There is a set of rules for constructing phrases in oral and written speech. This section of linguistics is called syntax (syntaxis), which is translated from Greek means "composition". The main members of the sentence with an agreed connection and functional semantic load are not subject to secondary units, have a dominant position and “dictate” the main meaning of the expression.

In contact with

The semantic core of the expression

The subject and predicate in sentences perform the function of a grammatical basis. What is the subject - this is the first of the main members in answering questions by Him. : who? or what? Means either the object or the action denoted by the predicate. What is the predicate - this is the second main member, which answers the questions: “what to do or do?”, “what is it?”. Carries a functional load, complements the meaning of the subject.

In the structure of speech turnover, the subject is expressed by the noun or and assumes an active meaning. For illustration, one can cite simple, complete in meaning, phrases “Irina put down the book.” "She put down the book." In both completed phrases, there is no dash between the subject and the predicate, since the subjects “Irina” in the first case and “she” in the second are units that perform the action, and the predicate is expressed in the past tense, denoting this action.

In Russian speech, the subject can be expressed both as a noun and as an adjective used in

There are non-common speech turns in which the connection between the main members that make up the grammatical core is omitted. Both the subject and the predicate in these cases “stand” in the nominative case and are expressed by a noun or a numeral. For example: “The starting point is the fire tower”; "The show starts at twelve." In writing, these phrases are formed with a dash between the subject and the predicate, since the nominative case is used twice for the declension of both units of the main link.

In addition, if both main members of the phrase are indicated by indefinite verbs, then, according to the language norms, a dash is placed between the subject and the predicate. A creative option is a playful aphorism: “An active person is the blacksmith of his own happiness.”

Important! If the particle “not” is in front of the verb (in the infinitive), a dash is put: “To live life is not to cross the field.” Such punctuation will be correct both grammatically and stylistically.

What expressions are used

The spelling rule with a connecting dash sign depends on the competent selection of the basis - the main members, which do not depend on the secondary ones. The dash can be used to connect parts of a sentence in different styles of speech.

Mathematical and identical concepts

In a laconic speech turnover, which describes a mathematical action using numerals, the subject and predicate are separated by a dash. For example: "Twice two - four";

In simple and precise phrases containing identical concepts and definitions. Can be (geographical): “London is the capital of Great Britain”; “The Sava is a tributary of the Danube” are examples of sentences of classic identical combinations.


The dash punctuation mark is often used in short turns of speech of folk art, which are instructive. These are laconic folk expressions - sayings and proverbs with a dash, the spelling of which obeys the rules of Russian grammar. The predicate is usually expressed as a whole phrase, which contains the logical meaning of the sentence.

Examples of wise folklore creativity:

  • if you want to test a friend, look at him in anger;
  • a cat from home - mice dance;
  • Out of sight, out of mind;
  • no news - good news;
  • what the eye does not see, the heart does not regret;
  • found a friend - found a treasure.

In all these cases, the rule is used when a dash is placed between both parts of the revolution.

Imaginative commercials

If you come across a sentence where the predicate is expressed by a noun, then you can apply the standard rule using the graphic dash sign, which indicates the final meaning. For example: "Almagel - a balm for the stomach", "Pearl toothpaste - for the whole family." After the dash sign, a combination follows in which the predicate is expressed by a noun, explaining the general meaning “ catchphrase”, convincing and motivating to buy.

The technique of using short, well-aimed and figurative phrases is very often used in popular aphorisms and "catchy" advertising texts.

Use in writing

In Russian grammar, the dash sign between the subject and the predicate is placed in four cases:

  1. Between two nouns, when the predicate is expressed by a noun (Happiness is a reward for courage).
  2. Between a pair of numerals (Fifteen fifteen - two hundred twenty five).
  3. Between verbs in an indefinite form - infinitive (Guide - sensitively foresee).
  4. Before the words: this, here, means, this means, connecting the grammatical basis of the sentence (A dirty child is a happy child).

Punctuation mark in Russian and foreign fiction

In Russian writing, both modern and classical, punctuation using dashes is quite common. Expressions with a dash carry the function of additional expressiveness and enhancing the significance of what was said.

