If you enter a university after the 11th grade of school, then in most cases you must pass the Unified State Exam (USE). What subjects are needed for admission to your chosen direction or specialty, you can see in the list of entrance examinations in the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated September 4, 2014 No. 1204, as well as in the list of entrance examinations in the admission rules established by the university where you plan to act.

In some cases, along with the exam, you may need to pass additional entrance tests:

  • upon admission to budgetary education in the specialties and areas included in, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of January 17, 2014 No. 21, for example, "architecture", "journalism" or "medical business";
  • upon admission to the Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov (Moscow State University). The list of specialties and directions for which it is necessary to pass additional entrance examinations is determined by Moscow State University independently;
  • if you are enrolling in a university where education requires admission to state secrets or public service, for example, to the Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. The rules for admission to such universities are determined by the federal bodies that supervise them.

2. Is it possible to enter a university without an exam?

You can skip the USE and enter based on the results of the entrance exams that the university conducts on its own if you belong to one of the following categories:

  • disabled people and children with disabilities;
  • Foreign citizens;
  • applicants entering on the basis of a diploma of secondary or higher professional education;
  • applicants who received a certificate The certificate must be received no earlier than one year before the deadline for accepting documents at the university. "> no more than a year ago and never passed the exam. For example, instead of it, those who passed the state final exam (GVE) or received education abroad. If an applicant passed the USE in some subjects, and the GVE in the rest, he can pass the internal exam at the university only in the subjects in which he passed the GVE.

3. When do I need to apply for admission?

Universities begin accepting documents for budgetary full-time and part-time bachelor's and specialist's studies no later than June 20. The deadline for accepting documents is:

  • July 7, if upon admission to your chosen specialty or area of ​​study, the university conducts additional creative or professional tests;
  • July 10, if upon admission to the specialties or areas of study you have chosen, the university conducts any other additional entrance tests;
  • July 26, if you apply only according to the results of the exam.

For all forms of paid education and for part-time education on a budget, universities determine the deadlines for accepting documents on their own. Application deadlines can be found on the websites of universities.

At the same time, you can apply for admission to a bachelor's or specialist's degree in five universities. In each of them, you can choose up to three specialties or areas of training.

4. What documents are needed for admission?

Upon admission to a university, you will need to fill out an application for admission. As a rule, it can be downloaded from the website of the university. The application must be accompanied by:

  • passport or other document proving the identity and citizenship of the applicant;
  • a document on the previous education received: a school leaving certificate, a diploma of primary, secondary or higher professional education;
  • information about the results of the exam, if you passed it;
  • 2 photographs if you will pass additional entrance tests upon admission;
  • registration certificate or military ID (if available);
  • medical certificate form 086 / y - for medical, pedagogical and Their list was approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 14, 2013 No. 697. specialties and directions;
  • if your representative will submit the documents instead of you, you will additionally need a notarized power of attorney and a document proving his identity;
  • If you are under 18 years of age at the time of submission of documents, take with you a consent form for the processing of your personal data signed by a parent or guardian - documents will not be accepted without it. Download the form on the university website or ask the admissions staff to send it to you by e-mail;
  • documents confirming individual achievements; documents confirming special rights and benefits.

You can submit both original documents and their copies. Notarized copies are not required. You can submit documents in person at the admissions office of the university or at one of its branches, if any. In addition, documents can be sent by registered mail.

About all ways of submitting documents, including In some educational institutions, it is possible to accept documents on the road: in this case, you can transfer the documents to a representative of the university in mobile document collection points. In addition, the university, at its discretion, may accept documents sent by e-mail.

"> alternative, check by phone with the admissions committee of a particular university.

5. What do you need to enter the budget?

In order to apply to the selected university, you must score on the USE in each subject a number of points equal to minimum score or more than it. The university itself determines the minimum score for each specialty and direction, but cannot set it below the level approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

There is a competition among applicants who have applied for admission. The first to be enrolled are applicants who have accumulated the most points for For some individual achievements, the university can add points to the applicant - no more than 10 in total. Such achievements can be a school medal, certificate or diploma of secondary vocational education with honors. A complete list can be found in paragraph 44 of the procedure for admission to study in educational programs of higher education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 14, 2015 No. 1147.

The list of individual achievements that are taken into account in a particular university upon admission can be found in the rules for admission to the university. Admission rules are published by the university on its official website no later than October 1 of the previous year.

"> individual achievements and for the USE - only in subjects that are needed for admission to the chosen areas or training program.

