Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation

GOU VPO "Ural State Technical University - UPI"

round pipe

Guidelines for laboratory work

in the discipline "Mechanics of liquid and gas"

for students of all forms of engineering education



UDC 62-585.2.001.4

Compiled by N.E. Lapteva

Scientific editor Assoc., Ph.D. tech. Sciences A.V. Nekrasov

Hydraulic resistance along the length

round pipe:

Guidelines for laboratory work on

discipline "Mechanics of liquid and gas" / N.E. Laptev.

Yekaterinburg: GOU VPO USTU-UPI, 2004.11s.

This work contains a description of the laboratory work: a diagram of the installation is given, the procedure for conducting experiments and processing the results of experiments is indicated.

Bibliography: 2 titles. Rice. 2. Tab. 2.

Prepared by the Department of Hydraulics.

© GOU VPO "Ural State

Technical University – UPI”, 2004

1. Key points

Hydraulic resistance along the length of the pipeline is due to the forces of internal friction and is directly proportional to the length of the flow. Head loss h l , caused by hydraulic resistance along the length of a cylindrical pipe, is determined by the Darcy formula

Where λ is the coefficient of hydraulic friction;

l- pipeline length;

d– pipeline diameter;

V is the average flow velocity over the cross section.

In laminar motion, the friction coefficient λ is a function of the Reynolds number (Re) and is determined by the formula

In the turbulent mode of motion, three zones (areas) of resistance are distinguished: hydraulically smooth pipes, zone hydraulically rough pipes and transition zone. In the zone hydraulically smooth pipes the thickness of the laminar film (δ) formed along the pipe walls is greater than the height of the roughness irregularities (∆) on the pipe wall: δ > ∆. In this zone, the coefficient of friction (λch.) does not depend on the roughness of the pipe and is a function of the Reynolds number only. For Re< 10 5 коэффициент трения λ гл. может быть определён по эмпирической формуле Блазиуса

In the zone hydraulically roughened pipes the thickness of the laminar film is less than the height of the roughness protrusions (δ< ∆). Коэффициент трения для зоны шероховатых труб (квадратичной зоны) λ кв. зависит только от относительной шероховатости и может быть вычислен по формуле

λ sq \u003d 0.11 () 0. 25,

where is the relative equivalent roughness.

In the transition zone (zone of mixed friction), the thickness of the laminar layer is approximately equal to the height of the roughness ridges (δ ∆), so the friction coefficient λ see tr. in this zone is a function of both the Reynolds number and the relative roughness. It can be calculated by the generalized Altshul formula

λ see tr. = 0.11( + ) 0.25 .

Goal of the work

1. Determine experimentally the value of the coefficient of hydraulic friction.

2. Determine the mode of fluid movement and select the calculation formula corresponding to the mode (and resistance zone).

3. Description of the laboratory setup

The scheme of the laboratory installation (Fig. 1) includes: 1-pressure tank, in which the water level is maintained at a constant height; 2 - valve; 3 - pipeline with inner diameter d = 20mm; 4, 5-piezometers connected to the working section of the pipeline with a length l; 6 - valve; 7-measurement tank with water-measuring glass 8 for flow measurement; 9 - drain cock.

Informational portal

Yekaterinburg, st. Mira, 19

Publishing house GOU-VPO USTU-UPI

Electronic format Volume

Permission to publish

Computer layout T.L. Boytsova

Editor: Klymenko

Educational electronic text edition

The main course of lectures on the subject

T.L. Boytsova, V.V. Biserov, I.V. Hands on

"Physical Culture"

Educational electronic text edition

Prepared by the department of "cyclic sports"

The textbook is intended for students of technical faculties of full-time education at USTU - UPI to study the general concepts of the theory and methodology of physical culture, the aesthetics of physical culture and sports, the biological and social foundations of this discipline.

