Happy people are full people. To ensure that our refrigerators are filled with tasty and healthy products, agricultural specialists are working. Is this area interesting? will talk about five professions related to the procurement of raw materials for food.


This specialist manages the stages of growing crops, vegetables and fruits. It monitors the preparation for sowing and harvesting, improves the quality of crops, increases the yield. You can specialize in grain or fruit and vegetable growing. Separately, there are breeders who breed new varieties of plants. They teach agronomists in, or in.

Animal engineer and livestock specialist

Breeding animals on an industrial scale is the task of livestock specialists. They are divided into livestock breeders, poultry breeders, fishermen, beekeepers, etc. Having received the necessary knowledge in the direction, zooengineers breed animals, and livestock specialists take care of the conditions for their maintenance, feeding, harvest agricultural products: milk, eggs, honey, wool. A livestock engineer is qualified at, and a livestock specialist - at.

land surveyor

Mechanical Technician

In the agro-industrial complex, the work of drivers of agricultural machines and car mechanics is extremely important. Mechanics using tractor or combine perform the lion's share of the work of land development, planting, watering and harvesting crop products. You can study in the specialty "Technical support of agricultural production" in, and numerous.

Agricultural manager

Agricultural managers, economists and marketers manage the processes in the agro-complex. They plan the work of departments, deal with documentation, finance, marketing strategies within the industry. They also understand agronomy, animal engineering, land management. Relevant knowledge is acquired in

Shapshinskaya secondary school of the Vysokogorsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan

Class hour on the topic

"Professions of my village"

(4th grade)

Primary school teacher

1 sq. category

Kondratieva Nelly Anatolyevna

The plan is an outline of the class hour.

Theme "Professions of our village"

Goals: To give students an idea about the professions related to agriculture. Generalization of students' ideas about the importance of labor in human life. Education of love, respect, respect for one's native village, region, a sense of citizenship. Raising interest in the subjects necessary for students to obtain a future profession. To teach students to navigate the world of professions.

Equipment: presentation, multimedia projector, screen, computer.

The course of the classroom.


Teacher: Guys, today we will make a trip to our native, beloved village of Shapshi.According to historical information, the village of Shapshi was founded in 1552 after the conquest of Kazan by Ivan the Terrible. Although there is every reason to believe that people lived here before. Indeed, it is hard to imagine that such a convenient place in all respects has not been inhabited since ancient times. According to historians, the territory of the Vysokogorsky region was inhabited as early as the 1st millennium AD. And in subsequent centuries, the local lands were not empty. And the very name of the village - Shapshi, as local historians believe, most likely has Tatar roots.

(Viewing slides about the village of Shapshi.)

Look how beautiful our village is, how much greenery surrounds it. And every year our village becomes more and more beautiful. And how many people with useful and necessary professions live in our village.
Today we will try to talk about rural professions in such a way that a spark will light up in your soul, a spark of love and respect for the working profession of a rural resident.


Who to be?
How quickly the years go by
Soon eighteen.
We need to think now
What are we going to do.
Who draws, who sings
Who forges metal in the workshop.
If you want, you can grow bread,
Launch a satellite into space.
Lots of work on earth
All try hunting.
To have a profession
You have to overcome laziness.
Studying well in school
To be proud of you

There are many professions in the world
And they are very important to all of us:
Doctor, teacher, plumber, professor,
Engineer, acrobat and worker.
All professions are very different.
It's hard to make a choice sometimes.
Interesting and dangerous
They can become fate for someone.

Teacher: Who is the most important person in the village? Chairman or Economist? No! The main one is the one who grows bread, who plows the endless field, sows the grain into the ground, and in the fall harvests the ears filled with golden grain.


(A student tells about the profession of a rural machine operator.)
Agriculture is a production saturated with machines, tools, installations. Powerful machinery is entrusted to rural machine operators. Not a single furrow is carried out in the field without the participation of machines, and hence machine operators. Not a single seed, tuber is put into the soil without them, almost all operations for growing, harvesting and processing are performed by them - machine operators.
A machine operator is an agricultural worker who knows and uses not only tractors, combines, but also many tools and mechanisms in the production process.
The earth lives by its own laws. She - like a living being - can get sick, suffer from thirst and have her own character. The work of the farmer is to recognize this character, to reveal all the secrets of the earth. And here he will need patience, knowledge, experience and talent.
The work of the farmer is not easy and unusual, his life is interesting and peculiar. The work of a peasant cannot be divided equally into every day, it cannot be measured either by the light of day or by fatigue. But how beautiful is the earth to which man has applied both his mind and heart, how beautiful he himself is in labor!
A strange monster, rumbling, crawls across the field. And this monster, following the commands of the tractor driver, leaves behind wide black stripes on the yellow background of the stubble. In a day, the face of tens of hectares of land changes before our eyes. The muscles of man and the mechanisms of machines are straining.
And the day will come when bread will ripen on the plowed field, which must be harvested without losing a single grain!
Anyone who chooses the profession of a machine operator must necessarily love and understand the land. He will need to know not only a variety of equipment, but also the basics of agriculture, agrochemistry, in order to competently set the depth of tillage and seed placement, and fertilizer application rates, and accurately choose the timing of work, since the slightest deviation reduces the quality of the crop. After all, the result of the skill of a machine operator is valued by the amount of grain harvested.
You need to choose the profession of a machine operator not because there is nowhere else to go, but to your liking and vocation. Being a farmer is a great honor!

Teacher : Who is at the helm of the sowing and harvesting next to the machine operator? Also an important person in the village - an agronomist! The quality of planting material and productivity depend on it. Let's listen to a story about this.


