1. Features of modern housing and its life support

City residents live, as a rule, in multi-storey brick, block or panel houses. Their apartments are electrified, gasified, equipped with water supply and sewerage. Many houses have elevators. Cities have security services (fire brigade, police, ambulance, gas services), and some have rescue services.

Rural dwellings, unlike urban dwellings, have been less affected by modern civilization. Most of their inhabitants live in wooden one-story houses. Not every village and village has gas, water supply, sewerage. Many villagers use water from wells, gas cylinders and conventional stoves are used for cooking and space heating. Security services are most often located in neighboring towns and urban-type settlements. Therefore, in many cases, the villager must first of all rely on his own strength.

All engineering systems are equally important and necessary to keep the house in working condition. Without some of them (water and electricity supply, sewerage, heating ...), life in the building and the life of the building itself are impossible. Without others (elevator, television, telephone) - possible, but not very comfortable. And without some (satellite dish, electronic security systems ...) - not civilized and not modern. Really. It’s bad without an elevator, and without water, heat in winter, sewerage and garbage disposal, it’s absolutely impossible. Therefore, we will call the first group of engineering systems home life support systems and consider them more carefully. It will be useful for you to know this little information in order to control the overhaul of your building or competently demand a quality repair of these systems, for example, from the same housing department.

Heating system Russia is a cold country. Therefore, heating a dwelling in winter is vital for our compatriots. Historically, in large Russian cities, most residential buildings are equipped with central water heating systems. Central systems are such systems in which the heat generator (for example, a boiler) is moved outside the heated premises (houses) and the coolant (usually water) is transported to the house along the heating main. The following are used: a) systems with natural circulation due to the difference in densities of cooled and heated water and b) systems with mechanical stimulation of circulation by pumps. According to the location of the intra-house highways, systems with an upper wiring (in the attic) and with a lower wiring (in the basement) are distinguished. Central systems are reliable, efficient, but economically expensive, since the technology is complex, many skilled workers are required, and losses are high during heat transfer along the routes from heating plants to a specific house. Broad prospects open up when using a new generation of house boilers to create decentralized heat supply systems.

Hot and cold water supply systems. The water supply system is understood as an internal water supply system for supplying water (cold and hot) of drinking quality. As in the case of the heating system, Russian large and medium-sized cities use a centralized water supply. In this case, the supplier must guarantee the following parameters: a) bacteriological indicators; b) toxic and chemical indicators; c) color and transparency; d) absence of pungent odors. Unfortunately, the current GOST for drinking water is outdated and only expensive filters provide good water purification, which everyone (who has money) can install on a mixer in their apartment. Significant distribution, in addition to centralized, has a water heating system using gas water heaters. This system has its own advantage for the consumer: each of us has repeatedly experienced significant inconvenience when centralized hot water is turned off while cold water is running. As a rule, this happens due to the repair of heating mains at least once a year. Users of geysers are relieved of these problems. However, one should not forget that such a system is unsafe and requires periodic supervision of city gas services.

Sewerage Residents of big cities are so accustomed to the presence of sewerage to divert wastewater from sanitary appliances (sinks, sinks, toilets, bathtubs, etc.) in their homes that they remember the importance of this engineering system only when it becomes clogged. However, it should be remembered that this is one of the most important life support systems at home, which requires special care and attention. The sewerage system can be simple and complicated: for example, if the house has internal drains, then their own sewer system is provided for them.

Electricity supply at home It is hard to imagine that even some 80 years ago, electricity in homes was a rarity. Now the "light bulb of Ilyich" shines in every apartment. And if only a light bulb. When the power goes out: refrigerators leak, the blue (now color) television window to the world slams shut, and in houses with electric stoves it’s just a disaster - everyone switches to sandwiches. Our houses are supplied with electricity by city services. As a rule, each entrance has its own entrance. From it there is a power supply to the apartment shield and then wiring to each apartment. There are two lines running through the apartment: lighting and power (to sockets). To ensure that users are not exposed to the danger of electric shock and that there are no fire hazards, the following conditions must be met: a) energy-intensive appliances (stoves, computers, kitchen units, etc.) must be grounded; b) the wires must be hidden in building structures, their cross section must be designed for your appliances, in other words, the total power of electrical appliances in the apartment must not exceed a certain limit, which must be known to residents; c) all outlets must be in good working order.

