The ICAO Secretariat informed about the intention to use the materials of the work of these committees and groups to form the position of ICAO in determining the rules, procedures and requirements for the safe integration of UAVs into the infrastructure of a single airspace.

It is believed that the requirements for the operation of UAVs in the general airspace should be based on the following basic principles:

    there should be no restrictions on UAV access to a single airspace;

    the safety of flights of users of a single airspace and the safety of the population at a level that meets the requirements for the safety of aircraft flights should be ensured;

    there should be no requirements for retrofitting the aircraft with additional systems in order to be compatible with UAVs;

    UAVs must have a system that allows you to reliably track and avoid potential conflict situations with the aircraft;

    UAV flights should be carried out according to the same rules as for aircraft.

To implement these principles, it is planned to solve a number of tasks:

    Determine procedures for the safe operation of UAVs.

    Establish requirements that determine the procedure for using UAV airspace.

    Develop a methodology for resolving PMS between UAVs and aircraft in common airspace.

A number of countries have begun to solve the above tasks, France, Italy, Germany and Sweden are developing their national programs to ensure the safety of UAV flights.

So far, only the United States and Canada have introduced into the practice of ATC the implementation of international flights of civil UAVs over the high seas in the area of ​​responsibility of the state or outside the airspace reserved for UAVs. These include: meteorological research, aerial photography, filming, geophysical observations.

According to the above principles, it follows that from the point of view of air traffic management (ATM), UAVs should be controlled in the same way as any other aircraft. In principle, the air traffic controller should not be interested in which ship he is observing. Therefore, the UAV navigation and control system must comply with international requirements applicable to manned aircraft.

1.2 Classification of unmanned aerial vehicles.

One of the most important is the issue of UAV classification. The main classification features are:



    target (reconnaissance, observation, transport).

          Multiplicity of application:



          UAV launch method:

    airfield start;

    non-aerodrome start (start from a ramp, platform, carrier launcher).

          Return method:

    with landing at the home airfield using the landing gear;

    free descent by parachute in a given area;

    fall on the trap;

    parachute return.

          Application area:

    short-range - up to 25 km;

    short range - up to 100 km;

    medium range - up to 500 km;

    long range - more than 500 km.

          UAV takeoff weight:

    up to 5 kg (micro class);

    up to 25 kg (small class);

    25-150 kg (light class);

    150-750 kg (middle class);

    750 - 15000 kg (heavy class).

          UAV type:

    aircraft scheme;

    helicopter scheme;

    missile launch;

    with lifting fan.

Table 1 below shows the international classification of UAVs.

Table 1.1 UAV classification.


International designation

Takeoff weight, kg

Range, km

Practical ceiling

Short range Class 1

Short range class 2

Short Range/SR

Medium range/MR

Medium-range long-duration/ MRE

Low Altitude Long Range/LADP

Low Altitude Long Flight Duration/LALE

Mid-altitude long-duration/MALE

High Altitude Long Flight/HALE

Also generally recognized in aviation is the classification system for dividing UAVs into classes. There are UAV classes:

    Class 1. UAV aircraft type with a takeoff weight of up to 10 kg with an electric motor. They can be used as a means of operational surveillance as part of stationary guard posts or mobile groups.

    Class 2. UAV aircraft type with a takeoff weight of up to 100 kg with an internal combustion engine. They can be used as a means of operational surveillance.

    Class 3. Aircraft-type UAVs with a take-off weight of up to 1000 kg can be used both for the chemical treatment of large areas and for the operational transportation of goods.

    Class 4. UAV helicopter type. They are of interest for monitoring objects.

For both aircraft and UAVs, such a characteristic as payload is especially important. To perform the tasks of remote sensing and determine the coordinates of the studied areas of the terrain, the payload of the UAV should include the following equipment:

    Devices for obtaining specific information;

    Satellite navigation system (GLONASS/GPS);

    Radio link devices for visual and telemetric information;

    Devices of the command and navigation radio link with an antenna-feeder device;

    Command information exchange device;

    Information exchange device;

    On-board digital computer;

    View information storage device.

The main disadvantage of the existing UAV classification system is that it does not take into account the characteristics of the ground infrastructure: control center, life support system, transportation and pre-flight preparation, launch and landing sites, as well as the presence of a network of ground stations and their ground communication lines.

It is obvious that not all UAVs, due to payload, flight range and flight altitude limitations, are able to use the above standard equipment to perform their functional tasks, UAV control and navigation tasks. Therefore, it makes sense to consider UAV classes and select UAVs that could currently operate at high latitudes.

Based on the above, the following classification of UAVs is proposed:

    Payload class 1 UAVs do not meet the requirements for the installation of UAV navigation and control equipment. In practice, these are radio-controlled UAVs. In this regard, they can only be operated in the allocated airspace.

    Class 2 UAVs with a payload of 100-120 kg comply with the requirements for the installation of UAV navigation and control equipment. The flight range and altitude ensure the fulfillment of the main tasks assigned to UAVs in the civilian sector of the economy.

    Class 3 UAVs with a payload of 150-200 kg meet the requirements for the installation of UAV navigation and control equipment, as well as additional equipment. The flight range ensures the fulfillment of the main tasks, but a developed structure of ground stations for observation, control and communication is required, which is not available at high latitudes.

Thus, the paper deals with the issues of ensuring flight safety in the general airspace of class 2 UAVs: takeoff weight 500-600 kg, payload 100-120 kg, cruising speed 130-150 km/h, with a flight range equal to direct radio visibility. And also considered the prospects for creating infrastructure at high latitudes for the use of class 3 UAVs.

The book is mainly of a reference and fact-finding nature and is written based on the results of reviews and analysis of numerous literary and Internet sources. It introduces the reader to the current terminology and classification in the field of unmanned aircraft, current trends in the production of unmanned aerial vehicles, as well as the state of the market for unmanned aircraft systems. Classification UVS International

In addition to the flight principle, a large number of objective criteria can be used to classify a UAV: ​​takeoff weight, range, flight altitude and duration, vehicle dimensions, etc. .

The International Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI, until 2004 it was called the European Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems - EURO UVS) proposed a universal UAV classification that combines many of these criteria. In table. 1.4 shows this classification with English equivalents of categories and abbreviations.

Table 1.4 Universal classification of UAVs by flight parameters
Group Category Takeoff weight, kg Flight range, km Flight altitude, m Flight duration, h
Russian English
Small UAVs Nano-UAVs Nano < 0,025 < 1 100 1
Micro-UAV Micro(?) <5 < 10 250 1
Mini UAV Mini 5-150* < 10 150-300* <2
Tactical Lightweight UAVs to control the front line of defense Close Range (CR) 25-150 10-30 3000 2-4
Light UAVs with a short range Short Range (SR) 50-250 30-70 3000 3-6
Medium UAVs Medium Range (MR) 150-500 70-200 5000 6-10
Medium UAVs with long flight duration Medium Range Endurance (MRE) 500-1500 >500 8000 10-18
Low-altitude UAVs for penetrating into the depths of enemy defenses Low Altitude Deep Penetration (LADP) 250-2500 >250 50-9000 0,5-1

Continuation of table 1.4

Group Category Takeoff weight, kg Flight range, km Flight altitude, m Flight duration, h
Russian English
Tactical Low-altitude UAVs with long flight duration Low Altitude Long Endurance (LALE) 15-25 >500 3000 >24
Medium-altitude UAVs with long flight duration Medium Altitude Long Endurance (MALE) 1000-1500 >500 5000-8000 24-48
Strategic High-altitude UAVs with long flight duration High Altitude Long Endurance (HALE) 2500-5000 >2000 20000 24-48
Combat (shock) UAVs Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicles (UCAV) >1000 1500 12000 2
special purpose UAVs equipped with a warhead (lethal action) Lethal (LET) (Offensive) 300 4000 3-4
UAV - decoys Decoys (DEC) 150-500 0-500 50-5000 <4
Stratospheric UAVs Stratospheric (STRA) >2500 >2000 >20000 >48
Exostratospheric UAVs Exo-stratospheric (EXO) - - > 30500 -
* - depends on the restrictions adopted in a particular country

This classification applies to both existing and prospective UAVs under development. Basically, this classification was formed by 2000, but since then it has been revised many times. Even now it cannot be considered established. In addition, many special types of devices with non-standard combinations of parameters are difficult to attribute to any particular class. In some versions of this classification, the military-specific classes UCAV, Lethal and Decoys are classified as a separate group of UAVs. There is also a tendency, due to the rapidly growing number of civilian applications of UAVs, not to categorize UAVs at all into strategic and tactical ones.

