Topic: Punctuation marks in complex sentences with different types of connection.
Objectives: to generalize knowledge about complex sentences of mixed construction;
to consolidate the skills of punctuation in such sentences;
repeat the orthoepic minimum; cultivate spelling vigilance.
During the classes:
Orthoepic warm-up
Read the words with the correct stress
ahead of time
before dark
Scarves Pampered
Will give
Ski track
Prettier Rushed
got there
How are the words arranged in columns?
2. Problem task:
- two students on the board write down a sentence under dictation;
I realized that only chance could save us: the water would suddenly stop coming, or we would stumble upon an abandoned boat on this shore.
- what is the offer?
- compare punctuation marks;
Explain the punctuation marks in this sentence.
Problem questions:
What are we going to talk about in class today? State the topic and purpose of the lesson.
Slide 1 (the topic of the lesson)
Slide 2 (Lesson goals)
3. What is a complex syntactic construction, will tell ... (Slide 4)
(In the SSC, structural and semantic parts are distinguished and the leading syntactic connection is determined. As a rule, a coordinating or non-union connection acts as the leading one. For example:
I love you, even though I'm furious, even though it's labor and shame in vain, and I confess this unfortunate stupidity at your feet!
1 , i.
, at least, at least
A complex sentence with a coordinating and subordinating link consists of 4 parts, which can be combined into 2 structural and semantic parts, connected by a coordinating union and (leading coordinative link)
- What, in your opinion, needs to be done in order to correctly punctuate a complex syntactic construction? (Compiling an algorithm)
4. Algorithm for arranging punctuation marks in the SSC (Slide 5)
Find GO.
Determine the type of relationship between sentences.
(composing, subordinating, non-union)
Determine the semantic relationship between sentences.
Place appropriate punctuation marks.
5. Working out the algorithm (insert missing letters, put punctuation marks, graphically explain their setting) (Slide 6)
(C) n ... chala far ... far ahead where the sky converges with the earth near mounds and a windmill which ... looks like a little man waving his hands pop ... crawled across the ground a wide bright (yellow) strip through m ... chickpea the same strip lit up ... got a little closer pop ... lied (in) the right and embraced x ... lma.
6. Check (Slide 7)
First, far ahead, where the sky converges with the earth near the mounds and the windmill, which from a distance looks like a little man waving his arms, a wide bright yellow strip crawled along the ground; a minute later the same band lit up a little closer, crept to the right and engulfed the hills.
7. Individual work (unified state exam task A26) (Slide 8)
1. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in the place of which commas should be in the sentence?
In the imagination of the writer, a variety of ideas were crowded (1) and (2) if he forced himself to stop at one thing (3), then again he did not know (4) what the beginning should be.
1) 1,2,3,4 2) 1,3
3) 1,3,4 4) 2,3,4
(Slide 9)
2. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in the place of which commas should be in the sentence?
While Nikita went home for the things necessary for the campaign (1) more than an hour passed (2) and (3) when he returned to the collection point (4) he had to listen to a lot from friends.
1) 1,2,3,43) 1,2
2) 1,2,44) 3,4
(Slide 10)
3. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in the place of which commas should be in the sentence?
After the instructor's remarks (1), the guys walked faster (2) and (3) when it began to get dark (4) only three kilometers remained to the place of lodging for the night.
1) 1,2,3,43) 1,3
2) 1,2,4 4) 2,3,4
8. What rule of punctuation should be remembered if the sentence contains a combination of coordinating and subordinating conjunctions? (Student's story)
9. Work with the simulator (in pairs)
Each has a table of answers
No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TOTAL 10 Homework: Write out from the novel "The Master and Margarita"
3 FSC, Explain punctuation graphically
11. Reflection. Finish the sentence:
To punctuate the SSC you need:
1) find ...
2) define...
3) define...

slide 1

The world is illuminated by the sun, and man - by knowledge! Proverb

slide 2

Letter dictation
1) to ... fight for treason 2) to ... look for a dog 3) to ... bring to old age 4) to develop ... abilities 5) to consecrate a temple 6) to ... take on a coat 7) to look ... to clean the city 8) to wash ... to look for linen 9) nav ... sadness 10) mind ... ly about mercy

slide 3

Letter dictation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 a a e i ya e o o e o 1) punish (punishment) for treason 2) caress (weasel) the dog 3) turn gray (gray) to old age 4) develop (development ) abilities 5) consecration (holy) of the temple 6) try on (try on) a coat 7) conquer (submissive) cities 8) rinse (rinse) linen 9) evoke (breathe) sadness 10) beg (pray) for mercy

slide 4

slide 5

slide 6

Lesson topic Compound sentences with various types of allied and allied connection

Slide 7

Lesson Objectives
1) to acquaint students with sentences with various types of allied and non-union communication; 2) to form the ability to determine the types of allied and non-union connection in a complex sentence with different types of connection; 3) work out the skills of punctuation in a complex sentence with different types of communication.

