Ufimsky multidisciplinary professional college

in the field of formation of professional competencies in the modern labor market


"It is necessary to ensure competitiveness

our education, otherwise

we will face a real quality gap

education from modern requirements"

V.V. Putin

According to the Federal State Educational Standard, the competence of a future specialist includes general and professional competencies. General competencies are a set of social and personal qualities of a graduate that allow the teacher to successfully operate in many types of professional activities. Professional competencies ensure success in a certain area of ​​professional activity and underlie the competitiveness of a future specialist. The use of the information space of a professional educational organization to create a system of effective employment of teaching youth, which allows college graduates to adapt to their future professional activities, to form psychological readiness and mobility to changing economic conditions, is one of the main areas of educational work of the Ufimskmultidisciplinary professionalcollege in the field of formation of professional competencies in the modern labor market.

Kovalenko K.N. - Deputy director for educational work, teacher;

Khudyakova N.P. – Head of the Center for Marketing and Employment Promotion of College Graduates (TsMSTV), teacher.

The project is being implemented by:

Center for Marketing and Promotion of Employment of College Graduates, Social and Psychological Service of the College, College Volunteers, Organizing Teachers, Social Teachers, Class Teachers, Invited Specialists.

Project implementation timeline: 2014-2015

Scalesproject: 100% coverage of college graduates (more than 300 people).

The relevance of this problem:

The problem of training competitive specialists who are proficient in formed professional competencies in the modern labor market is considered very relevant. This is written about in the media, discussed at joint meetings of professional organizations and employers of our country and the republic. The issues of effective employment are of concern to scientists and teachers.Professional organizations are undoubtedly working in this direction, but so far it is impossible to say that all graduates have the skills to behave in the modern labor market. An incorrectly chosen profession leads to a change in the type of labor, a decrease in its efficiency. It is not a specialist of the required profile who enters the labor market, but a “person with a diploma” who has general erudition, but requires additional training in the field of activity. There is no consistency in the field of employment of graduates of vocational education institutions. The abolition of the previous practice of forced distribution of graduates has led to a sharp decrease in the rate of realization by young people of their professional status. The ongoing project helpsuse the information space of the educational institution to create a system of educational work for the effective employment of young people, which allows college graduates to adapt to their future professional activities; for the formation of psychological readiness and mobility of students to changing economic conditions.


Formation of students' general and professional competencies in the field of professional activity in the modern labor market through the use of the information space of the college.

Project objectives:

Studying the literature on the research problem;

Creation of the Project for the organization of educational work on the formation of behavior skills in the modern labor market;

Creation of a college graduate model;

Creation of a system of effective employment of teaching youth, which allows college graduates to adapt to their future professional activities through the use of the information space of an educational organization.

Practical significance of the project:

The project can be used by professional educational organizations of the Republic of Bashkortostan to organize educational work on the formation of behavioral skills in the modern labor market.

Methodological principles of project implementation:

Development of students' awareness of themselves as a socially active person;

Raising self-respect, self-esteem;

Formation of ideas that success in the future profession is determined by the formation of professional competencies and awareness of the choice of the future profession;

Formation of a sense of personal responsibility for the preparation of a career growth plan and its implementation;

Involving students in active social activities;

Identification of leadership resources;

Organization of youth leisure;

Replenishment of the ranks of the volunteer movement;

Formation of a personality capable of effective behavior in the modern labor market.

Project implementation program:

Direction of work


Improving the regulatory, legal, methodological support for the activities of the CMSC and the educational work of the college

Updating the legal framework governing the conduct of monitoring activities: adjusting the Regulations on Monitoring Employment; creation of the Program for the development of monitoring activities for the employment of college graduates

Determination of areas of interaction with employers for the preparation and further employment of graduates (discussion and adoption of plans for joint work, discussion of the conditions for the implementation of educational and production work within the framework of the new Federal State Educational Standards)

Adjustment of the course for graduates "Effective behavior in the labor market"


Correction of the memo to the graduate "Effective Employment"


Creation of the methodological manual "Practice and employment"

Technological and information support

educational work


Adjustment and replenishment of the bank of monitoring tools. Development of questionnaires for:

· college graduates

· employers

· parents


Adjustment of indicators and criteria for monitoring employment for work with graduates, young professionals, employers, public authorities and introduction to the college's electronic database

2 times per year

Replenishment of electronic database data at all stages of the monitoring program


Updating information on the pages of the site. Information about the regional labor market; vacancies, recommendations for writing a resume, preparing a self-presentation, etc.)

during a year

Use of Internet resources


Activation of the resources of the automated information system for facilitating the employment of graduates (hereinafter - AIST).


Transfer of databases to the federal center KCST MSTU. N.E. Bauman

according to data provision plan

Conducting monitoring studies based on the results of activities

Diagnostics of the demand for college graduates in the labor market:

1. identifying the number of graduates

working total:

· according to the received specialty in the industry;

· not by specialty in the industry;

2. Study of the number of graduates

working total:

· outside the republic;

· in your hometown, village;

3. Identification of the number of unemployed

graduates in total:

· full-time education in universities;

· conscription into the armed forces;

· in connection with the birth of a child and parental leave;

· lack of job offers in the specialty received, due to illness, due to family circumstances;

· according to economic conditions;

· for psychological reasons; for social reasons.

September, November, May-June

Research (determination) of the number of students and workers at the same time.

September, November, May-June

Identification of the level of satisfaction of graduates with the quality of training in college.

September, November, May-June

Study of career advancement of specialists - college graduates


Identification of satisfaction of young professionals with the quality of educational services of the college


Monitoring of interaction with the employer

1. Diagnostics of employers' satisfaction with the quality of training of young specialists.

2. Identification of employers' needs for specialists (collection of applications for employment, filling databases of employers' vacancies).


Monitoring of interaction with the Center for Employment in Ufa

1. Exchange of information about vacancies with the employment center, creation of a bank of vacancies (analysis of the needs of the regional labor market in teaching staff)


Forecast for continuing education and employment of graduate students

1. Identification of plans for 3rd year students to continue their education

2. Identification of plans for 3rd year students for employment

3. Identification of the level of formation of professional orientation


Formation of readiness to build an individual career plan and employment skills

1. Consulting work with students on issues of self-presentation, career guidance and informing about the state of the labor market

2. Psychological trainings:

"Effective employment",

"How to Be Effective in an Interview"

3. Individual career guidance consultations

during a year

Employment of studying youth and graduates

Organization of temporary employment of students (employment in the summer).

