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Sentences with "criteria"

We found 80 sentences with the word "criteria". See also synonyms for "criteria".
Meaning of the word

  • If these three criteria If a work of art corresponds, then sooner or later it will be recognized as a classic.
  • Later in the life of Gates, other heroes appeared, although his criteria it was hard to match.
  • The selection of candidates for recruitment was very tough criteria suitability for participation in operational activities.
  • From this point of view, the British economy satisfies the Maastricht criteria.
  • The questions that confronted me were: criteria do officials make decisions?
  • Her works, just respond to those criteria that I was talking about.
  • It turned out that our work was evaluated mainly by formal criteria.
  • Sons, as often happens, did not fit in any way. criteria.
  • Focused on her instructions, tried to comply with her criteria professionalism, synchronized watches according to her commandments.
  • So, if you choose the ideal according to your criteria, then all your criteria are components of the ideal.
  • No, it’s not that life in the Caucasus, where he spent almost three years, was less “bestial” in terms of his inflated moral values. criteria.
  • Butcher, incomprehensible yet to me criteria distributed products.
  • Matched it hard criteria counted units.
  • The works published there were chosen by no means for market, but for ideological criteria.
  • Then the leaders were chosen according to other criteria.
  • The ideology demanded to support any country that is socialist (according to criteria those years, of course).
  • At the same time, I will not hide the fact that, according to the proposed criteria a number of my writings would have to be present there.
  • True, grants are now given more often not for ideological reasons. criteria, but damn it.
  • Kumoviev he chose by nobility and wealth, and the king criteria matched.
  • Starts from afar: “This multi-criteria optimization system selects the optimal object for 15 criteria”.
  • All these meanings differ in very subtle ways. criteria.
  • Churches, as well as the Parisian town hall and the Sorbonne, respond with these criteria.
  • And the Tail cannot be assessed by earthly criteria.
  • Of the countless colleagues at work, no one answered her criteria.
  • That is, according to the current criteria to scientists, according to the scientific results achieved, Stalin was a doctor of philosophy back in 1920.
  • Faster than his Dutch predecessors and contemporaries, Rubens gained a reputation as a painter who fully met these criteria.
  • It is not easy to get into his company, he is very picky and chooses a partner who suits him in many ways. criteria.
  • On the contrary, it corresponds criteria"Written without permission."
  • For many of us, a world was opening up that we judged differently. criteria different from official standards.
  • Even on changeable criteria fanfiction, Erica's first story immediately took the lead.
  • Both of them did not have a royal life (according to earthly criteria).
  • It was believed that the works of art that are stored there must meet certain criteria.
  • He did not take everyone, he selected according to those who knew only him. criteria.
  • I began to look through the book of the Italian Coaches Association in search of a candidate who would fit both criteria.
  • In addition, in accordance with the then-current criteria, she did not belong to the most successful educational institutions.
  • For what criteria this set is being conducted, it is impossible to comprehend.
  • Most likely to meet a woman who satisfied these criteria, fell on officer families.
  • He intended to admit a local organization to elections only if it met certain formal criteria.
  • Some, like, for example, the wonderful football player Evgeny Lovchev, parted ways with Beskov for some life reasons. criteria.
  • There it was necessary to choose the optimal car model for many criteria.
  • And I still don't know for what, only he knows criteria he did it.
  • They judge Russia by significantly inflated moral and ethical standards. criteria.
  • Personally, I have a lot of them, in a variety of ways. criteria.
  • And even these years, one by one criteria falling into the age of maturity, according to others can be attributed to the age of youth.
  • However, Lerol uses the services of models that meet his erotic and artistic criteria.
  • Another political criteria For us there is not and cannot be.
  • School graduates were usually ranked according to criterion their academic success.
  • Unfortunately, the official policy in the field of culture does not stand up criteria"culturality".
  • It consists in the absence of a common criteria, which allows you to distribute ratings.
  • He said that by criterion progress will be selected thirty students who will take a course in Ordensburg.
  • Then the official biographer, selected by criterion of impeccable loyalty, will filter out these fables and varnish the dry residue.
  • A special place in Heraclitus is occupied by the theme criteria truth, the definition of which is the goal of philosophy.
  • If used as criteria role in history, then Eckert and Mauchly should be considered the most prominent innovators.
  • By criterion influence on the course of world history of the 20th century, Stalin, without a doubt, entered the group of the largest political figures in the world.
  • In this broad sense, what Dmitry Gordon does is absolutely indicated criterion matches.
  • Let the reader bear in mind this important criterion to evaluate my judgments.
  • Differently criterion It turns out there was a movement.
  • A loss criteria evaluating one's creativity has become habitual for the "untouchables".
  • And then multiply the weight criteria for evaluation.
  • These three criteria determined not only the interests, but also the level of culture of the Italian viewer.
  • For example, by criterion disturbed, or initially not established, or normal, not difficult communication.
  • And this direction allowed me to get away from the problem of local criteria optimization in a planned economy.
  • Now Solovetsky criterion decency is clear to us.
  • Simonov criterion matched perfectly.
  • If we apply this first criterion to Metternich, the answer will be quite negative.
  • By criterion cost/efficiency these institutions are antipodes.
  • And I prepared a dissertation "Research of the local criteria optimization".
  • Moreover, this selection is far from always carried out according to intellectual criterion but, rather, social and class.
  • Based on the following criteria All government devices are divided into three types.
  • When choosing philosophers, I used three conditional criteria.
  • Then they also persecuted people criterion birth, regardless of individual guilt.
  • Classification by criterion disability can be quite detailed.
  • Or maybe I don't know how to apply to this novel the present criteria and leave the old one?
  • According to the first criterion, Aristotle divided all states into right and wrong.
  • There are two criteria which determine how well you speak a foreign language.
  • Find and pull out of the fabric of time, like a colored thread, what corresponds to one, indistinctly formulated, criterion?
  • First of all, he did not like to judge anything, submitting to some moral criterion.
  • The same testimonies were in these subjects and in criterion"Attentiveness".
  • First, there was no criteria the strength and seriousness of certain circles.
  • That's why criterion we should all shut up and that would be wrong.