Slide 8

Types of complex sentences

Slide 9

A compound sentence is a complex sentence, the parts of which are connected by coordinating conjunctions and are grammatically independent of each other, that is, they are in a relationship of equality, equivalence.

Slide 10

A complex sentence is such a complex sentence, the parts of which are interconnected by subordinating conjunctions (or allied words) and are in a relationship of formal inequality.
Example: I do not want the world to know my mysterious story. (M. Lermontov)

slide 11

Associative compound sentence
Associative compound sentence
An unionless complex sentence is a complex sentence, the parts of which are equal to each other and are connected by an unionless connection, with the help of intonation
The grass is turning green, the sun is shining, the swallow with spring is flying towards us in the canopy. (A. Pleshcheev)

slide 12

Give a description of the proposals
1. At the monument, passer-by children immediately gathered and they all fell silent in anticipation of the music, because it consoles people, promises them happiness and a glorious life. 2. We heard a boat sailed along the river and it became easy on the soul.

slide 13

3. Set a hundred teachers above yourself and they will be powerless if you cannot force yourself. 4. After lunch, when the sun was at its zenith, we decided to make a stop, but suddenly our plans changed, too little time was left for us.

Slide 14

1. Children and passers-by immediately gathered at the monument, and they all fell silent in anticipation of music, because it consoles people, promises them happiness and a glorious life. - Coordinating and subordinating:, and, (because ...) 2. We heard: a boat sailed along the river, and it became easy on the soul. - Unionless and coordinative::, and

slide 15

3. Place a hundred teachers over yourself - they will be powerless if you cannot force yourself. - Unionless and submissive: -, (if) 4. After lunch, when the sun was at its zenith, we decided to make a stop, but suddenly our plans changed: we had too little time left. - Coordinating, subordinating, non-union: [, (when ...),], but:

slide 16

Homework 1. § 35, exercise No. 296. 2. Write out 4 sentences from the collection of KIMs by I.P. Tsybulko: with a coordinating and subordinating connection, with a coordinating and non-union connection, with a subordinating and non-union connection with a coordinating, subordinating and non-union connection.

Slide 17

Work in pairs Put together a proposal
Life is an example to start as a person refused to live only according to the heart of the superficial Prishvin of that from all dictates ():

Slide 18

, (like ...): Prishvin's life is an example of how a person renounced everything superficial: he began to live only at the behest of his heart.

Slide 19

1) A Russian person is so confident in his strength and strength that he is not averse to breaking himself, he is little concerned with his past and boldly looks forward.

Slide 20

2) The room was divided by a barrier and I did not see with whom my mother spoke and bowed humbly.

slide 21

3) The river also subsided a little later and someone splashed in it for the last time and it became motionless.

slide 22

1) A Russian person is so confident in his strength and strength that he is not averse to breaking himself: he is little concerned with his past and boldly looks forward. , (what ...): subordinating and unionless

slide 23

2) The room was divided by a barrier, and I did not see who my mother was talking to and to whom my mother bowed humbly. , and, (with whom ...) coordinating and subordinating