Employment of studying youth and graduates at the request of employers

April - August

Interaction with employers

1. Participation of employers in the IGA

2. Participation of employers in the management of the implementation of final qualification works

3. Conducting joint seminars, conferences, master classes, city events

4. Organization of undergraduate practice

5. Participation of employers in the development of programs of academic disciplines and professional modules in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard

6. Participation in the formation of assessment tools for the state (final) certification of students

7. Participation in the assessment of the level of mastering academic disciplines, professional modules, general and professional competencies

8. Joint adjustment of the Graduate Model, professiograms and sociolograms

according to the schedule of events

Public events

1. Job fairs

2. Action "Work for the young"

3. Career Days

4. Class hours "Meeting with graduates"

5. Classroom hours "Presentation of job options"

6. Business game "Interview"

7. Psychological training for graduates

8. Professional competitions

9. Organization of production practices in the republic and abroad.

during a year

The effectiveness of the college's CCTV

1. Tracking all the main indicators of the activity of the college's TsTV

2. Comparison with previous indicators

3. Making adjustments to the work plan and scorecard

Project results:

- the formation of students' competence in the formation of behavioral skills in the field of professional activity in the modern labor market;

Improving the level of awareness about problems and ways to solve them;

Formation of the ability to defend one's position, point of view;

Increasing the number of students involved in active activities;

Increasing stress-resistant behavior and refusal techniques;

Personal development, increasing self-esteem of students.

List of used literature:

1. Apokin A., Yudkevich M. Analysis of student employment in the context of the Russian labor market // Questions of Economics. - 2008. - No. 6. - P. 98-111

2. Lenkina O.B. Evolution of Approaches to the Regulation of Employment in Developed Countries// Management in Russia and abroad. - 2012. - No. 3. - P. 30-36

3. Decree of the Government of the Republic of Belarus "On the state program for regulating the labor market and promoting employment in the Republic of Bashkortostan" (as amended on May 7, 2015).

4. Pugach V.F., Fedorova E.A. Employment of graduates of Russian universities// Higher education in Russia. - 2011. - No. 10. - P. 136-147

5. Stepanenko N.A. The activities of employment centers for the employment of youth: efficiency assessment / / Sots. politics and sociology. - 2010. - No. 8. - P. 86-96

6. Stepenko A.S. Ensuring youth employment is a condition for the country's economic growth // Sots. politics and sociology. - 2011. - No. 3. - P. 229-243

7. Tkachenko E.V. Problems of training workers in the Russian Federation // Pedagogy No. 6, 2014.

Today, the teacher is placed in such conditions when mastering research skills is a prerequisite for his formation as a pedagogical subject in accordance with the new paradigm and methodology of education. Only with such a teacher can one talk about quality education, since the quality of education is an indicator of the development of society, national culture, and national identity. The functions of the pedagogical activity of the primary school teacher reflect both the general purpose of the teacher and the special social order that is determined by the specifics of the primary school and modern requirements for it.



Teacher Professional Development Program

primary school MBOU secondary school No. 3 of Salekhard

Gizatulina Nachiya Aminovna

Explanatory note

School reform continues, and the teacher, who is at the center of school life, remains its main driver. The role of the teacher is increasing, and the requirements for his professional qualities are growing. In the pedagogical field, not just professionals are needed, but real devotees of their work, bright personalities who are able to overcome difficulties and work creatively.

Today, the teacher is placed in such conditions when mastering research skills is a prerequisite for his formation as a pedagogical subject in accordance with the new paradigm and methodology of education. Only with such a teacher can one talk about quality education, since the quality of education is an indicator of the development of society, national culture, and national identity. The functions of the pedagogical activity of the primary school teacher reflect both the general purpose of the teacher and the special social order that is determined by the specifics of the primary school and modern requirements for it.

A modern elementary school teacher is at the same time a teacher, educator, organizer of children's activities, an active participant in communication with students, their parents and colleagues, a researcher of the pedagogical process, a consultant, educator and social activist. He constantly raises the level of his professionalism and pedagogical skills, conducts a creative search for something new.

The changes taking place in the modern education system make it relevant to improve the qualifications and professionalism of a teacher, that is, his professional competence. A teacher who thinks freely, predicts the results of his activity and models the educational process, is the guarantor of achieving the goals of modern education. That is why at present the demand for a qualified, creatively thinking, competitive personality of a teacher has sharply increased.

Self-education of a teacher is a purposeful cognitive activity controlled by the teacher himself. This activity includes several stages:

  1. Choice of direction and topic of self-education.
  2. Formulation of the goals and objectives of self-education.
  3. Definition of a circle of information sources.
  4. The choice of the form of self-education.
  5. Drawing up a plan for self-education.
  6. Determining the result of self-education.
  7. Analysis and evaluation of activities in the process of self-education, preparation of a report.

Having determined the range of information sources (materials on the Internet; video, audio information on various media; seminars and conferences; master classes; events for the exchange of experience; advanced training courses, etc.) and choosing the form of work, I made a personal plan of work on the task is a problem. As I work to implement my personal self-education plan, I must:

  • get acquainted with the novelties of printed methodical, pedagogical and subject literature and information on the Internet;
  • attend seminars, conferences, lessons of colleagues;
  • take part in discussions, meetings, exchange of experience with colleagues;
  • take full-time, part-time and distance professional development courses on this topic;
  • develop a model of the educational process using logical tasks;
  • conduct open lessons for colleagues;
  • organize extracurricular activities in subjects;
  • speak at meetings of the MO with a summary of the results of work experience.

Any activity will be meaningless if it does not result in a product or achievements. Expected result: mastery of alternative forms and methods of conducting educational activities, including information and communication technologies at the level of building a model of the educational process. The results of my self-education should be:

  • improving the quality of teaching subjects, increasing the effective participation of class students in school, district and all-Russian competitions, Olympiads - EMU, "Kangaroo", "Intellect - Express";
  • developing and conducting open lessons on their own technologies;
  • creating sets of personal pedagogical developments and publishing them in the media,

The problem the teacher is working on: “The development of logical thinking of students».