A few examples from fiction:

  • "Genius and villainy are two incompatible things." (A.S. Pushkin);
  • "The highest and most characteristic feature of our people is a sense of justice and a thirst for it." (F.M. Dostoevsky);
  • “To spare nothing for a friend, to think about others a little too - that’s my simple magic.” (L.I. Oshanin);
  • “Excessive pride is a sign of an insignificant soul” (I.A. Turgenev);
  • “The madness of the brave is the wisdom of life” (M. Gorky).

In the works of foreign authors, the logical link - a dash between the subject and the predicate - is also often used in place. An example would be
serve as a phrase from “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” by the American classic Mark Twain: “But now Tom was a free bird - that was also worth something!” Thanks to the use of a punctuation mark, the phrase sounds short and very emotional.

02/22/17 Dash between subject and predicate. E.N. Sorokin


What is the subject and a predicate expressed not by a noun and a verb, but by other parts of speech? The grammatical core is often constructed from interchangeable words that carry a logical semantic load, for example: "Time is a great teacher." The sign is placed only inside constructions and has a binding functionality in non-standard phrases. Compliance with simple rules will help to avoid mistakes.

Between the subject (subject group) and predicate (predicate group), of all punctuation marks, only a dash is used. put in place of the missing ligament.

Dash between subject and verb PUT:

A dash is put Examples
In the absence of a link in a compound nominal predicate, if: a) both main members of the sentence are expressed by a noun in I. p. The word is the commander of human strength (V. Mayakovsky).

Love and friendship are a mutual echo: they give as much as they take (A. Herzen).

b) one of the main members is expressed by a noun in the nominative case, and the other - by an infinitive, or both - by an infinitive (except for the infinitive, other words may be included in the subject and predicate) The poet's gift is to caress and scribble, the seal is fatal on him (S. Yesenin).

Shoot at stones - lose arrows (M. Gorky).

Drive out before evening and drive

at dawn, the herd is a great holiday for peasant boys (I. Turgenev).

c) the subject and predicate are expressed by numerals in I. p.; one main member is expressed as a numeral or numeral with a noun, and the other as a noun in I. p. Three times three is nine.

Four is an even number.

The specific gravity of pine is zero point six tenths of a ton per cubic meter.

d) the predicate includes the words this, here, it means Language is an instrument of thinking ... To handle language somehow means to think somehow: inaccurately, approximately, incorrectly (A. Tolstoy).

Dash between subject and verb NOT PUT :

Dash is not put Examples
If a:

a) before the nominal part of the predicate is introductory word, adverb, union or particle (only, only, after all, unless)

The rook, of course, is a smart bird ... (K. Paustovsky).

Mercury is also a metal.

March is just the beginning of spring.

b) the predicate includes comparative conjunctions as, as if, as if, exactly, as, no matter how (what) A pond like shiny steel (A. Fet). An unfinished book is like an unfinished path (Proverb).
c) the nominal part of the predicate is preceded by the negation not, except when both main members of the sentence (or one of them) are expressed by the infinitive A horse on foot is not a fellow traveler (Proverb). To live life is not to cross the field (Proverb).

The main motive of my life is not to live life in vain ... (K. Tsiolkovsky).

d) between the subject and the predicate there is an addition, a circumstance But this calmness is often a sign of great, although hidden strength (M. Lermontov).
e) the predicate is expressed by an adjective (full, short, comparative or superlative) Sunny day.

The girl is smart and beautiful.

The weather is rainier by autumn, and people are more talkative by old age (I. Krylov).

e) the subject or predicate is expressed by a pronoun; She is a smart girl. My book.
g) the nominal part of the predicate, expressed by the noun, denotes a sign of a certain person (there is no “gap” intonation) My mother is a teacher.

His older brother is a good friend. Our friend is an elderly woman.

h) the predicate precedes the subject What a glorious place this valley is! (M. Leomontov)

Dash in an incomplete sentence

In incomplete sentences, a dash is usually placed when the predicate or other members of the sentence are omitted, if they are restored from the text of the sentence itself, most often complex: For several seconds, the shepherd boy and Metelitsa looked directly into each other's eyes: Metelitsa - with feigned indifference, the shepherd boy - with fear, sympathy and pity . (A. Fadeev) To the north of the city, the Germans reached the Volga, to the south - they approached it . (K. Simonov)

Subject and predicate are in the closest almost "family" relations - grammatical and semantic. The predicate is called so because it says, "says" about the subject. These members of the sentence carry the main meaning of any sentence.