According to the results of the competition, passing score- the smallest number of points, which was enough for enrollment. Thus, the passing score changes every year and is determined only after enrollment. As a guide, you can look at the passing score for the selected areas or the training program for the past year.

Applicants who enter according to quotas have the right to take part in the general competition if they did not pass according to the quota, but participate in the competition within their quota. To do this, they must also score a score equal to or greater than the minimum value set by the university.

You can get a free higher education in Russia once. But at the same time, it is worth considering that after completing a bachelor's degree, you can enter the master's program at the budget department.

6. Who can apply without exams?

Without entrance exams, the following can enter the university:

  • winners and prize-winners of the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren or the IV stage of the All-Ukrainian student Olympiads, if they enter specialties and directions, ">corresponding to the profile of the Olympiad - within 4 years following the year of the Olympiad. The university independently determines which areas and specialties the profile of the Olympiad corresponds to.
  • members of the national teams of the Russian Federation and Ukraine (if they are citizens of the Russian Federation) who participated in international olympiads in general education subjects, if they enter majors and specialties, The university independently determines which areas and specialties the profile of the Olympiad corresponds to."> corresponding to the profile of the Olympiad in which they participated - within 4 years following the year of the Olympiad;
  • champions and prize-winners of the Olympic, Paralympic or Deaf-Olympic Games, world or European champions and athletes who won first place at the World or European championship in sports included in the programs of the Olympic, Paralympic or Deaf-Olympic Games, can enter specialties and directions in the field of physical culture and sports.

The winners and prize-winners of the Olympiads from the list approved by order of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science of August 30, 2019 N 658 can count on admission without exams for 4 years following the year of the Olympiad. However, the university itself determines the winners and prize-winners of which Olympiads from the list to accept without exams (or provide them with other benefits upon admission), in which class the applicant should have taken part in them, and which areas and specialties correspond to the profile of the Olympiad.

In addition, in order to take advantage of the privilege, the winner or prize-winner of the Olympiad from the list of the Ministry of Education and Science must score a certain number of points on the USE in a specialized subject, which the university also sets independently, but not less than 75.

7. What is "targeted learning"?

Some universities conduct admissions for targeted training in specialties included in the list determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

An applicant entering within the target quota is sent to study by a region of the Russian Federation, a state body or a company with which the university has an agreement on the admission of applicants for targeted training. You can check whether such agreements have been concluded at the university of your choice at the admission committee. Applicants entering the target quota do not participate in the general competition.

When applying for admission to targeted training, in addition to the main documents, you will need to provide a copy of the targeted training agreement certified by the customer or present the original later. Sometimes information about the contract concluded with you comes to the educational institution directly from the organization that orders the training.

Information about applicants within the target quota is not included in the general list of applications for admission, is not posted on official websites and information stands in the interests of state security.

8. What other benefits are there when entering a university?

Most admission benefits can be divided into 4 groups:

  • admission within a special quota * - a passing score for these applicants, as a rule, But not below the minimum score set by the university."> below than for the rest. Applicants with disabilities of groups I and II, children with disabilities and disabled since childhood, disabled due to a military injury or illness received during military service, orphans and children left without parental care (retain the right to enter under a special quota up to 23 years), Categories listed in the Federal Law of January 12, 1995 No. 5-FZ "On Veterans" (see Article 3, paragraph 1, subparagraphs 1-4). "> Veterans military operations. Within the framework of a special quota, the university allocates at least 10% of the budget places from the volume of control figures for each set of conditions for admission to study under the bachelor's and specialist's programs;
  • the right to 100 points - if an applicant has the right to enter without exams, but wants to enter a program or field of study that does not correspond to the profile of his Olympiad, he can get 100 points for one of the entrance tests automatically, if it For example, the winner of the All-Russian Physics Olympiad does not want to enter the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics and chooses astronomy, where he also needs to take physics - in this case, he will receive 100 points for physics without passing it. profile of his Olympiad. In addition, in order to take advantage of the privilege, the winner or prize-winner of the Olympiad from the list of the Ministry of Education and Science must score a certain number of points on the USE in a specialized subject, which the university also sets independently, but not less than 75);
  • benefits for individual achievements - medalists, winners of olympiads (whom the university does not accept without exams and does not provide the right to 100 points) and
  • champions and prize-winners of the Olympic, Paralympic and Deaflympics and other sports competitions;
  • applicants with a certificate with honors;
  • gold and silver medalists;
  • volunteers;
  • winners of the championship in professional skills among the disabled and people with disabilities "Abilimpics".
"> other categories of applicants can receive additional points - but not more than 10 - or the right to preferential admission. The university independently determines for which achievements and what benefits to provide;
  • the right of priority enrollment - if two applicants score the same number of points upon admission, then the one who has the right of priority enrollment will be enrolled. Applicants who can enter under a special quota have this right, and See Article 35 for a complete list the procedure for admission to study in educational programs of higher education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 14, 2015 No. 1147. "> some others categories.
  • If there are more applicants for admission than there are places according to the quota, then these categories of applicants participate in the competition among themselves according to the points scored. At the same time, applicants within the quota can simultaneously apply for participation in the general competition. When entering the general competition, the priority right to enter is retained - if other conditions coincide, priority is given to those who have this advantage.

