Something I'm quite late with my mini-stories

Day 15

Hooray, there were guests today! Friends came who had not been visiting us for almost a year.

In general, I notice more and more that everyone used to meet more often. When they were young. Then 1 child appeared and the meetings began to adapt to the children's daily routine, and if someone did not match, then he could drop out of the events (in our main company there are 4 families with us). Then the kids got older and there were workouts/dances/birthdays. Here already it was necessary to coordinate both day and time. And now we have a second child. And some of them left for Minsk for the whole summer (there is a suspicion that they will stay there). Somewhere I have already heard that with age, friendship is also a coincidence of schedules. It looks like it is. Although it is very unfortunate.

Day 16
A typical Sunday family day. Even breakfast together with the whole family, a walk in the park, a family dinner, compiling a list of products for the week with Irisha, a trip for dad and Irisha for groceries, dinner, a joint game in Imaginarium (with a baby in her arms), an evening bath (they finally gave water to late evening). The only difference is Irisha's preparations for tomorrow, she will go to a sports camp.

Day 17
Today Irisha went to the sports camp for the first day. The camp organized a running school based on a sanatorium three tram stops from us. Day camp with mandatory workouts (there will be 2 per day), with a pool every day, oxygen cocktails, a salt cave and two entertaining trips to the city per week. And all Irisha will stay there for 2 weeks.

This is the first experience for us of the camp in general, albeit a day one. And Irisha never went in for sports seriously, only dancing. Although I really liked exercises and physical education in the kindergarten. And as a result, today she liked everything, but she was terribly tired in training - she even cried a little in the evening.

But I didn’t refuse to go tomorrow, the rest was all cool!

Day 18

"A hundred things and nothing more." Today I was able to watch this movie with my family. Incredibly interesting, I liked the idea itself. Now, when conscious consumption is the new fashion, the film shows how you can do without many thousands of things. Two friends on a bet give up everything for 100 days, each day they have the right to take one thing from their old stocks. Nothing can be bought. Nothing can be taken too much. Whoever loses loses his half of the company. But as it turned out, having lost a lot by the end of the film, each of them finds something very, very important for themselves. I recommend!

About mimosa

My summer mood is also supported by this yellow color. Mimosas are slowly embroidered on those rare evenings when I can sit quietly with my family in the living room. True, the edges of the canvas began to interfere more and more, so the process almost slowed down now. I used to stab her with needles, but this is also inconvenient. In the spring I saw a super simple hoop cover (Lena showed it recently), but I haven’t sewn one for myself yet. I think the process went better with him. In the meantime, almost the entire bright part is embroidered. According to the design on the left, mostly sepia in one thread, and here I have some incredible difficulties - I constantly make mistakes, I have to rip it apart.

About plans for the summer

Looks like I'm the last one left without a report. All two weeks I kept returning to the topic and wondering what kind of emotions I want this summer. And for two weeks, only my favorite fresh raspberry pie popped up before my eyes. For me, this is always the number one landmark: if you managed to bake this cake at least once, then it was summer! Maybe it's my temporary diet without flour makes itself felt. And I also apparently mentally resigned a long time ago that this summer will be different: without the sea, without trips, but with a baby in my arms.

But literally today I realized that I still want to experience again this summer the joy of learning new things. I want to start studying some topic that is completely new to me. Or not perfect, but delve into an already known topic. And I remembered for one of my readings of literature in English, I can try again, the sensations from such reading are somewhat different - and the head works harder, and it’s as if you yourself are in another country. And I will add another small trip to the reservoir, even if it is our Izhevsk pond, but I want to feel the coolness of the reservoir on a hot day.

Not so globally and so far without any outlines of achievement, but if I manage to realize all this, I will definitely become a little happier.

About the scents of summer

For me, this is primarily a raspberry pie, as I already wrote. And also fresh dill from the garden, the aroma of watermelon, rosehip blossoms, the smell of mowed grass, the smell of summer rain, clean air after a thunderstorm, the smell of the sea (how far you are!), the delicate aroma of lemon balm, currant tea.

