be calculating the azimuth. This knowledge will help hunters and mushroom pickers find the path leading home. Tourists who enjoy hiking should also learn this art of calculating azimuth.

The word "azimuth" seems complicated, but if you find out that this is just an angle where the extreme points are north and the beginning of the path, then the term seems to be not so scary. To calculate the azimuth, you need to move clockwise, or towards the East. Then you can count on accurate readings.

It happens that beginners notice a deviation from the route and blame the malfunctioning device for everything. Most likely, the reason is that the azimuth is incorrectly calculated. The following steps will accurately calculate this indicator:

  1. The compass must be in the prone position. The case rotates on the floor or table until the pointer finds the north side.
  2. You can navigate directly in nature or take a map with you. Having determined for yourself in which direction you need to move, you can begin the calculation.
  3. The calculation is made of the angle that is created between three points: north, the place of departure and the final point.

A mandatory rule when counting, which is neglected by many beginners: you need to count strictly from left to right. The data that turned out should not be kept in mind, but written down in order to navigate by the compass.

If the azimuth search takes place right on the ground, then it is worth using an object that rises above the rest or stands out for something as the second point. Having created the desired direction, it will be possible to easily reach it. To continue the route further, you must also calculate the azimuth. The calculations are repeated each time it is necessary to go to a new point.

Of course, the process of calculating the bearing is not as simple as walking with a navigator, but you can get much more emotions from the journey that you create with the help of calculations.

Step #2 - preparing the compass for the hike

An important step in using the compass will be its preparation for the campaign. The performance check of the product is checked in the following way:

  1. The device is placed on any horizontal surface and is expected until the pointer becomes stationary. The indications of the end of the dial hand must be recorded on paper.
  2. You need to create irritation for the arrow. This is done with a metal object that is brought near the device.
  3. As soon as the object is eliminated, the arrow should return to its original position. This indicates that the compass is suitable for travel.

It is advisable to carry out the procedure several times to make sure that the product is working. If there are two compasses in the house, then it is worth comparing their readings with each other. Then there will definitely be confidence that the instrument will correctly show the way home.

Step number 3 - compass device

For more than a thousand years, a device with a magnetic needle has allowed tourists to find the right route. This invention is so unique that it was included in the list of the four greatest discoveries. Its appearance is comparable to the invention of gunpowder and paper. For all the time of its existence, the device has undergone major changes. Although there are quite a few devices today that are more functional than a regular compass, it is still on the list of must-haves on any long hike.

Compass orientation becomes easier when the user understands the algorithm for using it.

  1. The classic shape of a compass is a circle. The device is usually made of metal or plastic.
  2. A limb is a surface with numbers, and it is located under a transparent top cover. The dial may have a different number of divisions. It largely depends on the model. But all devices will have full 360-degree measurement coverage.
  3. The North is indicated by a capital English letter N (North), however, there are models where the North is indicated by the Russian letter C. On the contrary, the South is marked. If the compass manufacturer is a Russian company, then most likely it is marked with the letter Yu, foreign manufacturers use the S (South) marking. East (E –> East) and West (W –> West) are marked in the same way.
  4. In the center of the dial is a magnet hand, which is painted in two colors. The brighter color, usually red, always points to the North.
  5. There is a special lever on the side of the device. It's called "arretir". In the non-working state, it holds the arrow. When he lets go, the red side of the arrow goes to the North.
  6. The compass that we know and use now is called "Adrianov's compass". But travelers of past centuries used a device that had a ring around the body. With its help, it was possible to build a fly route, fixing the necessary direction of movement.

Many modern models come with a rotating dial and an arrow that can be set manually to mark the route.

How to use a compass without a map?

An experienced traveler can easily show you how to use a compass if you don't have a map. This technique of use is suitable for those tourists who absolutely do not like computing.

The ability to navigate the terrain without a map is useful for a mushroom picker or hunter who often has to wander through dense thickets in search of “prey”. To go back, you need to connect the compass. Despite the fact that without the use of a map, orientation will be approximate, but it is still better than staying overnight in the forest.

The following tips will help inexperienced travelers build a route without a map:

  1. A significant object will be used as a reference point. For a mushroom picker, this can be a familiar path, a stream, or an exit to a highway. The cardinal directions are used for the basis of the landmark.
  2. Before you start moving, it is recommended to stand with your back to the starting point and face the object you want to reach.
  3. Using a compass, you need to see the direction and move along it without losing your way. For example, it will be southwest. In this case, you need to go and follow the arrow. As long as it shows this direction, you are moving in the right direction.

When walking through the forest, it is worth keeping a compass with you all the time. From time to time you need to check if you have gone off your path. If you need to go back, then you should go in the opposite direction. When moving to the southwest, you need to start moving to the northeast.

How to help children learn how to use a compass?

There are a number of exercises that will help children find their location using a compass. How to use it at a time when you need to find a way, simple actions will help.

These exercises are designed for children who go to an unfamiliar place: a hike, an excursion, etc. Game activities before the trip will help not to be afraid of the device, but to use it on a journey. It is best to study in a group. It is group exercises that help to have a fun and useful workout.

  1. All participants in the game stand in one row, each must have a compass in their hands. The team leader tells you how many degrees you need to move, and in which direction. Participants must turn in the right direction using the compass. The winner is the one who makes the fewest mistakes.
  2. The leader gives the task to the team to reach a large pine tree or another place that is clearly visible using a compass. Everyone must set their compasses to the desired route. In this case, you can do exercises to estimate the distance. Each participant must count how many steps it took him to reach the place.
  3. Participants are divided into several teams. After setting the route on the compass and passing it, the guys return to the camp. They are given a map of the area and for each point of the route they are given questions that the group must answer. For example, what kind of tree was at the first point of the path, and the like. If the group cannot answer any question, you need to return to that place. Such a game allows not only to learn how to use a compass, build routes, but also contributes to teamwork and good memorization of the area.

The exercises can be supplemented with other methods of developing the use of the compass. Such group classes will help children to master useful orientation skills from childhood.

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