Dictation is a terrible word for many schoolchildren. It would seem that it can be difficult to write a dictation. It turns out that this little word hides probably the most difficult and frequently used type of literacy test for our students.

Dictation is not the most pleasant job, but you can't do without it. Starting from the first grade, schoolchildren write dictations. First alphabetic, then syllabic, and then there are many different types dictations: and selective, and explanatory, and training, and control. How to prepare a child for dictation and help him cope with the fear of this work?

Unfortunately, it is impossible to prepare for the dictation in one day. Any dictation is the result of long work and training. Therefore, if you want your child to write dictations correctly, you need to prepare for long work. But don't worry. The wolf is not as scary as it seems. The work, of course, will be long, but not very difficult.

To begin with, it should be noted that the more, the better he copes with this type of work. Therefore, it is necessary to start preparing for dictations by reading books. There are many different exercises that develop the spelling vigilance of a person, i.e. the ability to notice and remember how a word is spelled. A person with spelling vigilance writes words correctly, without thinking about the rules of the language, automatically. Wherein great importance has and , which can also be successfully developed by various game exercises.

The skill of writing under dictation must be developed and consolidated. And for this you need to write small dictations yourself at home more often. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to buy special collections of dictations; you can use a Russian textbook. Choose an exercise that the child has not yet passed or has passed for a long time and managed to forget. And dictate, and the child writes.
Why is it convenient to use a textbook? Because it uses words for the studied spellings and sentences of a certain level of complexity. You consolidate knowledge of spelling, vocabulary words and train your child in writing a dictation.

When writing a dictation, an adult first reads the entire text so that the child has an idea of ​​​​what he will write. If you do not write a text, but simply separate sentences, then we read by sentence. Then we read one sentence and start writing. At the same time, for the 1st-beginning of the 2nd grade, it is better to focus the child's attention on each word: "The first word - Has come." When the child wrote, "The next word is cold." "The next word is winter. The sentence is over." So you draw the child's attention that the words are written separately and "remind" that a period must be put at the end of the sentence. In addition, when pronouncing words for first graders, you need to say them the way they are written, and not the way we speak. We will dictate: "The cow gives milk. The raven sat on the oak."

When the child has written down all the sentences, you need to check the dictation. You dictate everything from the beginning, and the child checks each letter and word. In order for him to do this better, you can suggest that the child imagine that this is someone else's notebook and carefully check each letter.

For students in grades 2-4, it is no longer necessary to separate words, but it is desirable that the child count the words when you read. If there are prepositions and conjunctions, then it should be noted that there are small helper words.
It is important that when writing a dictation. Speaking writing helps to avoid many mistakes and teaches the child to control his work. In grades 2-4, when children are already learning the rules for writing words, it is necessary that the child explain the spelling of dubious letters and orally select test words.

Perhaps now it seems to you that it is long and difficult. It can be difficult the first 2-3 times. Then the child will learn, get used to it and it will become a habit, by the way, very useful.

Not all words of the Russian language can be checked by rules. there are vocabulary words, the spelling of which you just need to remember. And there are many such words. How to memorize vocabulary words, I'll tell you next time.
In the meantime, try writing dictations with comments and the results will not keep you waiting.

One of the most important indicators of school performance is the literacy of writing dictations. But it happens that it is difficult for a child to cope with this seemingly simple task. Are there ways to help learn how to write dictations? How to improve literacy, teach to write without errors and not discourage the desire to learn? Let's consider these and other questions further.

What is the essence of dictation

From grade 2, students write dictations regularly

Dictation is a type of written work that involves checking spelling and punctuation knowledge. literary form language. Native language dictations are an integral part of school education from grades 2 to 11. However, the requirements for writing this type of writing control work united:

  • the child must reproduce in the notebook the text read by the teacher (according to sentences);
  • each sentence the student hears three times (for familiarization and understanding of certain rules, for writing and for checking);
  • when writing, the student applies the studied spelling rules, checks punctuation marks in accordance with the intonation of the teacher;
  • after the dictation is over, the students independently reread what they have written, make corrections if necessary.

