Tatarstan business resource "BUSINESS Online" published an interesting material by Timur Latypov and Viktor Osmanov “It would seem, what does Kolesov have to do with it: will Vadim Ligay sit at the KVZ? Director of KOMZ Sergey Rakovets was tipped to replace the honored helicopter builder about the situation at JSC Kazan Helicopter Plant (KVZ) and a possible change in the management of the enterprise.

Ansat-K light helicopter demonstrator (tail number "909", serial number 410A04) developed and built by JSC Kazan Helicopter Plant (c)

Several sources of "BUSINESS Online" immediately reported on the forthcoming change in the management of Kazan Helicopter Plant, which in the past two years has significantly reduced revenue. Such conversations with varying degrees of intensity have been going on for two years now, but today the degree of tension in the circles of defense industry workers has really reached its climax. The general director of KRET, Nikolay Kolesov, who has recently been getting closer to the aviation theme, is called an interesting one.


The pre-New Year aggravation was received by fairly old rumors about a change in the leadership of Kazan Helicopter Plant PJSC (KVZ). Several independent sources of BUSINESS Online reported at once that the current CEO Vadim Ligay would be replaced. If this is so, then one can only guess about the reasons for such a decision - the leadership of the aircraft industry (in particular, the Russian Helicopters holding) has recently given many reasons to doubt the logic of its decisions. But, as always, in this case we can talk about a combination of objective and subjective factors: a possible change in the paradigm of the helicopter industry and the efforts of those who wish to ride this wave.

The source of "BUSINESS Online" in the industry believes that the reason for the change (if any) of the leadership of the Kazan Helicopter Plant may be a decrease in the production of helicopters. The dynamics of their construction over the past 10 years is as follows: 2007 - 35 cars, 2008 - 58, 2009 - 65, 2010 - 80, 2011 - 93, 2012 - 98, 2013 - 103 , 2014 - 107, 2015 - 77, 2016 - 70. In 2017, too, most likely, there will be no more than 70 helicopters. “The formal reason could be the failure to fulfill plans in the last two years,” the source said. - Secondly, you can pay attention to the fact that the affairs of the Mi-17 at the Ulan-Ude plant are going much faster than at the Kazan Helicopter Plant, which offers the same Mi-17V-5, while the Ulan-Ude people have made fresh modifications for the north , Ministry of Defense.

The last two years for Kazan Helicopter Plant are really terrible, in 2016 the plant even had to transfer part of its workshops to a four-day work. Revenue decreased by 1.8 times: from 42.472 billion rubles in 2015 to 24.195 billion. In particular, the volume of revenue received in Russia fell by 18%, or by 2.4 billion rubles. That is, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation also reduced orders, although at the end of 2016 it became the largest client with a share of 35%. As a result, Kazan Helicopter Plant received 675 million rubles of operating loss in 2016 against 8.68 billion of operating profit in 2015... .9 billion to 6.9 billion rubles.

This crisis was programmed. It is already clear to everyone that it is time to do something with the Russian helicopter industry in general and with Kazan Helicopter Plant in particular. Body movements in the industry are more likely to be reduced to imitation of violent activity. Yes, the creation of new technology is not a quick process, but in our case we are talking exclusively about the exploitation of Soviet backlogs: if not for the Ansat project, then there would be nothing to present at all. In the expert community, they say that regularly adopted plans for the development of the industry (creation of a full-fledged line of cars) remain without movement because there is simply no one to carry them out - there are no design personalities. Against this background, recent statements about work on the creation of high-speed and ultra-light helicopters cause only a smile among the old-timers of the industry. There are also problems with the support of equipment (evil tongues claim that the Americans abandoned the Mi-17 in Afghanistan precisely because of the inability of the Russian side to provide airworthiness support), as well as the discrepancy between the capacities of helicopter manufacturing enterprises and the real demand for their products.

In a word, the Russian Helicopters (VR) holding turned out to be unprepared to maneuver in the conditions of stagnation that has also engulfed the world market (primarily due to the decline in the oil industry, the main consumer of helicopter services). And then there are a number of overlapping circumstances. First, the largest buyers (India, China, Afghanistan, Egypt, etc.) have had their fill of Mi-17 helicopters, BP's only mass product. The promising Mi-171A2, Mi-38 and Ansat have not yet become attractive. In such a situation (and this is the second one), the state defense order came to the rescue (in 2015-2016, the main deliveries fell on military vehicles). But the profitability of such contracts is slightly lower than that of export deals, and besides, today we can say that the peak of the helicopter state defense order has been passed. It is officially stated that within the framework of the state armaments program for 2018-2025, there will be much fewer orders for helicopters.