Source - introductory fragments of books from LitRes.

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Pluto and other trans-Neptunian objects in the Kuiper belt

Since the late 1980s, astronomers have discovered over 5,000 planetary bodies orbiting stars other than our Sun. But it is still unknown how to officially call such bodies.

On November 10, 2015, Professor of Planetary Astronomy Jean-Luc Margot from the University of California at Los Angeles spoke at a meeting of the American Astronomical Society. He proposed a simple computational test to clearly distinguish planets from other bodies such as dwarf planets or minor planets.

To solve the problem with Pluto, in 2006 the International Astronomical Union formulated the definition of a planet: it is a body orbiting the Sun, massive enough to be spherical under the influence of its own gravity, having "a space free from other bodies" near its orbit.

The definition of the International Astronomical Union has a clear drawback: it is only suitable for bodies in the solar system. Even if we replace the word "Sun" in it with the word "star", there are still problems with determining the spherical shape of a potential planet.

Professor Margot proposes to extend the definition to all planetary systems, that is, to exoplanets, and to abandon the planetary body shape parameter.

The new test for compliance with the definition of the planet takes into account the ratio of three parameters: the mass of the star, the mass of the planet and the period of revolution. Three parameters are easy to obtain using terrestrial or orbiting telescopes.

It is proposed to reformulate the definition of the planet as follows.

A planet is a celestial body that:

1) revolves around one or more stars or stellar remnants;

2) has sufficient mass to clear (or dynamically influence) the space around the orbit, while the following relationship is observed:

Where M- weight, a- semi-major axis, and the signatures p, ★, ⊕, ☉ correspond to the planet, star, Earth and Sun, respectively (formula for a planetary system with one star);

3) has a mass less than 13 Jupiter masses, that is, the nominal value is less than the mass required to start the thermonuclear fusion of deuterium.

All eight planets of the solar system meet the proposed criteria ...

… and all known exoplanets.

Specialists from the International Astronomical Union believe that the issue with the classification of exoplanets can be postponed for the future, but recently astronomers have found hundreds of new exoplanets, so the solution to the problem cannot be delayed. Perhaps it should be looked into earlier.

The requirement to have “space free from other bodies” near its orbit, from the official definition, means that the planet must be able to clear its path along the orbit, attracting or discarding small space objects in the orbital vicinity. The new test allows you to calculate whether a potential planet is able to clear the area around its orbit in a certain period of time, such as the lifetime of a star. The test is quite simple and allows you to quickly classify 99% of all known exoplanets, for the rest there is not yet all the necessary data.

In the solar system, the test clearly places all eight planets in one category, and the dwarf planets Pluto, Eris, and Ceres in another category. It is curious that if the Earth did not exist, and only one Moon rotated in our orbit, it would be considered a full-fledged planet, according to these criteria.

“The discrepancy between planets and non-planets is simply striking,” says Professor Jean-Luc Margot. “The sharp difference between them suggests that there is a fundamental difference in how these bodies formed, and the very act of classifying them opens up the possibility of understanding something fundamental in nature.”