Thus, dictation is a form of work that tests the literacy of schoolchildren.

At what age should you pay attention to literacy

To increase the level of literacy of the child, it should be dealt with individually

It is interesting. According to a nationwide study of the level of literacy in the country, 70% of schoolchildren make more than 4 mistakes when writing dictations.

How parents rejoice when the baby begins to babble the first words, and then his speech becomes more and more understandable, meaningful. Then moms and dads begin to teach the baby to write. And do it without errors. However, this is a serious miscalculation of parents - the time must come for learning to write correctly. Scientists have found that the formation of the level of literacy is almost completely completed by the 4th grade. That is, it is necessary to deal with the child in increasing the level of spelling most intensively from grades 2 to 4. Further, there is an increase in knowledge about the language, which falls on the already well-established informational soil formed in the initial link.

Please note that if it is impossible to teach a child to spell, dysgraphia should be excluded - a violation of the principle of writing during the normal development of the intellect. This disease is usually accompanied by speech disorders and some mental disorders.

How to teach a child to write correctly and without errors

Reading - The best way improve literacy

So that your child does not have to blush for bad grades in dictation, you will have to make an effort and find an approach to teaching the student. There are several common methods.

  1. Write dictations regularly. This is a rather boring activity, but 2 dictations weekly will give their results in a couple of months. It is only necessary to analyze the mistakes together with your student, focusing on the correct spelling of those words that previously caused difficulties - so the baby will remember their spelling even better. By the way, in this technique, tips are only encouraged. Also, complex words should be repeated 2-3 times and written down.
  2. As for exercises, they should be selected according to the rule of language that causes difficulty for the child. For example, if these are unstressed vowels in the root, then the exercises can be for substitution or filling in the missing letters, selection of test words. It is very important to point out the error correctly. Do not highlight it with red paste. It is much more efficient to write out a misspelled word surrounded by correctly spelled words. And the child is invited to rewrite the entire list several times and identify the error. So the student will not only carefully think about the rules of writing, but also remember the graphic image of the words.
  3. Read aloud systematically. Reading is great for developing literacy. After all, it involves all types of memory. This truth has been proved by more than one generation of disciples. It is desirable, of course, to select texts that are interesting for the child. But it is still worth considering the fact that the purest literary language is presented in the works of Tolstoy, Turgenev, Chekhov and Bunin. It is only necessary to read them correctly: breaking words into syllables. It will also be effective to teach the baby “role-playing” reading: the baby must read the text as we write, and then as we speak (older children can be offered to explain the rules for writing certain words).
  4. Turn learning into play. Children love to play - this is an indisputable fact. And best of all, they remember the knowledge that they received during the game. Prepare cards with those words in which the child makes mistakes, and hang them over the desk. Visually bumping into them, the baby will remember the spelling. Periodically play “cards” with him: you should prepare a stack of compound words, from which the child draws a card and explains the spelling. You can periodically do “An hour in reverse”: invite your student to be a teacher for several minutes, explaining a rule or dictating a dictation on this norm of the language.
  5. Offer peer review. Dictate short texts to each other. Intentionally make a few mistakes, exchange dictations and check what you have written. If the child cannot find your mistakes, give a hint: specify the number of misspelled words or missing punctuation marks. With the help of such a game, the student develops attention and memory in relation to words, phrases and punctuation rules.
  6. Motivate. Few schoolchildren clearly understand why they need literate writing skills. The task of teachers and parents is to convey to the consciousness of the younger generation that their literacy is the basis of life literary language, as well as a very remarkable sign of the maturation of the individual. For clarity, you can take the baby to your work (or to friends) so that he understands the importance of the correct and competent preparation of legal papers and contracts.

Video: Dictation example to prepare your toddler for class work

Every parent wants the best in life for their child. It's nice to see in your children the ability to get along with others, friendliness, literacy. But if in relations with others you can constantly improve, then literacy must be instilled from childhood for life.

A child can be taught to write a dictation without errors, a few simple tips will help with this.