(student says)
Agronomist is the most common profession among plant growers. All its activities are based on the knowledge of biology and agronomy.
In the agronomic "kingdom" every business seems to be connected with everyday things that surround us - fields, forests, soil. But how much is still unknown, remarkable in the life of cultivated plants, how many still undiscovered secrets in the soil.
The agronomist must be observant, notice and take into account in his work the changes taking place in nature.
Teacher : Who is friends with a horse,

Can't they be splashed with water?

Children's answer. (groom)


(Student's story about the groom)

Form start

End of form

A good groom has calm, gentle, trusting horses. Horses love to follow the daily routine exactly. The groom will be late with feeding - they start beating with their hooves, waving their heads in displeasure, pressing their ears to their heads. Give them food - and they calm down.
The groom takes care of a sick horse, gives her medicine.
Horses know that no one, except the groom, can properly fit a bridle, a collar, a saddle. Taking care of the horse, the groom keeps the harness in order, it must always be in good condition. In this case, the repair of the harness is carried out by the groom. And it will be necessary - he will become a groom and a blacksmith, he will not only fix the cart, but also shoe the horse.
So it turns out that a good groom is a bit of a trainer, a bit of a veterinarian, a bit of a saddler and a blacksmith.
In a word, the groom is a "horse professor."
A horse is the best visiting card of a groom, by its condition it is easy to determine whether it is kept by a kind or negligent groom.
The power of the horse is small, but with conscientious care it increases several times. The strength of the horse, the duration of its life, efficiency - everything is in the hands of the right and important person - the groom.

Teacher: What if the animals suddenly get sick?

Children's answer. (vet)


(Student's story about a veterinarian.)

And if suddenly the horse gets sick, the veterinarian will examine, listen, make a diagnosis and prescribe a course of treatment.

The main focus of the veterinary profession is the treatment of animals, the fight against animal diseases bordering on human ailments. In agriculture, a specialist in this field prevents violations in the use of various chemicals that, when ingested by animals, can accumulate and eventually become a source of food contamination. Also directly the veterinarian carries out sanitary control of meat, milk and other animal products.

Teacher :People of what profession still work with animals?

Children: Livestock specialist.


Teacher: Let's listen to a story about this.

(Student's story about the profession of livestock specialist)

Modernzootechnics is rooted in antiquity and originates in the countries of the Mediterranean (Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece). In the 19th century, the number of objects studied by biologists increased sharply, which included practical animal husbandry. At present, the work of a livestock specialist is of great practical importance for agriculture, the processing industry, the rational use of natural resources and nature conservation.

The livestock specialist organizes various activities for the effective operation of the livestock complex (poultry farm, pig breeding complex, rabbit farm, fur farm, etc.). The area of ​​professional activity of livestock specialists is: selection and breeding of animals using genetics and biotechnology methods, development of diets for all types of animals, control over the quality and quantity of products in the field of animal husbandry, merchandising of fur raw materials,selection and implementation of high technologies for the production of environmentally friendly products.

Teacher : And to find out what profession we are going to talk about next, you will have to guess the riddle.

She needs a lot of work

And work with fire

To be with us for dinner

Porridge with butter, with milk. (Milkmaid.)


(Student's story about a milkmaid)

The word milkmaid came to us from ancient India. It means "nanny", "nurse". Good and true is the word. If a woman had not guessed in ancient times to milk goats and cows, buffaloes and sheep, butter, cheese, cottage cheese would not have stood on our table. Would not stand on the table and a mug of milk.

sleeping collective farm village. Early morning. Silence. But then several windows lit up at once. The doors creaked. Voices rang out in the street. These are milkmaids rushing for milking. They get up first in the village.

Milkmaids have many worries. It is necessary to clean and water the cows, milk them three times a day, and cleanly wash the udder of each cow before milking. You need great skill, observation, because each cow has its own disposition, its own appetite.

For thousands of years, cows have been milked by hand, squatting or kneeling. At the end of the work, the hands went numb, as if they had dragged hundreds of kilograms of cargo. Now mechanisms have come to the aid of the milkmaid: automatic drinkers, automatic feeders and even electric milking machines.

Teacher : Guys, listen to another riddle and guess who it is?

This little childSleeping without sheets and diapersunder brown earsDon't give him pillows.

He has four legsHe walks without a coatHe galoshes and bootsWon't wear anything.

They won't sew shirts for him,They won't sew his pants,They won't give him a cap,Do not bake pancakes for him.

He cannot say: "Mom,I want to eat." And thereforeThe whole day mumbles stubbornly:"Moo".This is not a child at all.This is a small ... (calf).Teacher . And in order to learn more about the work of calf houses, we will go on an excursion to the calf house.

Excursion to the calf .

This year, guys, our schoolchildren of grades 8-10 also help our calves. They go to the farm to feed them every day.And let's hear what they tell about their work. (The story of a high school student

working on a farm)


The room where the calves are kept is quite spacious. We try to keep it clean.

The livestock is small - 8 calves. Everyone needs to be fed, watered, cleaned, treated, if necessary.

In accordance with age, the entire livestock is settled in flocks. In the calf shed, they are looked after for up to 8 months, and then the heifers are transferred to a neighboring yard and prepared for calving, and the bulls are taken to their older brothers in another cattle shed.

Calves are driven off once a month, if necessary - twice.

The diet and feeding scheme are made by specialists. The livestock specialist oversees the nutrition of young animals. Every morning he drops by the calf barn to see if all the ingredients are there.

After the feeders have been cleared of evening residues, we distribute hay to the calves. It is very useful for digestion and favorably contributes to the further assimilation of all feeds. And how many medicinal and useful herbs are in it!

Soon a tractor with a feeder appears. This means they brought silage.

While the calves are eating, we clean in flocks. This procedure is laborious and difficult. Indeed, in addition to cleaning manure, you need to bring sawdust and throw them on the floor so that it is dry. I must say that the work on the calf is mainly manual. There is only a manure conveyor.