Ventilation and air conditioning The freshness of the air in the apartment, in the stairwell should be provided by natural ventilation systems. According to current standards, hoods (special cavities - channels in building structures) should only be in the kitchen, in the bathroom, in the toilet. In the presence of a garbage chute, a deflector is installed above the trunk of the garbage chute. Today, ventilation requirements have increased. There is a gradual replacement of natural ventilation - mechanically driven ventilation - with the installation of fans in the channels. At the same time, the efficiency of the hood increases dramatically and does not depend on atmospheric factors (wind or temperature difference in the apartment and on the street).

Gas supply. For cooking in large cities, two sources of energy are used - gas and electricity. The advantage of gas: low cost and weak, compared to electricity, the trend towards its growth. But gas is explosive. Therefore, work on gas pipelines, equipment and devices is carried out by employees of special city services.

Elevator economy Most of us live in high-rise buildings, so no one needs to be convinced of the need for uninterrupted operation of elevators at home. Being equipment of increased danger, the elevator industry, as well as the gas supply system, is serviced by specialized companies that, under an agreement with the operating organization, carry out preventive maintenance and repair work.

Security systems. The criminogenic situation in Russian cities makes it necessary to provide a system of security measures in residential buildings. In this case, several options are possible: the use of a fire and security alarm with the output to a centralized remote control of private security or a specialized security company: in this case, blocking the front entrance door (turned on at night), blocking entrance doors to apartments (turned on by the residents themselves when they leave home), installation of alarms in the halls of the floors; simpler measures can also be applied: installing metal doors in entrances and apartments, installing an intercom. The presence of concierges is effective against unauthorized entry into the entrance. Fires pose a great danger to human health and life. They are especially dangerous in high-rise buildings. For the purpose of timely notification of fires and smoke that have arisen, fire alarm sensors are installed in front of apartments, in halls and other large rooms where crowds of people are possible. The output of the fire signal goes to the control room and to the control panel of the security company. In addition, emergency smoke ventilation should be installed in the house to ensure the time needed to evacuate people in the initial stage of a fire.

Garbage disposal system An important issue for a residential building is a hygienic waste disposal system. In the existing housing stock, there are a large number of houses without garbage chutes, with garbage chutes located inside the apartments or on the stairwell. The garbage disposal system must be airtight, and the unloading of garbage from the storage bins must be constant and rhythmic so that there is fresh air at the locations of the garbage chutes, a stairwell or apartment, and the garbage chute is not a breeding ground for cockroaches and a source of fire danger.

Landscaping of the adjoining territory It is well known that the ecological situation in large Russian cities is far from ideal. Green spaces, as a source of fresh air, are becoming a vital issue for many city dwellers, especially for children and the elderly. But not all greens are good. Poplars should be avoided. The latter, according to doctors, cause allergic reactions in a certain group of the population. Problems with natural light and insolation (direct sunlight, which is necessary for normal life) can occur among residents of the lower floors and due to oversaturation of the area adjacent to the house with tall dense trees. It should also not be forgotten that a well-groomed lawn and shrubs, flowers in flower beds, properly selected perennial trees not only improve the ecological situation, but also contribute to aesthetic pleasure.

2. Basic rules for the use of electricity and domestic gas

The main responsibility of the tenant is to preserve and respect the house. The role of tenants in the operational process of the house is reduced mainly to the timely and full payment for services rendered, to control over the quality of work and services.

