Counting on the fingers Finger counting is rooted in antiquity, occurring in one form or another among all peoples today. Well-known medieval mathematicians recommended finger counting as an auxiliary tool, which allows quite effective counting systems.

Accounting with the help of objects For example, the peoples of pre-Columbian America had a highly developed knotted account. Moreover, the system of nodules also served as a kind of chronicles and annals, having a rather complex structure. However, using it required good memory training. To make the counting process more convenient, primitive man began to use other devices instead of fingers. The counting results were recorded in various ways: notches, counting sticks, knots, etc.

Abacus and abacus Counting by grouping and rearranging objects was the forerunner of counting on the abacus, the most advanced counting instrument of antiquity, which has survived to this day in the form of various types of abacus. The abacus was the first developed counting instrument in the history of mankind, the main difference of which from previous methods of calculation was the performance of calculations by digits. Well adapted to performing addition and subtraction operations, the abacus turned out to be an insufficiently effective device for performing multiplication and division operations.

The logarithms introduced in 1614 by J. Napier had a revolutionary influence on the entire subsequent development of counting, which was largely facilitated by the appearance of a number of logarithmic tables calculated both by Napier himself and by a number of other calculators known at that time. Subsequently, a number of modifications of logarithmic tables appear. However, in practical work, the use of logarithmic tables has a number of inconveniences, therefore, J. Napier, as an alternative method, proposed special counting sticks (later called Napier's sticks), which made it possible to perform multiplication and division operations directly on the original numbers. Napier based this method on the method of multiplication by a lattice. Along with chopsticks, Napier proposed a counting board for performing operations of multiplication, division, squaring, and taking the square root in binary s.s., thereby anticipating the advantages of such a number system for automating calculations. Logarithms formed the basis for the creation of a wonderful computing tool - a slide rule, which has been serving engineering and technical workers around the world for more than 360 years. Napier's sticks and slide rule

In 1623, the German scientist Wilhelm Schickard proposed his solution based on a six-digit decimal calculator, which also consisted of gears, designed to perform addition, subtraction, as well as tabular multiplication and division r. The first actually implemented and known mechanical digital computing device was " Pascal" created by the French scientist Blaise Pascal. It was a six- or eight-digit geared device capable of adding and subtracting decimal numbers. Shikkard and Pascal machine

1673 30 years after Pascalina, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz's "arithmetic device" appeared - a twelve-digit decimal device for performing arithmetic operations, including multiplication and division. End of the 18th century. Joseph Jacquard creates a computer-controlled loom using punched cards. Gaspard de Prony develops a new computing technology in three stages: developing a numerical method, drawing up a program for a sequence of arithmetic operations, performing calculations by arithmetic operations on numbers in accordance with the program left.

Babbage's ingenious idea was carried out by Howard Aiken, an American scientist who created in 1944 the first relay-mechanical computer in the USA. Its main blocks - arithmetic and memory were performed on gears of the years. Charles Babbage is developing a project of the Analytical Engine - a mechanical universal digital computer with program control. Separate units of the machine were created. It was not possible to create the whole machine because of its bulkiness. Babbage's Analytical Engine

At the end of the XIX century. More complex mechanical devices were created. The most important of these was a device designed by the American Herman Hollerith. Its exclusivity lay in the fact that the idea of ​​punched cards was first used in it and the calculations were carried out using electric current. In 1897, Hollerith organized a company that later became known as IBM. Machine of Herman Hollerith The largest projects at the same time were carried out in Germany (K. Zuse) and the USA (D. Atanasov, G. Aiken and D. Stiblitz). These projects can be considered as direct predecessors of mainframe computers.

gg. In England, with the participation of Alan Turing, the computer "Colossus" was created. It already had 2,000 vacuum tubes. The machine was intended for deciphering radio messages from the German Wehrmacht. Under the leadership of the American Howard Aiken, by order and with the support of IBM, Mark-1 was created - the first program-controlled computer. It was built on electromechanical relays, and the data processing program was entered from punched tape. Colossus and Mark-1

Computers of the first generation 1946 - 1958 The main element is an electronic lamp. Due to the fact that the height of the glass lamp is 7cm, the cars were huge. Every 7-8 min. one of the lamps failed, and since there were thousands of them in the computer, it took a very long time to find and replace a damaged lamp. Numbers were entered into the machines using punched cards, and program control was carried out, for example, in ENIAC, using plugs and typesetting fields. When all the lamps were working, the engineering staff could tune the ENIAC for some task by manually changing the wiring.

