
How the brain works (Stephen Pinker)

ISBN: 978-5-9950-0712-8
Format: PDF, Scanned pages
Pinker Steven
Release year: 2017
Genre: Psychology
Publisher: Kuchkovo Pole
Russian language
Number of pages: 672
Description: Steven Pinker, an eminent Canadian-American scientist specializing in experimental psychology and cognitive science, views human thinking from the perspective of evolutionary psychology and computational theory of consciousness. What makes us rational? And irrational? What angers us, pleases us, disgusts us, attracts us, inspires us? Is the brain like a computer or is the computer like a brain? Morality, religion, reason - how does a person understand this? The author offers answers to these and many other questions of the work of our thinking, illustrating them with scientific experiments, philosophical problems and examples from everyday life.
The book is written in an easy and accessible form and is intended for psychologists, anthropologists, specialists in the field of artificial intelligence, as well as anyone interested in these sciences.


How Yoga Works (Michael Roach, McNally Christie)

Author: Roach Michael, McNally Christie
Release year: 2014
Genre: Modern prose
Publisher: Do-it-yourself audiobook
Artist: Mikhail Ninin
Duration: 09:45:26
Description: Michael Roach is the first Westerner who lived twenty years in the harsh conditions of Tibetan monasteries and earned the title of Geshe, a kind of “doctoral degree” in Buddhism. Geshe Michael Roach is the world bestselling author of The Diamond Cutter and The Tibetan Book of Yoga. He has written more than thirty translations of ancient Buddhist texts. In How Yoga Works, Geshe Michael Roach et al.


How an electric locomotive works and works (Sidorov N.I., Sidorova N.N.)

ISBN: 5-277-00191-3

Author: Sidorov N.I., Sidorova N.N.
Released: 1988
Genre: Technical literature
Publisher: Transizdat
Russian language
Number of pages: 223
Description: The book describes in an accessible form for the reader the structure and operation of electric locomotives operated on the railways of the USSR. The basic concepts of electrical circuit diagrams of electric locomotives, the principles of their reading are given. Brief information about the organization of the operation of electric locomotives, the construction of traction substations and the contact network is given.


Vertical. How Putin's system works (Kungurov A.A.)

ISBN: 978-5-4438-0028-8
Series: Power in TNT equivalent
Format: FB2, OCR without errors
Author: Kungurov A.A.
Release year: 2012
Genre: journalism
Publisher: Algorithm
Russian language
Number of pages: 240
Description: Aleksey Anatolyevich Kungurov is a political strategist and journalist, author of the well-known books "There was no Kievan Rus", "Will there be a revolution in Russia?", "The Sobyanin Phenomenon" and others. In the book presented to your attention, Aleksey Kungurov explores the "vertical of Vladimir Putin", that is, the system of power created in Russia in the last ten years, how it works, how effective it is, does it have ...


How everything works. The laws of physics in our lives (Louis A. Bloomfield)

ISBN: 978-5-17-085430-1
Series: Polytechnic University, Dmitry Zimin's Book Projects
Format: PDF, Scanned pages
Author: Louis A. Bloomfield
Release year: 2016
Genre: Educational literature
Publisher: CORPUS
Russian language
Number of pages: 705
Description: University of Virginia professor Louis Bloomfield's book explains in a fascinating and understandable way why light bulbs burn, laundry detergent removes dirt, planes fly, iPods play music, and kitchen knives don't break. After reading it, you will never put a metal bowl in the microwave and will not paint in artificial light if ...


How yoga works. Healing and Self-Healing with the Yoga Sutras (Geshe Michael Roach, Christy Michael McNally)

ISBN: 5-9689-0051-2
Format: FB2, eBook (originally computer)
Author: Geshe Michael Roach, Christy Michael McNally
Release year: 2006
Genre: Self Improvement
Publisher: Gayatri
Russian language
Number of pages: 272
Description: Michael Roach is the first Westerner who lived twenty years in the harsh conditions of Tibetan monasteries and earned the title of Geshe, a kind of “doctoral degree” in Buddhism. Geshe Michael Roach is the world bestselling author of The Diamond Cutter and The Tibetan Book of Yoga. He has written more than thirty translations of ancient Buddhist texts. In How Yoga Works, Geshe Michael...


How to develop mental abilities, memory and attention. Make your brain work 100% (Gamon D., Bregdon A.D.)