In a word, the leadership of BP and the aviation industry department of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation clearly have a reason to think about how to live on. Therefore, the current statements about the search for markets and the need to restructure the industry are most likely not just words. In February, the board of Rostec approved the development strategy for its aviation cluster (it includes Russian Helicopters holdings, the United Engine Corporation, Technodinamika and the Radioelectronic Technologies Concern - KRET) until 2025. The key target is the annual growth in revenue of the cluster holdings by an average of 11.9%. “The declared indicators will be achieved through a significant increase in the share of civilian products, increasing exports and improving operational efficiency,” Anatoly Serdyukov, the industrial director of the cluster, former Russian Defense Minister, said at the time. In particular, the task was set to bring Ansat, Ka-226T, Ka-62, Mi-38 helicopters to the international market. Obviously, the new strategy will require new personnel. This is the first possible argument for BP to change the general director of Kazan Helicopter Plant.

Second. It's time to start a new overclocking. According to experts, an average annual growth of the world helicopter market by 3.4% is expected in the next five years. If recently deliveries in Russia have been falling (in 2015 - 212 helicopters, in 2016 - 189), then in 2017 220 helicopters were promised. The main stimulating factors will be the aging of the helicopter fleet, an increase in the intensity of the use of helicopters to eliminate the consequences of natural disasters and man-made disasters, an increase in interest in medium-sized helicopters, and a shift towards civilian vehicles. In a word, you need to catch the wave.

Quite in unison with this Kazan Helicopter Plant in 2018 should begin mass production of the Mi-38 (judging by the fact that by the end of 2019 50 engines have been contracted for this machine, the volume will be, a contract has already been signed with the Ministry of Defense for two Mi-38s), it started quite successful promotion of Ansat. Note that bringing both cars to the series is Ligay's undoubted merit. For the new director (if there is one), this will be a kind of innovative start: they say, the new leader - for completely new products. In addition, according to BUSINESS Online, the leadership of the helicopter industry seriously considered the issue of transferring the production of the Mi-8 / 17 only to the Ulan-Ude Aviation Plant, which is preparing to launch a radical modernization of the G8 - Mi-171A2: in fact, it should replace all available options for this helicopter.

Third argument. Apparently, in the coming days, a total reshaping of the aircraft industry is coming. For example, as Izvestia wrote, all civilian aircraft-building topics will be transferred to the Irkut corporation, and the military will be given to Rostec. It is unlikely that such radical changes will not affect the helicopter industry. For example, Serdyukov (and after a short-term disgrace, today he managed to become the chairman of the board of directors of Technodinamika, a member of the board of directors of KRET, BP, Kazan Helicopter Plant and the United Aircraft Corporation) was tipped for the post of head of the aviation industry department of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation. Further, as the newspaper Sovershenno sekretno wrote, the department is planned to be withdrawn from the Ministry of Trade, forming a federal aviation industry agency (Rosaviaprom).


Who are tipped to be Ligay's replacements? In engineering circles, only one person is now named. This is Sergey Rakovets, General Director of KOMZ JSC. At first glance, this is an unexpected candidacy, especially if we compare the track records of the two general directors (in fact, they are related only by being a deputy in the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan).

Ligay (born March 26, 1953 in the city of Kyzyl Orda, Kazakhstan) is a native helicopter builder. After graduating from the Moscow Aviation Institute in 1976, he worked at Kazan Helicopter Plant as a design engineer, process engineer, head of a technical bureau, and deputy head of a workshop. Since June 1998 - Deputy General Director for Commercial Affairs, since October 1999 - Commercial Director. Since June 2002 - Deputy General Director for Commercial Affairs and Property Management - Commercial Director of Kazan Helicopter Plant. Since May 2007 - CEO. He was nominated for this position by his predecessor Alexander Lavrentyev (he headed the plant since 1990, now he is the president of the Association of Enterprises and Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Tatarstan), who, as reported, was relieved of his post “at his personal request” (they spoke about his state of health). We also recall that from November 2013 to January 2016, Ligay was Deputy CEO of BP, where he oversaw the key programs of the holding, and he was relieved of his post, as it was then said, due to "high workload."

Rakovets (born November 10, 1970), although he graduated from the Kazan State Technical University. Tupolev (today - KNITU-KAI), but with a degree in economics and management at enterprises. Interestingly, he has not lost contact with his alma mater: today Rakovets (he is a candidate of economic sciences) is the head of the department of optoelectronic systems at the university ... In 2002-2003, he was the head of the marketing and sales department of KOMZ. In 2003 - Deputy General Director for Marketing and Logistics of Unistroy Group of Companies. In 2003-2007, he was the first deputy general director - commercial director of KOMZ, since 2007 - the general director.