I wrote all this together with plans for the summer in my notebook, I will tick off not only according to plans, but also according to the aromas I heard :) By the way, dill from the garden, rose hips and summer rain have already given me a drop of aromatherapy.

So far, there is nothing to show from handicraft, only processes,

I will continue about the summer ..

Day 12

Two dads teach one Irisha to make a wheel!)

It was my friends and I on the Day of Russia and concurrently on our City Day walking in my favorite park named after Kirov. Friends have children resting in the camp, so Irisha got all the attention. So far, she hasn’t succeeded in the wheel, everything is hindered by fear, but there are already some successes. By the way, I have never been able to make a wheel, so Irisha is already ahead of me in this))

The weather was great yesterday. And today it's already +12 degrees and a terrible wind. Walking that day, I remembered a series of programs on Discovery about the winds. The author traveled around the world and studied the characteristics of the winds in a particular area, and each wind has a name. I remember the Mistral (the wind of Provence :) ) and the Levant. But we do not have any poetic name for the wind.

And then in the same book about Provence I read about their winds:
“If they stay in Provence long enough, they will have a chance to get acquainted with all the winds of Provence, each of which, naturally, is proud of its own name. Le Trémontano (le tremontano), for example, breaks in from the north and brings polar cold. La Marinière (la marinière), brings the sand stuck in the African deserts and scatters it throughout Provence, not bypassing your lunch plates Le Levante (le levante) arrives from the east with the baggage of rain clouds, from the west - Le Traverse (le traverse But that's not all. Ask any informed Provencal (and you won't meet the uninformed among them), and he will tell you that in the family of winds there are more than three dozen brothers (and sisters, because they are of different grammatical gender)..."

And Wikipedia told me that Blizzard is, for example, a strong winter wind in Siberia. And Barguzin is the northeast storm wind of Baikal. And I didn't know! :)

Mistral turns tree trunks into spirals (

Once I got so tired of looking for an adequate translation lord of the rings and Alice in Wonderland, that thought - what the hell, you have to start reading in the original already. Did you study English at school? Taught. So what, I repeat, the line? =0)

The first attempt was long before the landmark decision, back in high school, as part of a month of fighting for good grades in English. The first book in English, of course, is Harry Jamesovich Potter. In Russian, I had not read it before, but in English. I started right away on the wrong foot - out of a stupid school habit, I began to write out all unfamiliar words in a notebook and learn them. Quiet horror. After the 30th page, she gave up this disastrous business. For 15 years.

Then, as part of the Terry Pratchett maniac, I bought snuff without waiting for the Russian translation. The choice was also unsuccessful. Pratchett somehow did not think about non-native English speakers who would read his literary exercises. The text is very difficult, there is a lot of language play, humor, the syntax also does not let you relax. Didn't get past 20 pages.

Then I bought hobbit- it went much easier, the problem arose only with little-used or outdated words, which you will not find in the dictionary in the afternoon with fire. This despite the fact that the dictionary also had to be purchased (simultaneously with the Hobbit himself), the gigantic, fattest one that we could only find in our stores - 250 thousand words and expressions. She wrote out only the most difficult tricky words from the book, she didn’t even try to memorize them - these speech turns in modern life will not be useful.

Waited a long time for arrival right from England three in a boat in miniature with gold trim. So far it hasn't been opened. I'm afraid.

And then, you see, Martian got out on the screens = 0) the book was immediately purchased (again after painful reflections, because the translator was bonfired on the Web). And paired with it - the original. I read first in English. page - then, if something is completely incomprehensible - I look at the Russian version.

Here you can feel almost like a native, if not an Englishman, then an American - the text is simple, even technical terms are quickly remembered, modern English, a lot of useful phrases and expressions (including obscene ones, hehehe). Sheer pleasure =0) And there is no need to delve into the dictionary, the Russian book is a great help, the translator was scolded for nothing. I don’t judge the technical, physical and chemical side of the matter, but the general meaning is conveyed adequately, stylistically, however, softened, the original is much straighter and rougher, in some places simpler and tougher, but in general - very worthy.