On fig. 1.68 shows examples of UAVs belonging to the Mini and Micro categories. In the examples, the country and the manufacturer and model of the device are indicated. In these categories, there are devices with a variety of flight principles: aircraft, helicopter types, with flexible and flapping wings, aerostatic. In the Mini category, a special subgroup is made up of aerostatic UAVs (Mini - Lighter-than-Air), because formally, their mass usually does not exceed 150 kg, but in terms of volume they stand out sharply from the rest. The Nano-UAV category has appeared in recent years in connection with the success of creating ultra-light (‹ 25 g) devices (including insect-like ones - entomopters).

Close Range and Short Range UAVs are very numerous (Fig. 1.69). Typical Applications - Artillery reconnaissance and spotting, radio jamming For aircraft in this category, catapult launch is the usual launch method.

The MR (Medium Range) UAV category is represented by aircraft, helicopter types or their hybrids (Fig. 1.70). In addition to monitoring tasks, they are often assigned the tasks of relaying radio signals to provide communication between ground and air objects within a radius of about 200 km.

They are distinguished from the vehicles of the previous group by a more powerful power plant, improved aerodynamic characteristics and a more complex control system.

In the MRE category (Fig. 1.71), helicopter-type vehicles are already rare - it is represented mainly by unmanned aircraft. Their feature, as a rule, is the special aerodynamic design parameters that contribute to the economy of the flight.

A distinctive feature of the LADP UAV category (Fig. 1.72) is the high speed of vehicles designed to quickly penetrate deep into enemy territory. The main functions are reconnaissance and target designation. Jet engines are used as power plants.

The devices of the LALE group (Fig. 1.73) are designed for long-term flights for the purpose of reconnaissance, video filming, meteorological and environmental observations. The flight speed is about 100-150 km/h. They are distinguished by their low weight and economical power plant.

UAVs from the MALE category (Fig. 1.74) occupy an intermediate position between tactical and strategic UAVs. Usually these are multi-purpose devices. In addition to the usual functions of reconnaissance, surveillance, targeting, radio repeaters, they can carry weapons on board (usually in the form of high-precision missiles), and perform transport tasks (dropping or receiving cargo at a specified location).

UAVs of the HALE class (Fig. 1.75) are designed to perform strategic tasks. The most famous in this category is the American Global Hawk. As a rule, such UAVs combine reconnaissance and strike functions. All phases of the flight (including takeoff and landing on the runway) they can perform in automatic mode. Non-military HALE devices perform the functions of observation, photography, signal relaying and atmospheric monitoring. To ensure a long duration of flights and the efficiency of the apparatus, a power plant is often implemented as an electrical system based on electric motors, batteries, and solar panels.

In addition to HALE, UAVs of the UCAV (Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle) class are also classified as strategic (Fig. 1.76). In Russia, UAVs of this class are called unmanned combat aircraft (UBS). BBS is a strike and reconnaissance UAV, which is an unmanned reconnaissance aircraft capable of simultaneously conducting reconnaissance, searching for targets and defeating them.

To do this, the device carries high-precision strike weapons. Typical examples of such machines are the American devices Predator MQ-1B and Reaper MQ-9. BBS is already a real combat unit. In fact, it is an unmanned fighter or attack aircraft. It is no coincidence that such aircraft were proposed to be made on the basis of serial manned aircraft, in particular, Lockheed Martin F-16 fighters or Fairchild A-10 attack aircraft. Currently, in Russia and abroad, work is underway on a number of projects of BBS and their demonstration prototypes. So in Russia, work has begun on the creation of a BBS, the basis for which will be the new fifth-generation fighter PAK-FA T-50.

Modern BBS, in addition to missile weapons, are distinguished by the presence of complex radio navigation systems, radars (usually based on AFAR - active phased antenna arrays), highly efficient means of observation and data transmission. The "stealth" technology, which is used in new-generation manned fighters and ensures the aircraft's invisibility to enemy radars, is also used in ABS, but to a very limited extent. Their survivability is ensured by simpler methods - small size, appropriate layout, low noise level and camouflage coloring. Many BBS models are designed for deck-based.

The highly specialized categories of Lethal and Decoys are exclusively for military applications. Sometimes they are not included in the classification, placing aircraft models in the categories described above in accordance with their take-off weight and flight parameters.

Lethal-class UAVs combine the functions of a reconnaissance UAV and a homing bomb or missile. If necessary, the device is sent to the selected object and destroys it. There are special modifications for different purposes: anti-tank, anti-radar, anti-ship, etc. The launch of such devices can be carried out both from the ground and from a ship or aircraft (usually using a catapult or jet booster).

UAVs of the Decoys category are flying targets designed to disorient enemy offensive weapons, perform distracting maneuvers in order to assess the reaction of the enemy, as well as to train their personnel and test aircraft, missiles and electronic equipment.

The categories of stratospheric (Strato) and super-stratospheric (Exo Strato) devices are not yet manufactured, but developed devices. Their purpose is long-term (including continuous) observation of the earth's surface and the state of the atmosphere, relaying signals. In some areas of application, such UAVs will apparently be able to compete with orbital spacecraft, and in some projects their joint use is expected.

The number of UAV developments existing in the world is very unevenly distributed among these categories. According to the data, it looks like this (Fig. 1.77).

As can be seen from the diagram, the leader in the number of developments is the Mini category. This is quite understandable, because. rapid progress in this class of devices is due to the coincidence of several favorable factors at once. Firstly, it is the relative simplicity of their operation and availability (including cost) for a large number of end users. Secondly, these devices are suitable for performing a wide variety of tasks, not only in the military field, but also in civilian ones, and it is the demand for civilian devices that has mainly stimulated their development in recent years. And thirdly, in the last decade, all the necessary conditions have matured for the development and start of production of just such devices - relatively small in weight and dimensions, but capable of performing quite serious tasks. Among such mature prerequisites are: achievements in the field of microsystem technology (in particular, the emergence of microminiature gyroscopes and accelerometers), the widespread introduction of global positioning systems (such as GPS), the emergence of other necessary elements for completing mini-UAVs: effective video cameras, brushless electric motors and related drivers, energy-intensive lithium-polymer batteries, etc.

Military drones can be distinguished by a number of features. Classification options are shown below.

By type of management

Autonomous, not requiring human operator control

Remote controlled by a human operator

Combined (capable of continuing to function optimally in the event of a temporary loss of communication with the operator).

By range

ultra short range - tens of meters

short range - line of sight, units or tens of kilometers

medium range - hundreds of kilometers

long range - from several hundred to several thousand kilometers of non-stop flights

Working heights

for operation at ultra-low altitudes (up to tens of meters)

for work at low altitudes (up to hundreds of meters)

for work at medium altitudes (then 10 km)

for work at high altitudes (over 10 km)

By flight duration

ultra-small - units of minutes

small - tens of minutes

average - several hours

long - up to several tens of hours

ultra-long - tens of days of non-stop flight

By type of start

ground launch

using runway,

from a catapult

with vertical takeoff

from the springboard

air launch

without returning to the parent aircraft

with return to mother aircraft


copters (multicopters)


imitating birds

imitating insects

By visibility for radar

subtle (invisible)

By the security of the communication/control channel



By size

ultra-small type (up to 1 kg)

small type (up to 4 kg),

medium type (tens of kilograms to several hundred kilograms),

large (from several hundred kg to several tons)

By appointment


with the ability to use lethal weapons, such as missiles, from the board

which are lethal weapons, as loitering ammunition


universal, with the combination of several functions

By ability for group actions, actions as part of an organized group

for individual use

for use as part of a small group (of the same type or different types of drones)

for use as part of a group of several dozen drones

Modern technologies in the field of detection and development of fires are developing very rapidly today. The latest developments can surprise not only with their appearance, for example, in the field of extinguishing and eliminating the consequences of natural disasters, today robotic equipment is used.

