Admission rules



1.1. Upon admission to the college, observance of the rights of citizens to education established by law is ensured Russian Federation, publicity and open work of the selection committee, an objective assessment of the abilities and inclinations of applicants.

1.2. The college is obliged to:

  • familiarize applicants with a license for the right to conduct educational activities, a certificate of state accreditation for each area of ​​training or specialty, giving the right to issue a state document on secondary vocational education. The fact of acquaintance of applicants with the Charter of the college, the above documents is recorded in the admission documents and certified by the personal signature of the applicant;
  • provide an opportunity for applicants to get acquainted with the content of the main educational programs, as well as with other documents regulating the organization of the educational process and the work of the selection committee.

1.Z. Prior to the start of acceptance of documents, the college admissions committee determines and announces:

  • a list of areas of training and specialties for which the college announces the acceptance of documents in accordance with the license;
  • the number of places for admission to the first year in accordance with the approved target figures, the number of places for subsequent courses funded from the federal budget for each area of ​​study and specialty;
  • the number of places financed from the federal budget that are allocated for targeted admission in specialties and areas of training;
  • the number of places for admission to the first and subsequent courses in each area of ​​training and each specialty with payment of tuition fees on a contractual basis;
  • a list of entrance examinations for each direction and specialty, their programs, as well as a system for assessing the knowledge of applicants, including the name and form of entrance examinations for applicants eligible for admission to college based on the results of a reduced number of tests;
  • organization of a competition for places financed from the federal budget and with payment of tuition fees on a contractual basis;
  • the procedure for filing and considering appeals based on the results of entrance examinations;
  • the number of places in hostels for nonresident applicants;
  • rules for accepting applications from applicants to the college and its branches;
  • college admissions process.

1.4. Admission to the college is carried out on the basis of a personal application of citizens based on the results of entrance examinations conducted to determine the possibility of applicants to master professional educational programs.

1.5. When applying for admission to the college, the applicant submits the documents listed in § 5 of these Rules. Other documents may be submitted by applicants if they apply for benefits established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Reception of documents from applicants for full-time education ends no earlier than July 15. In the specialty for which distance learning is carried out, documents are accepted within the time limits determined by the college.

1.6. All entrance examinations for admission to the first year (except for tests in the specialty) are carried out only on the basis of exemplary programs of the Ministry of Education of Russia, developed by the college and approved by the director.

1.7. Entrance examinations are appointed no earlier than the receipt of documents and can be held as examination groups are formed from among the persons who submitted documents and be conducted in the form determined by the college. It is not permissible to count final exams of various kinds of paid courses as entrance examinations.

1.8. Persons who graduated with medals from educational institutions of secondary (complete) general or primary vocational education, as well as persons who graduated with honors from educational institutions of secondary vocational education, are admitted to the college based on the results of an interview. Profile tests are introduced if the interview does not reveal the possibility of applicants to master the relevant basic educational program, or if there is a competition among them. Those who did not pass the interview and (or) did not pass the profile tests “excellently” participate in the competition on a general basis. The College Admissions Committee has been granted the right to establish persons who have received secondary (complete) education in an educational institution of primary vocational education general education and graduated with honors, the same benefits as for persons who graduated with a gold or silver medal.

1.9. As the results of entrance examinations, the college can count:

  • results of centralized testing of graduates educational institutions conducted under the leadership of the Ministry of Education of Russia;
  • results All-Russian Olympiads(for winners);
  • the results of regional olympiads (for winners) held by the educational authorities of the constituent entities of the Federation or the Councils of Rectors in agreement with them;
  • results of entrance examinations of a given calendar year in another state university(secondary vocational school).

1.10. Persons who did not appear at the entrance examinations without a good reason, received an unsatisfactory grade, and also took the documents after the beginning of the entrance examinations, drop out of the competition and are not enrolled in the college. Persons who did not appear at the entrance examinations for a good reason are admitted to them in parallel groups or individually until their full completion. When organizing the admission of applicants for a specialty in several streams, the applicant is not allowed to re-participate in the competition.