The main conclusion - if possible, you really need to read in the original. In translation, no matter how good it is, many nuances are lost (cultural features, national mentality, signs of the era - in the first place). Such a comparison: reading a translation is like coming to a permanent residence in another country and settling in your own national ghetto, not communicating with the indigenous population, eating bagels and drinking tea from a samovar in the middle of St. Peter's Square. Tasty and your own, but what for did you come to Rome then? =0)

Secondary conclusion: the original must first be chosen wisely. Do not aim at the complex, take: 1) modern, no older than 20-30 years, 2) a simple narrative, without stylistic frills, 3) preferably something that has already been read in the native language.

A third conclusion: don't give a damn about "correct", forget everything that was taught by English/German/Basurman teachers. Just read. Climb into the dictionary only if emergency if the meaning is not entirely clear. If something is written out and memorized, then only in phrases / turns and only that which can be useful in life / work. And it's better not to write anything = 0) which is interesting - it will be remembered by itself. Better than a dictionary is a translated book. In addition to speed and convenience, this is also food for thought and comparison: "but here I would say differently / more precisely / closer to the meaning-style." Much more interesting than reading just like that =0)

In the near future, I still plan to purchase Potter for personal use, to finish off the unfinished. Finally nail =0) And there you can swim further ..

Reading when learning a foreign language is an aspect no less important than speaking. Reading helps us expand vocabulary, memorize the rules of spelling and punctuation and has an impact on fluency.

But at low levels of knowledge, students are too tough for literature in the original, and many take up reading books according to the method of Ilya Frank and the like: when there is either a page-by-page translation (on the left in English, on the right in Russian) or step-by-step (after each semantic group words). But this method is extremely useless. We tell you why.

Scroll below and find out why what is in the picture is harmful.

If you have been learning a language for 15 years, but cannot speak it, then in most cases the problem is not in learning, but in how you learn the language. The human brain is capable of learning throughout life. In childhood, the learning process goes faster, with age it slows down, but you will always be able to learn something.

Why don't you speak fluently at least one foreign language? Because you learn the language by raids: then on intensive course go, then teach, teach, and then quit for a year. Effective learning of any foreign language requires a systematic approach and immersion. You need to surround yourself with the language you are learning: translate your phone and applications into the same English, start listening to podcasts and reading in the language. It can be professional articles or fiction - that's not the point. The main thing is that the process is continuous.

Reading helps you from childhood. AT primary school you did not know many words: neither their meaning nor how they are spelled correctly. But literature lessons helped you master your native language. Foreign without reading, too, will not be given to you.

The catch is that at the elementary level (especially if you learn the language as an adult) it will be very difficult to read. Many give up almost immediately because of the need to constantly look into the dictionary. And then you suddenly find out that there is adapted literature. Yes, and with Russian prompts! It would seem that here it is, happiness. You can read first in English, and then read the same line in Russian on another spread. You can resort to the method of Ilya Frank and read with the translation of semantic groups. Ilya Frank even gives an example on his website:

I must have slept for more than nine hours (I probably slept for more than nine hours; to sleep) because when I woke up (because when I woke up; to wakeup) it was daylight (it was quite light; daylight - daylight ; daylight hours).

The issue of readability in this way is purely subjective. But from a translation point of view, such things look extremely strange. Of course, when adapting the original text, it is extremely simplified. But what if you come across an idiom, a phrasal verb, or an idiom? Even experienced translators struggle with an adequate translation of such expressions into Russian. An adapted text can either completely get rid of the turnover, or confuse you: one thing is written, but the translation is completely different.