Are there problems in the "relationship" of the subject and the predicate? Of course they do. First of all, it concerns compound nominal predicate. This predicate type, as you remember, consists of linking verbs(auxiliary component) and nominal part. Most often, in the role of a linking verb, we meet the verb to be. Usually in a compound nominal predicate it is present in the past time: was, was, was, were . For example: Distinctive feature of the professor was his love for his subject.

In present time the linking verb is almost always omitted and the subject remains with the nominal part of the predicate. For example: Time is the best medicine.

Sometimes, however, we can meet the verb to be in present time. As a rule, this is a feature of scientific, bookish speech. For example: Predicateis one of the main members two-part sentence.

In the usual colloquial speech linking verb to be goes down. Probably no one would think to say something like "I am a student high school". But the linking verb does not like to disappear without a trace, it often leaves its deputy. In the role of such a substitute, we can see dash. A dash is placed between the subject and the predicate if there is no linking verb, but sometimes before the predicate there are other words that can be “friends” or “not friends” with a dash. Remember a few tips.

1. "Friends" with a dash are words such as this is what it means. If you saw them before the nominal part of the predicate, feel free to putdash.

Modern children - this is very inquisitive beings.

Light winter rain here being disaster our time.

Be in love -means to understand and forgive.

2. “These words are not friendly” with a dash: like, that, as if, as if, exactly, not. If you saw them before the nominal part of the predicate, remember that they took the place of the linking verb, therefore the dash is redundant in this case.

Head without knowledge like a well without water.

The unlearned man axe unfinished.

birches in the forestlike girls in snow-white sundresses.

Baby eyesas if black beads.

Pines exactly large candles.

Heart not a stone.

Dash- a very important, verbose punctuation mark. There are a few things to think about when deciding whether to put a dash between the subject and the verb in a sentence.

1) See if there is a linking verb (!!! in any tense). If there is, do not put a dash.

Dog was its the best friend (linking verb in past tense).

Dog there is its the best friend (linking verb in present tense).

Dog will be its the best friend (a linking verb in the future tense).

Compare: Dog -its the best friend (the linking verb is missing).

2) If there is no linking verb, we look to see if there are friend words or enemy words for the dash before the nominal part. If we see words this, that means put a dash. If you see the words like, what, as if, as if, exactly, not, dash is not needed.

3) What else can prevent putting a dash between the subject and the predicate? it introductory words, adverbs and an inconsistent minor member of the sentence related to the predicate. They can stand between the subject and the predicate, replacing the dash.

The joint efforts of the student and the teacher, of course, path to success.

A rash decision is always risky step.

Your favorite peacock student.

4) We determine how the main members of the sentence are expressed. A dash is placed if in the role of the subject and predicate we see a noun in the nominative case, a numeral and a verb in an indefinite form (infinitive). If one of the main members of the sentence is expressed by another part of speech (adjective, pronoun, adverb), do not put a dash.

I am the best student in class(pronoun and noun).

Pavlik is the best student in class(nouns in the nominative case).

Two by two - four (numerals).

Justify idleness - a business wrong(infinitive and noun in the nominative case).

This girl beautiful (noun in the nominative case and adjective).

5) Last difficulty. The order of the subject and predicate. If the predicate comes before the subject(reverse order of sentence members), dashes are not included.

Duty each person to be polite.

home a task the art of making you think.

Probably not which of you are afraid of a rather large number of rules that you need to pay attention to when placing a dash between the subject and the predicate. Indeed, this is a difficult moment in the Russian language. And at passing the exam You still need to know these rules.

But I really want to add that the dash is a wonderful punctuation mark, it is a favorite sign for the authors, because the author can put this sign where he wants to highlight and emphasize something. And then the rules break.

You are the most amazingpupils!

Tutor -not just a teacher.

The goal of every person is be happy!

Good luck in Russian!

Do you have any questions? Do you know how to punctuate the subject and the verb?
To get the help of a tutor - register.

site, with full or partial copying of the material, a link to the source is required.

  • A dash is placed between the subject and the predicate in the absence of a link, if both main members of the sentence are expressed by nouns in the nominative case, for example: Man is the blacksmith of his own happiness; Pick up point - train station.