1.11. In order to exercise the applicant's right to appeal, the grade for the oral exam is announced to each applicant immediately after the completion of the survey, and for the written one - within 24 hours after the end of the entrance test.

1.12. Enrollment for places financed from the federal budget must be carried out after the completion of entrance examinations and ends no later than 10 days before the start of studies.

1.13. The selection committee of the college ensures the issuance of certificates of the results of entrance examinations upon the written application of applicants.


2.1. Out of competition subject to successful completion entrance exams accepted:

  • orphans and children left without parental care. These include the persons referred to in Art. 1 of the Federal Law of December 21, 1996 No. 153-FZ (as amended on February 8, 1998, August 7, 2000);
  • children are handicapped, handicapped. I and II groups, which, according to the conclusion of the institution public service medical and social examination is not contraindicated in college education;
  • citizens under the age of 20 who have only one parent - a disabled person of group I, if the average per capita income of the family is below the subsistence level established in the corresponding subject of the Russian Federation;
  • citizens dismissed from military service on the basis of the recommendations of the commanders of military units, participants in hostilities and disabled combatants;
  • citizens exposed to radiation as a result of a catastrophe at Chernobyl nuclear power plant, accidents at the Mayak production association, radioactive waste discharges into the Techa River, and nuclear tests at the Semipalatinsk test site.

2.2. Citizens undergoing military service under a contract or dismissed from military service upon reaching the age limit for military service, for health reasons, in connection with organizational and staff activities, are accepted without entrance exams:

  • for the first and subsequent courses with a secondary military education;
  • for the first year - with an education not lower than the basic general education.

Members of their families studying in state educational institutions have the right to transfer (admission) to college when changing the place of service or residence of military personnel. Reception of these citizens is carried out during the entire school year, including in addition to the admission plan established by the college.

2.3. Applicants entering the college have the right to undergo a medical commission at the VLEK nearest to their place of residence, followed by the approval of an expert opinion in the VLEK of the selection committee.

2.4. Children - orphans, left without parental care, who have received a secondary (complete) general education are enrolled in college preparation courses without charging them tuition fees.


3.1. The college trains specialists in full-time and part-time forms of education.

3.2. In full-time education, programs of secondary specialized training of aviation specialists are implemented


2010 - Technical operation of transport electronic equipment (specialist qualification - technician, training period 2 years 10 months at a basic level of training and 3 years 10 months - at an advanced level of training).

2402 - Traffic control air transport(specialist qualification - air traffic controller, training period 2 years 10 months);

2404 - Maintenance aircraft fuels and lubricants (specialist qualification - technician, training period 2 years 10 months);

2401 - Organization of transportation and management in transport (in air transport).


2401/04 - Organization of aviation security in air transport (specialist qualification - aviation security technician, training period 2 years 10 months);

2401/02 - Organization of cargo and passenger transportation (qualification of a specialist - air transportation technician, training period 2 years 10 months);

Education in the above specialties is free. Students are provided with a hostel, with funding - free 3 meals a day. Based on the results of the examination session, a scholarship is awarded.

2401/03 - Passenger service on board an aircraft (qualification of a specialist - passenger service technician on board an aircraft, training period 2 years 10 months).

2401/05 - Licensing and certification of aviation works, transportation and services (specialist qualification - technician, training period 2 years 10 months).

2401/06 - Reservation and sale of air transportation and services (specialist qualification - technician, training period 2 years 10 months).

Training in specializations 2401/03; 2401/05; 2401.06 - paid under contracts with legal entities and individuals.

3.3. Males are accepted for specialties 2010, 2404, and persons of both sexes are accepted for the rest.

3.4. In case of distance learning (paid under contracts with legal entities and individuals), programs of secondary specialized training of aviation specialists are implemented

by specialties:

2010 – Technical operation of transport radio-electronic equipment (qualification – technician, training period 3 years 10 months);

2402 - Air traffic control (qualification of a specialist - air traffic control dispatcher, training period 3 years 10 months);

2404 – Maintenance of aircraft with fuels and lubricants (specialist qualification - technician, training period 3 years 10 months).