In our article, we will tell you about another fundamentally new technology that is being actively introduced and used in the modern world.

Methodological plan summary on the DOWNLOAD button

Unmanned aircraft can be widely used to solve special problems when the use of manned aircraft is impossible or economically unprofitable:

  • inspection of hard-to-reach sections of the border,
  • observation of various areas of land and water surface,
  • determination of the consequences of natural disasters and catastrophes,
  • detection of outbreaks, performance of search and other works.

The use of UAVs allows remotely, without human intervention and without exposing him to danger, to monitor the situation in fairly large areas in hard-to-reach areas at relative cheapness.


According to the principle of flight, all UAVs can be divided into 5 groups (the first 4 groups belong to aerodynamic type devices):

  • with a rigid wing (aircraft-type UAV);
  • with a flexible wing;
  • with a rotating wing (helicopter-type UAV);
  • with a flapping wing;
  • aerostatic.

In addition to the UAVs of the five groups listed, there are also various hybrid subclasses of vehicles, which, according to their flight principle, are difficult to unambiguously attribute to any of the listed groups. There are especially many such UAVs that combine the qualities of aircraft and helicopter types.

Rigid wing (aircraft type)

This type of craft is also known as a rigid wing UAV. The lift force of these vehicles is created aerodynamically due to the pressure of air flowing onto the fixed wing. As a rule, devices of this type are distinguished by a long flight duration, a large maximum flight altitude and high speed.

There is a wide variety of subtypes of aircraft-type UAVs, differing in the shape of the wing and fuselage. Almost all aircraft layouts and fuselage types that are found in manned aviation are also applicable to unmanned aircraft.

with flexible wing

These are cheap and economical aircraft of an aerodynamic type, in which not a rigid, but a flexible (soft) structure is used as a carrier wing, made of fabric, an elastic polymer material or an elastic composite material with the property of reversible deformation. In this class of UAVs, unmanned motorized paragliders, hang gliders and UAVs with an elastically deformable wing can be distinguished.

An unmanned motorized paraglider is a device based on a controlled parachute-wing, equipped with a motorized cart with a propeller for autonomous takeoff and independent flight. The wing is usually rectangular or elliptical in shape. The wing can be soft, have a rigid or inflatable frame. The disadvantage of unmanned motorized paragliders is the difficulty of controlling them, since the navigation sensors do not have a rigid connection with the wing. Restriction on their use also has an obvious dependence on weather conditions.

Rotary wing (helicopter type)

This type of aircraft is also known as a rotating wing UAV. Often they are also called vertical takeoff and landing UAVs. The latter is not entirely correct, since in the general case, UAVs with a fixed one can also have vertical takeoff and landing.

The lifting force for vehicles of this type is also created aerodynamically, but not due to the wings, but due to the rotating blades of the main rotor (propellers). Wings are either absent altogether or play a supporting role. The obvious advantages of helicopter-type UAVs are the ability to hover at a point and high maneuverability, so they are often used as aerial robots.

With a flapping wing

UAVs with a flapping wing are based on the bionic principle - copying the movements created in flight by flying living objects - birds and insects. Although there are no mass-produced devices in this class of UAVs yet and they do not yet have practical applications, intensive research is being carried out in this area all over the world. In recent years, a large number of different interesting concepts of small flapping wing UAVs have appeared.

The main advantages that birds and flying insects have over existing types of aircraft are their energy efficiency and maneuverability. Apparatus based on imitation of the movements of birds are called ornithopters, and apparatuses in which the movements of flying insects are copied are called entomopters.


Aerostatic-type UAVs are a special class of UAVs in which the lift force is generated primarily by the Archimedean force acting on a balloon filled with a light gas (usually helium). This class is represented mainly by unmanned airships.

An airship is a lighter-than-air aircraft, which is a combination of a balloon with a propeller (usually a propeller (propeller, impeller) with an electric motor or internal combustion engine) and an attitude control system. By design, airships are divided into three main types: soft, semi-rigid and rigid. In soft and semi-rigid airships, the shell for the carrier gas is soft, which acquires the required shape only after the carrier gas is injected into it under a certain pressure.

In soft-type airships, the invariability of the external shape is achieved by the excess pressure of the carrier gas, which is constantly maintained by ballonets - soft containers located inside the shell, into which air is injected. The ballonets, in addition, serve to regulate the lift force and control the pitch angle (differential pumping / pumping of air into the ballonets leads to a change in the center of gravity of the device).

Semi-rigid airships are distinguished by the presence of a rigid (in most cases for the entire length of the shell) truss in the lower part of the shell. In rigid airships, the invariability of the external shape is ensured by a rigid frame covered with fabric, and the gas is inside the rigid frame in gas-tight cylinders. Rigid unmanned airships are practically not used yet.


Some classes of foreign classification are absent in the Russian Federation, light UAVs in Russia have a much longer range, etc. According to the Russian classification, which is focused mainly on the military purpose of the vehicles.

UAVs can be systematized as follows:

  1. Short-range micro- and mini-UAV - take-off weight up to 5 kg, range up to 25-40 km;
  2. Light short-range UAVs - take-off weight 5-50 kg, range 10-70 km;
  3. Light medium-range UAVs - take-off weight 50-100 kg, range 70-150 (250) km;
  4. Medium UAVs - take-off weight 100-300 kg, range 150-1000 km;
  5. Medium-heavy UAVs - take-off weight 300-500 kg, range 70-300 km;
  6. Heavy medium-range UAVs - take-off weight over 500 kg, range 70-300 km;
  7. Heavy UAVs of long flight duration - take-off weight of more than 1500 kg, range of about 1500 km;
  8. Unmanned combat aircraft - takeoff weight of more than 500 kg, range of about 1500 km.

Applied UAVs

Granad VA-1000

ZALA 421-16E

For the technical equipment of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia with unmanned aerial vehicles, Russian enterprises have developed several options, consider some of them:

This is a long-range unmanned aircraft (Fig. 1.) with an automatic control system (autopilot), a navigation system with inertial correction (GPS / GLONASS), a built-in digital telemetry system, navigation lights, a built-in three-axis magnetometer, a target retention and active tracking module (“ AC Module"), a digital built-in camera, a digital wideband video transmitter of C-OFDM modulation, a radio modem with a satellite navigation system (SNS) receiver "Diagonal AIR" with the ability to work without a SNS signal (radio rangefinder) a self-diagnostic system, a humidity sensor, a temperature sensor, a sensor current, a temperature sensor for the propulsion system, a parachute release, an air shock absorber to protect the target load during landing, and a search transmitter.

This complex is designed for conducting aerial surveillance at any time of the day at a distance of up to 50 km with real-time video transmission. The unmanned aircraft successfully solves the tasks of ensuring the security and control of strategically important objects, allows you to determine the coordinates of the target and quickly make decisions on adjusting the actions of ground services. Thanks to the built-in AS Module, the UAV automatically monitors static and moving objects. In the absence of a SNS signal, the UAV will autonomously continue the task.

Rice. 1. UAV ZALA 421-16E

ZALA 421-08M

Made according to the "flying wing" scheme - this is a tactical range unmanned aircraft with an autopilot, it has a similar set of functions and modules as the ZALA 421-16E. This complex is designed for operational reconnaissance of the area at a distance of up to 15 km with real-time video transmission. UAV ZALA 421-08M compares favorably with ultra-reliability, ease of use, low acoustic, visual visibility and the best target loads in its class.

This aircraft does not require a specially prepared runway due to the fact that the takeoff is made by means of an elastic catapult, it carries out aerial reconnaissance under various weather conditions at any time of the day.

Transportation of the complex with UAV ZALA 421-08M to the place of operation can be carried out by one person. The lightness of the device allows (with appropriate training) to launch "by hand", without using a catapult, which makes it indispensable in solving problems. The built-in AS Module allows the unmanned aircraft to automatically monitor static and moving objects, both on land and on water.