Let's start with the fact that it is impossible to fully translate the original text and make it a full equivalent in another language. The task of the translator is to make the equivalent as close as possible to the original. People who scream about the fact that there is no expression in the translation or that it is not translated as it is written are mostly non-professionals who do not understand that a huge layer of expressions simply cannot be translated. And what is not translated as written in the original may be a phrasal verb, idiom or phraseological unit, which in literal translation just lose their meaning.

In translation, there is the concept of equivalence. Here is the definition given by V. Komissarov in his work Theory of Translation:

“The equivalence of individual words in the original and in translation implies the maximum possible closeness of not only the subject-logical, but also the connotative meaning of the related words, reflecting the nature of the speaker's perception of the information contained in the word. The greatest role in conveying the connotative aspect of the semantics of the original word is played by its emotional, stylistic and figurative components.

In simple words, the equivalent tries to accurately convey the meaning of the word or expression in the original, while maintaining its meaning and emotional coloring. There are five types of equivalence, where the fifth is the simplest (for example, the word “cat” in English fully corresponds to the word “cat” in Russian), and the first is the most complex, which includes difficult-to-translate phraseological units, proverbs and sayings.

For example, a typical idiom that is probably familiar to many of you: “It’s not my cup of tea”. If we translated such a phrase literally, then it would come out "This is not my cup of tea." However correct translation idioms - "It's not my type", "I don't like it". Or a more complex option - “call it a day”. This is not "call it a day", but "finish work", "finish some business". In adaptations, such expressions are often explained, but if you read according to the method, where the text is in English on the left and in Russian on the right, then you definitely will not see the correspondence.


Sometimes it is difficult to find an example due to the lack of a word with a similar connotation. For example, Americans everywhere use the word “excited” in phrases like “I’m so excited!”, “It’s really exciting.” The feeling itself, excitement is an anticipation, an excited state before some kind of event. Remember how you were waiting for your birthday and gifts as a child. This is excitement, pleasant excitement. However, in Russian, the phrase “It is pleasantly exciting” will sound very strange. Most often, excited is translated as “in anticipation”, and exciting is translated as “exciting” or “exciting”. In turn, the word “exciting” for a Russian person will be associated with something not very pleasant, because we are most often worried because of some kind of problem. Thus, in adaptation, of course, you will see the translation, but you will lose the shades of meaning.

In the method of Ilya Frank, several translations are given to one word at once. For example: “My long, thick hair was tied down in the same way (my long and thick hair was exactly the same: “in the same way / way” tied / to the ground /; thick - thick; thick, frequent; way - road ; way; method, method)". Sometimes this is effective - you see many options and better understand the shade of meaning, which, as we just found out, is easily lost in translation. However, this example is also indicative from other points of view.

    First, it does not explain in any way why "hair" in the original is written in the singular. According to the Frank method, you will immediately memorize correct design However, practice shows that many students are confused by such small, but unexplained moments.

    Secondly, in English the word order is fixed, in Russian it is free. In English, “in the same way” is at the end of a sentence, but in Russian it is at the beginning. This is correct from the point of view of translation, but for students, English word order is already difficult, and here you still do not see a clear structure in the translation.

    Thirdly, due to a few words that seem to help in translation, students begin to misuse them in English. Regarding the British accent, the word thick is often used: “He spoke with thick accent”. Only this is not a thick, thick and frequent accent, but a “pronounced” or “indistinct” one, and that depends on the context.

So how do you read then? Very simple. Without translation! Our brain is lazy, it is easier for it to perform routine and habitual actions, so you will always latently look for a way to make your task easier. If you have a Russian text in front of your eyes, you will inevitably peep into it, and not try to understand anything from the English text. In addition, as we found out, the translation can sometimes puzzle you more than the original.

Adapted literature is actively produced by foreign publishers (for example, Macmillan, Cambridge, Pearson and Richmond). Such books are written plain language, they have explanatory footnotes, dictionaries with explanations of words (not translation!), as well as exercises to help you practice vocabulary and work with understanding the text. Moreover, in a number of such manuals there are discs on which you will find a recording of the text (sometimes even in two versions: American and British), as well as many interactive vocabulary exercises. Books are released by levels, so choosing the right one is quite easy. Remember that at first your task is to strain your brain and read with the benefit of your vocabulary. And in no case be afraid to read in a foreign language, because the originals are always better than the translation.