Machines of the first generation Machines of this generation: BESM, ENIAC, MESM, IBM-701, Strela, M-2, M-3, Ural, Ural-2 , "Minsk-1", "Minsk-12", "M-20". These machines occupied a large area and used a lot of electricity. Their speed did not exceed 23 thousand operations per second, RAM did not exceed 2 KB.

Computers of the second generation 1959 - 1967 The main element is semiconductor transistors. The first transistor was able to replace ~ 40 vacuum tubes and works at a high speed. Magnetic tapes and magnetic cores were used as information carriers, high-performance devices for working with magnetic tapes, magnetic drums and the first magnetic disks appeared. Great attention began to be paid to the creation of system software, compilers and input-output tools.

Machines of the second generation In the USSR in 1967, the most powerful second-generation computer in Europe, BESM-6 (High-speed Electronic Computing Machine 6), was put into operation. Also at the same time, computers Minsk-2, Ural-14 were created. The appearance of semiconductor elements in electronic circuits has significantly increased the capacity of RAM, reliability and speed of computers. Reduced size, weight and power consumption. The machines were designed to solve various labor-intensive scientific and technical problems, as well as to control technological processes in production.

Third generation computers 1968–1974 The main element is an integrated circuit. In 1958, Robert Noyce invented the small silicon integrated circuit, which could accommodate dozens of transistors in a small area. One IC can replace tens of thousands of transistors. One crystal does the same job as a 30-ton Eniac. A computer using an IC achieves performance in operations per second. In the late 60s, semiconductor memory appeared, which is still used in personal computers as operational. In 1964, IBM announced the creation of six models of the IBM 360 (System360) family, which became the first computers of the third generation.

third generation machines. Third generation machines have advanced operating systems. They have multi-programming capabilities, i.e. simultaneous execution of several programs. Many of the tasks of managing memory, devices and resources began to be taken over by the operating system or directly by the machine itself. Examples of third-generation machines are the IBM-360, IBM-370 families, ES computers (Unified Computer System), SM computers (Small Computers Family), etc. The speed of machines within the family varies from several tens of thousands to millions of operations per second. The capacity of RAM reaches several hundred thousand words.

Computers of the fourth generation 1975 - present The main element is a large integrated circuit. Since the beginning of the 80s, thanks to the advent of personal computers, computer technology has become mass and publicly available. From the point of view of the structure, the machines of this generation are multiprocessor and multimachine complexes operating on a common memory and a common field of external devices. The capacity of RAM is about 1 - 64 MB. "Elbrus" "Macintosh"

Personal computers Modern personal computers are compact and have thousands of times the speed compared to the first personal computers (they can perform several billion operations per second). Almost 200 million computers are produced annually in the world, affordable for the mass consumer. Large computers and supercomputers continue to evolve. But now they no longer dominate as they used to.

Prospects for the development of computer technology. Molecular computers, quantum computers, biocomputers and optical computers should appear in about a year. The computer of the future will facilitate and simplify human life dozens of times more. According to scientists and researchers, personal computers will change dramatically in the near future, as the latest technologies that have never been used before are being developed today.

Von Neumann's principles 1. Arithmetic logic unit (performs all arithmetic and logical operations); 2. Control device (which organizes the process of program execution); 3. Memory device (memory for storing information); 4. Input and output devices (allows you to enter and display information).