  1. To study the characteristics of children of primary school age.
  2. . To study how mathematics lessons affect the development of logical thinking.
  3. Consider the theoretical foundations for the development of logical thinking in mathematics lessons: consider the theory of the development of thinking in children, determine the role of mathematics in the development of logical thinking in schoolchildren, reveal the logical problems used in mathematics lessons;
  4. To explore the methodology for using logical problems in mathematics lessons, as well as to reveal various forms of working with logical problems.
  5. improving the quality of the educational process;
  6. ensuring the development of cognitive and creative activity and the personal sphere of students.


  1. develop the logical thinking of students and create the necessary conditions for enhancing the cognitive research activities of students
  2. improve the quality of teaching through the introduction of new information technologies;
  3. fix the level of learning at each stage of schooling.

Relevance of the topic

At primary school age, children have significant reserves of development. With the child entering school, under the influence of learning, the restructuring of all his cognitive processes begins. It is the primary school age that is productive in the development of logical thinking. This is due to the fact that children are included in new types of activities for them and systems of interpersonal relations that require them to have new psychological qualities.

The possibilities of forming methods of thinking are not realized by themselves: the teacher must actively and skillfully work in this direction, organizing the entire learning process in such a way that, on the one hand, he enriches children with knowledge, and on the other hand, he forms methods of thinking in every possible way, contributes to the growth of cognitive forces and students' abilities.

The development of thinking also affects the upbringing of the child, positive character traits develop, the need to develop one's good qualities, working capacity, activity planning, self-control and conviction, love for the subject, interest, desire to learn and know a lot. All this is essential for the future life of the child.

The above facts determined the chosen topic: "The development of logical thinking of younger students in mathematics lessons."

Directions of self-education: professional, methodical.

Sources of self-education:Methodological literature, magazines, seminars and conferences, advanced training courses, master classes, lessons from colleagues, the Internet, communication with colleagues.

Methodological theme of MO:“Ensuring the comprehensive development of students' intellectual abilities based on innovative teaching and management technologies. Disclosure of the student's individuality and the choice of favorable learning conditions for him through personality-oriented technologies of education and upbringing.

Lead time on the topic: 3 years.

Material presentation:open lessons at seminars, presentations from work experience at pedagogical readings, at the Moscow Region, workshops with colleagues.

Result of work:Summarizing the experience of work on this topic school, city. Creation of a collection of logical tasks.

Expected results: improving the academic performance and level of students' learning, the need for active creative activity.

Directions of self-education:





  1. To study new educational standards, to understand their features.
  2. Get acquainted with new pedagogical technologies through subject publications and the Internet.
  3. Improve qualifications in courses for primary school teachers.
  4. Publication of your articles on education topics in the media.
  5. Participate in all professional competitions at the municipal, regional, federal levels.
  6. Continue creating a mathematics classroom: replenish it with new methodological literature, cards, punched cards, and visual aids.
  7. To develop a system of exercises and didactic games to develop the logical thinking of younger students.
  8. Organize parent education and open days.


1 time in 5 years





Psychological and pedagogical

  1. Improve your knowledge in the field of classical and modern psychology and pedagogy.
  2. Take part in the work of pedagogical councils.
  3. Conduct psychological and pedagogical diagnostics.



  1. To improve knowledge of the modern content of education of students in the initial course of study.
  2. To get acquainted with new forms, methods and methods of teaching.
  3. To take an active part in the work of the school MO of primary school teachers.
  4. Organize work with gifted children and take part in scientific and practical conferences, competitions of creative works, olympiads.
  5. Study the experience of the best teachers through the Internet.
  6. Attend lessons of colleagues and participate in the exchange of experience.
  7. Periodically conduct self-assessment of professional activity.
  8. Create a collection of exercises for the development of logical thinking with a regional component.





Information and computer technologies

  1. Study ICT and implement them in the educational process.
  2. Collection and analysis of Internet information on primary education, pedagogy and psychology.
  3. Create a personal website and update it monthly.
  4. Create a creative group of teachers interested in new ICT.
  5. Create an email to contact like-minded people.



Health protection

  1. Introduce health-saving technologies into the educational process.

Long-term development project "Educational consulting as a model of tutor support of an individual professional career of a teacher" as a model of tutor support of an individual professional career of a teacher" Municipal budgetary educational institution of the city of Kostroma "Lyceum 41"

The goal of the project is to create conditions for teachers to master the tools of effective self-learning, self-education, self-realization; providing resources for personal advancement in a professional career. creating conditions for teachers to master the tools of effective self-learning, self-education, self-realization; providing resources for personal advancement in a professional career.

Tasks: diagnosing the needs of the teacher for the development of individual educational programs; diagnosing the needs of the teacher for the development of individual educational programs; ensuring educational initiative movement of teachers; ensuring educational initiative movement of teachers; reflection of the methods of self-education, self-learning, self-determination, self-realization, self-organization of teachers in the educational space. reflection of the methods of self-education, self-learning, self-determination, self-realization, self-organization of teachers in the educational space.

Description of the model Stages Content 1. Diagnostic diagnostics of the teacher's readiness for self-education, self-determination, self-realization; diagnostics of features of pedagogical style. 2. Motivational training for personal growth 3. Goal-setting tutor consultations; defining goals and objectives for each teacher. 4. Design development of individual programs for self-education, drawing up a resource map. 5. Implementation support for the implementation of individual self-education programs; organization of educational events; organization of internships, master classes, training seminars and courses. 6. Evaluative and effective reflection (assessment by the teacher of his own progress in his professional career)

Stages of drawing up an individual educational route 1) analyzed the case of educational services; 2) determined the invariant and variable parts of the program; 3) selected the content of the educational material; 4) determined the time intervals for mastering the program; 5) chose methods and forms of education; 6) developed a schedule of individual and group consultations; 7) compiled individual educational routes; 8) compiled a resource map.