ISBN: 978-966-14-0525-6
Format: DjVu, Scanned pages
Author: Gamon D., Bregdon A. D.
Release year: 2009
Genre: Psychology
Publisher: Book Club "Family Leisure Club"
Russian language
Number of pages: 318
Description: The book is devoted to the problems that concern everyone: how to maintain a clear mind and a good memory throughout life? Citing data from the latest research in the field of neurobiology and medicine, the authors talk about the mechanisms of thinking and memory, and also demonstrate their features with the help of interesting tests and tasks. A lot of valuable recommendations will help readers to effectively...


Rudiger Dahlke. "Illness as a Path" "Illness as the language of the soul." Crisis as a chance to start living better

"Illness as a Path" All diseases have a deep meaning: they convey the most valuable messages of the psyche. Psychologist Thorvald Detlefsen and physician Rudiger Dahlke help us understand what infectious diseases, headaches, accidents, heart attacks and stomach cramps, as well as cancer and AIDS testify to. If you become aware of the picture of your own illness, you can find a new, direct path to yourself.
Release year: 2004
Number of pages: 297 PDF format "Illness as the language of the soul". Rejecting the principles of functional medicine. Dalke considers the human body "from top to bottom", from hair to fifth...


Kennedy's brain (Henning Mankell)

Author: Henning Mankell
Release year: 2010
Genre: Detective
Publisher: You can't buy anywhere
Artist: Irina Erisanova
Duration: 10:50:00
Description: Archaeologist Louise Kantor returns to Stockholm from excavations in Greece. Not getting through to her son, she goes to his house and finds him dead. Everything points to suicide, but Luisa and her ex-husband Aron are sure that Henrik is murdered. The search leads Louise to a forbidden world where cynical businessmen in search of profit conduct experiments on people infected with AIDS. Louise soon realizes that, like Henrik, she is risking her life. For those, ...


Irrational brain (Anton Malyutin)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 96 kbps
Author: Malyutin Anton
Release year: 2014
Genre: scientific and educational literature
Publisher: You can't buy anywhere
Artist: Brotskaya Leontina
Duration: 10:19:23
Description: Irrational brain. Why do we think one thing and do another. The brain is nature's greatest mystery. Science does not know much about it, and its study is greatly complicated by the irrationality of the brain. It doesn't work the way it should from a common sense point of view. Our brain can safely be called strange, it presented so many unexpected surprises to researchers. “In other cases, the brain is forced to turn off ...


Kennedy's brain (Mankell Henning)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 64kbps
Author: Mankell Henning
Release year: 2013
Genre: thriller
Publisher: You can't buy anywhere
Artist: Makarenko Natalia
Duration: 11:22:28
Description: Archaeologist Louise Kantor returns to Stockholm from excavations in Greece. Not getting through to her son, she goes to his house and finds him dead. Everything points to suicide, but Luisa and her ex-husband Aron are sure that Henrik is murdered. The search leads Louise to a forbidden world where cynical businessmen in search of profit conduct experiments on people infected with AIDS. Louise soon realizes that, like Henrik, she is risking her life. For those...


As I know, as I remember, as I can (Tatyana Lugovskaya)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 96kbps
Author: Lugovskaya Tatyana
Release year: 2014
Genre: Prose
Publisher: You can't buy anywhere
Artist: Repina Svetlana
Duration: 13:56:30
Description: Have you noticed that the good does not tolerate weakened quality? You can be mean, impudent, rogue, but good-natured, honest - it's not possible at all. Tatyana Lugovskaya is one of those who, by definition, cannot tolerate the suffix -ovat. You don’t want to work badly, but you can’t work well. It remains only to work well. Artist. The sister of that V. Lugovsky, who in the school anthology "So, the song about the ve...


Brain. Feedback (Mark Hyman)

ISBN: 978-5-699-44331-4
Format: PDF, DjVu, Scanned pages
Author: Mark Hyman
Translator: Yulia Ryabinina
Release year: 2011
Genre: Popular and alternative medicine
Publisher: Eksmo
Series: Psychology. Brainstorm
Russian language
Number of pages: 592
Description: Dr. Mark Hyman, M.D. discovered that the cause of diseases of the XXI century - from depression to Alzheimer's disease - intoxication and malnutrition. Therefore, instead of drugs and psychotherapy, he successfully treats these diseases with specially designed diets and exercises. In his book, Mark Hyman talks about his personal experience of healing...