© GOU VPO USTU - UPI, 2009


Biserov Vyacheslav Vladimirovich

Boytsova Tatyana Leonidovna

Rukina Irina Valerievna

"Physical Culture"


Chapter 1

Physical culture and sports in the social and professional training of students

The concept of "culture" can be defined as the degree of disclosure of the potential of the individual in various areas of human activity. Physical culture is represented in society by a combination of spiritual and material values.

The history of physical culture and sports goes back thousands of years. Physical culture is part of the general culture of society, aimed at strengthening and improving the level of health.

In evolutionary terms, all components of the human body developed and improved on the basis of movement. The formation of physical culture and its development is largely due to the material conditions of society.

Many changes in the internal structure of each sport often depended and depend on the progress of technology, on the results of scientific discoveries.

Physical culture and sports in modern society are complex multifunctional phenomena. The main indicator of the physical condition of a person is his health, which ensures the full performance by a person of all vital functions and forms of activity in certain specific conditions. The health-improving orientation of physical culture and mass sports is the regularity of their functioning. A healthy country's gene pool can ensure the good physical condition of future parents.

Physical education involves the optimal development of all motor qualities. The main quality of an athlete in his physical fitness is versatile training.

The main goal of the harmonious formation of a person lies in the joint upbringing and development of the physical and spiritual principles of a person's personality. Physical perfection is a historically determined level of health and comprehensive development of people's physical abilities. Signs and indicators of physical perfection are determined by the real needs and conditions of society at each historical stage and therefore change as society develops.

Physical culture and sports play a special role in preparing for the active work of the young generation. It is known that a well-trained person, strong, enduring, dexterous and quick, possessing a variety of skills and abilities, will quickly and successfully adapt to new working conditions.

Physical culture and sports are the means of strengthening peace, friendship and cooperation between peoples. National sports are used as a means of physical education. International sports meetings bring up respect for representatives of other countries, for their customs, allow creating an atmosphere of mutual understanding between people, and encourage international cooperation.

In the field of physical culture and health improvement, personal and public interests are brought together and balanced. Modern sport is of great importance in the development of human contacts. The physical culture of a person is characterized by the level of his education in the field of physical culture. The formation of the character and behavior of a person, the characteristics of his personality are largely determined by the social conditions, the environment in which he lived and lives.

One of the main and difficult tasks of the discipline "Physical Culture" in a higher educational institution is the formation of a meaningfully positive attitude towards physical culture and sports in all students. from the presence or absence of knowledge in the field of physical culture and sports.The main criteria for the formation of a person's physical culture are set out in the state standard.

The natural forces of nature are used as means of physical culture, and physical exercises are the main specific means. Physical exercise is the most effective way to relieve mental fatigue. In physical culture practice, physical exercises are used in the form of various exercises, gymnastics, various sports, games and tourism.

Factors of personal and public hygiene are an inextricable part of physical culture. Basic physical culture is a component of physical culture. . Basic physical culture serves as the foundation for specialized types of training (professional-applied, sports, etc.).

Sport is an integral part of physical culture, a means and method of physical education based on the use of competitive activity and preparation for it, during which the potential capabilities of a person are compared and evaluated.

A component of physical culture is also the "background types" of physical culture, such as hygienic and recreational physical culture. Recreational - usually presented in the mode of extended active recreation (sports entertainment with non-strictly normalized and non-forced physical activity, as well as hunting, active types of fishing, active-motor types of tourism).

Tourism is an essential component of physical culture. Active types of tourism (hiking, cycling, water, etc.) are effective physical exercises, which very often have not only health-improving, sports, but also professional-applied character. Professional-applied physical training is associated with the process of profiled (directed) use of physical culture and sports means to prepare for a future profession.

"Background" types of physical culture (or, as they are otherwise called, "small forms") have a less profound effect on the physical status and development of the body, but they play an important role in the operational regulation of the current functional state of the body, create certain prerequisites for maintaining daily activity man in modern conditions of life.