INDIVIDUAL EDUCATIONAL ROUTE Chistyakova Svetlana Borisovna Chistyakova Svetlana Borisovna Name of educational modules / internships Number of hours Form of study Types of studies Time of study Form of control Student-centered education in elementary school as a means of improving the quality of education. Technology of educational research. During the academic year, self-education Individual consultations by a tutor d. interview “Formation of UUD by means of TMC “School 2100” 2 Correspondence studies of a scientific and practical webinar based on a lyceum in a remote mode 2011 interview Modern educational technologies. Technology of critical thinking 12 Full-time (on-the-job) Classes of a scientific-practical seminar on the basis of a lyceum; attending master classes and workshop colleagues Attending lessons by a tutor Organization of the process of spiritual and moral education, development of younger students in the course of the formation of reading competence Within two years, self-education Study of methodological literature, Internet resources, individual consultations by a tutor means of improving the quality of education. Design in elementary school During the academic year, self-education Individual consultations by a tutor d. on the basis of the lyceum report E-school6 Full-time (on-the-job) Individual consultations by a tutor filling out an electronic journal

Forms of education at the stage of implementation of an individual plan for self-education 1. Course preparation based on KOIRO, including distance courses. 2. Course preparation on the basis of the lyceum (classes of the scientific and practical seminar). 4. Work on the topic of self-education. 5. Individual tasks. 7. Master classes. 8. Internships. 9. Drawing up a portfolio.


Designed by:

Kosheleva Irina Anatolyevna, Deputy Director for Water Resource Management, MBOU "Secondary School No. 46" of the city of Kaluga

Subject: Model of the trajectory of the teacher's professional development in accordance with the requirements of the professional standard.

Problem: Low motivation of primary school teachers for professional development in accordance with the requirements of the professional standard.


    Lack of understanding by teachers of the importance of introducing a professional standard for a teacher;

    Insufficient knowledge of the content basis of the professional standard for the teacher;

    Insufficient readiness and personal and professional maturity to work in the context of the introduction of a professional standard for a teacher;

    Weak diagnostics of professional skills, self-determination of the teacher;

    The absence of an individual educational route for the teacher, which provides the teacher with the development and implementation of a personal program of professional development.

Purpose: Creation of a model of the trajectory of the teacher's professional development in accordance with the requirements of the professional standard.


    To acquaint with the professional standard of the teacher of primary school teachers;

    To analyze and compare the content of the professional standard with the Federal State Educational Standard for primary general education.

    Conduct internal monitoring and analysis of teachers' readiness for professional activities in accordance with the requirements of the professional standard.

    Based on the data obtained, create an individual educational route for the teacher.

    To develop forms of self-educational activity of the teacher.

6. Implement a model of the teacher's professional development trajectory in accordance with the requirements of the professional standard in the work.

Project participants: administration, primary school teachers, educational psychologist, speech therapist, social pedagogue, parent community.

Description of the project: strategy and mechanisms for achieving the set goals.

Task number 1. To introduce the professional standard of the teacher to primary school teachers.

1. Study the literature on this issue.

2. To diagnose the level of knowledge of the teacher's professional standard.

3. Summarize and analyze the diagnostic results.

4. Make a schedule of individual consultations.

5. Conduct individual consultations.

Task number 2. To analyze and compare the content of the professional standard with the Federal State Educational Standard of primary general education.

1. Compose questions for a comparative characteristic of the content of the professional standard and the Federal State Educational Standard of primary general education.

2. Analyze the content of the professional standard and the Federal State Educational Standard for primary general education.

3. Make a table of innovations in the teacher's professional standard.

Task number 3. Conduct internal monitoring and analysis of the readiness of teachers for professional activities in accordance with the requirements of the professional standard.

1. Develop a self-assessment sheet for teachers' readiness for professional activities in accordance with the requirements of the professional standard.

2. Carry out diagnostics of self-assessment of teachers' readiness for professional activities in accordance with the requirements of the professional standard.

3. Analyze the readiness of teachers for professional activities in accordance with the requirements of the professional standard.

Task number 4. Based on the data obtained, draw up an individual educational route for the teacher.

1. Develop the structure of an individual educational route for a teacher.

2. Select areas of work (topics).

3. Will draw up a plan of actions and activities carried out in the process of working on the topic.

4. Set deadlines.

5. Determine the form of presentation and the results of the work.

6. Designate the expected results.

Task number 5. To develop forms of self-educational activity of the teacher.

1 . To make a choice and classification of forms of teacher's self-educational activity.

2. Present the experience of teachers at the methodological association for self-educational activities.

3. Develop a memo on the choice of forms of self-educational activity of the teacher.

Task number 6.Implement a model of the teacher's professional development trajectory in accordance with the requirements of the professional standard in the work.

1. Develop a model of the teacher's professional development trajectory in accordance with the requirements of the professional standard.

2. Formulate the goals and objectives of the teacher's professional development in accordance with the requirements of the professional standard.

3. Determine the content, ways to improve the qualifications of the teacher.

4. Conduct individual consultations with teachers on the choice of the trajectory of professional development (in accordance with the identified difficulties).

5. Draw up an individual educational route for the purpose of professional development of the teacher in accordance with the requirements of the professional standard.

6. Implement the intended route.

7. Conduct a reflexive analysis of the effectiveness of an individual educational route for the purpose of professional development of the teacher in accordance with the requirements of the professional standard.

Working plan for project implementation.

Studying the literature on this issue.

Kosheleva I.A.

29.05.17 – 31.05.17

MBOU "Secondary School No. 46", Kaluga, library

Compilation of a bibliographic list.

Kosheleva I.A.


Questioning of primary school teachers (diagnosis of the level of knowledge of the teacher's professional standard)

Kosheleva I.A.

02.06.17 – 05.06.17

MBOU "Secondary School No. 46", Kaluga, room. No. 3

Analysis of the obtained results, presentation of the generalized result.

Kosheleva I.A.


MBOU "Secondary School No. 46", Kaluga, room. No. 8

Preparation of questions for a comparative characteristic of the content of the professional standard and the Federal State Educational Standard of primary general education.

Creative group of teachers


MBOU "Secondary School No. 46", Kaluga, room. No. 3

Conducting a methodological association of primary school teachers in order to analyze the content of the professional standard and the Federal State Educational Standard of primary general education.

Result: a table of innovations in the teacher's professional standard

Kosheleva I.A.,

08.06.17 – 10.06.17

MBOU "Secondary School No. 46", Kaluga, room. No. 3

Development of a self-assessment sheet for teachers' readiness for professional activities in accordance with the requirements of the professional standard.

