Boris Akunin's books are known all over the world. In his works, he shows the problems of our time, raises important questions. The series of his books about the adventures of the detective Erast Fandorin is especially famous. The book "Black City", released at the end of 2012, also belongs to this cycle.

The events take place at the beginning of the 20th century, the First World War is approaching. The famous detective is in Yalta, preparing to speak at the day of memory of A.P. Chekhov. But his help was needed in saving the sovereign from an assassination attempt. The head of his bodyguard became the victim. The terrorist managed to escape, but left a note. It is possible to find out that the criminal is hiding in an unknown black city.

The detective's wife, an actress, is filming in Baku. Their relationship is gradually fading away, she sends him a postcard. By chance, Fandorin learns that the Black City is located in the suburbs of Baku. The detective goes there with his faithful friend Masa. Literally right away, the hunt for Fandorin begins, he gets into trouble, risks his life. His friend is wounded, they barely escape death. Only thanks to the help of an unknown Azerbaijani, they are safe. Since Masa is wounded, Fandorin invites a new acquaintance to help him. Terrorists, oil workers, Fandorin's wife, who decided that he was dead, are involved in the case. A woman, strong and powerful, wants a connection with a detective. Events follow one after another, the main character is one of the central figures with influence on politics. There are conflicts between countries, a war is coming ... Will he be able to survive among all these dangers?

Boris Akunin's book is written in his magnificent style, the plot does not let you calm down for a minute. On the one hand, I want to quickly find out the truth, on the other hand, I want to read as slowly as possible in order to enjoy this amazing book to the fullest. Here, not only a detective line, but also the author raises the theme of friendship, sympathy, even there is a little romance.

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Title: Black City

About the book "Black City" Boris Akunin

Boris Akunin today has already gone down in history as one of the brilliant writers of fiction who have become a real symbol of the era. And, probably, it is his works that will later be included in the school curriculum, as one of the most striking and philosophical creations of our century. Continuing one of his most successful series about the life and adventures of the famous detective Erast Fandorin, Akunin was able to intrigue and interest his readers so much that they expect the release of each new book like a big holiday. And now, to the delight of everyone who is so dear and loved by Erast Fandorin, the fourteenth book of the ingenious cycle has already seen the light of day.

"Black City" is an incredibly bright, lively book, which is a classic Akunin detective story. The original plot of this novel takes its hero and readers to the distant and glorious city of Baku. In that time period, when the First World War was just about to begin. A smart and inventive detective will once again show the wonders of observation, mental alertness and remarkable ingenuity. In the city of "black gold" and easy money, Fandorin will meet a real villain, who seems absolutely impossible to fight and win. A surprisingly dynamic and exciting plot allows readers to look at the hero from a different angle, to interpret some of his actions and their motives in a different way. And the presence of a huge number of battle scenes and actions does not make it possible to tear yourself away from the book for a minute.

In addition to the main action, in the book "Black City" the description of the beauties of the magnificent city of Baku, its mysterious and majestic corners, the surrounding nature, people, and the general mood occupies no small place. Only thanks to the unsurpassed talent of the author, the style of presentation made it possible for the reader to completely immerse himself in the text, and therefore in this story. And despite the fact that the story told by the author is considered entirely and completely fictional, on the pages of the book, the reader will meet the real photographs of that time, organically woven into the storyline and completely becoming part of this amazing and mysterious story.

Also, this work, like all the work of a respected writer, is distinguished by a magnificent, beautiful Russian language, liveliness of the narrative, unsurpassed incorporation of historical details into the context and an exciting, often unpredictable plot.

Read a new story about the unsurpassed Erast Fandorin - "The Black City", authored by Boris Akunin, enjoy a great storyline and an unexpected ending. Enjoy reading.

On our site about books, you can download the site for free without registration or read online the book "Black City" by Boris Akunin in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and a real pleasure to read. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For novice writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you can try your hand at writing.

Quotes from the book "Black City" Boris Akunin

“God, give me the wisdom to come to terms with what I cannot change; give me the courage to change what I can change; give me the mind to distinguish one from the other.

What the mind and heart needs, and so it will remain. What is superfluous - let it fly away like dry leaves in the wind.

“A person who has walked the Path for a long time, and then turned off it to a shady grove, will hang himself there on the very first tree.”

The disease of any rotten government is that it pushes talented people to the sidelines.

It has long been known that a lousy ally is worse than an enemy.

Fandorin established a long time ago that two states are most conducive to mental work: either complete peace or extreme chaos. This discovery belonged to Confucius, who said two and a half millennia ago: “Among those who are standing, run, among those who are running, stop.”

A man doesn't say "thank you", a man does "thank you".

It is also very important for a boy to learn to overcome fear, but at the same time not become addicted to risk. Both of these extremes are dangerous in life, and fatal for business. Intelligent courage, like everything in the world, can be taught. To overcome fear, one must move in tiny steps, win small victories one after another. Take the same horseback riding. One day, Saadat noticed that Tural was afraid of horses (it's true that her ride was too dashing, from ferocious Turkmen trotters). First I bought a dwarf pony, a little taller than a stool. It was absolutely impossible to be afraid of such a hunchback, Tural rode the little one with pleasure. Now I gave my son to the Pony Club, where there are already more horses. And over time, in three or four years, the boy will ride trotters. The whole trick is gradual.

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