It would seem, where is KOMZ and where is the helicopter industry? But this was until 2011, when KRET CEO Nikolai Kolesov began to attract large orders for electronic warfare (EW) to his plant (72% of KOMZ ordinary shares belong to Kolesov's structures). This is how the topic "Lever" appeared - an electronic warfare system installed on helicopters. Today, this work is carried out by Rychag JSC, located on the territory of KOMZ. Further more. Last year, another “helicopter” enterprise, Stella-K JSC, was opened on the territory of KOMZ: it manufactures and installs Vitebsk and President-S airborne self-defense systems on helicopters.

But that's not all about Kolesov's interest in the helicopter industry. In 2017, Russia launched a priority project "Ensuring the timely provision of emergency medical care to citizens living in hard-to-reach areas of the Russian Federation", or, to put it simply, a program for the development of air ambulance. The most important role in it is played by Kazan Helicopters as the leading manufacturer of medical Mi-8s and Ansats. To date, 29 such helicopters have been built, next year there will be 31 more (of which 12 are Ansats). This year, 34 Russian regions received 3.3 billion rubles of federal subsidies for the development of air ambulance, similar money will be allocated in 2018-2019, and from 2020 the subjects will independently finance this area. Moreover, BP believes that 34 subjects is not enough: medical aviation should work in all subjects. In a word, a gigantic project. And here the most interesting begins.


In November, Rostec, represented by Serdyukov, took the initiative, as emphasized on the website of the state corporation, changing the approach to the implementation of this project. According to the idea of ​​Rostec, a single federal service operator should be defined in the country, which will allow the formation of a full-fledged fleet of aircraft, as well as the creation of the necessary aviation and digital infrastructure. This will improve the quality of medical care and reduce the burden on the federal budget through the unification of prices and approaches. As Izvestia wrote, the state corporation proposes to use the infrastructure mortgage mechanism and plans to raise about 35.5 billion rubles from extra-budgetary sources with its help. These funds will be used to create an aircraft fleet in 2018-2021 (more than 100 Ansats!), as well as the necessary infrastructure in 1.5 thousand healthcare institutions, as well as an IT system and a flight control center. Investors must return their investments in 2021-2035 by paying for services rendered to citizens by the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund (FOMS). Also, for this purpose, all subjects of the Federation are invited to allocate subsidies from the budget. Experts believe that air ambulance services will be in demand for many years, which makes the project attractive to potential investors. The initiative has already been supported by the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Ministry of Health.

JSC National Air Ambulance Service was established to implement the project. As of August 31, 2017, 75% of the NSSA is owned by the air ambulance development fund (founder - Sergey Kastyuk), and 25% - by the same Rychagu located at KOMZ, 75.2% of whose capital is owned by Radiopriborsnab OJSC, the sole shareholder of the latter KRET performs. And 12.4% of the capital of "Lever" is owned by KOMZ and JSC "KOMZ-Baigish", related to the plant.

In general, the intention of Kolesov (by the way, we note that the general director of KRET became a member of the aviation board under the government of the Russian Federation formed on February 2) to put his man on the "throne" of the Kazan Helicopter Plant has been talked about for a long time. And if this is true, then today he offers the only real project to promote the main promising product of the Kazan Helicopter Plant - Ansat. Experts have repeatedly noted that its initial promotion is possible only with the help of the state, through public procurement. But according to the law, equipment in which a significant part is made up of imported components (Canadian engines are installed on the Ansat) cannot get into the defense order, but now the problem is being solved. In addition, the Rostec project potentially means the smooth introduction of the Ansat into circulation, when not only the helicopter itself is important, but the entire operating system (personnel, documentation, ground support facilities). And in parallel, Kazan Helicopter Plant can become a truly exemplary enterprise of Rostec, which will fulfill Putin's order to the state corporation given a few days ago to increase the share of civilian products to 50%.

The BUSINESS Online source in the industry draws attention to the high lobbying opportunities of Kolesov, who is very close to Sergei Chemezov. “He takes the initiative not only in helicopter issues, and it always ends with an order. He directly introduced many products in his direction, which, frankly, paint him. Rakovets, on the other hand, shows effective work in terms of innovation and increase in volumes, ”our interlocutor notes. However, as the source emphasized, today, with resignations and appointments in the aircraft industry, the logical reasoning of the decision plays an extremely insignificant role: “If you decide to appoint someone, they will appoint you.”