There is so much work to do that there is no time to rest.

When all the animals had eaten, they lay down on the soft and clean floors, chewing their food importantly.

Also, calves love to eat licks - this is such a mixture of mineral supplements and vitamins that every flock constantly has.

The time is approaching noon. You can go home. But the working day does not end, in the evening you will again need to go to feed the calves and, if necessary, clean up in flocks.

Although the work is hard, we really enjoy taking care of the calves.

Teacher : This is the end of our tour. You and I learned a lot, discovered a lot for ourselves, and came to the conclusion that all professions are important in the countryside! In conclusion, I want to read you a poem. Who the author is is not important. Everyone can tell it on their own behalf.
I am a villager, I am a villager,
I am a farmer and horse breeder.
I am a Man, I am a Russian!
And I'm proud of that, believe me.
I am the postman that in the snow and thunder
Knocking under your window.
I am a beekeeper and agronomist.
In the village, I am a little bit of everyone.
I sow bread, I treat calves,
I drive the flocks to graze at night.
And at school I teach guys
Love your native village.
I am a villager, I am a Peasant.
I am a citizen! I'm Russian!
(M.V. Ryzhova)

Ministry of Education of the Komi Republic

State educational institution of additional

He must know the directive and regulatory documents on the organization of accounting and reporting, the technology and economics of a particular production, the principles of organization and planning of activities.

5. Ways to get a profession

A profession can be obtained at the Komi Republican Agro-Industrial College.



Pro profession farmer and in some way unique. A farmer combines several professions: a farmer is his own leader, and an accountant, and an economist, and an agronomist, and a lawyer, and even a tractor driver, combine operator, mechanic, loader, etc.

Of course, there are probably no people who would have all these professions at the same time, the corresponding education. Therefore, the farmer continues to learn all his life. He acquires his own experience, adopts the experience of his colleagues, and constantly needs a wide variety of information regarding the activities of farms.

The farmer ensures the production of marketable agricultural products on leased or privately owned land, machinery, real estate.

Organizes and performs a wide range of labor operations. Performs various chores: metalwork, welding, construction, manages machine and tractor units. Engaged in selection, collection, processing, storage and sale of manufactured products. He takes care of increasing the yield, preserving livestock, procuring fodder, fighting pests of agricultural crops, and providing veterinary care.

Farms can specialize in certain sectors of agriculture (crop farming, animal husbandry, beekeeping, fishing, etc.) or be complex (diversified).

Labor on crop farms is seasonal, carried out during the daytime, and allows wider use of machinery.

The livestock farmer is busy throughout the year with approximately equal workload and full time with short breaks, and sometimes at night to regularly provide fodder, clean the premises, and care for the young.

The work of a farmer is associated with risk due to the "whims" of the weather, competition, fluctuations in prices for equipment and products. The farmer must monitor the state of the market, show flexibility and efficiency in re-profiling production. To the extent necessary, uses the services of financial, trade, supply, repair, legal and other auxiliary and intermediary structures.

The work of a farmer is physical and mental at the same time, intense, irregular, with a high proportion of manual labor.

The farmer works together with family members and employees

Good health, physical strength, endurance, craving for and interest in nature, land, diligence, self-discipline, enterprise, practical ingenuity and dexterity are necessary.

Work is not recommended for persons with stable cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the musculoskeletal system (arthritis, radiculitis, etc.). With some deviations in the functions of the respiratory and nervous systems, moderate physical labor in the air helps to improve health.

The farmer must have good knowledge in the field of natural history (botany, anatomy, biology), chemistry, physics.

He must know: the basics of crop production, animal husbandry, economics, legal legislation and regulations, land use, monetary relations, tax and customs policy;

device, operation, control of machine-tractor units.

The farmer must skillfully put into practice knowledge on the preparation, processing and storage of products produced on the farm.

5. Ways to get a profession

Vocational training can be obtained at agricultural universities, technical schools and colleges, vocational schools and vocational lyceums.

In vocational schools, training is organized for the profession of “farm owner”, which makes it possible to independently organize a farm, become a farmer’s assistant.

6. Related professions (specialties)

Livestock breeder, vegetable grower, tractor driver.



1. General characteristics of the profession

Operates caterpillar and wheeled tractors in combination with mounted and trailed machines and implements.

Can work on harvesters, trucks. Performs plowing, sowing, harvesting and transporting crops, etc.

In the course of work, he observes the readings of instruments, listens to the operation of the engine, monitors the direction of movement of the machine.

Responsible for the safety and performance of equipment, the use of fuels and lubricants.

During the period of the sowing and harvesting campaign, the working day is not standardized. During this period, it is possible to stay for 1-2 weeks at field camps with minimal amenities.

Works mainly individually (episodic cooperation with a shift worker, trailer), in all weather and climatic conditions, when exposed to vibration, noise, dust.

2. Requirements of the profession to the individual

Physical strength and endurance, sufficient hearing acuity, a good three-dimensional eye, an accurate sensorimotor reaction, a steady interest in working with technology, technical observation and ingenuity are required.

3. Medical contraindications

4. Requirements for professional training

Need knowledge in the field of physics, biology, geometry as a prerequisite for the development of special subjects - the theory of machines and mechanisms, metal science, agricultural technology.

Skills in the use of locksmith tools, the ability to assemble and disassemble agricultural machines are required.

5. Ways to get a profession

A profession can be obtained in vocational schools and vocational lyceums.

6. Related professions (specialties)

Auto mechanic, driving professions of various types.