Any modern man must know English and be able to read in this language. Why?

In many areas of activity, information changes at such a speed that, without knowing the language, you simply cannot use the latest achievements in your work.

After all, 80% of new information is published only in English. And until it is translated into Russian (if it happens at all), it will simply become obsolete.

In this article I will talk about 6 mistakes that are most often made when reading English books. And of course, I will give tips that will help you read English books correctly and efficiently.

Mistake #1: Taking Material That Doesn't Meet Your Level

Very often, when choosing a book, you want to take the material more difficult, because you don’t want to read something too simple. And some even take the original work, which does not correspond to the level of a person.

You can't do that.

If the material you are reading is above your level, then you will find in it:

  • unfamiliar grammatical structures
  • Many unknown words

To understand at least something, you have to deal with the text a lot. Therefore, most likely, you will give up reading.

It is very important that the material you read matches your English level.

Therefore, I advise you to take adapted books (especially if you are just starting to read). In such books, the meaning of the work is preserved, but complex constructions and words that you would not know at this level are removed.

Attention: Teach English language for a long time, but can't talk? Find out in Moscow how to speak after 1 month of ESL classes.

Mistake #2: Reading stuff that doesn't interest you

So that you do not stop reading, reading should bring you pleasure and benefit. Often, especially at the initial levels, people take the first material they come across, thinking that they simply won’t find anything interesting for their level.

Therefore, reading becomes a real test, and they have to force themselves to read something that is not at all interesting.

Reading in English should be fun, so read what interests you.

Just because you're a beginner doesn't mean you should read children's stories.

You can find something that will be of interest to you:

  • Adapted literature of various genres
  • Comics on various topics
  • small light stories

In addition, by reading what you are interested in, you will learn useful words that you can use in your speech.

Mistake #3: Not using a dictionary while reading

The most common mistake in reading books is not using a dictionary.

Often people think that the meaning of unfamiliar words can be guessed from the context (meaning). Therefore, there is no need to constantly look into the dictionary to find out what this word is.

In addition, if you look at the words in the dictionary, reading stretches for a long time, and you cannot fully immerse yourself in it.

However, without understanding individual words, you will not be able to understand the entire text.

Let's look at an example:

They saw a scarecrow.
They saw...

Can you figure out who or what they saw without knowing the word scarecrow? No.

Perhaps they saw a ghost, a ship, a vase, or a chest. In fact, the word scarecrow is translated as "scarecrow".

It is essential to use a dictionary while reading. After all, in order to understand the meaning of the text, you need to understand the meaning of each sentence of which it consists. And for this you need to understand all the words in this sentence.

At the same time, some words are key - that is, without understanding the meaning of the word, you will not understand the meaning of the whole sentence.

I advise you not to skip incomprehensible words, but immediately look them up in the dictionary. Otherwise, you can just get confused in the text. Especially if you are a beginner.

Please note that in the dictionary you need to look not only for the translation of the word, but also for its meaning.

The meaning of a word is the meaning it carries.

For example:

Scarecrow is a human-shaped object designed to scare away birds.

This will help you understand the words better, because sometimes words with similar translations mean different things. And some words are difficult for us to understand, even knowing their translation.

Mistake #4: Not looking at all the words in the dictionary

Some people who use a dictionary while reading think that not all words need to be clarified after all. And only those that are often repeated and greatly interfere with the understanding of the text.

However, this is also not entirely correct.

Imagine that you are reading fiction but some tutorial article. Skipping words in it, you simply stop perceiving information and get confused in the material.

In addition, there are cases when people think up the translation of an unknown word themselves, and therefore distort the meaning of what they read. But even worse, this translation gets stuck in their head, and they begin to misuse the word.