Fire safety rules for the operation of electrical household appliances prohibit:

Leave unattended electric heaters, radios and televisions connected to the network;

Use faulty circuit breakers, sockets and other electrical installation devices;

Use self-made and faulty electric heaters, non-standard fuses and other means of protection against overload and short circuit;

Cover and wrap fixtures and lamps with paper, cloth and other flammable materials;

Use devices in violation of the attached instructions and recommendations;

Use wires and cables with damaged insulation, lay electrical wiring through warehouses, through fire and explosion hazardous areas.

Special rules must be observed when using televisions. Do not install television receivers near heating appliances, as well as near flammable things and appliances. Do not leave the TV turned on unattended, close the ventilation holes in its walls and use non-standard and home-made fuses. The socket for connecting the power plug must be located in an accessible place so that in the event of a TV malfunction (humming, burning smell, smoke), it can be quickly disconnected from the mains.

The electrical equipment of residential buildings must ensure an uninterrupted supply of electricity to lighting sources, household appliances, power plants and other current collectors available in the building in accordance with applicable standards.

The electrical equipment of residential buildings must ensure an uninterrupted supply of electricity to lighting sources, household appliances, power plants and other current collectors available in the building in accordance with applicable standards. The operation of electrical installations in residential buildings is carried out in accordance with the current "Rules for electrical installations", "Rules for the technical operation of electrical installations of consumers", "Safety regulations for the operation of electrical installations of consumers", "Rules and norms for the technical operation of housing stock" and is aimed at ensuring good condition electrical equipment, reliable and rational operation of installations, as well as safe working conditions during the maintenance and repair of electrical equipment. Under the authority of the House Management are: cabinets of input devices and general house electrical networks (from the input terminals of disconnecting devices to the input terminals of general apartment meters); lamps for common areas: stairwells, basements, attics, street lighting of the local area. When servicing electrical installations, personnel are guided by technical documentation. The following documentation must be in the House Management: as-built drawings of electrical wiring diagrams and electrical installations; passports and test reports for protective grounding of electrical equipment, as well as protocols for the insulation resistance of networks; instructions for maintenance of electrical installations; acts on hidden works. The staff of the House Management, servicing the electrical installations of residential buildings, is obliged to do the following: ensure reliable, economical and safe operation of electrical installations; carry out normal, trouble-free operation of power and lighting installations in accordance with the requirements of PTE and PTB; timely carry out scheduled preventive repairs and preventive inspections and tests of electrical equipment and electrical networks; carry out measures for the rational use of electricity by reducing unproductive losses; to introduce new equipment in the electrical economy, contributing to a more reliable, economical and safe operation of electrical installations; carry out safety measures, accident prevention; immediately turn off the network section in case of detection of defects that threaten the integrity of the equipment, the safety of people, fire safety; report to the power supply organization about accidents associated with the disconnection of supply lines and about all malfunctions of settlement electricity meters. The electrician of the House Management must study and clearly represent the scheme and routes of power and lighting wiring, the location of switchboards, junction boxes and other elements of the electrical network of those sections that are assigned to him. To perform maintenance and inspection of electrical equipment, each electrician is assigned a group of houses or electrical installations by order of the House Management. For the performance of work, the necessary materials for the normal operation of electrical installations, as well as fuses, a supply of fuses, lamps and other spare parts for electrical installations, must be allocated. Having started work, the electrician is obliged to familiarize himself with the entries in the "Journal of applications for the repair of electrical installations" about existing applications, malfunctions and eliminate them by making an appropriate entry about this in the journal, and upon completion of work, write down in the "Journal of registration of inspections and maintenance of electrical equipment" about the detected malfunctions in house networks and electrical installations. These logs are kept in the House Management. The frequency of technical inspections and maintenance of intra-house networks is carried out in accordance with oral or written orders of the Chief Engineer of the House Management within the time limits indicated below. Inspection and maintenance of intra-house electrical networks and electrical installations is carried out on time: inspection of the open laying of insulated wires - 1 time in 3 months; inspection of hidden wiring - 1 time in 6 months; inspection of wires laid in steel pipes - 1 time in 6 months; inspection of all elements of in-house electrical equipment - 1 time in 6 months; measurement of current by phases of main lines - 1 time per year; checking the voltage value - once a year; testing of grounding devices - once a year; checking the insulation resistance of networks - 1 time in 3 years; inspection and maintenance of group shields and the presence of normal fuses - at least 1 time per year; inspection and cleaning of public fixtures - once every 6 months. During the technical inspection of electrical installations, they check the serviceability of the terminals, connections in the lighting boxes, as well as the wires leading to the lamps, switches, sockets, shield and electricity meters. When checking the serviceability of fastening openly laid wires, special attention should be paid to the presence of bushings and tubes in wiring through walls, to the reliability of grounding wires. They check the serviceability and cleanliness of the group shields and fuse settings, the strength of the fixtures. Preventive current measurements in house electrical networks are performed on all phases to detect unbalanced loads, reconnect wires to create a relative symmetry of the loads and the correct choice of fuses or automatic machine settings. Checking the magnitude of current and voltage at various points of the network is carried out during the hours of maximum electrical loads. Testing of grounding devices is carried out simultaneously with checking the transient resistance between grounded electrical equipment and the grounding line. Unscheduled inspections of electrical installations are carried out after natural disasters that pose a danger to the safety of electrical networks (heavy rains, floods, hurricanes). House management electricians. In addition to technical inspection, they carry out current repairs of intra-house electrical networks and electrical equipment. In the course of such a repair, a partial replacement of internal electrical wiring, redistribution of cable ends and cable termination are carried out. All operations for the repair of electrical equipment and wires are carried out in full compliance with the rules and regulations. The reliability of electrical equipment installed in residential buildings is primarily determined by the quality of repairs and relevant tests.