    9. How is enrollment going?

    Until July 27, inclusive, on its official website, the university publishes lists of applicants entering the bachelor's or specialist's program at the budgetary department of full-time or part-time education and who have overcome the threshold of the minimum score.

    The lists are ranked by the number of points, that is, higher positions are occupied by applicants who have a higher total score for the Unified State Examination, additional entrance tests and individual achievements. The sum of points is considered without taking into account individual achievements, then the profile subject and then in descending order of priority. If two applicants have the same entire list, priority is given to the one who has the pre-emptive right.

    After that, enrollment begins. It goes through several stages:

    • priority admission stage - applicants who enter without exams are enrolled within a special or target quota. These applicants must, by July 28, submit to the university where they decided to enter and where they passed the exams, the original document on previous education and a statement of consent to enrollment. The enrollment order is issued on July 29;
    • I stage of enrollment - at this stage, the university can fill up to 80% of the budget places remaining free after priority enrollment in each specialty or direction. Applicants are enrolled in accordance with the position they occupy in the list of applicants - those who occupy a higher position are enrolled first. At this stage, you must submit the original document on previous education and an application for consent to enrollment no later than August 1. The enrollment order is issued on August 3;
    • II stage of enrollment - the university fills the remaining budget places. Applicants who will be enrolled at this stage must submit the original document on previous education and a statement of consent to enrollment no later than August 6. The order is issued on August 8.

    The university determines the terms of enrollment in a paid department and part-time education independently.

    You have to take entrance exams. In recent years, universities have been given more options for choosing the form of their conduct. Depending on the specifics of the university, these can be practical tasks, for example, in drawing, or testing knowledge in major subjects.

    What is university entrance examinations

    Entrance examinations to universities are additional examinations that are held upon admission to training in professions, for the successful development of which creative abilities or special physical and psychological qualities are required.

    These tests are:

    • on examination tickets orally or in writing;
    • in the format of an interview with representatives of the selection committee;
    • in the form of tests, essays, creative work.

    The program of additional tests is formed by the institutes independently on the basis of state standards.

    Why are college entrance exams needed?

    According to the law, universities must admit students to study based on the results of state exams, but in some cases institutes and universities have the right to appoint additional tests. The list of educational institutions endowed with special powers to conduct additional tests of knowledge and skills is annually reviewed and approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

    Additional exams at universities are necessary in order to choose from a large number of applicants who have successfully passed the Unified State Examination, the most capable, talented and most suitable for future work in their chosen specialty. Often they are held by educational institutions in which there is a big competition for admission, for example, Moscow State University and MGIMO, as well as military schools, universities and academies of a creative orientation - art, theater, music.

    How are university entrance exams

    The form of entrance examinations is determined by the leadership of the institute: it can be a test of the level of physical fitness or the depth of knowledge of specialized disciplines, psychological testing, a competition of creative works. One exam is usually worth 100 points.

    The results of entrance examinations are summed up with the marks received by school graduates in the Unified State Examination.

    The process of conducting additional examinations is necessarily drawn up in the form of a protocol, where questions and comments of teachers are recorded. In some educational institutions, beneficiaries may be exempted from exams, but most universities do not make exceptions even for applicants of special categories.

    Entrance examinations can also be conducted using remote technologies. This method is practiced by leading universities of the Russian Federation, such as the Higher School of Economics, for applicants with disabilities.

    How to prepare

    Tutors in majors are not always the best option. Each university that accepts students based on the results of the USE and additional tests, preliminarily conducts special preparatory courses in the main disciplines. As a rule, they begin in the fall and continue until the entrance exams.