Reading is a way to learn literacy

Everyone has a visual memory, so it directly improves knowledge of grammar. Some even admit that they do not know the rules, but they can write correctly without difficulty. This usually happens due to the large number of books read. It is not necessary for a child to be forced to read books that are difficult for him to perceive, those stories, stories, poems that he likes will be enough, since now such a choice is huge. It is useful to involve the child in buying books, let the trip to the bookstore give only positive emotions.

Benefits of reading aloud

Perceiving the text by ear, the child learns abstract thinking, competent construction of sentences, the ability to express his thoughts. While reading the text, be sure to pause and ask questions. Let the child retell in his own words what he heard and express his attitude towards the heroes of the work. Of course, it is better to read it yourself, but if there is absolutely no time, you can put an audio recording of the work. It would be useful to invite the child to do short description read.

The benefits of dictations

If you write at least two or three dictations a week, you can achieve excellent results. When it becomes difficult for the child to hold attention, you can take a break and then continue dictating the text. You need to choose texts in accordance with the age of the child, so that it is not too difficult for him. Do not rush, adjust, and even more so call names if something does not work out. Studying at home, the kid will get used to working with the text, which will positively affect learning at school. When writing a text, visual memory also works; over time, the child himself will write without errors. In the meantime, we need to patiently, but persistently fight for literacy.

Teaching literacy through text rewriting

Competently writing a dictation under dictation will also help copying the text from the original into a notebook. Some do not understand the benefits of this method, but it is quite high. In this case, both visual memory and motor memory work. For example, a child develops attentiveness, perseverance, learns to keep in memory a few words, and even sentences. It is also very important that the child learns to pronounce the words in terms of their correct spelling. In turn, such attentiveness will also affect the writing of dictations. Listening to the text by ear, the child will imagine how it looks in the book, and therefore it will not be difficult for him to write even complex words correctly.

Work on mistakes

Often at school, teachers require work on mistakes, for example, to correctly write the word in which the child made a mistake, several times or even lines. This method can be adopted by parents. You can ask the child to spell the word that caused difficulties, and then write it out in the correct version. You can also make cards for learning on your own, on which to write or print words that are difficult for the child with a space in the problem area. Have the child fill in the missing letter with a pencil. Or you can offer to choose those cards in which the same letters are missing. Thanks to such work, children will be more attentive to dictations, try to write correctly right away, so that later they do not have to work on mistakes.

Of course, all these tips are good in conjunction with memorizing the rules of the Russian language. If you see that the child has gaps in the material covered or the errors are of the same type, then you need to repeat the grammar and rules.

Undoubtedly, creativity, praise, interest and efforts of parents will bring good results in teaching a child literacy.

Almost 70% of schoolchildren make certain mistakes in writing. What is rampant illiteracy? Are teachers not able to teach everyone to write correctly?

If a child makes a mistake in writing, parents force them to cram the rules and rewrite each text an infinite number of times. As a result, the number of errors for some reason increases. And the student is imbued with hatred for the lessons of the Russian language.

Previously, such children were considered loafers, fools, not amenable to standard education. Teachers waved their hand at them, put "stretched" triples and periodically left them for the second year.

Now such children are diagnosed with dysgraphia. According to some data, the number of children with dysgraphia among junior schoolchildren in Russia is 30%!

How to identify dysgraphia in a child?

Or is he just not familiar with the rules?

Let's look at the student's notebook. The following types of written errors indicate the presence of dysgraphia in a student:

  1. Errors in stressed syllables ("rodost" instead of "joy").
  2. Skipping letters.
  3. Missing words and letters ("staka ..." instead of "stakaN").
  4. Permutation of syllables ("apple" instead of "apple").
  5. The repetition of the same letter ("magazim" instead of "store").
  6. The letters "b", "c", "e", "h", the numbers "4", "3", "5" are turned in the other direction (mirror letter).
  7. Forgetting and skipping rare letters ("ъ" and "e").

  8. And finally, "sloppiness" in the notebook:

  9. The child "does not notice" the field and continues to write to the very edge of the notebook.
  10. "Moves out" from the lines to the end of the sentence.
  11. Transfers words incorrectly.
  12. Often does not make spaces between words.
  13. Does not notice the end of the sentence, does not put a full stop, continues to write the following with a small letter.