At the time of publication, Kazan Helicopter Plant could not answer the question of BUSINESS Online whether the rumors about an imminent change in the plant's management were grounded. Rakovets, in response to a question from a BUSINESS Online correspondent, replied that he regularly hears that he is being “appointed” to some other positions, but he still has a lot of important things to do at KOMZ.

The current General Director of Kazan Helicopter Plant JSC (KVZ) Vadim Ligay (c) (via

Who are tipped to be Ligay's replacements? In engineering circles, only one person is now named. This is Sergey Rakovets - General Director of JSC "Kazan Optical and Mechanical Plant" (KOMZ) (c)

Tomorrow, the new director will be officially introduced to the employees of the Kazan Helicopter Plant. It will be Yuri Pustovgarov, who previously headed the Kumertau Aviation Production Enterprise in Bashkortostan

A source in the aviation industry told RBC-Tatarstan about the change in leadership at Kazan Helicopter Plant. "On Friday, the plant's employees will be introduced to the new director Yuri Pustovgarov, the current head of the Kazan Helicopter Plant Vadim Ligay is being transferred to the position of deputy general director of the Russian Helicopters holding," the source told RBC-Tatarstan.

The Kazan Helicopter Plant (KVZ) and the Kumertau Aviation Production Enterprise (KumAPP) are subdivisions of the Russian Helicopters holding. The head of the press service of the holding Ekaterina Pavlova did not confirm or deny the information about personnel changes in the management of helicopter plants. “So far we do not comment on this issue,” Pavlova replied evasively.

Information about the possible resignation of Ligai has periodically appeared at Kazan Helicopter Plant since 2016, when the production of rotorcraft at the plant dropped by almost a third to 70 pieces. By that time, Kazan Helicopter Plant had completed two major contracts for the supply of military helicopters to India and for US troops stationed in Afghanistan, and no new orders followed. In the summer of 2016, Kazan Helicopter Plant was forced to transfer part of the 7,000-strong team to a part-time job. There were rumors in the factory shops that Ligai had failed to lobby for the interests of Kazan Helicopter Plant in the leadership of the Russian Helicopters holding. As a result, large orders went to the Ulan-Ude Aviation Plant, which mass-produces Mi-8AMT, Mi-8AMTSh and Mi-171A2 helicopters. These machines are a direct analogue of the Mi-8MTV-5 manufactured by the Kazan Helicopter Plant.

Having lost defense orders, Kazan Helicopter Plant made an attempt to increase the output of civilian products. In October 2016, the general director of the plant, Vadim Ligai, told an RBC-Tatarstan correspondent that he plans to bring the plant to its previous production volumes by 2018. “We believe that in the next year or two we will return to our positions, because in addition to the main product Mi-8 and Mi-17, we are actively entering the market with the Ansat helicopter in various modifications and in the next two years we must bring to Mi-38 helicopter market. A wide range of products will appear at our enterprise, and this instills confidence in the team, because if orders for one model fail, an order for another type of product will appear, our risks will decrease, ”Ligai said then. However, these predictions were not destined to come true. At the end of 2016, Kazan Helicopter Plant received a loss of 675 million rubles, and at the end of 9 months, the net loss of the enterprise increased to 2.3 billion rubles.

Whether Yuri Pustovgarov will be able to bring the KVZ out of a steep dive is not yet clear. However, after his appointment as managing director of KumAPP, in 2016 he managed to increase the plant's revenue by almost a third. As indicated on the official website of the Russian Helicopters holding, Pustovgarov was born in November 1964 in Bashkortostan, from 1986 to 2006 he worked at the Ufa Motor-Building Production Association, after which he went to work in the government of the Republic of Bashkortostan.


Kazan Helicopter Plant PJSC (KVZ) begins the year with a number of mysterious news.

Firstly, as BUSINESS Online found out, the general director of Kazan Helicopter Plant Vadim Ligai dismissed from the post of Deputy General Director of Russian Helicopters (VR). He was appointed to this post on November 13, 2013 and oversaw the holding's key programs - the implementation of helicopter programs, innovative projects, the modernization of the current model range and the creation of new helicopters - Ka-62, Mi-171A2, Mi-38, a promising medium helicopter. In fact, he was the second person in BP, which undoubtedly strengthened the positions of the Kazan Helicopter Plant.