Creative group of teachers


Carrying out diagnostics of self-assessment of teachers' readiness for professional activities in accordance with the requirements of the professional standard.

Kosheleva I.A.


MBOU "Secondary School No. 46", Kaluga, room. No. 6

Analytical report on the results of the diagnostics of self-assessment of teachers' readiness for professional activities in accordance with the requirements of the professional standard.

Kosheleva I.A.

15.06.17 – 22.06.17

MBOU "Secondary School No. 46", Kaluga, room. No. 12

Development of the structure of the individual educational route of the teacher.

Creative group of teachers.

23.06.17 – 29.06.17

MBOU "Secondary School No. 46", Kaluga, room. No. 3

To study effective forms of self-educational activity of a teacher.

Head of the Ministry of Defense of Primary School Teachers Shpilevskaya I.I.


MBOU "Secondary School No. 46", Kaluga, room. No. 3

Conduct a methodological association of primary school teachers in order to provide teachers with experience in self-educational activities.

Result: a memo on the choice of forms of self-educational activity of the teacher.

Head of the Ministry of Defense of Primary School Teachers Shpilevskaya I.I.

01.07.17 – 15.07.17

MBOU "Secondary School No. 46", Kaluga, room. No. 3

Development of a model of the teacher's professional development trajectory in accordance with the requirements of the professional standard.

Creative group of teachers

28.08.17 – 31.08.17

MBOU "Secondary School No. 46", Kaluga, room. No. 6

Individual consultations with teachers on the choice of the trajectory of professional development (in accordance with the identified difficulties).

Kosheleva I.A.

01.09.17 – 25.05.18

Implementation of the planned route


MBOU "Secondary School No. 46", Kaluga, room. No. 3

Meeting of the Ministry of Defense of Primary School Teachers. Topic: analysis of the effectiveness of an individual educational route for the purpose of professional development of a teacher in accordance with the requirements of a professional standard.

Kosheleva I.A.,

Head of the Ministry of Defense of Primary School Teachers Shpilevskaya I.I.


1. School library.

2. Primary school classrooms.

3. Internet and copying equipment.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the project implementation.

Criterion #1 : The level of professional development of teachers based on the professional standard.

Criterion #2 : The level of motivation of primary school teachers for professional development in accordance with the requirements of the professional standard.

The level of professional development of teachers based on the professional standard.

Use in the work of teachers of innovations of the professional standard;

The activities of teachers in self-education at a high level;


Participation in professional competitions, seminars; olympiads, etc.



Qualitative analysis of documents and products of professional activity of teachers.


Self-assessment sheet for teacher compliance with professional standards



The level of motivation of primary school teachers for professional development in accordance with the requirements of the professional standard.

The constant desire of the teacher for self-improvement;

Interest in getting results;

Satisfaction with your work.





Feedback sheets

Short term result :

1. Creation of a model of the teacher's professional development trajectory in accordance with the requirements of the professional standard (a program that provides teachers with the development and implementation of a personal professional development program).

2. creating a PORTFOLIO as a demonstrationprofessional growth and
self-development of the teacher.

Long term result : 1. Improving the quality of teachers' work in accordance with the requirements of the professional standard.

2. growth in the number of teachers with the highest qualification category.

Risk assessment and measures planned to minimize the impact of such risk events.

Risks :

1. Low readiness for change by individual teachers.

Realizea differentiated approach to the organization of increasing the professional competence of a teacher and his professional growth, taking into account the individual characteristics of each teacher. Involvement of a teacher-psychologist in individual work.

2. School workload (two-shift work). The inability to find a free office and additional time for the work of the creative team.

Drawing up a schedule for the work of the creative group, taking into account the schedule of classes and the capabilities of teachers - members of the creative group.

Further development of the project.

Speak at the pedagogical council of the school on the topic "Individual educational route of the teacher as a means of professional development"

Conduct a city seminar for primary school teachers "Professional standard of a teacher in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard."

Explanatory note

The shortage of free places in preschool institutions determines the growth in the number of consumers of educational services in the field of preschool education. Over the past few years, the situation has developed in such a way that parents, trying to "place" their child in a municipal preschool educational institution, do not particularly ask questions about the quality of the services provided. Having received "cherished" vouchers, they continue to search for additional educational opportunities outside the walls of the kindergarten. Surveys show that approximately 50% of parents additionally (except for the kindergarten group) pay for various classes in "schools for early development", "academies", "clubs", "creative groups", etc. All the more obvious is the problem of the choice of educational services by the parents of "unorganized" children. Volosovets T.V. Organization of the pedagogical process in a preschool educational institution / T.V. Volosovets, ON. Sazonova. - M.: VLADOS, 2014. - 232 p.

The variability of preschool education, as a generally positive phenomenon, has a number of negative consequences, such as the implementation of the educational process in conditions that are not adequate for the age of preschool children, the use of educational programs based on the "patchwork quilt" principle. The federal state educational standard for preschool education is called upon to change the negative trends in preschool education, one of the purposes of which is the legal regulation of the content, conditions and results of preschool education in the amount that is mandatory for all institutions implementing the main general educational program of preschool education.

The basis of the standard of preschool education is the creation of requirements for preschool education, centered on the educator adult, on the organization and quality of the activity of a teacher of preschool education.

The combination of traditional and alternative types of preschool education is one of the clear signs of growing demand and the development of consumer initiative. In this regard, there is an acute question of expanding the types of educational services within the institution, so that the teaching staff determines, designs the area for the development of parents' requests, is several steps ahead of its main customer and ensures the high quality of the provided options for preschool education.

Main idea of ​​the project is to find ways to overcome the contradiction between the increasing requirements for the quality level of preschool education and the imperfection of the system for supporting the personal and professional development of teachers within the institution.

The methodological service in the form in which it existed and continues to exist in preschool institutions is ineffective in the transition of the activities of the teaching staff from the mode of functioning to the mode of development. It should be noted that the traditional forms and methods of organizational and methodological activities of a preschool institution do not correspond to modern democratic values ​​and prospects for the development of the education system as cooperation, co-creation of teachers, parents, and children.

The Child Development Center is a new type of institution that requires different models for managing the development of the professional community and the educational institution as a whole.