    In the classroom, future applicants receive knowledge and skills that meet the requirements of a particular educational organization, get acquainted with teachers, potential fellow students, the rules for passing exams, the features of the educational process and other subtleties of university life. Therefore, it is better to prepare for admission at the institute or university chosen for education after school. In addition, sometimes universities award bonus points to applicants who have attended classes in these special programs.

    Courses are short-term (from several weeks to a couple of months) and basic (about six months). The first option is less preferable and is intended for those who are late with enrolling in basic programs. But express training will be very useful.

    Entrance exams: specialties and directions

    All future students must pass a unified state exam, on the basis of which enrollment in a university, institute or academy will take place. The exception is:

    • St. Petersburg State University;
    • universities that provide training in creative, medical and military specialties.

    According to the law on education, since 2013, Moscow State University and St. Petersburg State University have the right to conduct additional tests in all subjects that are taken for the Unified State Examination, upon admission to any specialty and direction. MSLU, NGLU them. Dobrolyubov, MGIMO and Moscow State Law Academy, but for enrollment in certain undergraduate and specialist programs.

    The list of specialties related to, as well as requiring certain basic knowledge and skills, includes:

    • journalism;
    • Physical Culture;
    • TV;
    • acting art;
    • painting;
    • sculpture;
    • design;
    • choreography;
    • architecture and others.

    The full list of specialties and directions is approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 1142.

    Additional tests are often conducted in two or three rounds in the form of a combination of an interview, oral, written, practical professional or creative examination and are always related to the field of future activity. For example, applicants to VGIK for the specialty "producing" at the first qualifying stage must analyze in writing the proposed problematic production situation related to culture and art in 4 hours in order to find an effective way out of it. On the second - to give oral answers to the questions of examination papers, compiled on topics covering literature, music, fine arts, theater and cinematography. Plus, to complete a practical task, for example, of this type: in an hour of preparation, to schematically develop proposals for organizing an advertising campaign and distributing a feature film.

    Universities publish the list of entrance tests for each specialty or in general in the direction on their websites at the beginning of the academic year, so applicants have enough time to prepare for a creative or professional exam. The main thing is not to waste it for nothing, then everything will work out.

    They are divided into basic and additional. The former include general education subjects, thereby repeating the list of USE exams, while the latter are carried out for creative, military and some other specialties. Such exams are specialized and are designed to identify students with the greatest knowledge (skills) in the chosen specialty.

    Who needs to pass internal entrance examinations

    The main entrance examinations must be taken by those applicants who do not have USE results. It can be:

    • persons who graduated from school before 2009;
    • applicants who already have a secondary special or higher education;
    • Foreign citizens.

    Additional entrance tests to universities are held for such specialties as, for example, actors, architects, artists, pilots, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the military, entering the academies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. At the same time, all applicants applying for this specialty take additional exams, regardless of whether they have USE results or not.

    List of entrance examinations to universities

    Each university determines the list of basic and additional tests independently. Information about the date of the exams must be published by the university no later than February 1 of the current academic year.

    The main tests, as a rule, duplicate the subjects taken for the exam. These are such general educational subjects as:

    • mathematics;
    • Russian language and literature;
    • story;
    • chemistry;
    • physics;
    • biology;
    • geography;
    • foreign languages.

    Among the additional tests may be testing of physical fitness, creative work, determining psychological readiness. The form of additional tests is established by the university independently. Examinations can take place both in writing and in oral form, in the form of testing, survey, essay writing or other creative work.

    Preparation for entrance examinations to the university

    Each university that conducts entrance examinations also offers preparatory courses. Engaged in preparation for admission and other educational centers.

    Special preparation for general subjects may not be needed, especially if you studied well at school and also studied the subject on your own. The situation is quite different with additional - creative tests. Here self-preparation will not be enough. It is better if you choose a preparatory course at the university you wish to enter. So you will not only get the level of knowledge necessary for admission, but also get to know the teachers, the requirements of a particular educational institution, and possibly your future classmates.

    It is better to find out about the availability of preparatory courses in advance - at the beginning of the academic year before admission. As a rule, courses are divided into full and short courses. The first can begin as early as October-November and last a whole year - until admission. Such courses are definitely preferable. So you will not only learn the material better, but also be able to understand whether the chosen specialty is really to your liking. If you want to change your profile, then there will still be time left to prepare.