Physical education is a pedagogical process aimed at the formation of a person's physical culture as a result of pedagogical influence and self-education. A component of physical education is psychophysical training. Realization of each component of physical culture is closely connected with the process of physical education. The practical implementation of physical education always has a target setting for a longer or shorter period of a person's life, which involves the development of program-normative foundations of physical education for each period.

The main legislative instrument of the discipline "physical culture" is the order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. The physical culture program includes the following main sections: organizational and methodological, theoretical, practical, control sections.

Mandatory types of physical exercises for inclusion in the work program for physical culture are; individual disciplines of track and field athletics (100 m run - men, women, 2000 m run - women, 3000 m run - men ..), swimming, sports games, cross-country skiing, professional-applied physical training (PPFP).

One of the conditions and criteria that ensure the success of the process of physical education is the regularity of attending compulsory practical classes in the academic discipline "Physical Culture".

Training sessions (I-IV courses) are held in the form of: independent, theoretical, practical and control work.

For practical training in the academic discipline "Physical Education", on the basis of a medical report, students are distributed into three educational departments: basic, special, sports.

Students who have not passed a medical examination are not allowed to practical training sessions. Those who, for health reasons, are exempted from practical training in physical education for a long time, are also enrolled in a special educational department for mastering the available sections of the program. The same department enrolls students assigned to special practical classes in groups of therapeutic physical culture (LFK).

The total average scores of tests of the practical section were established: the average score of 2.0 points - "satisfactory", 3.0 - "good", 3.5 - "excellent". All students of the special department at the end of each semester submit abstracts. At the end of the course of the discipline "Physical Education" in all educational departments, an exam is held. The final certification of students is carried out in the form of testing on the theoretical and methodological sections of the program.

Location Ekaterinburg Legal address 620002, Russia, Yekaterinburg, st. Mira, 19. Website

Ural State Technical University - UPI named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin ( USTU-UPI listen)) is a university in Yekaterinburg. Before was called Ural Polytechnic Institute S. M. Kirova, since 1992 - USTU (USTU-UPI), April 23, named after B. Yeltsin. In 2010, the Ural Federal University was established on the basis of the university.

About the university

  • Founded in the year
  • Teaching staff of 2171 people, including more than 310 doctors of sciences, professors and 1124 candidates of sciences, associate professors.
  • 39,100 students, 23,100 of them in full-time faculties


  • October 19, 1920 - May 15, 1925 - Ural State University
  • May 15, 1925 - May 5, 1930 - Ural Polytechnic Institute
  • June 22, 1934 - December 17, 1934 - Ural Industrial Institute
  • December 17, 1934 - February 20, 1948 - Ural Industrial Institute named after S. M. Kirov
  • February 20, 1948-1967 - Ural Polytechnic Institute named after S. M. Kirov
  • 1967 - December 24, 1992 - Ural Polytechnic Institute named after S. M. Kirov
  • December 24, 1992 - May 12, 2000 - Ural State Technical University
  • May 12, 2000 - April 23, 2008 - Ural State Technical University - UPI
  • April 23, 2008 - April 6, 2010 - Ural State Technical University - UPI named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin

Despite the renaming, the name of S.M. is still written on the facade. Kirov.

Full name - State educational institution of higher professional education "Ural State Technical University - UPI named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin"

Abbreviated names (official, approved by order of the rector No. 330/03 of July 30, 2008):

  • GOU VPO "USTU-UPI named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin"

In fact, the abbreviation "UGTU-UPI" has been used since the mid-1990s.


The university was established in accordance with the decree of the Council of People's Commissars "On the establishment of the Ural State University" dated October 19. In fact, he became the assignee, created in 1914, the bulk of the students and teachers of which (including the rector P.P. von Weimarn) were evacuated in July 1919 to Vladivostok along with Kolchak's troops. The official opening of the university took place on January 8, 1921.

The structure of the Ural State University included:

  • Mining Institute (geological exploration and metallurgical (until 1921) faculties),
  • Polytechnic Institute (mechanical, chemical, forestry engineering and metallurgical (since 1921) faculties),
  • medical institute,
  • Agricultural Institute (in fact, it was not created),
  • Institute of Social Sciences,
  • Working faculty.