1. Device for entering information by pressing buttons. 2.Device with which you can connect to the Internet. 3. A device that displays information from a computer on paper. 4. Device for entering information. 5. Device for displaying information on the screen. 6. A device that copies any information to a computer from paper. CROSSWORD

Information sources. 1.N.A. Ugrinovich Informatics and ICT: a textbook for 11 grades. – M.: BINOM. Knowledge Lab, Virtual Museum of Computing Technology Virtual Museum of Informatics Wikipedia - virtual encyclopedia

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History of the development of computer technology

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The history of the development of computer technology is usually divided into prehistory and 4 generations of computer development:

Background; - First generation; - Second generation; - Third generation; - Fourth generation;

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Background. In 1941, the German engineer Zuse built a small computer based on electromechanical relays, but because of the war, his work was not published. In 1943, in the United States, at one of the IBM enterprises, Aiken created a more powerful Mark-1 computer, which was used for military calculations. But electromechanical relays worked slowly and unreliably. The first generation of computers (1946 - mid-50s) The generation of computers is understood as all types and models of computers developed by various design teams, but built on the same scientific and technical principles. The appearance of the electron vacuum tube led to the creation of the first computer. In 1946, a computer for solving problems called ENIAC (ENIAC - Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator - "electronic numerical integrator and calculator") appeared in the USA. This computer worked a thousand times faster than the Mark-1. But most of the time he was idle, because. it took several hours to properly connect the wires to complete the program. The set of elements that make up a computer is called the element base. The element base of computers of the 1st generation is vacuum tubes, resistors and capacitors. The elements were connected by wires using surface mounting. The computer was a lot of bulky cabinets and occupied a special machine room, weighed hundreds of tons and consumed hundreds of kilowatts of electricity. ENIAC had 20,000 vacuum tubes. For 1 sec. The machine performed 300 multiplication operations or 5000 multi-digit addition operations. In 1945, the famous American mathematician John von Neumann presented a report to the general scientific community, in which he managed to outline the formal logical organization of a computer, abstracting from circuits and radio tubes.

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The history of the development of computer technology. Classical principles of functional organization and operation of a computer:

1. Availability of main devices: control unit (CU), arithmetic logic (ALU), storage device (RAM), input-output devices; 2. Storage of data and commands in memory; 3. The principle of program control; 4. Sequential execution of operations; 5. Binary encoding of information (the first computer "Mark-1" performed calculations in the decimal number system, but such encoding is technically difficult to implement, and was later abandoned); 6. Use of electronic elements and electrical circuits for greater reliability (instead of electromechanical relays).

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First generation of computers

The first domestic computer was created in 1951 under the leadership of Academician S.A. Lebedev, and it was called MESM (small electronic calculating machine). Later, BESM-2 (large electronic calculating machine) was created. The most powerful computer of the first generation in Europe was the Soviet M-20 computer with a speed of 20,000 ops/sec. and 4,000 machine words of RAM. On average, the speed of the first generation computers is 10-20 thousand op / sec. The operation of the first generation computers is too complicated due to frequent failure: vacuum tubes often burned out and they had to be replaced manually. A whole staff of engineers was engaged in the maintenance of such a computer. Programs for such machines were written in machine codes, it was necessary to know all the commands of the machine and their binary representation. In addition, such computers cost millions of dollars.

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The second generation of computers

The invention of the transistor in 1948 made it possible to change the element base of the computer to semiconductor elements (transistors and diodes), as well as more advanced resistors and capacitors. One transistor replaced 40 vacuum tubes, worked faster, was cheaper and more reliable. The technology for connecting the element base has changed: the first printed circuit boards appeared - plates of insulating material on which transistors, diodes, resistors and capacitors were placed. The printed circuit boards were connected using surface mounting. The consumption of electricity has been reduced, and the dimensions have decreased hundreds of times. The performance of such computers is up to 1 million operations / sec. When several elements failed, the entire board was replaced, and not each element individually. After the advent of transistors, the most time-consuming operation in the manufacture of computers was the connection and soldering of transistors to create electronic circuits. The advent of algorithmic languages ​​has facilitated the process of programming. The principle of time sharing was introduced - various computer devices began to work simultaneously. In 1965, Digital Equipment released the first minicomputer, the PDP-8, the size of a refrigerator and costing only $20,000.

