Triangle as the simplest polygon having 3 vertices (angles) and 3 sides. What is a triangle? Personally, I do not like the scientific concepts offered to schoolchildren in textbooks on geometry. I will try to talk about this figure from the point of view of an ordinary person who does not have a higher education and is not particularly versed in the depths of the science that studies it. So, the triangle is a figure that constantly accompanies us in life in its various versions. On vacation in Egypt, these are pyramids, consisting, as a rule, of four triangles; the shape of the triangle resembles a pear and a strawberry; there is even a certain type of face that bears this name. The value of a triangle in geometry is very high. It appears in a cylinder, a cone, and even a sphere. Through a right triangle, you can find the radius or height of these figures.

Classification of triangles. Triangles come in different types and types: 1) Obtuse (If one of the angles of the triangle is greater than 90°) 2) Rectangular (If one of the angles of the triangle is 90°) 3) Acute (If each angle of the triangle is less than 90°) 1) Versatile (Triangle , in which the lengths of all three sides are different) 2) Isosceles (a triangle in which two sides are equal) 3) Equilateral (a triangle in which all sides are equal)

Triangle concepts. Inscribed Circle An inscribed circle is a circle tangent to all three sides of a triangle. She is the only one. The center of the inscribed circle is called the incenter. Circumscribed circle A circumscribed circle is a circle that passes through all three vertices of a triangle. The circumscribed circle is also unique. Excircle An excircle is a circle tangent to one side of a triangle and the extension of the other two sides. Median A median is a segment drawn from a given vertex that connects this vertex to the midpoint of the opposite side. Bisector A bisector is a segment drawn from a given vertex that connects this vertex to a point on the opposite side and bisects the angle at the given vertex. Height Height - a perpendicular drawn from a given vertex, lowered from this vertex to the opposite side or its continuation.

Signs of similarity of triangles. 1) If two angles of one triangle are respectively equal to two angles of another triangle, then the triangles are similar. 2) If two sides of one triangle are proportional to two sides of another and the angles between these sides are equal, then the triangles are similar. 3) If three sides of one triangle are proportional to three similar sides of another, then the triangles are similar. x2x y 2y x yz 2z 2x 2y B CA A1 B1 C1 ===

Pythagorean theorem. Relationships in a right triangle. In a right triangle, the square of the length of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the lengths of the legs. a b c Ratios in a right triangle: 1) 2) 45° x x 60° 30° x 2x The sum of all angles of the triangle is 180°

Area of ​​a triangle. - The basic formula for finding the area of ​​a triangle. - Heron's formula. Finding the area through the half-perimeter of a triangle - Formula for finding the area of ​​a right triangle - Formula for finding the area of ​​an equilateral triangle.

Pascal's triangle. This is an arithmetic triangle formed by binomial coefficients. Named after Blaise Pascal. This is an arithmetic triangle formed by binomial coefficients. Named after Blaise Pascal. binomial coefficients binomial coefficients If you outline Pascal's triangle, you get an isosceles triangle. In this triangle, there are units at the top and on the sides. Each number is equal to the sum of the two numbers above it. You can continue the triangle indefinitely. The lines of the triangle are symmetrical about the vertical axis. It has applications in probability theory and has interesting properties. If you outline Pascal's triangle, you get an isosceles triangle. In this triangle, there are units at the top and on the sides. Each number is equal to the sum of the two numbers above it. You can continue the triangle indefinitely. The lines of the triangle are symmetrical about the vertical axis. It has applications in probability theory and has interesting properties.

Sierpinski Triangle This is a fractal, one of the two-dimensional analogs of the Cantor set, proposed by the Polish mathematician Sierpinski in 1915. Also known as Sierpinski's "lattice" or "napkin". This is a fractal, one of the two-dimensional analogues of the Cantor set, proposed by the Polish mathematician Sierpinski in 1915. Also known as Sierpinski's "lattice" or "napkin". A fractal is a complex geometric figure that has the property of self-similarity, that is, it is composed of several parts, each of which is similar to the whole figure as a whole. A fractal is a complex geometric figure that has the property of self-similarity, that is, it is composed of several parts, each of which is similar to the whole figure as a whole. self-similarity

Surely most people at least once thought about what is happening in the notorious Bermuda Triangle.

There are many misconceptions and myths associated with this sinister place, as well as theories and facts.

Here are some of them.