Rice. 2. UAV ZALA 421-08M

ZALA 421-22

This is an unmanned helicopter with eight rotors, medium range, with an integrated autopilot system (Fig. 3). The design of the apparatus is foldable, made of composite materials, which ensures the convenience of delivery of the complex to the place of operation by any vehicle.

This device does not require a specially prepared runway due to vertical automatic launch and landing, which makes it indispensable for aerial reconnaissance in hard-to-reach areas.

It is successfully used to perform operations at any time of the day: to search and detect objects, to ensure the security of perimeters within a radius of up to 5 km. Thanks to the built-in “AS Module”, the device automatically monitors static and moving objects.

Rice. 3. UAV ZALA 421-22

It represents the next generation of DJI quadcopters. It is capable of recording 4K video and transmitting high definition video right out of the box. The camera is integrated into the gimbal for maximum stability and weight efficiency in a minimal footprint. In the absence of a GPS signal, the Visual Positioning technology ensures hovering accuracy.

Phantom 3 Professional Features

Camera and Gimbal: The Phantom 3 Professional shoots 4K video at up to 30 frames per second and captures 12 megapixel photos that look sharper and cleaner than ever. The improved camera sensor gives you greater clarity, lower noise, and better shots than any previous flying camera.

HD Video Link: Low latency, HD video transmission based on the DJI Lightbridge system.

DJI Intelligent Flight Battery: 4480 mAh The DJI Intelligent Flight Battery has new cells and uses an intelligent battery management system.

Flight Controller: Next-generation flight controller for more reliable performance. The new recorder saves the data of each flight, and visual positioning allows you to accurately hover at one point in the absence of GPS.

TTX Phantom 3 Professional

BAS Phantom-3
Weight (with battery and screws) 1280
Maximum rate of climb 5 m/s
Maximum sink rate 3 m/s
Max speed 16 m/s (at ATTI mode in calm weather)
Maximum flight altitude 6000 m
Max flight time Approximately 23 minutes
Working temperature range From -10° to 40° С
Coverage Tilt angle: from - 90° to + 30°
visual positioning
Speed ​​range < 8 м/с (на высоте 2 метра над землей)
Altitude range 30-300 cm.
Working range 30-300 cm.
Working conditions Brightly lit (> 15 lux) contoured surfaces
Optics EXMOR 1/2.3”

Effective pixels: 12.4 million (total pixels: 12.76 million)


Viewing angle 94° 20 mm

(35mm format equivalent) f/2.8

ISO adjustment 100-3200 (video) 100-1600 (photo)
Electronic shutter speed 8 s. - 1/8000 s.
Maximum image size 4000×3000
Photo modes


Continuous shooting: 3/5/7 shots

Automatic Exposure Bracketing (AEB)

3/5 frame bracketing at 0.7EV bracketing

Slow motion

Supported SD card formats

The maximum capacity is 64 GB. Required speed class: 10 or UHS-1

Movie modes

FHD: 1920×1080p 24/25/30/48/50/60 fps

HD: 1280x720p 24/25/30/48/50/60fps

Maximum video saving speed 60 Mbps
Supported file formats

Video: MP4/MOV (MPEG-4 AVC/H.246)

Working temperature range From -10° to 40° С
Remote control
Operating frequency 2.400 GHz - 2.483 GHz
transmission distance 2000 m (outdoor without obstacles)
Video output port USB
Working temperature range From -10° to 40° С
Battery 6000 mAh lithium polymer 2S
Mobile device holder For tablets and smartphones
Transmitter power (EIRP) FCC: 20 dBm; CE: 16 dBm
Working voltage 1.2 A at 7.4 V
Voltage 17.4 V
Rated power 57 W
Intelligent Flight Battery (PH3 - 4480mAh - 15.2V)
Capacity 4480 mAh
Voltage 15.2 V
Battery Type Lithium Polymer 4S
Full charge 68 Wh
Net weight 365 g
Working temperature range From -10° to 40° С
Maximum charging power 100 W

Inspire 1 features

Camera & Gimbal: Records up to 4K video and 12-megapixel photos. Neutral density (ND) filters are provided for better exposure control. The new gimbal mechanism allows you to quickly remove the camera.

HD Video Link: Low latency, HD video transmission, this is an upgraded version of the DJI Lightbridge system. There is also the possibility of control from two remote controls.

Chassis: Retractable landing gear, allows the camera to take panoramas unhindered.

DJI Intelligent Flight Battery: 4500mAh uses an intelligent battery management system.

Flight Controller: Next-generation flight controller for more reliable performance. The new recorder saves the data of each flight, and visual positioning allows, in the absence of GPS, to accurately hover at one point.

Rice. 5. UAV Inspire 1

All characteristics of the UAVs listed above are presented in Table 1 (except for Phantom 3 Professional and Inspire 1 as indicated in the text)

Training for UAV Operators

TTX Inspire 1

UAV ZALA 421-16E ZALA 421-16EM ZALA 421-08M ZALA 421-08F ZALA 421-16 ZALA 421-04M
UAV wingspan, mm 2815 1810 810 425 1680 1615
Flight duration, h (min) >4 2,5 (80) (80) 4-8 1,5
UAV length, mm 1020 900 425 635
Speed, km/h 65-110 65-110 65-130 65-120 130-200 65-100
Maximum flight altitude, m 3600 3600 3600 3000 3000
Target load mass, kg (g) Up to 1.5 Up to 1 (300) (300) Up to 1


The following can be distinguished:

  • carry out flights under various weather conditions, complex interference (gust of wind, ascending or descending air flow, UAV getting into an air pocket, with medium and heavy fog, heavy rain);
  • carry out aerial monitoring in hard-to-reach and remote areas;
  • are a safe source of reliable information, a reliable survey of the object or suspected territory from which the threat emanates;
  • allow to prevent emergencies with regular monitoring;
  • detect (forest fires,) in the early stages;
  • eliminate the risk to human life and health.

The unmanned aerial vehicle is designed to solve the following tasks:

  • unmanned remote monitoring of forest areas in order to detect forest fires;
  • monitoring and transmission of data on radioactive and chemical contamination of terrain and airspace in a given area;
  • engineering reconnaissance of areas of floods and other natural disasters;
  • detection and monitoring of ice jams and river floods;
  • monitoring of the state of transport highways, oil and gas pipelines, power lines and other facilities;
  • environmental monitoring of water areas and coastlines;
  • determination of the exact coordinates of emergency areas and affected objects.

Monitoring is carried out day and night, in favorable and limited weather conditions. Along with this, the unmanned aerial vehicle ensures the search for technical equipment that has crashed (accident) and missing groups of people. The search is carried out according to a pre-set flight task or along a flight route that is quickly changed by the operator. It is equipped with guidance systems, airborne radar systems, sensors and video cameras.

During the flight, as a rule, the control of an unmanned aerial vehicle is automatically carried out by means of an onboard navigation and control complex, which includes:

  • satellite navigation receiver providing navigation information reception from GLONASS and GPS systems;
  • a system of inertial sensors that determines the orientation and motion parameters of the unmanned aerial vehicle;
  • a sensor system that measures altitude and airspeed;
  • various types of antennas.

The on-board communication system operates in the authorized radio frequency range and provides data transmission from board to ground and from ground to board.

Tasks to be solved

Can be classified into four main groups:

  • emergency detection;
  • participation in the liquidation of emergency situations;
  • search and rescue of victims;
  • assessment of damage from emergencies.

In such tasks, the senior operator must optimally choose the route, speed and altitude of the RPV flight in order to cover the area of ​​observation in the minimum time or number of flights, taking into account the sectors of view of television and thermal imaging cameras.

At the same time, it is necessary to exclude double or multiple flights of the same places in order to save material and human resources.

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The performance of various tasks, both in the military and in the civilian sphere, significantly expands the range of UAVs that can be used for this purpose. It is already clear that in the near future several platforms will be required, with different types of engines and, most importantly, with a different set of on-board equipment.