The press service of the plant confirmed the information, saying that Ligay was relieved of his post as deputy general director of the holding on January 18, 2015. One of the main reasons is “high load”, or more precisely, “the emergence of new tasks to create a new industrial cluster of the holding from two production sites - KVZ and KumAPP” (JSC Kumertau Aviation Production Enterprise, Kumertau, Bashkortostan).

Secondly, last week Kazan Helicopter Plant announced the plans of the plant's board of directors to increase the company's capital through an additional issue of 100 million shares with a par value of 1 ruble per share. At the same time, the message indicates the upper limit of the transaction - 20 billion rubles. The placement is planned to be carried out by closed subscription among existing shareholders - Rostec, the Russian Helicopters holding and Oboronprom.

By the way, the decision on additional capitalization will be discussed at an extraordinary meeting of shareholders on March 16. And at the next extraordinary meeting, on May 6, the issue of early termination of the powers of the current board of directors and the election of its new composition, which may be reduced from 9 to 7 people, will be raised.

Thirdly, all this is happening against the backdrop of an unprecedented drop in production for the recent history of Kazan Helicopter Plant. According to the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Republic of Tatarstan, which became available after the recent collegium of the ministry, the volume of output at the pride of Tatarstan plant in 2015 fell by as much as 34.8%. Kazan Helicopter Plant did not comment on this information, offering to wait for the publication of the accounting report in March. Meanwhile, there were rumors in Kazan that this time the usual 13th salary was not paid at the plant, labor disputes related to wages became more frequent, and, moreover, the enterprise was allegedly preparing to switch to a three-day work...

BUSINESS Online sent a request about all three news to Russian Helicopters, but did not receive a response.


BUSINESS Online sources in the industry shed light on the situation. One of them pointed out that in 2015 Kazan Helicopters really sold a record low number of helicopters for recent years - “no more than 80”. Recall that the company completed 2014 with 107 helicopters and, as stated by its management, in 2015 intended to transfer 110 helicopters to customers. According to the source, there are two main reasons for the fall. Partly it's a matter of bureaucracy: for a number of reasons, the number of signings of acceptance documents has shifted, with a dozen helicopters moved to 2016. But the main thing is that there are no new large orders.

“The reasons for the decline in production at Kazan Helicopter Plant (and not only) are the collapse in oil prices, the completion of large contracts with the United States ( for 63 helicopters, completed at the end of 2014approx.ed.) and India ( for 151 helicopters, completion announced in early Februaryapprox. ed.), sanctions, the refusal of Eastern European countries from Russian helicopters, - stated in an interview with BUSINESS Online an expert on helicopter topics, a senior researcher at the Academy. Zhukovsky Evgeny Matveev, as well as our internal systemic problems: the existing model of the industry, which is not able to dynamically work in the new conditions.” According to Matveev, a drop of 34.8% is not normal, “but this is the reality,” no major contracts are expected in 2016-2017, and there are no starting commercial sales of the Mi-38, because there are no buyers.

“We very much hope that contracts with India will be continued,” a source from BUSINESS Online said. “This is the only way out for us today. If not, things will get very bad." Recall that in 2015 it was reported that the Indian Air Force could purchase 48 Mi-17V-5 helicopters from Russia for $1.1 billion. According to Matveev, the probability of concluding a contract is 50 to 50. “Much depends on the alignment of political forces in India itself,” he said. The decision will be repeatedly postponed and changed. Therefore, we need to show patience and care in the form of improving the organization of after-sales service for already delivered helicopters.”

Experts suggest that in the near future the focus of helicopter supplies will have to be shifted from export to orders for Russian law enforcement agencies and civilian consumers. But here KHP will face a tough fight with colleagues from Ulan-Ude. And, apparently, it is not worth counting on large volumes - something within a couple of dozen helicopters ... In the external markets, Russia is being squeezed by China.

“While we were actively engaged in demonstration activities here, China made good helicopters,” the source of BUSINESS Online emphasized. “Yes, today he also buys ours, but this is because his industry is developing strongly and he takes helicopters wherever possible, and sooner or later our neighbor will get enough.”


What does additional capitalization in the amount of up to 20 billion rubles mean against this background? Maybe Moscow decided to lend a helping hand to the plant in a difficult moment? Moreover, according to the results of 2014 alone, Kazan Helicopter Plant paid out a fantastic 7.8 billion rubles to shareholders. Is this injection related to some major defense project that will require capital expenditures? ..