Brain, psyche, health (Feigenberg I.M.)

Format: DjVu, Scanned pages + OCR layer
Series: Problems of modern science and scientific and technological progress
Author: Feigenberg I.M.
Released: 1972
Genre: Psychology
Publisher: Nauka
Russian language
Number of pages: 115
Description: The book of Professor I.M. Feigenberg in a popular form introduces the reader to various aspects of human mental activity. Particular attention is paid to probabilistic forecasting - the mental ability of the brain, the study of which is the main topic of the author's research work. The book covers some issues of psychophysiology...


Turn on your brain (Leef Caroline)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 192kbps
Author: Leaf Caroline
Release year: 2016
Genre: Psychology
Publisher: Bright Books
Artist: Igor Kozlov
Duration: 05:21:45
Description: The overwhelming number of diseases that torment us today are the result of our wrong thinking. What we think literally affects our mental and physical health. An epidemic of chaotic thinking has hit today's culture. And the main danger of disordered thoughts is that they create the most fertile ground for any disease. Dr. Caroline Leaf's recommendations are based on scientific...


Pump your brain! (Robert Grisbeck, Maximilian Teicher)

ISBN: 978-985-15-2737-9, 978-3-593-38524-2, 978-985-15-2579-5
Format: PDF, FB2, eBook (originally computer)
Authors: Robert Griesbeck, Maximilian Teicher
Translator: Sergey Borich
Release year: 2015
Genre: Psychology
Publisher: Potpourri
Russian language
Number of pages: 224
Description: No science has attracted such public interest in recent years as the study of the brain. We are beginning to better understand how our brain works, how it assimilates, classifies and accumulates information. But one discovery may especially please everyone: the brain does not age! And thus, common stereotypes about ...

The book by Steven Pinker, an eminent scientist specializing in experimental psychology and cognitive science, examines in a fascinating and accessible form what factors affect the human mind, how the intelligence of an adult is formed and how it differs from children's, how human thinking differs from the thinking of animals in general and primates in particular, features of artificial intelligence.

Pinker supports the idea of ​​a complex human nature, consisting of many adaptive abilities of the mind. He believes that human consciousness works in part through combinatorial symbol manipulation.

The work belongs to the genre Foreign psychology. It was published in 1997 by the publishing house Kuchkovo Pole. On our site you can download the book "How the brain works" in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format or read online. Here, before reading, you can also refer to the reviews of readers who are already familiar with the book, and find out their opinion. In the online store of our partner you can buy and read the book in paper form.

The book HOW THE BRAIN WORKS pdf by Steven Pinker, an outstanding scientist specializing in experimental psychology and cognitive sciences, examines in a fascinating and accessible form what factors affect the human mind, how the intelligence of an adult is formed and how it differs from a child's, how human thinking differs from thinking of animals in general and primates in particular, features of artificial intelligence.

Pinker supports the idea of ​​a complex human nature, consisting of many adaptive abilities of the mind. He believes that human consciousness works in part through combinatorial symbol manipulation.

Any book with such a title - "How the Brain Works" - must certainly begin with an explanation, and I will start with two at once. First, we know nothing about how the brain works - we do not know even a hundredth of what we know about the work of the body, and even more so our knowledge is not enough to create a utopia or cure misfortune. Why, then, did I choose such an ambitious name? The linguist Noam Chomsky once said that our ignorance can be divided into problems and mysteries.

If we encounter a problem, we may not know the solution, but we have intuitions, incremental knowledge, and at least a rough idea of ​​what we are looking for. But when we are faced with a mystery, we can only look at it in amazement and bewilderment, not even imagining what its explanation might be. I wrote this book because dozens of mysteries of our thinking - from mental images to romantic love - have recently been relegated to the category of problems (although it must be said that some mysteries remain secrets!).

It is likely that every one of the ideas in this book will be wrong, but this will be progress, because our old ideas were too commonplace to be wrong. Secondly, the little that we still know about the work of our brain was not discovered by me. Few of the ideas in this book are mine. From a range of disciplines, I have selected theories that I feel give us a new way of understanding our thoughts and feelings; theories that correspond to the facts, allow the prediction of new facts, and at the same time are consistent in content and style of presentation.