Hence the need to create a qualitatively new development strategies the professional community, the personnel potential of the institution, innovative forms of interaction between teachers, parents, pupils.

Analyzing the activities of preschool educational institutions, we can state the strengths in the organization of professional self-development of teachers:

Sufficiently complete educational and methodological equipment (replenishment of the fund of scientific and methodological literature, manuals and information base; equipping groups and offices of narrow specialists with the necessary modern multifunctional didactic, handouts; creation and development of a developing object-spatial environment);

Scientific and methodological support (development and implementation of the development program through various forms of methodological work);

Logistics and financial support (implementation of a long-term plan for the development of the material and technical base of preschool educational institutions, equipping with new technical equipment, carrying out preventive and repair work);

Regulatory support;

Providing psychological support (implementation by a teacher-psychologist of professional, diagnostic, corrective assistance to teachers);

Ensuring the technological readiness of teachers (introducing innovation and project activities into practice);

The use of various forms of advanced training for teachers (training teachers in advanced training courses; participation in the methodological work of a kindergarten, city, city methodological associations, municipal, regional and all-Russian educational exhibitions and conferences, competitions, generalization and promotion of advanced pedagogical experience);

Preparation and certification of teachers;

The presence of high creative potential (the readiness of teachers for innovative activities, ensuring the implementation of innovative strategies, organizing creative reports and master classes by innovative teachers).

The implementation of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Distance Education directly depends on the readiness of the preschool teacher himself for this process. Svirskaya L., Romenskaya L. GEF preschool education - Veliky Novgorod: NIRO, 2014. - 60 p.

The system of professional competence of a preschool teacher includes a set of competencies: methodological, psychological-pedagogical, communicative, research, presentation, acmeological, ict-competence.

However, the following problems can be found in the development of professional competence of teachers:

Insufficient motivation for the growth of professional activity;

Insufficient motivational and technological readiness of young specialists for project activities;

Insufficiently high level of work of teachers in the project mode;

Insufficiently high personnel potential (staffing, categorization of teaching staff);

Insufficiently high level of partnerships in the pedagogical interaction of preschool specialists with colleagues, children, parents.

Thus, the relevance and necessity of developing the project "Supporting the professional development of preschool teachers in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education" becomes obvious.

Novelty The project lies in the fact that supporting the professional self-development of specialists of preschool educational institutions is of value and significance not only for teachers, but also for a specific educational situation, for the successful development of preschool educational institutions, and as a phenomenon of professional and personal culture in general.

The main intention of the program is to:

To increase the level of motivational growth of preschool teachers;

Provide scientific and methodological support;

Organize design and innovation activities;

Create an integral system of methodological work to ensure the continuity of education of preschool teachers;

Providing psychological and pedagogical assistance to young professionals;

The implementation of pedagogical interaction will be carried out at a high level of partnership position;

Generalization of progressive pedagogical experience.

Studying the issues of professional competence of preschool teachers, we concluded that in the psychological and pedagogical literature there is no unambiguous interpretation of this concept. After analyzing various approaches to the definition of professional competence, we defined it as an integral characteristic that determines the ability and willingness to effectively solve professional problems that arise in the process of pedagogical activity using knowledge, professional and life experience.

Thus, the problem of managing the process of supporting the professional development of preschool educational institutions in the context of the modernization of education requires research from the standpoint of using a competency-based approach.

We came to the conclusion that it is impossible to increase the professional competence of a teacher by force, it is impossible to impose on him the ways of self-development. This may lead to formalism. It is necessary to take into account professional and personal needs and interests, individual psychological characteristics, the level of professional readiness, as well as the ability for self-determination, self-realization and self-development of a particular teacher.

Based on the research of domestic teachers and psychologists, we understand support as a new educational service aimed at developing the teacher's internal potential for self-development and preserving his unique personal and professional qualities.

Program goal: Substantiate and present the optimal effective model for increasing the professional competence of teachers, taking into account the peculiarities of their professional position, education, work experience through their inclusion in collective mental activity.

· To identify criteria for determining the effectiveness of increasing the professional competence of teachers (clusters of professional competence);

· To reveal the level of professional competence of teachers;

· To create conditions for the implementation of experimental work, design and innovation activities;

· To create conditions for raising the level of partnerships in the process of pedagogical interaction;

· Develop a holistic system of methodological work to ensure the continuity of education of preschool teachers (targeted and comprehensive programs to support the process of self-development of teachers);

· Develop a system for monitoring the effectiveness of the development of professional competence of teachers.

· Increase the motivation for the growth of professional activity and the general cultural level;

· Monitor the effectiveness of the development of professional competence of teachers.

Expected result:

· Increasing the level of motivational professional growth of teachers;

· The desire of the teacher to implement innovative and design activities, the growth of intellectual potential;

· The use by teachers of different pedagogical technologies in educational activities;

· Creation of long-term planning of methodical work;

Development of the professional position of teachers (orientation to partner positions)

Target indicators:

· Conscious involvement of teachers in the process of experimental activities;

· Implementation of innovative projects in the educational process;

professional self-development preschool teacher

Qualitative change in the qualifications of teachers who ensure the work of preschool educational institutions;

Equipping the activities of the preschool educational institution with modern information technologies;

The presence of a portfolio of children and teachers.

Project relevance

The high-quality implementation of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Distance Education directly depends on the readiness and ability of teachers to carry out the educational process at a high level, conduct scientific research, master new technologies and information systems, and educate spirituality and morality. Obviously, in this way, special attention is paid to improving the professional competence of a modern teacher. At the same time, when the activities of an educational institution are in development mode, the issues of managing the self-development of teachers, providing methodological and psychological support aimed at creating an integral educational space that stimulates its development become relevant.

Kindergarten today is a complex organism that:

strives for development

is looking for new opportunities for material financing, development of activities,

creates the necessary conditions to meet the needs of the child, family, society,

provides conditions for creative professional work of teachers,

seeks to meet the modern requirements of the development of society.

The introduction of GEF DO directly depends on the level of training of teaching staff. Today, society needs a teacher of a new generation - a competent one, who is an example of nobility, philanthropy, decency, citizenship. The quality of the creative development of children, their readiness for school and for life directly depends on the professionalism of teachers. In order to keep up with the times, the teacher must constantly improve his knowledge, master progressive pedagogical technologies of education and training, and thereby provide an opportunity for his development. The ability to overcome life conflicts, the ability to find new non-standard solutions to problems - these qualities have become relevant in the modern world. The changes taking place in society entail changes in the work of preschool institutions.