    Short-term courses last from six months to two weeks. These are courses for those who did not have time to sign up for the main stage of preparation. Here the same amount of knowledge is taught, but for a much shorter time. There is a high probability that in a hurry you may not catch something, simply not learn it due to lack of time. However, if you found out about preparatory courses even a week before the exam date, you should not neglect them. In such a short time, you, of course, will not prepare properly, but you will learn about the procedure for conducting the exam, about what can be used during the test and what is prohibited. Teachers also explain the criteria for evaluating work.

    ; entrance exams, the form of which is determined by the university independently; additional entrance tests of creative and (or) professional orientation.

    Unified State Exam (USE)

    The main form of conducting the state final certification in educational institutions of secondary (complete) general education of the Russian Federation, the results of which are taken into account by universities as entrance tests in the relevant general education subjects.

    Entrance exams, the form of which is determined by the university independently

    This is the type of exams that apply to applicants who completed the 11th grade before January 1, 2009; for applicants for undergraduate programs or training programs for a specialist of the relevant profile with secondary vocational education, for applicants from foreign countries; for applicants with the qualification "certified specialist" entering the master's program; for applicants with higher professional education entering undergraduate programs, specialist training programs or master's programs, etc.

    Additional entrance tests of creative and (or) professional orientation

    These are examinations conducted for applicants for admission to specialties that require creative, physical or psychological qualities.

    Additional entrance examinations of a profile orientation are carried out in the form of oral or written examinations, interviews, tests, or by a combination of them. Programs of additional entrance examinations of a specialized orientation in general education subjects are formed by universities on the basis of the federal state educational standard of secondary (complete) general education.

    Additional creative entrance tests are conducted in written or oral form, in the form of listening, watching, interviewing or otherwise, determined by the annual admission rules of the higher education institution. The interview procedure is documented in a protocol that records the questions asked to the applicant and a brief commentary on the examiners' answers.

    When conducting an additional entrance examination, the university establishes two exams from the List of entrance examinations (mandatory - an exam in the Russian language and in a specialized general education subject). An additional entrance exam of a profile orientation is established by the university for the corresponding specialty in the profile general education subject, determined by the List of entrance tests.

    Additional entrance examinations are carried out as examination groups are formed from among the applicants who have submitted the necessary documents, in several stages, but not before the start of accepting documents. In addition, they can be held in parallel with the passing of the Unified State Exam in additional terms of its holding.


    • The results of all entrance examinations, including additional ones, are evaluated on a 100-point scale.
    • The results of the winners and prize-winners of the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren, members of the national teams of the Russian Federation participating in international Olympiads in general education subjects, are recognized by universities as the highest results of entrance examinations (“100” points) in these general education subjects when admitted to specialties that do not correspond to the profile of the Olympiad.
    • Final exams at preparatory departments, courses (schools) at universities are prohibited from being counted as entrance and additional entrance tests.
    • When accepting applicants for training in master's programs, the list, programs and form of entrance examinations are established by the university independently.
    • When accepting applicants for the second and subsequent courses, including persons with higher professional education, the university establishes the list, programs and form of attestation tests independently.
    • For applicants to state-funded places (by general competition, by targeted admission, who have the right to out-of-competition admission), as well as to places under contracts with payment of tuition fees for a certain specialty and for the corresponding course, the same entrance tests are established.
    • With the participation of an applicant in the competition, based on the results of the Unified State Examination, he is not allowed to pass the entrance examinations conducted by the university independently.
    • The results of entrance examinations for admission to full-time education are recognized by universities as the results of entrance examinations for other forms of education and (or) conditions of study.

    What is university entrance examinations? This question worries many high school students who have to make a difficult choice.

    Features of entrance examinations

    Despite the numerous transformations that are currently taking place in the system of domestic secondary and higher education, in addition to the results obtained by graduates in the Unified State Examination, academies and universities have the right to conduct their own entrance exams.

    Many high school students want to know in advance how to pass the entrance examinations at the university, whether it is possible to prepare for them.

    In order to select from a large stream of applicants guys who really deserve to be admitted to a university, prestigious domestic universities conduct internal tests.

    Classification of additional exams

    University entrance examinations - what is it? Currently, they are usually divided into basic and additional tests. The first group consists of those subjects that are included in the Children get a chance to pass within the walls of a higher educational institution those subjects that for various reasons were not chosen by them at school.

    The second group includes special entrance tests to universities in the Russian language, social science, and creative tasks. Depending on the specifics of the direction of the higher education institution, additional exams may vary. They allow you to identify among the flow of applicants the most talented guys with in-depth knowledge and skills necessary for their chosen specialty.