My goal was to weave these theories into a single canvas, using two larger theories (also not mine): the computational theory of consciousness and the theory of natural selection of replicators ....

Standard equipment

  • How to make a robot
  • Reverse engineering of the soul
  • Psychological correctness
  • thinking machines
  • Looking for signs of intelligent life in the universe
  • natural computing
  • current champion
  • Will machines replace us?
  • connectoplasma
  • Aladdin's lamp
  • Revenge of the nerds
  • Tighten your twists!
  • life designer
  • Blind programmer
  • instinct and intellect
  • cognitive niche
  • Why us?
  • Our relatives from the Stone Age
  • What's next?
  • mind's eye
  • Deep gaze
  • Light, shadow and form
  • two and a half dimensions
  • reference systems
  • Animal shaped cookies
  • Just imagine!
  • good ideas
  • Environmental intelligence
  • boxes
  • Required Program
  • Trivium
  • Metaphorical thinking
  • Eureka!
  • Hot heads
  • All-encompassing passion
  • sentient machines
  • suburban savannah
  • Food for thought
  • The smell of fear
  • Happiness treadmill
  • Sirens singing
  • Me and you
  • doomsday machine
  • Trapped in love
  • Community of Feelings
  • self-deception
  • Family values
  • Relatives
  • Fathers and Sons
  • Brothers and sisters
  • Men and women
  • Husbands and wives
  • Rivals
  • Friends and acquaintances
  • Allies and Enemies
  • Humanity
  • Meaning of life
  • Arts and Entertainment
  • What's so funny?
  • Inquisitive minds in search of the unattainable

Copyright holders of media materials

The book by Steven Pinker, an eminent scientist specializing in experimental psychology and cognitive science, examines in a fascinating and accessible form what factors affect the human mind, how the intelligence of an adult is formed and how it differs from children's, how human thinking differs from the thinking of animals in general and primates in particular, features of artificial intelligence.
Pinker supports the idea of ​​a complex human nature, consisting of many adaptive abilities of the mind. He believes that human consciousness works in part through combinatorial symbol manipulation.

Reverse engineering of the soul.
The complex organization of thought is the central theme of this book. Its main idea can be expressed as follows: thinking is a system of calculation organs formed as a result of natural selection to solve various problems that our ancestors faced in the process of obtaining food; in particular, tasks related to understanding the essence of objects, animals, plants and other people and learning how to use them for their own purposes. Several statements can be deduced from this brief summary. Thinking is the result of brain activity; more precisely, the brain processes information, and thinking is a kind of computational process. Thinking includes a number of modules, that is, organs of thinking; each of them is distinguished by a unique organization that makes him an expert in one area of ​​interaction with the world. The basic logic of the modules activity is predetermined by our genetic setting. The principles of their work were shaped by natural selection so that people could solve the problems that our ancestors faced, the predominant part of our evolutionary history was engaged in hunting and gathering. The various problems that our ancestors solved were intermediate tasks of one big problem facing our genes: to maximize the number of copies of a species that can survive to the next generation.

Standard equipment.
How to make a robot.
Reverse engineering of the soul.
psychological correctness.
Thinking machines.
In search of signs of intelligent life in the universe.
Natural Computing.
current champion.
Will machines replace us?
Aladdin's lamp.
Revenge of the wise men.
Tighten your twists!
Life designer.
Blind programmer.
instinct and intellect.
cognitive niche.
Why us?
Our relatives from the Stone Age.
What's next?
Mind's eye.
Deep gaze.
Light, shadow and form.
Two and a half dimensions.
Reference systems.
Cookies in the form of animals.
Just imagine!
Good ideas.
Ecological intelligence.
Mandatory program.
metaphorical thinking.
Hot heads.
All-encompassing passion.
Feeling machines.
Suburban savannah.
Food for thought.
The smell of fear.
The treadmill of happiness.
Sirens singing.
Me and you.
Doomsday Machine.
Trapped in love.
Community of feelings.
Family values.
Fathers and Sons.
Brothers and sisters.
Men and women.
Husbands and wives.
Friends and acquaintances.
Allies and Enemies.
Meaning of life.
Arts and entertainment.
What's so funny?
Inquisitive minds in search of the unattainable.
Copyright holders of media materials.

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