Lera Frost quarrels with Zakhar all day and is nervous because she suspects a pregnancy. Salenko does not want to discuss this topic until everything is cleared up and until, in fact, there is no pregnancy. Julia immediately remembered the competition. Zakhar told Lera that he would be happy and glad if they had a planned child, but Lera was not pregnant, and if she was pregnant, then they would talk. Frost cried and even talked about breaking up with Zakhar, or stopping doing “magic”. At the frontal place, Vlad suggested that the participants talk about unexpected news, it is strange for him that a woman who is not legally married, who has not even been proposed, does not use protection, does not plan children, and then is surprised at the surprise. Kadoni believes that Zakhar does not see himself as a father, he and Lera are constantly at odds and Lera is going to give birth from a frivolous guy. Frost is important Zakhar's words that he is glad, she did not expect a marriage proposal, Zakhar told her several times that he was next to her, but she still pecked at his brain. Salenko considers it necessary, then he will take Lera to the registry office, maybe he did not react that way, he is 22 years old and he is not quite ready to build a full-fledged family, but if such a moment comes, he will be responsible. Zakhar gave Lera a large bouquet of roses, he sees Lera as his wife in the future, and if this is true with pregnancy, he will love her, appreciate her and they will overcome difficulties together. Kadoni told all the girls who didn't follow the rules of safe sex that their boys would use them and run away to other girls.
Another participant Alexandra Sheva is worried about the same thing. Sasha had unprotected sex with Aleksey Chaychits, now she lives with him in a separate room, but the guy does not feel responsible for sex after the party and large doses of alcohol. On the forehead, Chaichits said that Sasha could not be pregnant, he was taking hormonal drugs to increase muscle mass and they kill sperm, in addition, he interrupted sexual intercourse. Sasha is worried, there is a possibility that she may be pregnant. Sheva explained that she did not talk about pregnancy, she was just worried, but if she was pregnant, she would give birth. Kadoni reminded Sasha that Sasha already has a child who does not have a father, now there will be a second one without a father. Kadoni told the participants that if the guys under the green snake sleep with the girls without contraception, then after a while she may be pregnant. Chaichits wants to raise children with the woman he loves, and he will help Sasha with money if she suddenly turns out to be pregnant. Sasha really likes Lesha, what to do with him, she does not know. Lesha replied that Sasha pushes him away from himself, speaks on intimate topics, pokes his finger at him. Denis Kovalev is ready to raise Alexandra's children.
Vlad Kadoni gave Darina the opportunity to listen to a recording of an interview with Zhenya Alaeva, a former participant in the project, to whom Nikita Kuznetsov went on dates outside the perimeter, being in a relationship with Darina. Kuznetsov explained to his girlfriend that Alaeva wanted to come to the project to him, he decided that he would not build a relationship with her, and stopped communicating. Nikita offered Zhenya to become friends, but this did not suit her. Kuznetsov lives with Darina for 6 months and no one is interested in him except Darina. Mayai and Masha conducted an investigation. Maya said that Liber told them about the crazy passion between Nikita and Zhenya, and Lukin told them that Nikita went to Zhenya while Darina was in the hospital. Masha added that Nikita will leave Darina when he wins an apartment, Zhenya does not want to interfere with Nikita, since he has been on the project for a long time and has not received anything from the project. Darina believes the guy, and Kuznetsov replied that he did not have a single day off with an overnight stay. Kadoni suggested that Nikita be tested on a polygraph, Darina would like this, but Nikita refused. The presenter decided to test Zakhar, Kucherov and Kuznetsov for loyalty to their halves.

Highlights of the day:

Zakhar is ready to raise a child and marry Lera if she is pregnant.
. Chaichits does not want to be with Sasha Sheva, but if she is pregnant, she will pay alimony.
. Nikita Kuznetsov refused to test on a polygraph.

In Moscow, an investigation into the causes of an accident that claimed the lives of four people continues. Recall: the accident on Sadovo-Sukharevskaya Street occurred on Wednesday, August 17. Actor Nikita Eshmanov was driving a Mercedes, which ran into the oncoming lane and collided head-on with a Hyundai car. His fiancee Ekaterina Biryukova and a friend, director Konstantin Kamyshanov, were traveling with him in the cabin. All died. Three survived in the second car: Pavel Zvir, his wife Natalya and Lyudmila Dolgopolova. Ludmila's husband passed away.

Relatives and friends of Nikita Emshanov are perplexed: where did the actor race on his birthday at 6.40 in the morning? Why jumped into the oncoming lane? The answers to these questions will be known after a detailed examination. So far - only versions.

Nikita and Kostya wrote the script at night. At 12, tests were scheduled for Yemshanov. I don’t know more, - the agent of the actor Anna Keorkova told Komsomolskaya Pravda.

On her Facebook page, Anya posted a childhood photo of Nikita and remembered an episode from her life:

This spring, Nikita really wanted to buy a motorcycle. Every day he called me and told me what kind of motorcycle he chose, how beautiful, beautiful, cool it is and how great it will be to drive it in the summer. Then he called and said that he was going to "test" this motorcycle ... To be honest, I didn’t really want him to buy it, but it was always useless to argue with him. An hour later, a completely joyful Nikita called: “Anchovy, I changed my mind about buying a motorcycle! I just rode it, it’s so fucking cool! And I realized that if I buy it, you will bury me this summer! ..”

Alas, the presentiment did not save Nikita Emshanov. Perhaps it was the high speed at which he raced along Sadovaya-Sukharevskaya that caused the tragedy.


Yesterday I was at the scene of an accident, - the elder sister of the deceased director Kostantin Kamyshanova, Zoya, is crying. - A man came up to me. He lives in the neighboring house number 13. In the morning he was driving to work and saw how it all happened. The Mercedes was flying at such a speed that it seemed that its wheels were not touching the asphalt,” he told me. And I remembered. When Nikita bought the car, for some reason he repeated: “There is not enough power in it. I would like more." Apparently, they experienced this power ...

On the evening before the accident, Nikita Emshanov was rehearsing the play. And at nine in the evening he planned to meet with Kostya. At this time, Konstantin Kamyshanov was walking around the center of Moscow with his sister.