1. Devil's Triangle

The Bermuda Triangle is also known as the Devil's Triangle. It got its name because of all the mysterious events and supposed catastrophes that happened in the area.

2. "Big fire"

Christopher Columbus was the first to record strange incidents in the area. One of his notes says that one night, not far from the ship, a "Big Fire" (probably a meteor) fell into the sea with thunder.

3. Compass

Columbus also noted strange compass readings. Today, some scientists suggest that the alignment of the N Pole and the magnetic N Pole may be the reason for this.

4. Sense of timing

Some pilots claimed that they "lost the sense of time" when they flew over the triangle. This has led some people to speculate about possible temporal distortions and travel in parallel dimensions.

5 USS Cyclops

The Bermuda Triangle didn't get much attention until 1918, when the American ship USS Cyclops sank there with 300 people on board. The ship did not send an SOS and was never found.

President Woodrow Wilson said, "Only God and the sea know what happened to the great ship." In 1941, two ships of the same series with the USS Cyclops also disappeared without a trace ... while following the same route.

6. Loss of 5 Navy aircraft

The Bermuda Triangle gained notoriety as an anomaly in 1945, when five Navy planes went on a mission off the coast of Florida. The pilots were disoriented by the faulty compass readings and eventually the planes ran out of fuel. At least that's what the mainstream theory says.

7. Bermuda Triangle

It wasn't until 1964 that Vincent Gaddis coined the term "Bermuda Triangle" by mentioning the name in a magazine article. Since then, science fiction authors have offered a host of explanations, including aliens, reverse gravity fields, and even sea monsters. One scientist aptly remarked that trying to find the cause of all the catastrophes and accidents in the Bermuda Triangle is like trying to find out the cause of all car accidents in Arizona.

8. Miami, Puerto Rico, Bermuda

The region was called a triangle for a reason. It is located roughly in the shape of a triangle between Bermuda, Miami and Puerto Rico.

9. Abandoned, drifting, unidentified...

Several reports have been recorded of sightings of abandoned ships drifting in local coastal waters. In most cases, these ships could not be identified, and the fate of their crews remained a mystery.

10. “The plane seemed to have flown to Mars”

In 1945, a search and rescue aircraft was sent to search and rescue missing sailors in the Bermuda Triangle. He disappeared with 13 people on board. After conducting a massive search operation, representatives of the navy said: "The plane seemed to have flown to Mars."

11. Average norm

Scientists did some research. Despite all the mysterious disappearances, they found that, given tropical storms and other weather conditions, the number of missing ships and planes was actually not beyond what would be expected statistically.

12. Gulf Stream, reefs, storms...

It's also worth noting that, along with scientists, the US Coast Guard and even leading shipping companies don't believe the Bermuda Triangle is inherently more dangerous than any other part of the ocean. Most likely, accidents are caused by a combination of storms, reefs, the Gulf Stream and other factors.

13. Huge bubbles of methane

One of the craziest explanations for disasters is that huge bubbles of methane rising from the sea floor cause ships to sink. As to why most of the wrecks could not be found, it is assumed that all the wrecks of the sunken ships were carried away by the Gulf Stream.

14. "12 Evil Whirlwinds"

Another popular sci-fi explanation is that the Bermuda Triangle is one of the "12 Evil Whirlwinds" located near the Earth's equator. These eddies are the sites of numerous unexplained events and disappearances.

15. ~ 20 yachts and 4 aircraft per year

How many disappearances are recorded in the Bermuda Triangle every year. Regardless of the reasons, about 20 yachts and 4 planes still go missing here every year.


March 6, 1918 in the area of ​​the Bermuda Triangle disappeared a multi-ton ship "Cyclops". On board were 390 people and a large batch of ore. Even the President of the United States joined the search, but nothing was found ...

The birth of a myth

It is significant that the disappearance of the Cyclops ship in 1918 was not explained by the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle for more than half a century from the moment of the incident. The first article about the phenomenon appeared only in 1950. Its author was the American journalist A. Jones. He called his material in an original way - "The Devil's Sea". The publication did not produce the desired effect; they did not begin to talk about the Bermuda Triangle with aspiration and fear. So they began to speak only in 1974, when Charles Berlitz's book "The Bermuda Triangle" was published. To say that the book was received "with a bang" means to say nothing. She became a bestseller. Supported by the popular researcher David Kouchet, it even came to be accepted as a real theory, although Kouchet himself called the phenomenon of the Burmuda Triangle "A magnificent fairy tale for adults."

