History of Correspondence People's University of Arts (ZNUI)

When existing since 1929, the Central House of Folk Art. N. K. Krupskaya in 1934 organized correspondence courses for everyone who wants to learn to draw. This seemingly incredible idea distance learning, as they say, was in the air, excited the minds of the creative intelligentsia.

The 1920s and 1930s were literally a boom in amateur creativity. Given the immensity of the country and the impossibility of otherwise helping amateur artists living far from any kind of cultural centers, it will become clear how relevant and noble this idea was.

It was practically carried out by the pioneers in this unprecedented work of enthusiastic teachers: F. Gotsuk, O. Lozan, F. Roginsky, G. Nazarevskaya, E. Potekhina and others. learning tasks- they, in turn, gave written advice on them.

Gradually, with the help famous artists, leading and pedagogical activity(K. Yuon, I Mashkov, A. Osmerkin, B. Yakovlev, G. Ryazhsky), the teaching methods are changing, improving: one-time consultations give way to consistent learning process.

Such recognized authorities also helped this undertaking: I. Grabar, S. Gerasimov, K. Petrov-Vodkin, B. Ioganson, R. Falk.

The color of the Soviet visual arts, standing at the origins of a new, truly all-encompassing form of education, subsequently gave excellent and in many ways unexpected results. Thus, the slogan “Art to the masses!” was successfully implemented in practice.

It had to be taken into account that the students were adults, well-formed people, less flexible and pliable than children. Among them there were people with mental disorders and prisoners, who all the more needed a special approach that did not tolerate abrupt interference or an arrogant tone.

A special, benevolent and warm atmosphere was formed, which attracted people to itself and helped even the very shy ones to find their own topics, their own style.

Classes did not stop during the Great Patriotic War, and after the war, theatrical and photo-video faculties were opened. In 1960, the courses were renamed the State Correspondence people's university arts. He enjoyed great popularity. The number of students reached 18 thousand.

Over the seventy-year history of its existence, the university has accumulated the richest funds, which allows not only organizing exhibitions but also participating in the creation of museums. In particular, with the use of these funds, the country's first Museum of Amateur Art of the Peoples of the RSFSR was created in Suzdal.

But the main wealth is still the traditions themselves, a huge and unique pedagogical experience, their own original teaching methodology with its special individually-confidential form of relationship between teacher and student.

At all the most significant exhibitions of amateur artists, which were successfully held both here and abroad, it was the students of the People's University who usually set the tone. Plasterer P. Leonov, housewife A. Tyapkina, stove maker I. Selivanov, carpenter S. Stepanov, pensioners E. Milts and N. Rzhevsky turned out to be wonderful artists, and, perhaps unexpectedly, they all achieved universal recognition. Articles and even books have been written about them, films have been made, reproductions of their paintings have been printed in magazines, and, finally, they have taken their rightful place in the World Encyclopedia of Naive Art.

However, this is not a happy accident and not an exception - their work is on a par with the work of many other equally talented people who have gone through the ZNUI school.

Terms of study at PYEB

Enrollment is carried out upon payment of the course without entrance exams, throughout the year.

Everyone is accepted regardless of education, main profession, place of residence and age /upon reaching 14 years old/.

Enrollment is made within a month after receipt of money for training.

Tuition fee for citizens living in neighboring countries (CIS) - 150% of the cost of the paid course. Tuition fee for citizens living in non-CIS countries, as well as for foreign citizens, including those living in Moscow - 1500 rubles. per month. Payment to be made in rubles to the settlement account of the University.

Integration into the existing program is based on the results of the introductory work or interview. Everyone is welcome to the first step of the course. You can express your individual wishes related to your professional or personal interests.

Education at the university is conducted in Russian, on the job, without a call to Moscow, according to educational and methodological materials sent by the university. Tutorials sent by simple parcel post.

During the development of the chosen program, you perform tasks that help you monitor your progress at work. From the teacher you receive written advice.

Each assignment has one month to complete, including shipping time. control work. Postponement in the performance of training tasks is allowed only for a good reason for a period of not more than 3 months and without extending the total period of study.

A student of ZNUI can become a person who is in places of deprivation of liberty. In this case, the deadline for submission of works can be adjusted.

Test papers are sent by students to the address of the university in simple parcels. Postage not paid for by students will not be redeemed. Types of postal items are not allowed as valuable and registered parcels that require a personal appearance of the teacher at the post office.