When using gas appliances in the home, the following safety precautions should be followed:

The operation of equipment and instruments shall be carried out only in accordance with the requirements of the instructions;

If the gas supply is interrupted and the gas equipment malfunctions, close the taps and valves and inform the emergency service by calling 04;

At the end of the use of gas, close the taps on gas appliances, the valves in front of them, and when using cylinders, the valves of the cylinders;

If a smell of gas is detected in a dwelling, entrance, basement, on the street, immediately stop using gas appliances, turn off taps and valves, open windows and vents in the premises. Remove people from the danger zone, warning about precautionary measures, and call the gas utility emergency service (by phone 04 from a non-gassed room).

If there is a smell of gas, it is strictly forbidden to light a fire, turn on and off electric lighting and electrical appliances, use electric bells.

The rules for the use of gas in everyday life are prohibited:

Leave working gas appliances unattended and allow children of preschool age to them;

Use gas stoves for space heating;

Use open fire to detect gas leaks;

Rest and sleep in rooms where gas equipment is installed;

Place gas cylinders closer than 2 m from furnace doors.

In the room it is allowed to have only such a number of cylinders that is necessary and permitted by the relevant instructions.

When operating heating furnaces, the following safety rules must be observed:

It is impossible to leave a heating stove unattended or entrust the supervision of it to young children;

Do not use gasoline, kerosene or other flammable liquids to light the stove;

Do not dry clothes over a hot stove and place flammable things and liquids near a heating stove;

Firebox doors should not be left open, and the floor in front of the firebox opening should be covered with a metal sheet.


1. Life safety. Lecture notes. Part 2 / P.G. Belov, A.F. Koziakov. S.V. Belov and others; Ed. S.V. Belova. –M.: VASOT. 1993.

2. Life safety / N.G. Zanko. G.A. Korsakov, K. R. Malayan and others. Ed. HE. Rusaka. -S.-P.: Publishing House of the St. Petersburg Forestry Academy, 1996.