    As a rule, a dash is placed:

    1) in sentences that have the character of a logical definition, for example: Geology - the science of the structure, composition, history of the earth's crust;

    2) in proposals of scientific or journalistic style containing a characteristic, assessment of an object or phenomenon, for example: Life is a special form of motion of matter that occurs at a certain stage of its development.;

    3) after homogeneous subjects, for example: Flattery and cowardice are the worst vices(Turgenev); Space and time are the basic forms of any existence;

    4) to clarify the meaning of the sentence: cf.: a) Big brother is my teacher; b) My older brother is a teacher.

    Note. A dash is usually not put, although the subject and predicate are expressed in the nominative case of the noun:

    1) in sentences of a colloquial style of speech that are simple in composition, for example: My sister is a student;

    2) if comparative conjunctions act as a link as, as if, as if, exactly, as if, as if etc., for example: A pond like shining steel(Fet); You are between sisters like a white dove between gray, simple doves.(Nekrasov); Your brooch looks like a bee(Chekhov); The houses of the city are like heaps of dirty snow(Bitter).

    Deviations from this rule are associated with the old punctuation norms or with the desire to emphasize the shade of comparison contained in the predicate, for example: Silence is like ice, you can break it even with a whisper(Leonov); Your words are like a sharp knife...(Lermontov); … Such a phrase is like a big helmet in a jumble(Turgenev); The trees on its sides are like unlit torches...(Bitter);

    3) if the predicate is preceded by negation not , for example: This officer is not like you ...(Fedin); Analogy is not proof. Wed Proverbs and sayings: The word is not a sparrow: fly out - you will not catch; Poverty is not a vice; The heart is not a stone.

    Setting a dash in this case aims to logically and intonationally emphasize the predicate, for example: But an explanation is not an excuse(Bitter); " Human blood is not water"(Stelmakh);

    4) if between the subject and the predicate there is an introductory word, adverb, union, particle, for example: ... Goose, it is known, is an important and reasonable bird(Turgenev); After school printing is undoubtedly the first language teacher(Fedin).

    Wed the presence or absence of a dash, depending on the specified conditions:

    Cotton is the most important industrial crop. – Cotton, as you know, is the most important industrial crop(introductory combination inserted).

    Cinema is the most popular art form. – Cinema is still the most popular art form(adverb inserted).

    Kok-saghyz - rubber plant. – Kok-saghyz is also a rubber plant(joint inserted).

    December - the beginning of winter. – December is just the beginning of winter(particle inserted);

    5) if the predicate is preceded by an inconsistent secondary member of the sentence related to it, for example: Stepan is our neighbor...(Sholokhov);

    6) if the predicate precedes the subject, for example: Wonderful man Ivan Ivanovich!(Gogol).

    The setting of the dash in this case emphasizes the intonational division of the sentence into two compositions, for example: Good people are my neighbors!(Nekrasov); Good side- Siberia!(Bitter); Clever little thing - the human mind(Bitter); Psychological curiosity - my mother(Chekhov);

    7) if the subject in combination with the predicate forms an indecomposable phraseological phrase, for example: Worthless is a theory that captures some patterns(S. Golubov).

  • A dash is placed between the subject and the predicate if both of them are expressed in the indefinite form of the verb, or if one of the main members of the sentence is expressed in the nominative case of the noun, and the other in the indefinite form of the verb. For example: About the decided to talk - only confuse(Bitter); Our duty is to defend the fortress until our last breath...(Pushkin); Of course, it is a great art to wait(L. Sobolev).

    But (with no pause): What a joy to hug your son!(Dolmatovsky).

  • A dash is placed before words this, this is, here, this means, this means, connecting the predicate to the subject. For example: Everything past, present and future is us, not the blind force of the elements(Bitter).

    Wed: The latest autumn is when the mountain ash wrinkles from frost and becomes, as they say, “sweet”(Prishvin) (the whole sentence acts as a predicate).

  • A dash is placed if both main members of the sentence are expressed in the nominative case of a cardinal numeral or if one of them is expressed in the nominative case of a noun, and the other in a numeral or a turnover with a numeral. For example: So nine forty is three hundred and sixty, right?(Pismsky); Ursa Major - seven bright stars. Density of gold - 19.32 g / cm 3.