Information feed

The press loved the Bermuda Triangle. This is not surprising: an insoluble phenomenon, moreover, dressed in a shell of mysticism and sinister fate, was incredibly interesting to readers. It is significant that the "triangle" was attributed to the disappearances that occurred in other regions of the Earth. These include the case of the Freya, which was abandoned by its crew in 1902 in the Pacific Ocean, and the tragedy of the Globemaster, which fell in 1951 near Ireland. If you mark on a globe the locations of all the disappearances attributed to the Bermuda Triangle region, it turns out that they will be located in an area that covers the Caribbean Sea, the Gulf of Mexico and most of the North Atlantic. Often journalists wrote their materials not on the basis of research, but simply on the basis of other people's articles, thus making assumptions and conjectures hypotheses and opinions.

Project "Magnet"

There is a whole genre in Western journalism when an article is written without any reliance on reality, the more fantastic the article in this genre, the better. Around the Bermuda Triangle, 40 years ago, many "secrets" from the press were built. One example of such falsification is the mysterious "Project Magnet". It was allegedly kept secret until 1963, when a correspondent for the U. F. O. Investigator magazine "revealed" its existence. According to a correspondent who "discovered" "Project", "on the secondary runway" of the San Francisco airport, "this carefully concealed research program" was "very significantly connected" with the study of UFOs undertaken by the Canadian government.The project was serviced by specially equipped Super Constellation aircraft and pilots in civilian clothes.
Together with the article, a photograph of the rear fuselage was published, on which "PROJECT MAGNET" was written in large letters. Strange way to keep the project "secret"!
According to this correspondent, who "managed to get involved in a conversation" with the employees of the "Project", "one of the most important results of research" was the discovery of "special magnetic forces" operating over the Caribbean Sea, where five aircraft of naval forces.

Judgments in the form of versions

Proponents of the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle have put forward several dozen different theories to explain the mysterious phenomena that, in their opinion, occur there. These theories include space aliens or Atlanteans hijacking ships, travel through holes in time or rifts in space, and other paranormal causes. It has been suggested that the cause of the death of some ships, including those in the Bermuda Triangle, may be the so-called wandering waves, which, as it is believed, can reach a height of 30 meters. It is also hypothesized that, under certain conditions, infrasound can be generated in the sea, which affects crew members, causing them to panic and leave the ship.

Triangle Victims

There are not so many proven victims of the Bermuda Triangle. That is, those who disappeared under really mysterious circumstances in this region of the ocean. Half of the cases described already years after the event betray a clear ignorance of real information about weather conditions. A common figure: it was calm weather, and suddenly the ship disappeared. Some of the missing ships did pass through the Bermuda Triangle, but there is no evidence to suggest that they disappeared there. In a number of cases, the authors of articles about the Bermuda Triangle deliberately suppressed information that could easily and simply explain this disappearance. In general, we can talk about forty "victims" of the Bermuda Triangle. This is taking into account the fact that the creators of the myth - journalists - began to "investigate the problem" from the end of the 19th century. Only forty cases in more than a century, although more than a dozen planes around the world still fall every year.

Woodrow Wilson

The Cyclops story is closely connected with US President Woodrow Wilson. Thus, which for the organization of the Financial Reserve System flaunts on the 100,000 dollar bill. Now, this man was very romantic. He showed himself beautifully precisely when the Cyclops disappeared. When a multi-ton vessel with 390 people on board and a huge cargo of manganese ore necessary for metallurgy did not arrive at the port, he said: "Only the sea and God know what happened to this ship." But he didn't say, "She drowned."

scientific explanation

Science is characterized by a strict system. What is happening in the Bermuda Triangle shows neither order nor system. Rather, it shows the system, but it is more related to information policy. Statistics also say that the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe designated Bermuda Triangle is no more dangerous than any other part of the ocean, where cyclones form and storms often occur. Logistics says that this is one of the busiest areas of the ocean with shipping. Navigation experience says that the Sargasso Sea is not convenient for navigation. Statistics also show that ship collisions are not uncommon. According to the Liverpool Insurers' Association, in 1964 18 ships sank as a result of collisions, and 1,735 ships received emergency damage. In 1965, these figures were 14 and 1945, respectively, and only large ships with a tonnage of more than 500 registered tons were taken into account. The same statistics show that one of the main causes of ship collisions is the congestion on sea roads.