Of course, it is correct to look at all the words you do not know.

Indeed, in literature very often those words are used that we do not encounter in life. By skipping a word, you can only guess about its translation and meaning.

Maybe this sentence will not be so important, but you will not understand this until you look up the word in the dictionary.

It is especially important to look at all the words when you are just starting to read books in English. At first it will take a lot of time, but the more books you read, the faster and easier it will be.

In addition, if you choose a book of your level, then there will not be very many words unfamiliar to you.

Mistake #5: Don't Pay Attention to Grammar

Grammar These are the rules for how words form into sentences.

When reading, people concentrate all their attention on words, therefore, when they encounter incomprehensible grammar, they simply skip it.

But to understand a sentence, you need to know not only all the words in it, but also the rule according to which it is formed. After all, it is only thanks to grammar that we can determine whether this action has taken place or is just about to take place, whether the action is a fact or a long process, and so on.

When reading, be sure to pay attention to the rules for constructing a sentence.

This is a very useful exercise.

If you come across a grammatical construction that is unfamiliar to you, you need to fully understand it. Please note that if there are a lot of such constructions in the text, then you need to take the book easier.

Mistake #6: Just writing down words and not working with them

What do people usually do with unfamiliar words encountered in the text? They either sign their translation or simply write them out.

If when reading you are pursuing the goal of replenishing your vocabulary, then such actions will not help you with this.

You can try it yourself, write down 15 words, and the next day try to remember them. Most likely, you will remember only 2-3 words. And then try to remember them in a week, and look at the result.

To really build up your vocabulary, just writing out a word is not enough. You need to practice using it in your own speech.

How to do it right, I told.

Please note that it is worth working only with those words that you will need in life. That is, it makes no sense to learn rare and obsolete words that you will never use.

So, we have sorted out how to read correctly in order to get the most out of English books. And now I want to give you some links to useful resources for reading:

What to read?

Note: To expand the text itself, click on "Transcript".

Here are collected news on completely different topics. All news are adapted by 3 levels:

  • Level 1 - for beginners
  • Level 2 - Intermediate and above
  • Level 3 is news in the original.

The lower the level, the simpler words in the text.

This site contains non-adapted literature by English-speaking authors. Therefore, it is only suitable for Intermediate level(medium) and above. The site presents 8 popular genres: children's literature, detective story, science fiction, horror, humor, non-fiction, romance, science fiction.

Choose a resource right now and start reading. And, of course, do not forget about the tips that I gave you. Happy and useful reading.

Hello my dear readers. Glad you landed on my blog page. How is your progress in learning the language?

They say that to improve the level of language proficiency, you need to read books. And rightly so! You should take this advice. The topic that I am going to cover will be useful for your further successful progress in this direction. And now you will learn how to read books in English correctly.

Why and for what it is necessary to read books in English

First of all, reading is reflected in such skills as Speaking and literate writing , because while reading, a person pays attention to grammatical constructions, in the context he sees where and which ones are used. Visual memory works here, you see the correct wording and get used to it, remember it, and later use it in your speech.

You can also top up vocabulary. Don't be afraid of nothing. In this case, associative memory is enabled. Each new word will be associated with some plot. In addition, reading will help support knowledge level if you have a break in training. In general, you can list many more advantages.

How to make a choice

Of course, at first the process will seem complicated and boring. It will seem that you do not understand anything. You need to overpower yourself, read the first few pages through "I can't." Remember that further you will definitely get involved in the book and become interested.

It is important to choose the right author and book. When choosing, you should take into account your goals and study, the genre and complexity of the work. Fairy tales are suitable for people who do not know English well. They do not have complex grammatical structures and complex unfamiliar words. For those who study English for a career, you can take professional literature that will expand your vocabulary. If you are in a hurry to master spoken English, then take modern literature.