How can you help a child with dysgraphia?

Here are some games and exercises that speech therapists use. Parents can play at home with their children.

1. If the child skips letters, do the exercise "Magic Dictation".

You are reading a sentence or part of it (3-4 words). The child taps the syllables (ma-ma, we-la, ra-mu) to catch the rhythm of the sentence. After that, he writes this rhythm in the form of a dotted line, where he puts dashes instead of syllables. The next step is to write each word in the form of dots (according to the number of letters in the word).

2. If the child does not finish writing the ending, we do the exercise "Image of the word."

Say the word and ask the child to name a word that begins with the penultimate letter of the word you said. Or a third from the end. Or to the letter that needs to be remembered in the dictionary word: for example, in the word ship - to the second letter. Words can be selected on one topic (for example, animals, plants) - this will be a good training in classification.

3. If the child makes mistakes in vocabulary words, we offer the exercise "Funny cartoon".

We give the child the task to mentally compose a very funny cartoon in which the objects that you name will appear in order. The child closes his eyes, and you begin to dictate dictionary words, pronouncing very clearly all unstressed vowels, unpronounceable consonants and other complex cases: a ship, a cow, a ladder, a basket ... He links them in his head into some kind of funny story, then opens his eyes and tells his cartoon. You are responsive.

After that, the child, remembering the plot invented by him, must write all these words. Then - self-test: give the child the sample that was dictated, and offer to check whether he wrote correctly.

If there are mistakes, the next task: you need to draw the word in which the mistake was made in such a way that it is clear what the difficulty is in this word (for example, the author in the classroom drew a cow on a bicycle or a cow with huge round eyes in the form of two letters O; station with capital letter TO; stairs with the letter T).

4. If the child does not remember the rules of the Russian language well, we do the exercise "Encryption".

This is how we play group lessons to improve literacy. The alphabet is written on the board, each letter corresponds to some image: a square, a triangle, a dancing man, etc. We need to write a note to a friend so that at least one word contains the rule that we are practicing.

For example, the alternation of ber-beer. The entire text of the note is encrypted, except for BER or BIR. The friend must understand what was written to him and respond in the same way.

5. If the child does not apply the rules when writing, do the exercise "Zoo".

Everyone sits in a circle, preferably on a carpet. Everyone chooses an animal and symbol: for example, a lynx (depicts ears with tassels with its hands), a sparrow (flashes its elbows-wings) ... Everyone demonstrates their movements, the rest try to remember.

The one who starts the game makes his move, then the move of one of the participants. Everyone must catch this, repeat their movement and again make the movement of one of the participants. The pace is gradually picking up. Anyone who makes a mistake works out a phantom: publicly sings, dances, reads poetry, etc. This is useful for liberation, overcoming fear of the audience.

Tips for parents

  • Let the child play enough in preschool childhood. Research results show that 95% of children with literacy problems do not know how to play role-playing games, they do not know the rules of even the most famous children's amusements, such as hide and seek and tag. In games, you need to follow the rules, so the baby learns to arbitrarily regulate his actions and behavior. But it is precisely arbitrary regulation that underlies literate writing.
  • Take more walks with your child. During walks, the brain is saturated with oxygen, its performance improves. This is very helpful for successful learning.
  • Give the child to the sports section or dance. Sport perfectly teaches voluntary regulation, develops motor skills, develops attention and reaction speed. And deep breathing during exercise saturates the brain with oxygen.
  • Music lessons (in particular, playing the piano) develop hand motor skills and improve the interaction of both hemispheres of the brain.
  • After school, massage the child's cervical and occipital region more often.

All this will immediately have the best effect not only on literacy, but also on overall school performance.


The ability to write competently is given by nature, like the ability to do mathematics and physics. Of course, it is possible and necessary to develop literacy, but what a job it is for a child! There are children who, when studying the topic, say that everything is easy and simple, a few even claim that they have already gone through this material last year, although this is not at all the case :) And there are those who sit with a blank look, at least break! on mathematics clicks tasks, illiterately writing down explanations and answers!

