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Proton cannons, ghost traps, a white car with a recognizable logo, and the hit track "Ghostbusters" - that's what awaits you, ready to fight ectoplasmic creatures in each of these games. Are you ready to jump into the game and put on your hazmat hazmat suit? Then go ahead, games about ghost hunters are waiting for you!

§ From movies to games: Ghostbusters

The film on which the Ghostbusters games were created was released back in 1984. According to the plot of the latter, a small group of students was engaged in the study of otherworldly forces. The guys were expelled from the university, denoting the following: the studies are absurd and have no evidence base. However, Egon Spangler, Peter Venkman and Ray Stantz did not give up. The Ghostbusters rented a building that once belonged to the fire department and continued their research.

After several calls, the Ghostbusters' power went out. Officially, this was announced as "counteraction to the use of illegal devices powered by nuclear fuel." The latter caused the shutdown of the system that contained the ghosts and their subsequent release. Ghostbusters had to work hard to send all the evil creatures back.

§ Ghost hunter games

The film's plot has been the subject of both console and computer games, and two books have been created based on it. Why did it happen? Everything is simple. "Ghostbusters", despite the seeming comicalness of the whole situation, makes us think about the supernatural, namely about ghosts that can disrupt the usual course of events around us. Here you will find the best ghost hunter games. All games on this site are free and do not require registration: just click on the game you like and get ready for an adventure!

\"Ghostbusters" has become a real icon of the era. Choose the best of the games, and immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the 80s, full of secrets, mysteries and creatures that defy rational explanation. Prepare for anything: disembodied enemies of the hunters in this game ready to destroy quite material objects as easily as if it were not a table or a chair, but a toy model.

§ Catch an invisible monster in the game? Yes!

With ghost hunter games you can get a real proton gun. Catch ghosts, neutralize bosses and save the city from the invasion of immaterial monsters. Do your best to stop these creatures from tormenting the inhabitants of a huge metropolis - with your ghost hunter equipment, this has become real!

§ Ghostbusters are waiting for you!

Breathtaking pursuits of creatures capable of developing inhuman speed, battles with monsters that interfere with the calm and measured life of ordinary people - this is what awaits young ghost hunters in every game. From time to time, ghosts do not disdain the kidnapping of their favorite pets, so you, as a ghost hunter, will have to rescue not only people from the captivity of ectoplasmic creatures. Who's yapping around the corner? Ready the ghost hunter's proton cannon and save the poor, frightened creature from the clutches of the monster.

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In one magical land, cases of mysterious phenomena have increased. Ghosts began to appear in almost all administrative and office buildings, and recently the inhabitants of the country began to complain about the appearance of mystical creatures in the cottages and farms of the exciting game "Ghostbusters for two". Such an invasion of monstrous monsters prompted two detective brothers to open a company to research, discover and eliminate the mysteries of nature so that they do not frighten the population and do no harm. Thus, the brothers began to receive many phone calls, which guided the trackers about the whereabouts of these monsters. One day a woman's voice called and told about one large estate, which was inhabited by ghosts. The voice asked to rid the hacienda of this evil spirits. And then the guys decided to go to the crime scene and restore proper order. They prepared all the necessary equipment and equipment and got down to business. Guys, do you want to become ghost hunters? After all, this is such an exciting sight and an opportunity to become famous all over the world, as well as to become a real detective.

Then you must join the team of detectives and quickly head to this "wonderful" house in order to finally deal with the creatures from the other world. You can control the players by pressing the Latin alphabet keys WASD - for the younger brother and the F button - to use laser weapons. For the older brother, the movement will be carried out by the keyboard arrows, the stone block can be moved by the space key, and the device (special vacuum cleaner) for sucking phantoms is done by the K key. If you want to play an exciting game about ghost hunters on your own, then you can handle it. But, if you wish, you can invite a friend or brother, because together it is more fun, more convenient and better to carry out the gameplay and deal with the elimination of otherworldly creatures. At best, of course, a proton gun with traps would be useful, they are used by real professional ghost hunters. But in our situation, it remains only to be satisfied with a simple vacuum cleaner, given the fact that in order to pacify real mystical creatures, it will be enough to use such an apparatus.

You have to run through the floors and rungs, go down and up the steps and platforms to find and disarm any ghost that is found on one of the twenty levels. You, I will say, are very lucky, because you will meet with real unclean creatures, and not only rustles and creaks, and learn how to set traps for them, direct a laser beam and detonate bombs where these creatures are located and considered this dwelling to be their home. The course of the cleansing will take place as follows. The junior officer fires a laser beam at the monsters, temporarily paralyzing the enemy. Meanwhile, the elder puts a suction apparatus under him and the ghost will evaporate like morning mist. Collect sacks of gold and flowers along the rungs, narrow dark passages, labyrinths and corridors. In the lower right corner you will see a counter showing how many elements you need to collect and how many have already been collected. Do not be afraid of mice, but jump on them from above, eliminating these unclean animals with one blow. The incomparable hobby "Ghostbusters for two" will become the practice of capturing monsters and training courage, sleight of hand and resourcefulness.