August 17, 2013, 20:15

Interesting Facts:

The Bermuda Triangle is an area in the Atlantic Ocean where mysterious disappearances of ships and aircraft occur. And the area of ​​the Bermuda Triangle is the zone from Florida to Bermuda, then to Puerto Rico and back to Florida, through the Bahamas.

According to official figures alone, 428 ships went missing in the Bermuda Triangle.

There are several places in the Bermuda region where planes and ships disappear forever. Even when studying the depths, there is no data about the finds of things or anything. In other words, nothing remains of the crew and the aircraft or ship.

The Bermuda Triangle has no clear boundaries, according to scientists, its approximate area is 1 million square kilometers.

In 2012, a team of scientists led by Canadian spouses Paul Weinzweig and Pauline Zalitzky, using a deep-sea robot, explored the ocean floor in the famous Bermuda Triangle, located in the Caribbean Sea, to the north and northeast of the island of Cuba. , at a distance of 700 meters from the Cuban coast and at a depth of 180 meters, researchers discovered a giant sunken city with roads, tunnels, pyramids and other buildings. One of the pyramids is made of glass, a sculpture in the form of a sphinx is visible, engraved inscriptions are visible on the walls of buildings.

Some recorded disappearances:

- 1880 The British ship Atlanta left Bermuda and disappeared. There were 290 cadets on board. The search began, which for a long time gave rise to a lot of rumors. They said that they saw the Atlanta turned upside down, that they found fragments of the ship, that they found bottles with notes from this ship, but all this was not true. A few months later, "Atlanta" was still found drifting, but without a team, whose fate remained unknown.

1881 This real story is called the most incomprehensible and mysterious in the history of the Bermuda Triangle. In the area of ​​​​the Bermuda Triangle, the English ship "Ellen Austin" met an abandoned schooner, which completely retained its seaworthiness. This case has been described many times, but its main essence is in all these stories was next. After the discovery of the vessel, the captain sent several sailors on board in order to deliver it to the port. However, soon after that, a thick fog descended on the sea and the ships lost sight of each other.
After some time, the fog cleared, and the missing schooner was again found, but again no one was on board. Further, the versions of the description of subsequent events by different authors slightly diverge. One by one, the captain sent several more sailors to the schooner and, after the ships again dispersed by the will of the elements, the sailors were found dead. According to the second version of this real story, the sailors for the second time refused to go to the schooner at all, referring to the fact that it was cursed.

- "FREYA" 1902 This barque was found lying on board, it had no masts and crew. No one has been able to explain what happened to her. There was complete calm and the ship was moving with ballast. And the death of the ship was attributed to underwater earthquakes. But nothing is known about the fate of the crew.

- "CYCLOPS" 1918 The disappearance of the ship Cyclops is also one of the most famous and mysterious real stories of the Bermuda Triangle. The Cyclops coal carrier, carrying 309 people, left the pier, but did not reach its destination. Just like in other cases, not even an SOS signal was given. Neither the wreckage nor the bodies of the dead crew members were found. The disappearance of such a large ship, and even with valuable cargo, could not but cause a thorough investigation. Since the First World War was going on, the main version was the version of the sinking of the Cyclops by the German submarine boat. But after the war, when the German archives were opened, no mention of a large ship sunk in the Bermuda region was found. As a version, it was also suggested that the Cyclops stumbled upon a mine. However, as a result of the research, it was found that there was not a single minefield in the area. The storm could not have caused the death of Tsilop either. According to meteorologists, the weather at that time over the triangle was simply excellent - a light wind and no rough seas.

- "CARROL A. DEARING" 1921. The schooner "Carroll A. Deering" was discovered on the shallows of one of the Bermuda Islands. The sails were raised, but not a single member of the crew was on board. That year, 10 more ships went missing in the area.

- "RUBICON" 1944 This ship was discovered from the airship of the US Navy. There was not a single soul on it, except for the dog. The ship was in perfect condition.

STAR TIGER 1948 The commander of the Star Tiger aircraft requested information about his location, and also confirmed that everything was in order on board and that he was on schedule. This aircraft was never seen again. Later searches were carried out with 30 aircraft, but nothing was found, although the weather was excellent. There must be either an oil slick on the surface of the ocean, or at least debris.
"Star ERIEL" 1949 This aircraft disappeared under similar circumstances with the "Star Tiger". He also reported his coordinates and that the weather was good and he was on schedule. And no one else saw this plane. The search was in vain.