A professor of planetary astronomy points out that planetary bodies that can clear their way in orbit and are therefore considered planets are predominantly spherical. If the body has enough mass to clear the orbital environment, then that mass is also enough to overcome the drag of matter and form a nearly perfect ball, says Margot. This is an important nuance because astronomers cannot determine the shape of an exoplanet to meet the International Astronomical Union's criteria. Now new exoplanets are found by changing the brightness of a star when a planetary body passes in front of it. The power of telescopes is not nearly enough to directly observe the planets, and even more so to observe their shape.

At the same time, astronomers can always determine three parameters for Margot's formula, so this test seems to be quite suitable for practical use.

The next general assembly of the International Astronomical Union is scheduled for 2018.

Features of the sociometric survey.

Sociometric research, like others, begins with a program, the development of sociometric criteria.

When conducting a sociometric survey, the following concepts are used. Choice is an expression by an individual of a desire to cooperate with another individual. In the survey, it is marked with a + sign. deviation - a negative choice, a desire to deviate from cooperation with someone. The poll is marked with - . lowering - leaving one individual without attention to another, a manifestation of indifference to him. Marked with 0.

Conducting a sociometric survey involves the choice of survey criteria. A sociometric criterion is a specific situation, characterized by contacts, and providing an opportunity for choice or rejection for the respondent. Criteria are usually formed in the form of questions. For example, "Which team member would you like to work with?"

Criteria are production and non-production. Production criteria clarify the relationship in the performance of job duties. Non-productive criteria reveal interpersonal relationships outside of production, for example, about spending free time.

The criteria can be predictive. In this case, the structure of the expected relationships is revealed.

Requirements for sociometric criteria:

2. Criteria should reproduce the situation of choice for the respondent.

3. The choice situation should not be limited.

4. The criteria used should be of interest to the employee.

5. Criteria should describe a specific situation.

6. Criteria should be formalized into questions.

When conducting a sociometric survey, the following should be taken into account. The survey can be conducted in groups with work experience of at least six months. The size of the team where the sociometry method works is from 3 to 25 people. Recently, it is believed that it can work with up to 40 people.

It is important that the survey be conducted by a person who is not related to this team, especially not its leader. Otherwise, the survey results will not be reliable.

A feature of the sociometric survey is that it cannot be anonymous. Otherwise, it will be impossible to establish the relationship between workers, which is what sociometry studies.

For the survey, special cards are being developed. They are of several types. A card can contain one criterion - a question, or several questions at once.

Processing the results of a sociometric survey.

The purpose of the sociometric procedure can be represented as follows.

1. measurement of the degree of cohesion, disunity of a group of workers.

These states are determined based on the calculation of individual and group indices. The indexes are calculated on the basis of data obtained in the course of a sociometric survey.

The first stage in the processing of sociometric survey data is the compilation of a sociomatrix. After the preparation of the sociomatrix, all its indicators are calculated, and on their basis, the calculation of individual and group indices is carried out.

The results obtained are brought to the head of the team, group. If necessary, they are introduced to individual individuals in order to correct their behavior in the group. Based on these calculations and other types of analysis, a decision is made to change the composition of the group, its leader, to transfer individual members of the group to other teams.

Poll procedure.

a) Preparatory stage:

definition of the problem, selection of the object;

formulation of sociometric criteria;

development of a sociometric survey form;

b) Main stage:

establishing psychological contact and instructing the respondents about the work procedure;

conducting a sociometric survey;

construction of a sociomatrix, sociograms, calculation of indices;

c) The final stage:

analysis of survey results;

formulation of conclusions;

development of measures for psychological and pedagogical correction of relationships in the team.

sociometric matrix. Based on the results of the survey, a sociometric matrix is ​​built. In the horizontal rows, according to the number of team members, the subjects of choice (who chooses) are indicated, and in the vertical columns - the objects of choice (who is chosen). Elections are indicated in the cells of the matrix: positive "+", negative "-".

Sociogram- the scheme of interpersonal relations in the team. It is built according to the information of the sociomatrix and represents unilateral or mutual elections in the form of corresponding arrows.

The sociogram allows you to identify the structural elements of interpersonal relations within the team - leaders, isolated elements, "outcasts", subgroups, of which there may be several, and the types of their communication links. The leader is the most authoritative member of the group, receiving the maximum number of positive choices. An isolated component is a member of a group that is not chosen by its mates. "Rejected" - the member of the group who received the maximum number of negative choices in the absence of more than one positive one.

Sociometric indices(SI) allow you to present the results of the survey in a quantitative form.