It can be noted that the most numerous class "drones", today in Russia, these are electric aircraft weighing up to 15 kg. Almost all of them are able to fly Notmore2ndhours, take off, as a rule, using starting devices and land, in most cases, by parachute. The relatively small takeoff weight also limits the payload mass, therefore, most of these UAVs have a replaceable payload, which in itself, in this situation, is justified.

There are a large number of tasks, both in the military and in the civilian sphere, that can be successfully solved using such devices. These UAVs should be cheap, used by low-skilled flight specialists, not require serious maintenance and be mobile without the use of special vehicles. The ground part of such a system should be simple and easy to use. Actually, most of the developers of these systems follow this path. Given the low weight of the payload, the requirements for on-board optical and infrared sensors increase significantly. The sensors of the system should perform mainly observational functions and, to a lesser extent, measuring ones.

There is no need to create special units to operate these systems. A high degree of automation should allow the operation of these systems by ordinary specialists in both the military and civilian spheres.

The next step in the classification of the use of UAVs is the task of creating "drones" for reconnaissance of the earth's surface and water areas at a distance of 100 km. To perform such tasks, “unmanned” equipment capable of flying day and night, in simple and difficult weather conditions, should be used. Apparently, such a technique should be able to examine the area in detail before 1000 km 2 for one flight. This can only be provided by UAVs capable of flying for at least 10 hours. Removal of 100 km is determined by the distance of direct radio visibility from a height of up to 3 thousand m, where it is possible, without signal retransmission, to ensure the transmission of a streaming image in real time. It is easy to calculate that when flying in a straight line, with the condition of returning to the point of departure, such a UAV is able to fly off to a distance of 600 km. A device capable of flying 10 hours will have a takeoff weight 100 -20 0 kg and, of course, will require a runway of at least 300 m in length, as well as service by a qualified crew. Currently, such devices are capable of taking off using launch devices.

For the military, these UAVs can be part of an intelligence unit of such a formation as a brigade (be the day and night vision of the brigade), for civilian specialists they can be used as part of the organization operating it. For the FSB Border Troops, such devices can be part of such a unit as a detachment and provide control over a significant section of the border, especially in high mountains, in the regions of the Far North and in conditions of protection of the sea border. Transmission of video and photo images in real time makes it possible to organize interaction with other technical means of protecting the State Border.

The means of ground support for the operation of such complexes are formed on the basis of mobile control points (MCP), usually placed on the chassis of a car, as well as from mobile temporary control points (TTC), located at the UAV takeoff/landing sites. The ability to place the PVPU directly on the territory of the outpost allows you to receive information in your area of ​​​​responsibility in real time when the UAV flies along the border. Taking into account the duration of the UAV data flight, we can say that one UAV unit, consisting of one or two complexes, is capable of controlling a section of the border up to 1000 km long.


The software (software) allows displaying the video image from the forward view camera on the monitor of the pilot-operator's workstation and displays telemetry information. The display of telemetric information is performed in the "indicator on the windshield" mode, or in the "virtual instruments" mode. The monitor also synthesizes the position of the flight task points and other spatial information that helps the pilot to control the flight of the UAV on the route.

Figure 1: Software frame of the pilot-operator workstation.

BYworkstationmanagementflightUAV allows the pilot-operator:

Control the flight of the UAV during the route and landing;

Change the flight task when performing a flight in the radio visibility zone;

Automatically receive warnings about the UAV going beyond the established limits (in terms of flight speed, roll, pitch, flight altitude above the terrain).

BY has an intuitive interface, protecting operators from possible errors. Modular architecture BY allows you to configure it to work on computers with different characteristics, connecting new controls or actuators.


drone software

BY The observer workstation (Figure 2) is designed to search for a target, capture and track a target, and issue target designation. The monitor displays video from the UAV PTZ camera, information about the direction of the camera, information about the position of the center of the frame on the ground. Given BY allows the observer:

Control the onboard rotary optical-thermal imaging head;

Control the optical zoom of the camera;

Determine the coordinates of the center of the field of view or any object in the field of view;

Designate a target, with automatic determination of its coordinates;

Capture and track targets.

Figure 2: Frame of observer workstation software.

BY processing And representation video information

Electronicstabilizationvideo applied in BY Observer workstation and provides:

- improved video perception, especially when viewing at high magnification, when the effect of camera shake is especially noticeable;

- lowering the requirements for the quality of camera hardware stabilization or a complete rejection of the use of hardware stabilization, reducing the weight and cost of the surveillance system;

- increasing the degree of image compression, which allows you to transfer data over a longer distance with better quality.


Teleautomatic tracking is designed to capture and track the target. The teleautomatic device provides automatic tracking of the target in any real conditions: when changing the scale, viewing angle of the object, changing the illumination and contrast of the object, when the object periodically disappears from the field of view.


The error in determining the coordinates of an object identified or specified by the operator in the image is determined by a combination of instrumental and methodological errors.

Instrumental errors include:

- error in determining the coordinates and height of the UAV;

- accuracy of determining the angles of the course, roll, pitch of the UAV;

- accuracy of synchronization of the moment of operation of the camera shutter with the data of the UAV navigation system;

- error in determining the position of the camera relative to the sensors of the navigation system (the center of mass of the UAV);

- error in determining the camera distortion.

The magnitude of methodological errors is affected by:

- UAV flight height above the terrain;

- distance from the positioned object (target) to the nadir point (removal of the target);

- the complexity of the terrain.

Taking into account the above factors in the modern configuration of the Dozor UAV:

Accuracy of determination of orientation angles 0.1º

Heading angle accuracy 1є

Timing accuracy 0.1 sec

Discreteness of information TsKRM1 arb. sec. (at the latitude of Moscow, equivalent to 80 m)

Passport accuracy of the GNSS receiver:

in planned coordinates 10 m

height 20 m

At a flight altitude of 1000 m above the terrain at a speed of 100 km/h, the total error in determining the coordinates of an object located at an angle of 30º from the camera's line of sight will be about 200 m(SKO).

An increase in accuracy can be achieved by reducing instrumental errors (using higher accuracy sensors as part of the navigation system), or by using an accurate pre-referenced photo map of the area, for example, a satellite image.

We have technologies for binding both to a 2D photo card and to a 3D photo card. The average overlay accuracy will be 2-3 pixels of the original map, or about 5 m.

gluingAndcorrectionmosaicphotographic images

As a result of an areal or extended survey, an array of high-resolution photographs is formed. Each photograph has a coordinate reference according to the data of the UAV navigation system and data on the orientation angles of the UAV at the moment the image was taken. original BY allows, in the shortest possible time after the receipt of an array of images in the NPU computer, to perform in automatic mode:

- correction of color and brightness of pictures;

- simultaneous stitching of frames;

- orthorectification;

- cutting the map into a mosaic.

Work productivity BY allows you to process 1000 pictures taken with a 12 megapixel camera in 1 hour.

Figure 4: Fusion shooting an extended object.


The performance characteristics of the UAVs of the Dozor series and the characteristics of their on-board systems described above make it possible to use UAVs for aerial reconnaissance purposes as an aviation component that provides:

- round-the-clock surveillance of the battlefield;

- secrecy of intelligence;

- the possibility of conducting reconnaissance in conditions of low cloudiness;

- personnel safety.


Regular patrols are carried out along a given route.

As an illustration of the use of UAVs within radio visibility, a UAV patrol route was built along the state border of the Russian Federation based in the area of ​​Orsk (Figure 5). When designing the route, the passport range of the Dozor-85 UAV command radio link (up to 100 km) was taken into account. Thus, the initial and final PPM are 65 km and 61 km away from the take-off point (LL), respectively. The length of the patrol route is 135 km, and the flight time at a patrol speed of 100 km is 1 hour 30 minutes (taking into account the curvature of the trajectory). Taking into account the flight time at a speed of 150 km/h, the total time on the route will be 2 h 20 min (the total length of the route is 235 km).