Unfortunately, all these romantic versions are dispelled by the source "BUSINESS Online", which connects the additional capitalization with the accession of the same KumAPP, for the sake of which, according to Kazan Helicopter Plant, Ligay left his post at Russian Helicopters. Back in early November 2015, it was announced that by 2018, the authorities and 100% of the shares of the Bashkir plant would be transferred to Kazan Helicopter Plant. In favor of the version that it was decided to complete the merger as soon as possible, the coincidence of numbers also speaks: the upper bar for additional capitalization of KHP coincides with the volume of assets of the Kumertau plant - 19.97 billion rubles.

It is assumed that the united enterprise will produce "combined" products: Kazan Mi-8/17, Mi-38, Ansat and Kumertau Ka-226T, Ka-32A11BC, Ka-31. The restructuring is explained by the desire to optimally distribute the volume of production and repair of helicopters, optimize the management system, increase (thanks to the synergy effect) the revenue and profit of enterprises and the revenues from them to the budgets of Tatarstan and Bashkortostan. It is stated that there will be more work for Kumertau: they will launch the production of parts and assemblies for the Mi-8, Ansat and Mi-38; the volumes of blanking-stamping, forging-and-pressing and aggregate-assembly production will increase; a competence center will be created for the production of blades from polymers, as well as units of the carrier system of helicopters Ka-52/52K, Ka-62; the production of ground support equipment was organized.

All this would have been good in the fat years, if the Kazan Helicopter Plant had not had time to fend off customers. Now, Kazan helicopter pilots, apparently, will have to share volumes with Bashkir ones, and those, judging by financial indicators, are on the verge of collapse.

The latest available data is for 2014. KumAPP's revenue then grew by 0.2 billion rubles - up to 3.99 billion. At the same time, accounts payable increased by 1.93 billion rubles - up to 4.78 billion, and net loss - 2.5 times, from 1 billion rubles in 2013 to 2.52 billion in 2014. It is unlikely that in 2015, given the general situation, the situation of the plant has improved in any noticeable way.


How was Kazan Helicopter Plant involved in this misalliance? The situation was clarified by another source of BUSINESS Online in the industry: “The meaning is this. To the guys who formed the current mega-holdings such as Russian Helicopters, the United Engine Corporation ( Recall that both holdings are part of Rostec, which is headed bySergey Chemezov approx.ed.), I don’t want to have in my reports an enterprise that pulls everyone back from year to year. Therefore, it must be "hidden". Where? Nowhere in particular. So they decided to join the successful plant ... Things are very bad in Kumertau, and trying to hide it is no longer good. People from year to year take budget money, invest it, but there is no result, although, in principle, everything should be fine at the plant - there is, as it were, a promising order ( I mean plans for a joint production with India of 120 to 600 Ka-226T helicoptersapprox. ed.). In a word, there are no objective circumstances for things to go the way they go ... "

Our interlocutor also draws attention to the lobbying efforts of the head of Bashkortostan Rustem Khamitov, who allegedly promised to raise the issue of many years of doing nothing "Helicopters of Russia" before the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin: "In fact, he scared them."

In August 2013, Khamitov did indeed publicly blame Russian Helicopters for KumAPP's losses due to a lack of orders. Judging by the reports of the Bashkir press, Khamitov's statements about Russian Helicopters were very expressive: Russia" was misled with the construction of the center of composite materials. We even rashly informed the whole country that it is planned to build such a center for composite materials in Kumertau... A year has passed - silence, nothing, only promises. You can hang noodles on your ears, but not for so long, and we also understand and understand some things. Then Khamitov promised to report everything to the Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin And talk tough with the management of Russian Helicopters...

In turn, Matveev considers the decision to join Kumertau to Kazan Helicopter Plant as a result of intrigues in the holding and a continuation of pulling the blanket over the industry (recall, for example, what legends were about the “warm” relations between Kazan Helicopter Plant and the Ulan-Ude Helicopter Plant). Therefore, he considers all the tasks of the merger announced today only as a screen: “The organizers themselves do not yet know what KumAPP will do after the merger. And no one knows."

What does all this mean for Ligay himself? On the one hand, the withdrawal of Russian Helicopters from the "politburo", whatever one may say, is a hardware downgrade. In this regard, in expert circles, even seemingly wild rumors began to circulate about his departure from the helicopter industry ... to the government of the Republic of Tatarstan.

On the other hand, one can speak, on the contrary, of betting on Ligay and his team as a lifesaver. Moreover, the Kazan Helicopter Plant team has demonstrated such qualities more than once over the past two decades. By the way, with the accession of KumAPP, Ligay will also be responsible for the aforementioned Indian contract for the Ka-226, on the clarity and quality of which, as they say, the future of Russian helicopters in the Asian market, which is most important for them, will largely depend. In a word, if Ligay succeeds in draining the Bashkir “swamp”, turning KumAPP into a flourishing enterprise, his position will certainly strengthen. And no, it's not.