    Note. In the specialized literature, when characterizing an object, a dash is often not put in this case, for example: The melting point of gold is 1063°C; Crane lifting capacity 2.5 t, boom reach 5 m.

  • A dash is placed between the subject, expressed by the indefinite form of the verb, and the predicate, expressed by the predicative adverb in -about if there is a pause between the main members of the sentence, for example: Preparing for exams is not easy(Fedin); Giving up is shameful(Tendryakov); It's very unbearable to move(Goncharov).

    But (with no pause): It's very easy to judge a person in disfavor(L. Tolstoy).

  • A dash is placed before a predicate expressed by an idiomatic turnover, for example: And a woman and a man - a nickel pair(Chekhov).
  • With the subject expressed by the pronoun this is, a dash is put or not put depending on the logical selection of the subject and the presence or absence of a pause after it. Wed:

    a) This is the beginning of all beginnings; This is the first performance of the actress; This is loneliness(Chekhov);

    b) This is Zverkov's house(Gogol); This is a quail net.(Chekhov); This is a very difficult problem..

  • A dash is usually not put if the subject is expressed by a personal pronoun, and the predicate is expressed by the nominative case of a noun, for example: …I am an honest person and never compliment(Chekhov); I'm terribly glad you're my brother(L. Tolstoy); He is a corruption, he is a plague, he is an ulcer of these places.(Krylov).

    A dash in this case is placed in opposition or in logical underlining of the predicate, for example: You are an old child, a theorist, and I am a young old man and a practitioner ...(Chekhov); I am a manufacturer, you are a ship owner ...(Bitter); Not me, not me, but you - a harmful element(Fedin).

  • A dash is not put if one of the main members of the sentence is expressed by an interrogative pronoun, and the other by a noun in the nominative case or a personal pronoun, for example: Tell me who your friend is and I will tell you who you are.
  • A dash, as a rule, is not put if the predicate is expressed by an adjective, a pronominal adjective, a prepositional-nominal combination. For example: She has a very kind heart, but a troubled head(Turgenev); My cherry garden!(Chekhov); The back of the shark is dark blue, and the belly is dazzling white.(Goncharov).

    Setting a dash in these cases aims to divide the sentence intonation and facilitate the perception of its content, for example: Pupils - feline, long ...(Sholokhov); The height near the scattered houses of the farm is commanding ...(Kazakevich).

  • In footnotes, a dash separates the explained word from the explanation, regardless of the form of the predicate. For example: Lakshmi - in Indian mythology, the goddess of beauty and wealth; Apis - the ancient Egyptians considered a sacred animal.
  • § 80. Dash in an incomplete sentence

    1. A dash is placed when there is a pause in the so-called elliptical sentences (independently used sentences with a missing predicate), for example: Around the month - pale circles(A. N. Tolstoy); Above the square - low-hanging dust, on the square - empty bottles of breech, pieces of cheap sweets(Sholokhov); And all over the sky - clouds like pink feathers ...(V. Panova); Peakless - infantry helmets(Dolmatovsky).

      There are traces of unknown animals on unknown paths...(Pushkin); Again at the hour of the night clouds over the earth(Zharov); In the steppe near Kherson tall grasses, in the steppe near Kherson mound(M. Golodny).

      The dash is placed in elliptical sentences of a special structure, the basis of which is formed by two nouns - in the dative and accusative cases, without a subject and a predicate, with a clear intonational division into two parts, for example: Motherland - the enthusiasm and creativity of the young; For every young worker a secondary education.

    2. A dash is placed in an incomplete sentence that is part of complex sentence when the missing member (usually a predicate) is restored from the previous part of the phrase and a pause is made at the gap, for example: They stood opposite each other: he - confused and embarrassed, she - with an expression of challenge on her face; The pockets were double: the inner one was made of linen, the outer one was made of gray calico; One sodium atom replaces one hydrogen atom, one zinc atom replaces two hydrogen atoms, and one aluminum atom replaces three hydrogen atoms..

      In the absence of a pause, a dash is not put, for example: Alyosha looked at them, and they at him(Dostoevsky); Yegorushka looked at him for a long time, and he looked at Yegorushka.(Chekhov); You make things long and I make things short(Leonov).