Drawing6 reproduces the patrol route, built on the basis of the limitation of the maximum duration of the UAV flight. The total length of the route will be 615 km (5 hours 30 minutes), including the length of the patrol zone 355 km (3 hours 30 minutes). It should be emphasized that, while performing a flight task on a route of maximum operational length, the UAV does not have the ability to fly around any point at the operator's command, being outside the radio visibility zone, and complete the execution of the PZ. Depending on the “delay” time, the route must be shortened, and overflight of the area is not possible in the final waypoints.

Concentric circles with radii:

50 km from the starting point approximately correspond to the reachable zone within 1 hour from the moment of receipt of the combat order for the use of UAVs

100 km corresponds to 1 h 15 min

200 km - maximum operational range

Reconnaissance of the area

Drawing7 illustrates the use of UAVs for reconnaissance of the area for 1 hour at the maximum operational range. The maximum remoteness of the exploration area is 350 km. At a flight speed of 150 km / h, the UAV will reach the patrol zone in 2 hours and 20 minutes, can remain in the zone for 1 hour and return to the starting point. The total duration of the flight will be 5 hours 30 minutes.

Figure 7

Intelligence serviceVmountainousterrain. Accounting features relief terrain

UAV flight planning in mountainous conditions is carried out using digital terrain maps (TsKRM). Freely available commercial TsKRM, obtained from the results of satellite imagery, provide sufficient accuracy in determining the height of the terrain in combination with accurate coordinate referencing.

Experience applications UAV "Watch- 90 E » V mountainous terrain

In 2008, a pilot operation of the complex with the Dozor-90 E UAV was carried out in the interests of the Border Guard Service of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (Figure 8). In the period from October 15 to October 19, 11 UAV flights were made with a total duration of 5 hours and 30 minutes. The flights were carried out in the daytime in simple and difficult weather conditions, with wind speeds near the earth's surface: headwind - 15 m/s, side wind - 10 m/s, tail wind - 5 m/s. The takeoff was carried out from a platform located at an altitude of 1000 m above sea level, the maximum flight altitude of the UAV was 3000 m.

In operation, the Dozor-90 E UAV showed high flight and operational qualities, all systems of the complex worked normally.

Based on the results of the flights, a photographic map of the flight area was compiled along the border of the Russian Federation (Figure 8).

Figure 8: UAV landing on an unprepared site near the outpost

UAV applications in the coastal zone

The scenario of a ground-based complex with a UAV and reconnaissance over the sea area at the operational range of the UAV is considered.

Regular optical means of the UAV target equipment can be used for short-range additional reconnaissance and target identification.

Currently, the main technical component of monitoring the situation at the maritime borders are technical observation posts (PTN), which are a network of coastal radar stations. The target detection range of the PTN radar is up to 25 km. This is approximately the distance of the PTN from one to the other. The use of UAVs together with PTN will allow:

1) significantly increase the target detection range;

2) reduce the target identification time.


When patrolling in the coastal zone, the UAV route is laid along the coastline outside the range of the PTN radar. In addition to standard equipment, PTNs are equipped with equipment for communication with UAVs. Thus, when flying around the route, the UAV is constantly in contact with the nearest PTN, transmitting video and photo information to it.

At the same time, UAVs are capable of identifying a detected target using optical means of observation, approaching the target at a close distance. In this case, the target can be detected both directly by the UAV, and by any of the PTN of this network. In the second case, the UAV, at the command of the operator, carries out a flight to a given area, interrupting the route, or rising from its home base.

Intelligence serviceremotegoals

For reconnaissance of remote targets, UAVs "Dozor" can be used autonomously, similar to the use at the maximum operational range (Figure 8).

Working outside the radio visibility zone of its NPU, the UAV equipment registers all the information of the target equipment in the onboard drives. Data analysis is carried out after returning to the base. In another embodiment, real-time information is transmitted to a ship located in the zone of direct radio visibility from the UAV. Thus, target detection and identification is carried out using on-board optical-electronic surveillance systems.

ApplicationUAVjointlyWithremotelymanageableby boat

We have worked out the issues of interaction between sea and air remote means for conducting reconnaissance over the waters of the seas.

The following algorithm for the complex use of funds is proposed (Figure 9):

Figure 9: Integrated use of remote reconnaissance means.

· UAV performing reconnaissance flight detects the target and transmits its coordinates to the control post via the communication channel with the anti-tank gun;

a decision is made on the impact;

a remotely controlled boat is sent to the area with the given coordinates;

· during the movement of the boat, the UAV continues tracking the target, guiding the boat;

· having reached the target, the boat makes an impact on the target with the fixation of coordinates and time. Real-time data is transmitted by UAV to the PTN and to the NPU.

The use of such complexes in the fight against poachers, for example, in the Astrakhan floodplains and in the fight against drug trafficking in certain regions of our country, is also relevant.

The ground equipment of such complexes allows the operator-decoder to recognize targets and issue the coordinates of the objects found with a high degree of accuracy. How to use the obtained coordinates is decided by the user of such a system.

Using the example of a decoder complex developed by Transas Vision, we will show how this process can take place:


The complex is designed to connect the UAV, as a source of information, to the consumer.

The complex allows you to connect one or more UAVs to the consumer at the same time.

Functions of the complex

The complex automatically performs the following functions:

- processing of information for the purpose of its visualization (photo, video, SAR, telemetry)

- processing information in order to obtain accurate target designation

- image decoding

- preparation of variants of formalized messages

- issuance to the consumer of the message selected by the operator

- saving incoming information in the database

- record of operator's actions

- issuance of processed information to any level of hierarchy chosen by the consumer

Hosted at

Description of the complex


The complex displays all information in the Transas Globe geoinformation environment, which allows viewing raster and vector maps, relief, 3D and moving objects in a single 3D form on an arbitrary scale (up to the whole Earth inclusive).


telemetry the data is displayed as a UAV track and a UAV 3D model (taking into account its orientation). At the same time, the flight task of the UAV can be displayed.



Single photos can be displayed:

- from the shooting angle (viewing in Transas Globe from the shooting point)

- at random angle

The photo is displayed in an orthorectified form, taking into account the relief.

When specifying a photo pixel automaticallycalculatedcoordinatesspecifiedpointssurfacesEarth

The layers of the vector map selected by the operator can be automatically superimposed on the photo.

Groups photos

Groups of photos can be displayed:

- with overlay according to the original or updated telemetry data

- in image mosaic (stitched map)

- as 3D maps (via 3D recovery)


Video can be displayed:

- from the shooting angle (viewing on the Globe from the shooting point)

- at random angle

The video is displayed in an orthorectified form, taking into account the relief.

When specifying a video pixel automaticallycalculatedcoordinatesspecifiedpointssurfacesEarth, taking into account telemetry, camera distortion and terrain.

The video can be automatically overlaid with vector map layers selected by the operator, as well as telemetric information.

Precise target designation

For accurate target designation, the following methods are used:

- stitching consecutive frames

- filing the frame to the photo base

- card stitching

Image decryption

The following methods are used to decrypt images:

Decryption photo And individual personnel video

- self-learning recognition

- fractal analysis

- spectral analysis

- search by special points

Decryption video

- moving target selection

- goal tracking

Decryption 3 D -kart

- 3D shape recognition

Preparation, selection and issuance of formalized messages

When an object is found, the operator's monitor displays an image of the object, information about it (type of object, coordinates, speed, etc.) and options for actions for the found type of object.

When the operator selects one of the actions proposed by the system, a formalized message is automatically generated.

The operator can also initiate the issuance of a formalized message by indicating the position and type of the object on the image.


All incoming information is automatically archived in a form convenient for quick viewing.

The complex software also automatically records in the database all operator actions and all formalized messages issued by the system.

The software of the complex can also issue all or any part of the incoming or processed information to a higher level of the control system for its display and analysis.

The ground equipment of such complexes allows the operator-decoder to recognize targets and issue the coordinates of the objects found with a high degree of accuracy. How to use the received coordinates, decidesmyselfconsumersuchsystems.

UAV "Dozor-100" is the development of the UAV "Dozor-85" in the direction of increasing the duration and range of flight.

The elongated wing made it possible to improve the flight quality of the glider and, consequently, to reduce fuel consumption in cruising flight. Thus, the flight duration of the Dozor-100 UAV increased to 10 hours with a large payload.