Rotorcraft manufactured by Kazan Helicopter Plant PJSC are known all over the world and are successfully operated in more than 100 countries. Today, the plant produces a wide range of modern modifications of the Mi-8/17 series helicopters and the Ansat light helicopter; is preparing for serial production of the Mi-38 medium transport and passenger helicopter. Over the past ten years, Vadim Aleksandrovich Ligay has been at the head of Kazan Helicopters PJSC, since February 2 he has taken the post of Deputy General Director of the Russian Helicopters holding for infrastructure development. Like many boys, as a child he dreamed of becoming a pilot, at school he showed a clear inclination towards mathematics and, as a result, connected his fate with aviation. Vadim Ligay gave KHP more than 40 years of his life, going from design engineer to general director. Under his leadership, a number of significant projects were implemented at the plant.

Large-scale modernization

Vadim Ligai became the head of the Kazan Helicopter Plant in May 2007. One of the most important and global tasks facing the management of the enterprise at that time was the creation of a comprehensive plan for deep modernization and technical re-equipment of production. In 2008, such a plan was developed. Despite the fact that the main modernization changes primarily concerned production lines, in fact the plan involved a complete restructuring of the enterprise.

General Director of Russian Helicopters Holding Vadim Ligay

We, along with the renewal of fixed assets, are also engaged in the modernization of industrial relations. We attach great importance to changing people's attitude to work, to the transition from the principles of post-Soviet times to new realities. Everyone in his workplace should feel that a lot depends on his attitude to the process. It is important that a person performs his work strictly according to the instructions, in accordance with the technological process, and at the same time internally feels the prospect: he understands that it takes a little more than he invests today, and that creativity is worth showing, because any work process suggests their implementation.

When forming the KHP modernization plan in 2008, the completion of all work was scheduled for the current year. In February 2018, the head of the Russian Helicopters holding, Andrey Boginsky, stated that the modernization of the Kazan Helicopter Plant was 90% completed.

Helicopter "Ansat" - light and versatile

Another undoubted achievement of Vadim Ligay as General Director of Kazan Helicopter Plant is the establishment of serial production and supply of Ansat light multi-purpose helicopters.

The Ansat helicopter is the pearl of the modern Russian helicopter industry - it was developed according to a single-rotor scheme with a tail rotor and is designed to compete with the latest Western models. It is capable of carrying 1300 kilograms of payload in the cabin and has the ability to quickly transform the cabin. In 2013, Ansat with a hydromechanical control system was certified for cargo transportation, in December 2014 - for passenger transportation. In May 2015, a modification with a medical module was certified.

Due to the presence of serious competitive advantages in its class, Ansat is of interest to helicopter operators not only from Russia, but also from foreign countries. Its various modifications, as well as the ability to quickly change equipment, allow the helicopter to successfully solve the problems of both civilian and law enforcement agencies.

On January 23, 2018, the products of the Kazan Helicopter Plant "Ansat Light Helicopter in a unified version" won the competition of the federal stage of the program "100 Best Goods of Russia" and the regional stage of the competition "Best Goods and Services of the Republic of Tatarstan 2017".

Currently, the Ansat helicopter is actively used in the Russian Aerospace Forces as a training helicopter. Ansats carry out civil service in the Ministry of Emergency Situations and in the Center for Disaster Medicine.

It is planned to deliver the helicopter also abroad. In February, the Russian Helicopters holding and the Federal Air Transport Agency held talks with representatives of the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) on certification of the Ansat helicopter in China. During the year, the company plans to deliver the first helicopters with Ansat medical modules to China. Also, Chinese customers are interested in other modifications of the helicopter. In addition, the holding is actively negotiating the verification of the helicopter certificate in Brazil, Mexico and Canada.

Vadim Ligay's formula for success

Today, looking back, Vadim Ligai sees the key reasons for his professional success and self-realization as a leader as the high quality of the education received and the willingness to show leadership qualities and effectively manage the team.

- A strong leader must, first of all, enjoy authority, - explains Vadim Ligay. - It is most important. And relationships in the team are built on mutual understanding, on the fact that everyone understands the leader and the tasks that he faces. In my understanding, a team is not a leader and his deputies, but a broader concept, because the whole team does the work. Ideally, a team is all employees of the enterprise, where everyone is aware of their role, sees a common goal and does everything to achieve it. And the construction of this system of relationships, bringing to each of his tasks and creating conditions for their implementation - this is the great work of leadership.