04.11.2017 12:44:38, Inna47

Maybe it's good that we find an explanation for everything. But before all these smart words did not have. And we had enough literate people. I wrote with errors until the 10th grade. Although I loved to read. And suddenly she began to feel the language. It helped a lot that my mother worked at ITAR-TASS at the beginning as a proofreader. They were given huge rolls of texts, which were then edited by editors. And the task of the proofreaders themselves was to check for spelling and punctuation errors. So, my mother asked me to read, and she herself had errors on the copy of the rule. Of course, finding a mistake, she stopped me, and we corrected it. There they still had special designations. For example, to underline the letter below twice is to change the small letter to capital. As a result, I quite imperceptibly began to look for errors myself and was very happy when I found them.
One more thing - everyone says - the child should be interested. Yes, I was interested. But it was ALREADY 10th grade. At the time, I didn't even know what I was interested in. Finding an approach even to your child is very difficult. And the main thing that hinders us is our desire. We so want our children to read and write correctly that we cannot bear their objections. And, of course, we meet resistance.

The article is good.
Another question is how to get a child to engage in all these useful items ??
For a long time I was looking for some kind of game, or a development book, so that I would be interested in doing it. Found "Letters from a fairy tale. Learning with passion." Type search, very useful thing!

10/19/2013 10:58:58 PM, Shvabrmania

Dealing with dysgraphia is difficult, but it is possible and necessary,
if only the teachers, as specialists, at least helped a little to detect it in time and knew WHAT to suggest ....
From the experience of dealing with dysgraphia, parts 1-4 of the DIARY

Our country is quietly approaching the upbringing of mono people. A person versed in one field of knowledge is far from another, even similar and close. My eldest son, studying in one of best school of the city and having, as it turned out in the 4th grade, dysgraphia, studied with teachers-tutors starting from the 1st grade, none of the 3 understood what the child’s problem was ... The second child went to the 1st grade, already studying with one of leading speech therapy specialists (teacher of a pedagogical university), it was revealed that there is no dysgraphia ... now he is in the second grade, Russian is solid 3 ... And the reason is 35 people in the class, it is difficult for everyone both for children and for the teacher. I propose to stop the race for education, well, at least a little bit, give children a psychologically facilitated childhood, well, stop pulling money from parents, putting this diagnosis on such a number of families

12/17/2011 11:04:30 AM, Good afternoon!

Well, at least some advice, good article

Good article!

My God! You can not know the rules of the Russian language and write correctly, or you can know and write somehow. Rules and literacy are two different things. First, develop an intensive school curriculum, full of rules and exceptions, and then they are surprised that they do not write correctly. Well, they didn't teach it!

Comment on the article "How to teach a child to write without errors?"

How to teach a child to write? Education, development. A child from 7 to 10. He writes letters, as the teacher said, the worst in the class. I have already typed a bunch of copybooks in the store, we are writing with her. Now such children are diagnosed with dysgraphia. How to teach a child to write beautifully and correctly?

Shklyarova has a book "How to teach to write dictations", she advises teaching a child to identify dangerous places - unstressed vowels, deaf consonants. Without any verification, I know that my son will write without errors (and would have written in the 3rd grade).

How to teach to use the rules? Son is in 4th grade. In Russian, solid 2. There are consistently more than 10 errors in the dictation. A detailed description of how to learn to write without Shklyarova's mistakes. How to teach your child to write without mistakes.

I wrote to the department asking about the criteria for grading, at least in mathematics. A child can make a mistake when the question is to the task Section: Teachers (dysgraphia for individual learning at school). My dictations and essays are also written with a bunch of mistakes, but there are others ...

1st grade child writes disgustingly. ... I find it difficult to choose a section. Education of children. It was a terrible shock for her when in the first grade in reading technique I received 2 for 28 words in How to teach a child to write without errors?

dysgraphia and english. School. Child from 7 to 10. Dysgraphia and English. Daughter 8 years old. ZPR class (7th type of training). The first 4 years they study according to the same program with ashki and beshki. The little man sucks writes in Russian, and then there is English.