The exhaust system is hidden inside the fuselage, which reduces thermal visibility in flight and reduces exhaust noise. The placement of the power plant in the aft part of the airframe makes it possible to rationally arrange the payload of the UAV, frees up space for the placement of antenna devices of various types. The use of a V-shaped tail ensures the correct centering of the airframe when the engine is placed in the tail of the UAV fuselage.


The UAV is controlled from a mobile control center ( MPU) from the workstation of the pilot-operator or a mobile temporary control station ( PVPU). UAV " Watch» are equipped with a modern flight and navigation system (PNK) with an automatic control system. The composition of the PNC includes:

- inertial system integrated with the receiver of the global navigation satellite system (GNSS) GLONASS/GPS, providing the determination of coordinates, flight altitude, heading angles and orientation of the UAV;

- an air signal system that provides the determination of airspeed and barometric altitude;

- low-altitude radio altimeter;

- an autopilot module that provides the issuance of control commands to the UAV flight controls.

workstationoperator pilotUAV

3 UAV control modes are implemented:

directmanualcontrol according to the view information coming from the front view camera. In this mode, the pilot-operator controls the UAV, directly affects the controls, as if he were in the cockpit. The mode is used in the near zone to bring the UAV to the landing glide path and when landing in manual control mode. The technology of displaying on the windshield of information received via telemetry channels from the UAV navigation and flight system (HUD - head-up display) is used.

vectorcontrol allows the pilot-operator to influence the UAV through the autopilot: change the flight altitude and speed, perform a turn in a given direction, fly around a point and other standard flight procedures.

Autoflight is the main way to control the UAV and is performed under the control of the autopilot along the route determined by the specified sequence of turning points (PPM). During flight, the pilot-operator can intervene with the autopilot by issuing the following commands:

- introduction of new PPM;

- loading a new flight route;

- cancellation of the flight mission and command to return the UAV;

- a command to fly around a given point or barrage over a certain area.

Before the flight, a flight task (PT) is compiled in the form of a route determined by the coordinates of the turning points. As a cartographic substrate, a scanned map, aerial photographs, and a satellite image can be used. For flights in mountainous areas with difficult terrain, it is necessary to take into account the features of the terrain, both when planning the flight route and when placing a ground tracking station. The flight task is stored in the memory of the MPU computer and the base of routes is formed. Upon completion of the drafting of the PP, the program automatically checks it for "feasibility", taking into account the inherent characteristics of the UAV.

PP planning screen.

Upon completion of the passage of the route, the UAV arrives at the final point of the route, where it makes an automatic landing approach and lands like an airplane under the control of a pilot-operator.

The standard configuration of the MPU consists of two workstations: a pilot and a payload operator. It is possible to have a mobile version of the workstation on a tablet computer, which allows you to transfer information from the UAV directly to the consumer:

UAV control laptop.


The following methods are considered as auxiliary means of UAV navigation if it is impossible to use GNSS information:

course-airreckoningcoordinates allows you to determine the distance traveled and the direction according to the airspeed sensor and the inertial system (or magnetic compass) as a heading sensor.

Communication systems

UAV onboard communication equipment Watch”(data transmission lines - LPD) provides two-way transmission of data and control commands, as well as real-time transmission of video information from the board to the base station.

The following are transmitted over the data channel:

From "board" to "ground"

· Telemetric information (coordinates, speed, flight altitude);

· Information about the state of on-board systems.

From "ground" to "board":

· Flight control commands: change of route, return, change of flight parameters (speed, altitude, etc.);

· Control commands for flight support equipment (flaps extension, parachute ejection, landing gear extension, if provided);

· Commands for controlling the target load: the position of the video camera, turning on the camera, dropping the load.

LPDs are developed and produced by the manufacturer of UAV systems " Watch”, thus ensuring the technological independence of the product. According to the TOR for the development, LPD provides a range of transmission of video and telemetry information Notless100 km in direct line of sight of the receiving-transmitting antenna of the NPU.

Figure: Communication diagram

Target hardware and software

Target intelligence equipment

Target reconnaissance equipment ("payload") UAV " Dozor-85" And " Dozor-100» has a changeable configuration and can be installed on board in various configurations:

· Optical-thermal imaginghead(optical and thermal imaging channels are located on the same axis) with 2 degrees of freedom.

· Videocamera520 lines for manual takeoff and landing purposes

· Photographiccomplex high resolution 21 MgPeak

· Duplexchannelradio communications for transmitting control and telemetry signals

· Broadbanddigitalchannel with a self-tuning rotating antenna for streaming video over a distance of at least 100 km

· System satelliteconnections( under development e)

· Radar station forward view in mm range

· Lateralradar with synthetic aperture (in development)

· laserbacklightgoals

The next type in the line of UAVs should be medium-altitude UAVs with a long flight duration. In such UAVs, first of all, the military from the MO should be interested. This group of "drones" is very close in its functionality to such well-known UAVs as the "Predator" from the USA. One of the features of these "drones" is the presence of a shock function.

An analysis of the intended use of spacecraft and tactical combat systems with unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) during the operation to force Georgia to peace in 2008 showed that in its current form, none of these means is the only one sufficient to meet the requirements of the troops in geo-intelligence information .

The functioning of high-precision weapons systems (WTO) requires not only technical means with highly sensitive sensors and high-speed signal processing, but also appropriate information support, as well as a developed telecommunications network that meets modern requirements.

The information and reconnaissance infrastructure being created should provide, on a time scale close to real:

Search, detection, recognition, identification and location of targets;

Formation of the necessary electronic information documents (target forms) for individual flight tasks for weapons of destruction;

Evaluation of the results of strikes.

Rapidly changing operational environment requires immediatelyOth response and timely adjustment of tasks to the involved forces and means, especially when working with moving targets.

In addition, in the interests of the WTO, it is necessary to ensure the accuracy of determining the coordinates of objects of destruction: no worse than 5 - 7 m- for strategic and 3 - 5 m- for the operational-tactical command and control units of the RF Armed Forces.

If in the interests intelligence you need the highest possible resolution of the image, then in the interests of WTO It is also acceptable to use medium resolution images (3 - 5 m).

For the purpose of continuous information support (IS) of the application of the WTO, the US Armed Forces are actively using strategic reconnaissance unmanned aerial vehicles, mainly large ( more24 hours) flight duration - high-altitude UAV RQ-4A " globalhawk"and medium-altitude MQ-1B" traitor".

These devices are designed to airradarAndoptoelectronicintelligence in order to ensure the actions of the Air Force and other types of armed forces in various theaters of operations, they are capable of transmitting real-time data to ground command posts.

For prompt acquisition of geospatial information together with reconnaissance spacecraft offered use complexes with UAVs.

When using high-resolution satellite images as a topographic map for overlaying actual reconnaissance information, a significant increase in the accuracy of determining the coordinates of objects is achieved. Company"R.E.T. Kronstadt" has binding technologies, both to 2 D-photocard,SoAndTo3 D-photocard.

To improve the accuracy of target designation, Transas-Vision has developed a program TopoTarget. The program automatically stitches the resulting photo with the photo card.

In the case of an unexpressed (flat) relief, the program provides subpixel stitching accuracy, while the accuracy target designation corresponds to the accuracy of the photo card.


Before the flight, the TopoTarget program processes the photo map of the flight area, automatically identifying characteristic points on it. The identified characteristic points are entered into the database, then the database is sorted. The photocard can be taken from any aircraft or satellite. Basic photo card requirements:

The photo card must be taken around the same time of the year as the time of the flights.

The resolution of the photocard must be such that the stitched frame occupies an area of ​​at least 800x600 pixels on it

Upon receipt of a photograph, the program automatically finds characteristic points in the photograph, the points corresponding to them in the database compiled during the processing of the photo map, selects a self-consistent set in the set of correspondences, and stitches the resulting photo with the photo map.


The result of the program operation is shown below: the photo map was compiled based on the results of aerial photography from 25 frames. A frame is filed to the card that is not included in the number 25 of which it was composed.