    3. A dash is placed in parts of a complex sentence of the same type when a member is omitted or even without a omission, for example: Witnesses were talking in the hall - hastily, in discolored voices, judges - reluctantly and indifferently.(Bitter); Money disappears, work remains(Bitter); The game is over and the time has come for some to rejoice in the win, for others to count the loss.

    § 81. Intonation dash

    1. A dash is placed to indicate the location of the breakup simple sentence into verbal groups to clarify or emphasize the semantic relationships between the members of the sentence. Compare: a) I couldn't walk for a long time; b) I couldn't walk for a long time. Such a dash is called an intonational dash, it can separate any part of a sentence, for example: I'm asking you: Do workers need to be paid?(Chekhov).
    2. The intonational character also has a dash, which is placed between the members of the sentence to express surprise, for example: And they threw the pike into the river(Krylov).

    § 82. Connecting dash

    1. A dash is placed between two or more words to indicate limits:

      a) spatial, for example: train Moscow - Irkutsk - Khabarovsk - Vladivostok;

      b) in time, for example: Crusades XI-XIII centuries; mass holidays in July - August;

      c) quantity, for example: manuscript of eight to ten author's sheets(same in numbers: 8–10 ); 5-6x superiority.

      In these cases, the dash replaces the meaning of the word "from ... to". If, between two adjacent numerals, it is possible to insert a union according to the meaning or, then they are connected by a hyphen, for example: left for two or three days(but with a digital designation, a dash is put: …2-3 days).

    2. A dash is placed between two or more proper names, the totality of which is called any teaching, scientific institution, competition, etc., for example: Cosmogonic theory of Kant - Laplace; Match Alekhin - Capablanca.

    A dash between the subject and the predicate is placed in the following cases:

    When to put a dash

    1. If the subject is expressed by a noun, numeral in the nominative case, while the predicate is also expressed by a noun or numeral in the nominative case. And at the same time, the link is zero, that is, it is not expressed in the predicate, it indicates the present tense of the indicative mood. This can be checked by substituting "is" after the dash.

    For example: The duration of the lesson is forty minutes. Maria Ivanovna is a teacher. Two by two is four .

    2. The subject is expressed by the infinitive, the predicate is expressed by a noun or numeral in the nominative case, or the subject is expressed by a noun or numeral in the nominative case, while the predicate is an infinitive, or both main members of the sentence are expressed by infinitives.

    For example: Soaring above the ground is the privilege of birds. It is the duty of every citizen to observe the laws of the country. To take on everything - to do nothing.

    3. The words “this”, “this is”, “means” (which is used in the meaning “this is”), “this means” are used when attaching the predicate to the subject. A dash is placed before pointer words.

    For example: Mom is the most dear person. Defending your homeland is the act of a hero. Freedom is the test of responsibility.

    When a dash is not put

    However, there are exceptions to these cases. A dash between the subject and the predicate is not put if:

    1. The link is not zero, most often expressed in words indicating time. For example: Sharik was a true friend.

    With the predicate, there are so-called comparative conjunctions, such as “as if”, “as if”, “exactly”, “like”, etc. For example: Eyes like emeralds. Dew is like a placer of diamonds.

    Before the predicate there is a particle "not". For example: Brothers are not twins.

    There is an introductory word between the subject and the predicate. For example: Introduction is just the beginning. The oasis seems like a mirage. Ivan Ivanovich is also a teacher.

    Before the predicate there is an object that refers to it. For example: Andrew is my friend.

    The predicate comes before the subject. For example: Outstanding comedian Yuri Nikulin.

    The subject and predicate are a stable phraseological phrase. For example: Two pair of boots.

    2. In reverse word order, in the case when the subject and predicate are expressed in infinitives, or one of the main members of the sentence is an infinitive, and the second is a noun or numeral in the nominative case. There is no pause between them.

    For example: like this bliss to lie on warm sand.

    If there is a pause, then a dash is placed even if the word order is reversed.

    For example: The highest art is to make the whole room laugh.

    3. The word "means" is used in the sense of "therefore."

    For example: It began to get dark outside; This means that the day is drawing to a close.

    The word "means" is a verb in the meanings:

    Mean. For example: Hello in English means hello.

    testify to something. For example: Promise does not mean marriage.

    Matter. For example: A talisman means a lot to a family.

    The word "It" is used as a subject, which is expressed by a pronoun.

    For example: This is classified information. It's too expensive for us.

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