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Third generation of computers

In 1958, John Kilby created the first experimental integrated circuit or chip. The integrated circuit performed the same functions as the electronic one in the second generation computers. It was a silicon wafer on which transistors and all connections between them were placed. Element base - integrated circuits. Performance: hundreds of thousands - millions of operations per second. The first computer made on integrated circuits was the IBM-360 in 1968 by IBM, which marked the beginning of a whole series (the larger the number, the greater the computer's capabilities). In 1970, Intel began selling integrated memory circuits. Since then, the number of transistors per unit area of ​​an integrated circuit has roughly doubled annually. This provided a constant reduction in cost and an increase in computer speed. The amount of memory has increased. Displays and graph plotters have appeared, and a variety of programming languages ​​are being further developed. Two families of computers were produced in our country: large (for example, EC-1022, EC-1035) and small (for example, SM-2, SM-3). At that time, the computer center was equipped with one or two ES-computer models and a display class, where each programmer could connect to the computer in a time-sharing mode.

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fourth generation of computers

In 1970, Marshian Edward Hoff of Intel designed an integrated circuit similar in function to the central processing unit of a large computer. This is how the first microprocessor Intel-4004 appeared, which was released for sale in 1971. This microprocessor, less than 3 cm in size, was more productive than a giant machine. It was possible to place 2250 transistors on one silicon crystal. True, it worked much slower and could process only 4 bits of information at the same time (instead of 16-32 bits for large computers), but it also cost tens of thousands of times cheaper (about $ 500). Soon began a rapid increase in the performance of microprocessors. At first, microprocessors were used in various computing devices (for example, in calculators). In 1974, several companies announced the creation of a personal computer based on the Intel-8008 microprocessor, i.e. device for one user.

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A wide sale in the personal computer (PC) market is associated with the names of young Americans S. Jobs and W. Wozniak, the founders of Apple Computer, which since 1977 has launched the production of Apple personal computers. Numerous programs designed for business applications (text editing, spreadsheets for accounting calculations) contributed to the growth in sales.

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In the late 1970s, the rise of the PC led to a decline in the demand for large computers. This worried the leadership of IBM, a leading company in the production of large computers, and they decided to try their hand at the PC market as an experiment. In order not to spend a lot of money on this experiment, the department responsible for this project was allowed not to design a PC from scratch, but to use blocks made by other companies. So, the latest at that time 16-bit microprocessor Intel-8088 was chosen as the main microprocessor. The software was commissioned to develop a small firm Microsoft. In August 1981, the new IBM PC was ready and became very popular among users. IBM did not make its computer a single inseparable device and did not protect its design with patents. On the contrary, she assembled the computer from independently manufactured parts and did not keep the methods of connecting these parts a secret; IBM PC designs were available to everyone. This allowed other firms to develop both hardware and software. Very soon, these firms were no longer satisfied with the role of manufacturers of components for the IBM PC and began to build PCs themselves that were compatible with the IBM PC. Competition between manufacturers has led to cheaper computers. Since these firms did not have to incur huge research costs, they could sell their computers for much less than comparable IBM computers. Computers compatible with the IBM PC were called "clones" (twins). A common feature of the IBM PC family and compatible computers is software compatibility and the principle of open architecture, i.e. the ability to add and replace existing hardware with more modern ones without replacing the entire computer. One of the most important ideas of fourth-generation computers is that several processors are used simultaneously to process information (multiprocessor processing).

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A server is a powerful computer in computer networks that provides services to computers connected to it and access to other networks. Supercomputers have been around since the 1970s. Unlike Neumann computers, they use a multiprocessor processing method. With this method, the problem to be solved is divided into several parts, each of which is solved in parallel on its own processor. This dramatically increases performance. Their speed is billions of operations per second. But these computers cost millions of dollars. Personal computers (PCs) are used everywhere and have an affordable price. For them, a large number of software tools have been developed for various fields of application that help a person process information. Now the PC has become multimedia, i.e. processes not only numerical and textual information, but also effectively works with sound and images. Portable computers (the Latin word "porto" means "carry") - portable computers. The most common of them laptop ("note book") - notepad personal computer. Industrial computers are designed for use in industrial environments (for example, to control machine tools, airplanes, and trains). They are subject to increased requirements for the reliability of trouble-free operation, resistance to temperature changes, vibration, etc. Therefore, ordinary personal computers cannot be used as industrial ones.