The following example shows a tank on a stitched frame.


To speed up the program and eliminate errors, telemetry data is used when filing a frame: matches are searched on the photo card within a given radius from the center of the frame.

Complexes with UAVs "Watch" have a number of significant advantages compared to domestic counterparts.

At the enterprises of JSC " Transas» the technical groundwork has been created, there are flying prototypes and a production base has been deployed to create prototypes of such complexes.

In addition to this, ZAO "Transas" has experience in creating training complexes, which will allow in the future to organize training for personnel in the management of complexes with UAVs.

UAV "Dozor-85" And "Dozor-100" according to their technical characteristics, they belong to medium-range aircraft. The development used technical solutions similar to UAVs « Shadow-200" And " Predator". According to the characteristics of the target load of the UAV "Dozor-85"And"Dozor-100" capable of performing the same tasks as the mentioned foreign systems, with the exception of shock. Smaller weight and size characteristics have been achieved through the use of modern technologies, while foreign analogues were developed in the 90s of the last century.

In the basic configuration, a complex with a UAV "Watch" can be supplied as part of three aircraft and a mobile control center located on the chassis of an off-road vehicle.

UAV complex " Watch» can be promptly delivered to the area of ​​application using means of transport aviation, rail transport, and by water. The complex is mobile, and its operations require a minimally prepared site: dirt strip, lawn, packed snow. The complex is moved by a cross-country vehicle with a trailer.

Periodic maintenance is carried out by trained personnel directly at the base. Spare parts and necessary tools are supplied in the kit.

The complex is operated by a crew of four to five people.

Complex with UAV "Watch" is fullyautonomous. All units and systems are placed on one chassis. The power supply of the base station systems is carried out from the motor-generator, the UAV batteries are recharged by the charger included in the UAV supply package from the vehicle's on-board power supply network.

Given the growing interest of companies in the fuel and energy complex, Russian Railways, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and other departments in information that can be obtained using complexes with UAVs, it is necessary to provide for the option of public-private partnership.

These complexes with UAVs should mainly be created according to the principle that takes into account the dual use of UAVs. At the same time, financial and industrial groups interested in using the resource of these complexes in peacetime together with the RF Armed Forces can be the customer of such UAVs. In the process of implementing such projects on the basis of public-private partnership, the resources and contributions of the parties are consolidated, combined, as well as financial risks and costs. The results achieved are distributed between the parties in predetermined proportions.

Not so long ago, information appeared in the open press about US plans to build UAVs. before2047 of the year. Analyzing this material, we can once again state the fact that we are still far behind the current level of UAV development.

So in this program it is noted that the main emphasis in the development of UAVs will be placed on devices of the type PREDATOR and similar devices of later modifications. All UAVs are divided into several groups, and in each group it is written what equipment the UAVs should carry and what TTD they should achieve.

In our country, a device similar to UAVs has not yet been created at all. PREDATOR. The first attempts to create such a device by the Vega concern under the program "Closer" turned out to be unsuccessful. Yes, to be honest, the device being designed can hardly be called an analogue of a UAV PREDATOR. Neither in terms of range, nor in terms of carrying capacity, nor in terms of flight duration, this project significantly falls short of UAVs PREDATOR, I'm not talking about the lack of a training system for managing such UAVs and the lack of simulators for training operators for them.

In the current situation, we need a UAV that is functionally equal to the PREDATOR UAV, and such a UAV does not have to be close in size to it.

Let's calculate the weight of the load that needs to be lifted into the air in order to perform the functions of a UAV PREDATOR(Let's exclude the shock function for now).

OTG (optical-thermal imaging head) - 5 kg,

Photocomplex - 4 kg,

AVOVP (analog video system for takeoff / landing) -1 kg,

LPD (data line) - 0.7 kg,

KRL (command radio line) - 0.3 kg,

AP (autopilot) - 0.4 kg,

BINS (onboard inertial system) - 0.6kg,

Radar (radar station) - 4 kg.

Total: 16 kg.

Is it a lot or a little? Certainly,Nota lot of. This is the real weight, which today is able to lift a UAV with a maximum takeoff weight 100 - 150 kg and this is on condition that he must have fuel on board 10 hoursflight.

In order to fulfill this condition, the Design Bureau of CJSC R.E.T. Kronstadt designed a UAV " Dozor-100» which is based on the design of the wing with a center section.

"Dozor-600" and its prototype "Dozor-100" at the MAKS-2009 exhibition.

IN UAV "Dozor100" the engine of the German company is used " 3 W» stamps "210TS» . The rated power of such an engine 21.2 hp. When using a shaft generator rotating from the engine, we lose up to 10% of the engine power. Thus, the available capacity of our power plant is 19 hp. It is known from design theory that the acceptable load per unit of hp. for low-maneuverable aircraft lies within 6-7 kg per hp Therefore, if we take the load in 6 kg per hp, then max. takeoff weight will be 114 kg, and when 7 kg per hp this figure will be 133 kg.

Taking into account the fact that we take into account the engine power based on the passport data of the engine manufacturer, in the calculations we decided to limit the take-off weight to 1 1 0 kg, at the same time, the strength calculation was performed for the weight 130 kg. That. we have a margin in terms of the strength of the UAV.

With a takeoff weight of 110 kg we can take on board 40 kg of fuel, in our case it is 54 liters. The maximum fuel consumption obtained during the operation of the previous Dozor UAVs with these engines was 5 l / h. Consequently, we have a fuel reserve that allows us to fly for at least 10 hours at a cruising speed of 120-140 km/h. Accordingly, when there is no wind, we are able to fly 1200-1400 km. Such figures give us the opportunity to conduct reconnaissance within 4-5 hours at a distance of 400 km from the take-off / landing airfield.

That. the task that was assigned to the UAV in the topic "Closer" achieved by the use of UAVs "Dozor-100".

Now let's remember that the UAV PREDATOR also performs a shock function, because. capable of carrying a 300 lb load externally on the wing. Here is this function for UAV " Dozor-100» is not feasible. 300 feet is 120 kg and it is absolutely impossible. Therefore, for a UAV with a shock function, it is necessary to design another UAV.

Glider UAV"Watch-100", made almost entirely of composite materials. Wingspan - 6.0 m; full takeoff weight - 110 kg; power plant - two-stroke engine with a capacity of 21.2 hp; flight duration - up to 10 hours; cruising altitude 300-1500 m, ceiling 4000 m.

UAV "Dozor-100" participated in exercises in 2009 "West-2009" in Kaliningrad, where he performed the task of searching for ships of the radio technical patrol of NATO countries located in neutral waters during the exercises. The task included transmitting the image of the ships found and the coordinates of these targets to the exercise command post.

Map of the exercise area with ship search sectors.

UAV "Dozor-100" started from the airport "Don" located in 20 km from the command post, where the control vehicle with the NPU was located, and flew into neutral waters. In search mode, it flew 200 km in neutral waters, transmitting images over a distance of 55 km in real time. According to the received images and coordinates, the decoder operator compiled and transmitted reconnaissance. report to the commander of the fleet. That. For the first time, a UAV transmitted a video image over a distance of more than 50 km.

Together with representatives of JSC "NIITP" the possibility of obtaining target coordinates in real time and transmitting them over a distance of more than 50 km was demonstrated.

The UAV control in takeoff and landing modes was carried out from a mobile temporary control post (PVPU), located 20 km from the control vehicle, and this confirmed the correctness of the chosen concept - the takeoff and landing airfield remote from the theater of operations.

To complete the task, the UAV "Dozor-100" in total flew in real conditions more than 300 km in each flight, while the flights were carried out in conditions of intensive use of the fleet’s combat aviation, in difficult weather conditions (cloud height 500 m, visibility 2-3 km, side wind - up to 11 m / s) .

Just opening targets today is not enough. We need to determine their coordinates. ("attach"Togeoinformationunderpinning) with the accuracy required for the application high-precision weapons. Satellite-corrected rockets and bombs ensure accurate hits 5-7 m with the prospect of improvement to meters. It should also be appropriate target designation. The entire monitoring system from UAVs is aimed at such an accurate binding.

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