1. General characteristics of the profession

Works at enterprises and organizations of agriculture and forestry. Carries out zootechnical work at departments, farms, plots, ensuring the growth of livestock production and improving their quality. Carries out breeding work to improve the breeding and productive qualities of animals and poultry, the cultivation of breeding young animals. Organizes the rational use of fodder, pastures, introduces progressive methods of keeping, feeding and caring for livestock on farms. Controls the quality of products, determines their compliance with standards, participates in the certification of product quality when selling it to producers, weighing animals at a meat processing plant. Carries out work to improve the skills of livestock workers.

2. Requirements of the profession to the individual

Love for animals, balance, responsibility, selectivity of attention, good long-term tactile and visual memory, developed practical thinking, observation and ingenuity are necessary.

3. Medical contraindications

4. Requirements for professional training

Should know: technology of livestock production; requirements for finished livestock products and applicable standards for it.

5. Ways to get a profession

Must have a higher or secondary vocational education.

Vocational training can be obtained at agricultural universities, technical schools and colleges.

6. Related professions (specialties)

Veterinary assistant, livestock breeder.


1. General characteristics of the profession

Carries out machine milking of cows on stationary and mobile milking installations. Prepares milking machines, installations, milk pipeline, carries out technical maintenance; behind milking platforms, installations, performs primary processing of milk. Distributes feed, cleans cows, cleans rooms, assists veterinary specialists and conducts preventive and therapeutic measures. Carries out activities to increase the milk productivity of cows.

2. Requirements of the profession to the individual

Physical strength and endurance, observation and ingenuity are necessary.

3. Medical contraindications

Work is not recommended for people with cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the musculoskeletal system (sciatica, arthritis, etc.), severe defects in the organs of vision and hearing, and neuropsychiatric disorders.

4. Requirements for professional training

Must know: basics of anatomy and physiology of animals; milk production technology on an industrial basis; feed value, norms and rules of feeding are different: types of feed, methods of increasing the productivity of animals and rules for the primary processing of milk; rules for calving and sanitation of animals.

5. Ways to get a profession

6. Related professions (specialties)

Animal breeder.


1. General characteristics of the profession

The livestock breeder performs auxiliary work to care for the livestock of cattle, for the milking and brood herd. Prepares and distributes feed, cleans rooms, cleans animals, stalls and aisles. Provides assistance in the treatment and veterinary treatment of animals.

2. Requirements of the profession to the individual

Love for animals, health and endurance, observation, good attention, developed long-term memory and practical thinking, physical strength and endurance, observation and ingenuity are necessary.

3. Medical contraindications

4. Requirements for professional training

5. Ways to get a profession

Must have a basic vocational education.

The profession of a vegetable grower can be obtained in vocational schools and vocational lyceums.

6. Related professions (specialties)

Vegetable grower.


1. General characteristics of the profession

About 600 different vegetable plants are consumed fresh and processed. The grower is engaged in growing them.

He prepares the soil for sowing and planting the necessary crops, applies fertilizers, prepares pesticides for processing crops and planting plants, feeds and prepares plants for primary processing and storage.

Vegetables contain a significant amount of vitamins vital to humans and not replenished by any other food.

Vegetable growers prepare the soil (a mixture of earth, peat, straw, humus, etc.), loosen and mark the soil. Seedlings grown from seeds in special greenhouses are planted in the soil, while diving seedlings, that is, removing the tips of the roots in order to develop lateral roots more actively. During the entire period of development and growth, the plants are watered, loosened and weeded, the soil is sprinkled to strengthen the root system, and they are fed with fertilizers. Then ripened cucumbers are collected, sorted and placed in a container.

2. Requirements of the profession to the individual

A vegetable grower needs love for plants, endurance, observation, good attention, developed long-term memory and practical thinking.

Figurative, visual and motor memory helps vegetable growers in their work - they distinguish types of peat by shades of color, determine the degree of its decomposition by touch. Thanks to observation by the external signs of plants - the color and size of the leaves - they judge plant diseases, nutrient deficiencies or mineral poisoning. The vegetable grower is familiar with a variety of equipment that is used in modern vegetable growing, machines for tillage, sowing, caring for crops, watering, harvesting vegetables. He knows how to handle instrumentation and some automation equipment in greenhouses.

The work of a vegetable grower requires considerable physical effort, since vegetable care and harvesting have not yet been fully mechanized. In the field, the vegetable grower works in any weather, in greenhouses - unusual temperature, high humidity, the smell of fertilizers and pesticides. But in the fields and in the greenhouses there are thousands of people who are in love with their work, linking their lives with vegetable growing and achieving outstanding results.

3. Medical contraindications

4. Requirements for professional training

A qualified vegetable grower knows the biology and physiology of plants well, the characteristics of the main vegetable crops, a complex set of conditions that affect their growth and development (air temperature, soil, lighting, water, nutrients, air, microbiological processes in the soil, weeds, pests and diseases plants).

5. Ways to get a profession

Must have a basic vocational education.

The profession of a vegetable grower can be obtained in vocational schools and vocational lyceums.

6. Related professions (specialties)

Animal breeder.


1. General characteristics of the profession

At agricultural enterprises, at stud farms, fur farms, poultry farms and other places, a veterinary paramedic is a necessary person.

Protecting the health of agricultural and game animals, the main goal of which is to promote the growth of livestock and poultry, and hence the increase in the production of meat, milk, eggs and other food products, is one of the main tasks solved by the veterinary service. Veterinary science is also engaged in the study of pathogens of infectious diseases in animals, the modernization of mass preventive vaccination methods designed in animal husbandry.

A veterinarian is constantly fighting anthropozoozons - diseases common to humans and animals. A person becomes infected with them from sick or recovered animals, through the products and raw materials received from them.

The veterinary service controls the sanitary quality of meat, milk and other livestock products. The veterinary doctor of the collective farm or state farm, for example, makes sure that farm workers strictly observe the rules of animal hygiene, controls the sanitary condition of milking units, dairy equipment, etc. All farm animals are under the constant supervision of a veterinarian or paramedic.