Of great importance in this process, according to Vadim Ligay, is the honesty and openness of the leader at all stages of work:

- The power of an honest word, no matter what they say, is very important in any business and in general in the field of commercial relations: as before, the merchant’s word was strong and served as a guarantee of reliability, and now this rule is valid. In the field of business, a certain opinion about the leader is always created, based on this, relationships are built, including partnerships.

Moving towards new goals

For 10 years of leadership of KVZ, Vadim Ligay made the enterprise truly prosperous. Today, the plant faces new tasks - the start of serial production of the Mi-38, diversification of production, an increase in the share of civilian products and new deliveries as part of the development of the air ambulance program.

According to the assistant to the head of the Republic of Tatarstan for the aircraft building complex Ravil Zaripov, the plant has already received orders for 2018: they plan to assemble 86-87 aircraft.

- The work is going on. We have a very good start - the Mi-38, a large heavy helicopter. Compared to other companies, KHP has new developments. The same 38th helicopter, which can be produced both as a military and as a civilian. This year we will make one or two helicopters for the military. From others there are wishes for him as a civil, salon. We will promote this brand,” Zaripov promised.

In addition, the official noted that the enterprise is supported by the regional government headed by Rustam Minnikhanov. This means that Kazan Helicopter Plant still has a lot of achievements and victories ahead.

“Today, including in Russia, everyone understands that it is wrong to live off oil money,” Vadim Ligay is convinced. - It is impossible to achieve a full-fledged powerful economy without a stable industry. Because the real added value is produced only by the industrial sector. And it is necessary to support those enterprises that have the potential to compete in the world market.

- I would like to thank Vadim Alexandrovich for many years of successful work at the Kazan Helicopter Plant. Under his leadership, KVZ has achieved significant success. Andrey Boginsky, General Director of the Russian Helicopters Holding

In 1976 he graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute and started working at the Kazan Helicopter Plant. In 1976-1998, he successively held the positions of design engineer, process engineer, head of the technical bureau and deputy head of the workshop.

In 1998, Vadim Ligai was appointed Deputy General Director of OJSC Kazan Helicopter Plant for commercial issues and managed this aspect of the plant's life until 2007.

In May 2007, Ligay headed his native enterprise. Under him, the Kazan Helicopter Plant changed its form of ownership from OJSC to PJSC and carried out extensive modernization.

On February 2, 2018, Vadim Ligai took over as Deputy General Director of the Russian Helicopters holding for infrastructure development.

Vadim Ligay is the holder of the titles "Honored Machine Builder" (1998) and "Honorary Aircraft Builder" (2008). He was also awarded the M. L. Mil medal of the Bureau of the Federation of Cosmonautics of Russia (1992), the diploma of the Russian Aviation and Space Agency (2003), the Order of the Holy Blessed Prince Daniel of Moscow (2003), the medal of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation " For strengthening the military commonwealth "(2009) and the Order of Honor (2013).

Read more:

Vadim Ligay: “It is impossible to achieve a full-fledged powerful economy without a stable industry” A. N. Kosygin Russian State University: the door to the future is open

A supporter of the United Russia party, a member of the United Russia faction in the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan.
Member of the Committee of the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan for Economics, Investments and Entrepreneurship.

Born March 26, 1953.
. Education - higher, graduated from the Moscow Order of Lenin State Aviation Institute. O.S. Ordzhonikidze (1976)
. Honored Mechanical Engineer of the Russian Federation (1998)
. Awarded with a medal. M.L. Mile (1992), a medal of the Order of the Holy Blessed Prince Daniel of Moscow (2003), a medal of the Order of St. Sergius of Radonezh III degree (2005), a medal "For strengthening the military community" (2009), an anniversary medal "100 years of Russian military aviation" (2012) , the medal "For Merit in Conducting the All-Russian Population Census" (2012), the medal of the Union of Mechanical Engineers of Russia "For Valiant Labor" (2012), the medal of the Republic of Tatarstan "For Valiant Labor" (2013), the medal of the Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation "For Distinction "(2013), Diploma of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, Order of Honor of the Russian Federation (2013), Medal of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation "For Labor Valor" (2015), Gratitude of the Government of the Russian Federation (2015).
. Chief Advisor to the Managing Director of PJSC Kazan Helicopter Plant.

Day, time, place of reception
Second Thursday of the month from 17:00 to 19:00
Reception place: Dementieva st., 2 B (Primary regional branch of the WFP "UNITED RUSSIA")

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Information about income, property and liabilities of a property nature (for the reporting financial year from January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018)