"SANDRA" 1950 Dry cargo ship "Sandra" did not appear on time at the place of arrival. Neither the wreckage nor the crew members could be found.

"DAKOTA-3" 1948 Passenger liner with 27 passengers on board, disappeared just before landing. The weather was good, experienced pilots were at the helm, the equipment was in good working order. The captain of the liner told the dispatchers that he was in 50 miles of the city and the city lights were already visible, and everything was in order on board, he requested instructions for landing. The dispatcher gave instructions. But the captain didn't answer. The plane has disappeared. The sea and the weather were ideal for the search, so they began immediately. The bottom is transparent - but no debris was found anywhere, not a single life jacket, not even an oil stain.
"YORK" 1953 Military transport aircraft "York" disappeared along with 39 people. The plane began to transmit an SOS signal, he suddenly broke off. No trace of the crash was found.

"BLACK WEEK" 1967. That year, 4 planes disappeared without a trace on the same site. The first was the Chase, which was flying to the filming location of the Unbreakable films. Three days later, the Beechcraft Bonanza went missing with two married couples on board. And three days later, a married couple disappeared along with the Piper Apache plane. In all cases, the weather was fine, but no one gave an SOS signal.

FIVE COURTS. 1969 The Teignmouth Electron was discovered without crew members. Later, a few miles from this find, the Maplebank ship was also found without crew members. Less than a month later, another ship without a crew was found in the area. And two days later the ship "Golar Frost" met the yacht "Vagabond" in perfect order, but without a crew. Two days later, a yacht was found without a crew on board. It is also inexplicable why it was abandoned by the crew and the fate of the crew could not be traced.

10 most interesting theories explaining the riddle of the Bermuda Triangle:

The Bermuda Triangle is called the area in which ships allegedly disappear annually and, and other anomalous phenomena occur.

Also in this region more often than in others, storms occur and cyclones form.

At this point in time, there are many versions trying to explain the cause of the mysterious anomalies in the Bermuda Triangle.

Let's try to figure out what the ill-fated Bermuda Triangle is.

Mystery of the Bermuda Triangle

It may seem to someone that the anomalous phenomena occurring in the Bermuda Triangle have been known for a very long time. However, it is not.

For the first time, journalist Edward Jones reported on mystical disappearances in 1950. He published a short article about various mysterious incidents in the Bermuda Triangle, calling the area "the devil's sea."

But no one took his comment seriously. However, since that time, unexplained disappearances of ships and aircraft have become increasingly common in this region.

In the late 60s, articles about the Bermuda Triangle began to appear around the world. This topic began to arouse more and more interest, both among ordinary people and many scientists. Around the same time, he writes his famous song about "The Secret of Bermuda".

In 1974 Charles Berlitz wrote the book The Bermuda Triangle. He described many mystical disappearances in this zone in vivid colors.

The book was written in a living language, since the author himself deeply believed in the mystical secret of the Bermuda Triangle. Soon this work became a real bestseller.

And although some of the facts presented in it were very doubtful and sometimes scientifically incorrect, this could no longer affect the popularity of both the Bermuda Triangle in general and Berlitz's book in particular.

Where is the Bermuda Triangle

The boundaries of the Bermuda Triangle are the peaks of Puerto Rico, Florida and.

It should be noted that the "triangle" has only a symbol on the map, and its boundaries are periodically adjusted.

Bermuda Triangle on the map

This is what the Bermuda Triangle looks like on a world map:

And here it is in approximate form:

Mystery of the Bermuda Triangle

To date, there are many theories with which scientists are trying to explain the anomalous phenomena in the Bermuda Triangle.

We will look at the most popular versions, which will help you decide for yourself which one looks the most convincing.

Mysterious gas bubbles

At the beginning of the 20th century, a group of scientists managed to conduct a very interesting experiment. They wanted to find out what would happen to an object while it was on the surface of the churning water.

It turned out that when bubbles were present in the water, its density decreased and the level rose. At the same time, the lifting force exerted by water on the object decreased.

It was also possible to prove that if there are enough bubbles in it, this may well lead to the flooding of the ship.

At the same time, it is important to understand that the experiment was carried out only in laboratory conditions, so whether the mysterious bubbles are related to the sinking of ships remains a mystery.

wandering waves

Rogue killer waves in the Bermuda Triangle can reach up to 30 meters in height. Interestingly, they are formed so quickly and unexpectedly that they can easily sink even a large ship.