However, we can state the following problems in the development of professional competence of teachers:

insufficient motivation for the growth of professional competence;

insufficient motivational and technological readiness of young specialists for professional activities;

insufficiently high personnel potential (staffing of teaching staff);

insufficiently high level of partnerships in the pedagogical interaction of kindergarten specialists with colleagues, children, parents.

Therefore, today the problem of supporting the self-development of teachers of an educational institution is becoming relevant. From the position of the social approach in the process of education, two components of the goal of education can be distinguished:

the order of the state - the establishment of clear priorities in the content of education in accordance with the understanding of those qualities and the potential that is needed in a modern state from every person living in it;

a private (internal) order is a meaningful answer of the person himself to the question: "What and why do I intend to study?".

The development of a teacher as a professional is achieved by constant work. But sometimes teachers stop in their development, do not strive for self-improvement, self-development. This manifests itself in fatigue, satiety with impressions, lack of motivational readiness, professional burnout, unawareness of pedagogical ideals and results in pedagogical failure. It is possible to avoid such a development of events by changing managerial approaches to providing professional assistance to teaching staff.

Successfully organized socio-psychological support opens up prospects for personal growth, helps a person enter that “development zone” that is still inaccessible to him. In order to create conditions for professional communication of teachers, improve their pedagogical skills in an educational institution, a program of professional support for teaching staff and junior educators is needed.

The technology for implementing the program can be tutoring. We define tutoring as a process of building a long-term directed promotion and support of teachers in a specially organized developmental interaction, where the relationship of tutors and specialists of an educational institution is individualized, personified, that is, all successes and failures, ideas, discoveries, assessments, preferences, problems and difficulties become ours. common property, the subject of further developing interaction. Shumakova K.S. Tutoring as a form of advanced training for teachers // Pedagogical education in Russia. 2012. No. 1. pp. 135-140.

The project of methodological support for novice teachers at the stage of entering the profession should help them successfully adapt to the kindergarten space, as well as increase the percentage of those wishing to continue working in an educational institution.

The accompanying teacher is the closest adviser and assistant in all difficulties. The task of the escort is to help the learning adult achieve a high level of responsibility and awareness of learning in order to create, develop their professional abilities, build the movement of the mentee in the field of achievements, where there is an ideal (cultural patterns) and a real (human desire. interests). The escort needs to build a testing space. It arises if the ward has a creative and productive task. The work of the escort is aimed at:

to build (on the material of the real life of the ward) the practice of expanding his own capabilities,

for self-determination

on connecting the subjective attitude to building one's own progress towards success.

The main tasks of organizing tutoring:

· Creation of an integral system of methodological work to ensure the continuity of education of teachers of an educational institution;

· Developing the skills of kindergarten managers and teachers to formulate a request for consulting support;

· Development of teachers-researchers' ability to learn and develop independently;

· Increasing the level of motivational growth of teachers of an educational institution;

· Organization of design and innovation activities;

· Development of the ability of participants in the experiment to evaluate their activities, the results of professional development;

· Implementation of individual control over the process and results of research activities and professional development;

· Development of self-control skills;

· The use of various individual methods of self-management of research and professional activities;

· Provision of psychological and pedagogical assistance to young specialists;

· Implementation of pedagogical interaction at a high level of partnership position;

Generalization of progressive pedagogical experience;

· Implementation of the choice of forms, methods and means of self-development in the conditions of experimental activity;

· Determination together with teachers and heads of educational institutions of forms of presentation of results of self-development.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks:

the relevance of attention to the profession of educator;

defining the mission of an innovative teacher;

providing theoretical, psychological and methodological support for teachers;

stimulating an increase in the scientific and methodological level of teachers' mastery of modern educational technologies;

activation of the activities of teaching staff to improve professionalism and self-realization;

information enrichment.


conducts individual consulting sessions that guide the teacher in the problematic field of research and the search for an adequate methodology for considering ways to solve the chosen problem;

individual consultations on various issues,

and also helps

Determine goals and the best steps to achieve them;

increase the independence and responsibility of trainees;

get satisfaction from their work;

learn to find new ways of effective cooperation;

make quick decisions in difficult situations;

coordinate individual goals with the goals of the educational institution;

be aware of their capabilities and educational prospects, make a conscious order for learning;

Develop your own individual educational program;

open up new possibilities.

Collaboration products can be portfolios, individual educational plans and programs, research and projects, etc.

As a result of the implementation of the support program, conditions are created for the realization of the value of individualization, freedom, self-determination, a meaningful attitude of a person to his own life, his future, prospects, age movement. This is directly related to the tasks of humanizing education: to teach the teacher to use himself in connection with his goals and the image of the future, to see himself as a potential and resource.

Principles of supporting the process of professional development of preschool teachers:

1. The principle of a person-oriented approach.

Support is built on the basis of requests, problems of teachers, goals and objectives set by the participants in experimental, research pedagogical and managerial activities, identified as a result of monitoring and diagnosing.

2. The principle of consistency.

Psychological and pedagogical support is carried out through a system (set) of stages: diagnostics, design, planning, counseling, and psychological and pedagogical education of preschool educational institutions.

3. The principle of integration.

Types and forms of organization of support are aimed at organizing collective and individual mental activity, built on the integration of the development of practical skills in real situations of interaction with children, parents, colleagues and understanding the psychological and pedagogical foundations of pedagogical activity.

4. The principle of pedagogical competence.

5. The principle of universality.

Psychological and pedagogical support is carried out in relation to each teacher working in a preschool educational institution.

6. The principle of success.

Psychological and pedagogical support creates such conditions for teachers to feel and believe in their versatile abilities in the conditions of personal and professional self-development.

7. The principle of mobility.

Strategy for the implementation of the program to support the self-development of teachers in the EEA mode

Stage I - preparatory (analytical - diagnostic).

Purpose: Providing a legal basis for experimental activities; development of a program of experimental activities.