Read what you like. You must enjoy. When choosing the level of difficulty, there are always many questions. The book should not be too difficult, not too easy. It is necessary to understand the meaning of what is read to maintain interest in the text. My advice to you, read the first 2-3 pages. If you come across a lot of unfamiliar words and you don't get the general idea, leave the book until you move on to the next level.

Some are wondering which book to choose: with or without translation. In my opinion, it is better not to take a book with a parallel translation, because it reduces the effectiveness of training (unless, of course, this is a specially developed technique - for example,)

About the process of learning to read

  1. Choose a simple first book. You should not start with your favorite author or those works that you want to read in Russian. Reading the first book will be difficult. You will want to quit this business. And if you don’t enjoy it, then you will lose all desire to read.
  2. Choose small jobs first, gradually increase it. Interest must be maintained until the very end.
  3. Let it become a habit. Do not overload yourself, do not try to quickly read the book. You have other goals and objectives. Read a little daily. Set aside 30 minutes a day for this.
  4. Do not rush to refer to the dictionary, when you see unfamiliar words. He may not be needed. Read the passage to the end, understand the content. If you don't see a new word in context, go back to it and, in this case, take a dictionary.
  5. Read aloud. Not the whole text, of course, but some of its sections are mandatory. Thus, you will improve your perception and concentration, remember a lot of new things.
  6. Get a notebook to write down new words. This is convenient, because when you write, your visual memory works and you can always reread them, find the ones you need.
  7. After reading, listen to the audio or watch the film adaptation without translation and Russian subtitles in. Such actions will consolidate the results.

How best to organize the process and what to do - you determine.

Reading original books

Reading books in the original is a difficult process. There is a chance that you will not understand anything without knowing the language in right level. It is recommended for more advanced students, starting with intermediate. You will see a "live" language with new words, grammatical structures and idioms.

The main thing to learn is that you do not often refer to the dictionary and do not despair when the first difficulties arise. If some parts of the text are difficult, you can alternate reading with and without a dictionary. A pleasant fact is the vision of the author's style and understanding of his message to readers.

Reading adapted books

Perfect for beginners. Also, this option will be convenient for children. In these editions, the text is simplified. It does not contain complex and rare words, they are replaced by frequent ones. Simple phrases and expressions are used. Such books contain a dictionary, exercises to consolidate the material, and an audio recording. This is the best option if you do not know English perfectly well. Suitable for levels from starter to pre-intermediate.

Common mistakes when reading English books

From the above, you can draw conclusions and see the most common mistakes. Here's what not to do when reading English books.

  1. Read a book that does not correspond to the level of language proficiency.
  2. Wasting time on books you don't care about. Know that for each level you can find a fascinating text.
  3. Avoid using a dictionary. If without this word you do not understand the meaning, or feel something important is eluding you, refer to the dictionary.
  4. No need to look up every unfamiliar word in the dictionary. Mark them for yourself. First we read, we try to understand the meaning, then we return to the highlighted words.
  5. Don't use machine translation. No program for this moment unable to accurately translate the structure.

Useful Services

In the age of information, you need to use all resources. After all, they were created for us to make our lives easier. Therefore, I will talk about services that will be useful for learning a language, and in particular when reading foreign literature. - on this site you can download the electronic version of the book and instantly get a translation of all unfamiliar words, as well as set expressions and phrasal verbs. Moreover, it can be either automatic translation, when you choose your level of knowledge on the site (there are 16 of them), or manual. You are guaranteed to save time, because You don't have to look up the dictionary every time.

Lingualeo - here you will find great tools for effective language learning: audiobooks, videos, songs, exercises, lesson plans and much more. They are supplemented with English subtitles.

Anki - a program that will help you easily memorize words using spaced repetitions in training. - a good Russian-English dictionary.

www. - a wonderful English dictionary that explains the meaning of words. Suitable for pre-intermediate levels and above. - this site is for those who have a bad memory. Here you will find associations for words that you cannot learn in any way.

Read with benefit, learn and develop. To do this, go and subscribe to my blog!