We parted with Kostya at nine in the evening at the Tretyakovskaya metro station, ”Zoya continues. - Walked from the "Park Kultury". Recall joint projects. They spoke warmly. Then Kostya went to meet his friend Masha. “Let’s go home as soon as possible,” she asked him. I didn't know that Nikita had a birthday. At seven in the morning Kostya did not come. And at ten in the morning they called us from the morgue ... I saw the documents from the investigator. Judging by his condition, Kostya was sitting in the back. After the accident, he lived for a few more minutes. But does it save! Zoya cries. - Extensive traumatic brain injury, burns, a broken leg... Where were they going? Perhaps Nikita wanted to give Kostya a lift to the Sukharevskaya metro station. And then he would walk home on foot. He left his driving license at home that day. We were promised the results of the medical examination in a month. Then we will find out what was in their blood. If you knew how insulting! After all, Kostya was supposed to fly from Moscow on August 15 to shoot in Armenia. And at the last moment he changed the ticket for August 19th...

Farewell to Nikita Emshanov will take place today at 14.00 at the Center for Drama and Directing under the direction of Kazantsev and Roshchin. Nikita will be buried in St. Petersburg. Farewell to Konstantin Kamyshanov will take place on Saturday in Moscow. Place and time are yet to be confirmed.


This is how suicidal people drive.

Ernest Tsygankov, Director of the Center for Higher Driving Excellence:

Moscow is a rich city. People have the opportunity to buy expensive powerful cars that can accelerate to 200 km / h. Of course, they want to drive! Daytime congestion. Here they come off at every opportunity. However, most drivers do not have extreme driving skills. What were they taught in the course? Move off, make a "snake", park ... So it turns out that there is a car, but they don’t know how to drive at all! In addition, many return from clubs at night: who drank, who smoked ... The result - the roads are full of suicides. Then it goes like this: the driver drives at a speed of over a hundred, a collision occurs, the car skids. The driver has a so-called motor paralysis. From fear, he can do nothing for 1 - 2 seconds. He needs to overcome a skid, level the car, and the person is in a stupor. No one taught him how to act in an emergency! And often this second or two is enough for the car to crash somewhere else. The solution is simple: follow the rules. First of all, do not exceed the speed limit, do not run a red light, do not drive into the oncoming lane. Failure to comply with these three points most often leads to tragedies.

"Komsomolskaya Pravda" tried to answer important questions about the tragedy.

1. Did the birthday boy drink?

If Yemshanov had been very drunk, this would have already become known, since at the autopsy the experts would have smelled alcohol, - Georgy Sakharov, head of the forensic morgue No. 10 at the Botkin Hospital, explained to KP. - But since this did not happen, we will have to wait for the results of the chemical examination. The process of determining ppm takes literally half an hour. But since there is only one laboratory for the entire capital, and experts need to conduct many analyzes and draw up piles of documents, it takes from ten days to a month to receive an official conclusion from a forensic expert.

2. Did Emshanov have AMR plates on his car?

There were definitely no “cool” numbers on the Mercedes E 280. At the end of 2010, Nikita bought this car from a 40-year-old resident of Tula, and all this time the car had transit numbers - 71EO 6588. According to rumors, Nikita Emshanov loved to drive, only in Moscow he was fined at least six times for speeding. But officially in the traffic police this is not confirmed. By the way, despite the reckless ride, the dead were fastened.

The seat belt fasteners were severely deformed, and therefore did not come unfastened, - an eyewitness, who was one of the first to run up to the Mercedes, told KP. - Yes, and the airbags also worked, I saw fragments of them.

3. What happened to the driver of the Nissan?

"Komsomolskaya Pravda" managed to talk with Alexander Fedorchenko - it was after hitting his car that the Mercedes, which was driven by the actor, flew into the oncoming lane.

I was driving at a speed of about 70 kilometers per hour along the middle lane, 40-year-old Alexander recalls. - Literally ten seconds before the collision, I looked in the left mirror. There were no cars in the left lane. And suddenly - there was a sharp blow to the left rear side! I miraculously managed to keep the car on the road. When I stopped, I saw that the black Mercedes was already on fire.

The driver could not talk to the KP journalist for a long time, because he is still in severe shock. And a close friend of Alexander, by the way, a specialist in deciphering the causes of accidents (he will determine the speed of the object from the video), believes that the Merc was traveling at a speed of about 200 km / h!

I think the driver was in the so-called "sleep state". The person does not sleep, but his attention is scattered. This is what happens after fatigue. Before the collision with the Nissan, the actor “turned off” for some time. I woke up from the impact and tried to turn left, although before that I was racing in a straight line until the collision. This is noticeable in the video.

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Accident of actor Nikita Emshanov [surveillance camera footage]. On the evening before the accident, Nikita rehearsed the performance, and then went with Katya to a cafe. Elizaveta PCHELKINA, Artem BELOUSOV