A veterinarian conducts a veterinary and sanitary examination, determining the good quality of products that go on sale to the public catering sector. In some cases, the veterinarian may impose a ban on the sale of unsuitable products or confiscate them. Veterinarians also keep under tight control the use of pesticides, which they check for the possibility of their accumulation in living organisms and thus contaminating food.

2. Requirements of the profession to the individual.

In order for a veterinarian to be successful, he must be an honest, principled person with a great sense of responsibility, able to defend his opinion and bring the work started to the end.

For a veterinarian, love for animals, increased observation and attention to detail, accuracy, patience, endurance, and the ability to communicate with people are necessary.

4. Requirements for professional training

Must know: basic requirements of zoohygiene and veterinary medicine; livestock care rules, methods of intensive fattening of animals; basic feeds, their nutritional value, the order and norms of feeding; methods of obtaining high quality milk, rules for calving reception, features of keeping and rearing young animals.

5. Ways to get a profession

You can get this education in universities.

6. Related professions (specialties)

Related professions: sanitary doctor, veterinary paramedic.


1. General characteristics of the profession

Works in the construction of roads and railways, water channels, earth dams, trenches for underground utilities, etc.

Drives a machine based on a wheeled or caterpillar tractor equipped with a blade (knife).

Before starting work on the drawings, he studies the future structure in order to avoid moving excess soil. Determines the category and condition of the soil, terrain. Outlines the optimal soil development scheme for the given area.

The bulldozer operator can also work with mixed working equipment - a frozen soil ripper, a robber for clearing cutting areas, a tree feller for felling trees, a brush cutter and a stump remover.

As the power of the machines increases, workers with the appropriate qualifications are allowed to manage it:

Power up to 60 liters. With. - 4 category;

Power from 60 to 100 liters. With. - 5 category;

Power over 100 hp. With. - 6 category.

The profession is male, associated with significant physical exertion.

The bulldozer driver works in conditions of vibration, increased noise level, in various weather and climatic conditions, comes into contact with harmful substances (fuel oil, gasoline, oils, etc.).

A monotonous working posture is characteristic - the “sitting” position.

2. Requirements of the profession to the individual

Sufficient health, physical strength and endurance, high hearing and visual acuity, high speed and accuracy of sensorimotor reactions, a developed eye (linear, planar, volumetric), the ability to distribute and quickly switch attention, good visual memory, and a tendency to work with technology are required.

3. Medical contraindications

Work is not recommended for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system with severe pathology, decreased visual acuity, narrowing of the visual fields, chronic ear diseases with decreased function, disorders in the vestibular apparatus, a pronounced pathology of the musculoskeletal system that impedes movement.

4. Requirements for professional training

Awareness in the field of geometry, drawing, geography is required within the school curriculum.

It is necessary to know the rules of the road, instructions for the development of soils, the purpose and melting of the use of various working equipment, the ability to "read" drawings, operate the machine according to the marks of surveyors when planning sites, determine the category and condition of the soil, the bearing capacity of the soil (soil) when working in the forest and in wetlands.

5. Ways to get a profession

Must have a basic vocational education.

You can get a profession in a vocational school, a vocational lyceum.

6. Related professions (specialties)

Truck driver, excavator driver, tractor driver.


Operates an earth-moving machine designed for excavation during the construction of the foundation of a building, roads, ropes, and other structures.

The work combines elements of performing and independent work. Along with the main production operations (filling the bucket with soil, raising and lowering the bucket, turning the boom to the place of unloading the bucket, turning the bucket back, moving the excavator), the driver carries out maintenance of the machine, simple repairs, takes into account the amount of work done, the consumption of fuels and lubricants.

Depending on qualifications (the profession has 4-6 categories), he performs work on single-bucket and bucket-wheel excavators with a bucket of various capacities from 0.15 cubic meters. m (4 category) up to 4.0 cu. m (6 category).

Difficulties in performing production operations are associated with the composition and condition of the developed soil, monotonous working posture, eye strain, hearing (by ear it determines subtle deviations in the operation of the engine and mechanisms, signals from vehicles about their readiness to load the soil).

2. Requirements of the profession to the individual

A developed ear, a good eye, fine hand-eye coordination, the ability to focus and distribute attention, and emotional and volitional stability are required.

3.Medical contraindications

The activity is not recommended for people with chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, severe disorders of the musculoskeletal system, organic lesions of the valves and heart muscles with impaired blood circulation, reduced hearing and vision.

4. Requirements for professional training

An excavator driver needs good knowledge in the field of physics (electrical engineering), geometry, geography.

He must know the device, principles of operation and technical characteristics of the serviced excavators and their equipment, the causes of malfunctions and methods for their elimination, the mining and geological characteristics of his site, the physical and mechanical properties of the rocks being mined, the rules for crossing ditches, railways, bridges; plumbing.

An excavator driver must be able to distinguish between the composition and condition of the soil, choose a parking lot for the excavator, evaluate the soil by its appearance, operate the excavator, and repair it.

5. Ways to get a profession

Must have a basic vocational education.

Professional training can be obtained at vocational schools and vocational lyceums.

6. Related professions (specialties)

Bulldozer driver, grader driver.


I. General characteristics of the profession

Place of work of an agricultural mechanical engineer: enterprises of the agro-industrial complex, service enterprises and associations, design organizations. Carries out complex mechanization of production processes and ensures the rational use of the machine and tractor fleet, equipment and repair facilities. Calculates the mode of operation of agricultural machines in accordance with the given conditions. Designs individual units and assemblies. He masters the design of advanced machines and technological complexes. He tests the means of mechanization and substantiates the expediency of introducing them into production. Identifies and eliminates malfunctions of units and machines.