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Thank you for your attention!!!


History of the development of computing technology

First generation computers

second generation computer

third generation computer

Personal computers

Modern supercomputers

Computing in the pre-electronic era

The expanding needs for counting forced people to use other counting standards (notches on a stick, knots on a rope, etc.).

Computing in the pre-electronic era

The ancient Greek abacus was a plank sprinkled with sea sand. Furrows were made in the sand, on which numbers were indicated with pebbles. The Romans perfected the abacus, moving from sand and pebbles to marble slabs with chiseled grooves and marble balls.

Computing in the pre-electronic era

As economic activity and social relations became more complex (monetary calculations, problems of measuring distances, time, areas, etc.), a need arose for arithmetic calculations.

To perform the simplest arithmetic operations (addition and subtraction), they began to use the abacus, and over the centuries, the abacus.

Computing in the pre-electronic era

In the 19th century, mechanical calculating machines were invented - adding machines. Arithmometers could not only add, subtract, multiply and divide numbers, but also memorize intermediate results, print calculation results, etc.

Computing in the pre-electronic era

In the middle of the XIX century, the English mathematician Charles Babbage put forward the idea of ​​​​creating a program-controlled calculating machine with an arithmetic device, a control device, as well as input and printing devices.

Computing in the pre-electronic era

Babbage's Analytical Engine (a prototype of modern computers) was built by enthusiasts from the London Science Museum according to surviving descriptions and drawings. The Analytical Engine consists of four thousand steel parts and weighs three tons.

Computing in the pre-electronic era

The calculations were made by the Analytical Engine in accordance with the instructions (programs) developed by Lady Ada Lovelace. The Countess of Lovelace is credited with being the first computer programmer, and the ADA programming language is named after her.

Computing in the pre-electronic era

Programs were recorded on punched cards by punching holes in thick paper cards in a certain order. Then the punched cards were placed in the Analytical Machine, which read the location of the holes and performed computational operations in accordance with the given program.

First generation computers

In 1945, ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) was built in the USA, and in 1950, MESM (Small Electronic Computing Machine) was created in the USSR

First generation computers

The first generation computers could perform calculations at a speed of several thousand operations per second, the sequence of which was set by programs

The programs were entered into the computer using punched cards or punched tapes, and the presence of a hole on the punched card corresponded to the sign 1, and its absence corresponded to the sign 0.

second generation computer

In the USSR in 1967, the most powerful second-generation computer in Europe, BESM-6 (Large Electronic Computing Machine), was put into operation, which could perform 1 million operations per second.

second generation computer

BESM-6 used 260 thousand transistors, external memory devices on magnetic tapes for storing programs and data, as well as alphanumeric printers for outputting calculation results.

The work of programmers in developing programs has been greatly simplified with the use of high-level programming languages ​​(Algol, BASIC, etc.).

third generation computer

Starting from the 70s of the last century, third-generation computers began to be used as an element base integrated circuits. In an integrated circuit (a small semiconductor wafer) thousands of transistors can be densely packed, each of which is about the size of a human hair.

third generation computer

Integrated circuit computers have become much smaller, faster and cheaper. Such minicomputers were produced in large series and were available to most scientific institutes and higher educational institutions.

Personal computers

The first personal computer was the App le II ("grandfather" of modern Macintosh computers), created in 1977. In 1982, IBM began manufacturing personal computers I VM PCs (the "grandfathers" of modern I VM-compatible computers).

Personal computers

Modern personal computers are compact and have thousands of times the speed compared to the first personal computers (they can perform several billion operations per second). Almost 200 million computers are produced annually in the world, affordable for the mass consumer.

Personal computers can be of various designs: desktop, portable (laptops) and pocket (handhelds).