· The study of difficulties and interests in the professional activities of teachers;

· Study of scientific and educational-methodical literature;

· Development of the structure and content of the portfolio of teachers;

· Determination by teachers of topics for self-education and project activities;

· Passing refresher courses or professional retraining;

· Improvement of higher professional education;

· Creation of VTK in the main areas of work of the preschool educational institution;

· Creation of an experimental council of teachers (heads of the VTK) as a self-governing body;

· Making changes to the system of annual planning of the activities of the institution (the work plan of the VTK, the annual work plan of the Child Development Center);

· Select diagnostic tools to determine the level of professional competence.

Methods of work: problem-oriented analysis, development of diagnostic tools, questioning, theoretical modeling.

Expected results:

Development of the Program of Experimental Activities;

Identification of pedagogical problems by the method of self-diagnosis;

Amplification of pedagogical knowledge;

The developed structure and content of the portfolio of teachers;

The choice of topics for self-development and project activities of teachers (formulation of the topic, definition of goals, objectives and work plan).

Stage II - the main (organizational and executive).

Purpose: Conscious involvement of teachers in the process of experimental activities. Development of an optimal effective model for increasing the professional competence of teachers, taking into account the peculiarities of their professional position, education, work experience through their inclusion in collective mental activity. Implementation of innovation and design activities.

Creation of conditions that ensure the effectiveness of the work of all participants in the pedagogical process;

· Development and implementation of innovative processes;

· Creation of a system of methodical work: visiting and holding events, open classes, etc.;

· Creating and maintaining a glossary;

· Registration of a methodical piggy bank;

Generalization of progressive pedagogical experience;

· Establishing cooperation with interested organizations;

· Providing scientific and advisory support, establishing cooperation;

Involvement of parents, specialists of social institutions of childhood, teachers of preschool educational institutions in a single creative activity;

· Psychological and methodological work with teachers;

· Monitoring the progress and results of work;

· Professional development of teachers;

· Teachers' mastery of promising technologies of developing education (project method, experiment).

Working methods: design, modeling, experiment.

Expected results:

The inclusion of innovative processes in the life of the preschool educational institution.

Formation of a new quality of methodological work, its timely adjustment.

Emotional well-being of all participants in the educational process;

Satisfaction of all participants in the educational process with the life of the preschool educational institution;

Monitoring the effectiveness of the educational process.

Stage III - final (reflexively-generalizing).

Purpose: Systematization of materials of experimental activities in the Program for improving the professional competence of teachers

· Evaluation of the results of the implementation of the tasks of experimental activities;

Organization of multidirectional and multi-level reflective activities by all preschool teachers;

· Discussion of monitoring results, adoption of tactical and strategic decisions based on its results;

· Summarizing the experience and results of activities for a 5-year period and preparing a presentation of the results;

· Determining the prospects for the development of preschool educational institutions.

Methods of work: questioning, examination, diagnostics.

Expected results:

· Improving the professional competence of teachers;

Systematization of material on the development of professional competence of teachers of preschool educational institutions;

· Self-education and self-development of all members of the pedagogical community;

The work of the teaching staff of the preschool educational institution in an innovative mode;

· Atmosphere of cooperation, joint creativity;

· A stable motivational and evaluative attitude towards oneself as a professional;

Generalization of progressive pedagogical experience;

· Drawing up adaptive and individual programs for self-education;

· Psychological and pedagogical reflection of activity.

General Product: Creation of the Program for improving the professional competence of teachers of preschool educational institutions.

Forms for presenting project results:

Organization and holding of a regional seminar;

Articles in publications of the city and regional level;

Presentation "Results of experimental activities of preschool educational institutions.

The forms of presenting the results of the experiment are:

Reports with attachments at the end of each stage of the experiment;

Organization and conduct of regional probationary practice;

Report on the activities of the regional experimental site;

Articles on the website of the preschool educational institution, in publications of the city and regional level;

A program has been developed to support the professional self-development of preschool teachers in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard;

Video film "We are together" about the results of the experimental activities of the preschool educational institution;

Video film "Socialization of preschool children in the context of the implementation of GEF DO".

1. Maintenance is implemented by tutors in accordance with the documents developed by them:

Comprehensive support program

Target program to support the process of self-development of preschool teachers,

Professional growth card.

2. A comprehensive teacher support program contains:

forms and types of support,

goals and objectives of increasing the level of professional competence of teachers,

main ideas,

accompaniment products.

3. The target program for supporting the process of self-development of preschool teachers contains information about preschool teachers (Appendix 4):

education, position and teaching experience,

problem of self-development,

methods, forms and types of support,

accompanying persons: tutor, consultant,

ways to track the results of self-development.

4. The professional growth map has a three-level structure and consists of components (Appendix 5).

basic (invariant) (the content is determined by tutors according to their maintenance plans),

variable (the content is determined by the results of monitoring and diagnosing teachers),

initiative (the content is determined by the needs and requests of teachers).

5. Professional growth cards are filled out individually or in small groups in the process of direct professional communication with tutors. The position of the latter is not to formulate for the teacher, but to lead him to the independent expression of his own thoughts.

Thus, a project for the professional self-development of teachers has been developed:

At the first stage, a comprehensive program was developed, which disclosed the main forms of support for teachers, defined the goals and objectives of each specific form, spelled out their main ideas and products of activity. We studied the difficulties and interests in the professional activities of teachers, using questionnaires and testing. Based on the data obtained, a targeted program was developed to support the process of self-development of preschool teachers.

At the second stage, there is an active and conscious involvement of teachers in the process of experimental activities. Teachers master the project method and other pedagogical technologies, actively participate in the system of methodological work, improve their professional level through participation in professional skill competitions, exhibitions and conferences of pedagogical ideas and projects of the city, regional and all-Russian levels. Teachers show a higher level.

At the third stage, it is planned to systematize the materials of the experiment in the Program for improving the professional competence of teachers. The program contains an assessment of the results of the implementation of the tasks of experimental activities, the organization of multidirectional and multi-level reflective activities by all teachers of preschool educational institutions, discussion of monitoring results, adoption of tactical and strategic decisions based on its results, generalization of experience and results of activities over a 5-year period and preparation of a presentation of the results, creation of methodological recommendations for teaching staff of preschool educational institutions on the development of professional competence of teachers, determining the prospects for the development of preschool educational institutions.