3. Belov S.V. Safety issues in emergency situations. – M.: VASOT. 1993.

4. Belov S.V., Morozova L.L., Sivkov V.P. Life safety. Part 1.–M. VASOT, 1992

5. Dolin P.A. Liquidation of an emergency. M., Energoizdat, 1992

6. Reimers N.F. Hope for the survival of mankind. Conceptual ecology. -M.: publishing house of the Information Center "Young Russia" -Ecology, 1992.

Lesson on life safety with students of grade 5 (FSES)
Topic: "Human housing and life support features of the home"

Continuation of the training session: 45 minutes
Type of training session: Lecture, conversation.
Goals and objectives of the training session:
Educational: Identify the sources of emergency and dangerous situations in the home, acquaint students with the causes of possible dangerous situations in the apartment.
Developing: Make with students a list of possible emergency and dangerous situations in the home.
Educating: To form a sense of responsibility for a safe life in one's own home.
Equipment: multimedia projector, laptop or desktop computer.
Didactic materials: A book for the teacher "Methodological materials and documents for the course" Fundamentals of Life Safety ", thematic and lesson planning for the textbook A.T. Smirnova "Fundamentals of life safety", multimedia presentation "Human housing, life support features of the home", textbook "Fundamentals of life safety" for 5th grade secondary schools under the general editorship of A.T. Smirnov - M .: Education, 2008, "Thematic games according to OBJ. Methodological guide for the teacher. - M .: TC Sphere, 2003


Stage I of the training session: greeting
Purpose Tasks Duration
Set up students for positive emotions for the perception of new material Give positive emotions, liberate students for a conversation 1 minute

Teacher's word: Hello children! Sit down. I am glad to welcome you to our lesson “Fundamentals of life safety. In the last lesson, we started with you with where we live and what dangers lie in wait for us. You have all completed your homework and read a paragraph of our wonderful textbook. They greet the teacher, sit down.

Listen to teachers.

II stage of the training session repetition of the material covered (testing, questions)
Purpose Tasks Duration
Control the assimilation of the material of the last lesson in various ways. Consolidate the knowledge gained in the previous lesson. Identify shortcomings in the assimilation of the material covered 5 minutes
teacher activity student activity
Teacher's message to students:
(slide 2) You probably remember that in the last lesson we talked about the city and its dangers? (mouse click) Great! Then I suggest you answer the questions of a small test (mouse click)
Insert correctly in the table from the proposed options sources of danger and areas of increased danger Handout "Test"
(slide 3) And this is how you had to complete the task (mouse click). Those who did not make a single mistake can put themselves "5" in the rating column, two mistakes "4". Everyone else, I hope, will be able to prepare a little better next time for the lesson. The children listen, take the handout with the text, sign the checklist and
(slide 4) Well. And now, divided into groups, try to guess such a riddle. (mouse click)
From the suggested words, make a sentence with one of the safety rules and write it down in your notebook.
(slide 5) (After 1 minute) Great! You coped with the task and well remembered one of the safety rules “Dangerous situations can and should be foreseen”. Children, divided into groups of 4 people, try to make a sentence from the proposed words.