In 1922, the division into institutes was abolished, leaving the university with 3 faculties: chemical and metallurgical (which also included chemical and forestry engineering departments), mining and medical. In 1924, the Faculty of Medicine was transferred to Perm State University.

The first graduation at the university took place in the city and gave the country six engineers.

Rectors (in 1934-53 - directors)

  • Pinkevich Albert Petrovich (1920-21)
  • Didkovsky Boris Vladimirovich (1921 - November 1923)
  • Alferov Vladimir Vasilyevich (November 1923 - November 1924)
  • Bessonov Sergey Alexandrovich (November 1924-1927)
  • Menitsky Ivan Antonovich (October 1927 - June 1928)
  • Alexandrov Arshak Semyonovich (October 1928 - February 1930)
  • Golyshev Alexander Yakovlevich (February - May 1930)
  • Kryukov Ivan Nikolaevich (June 1934-1935)
  • Schreiber Grigory Yakovlevich (August 1935 - April 1937)
  • Prudensky German Alexandrovich (acting director in April - October 1937)
  • Kachko Arkady Semyonovich (October 1937 - July 1951)
  • Prudensky German Alexandrovich (July 1951 - June 1955)
  • Siunov Nikolai Sergeevich (June 1955 - March 1966)
  • Zaostrovsky Fedor Petrovich (March 1966 - February 1986)
  • Naboychenko Stanislav Stepanovich (February 1986 - December 2007)
  • Matern Anatoly Ivanovich (since December 2007)


In the archives of USTU.

  • Faculty of Distance Education
  • Faculty of Information and Mathematical Technologies and Economic Modeling
  • Faculty of Continuous Technologies in Education
  • Faculty of Accelerated Learning


The work of the selection committees USTU-UPI

  • Institute of Road Transport
  • Institute of Educational Information Technologies
  • Institute of Military Technical Education and Security
  • Institute of Innovation and Marketing
  • Institute of Physical Culture, Social Service and Tourism
  • Nizhny Tagil Institute of Technology (branch of USTU-UPI)
  • Construction Institute
  • Institute of Additional Education and Professional Retraining (IDOPP)
  • Institute of Informatics, Radioelectronics and Communications
  • Polytechnic Institute in Kamensk-Uralsky (branch of USTU-UPI)


  • Branch in Alapaevsk
  • Branch in Verkhnyaya Salda
  • Branch in Irbit
  • Branch in Krasnoturinsk
  • Branch in Krasnouralsk
  • Branch in Nevyansk
  • Branch in Serov
  • Branch in Sysert
  • Branch in Chusovoy
  • Branch in Kamensk-Uralsky

Distinguished Alumni

The most famous graduates of the Ural Polytechnic Institute (now the Ural State Technical University - UPI named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin, USTU-UPI) are the first President of the Russian Federation B. N. Yeltsin and Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR in 1985-1990 . N. I. Ryzhkov. Commemorative plaques dedicated to them are installed at the central entrance of the main building of the university.

Among the graduates of USTU-UPI there are members of the governments and parliaments of the USSR, the Russian Federation and neighboring states, corresponding members and academicians of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and the Russian Academy of Sciences, heads of the largest enterprises and entire sectors of the national economy, rectors of universities, large businessmen - persons involved in the lists of the richest people in Russia, Heroes of the Soviet Union and Heroes of Socialist Labor, etc.


The base for students to practice sports are summer and winter stadiums, 11 specialized sports halls, 2 ski bases. Representatives of the university have repeatedly become winners of major international sports competitions, including the Olympic Games, World Universiades, World and European Championships. Among the first conquerors of the summit of Everest (8848 m) in 1982 are S. Efimov and E. Vinogradsky. The university has professional sports clubs for basketball, mini-football, handball, athletics, rock climbing, and boxing. Only in 1996, students won 2 silver medals at the Olympic Games (Atlanta, USA), 7 people became world champions.