    Technical focus

    Engineering universities and academies are characterized by additional entrance tests in mathematics. You can get into the university based on the results of special subject Olympiads organized by the educational institution itself. Each educational institution of the highest level tries to organize intellectual tournaments and competitions on its basis, the winners and prize-winners of which receive additional points when submitting documents to the university.

    Who should take additional tests?

    Not all applicants know how to pass entrance examinations at the university. For some of them, the very fact that they need to pass additional exams becomes an unpleasant surprise. Let's try to understand what university entrance examinations are and who should take them. The main tests are for those applicants who are not in the disciplines that are mandatory in the chosen field of study.

    They are also available to those persons who graduated from secondary educational institutions before 2009. Pass mandatory exams and applicants who already have a higher or secondary specialized education.
    Entrance examinations are also mandatory for foreign citizens who decide to study at Russian higher educational institutions.

    Features of additional tests

    What are entrance examinations to the university of additional form? Their higher education institutions are established for creative specialties: acting, architecture and construction, artistic creativity. In addition, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, future cadets of flight and military schools undergo additional tests.

    Discussing what university entrance examinations are, we note that their results are summed up with the scores scored by an applicant in the Unified State Examination.

    Additional exams are required to be taken by all applicants who apply for admission in the chosen specialty.

    List of tests

    Each educational institution has the right to independently determine the type and number of additional tests, as well as to install subjects that are taken in the form of the USE.

    Which applicants are waiting for entrance examinations to the university?

    Examples of general education subjects for which the main tests are conducted at the university (academy):

    • mathematics;
    • geography;
    • physics;
    • Russian language and literature;
    • biology;
    • story;
    • foreign language.

    How are university entrance examinations carried out? For example, as additional exams, applicants are offered to test their physical fitness, psychological readiness for the profession, creative works are offered.

    The educational institution itself chooses the form of the exam:

    • testing;
    • written testing;
    • oral interview;
    • essay writing.

    How to prepare for additional tests?

    Is it possible to successfully pass the entrance examinations to universities? What is a preparatory course? Each university that conducts additional tests organizes various preparatory courses for future applicants.

    In addition, special educational centers operate in large cities, the main task of which is to fully prepare high school students for passing the unified state exam, as well as for successfully passing additional tests offered by higher educational institutions.

    If many high school students only need to study well at school in order to prepare for the Unified State Examination, then only a few can qualitatively independently prepare for creative tests on their own. The best option would be to choose preparatory courses based on the higher educational institution in which you plan to enter.

    Only in this case it will be possible to count on receiving the most useful information, which will certainly help the applicant become a student of an academy or university.

    In addition to obtaining a certain level of knowledge necessary for the successful passing of creative tests, in the process of additional coursework, high school students will receive useful information about the teaching staff of the institute (university), get to know their future classmates. Also, the courses provide information about the requirements of a particular educational institution, the features of the educational process.

    Helpful information

    In order to get additional coursework at a university, you need to contact an educational institution at the beginning of the academic year, find out about the terms and In most domestic universities and academies, preparatory courses begin in October-November and continue throughout the academic year.

    These courses will not only allow you to better assimilate certain information in academic disciplines, but will also provide an opportunity to change direction in a timely manner. For example, if a high school student, while attending preparatory courses in mathematics, realized that it would be difficult for him to compete with his peers in this academic discipline, he can switch to another profile.

    In addition to one-year courses, higher education institutions also offer short-term classes. Reduced training is designed for 2-3 weeks, organized mainly immediately before the entrance examinations to the university. Such courses are suitable for those high school students who for a long time could not decide on the choice of their future profession or doubted the choice of an educational institution.

    Among the main disadvantages of such preparation for admission to domestic universities and academies is the need to assimilate a large amount of information in a minimum time period. There is a high probability that the applicant simply does not have enough time to process the information received, to use it optimally when passing the main and additional entrance tests to the academy or university.


    Entering a university is a responsible and important stage in the life of every high school student. In order to increase your chances of success, you need to use all the opportunities: take preparatory courses, collect diplomas and certificates, try your hand at subject Olympiads and creative competitions.

    The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation has given higher educational institutions the right to independently choose a list of tests, upon successful completion of which the applicant receives the right to enroll in an educational institution on a budgetary basis. In some universities, preferential categories of citizens are exempted from passing additional tests, but most domestic academies and universities offer them to all applicants. All additional tests are carried out in Russian, the only exception is the direction of study, where the main academic discipline is a foreign language.