2. Requirements of the profession to the individual

3.Medical contraindications

4. Requirements for professional training

Activities: production and management, operational and technological, design, research, maintenance and service, training and production.

5. Ways to get a profession

Must have higher professional education.

6. Related professions (specialties)

Mechanical Technician.


I. General characteristics of the profession

Place of work of an electrical engineer: agricultural enterprises of various forms of ownership, repair and technical enterprises, design and research organizations, service centers, assembly and construction organizations and institutions of the agricultural production and power supply system. Carries out complex electrification and automation of production processes. Sets and solves problems related to the design, creation and installation, testing, adjustment and operation of automated electric drive devices for agricultural machines, units, production lines, installations for lighting, irradiation and electric heating, power supply devices, electric lines and stations, protection and automation devices for power supply and other agricultural installations and equipment of power supply enterprises.

Activities: production and management, operational and technological, design, research, maintenance and service, training and production.

It ensures efficient operation and timely repair of electrical equipment, electric motors, internal wiring and power networks that are on the balance sheet of the economy, as well as economical and rational use of electricity in production. Plans and organizes preventive inspections, maintenance, repair and storage of electrical installations and equipment. Organizes assembly, acceptance, running-in and testing of electric motors and equipment after repair.

2. Requirements of the profession to the individual

Organizational skills, good attention, a large amount of short-term and long-term structured memory, developed spatial, practical and theoretical thinking are required.

3.Medical contraindications

4. Requirements for professional training

Must know: technical characteristics, design features, mode of operation and rules for the technical operation of electric motors and electrical equipment; safety and fire protection rules for the operation and repair of electrical installations and equipment.

5. Ways to get a profession

Must have higher professional education.

Training in the specialty can be obtained at the Syktyvkar Forest Institute.

6. Related professions (specialties)

Electrical Technician.


1. General characteristics of the profession

At enterprises of various industries, it organizes the production process at a certain area of ​​work, ensuring compliance with the technological regime. Selects and operates equipment, tooling, cutting and measuring tools, adjusts and adjusts metalworking machines. Prepares documentation for the technological processes of machining and assembly of metalworking machines and automatic lines. Keeps records of the implementation of planned targets and controls the quality of products in the shop.

2. Requirements of the profession to the individual

Organizational skills, good attention, a large amount of short-term and long-term structured memory, developed spatial, practical and theoretical thinking are required.

3.Medical contraindications

4. Requirements for professional training

Should know: the basics of design and calculation of metalworking machines and units of automatic lines; rules for their adjustment and operation; production automation tools using industrial robots; measures to combat corrosion of metals; measures and methods of control that ensure the release of high quality products.

5. Ways to get a profession

Must have secondary vocational education.

6. Related professions (specialties)

Mechanical engineer.


I. General characteristics of the profession

Milk, butter, kefir, cottage cheese, cheese and other dairy products are daily included in the diet of every family. It depends on the technologist what will be the quality and assortment of food for many people, which means their health and success in work. The workshops of dairy enterprises are spacious and bright. The equipment and apparatus are mainly made of stainless steel and are aesthetically designed. The management of technological processes and equipment is fully automated, electronic computers are used. All this makes the specialty attractive and interesting.

The work of a technologist is associated with specific difficulties. Milk, as a raw material, cannot be stored for a long time. It does not always arrive evenly, especially a lot is processed in June-July. Delays in the technological chain caused by equipment failure or other reasons are unacceptable (they lead to damage to raw materials and semi-finished products) and require the process engineer to make prompt and correct decisions.

Milk has a very diverse composition, which is determined by the breed of cows, the conditions of their maintenance and feeding, the type of feed, pastures, seasons and other factors. All these factors must be taken into account in the process of processing milk into dairy products.

Depending on the type of the resulting product, milk is processed on special equipment and apparatus installed in the production line and interconnected by pipelines. However, there is equipment and apparatus for the primary processing of milk, which are used to carry out most technological processes: milk is cleaned on separators - milk cleaners, which are a truncated cone with a rapidly rotating drum with a set of conical inserts (plates), in which, under the action of centrifugal forces, mechanical particles are separated from milk. impurities (particles, dust, sand, grass, etc.).

To destroy pathogenic microorganisms in milk, milk is heated (pasteurized or sterilized) on heat exchangers (pasteurizers), which are a set of interconnected plates separated by hermetic gaskets, where hot water passes into the gap between the plates on one side, and milk on the other .

In the same devices, milk is cooled when, after heating, it is fed for packaging or storage. Milk is stored and reserved in containers (from one to fifty tons), which are equipped with mixing devices so that the cream does not settle on the surface.

The technologist plans and organizes the work of apparatchiks and foremen working on technological lines for the production of milk and dairy products, selects the optimal modes for carrying out these processes and controls them using automation and telemechanics. It determines the main characteristics of raw materials and finished products, while using modern methods of control and analysis. Maintains the necessary technical documentation, organizes socialist competition and advanced training of workers, develops a rationalization movement, provides measures to prevent occupational injuries and diseases, analyzes scientific and technical information and uses it to improve technological processes.

The technologist constantly analyzes the course of the technological process. Assesses the influence of individual parameters (temperature, humidity, acidity of raw materials, etc.) on the quality of the product.

The technologist compares the results of the shift with the previous results, finds the reasons for the deviation of the operating modes of equipment and apparatus, calculates the volume of output of finished products, seeks ways to save energy, raw materials, and labor. In emergency situations, the process engineer independently makes the necessary decisions.