  • May 7 (Radio Day) - every year on the evening of May 7, a procession is held from the Faculty of Radio Engineering to the monument to A. S. Popov.
  • Every year on the 3rd Sunday of May, together with the city tourist club, the May Walk is held.
  • Every year on the second weekend of April, the festival of intellectual games "Stone Flower" is held within the walls of the university.
  • Since 1956, the International Student Festival "Spring-UPI" has been held at UPI. The festival takes place twice every five years.



Coordinates : 56°50′38.52″ N sh. 60°39′16.94″ E d. /  56.844033° N. sh. 60.654706° E d.(G)56.844033 , 60.654706

Federal Agency for Education

Gou VPO "Ural State Technical University - UPI"


Methodical instructions and control tasks

for part-time students


UDC 54 (076.1)

Compiled by: S. D. Vashchenko, E. A. Nikonenko, O. S. Anisimova, N. M. Titov

Scientific editor - prof., Dr. chem. Sciences M. G. Ivanov

CHEMISTRY: methodical instructions and control tasks for students

/S.D. Vashchenko, E.A. Nikonenko, O.S. Anisimova, N.M. Titov. Ekaterinburg: GOU VPO USTU - UPI, 2010. 49 p.

The work contains control tasks for the main sections of the chemistry course in accordance with state educational standards for specialties. Examples of solving examples, necessary data and tables, as well as a list of references are given. Methodical instructions contain recommendations for independent work of second-year students of correspondence courses.

Bibliography: 8 titles. Table 16. App. 1.

Prepared by the Department of General Chemistry and Environmental Management.

© GOU VPO "Ural State

Technical University - UPI", 2010

General guidelines

Chemistry is not only a general technical, but also a general educational science, so any specialist should have sufficient knowledge in its field.

The main type of study for part-time students is independent work on educational material. At the course of chemistry, it is composed of the following elements: studying material from textbooks and teaching aids; performance of control work ( Deadline for submission December 1st). During the examination session, students attend lectures, perform a laboratory workshop, pass a test or an exam. Only those students who passed the home control work on time are allowed to the laboratory workshop.

Students write the control work in a notebook and submit it for registration to the dean's office. On the cover of the notebook, you must indicate the last name, first name, patronymic, group number, option number, name of the specialty. Mandatory requiredfullyrewrite terms assignments, otherwise the work will not be checked. Task option corresponds the last two digits of the number student's record book (or student card) (numbers of options and corresponding tasks on pp. 39 - 40).

Homework Sample

1. The structure of the atom

Task 1. a) Indicate the numerical values ​​of the main and orbital quantum numbers of these sublevels, calculate the sequence of their filling: 5 p, 7p, 7s.

Solution. 5p 7p 7s

Meaning n 5 7 7

Meaning l 1 1 0

Sum ( n +l ) 6 8 7

Filling sequence (based on Klechkovsky's rules):

1 – 5p; 2 – 7s; 3 – 7p.

b) Distribute the valence electrons among the quantum cells 2 s 2 2p 4, determine the chemical element and its position in the D.I. Mendeleev (period number, group, subgroup).

Solution. Valence electrons in quantum cells are distributed as follows: 2 s 2 2p 4

The proposed element oxygen is located in the second period, the sixth group, the main subgroup of the Periodic Table of D.I. Mendeleev.

V) Write the electronic formulas of atoms and ions, indicate their position in the D.I. Mendeleev (period number, group, subgroup): K, Zn 2+ .

Solution. The electronic formula of the chemical element potassium is as follows: 1 s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 3p 6 4s 1 . It is located in the fourth period, the first group, the main subgroup of the Periodic Table of D.I. Mendeleev. Electronic formula of the Zn 2+ cation: 1 s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 3p 6 3d 10 . The chemical element zinc is located in the fourth period, the second group, a side subgroup.

Do the same for all assignments.