Residents of Moscow and the Moscow suburbs can receive face-to-face and individual consultations from a teacher at advisory departments for fine, theatrical and photo-video art.

If the student, due to personal circumstances, cannot receive paid consultations in whole or in part, he cannot claim a refund of the fees paid by him or participation in courses at another time. In case of non-compliance with the study schedule, an additional fee is charged for each consultation provided at the prices at the time of its receipt.

Upon graduation from ZNUI

You receive the Certificate of Correspondence People's University of Arts.

Address: 101990, Russia, Moscow, Armenian lane, 13, ZNUI

Correspondence People's University of Arts- rare, unique educational institution, which has no analogues either in Russia or abroad, has proved its need and relevance, as in Hard times, and in years of relative prosperity. Truly popular, organically connected with all regions of the country, ZNUI occupies an important place in the public life of Russia.

How it all began

The history of the university begins in 1934, when at the Central House of Folk Art. N. K. Krupskaya organizes correspondence courses for everyone who wants to learn how to draw. The idea of ​​distance learning was already in the air then. The 20-30s in the USSR became literally a boom in amateur creativity.

Classes did not stop during the Great Patriotic War, and after the war, theatrical and photo-video faculties were opened. In 1960, the courses were renamed the State Correspondence People's University of Arts. He enjoyed great popularity. The number of students reached 18 thousand.

Over the seventy-year history of its existence, the university has accumulated the richest funds, which allows not only organizing exhibitions, but also participating in the creation of museums. In particular, with the use of these funds, the country's first Museum of Amateur Art of the Peoples of the RSFSR was created in Suzdal.

Teachers who have gone down in history

were the first to take part in the creation educational institution enthusiastic teachers: F. Gotsuk, O. Lozan, F. Roginsky, G. Nazarevskaya, E. Potekhina and others.

Gradually, with the assistance of famous artists K. Yuon, I Mashkov, A. Osmerkin, B. Yakovlev, G. Ryazhsky, the teaching methods were improved: one-time consultations gave way to a consistent learning process. Such recognized authorities also helped this undertaking: I. Grabar, S. Gerasimov, K. Petrov-Vodkin, B. Ioganson, R. Falk.

It had to be taken into account that the students were adults, well-formed people, less flexible and pliable than children. Among them there were people with mental disorders and prisoners, who all the more needed a special approach that did not tolerate abrupt interference or an arrogant tone.

The flower of Soviet fine art, standing at the origins of a new, truly all-encompassing form of education, subsequently gave excellent and in many ways unexpected results.

At all the most significant exhibitions of amateur artists, which were successfully held both here and abroad, it was the students of the People's University who usually set the tone. Plasterer P. Leonov, housewife A. Tyapkina, stove maker I. Selivanov, carpenter S. Stepanov, pensioners E. Milts and N. Rzhevsky turned out to be wonderful artists, and, perhaps unexpectedly, they all achieved universal recognition. Articles and even books have been written about them, films have been made, reproductions of their paintings have been printed in magazines, and, finally, they have taken their rightful place in the World Encyclopedia of Naive Art.

The main wealth is traditions, a huge and unique pedagogical experience, its own original teaching methodology with its special individually-confidential form of relationship between teacher and student.

The most diverse segments of the population study at ZNUI: pensioners, the disabled, prisoners, housewives, teachers, doctors, etc. The University accepts everyone who wants to engage in creativity, regardless of education, main profession, place of residence and special training, both citizens of the Russian Federation and residents of near and far abroad.

The University carries out its activities in the form of full-time and part-time education by methods of individual counseling using distance learning educational technologies. Normative development period educational programs from 4 to 12 months.

Education at ZNUI is conducted in Russian, on the job, without a call to Moscow, according to educational and methodological materials provided by the University, as well as via the Internet.

Modern correspondence courses are designed for those who want to take the first step to success and improve their professional level or qualification. University graduates can independently engage in creative activities, work as leaders in amateur art groups, join creative unions, associations, etc. Today, the University is the center for the development of amateur art in Russia.

Thousands of talented people have passed through ZNUI school. ZNUI graduates can be found anywhere in the world. Their names entered the history of Russian and world art.

Correspondence People's University of Arts invites everyone, regardless of education, age and place of residence to the faculties:

  • Faculty of Fine Arts
  • Faculty theatrical art
  • Faculty of Musical Arts
  • Faculty of Photo-Video Art