Technologists-technologists are involved in the creation of new types of products: original types of cheese, fermented milk products with increased or reduced fat content with vitamin C added to it, etc. They organize mass production, work out the technology, master new equipment (complex lines for the production of dairy products, ultrasonic transducers that prevent the separation of cream from milk during transportation, pneumatic presses, molding machines, more advanced machines for filling and packaging processed cheeses, etc.).

Huge work is being done by technologists to create low-waste and waste-free technology.

2. Requirements of the profession to the individual

Particularly high demands are placed on raw materials and the quality of finished products, on the operation of equipment and apparatus, responsibility for the safety of food products, high humidity in workshops leads to some neuropsychic tension. All this requires certain personality traits: responsibility, organization, honesty.

In the production of milk and dairy products, strict adherence to sanitary and hygienic conditions is necessary, therefore, dairy industry workers are distinguished by personal accuracy and cleanliness, even somewhat pedantic attention to all the “little things” of working with such a “delicate” product as milk.

3.Medical contraindications

The activity is not recommended for people who have diseases of the cardiovascular system with severe pathology, chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, severe disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

4. Requirements for professional training

Must know: physics, higher mathematics, biochemistry, physical chemistry, milk and dairy products processing technology. Must be able to determine the best options in the conduct of the technological process.

5. Ways to get a profession

Must have secondary vocational education.

Training in the specialty can be obtained at the Komi Republican Agro-Industrial College.

Technological engineer.


I. General characteristics of the profession

An economist works in planning, financial and statistical bodies, in enterprises and organizations; solves problems related to planning, organization and analysis of economic activity, organizes the work of workers in production; checks the execution of reports for certain types of accounting, technical and economic calculations for planning, logistics, sales, material and labor costs; carries out operational accounting of work performance and control of settlements with customers, draws up periodic reporting documents.

2. Requirements of the profession to the individual

An economist needs: developed calculating and analytical abilities, a high level of concentration and distribution of attention, a large amount of short-term and long-term memory, developed verbal-logical, practical thinking.

3.Medical contraindications

4. Requirements for professional training

Must know: the economics and organization of agricultural production, labor and management, the basics of the scientific organization of labor, labor legislation, the basics of agricultural production technology.

5. Ways to get a profession

Must have higher professional education.

Training in the specialty can be obtained at universities at the faculties of economics.

6. Related professions (specialties)

Crop production is one of the most important branches of the Russian economy, generating about 2% of GDP and providing more than half of the food on the tables and in refrigerators of Russians. In addition, crop production is a key supplier of livestock feed and raw materials for some industries. Finally, cultivation of cultivated plants is a huge sector in the labor market and is of great importance in rural areas.

Labor resources in crop production in Russia

The number of persons employed in agriculture in Russia has steadily declined over the past two decades and has now reached less than 6 million people. Of these, only about half work directly at agricultural enterprises, the rest are engaged in the processing of agricultural products.

Accurate statistics on exactly how many workers are employed directly in crop production probably do not exist, since many farms combine plant growing with animal breeding. At the same time, part of the personnel is involved in both segments, that is, the professions in animal husbandry and crop production intersect. In addition, the calculations are complicated by the fact that in crop production, some types of work (for example, harvesting) are often entrusted to seasonal workers who are not employed by the enterprise.

However, the stubborn decline in the number of people employed in agriculture in Russia has been largely at the expense of crop production professions. This industry was actively modernized, during which manual labor was increasingly replaced by mechanical one. Even the picking of fruits and berries is gradually being transferred from manual harvesting to harvesting with the help of special combines. Also, the decrease in the number of workers in crop production was significantly affected by the decrease in sown areas in Russia.

It is important to note that all of the above does not apply to small farms (including illegal ones), which today provide a significant part of vegetables, fruits and berries grown in Russia. According to the most rough estimates, about 700 thousand - 1 million people are employed in this segment

Structure of employment in crop production

All professions related to crop production can be divided into production and administrative support staff. As it is not difficult to guess, production personnel are those people who are directly involved in the production of products or maintenance of production processes. These are tractor drivers, combine operators, agronomists, etc. Management and support personnel include all those who are engaged in the general management of the enterprise and other non-production tasks. In addition to directors and purchasing / sales managers, this includes secretaries, accountants, drivers, canteen workers, cleaners, etc.

Also in crop production, the practice of using temporary or seasonal workers is quite common, which at certain production stages can make up a significant part of the labor resource of the enterprise. Unskilled personnel are hired for seasonal work (usually harvesting), so they do not have an agricultural profession as such. It is quite another thing - permanent workers who are on the staff of the enterprise all year round and have certain qualifications that allow them to perform more complex and responsible types of work. This includes all the main professions of crop production - agronomists, tractor drivers, combine operators, etc.

The structure of the labor resources of an enterprise depends very much on various factors (specialization and size of the farm, climatic conditions in which the activity is carried out, the technological level of the enterprise, etc.) However, with rough calculations, we can say that the production staff in crop farms is about 85%, of which 75% are permanent workers.

As for farms, the structure of their labor resources is rather peculiar. First, their staff is rarely strictly divided into positions and professions. As a rule, employees do a little bit of everything, depending on what needs to be done at the moment. Secondly, very often a farm is a family business in which members of the same family are employed, which makes it pointless to build classic labor relations in the format of "administrative staff - ordinary workers". Accordingly, the professions of people who are engaged in crop production according to this scheme also do not lend themselves to the usual classification.

Brief overview of the main professions

In crop production, there are a huge number of different professions and specialties, so it is not possible to list them all within the framework of this article. We will consider only the most popular professions in Russia:

  • agronomist,
  • seed grower,
  • tractor/combine driver
  • agricultural machinery repairman
  • reclamation engineer,
  • soil scientist,
  • agrochemist.