Practice shows that the team simply does not have time to react to such a rapid appearance of a mysterious wave.

One of these tragedies occurred in 1984 during the regatta.

The forty-meter ship "Marquez" was the leader in this sports race. When he was in the territory of the Bermuda Triangle, a sudden flurry began.

As a result, a huge wave formed, which almost instantly sank the ship. 19 people died in this tragedy.

Scientists studying the behavior of wandering waves explain their appearance as follows: when the hot waters of the Gulf Stream meet a storm front, waves arise, as a result of which a giant mass of water rises.

It is surprising that initially the height of the waves does not exceed 5 m, but very soon they reach the 25-meter mark.

Alien intervention

According to some people, the territory of the Bermuda Triangle is under the control of alien creatures exploring the Earth.

After contact with people at sea or in, aliens allegedly destroy ships so that no one knows about them.


This theory is very plausible and rational. According to her, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe Bermuda Triangle, disasters happen due to the fact that storms begin there very unpredictably and.

Clouds with mysterious charges

Quite a few pilots flying over the Bermuda Triangle said that during the flight they were in black for some time, inside which electrical discharges and blinding flashes occurred.


According to this hypothesis, a sound may appear in the Bermuda Triangle, forcing passengers to leave the transport.

And although infrasonic vibrations are indeed present on the ocean floor, they still do not pose any threat to human life.

Relief features

Some scientists suggest that the relief of the Bermuda Triangle is the cause of anomalous phenomena.

Indeed, in this zone on the seabed there are many hills reaching 100-200 m and underwater rocks up to 2 km high.

In addition, Bermuda has a continental shelf separated by the Gulf Stream. All these factors can indirectly explain the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle.

Mystic at the bottom of the triangle

Recently, at the bottom of the sea, in the area of ​​the Bermuda Triangle, traces of a sunken city were discovered. After studying his photographs, scientists were able to examine various structures with mysterious inscriptions.

According to experts, the buildings represent ancient architecture.

An interesting fact is that among the buildings, in the photographs, were also present. There is an opinion that American scientists actually knew about this find for a long time, but they deliberately hushed it up.

Perhaps in the future we will learn a lot of interesting information about what is really happening at the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle.

Disappearance in the Bermuda Triangle

It has long been known that not only ships, but also aircraft disappear in the Bermuda Triangle. One of these cases occurred in the post-war years, and immediately became a real sensation.

On December 5, 1945, five American Avenger bombers took off from Fort Lauderdale Airport. Since then, no one has seen them again.

Initially, the flight went quite normally, but later the crew of one of the aircraft told the dispatcher that they had lost their way.

Then the pilots reported that all their navigational instruments had simultaneously failed. After a while, information was received about a sharp deterioration in weather conditions in the flight zone.

And although the dispatchers tried to direct them along the right route, for unknown reasons, the crew did not respond to commands.

For a while, the planes circled over the Bermuda Triangle, claiming to see some kind of "white wall" and "strange water." Then the connection was lost.

The next day, other aircraft were sent to search for the bombers, but this did not produce any results. It is still unknown what happened to the American squadron and 14 members of its crews.

In the early 90s, scientist Graham Hawkes claimed to have found the remains of bombers on the sea floor. To prove his words, he provided photos taken with a special camera at great depths.

However, this evidence was insufficient to positively identify the bombers.

In addition to the very fact of the disappearance of aircraft in the Bermuda Triangle, there are still many questions. For example, what explains the strange behavior of pilots who deliberately ignored the instructions of the controllers?

After all, they could land in just 20 km, but instead the pilots turned in the opposite direction.

According to , some powerful influence was made on the crews, as a result of which they could not make decisions of common sense.

Ship in the Bermuda Triangle

In 1918, the American cargo ship Cyclops suddenly disappeared in the waters of the Bermuda Triangle, on which more than 300 people were present.

The 165-meter ship was last seen on. Soon, the Navy organized a large-scale search operation, but it was not possible to find the Cyclops or its wreckage.

A version was put forward that the ship was flooded in a collision with a huge wave. But in this case, a lot of things and oil stains should have remained on the water, which was not found.

Whether people will be able to unravel the mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle or not, only time will tell.

Perhaps more advanced equipment will help scientists find out the true causes of the anomalous phenomena occurring in Bermuda.

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