Dysgraphia: when a child writes with errors. The child may not add words, insert extra letters or skip them. Does the child confuse letters when reading or writing? it is strange that speech therapists did not see this as a problem, since this is a sign of dysgraphia (if it confuses when ...

How to teach a child to write without mistakes? How to teach him to qualitatively check the written text, because it is important to find the Text yourself - backwards, first Our teacher told us this technique, she told us so "First, the child must ...

Dysgraphia is a direct indicator of individual academic plan In Russian. My child has done just that, all the lessons are in the class with the children, and he goes to another teacher in Russian for an individual lesson. Dictations, essays, etc. are evaluated according to other criteria...

Then you need to learn to look for answers in the read text and respond with quotes. At first, the child will certainly need your very serious help, but over time he will learn to compose retellings himself. How to teach a child to write without mistakes?

1.5 months at school - we write a dictation. School. A child from 7 to 10. Children have just mastered (began to master) capital letters, many get confused, and then .. dictation. Sentences, of course, from 3 words, however, by ear, few people are able to write a word if they only ...

How to teach a child to write without mistakes? How to help a child with dysgraphia? How to teach a child to write without mistakes. And the task of the proofreaders themselves was to check for spelling and punctuation errors.

He writes dysgraphia from my words. He does not look at the prescription. He prescribed encephabol + picamilon and a course of tanakan. I read the topic. What you write, of course, applies to dysgraphia: (And although a doctor’s examination will not solve problems, it will allow you to exclude neuro problems.

How to teach a child to write without mistakes? The following types of errors indicate the presence of dysgraphia: Errors in stressed syllables ("rodost" It happens that there are no errors, but they immediately write in a notebook or do everything in a draft first, and then rewrite it? Corrections.

I write much better with my hands. My motor and visual memory works. I think that dysgraphia is already called any problems with the production of letters, as in your situation, I would still put more effort into mastering the computer, teach it to type quickly, in the future ...

How to teach a child to write without mistakes? Spelling question. Hello! and who is not too lazy, answer the question (for those whose children learned to read long before school): how does early learning to read affect spelling literacy at school?

How to teach good writing. We wrote a quarter dictation for 3/3. And he does not write correctly at all, he rewrites badly. Dysgraphia: when a child writes with errors. Elements are still preserved, but no one guesses about it - I write quite competently ...

Is dysgraphia curable? School problems. The child is from 10 to 13. The elements are still preserved, but no one knows about it - I write quite competently, the handwriting is so-so, but I can write decently and readably, and in general the computer age is in the yard :)) The most unpleasant ...

How to teach a child to write without mistakes? Nadrus Irina. Maybe the child has dysgraphia? To accustom to accuracy and attention when doing homework. Using the example of our class, those parents who sat and controlled the implementation of the DZ (this is not ...

Studying at school is associated with many difficulties. The most relevant of them is a competent letter. How to teach a child to write correctly without mistakes? This question is asked by mothers who are concerned about the performance of their baby.

How to teach a child to write correctly and without errors

Of course, in principle, someone will be surprised by only one formulation of the question. There is a school, let them teach there. But the first truth that the parent of each student meets today is that much depends on how the preparation and consolidation of educational material at home is. There are several recommendations on how to teach a child to write correctly:

  1. Practice after school by saying to him the words in which he made mistakes in class or homework;
  2. Learn the vocabulary words that are usually given at the end of the textbook;
  3. Make sure your child reads a lot.
It has long been proven that well-read people write much better than those who you never see with a book. Visual memory works here and a person automatically writes some words correctly, not knowing the rules, but remembering how he saw them in a book.

When deciding how to teach a child to write beautifully and competently, remember that all children are different. Someone is born with the so-called innate literacy. This is an intuitive sense of the language, but only a few are so lucky when the rest are forced to learn the rules and cram numerous exceptions to them.

Trying to cope with how to teach a child to write correctly in the 2nd grade (as well as in the 3rd, 4th and others), do not scold him for the mistakes made, it is better to sort them out, learn the correct spelling so as not to repeat them again. Otherwise, you will only form an inferiority complex in a small student, and he may not understand how to write a word that is difficult for him.