An agronomist is the main person at an agricultural enterprise in matters of plant growing technology. He is responsible for organizing the production of all crops, developing a system of crop rotation, fertilization and the use of other agricultural practices. His responsibilities include drawing up crop cultivation maps, work plans. In other words, it is the agronomist who manages the entire production process, therefore, he is required to have knowledge of general biological disciplines, agriculture, crop production, agrochemistry, land reclamation, the basics of breeding and seed production, and the general economy of the industry. Agronomists are graduated from higher educational institutions of agricultural profile.

Seed grower is also one of the most important professions of people in crop production. He works under the guidance of an agronomist and prepares seeds for sowing, treating them with special chemicals to fight diseases and insects. Also, the duties of a seed grower include caring for plants, supervising the work of threshing, cleaning and drying seeds. It is also entrusted with the functions of preparing storages and containers for storing seeds. For the profession of a seed grower, as well as for an agronomist, knowledge of general biological disciplines, agriculture, crop production, agrochemistry, land reclamation, the basics of selection and seed production is necessary. Professions of a seed grower are taught in higher educational institutions of an agrarian profile.

Tractor drivers perform a significant part of the field work in modern crop production, driving wheeled and tracked tractors with attachments. The duties of a tractor driver include plowing and cultivating fields, sowing, fertilizing, spraying pesticides, and performing other work in the field. A tractor driver must not only be able to drive a tractor and attachments, but also be able to carry out locksmith and repair work to quickly eliminate minor equipment breakdowns in the field. Although a harvester is very different in design and purpose from a tractor, at many enterprises harvesting with a combine is also done by ordinary tractor operators. Specialists of this profession are trained in vocational schools, colleges and other educational institutions of this level. At the same time, the practice of training directly at the enterprise is widespread.

A mechanic for the repair of agricultural machinery and machines is not directly involved in the production of crop products. However, no serious crop farm can do without one or more of these specialists. A locksmith is engaged in the repair and current maintenance of agricultural machinery and equipment (tractors, combines, plows, cultivators, seeders, etc.) To perform this work, you need to be well versed in modern agricultural machinery, including electronics. Such specialists are trained at vocational schools, as well as at agricultural universities.

Slightly less popular in Russia are such professions of people engaged in crop production as an reclamation engineer, a soil scientist and an agrochemist.

The reclamation engineer is responsible for preparing the fields for irrigation, under his supervision the maintenance of sprinkler installations is carried out. In order to properly organize the irrigation system, it is necessary to know geodesy, the ability to read relief topographic maps, and determine the slopes of the terrain. Land reclamation engineers are trained in engineering and agricultural universities.

A soil scientist examines the characteristics of soils in crop fields, determines the natural processes that affect the state of the soil, prepares recommendations regarding the use of certain parts of the field (which crops are better to grow, how to increase fertility, how best to combat erosion, etc.) Soil scientists are trained in agricultural universities.

The agrochemist directs the implementation of measures to increase crop yields, under his supervision the agrochemical laboratory of the farm determines the optimal plant varieties for the area and the fertilizer application system. It requires knowledge of general biological disciplines, chemistry, the basics of breeding and seed production. Universities graduate agricultural chemists.

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Slides captions:

Presentation "Agricultural professions" Compiled by: Alekseeva Natalya Mikhailovna MKDOU No. 22, Asha, Chelyabinsk region.

Crop production Agronomist Mechanizer Driver

Mechanic - tractor driver “They don’t feed oats, they don’t drive with a whip. And he plows - he drags seven plows. (tractor)

Machine operator - combine operator « In the yellow field The ship is sailing. Grain collects, Pours into the body. (harvester)

Driver Trucks are in a hurry, buzzing - They are transporting wheat from the fields. The collective farm harvest is rich, We can be proud of it!

Agronomist The snow has not yet melted in the spring, I check the seeds. And I plan at the same time Where and what we will sow in the summer. There are radishes, onions, dill. There will be a whole garden. And of course I dream of a good harvest He brings joy to the house. Me guys... (AGRONOM)

Mower Plows Harvester Seeders

Tractor Grain Truck Potato Harvester Telescopic Loader

Animal husbandry - Livestock specialist - Milkmaid - Calf - Veterinarian

The calf girl Who is in such a hurry to the calves Who cleans them, guards them. Who feeds them from the nipple, And the little ones, and the big ones. The calves feed and water the calves; monitor their gains; prepare food; keep utensils and equipment clean; clean and disinfect the premises; clean and whiten the cells.

The activity of a veterinarian is both the treatment and prevention of animal diseases, medical and cosmetic procedures, as well as veterinary and sanitary control. The work of a veterinarian can take place in the provision of consultations in clinics or laboratories, as well as in the fresh air with a visit to the farm, to the farm. . Veterinarian A veterinarian is a special doctor, He treats all animals, He is always respected Among honest people. Such a doctor is called: "Good Doctor Aibolit." Will help all animals, Heal, heal.

A milkmaid is a worker in a livestock farm or farmstead, milking cows (often with a milking machine) and caring for them. As soon as the sun shines brightly, A milkmaid comes with milk. Delicious, cow, All of us on health.

There is a man on the farm, he knows here more than anyone How to milk cows correctly And when to feed them. Menu - he will competently compose a diet. He will tell you whether to add this to the feeder. He learns how calves live. Cows are little guys. How they grow - check. After all, not everyone can be trusted. Livestock specialist.

3. A patch in front, a hook in the back, a back in the middle, and a bristle on it. 4. Hungry hums, Chews well-fed, Gives milk to all the guys. 5. Women of fashion walk across the river - white curls with a ring. And in winter, grandmother knits socks from their curls. 2. Gives us milk, although not a cow, She is ready to share her wool. She is a fidget and fidget... What do we call her? 1. I help a person, I drive a load, and with it a cart, I run the winds faster, Who am I, tell me soon!

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