Modern supercomputers

These are multiprocessor complexes that allow achieving very high performance and can be used for real-time calculations in meteorology, military affairs, science, etc.

Mechanical period Arithmometer - a calculating machine that performs all 4 arithmetic operations (1874, Odner) Analytical engine - the first computer that performs certain programs (1833, C. Babbage)Ch. Babbage Applied up to ser. 20th century The project was not realized due to insufficient development of technical means, but Babbage's ideas were used by many inventors

Charles Babbage (g.) is the inventor of the computer. Ada Lovelace was the first computer programmer. back

Mechanical period Tabulator - a machine that uses punched cards, from which information was read using electric current (1888, G. Hollerith) This machine was used in the US census (1890), which made it possible to process the results of the census for 3 years. Hollerith founded IBM in 1924 to mass-produce tabulators.

The first generation of computers. ENIAC (1946 D. Eckert, D. Mouchli) Dimensions: 30 m long, weight 30 tons. Consisted of e. lamps. Performed 300 multiplications and 5000 additions of multi-digit numbers per second EDSAC (1949) - the first machine with a stored program (England). This computer was created in accordance with the principles of von Neumann. MESM (1951) - the first domestic computer, developed by Academician S.A. Lebedev. UNIVAC (1951) - for the first time magnetic tapes were used to record and store information (England). BESM-2 (1952) is a domestic computer.

Characteristic features of the first generation computers: element base: electronic vacuum tubes; dimensions: made in the form of huge cabinets and occupies a special room; speed: thousand operations per second; information carrier: punched card, punched tape; programs are made up of machine codes; The number of cars in the world is dozens.

The second generation of computers (). The semiconductor transistor (replaced 40 vacuum tubes) BESM-6 (large electronic calculating machine) is the best in the world. MINSK-2 URAL-14

Characteristic features of computers of the second generation: element base: transistors; dimensions: made in the form of racks, slightly higher than human height, occupies a special room; performance: up to 1 million operations per second; information carrier: magnetic tapes; programs are written in algorithmic languages; There are thousands of cars in the world.

The third generation of computers (). Integrated circuit (microcircuit) 1964 - creation of six models IBM-360 IBM-370 SM computers (family of small computers) All machines of the 3rd generation are software compatible and have a developed operating system.

Characteristic features of third generation computers: element base: IC; dimensions: made in the form of racks, slightly higher than human height, does not require a special room (minicomputer); speed: up to millions of operations per second; storage medium: magnetic disks; programs are written in programming languages; The number of cars in the world is hundreds of thousands.

The fourth generation of computers (from 1971 to the present). The emergence of LSI and VLSI: one LSI in terms of power corresponds to 1000 ICs 1971 - the creation of the first microprocessor by Intel 1971 - the creation of the first personal computer by MITS 1981 - the creation of the IBM PC by IBM.

Characteristic features of the fourth generation computers: element base: LSI and VLSI; dimensions: microcomputer; speed: up to thousands of millions of operations per second; information carrier: floppy and laser disks; programs are written in programming languages; There are millions of cars in the world.

The word "computer" means "computer", i.e. computing device. The need to automate data processing, including calculations, arose a very long time ago. More than 1500 years ago, counting sticks, pebbles, etc. were used for counting.

Nowadays it is difficult to imagine that one can do without computers. But not so long ago, until the beginning of the 70s, computers were available to a very limited circle of specialists, and their use, as a rule, remained shrouded in a veil of secrecy and little known to the general public. However, in 1971, an event occurred that radically changed the situation and with fantastic speed turned the computer into a daily working tool for tens of millions of people. In that, no doubt significant year, the still almost unknown Intel company from a small American town with the beautiful name of Santa Clara, California, released the first microprocessor. It is to him that we owe the emergence of a new class of computing systems - personal computers, which are now used, in fact, by everyone, from elementary school students and accountants to scientists and engineers.

At the end of the 20th century, it is impossible to imagine life without a personal computer. The computer has firmly entered our lives, becoming the main assistant to man. Today in the world there are many computers of different companies, different complexity groups, purpose and generations.



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