Stage II of the lesson: defining the topic and setting the goal of the lesson
Purpose Tasks Duration
In a relaxed manner, determine the topic of the lesson. Set the goal of the lesson for the students Orient and set the students to work throughout the lesson 1 minute
teacher activity student activity
(slide 6) Well done! You did a great job! The previous topic has been mastered by you well.
Now listen to the verses and answer me - what will we talk about today?
Here is my house, my apartment,
Here I study, play, sleep.
You answer me guys
Do I live safely?
Right! Today we will talk about the safety of our home. Children listen to poems and try to understand the topic of the lesson. Those who understand raise their hands and answer the teacher.
(slide 7) So, the topic of our lesson is "Human housing and life support features of the home." Today we will find out what dangers await us in our own home, find out their causes, try to learn how to foresee them. Children write the topic of the lesson in a notebook.
Stage III of the training session: learning new material
Purpose Tasks Duration
Familiarize students with the main hazards in the home Learn to anticipate and explain the causes of hazards 33 minutes
teacher activity student activity
Word of the teacher: Man constantly sought to improve the conditions of his life, constantly improved his home, trying to provide him with everything necessary.
(slide 8) It was difficult for an ancient man. Dilapidated housing or cave. The fire served as lighting, means of cooking and heating. Can a person live long in such conditions? Children listen to the teacher's story.
They answer the question.
Word of the teacher: And the man achieved a lot. Modern life is very different from the life of our ancestors. Even one century ago, in most urban and rural homes, many things were completely different from what they are now. Let's mentally fast-forward 100 years, to the beginning of the 20th century, and see what the dwelling of the average person was then equipped with.
(slide 9) The house had a stove, with the necessary supply of firewood. Food was cooked on fire in the oven. The rooms were lit by kerosene lamps, and the toilet was outside. They washed themselves from washstands, and carried water for him and for other needs from wells. Water was stored in buckets or barrels. Do you think it took a lot of time and effort for a person to create normal living conditions? Children listen to the teacher's story.
They answer the question.

Teacher's word: (slide 10) Today, an apartment of a city dweller in an average city is mainly provided with cold and hot water, domestic gas, has sewerage, and is electrified.

To meet the needs of a person in his housing today, various household electrical and gas appliances, audio and video equipment are used. Children listen to the teacher's story.

The word of the teacher (slide 11) Gives a definition of housing, features of its life support. Children listen and write

Word of the teacher: It seems to us that we are completely safe at home.
(slide 12) “My house is my fortress” - says a well-known saying. (mouse click) Do we always follow the mandatory safety rules and what dangerous situations can lie in wait for us at home? Children listen to the teacher's story.
(slide 13): Your task now, breaking into groups, is to list as many dangerous situations as possible that may arise in our home. Have group 1 think about the dangers in the kitchen, group 2 in the bathroom, group 3 in the rooms. Thinking time 1 minute. Children are divided into groups in rows and perform the task. After 1 minute of independent work, the task is discussed.
Teacher's word: (slide 14) I propose to systematize our knowledge and fill out the table "Sources of dangerous situations in the home and their causes."
(The teacher names the sources and causes of dangerous situations in the house). Children draw a table in notebooks (you can use the handout "Table. Sources of dangerous situations in the home and their causes"). Record the sources and causes of dangerous situations in a table.

IV stage of the training session: final, summing up
Purpose Tasks Duration
Summarize the lesson, consolidate the acquired knowledge, set marks for answers from the spot. Set tasks for the next lesson. Give homework
5 minutes
teacher activity student activity
(slide 15) Have you ever thought about how many dangerous situations can arise near us, in our home?
Let's remember what rules of safe behavior we know, Right!
1. Anticipate danger.
2. Avoid it whenever possible.
3. Take action if necessary.
4. Fight to the last. The children answer the questions.
Teacher's word: (slide 16) Well, now it's time to give homework. Explain the proverb and try to illustrate it with examples.
Option 1 - "Win time - lose life"
Option 2 - "Trouble to torture, trouble and cure."
And, of course, you will read our wonderful textbook, pp. 14-17.
(slide 17) This concludes our lesson. Take care of yourself! Children write down their homework.

To use the preview of presentations, create a Google account (account) and sign in: https://accounts.google.com

Slides captions:

Topic: Human dwelling, life support features of the dwelling

Purpose: to acquaint with the features of the life support of a person's home; pay attention to dangerous situations that arise when the rules for using equipment and household appliances are violated.

Man constantly improved his dwelling

What were the living conditions in urban and rural houses at the beginning of the 20th century?

living conditions of a rural dweller.

What is the modern life of a city dweller?

Household appliances in human life

Saturation of the home with various household, electrical and gas appliances, audio and video equipment requires a person to comply with the rules for their operation. Failure to follow these rules can lead to disaster!

Violation of electrical safety rules can lead to electrical injury and fire.

Violation of fire safety rules when using electrical household appliances, when storing and using combustible and flammable substances can lead to a fire.

Violation of the rules for the operation of water supply and sewerage can lead to flooding of your apartment or the apartment of your neighbors.

Remember! In order for your home to always be in good condition, in order to reduce the risk of dangerous situations in the house and unpleasant and even tragic consequences, it is necessary to maintain a constant order in it. If you need to use a particular device, you need to remember or, if it is a new device, study the rules for its operation together with your parents.

Review questions: What electrical appliances do you have in your apartment (house) and what do they serve? Tell us how to use the household appliances that you have in your home. What signs can indicate the failure of a household appliance?

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes


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slide 1

Human dwelling, features of life support of dwelling
5th grade
Teacher - organizer of life safety Sabelnikov V.N.

slide 2

Name the main features of the city. What type of population is the city in which you live (or the nearest city to your locality)?
Questions and tasks

slide 3

The most common causes of dangerous situations in the home:
faulty or left unattended switched on electrical household appliances; leaks, damage to water and gas pipelines; pranks with fire, explosive devices, poisonous substances; damage to building structures, destruction of communications.

slide 4

Consequences of emergencies:
fire, fire; carbon monoxide poisoning; flooding of premises; loss of people and property.

slide 5

Fires can be caused by:
Careless handling of fire (unextinguished match, cigarette, burning candle, gas burner not turned off); 2. Violation of electrical safety rules (a large number of household appliances included in one outlet, especially irons, hair dryers, TVs). A TV overheating in a niche of a furniture wall or near a battery, damaged or old electrical wires, home-made Christmas tree electric garlands are dangerous; 3. Violation of the rules for the storage and use of flammable liquids (kerosene, gasoline), which not only instantly ignite, but also emit toxic substances during combustion; 4. Proximity of products made of synthetic and other materials to sources of possible ignition (electric stoves, fireplaces); 5. Carelessness in handling pyrotechnic materials (sparklers, fireworks, crackers)

slide 6

If there is a fire in the apartment and there are no adults at home, first of all call the fire brigade by phone 01
At the same time, tell the duty officer: the reason for the call (what is on); exact address (street, house and apartment number, floor, entrance, code); your last name and phone number; be sure to write down or remember the name and number of the duty officer who accepted your call; prepare for the answer, how best to drive up to the house and how many entrances it has.

Slide 7

do not open windows and doors in a burning room - oxygen contributes to combustion; do not use water to extinguish household appliances or electrical wires connected to the network. in case of fire of the TV (other equipment or household appliance), first of all, it is necessary to disconnect it from the mains, if after that the burning has not stopped, cover the TV with a thick cloth

Slide 8

Carbon monoxide
Carbon monoxide is extremely poisonous, odorless and colorless, making it difficult to detect. In a dwelling, its source is often incomplete combustion of fuel in stoves (for example, combustion of coal with a lack of oxygen - the stove valve is closed early) and fires.
With a mild degree of carbon monoxide poisoning, a person begins to get very sick and dizzy, tinnitus appears, darkens in the eyes, nausea and vomiting occur. With more severe poisoning, consciousness is darkened, muscle weakness and drowsiness appear. Possible loss of consciousness, convulsions and death

Slide 9

Gas leak
Causes of a gas leak can be:
malfunction of gas equipment (pipes, stoves, columns, cylinders); negligence of the residents (the tap of the gas stove was not completely closed, boiling water flooded the fire in the gas burner, a draft blew out a weak fire).
If you smell gas, do not light a fire and turn on the light. You need to immediately open the windows, shut off the gas pipe (ask your parents to teach you how to do this) and call the emergency gas service from the neighbors by calling 04.

Slide 10

Flooding of a dwelling
The main causes of flooding are:
pipeline accident (rupture of pipe connection); heating system failure; inattention or carelessness of residents (someone forgot to turn off the tap or did not fix the water leak); sewer clogging; roof leak.