2401 - Organization of transportation and management in transport (in air transport); by specialization:

2401/02 - Organization of freight and passenger transportation (specialist qualification - technician, training period 3 years 10 months);

2401/04 - Organization of aviation security in air transport (specialist qualification - aviation security technician, training period 3 years 10 months).


A. Full-time education

4.1. General issues of organizing the admission of applicants to the college are set out in § 1 of these rules.

4.2. Males are accepted for training in specialties 2010 and 2404, and persons of both sexes are accepted for the rest.

4.3. Applications are accepted from June 25 to July 31. (When applying for training in the specialties 2402 and 2401/03 - until July 25).

4.4. Entrance examinations are held directly by the central selection committee and in the zonal selection committees from July 1 to 31. Testing of knowledge at exams is carried out in mathematics (oral), Russian language and literature (exposition). Testing, profile tests and interviews can be carried out to identify applicants' opportunities in mastering the educational program.

4.5. When applying for training in the specialty 2402, professional and psychological selection is carried out. When selecting candidates for training in specialties 2402 and 2401.03, admission committees send applicants for a medical examination to the Medical Flight Expert Commission civil aviation(VLEK GA), which has a license for the right to conduct an examination to determine health suitability for training in educational institutions of the Civil Aviation. Candidates have the right to undergo a medical commission at the VLEK nearest to their place of residence, followed by approval of the conclusion by the VLEK of the selection committee.

Persons who are fit for military service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (in the specialty "air traffic controller" - individual assessment) are allowed to undergo a medical examination. Candidates provide VLEK with a certificate in the form 086 / y, a certificate from a psychoneurological dispensary at the place of residence, a military ID or registration certificate.

4.6. With applicants entering paid specialties (2401/03, 2401/05, 2401/06), entrance tests are conducted in the form of an interview in the specialty or profile testing. The above also applies to persons:

  • who have completed military service in the Armed Forces of Russia and are entering training in the specialty 2010;
  • listed in paragraphs 1.8,1.9, 2-2 of these Rules.

4.7. Out of competition, successful delivery entrance examinations, the persons specified in paragraph 2.1 of these Rules are accepted.

4.8. Target admission is carried out on the basis of a separate competition among persons sent by state and municipal authorities for admission to target places specially allocated by the college as part of the admission control figures.

4.9. Target admission is carried out in accordance with agreements between the educational institution of secondary vocational education and state and municipal authorities.

4.10. Persons sent for targeted admission pass entrance examinations in accordance with these rules for admission to an educational institution of secondary vocational education.

4.11. Persons who have not passed the competition for targeted places may participate in the general competition for any form of college education.

4.12. Target places that remain vacant after passing the entrance examinations and enrollment are provided to persons participating in the general competition.

4.13. All procedures for targeted admission are documented by the protocols of the selection committee educational institution secondary vocational education.

B. Distance learning

4.14. Applications are accepted within the time limits set by the college.

4.15. Admission tests are conducted in the form of an exam in the Russian language (exposition) and mathematics (oral) in all specialties.

4.16. Persons with a complete secondary education, who have completed training courses for dispatchers and work in the traffic service, are accepted for training in specialty 2402.

4.17. Employees of the flight attendant service with a valid flight attendant certificate are accepted for training in specialization 2401/03.


BUT. Full-time learning

5.1. Documents submitted to admission committee:

  • statement;
  • document on secondary education (original or certified copy*);
  • extract from the work book (for persons with seniority);
  • photographs 3 × 4 cm in size (without headgear) - 6 pcs.;
  • medical certificate form 086U (with vaccinations);
  • passport and a document on the attitude to military duty (submitted to the selection committee in person).

5.2. Students undergoing training in the specialty 2401/04 submit a certificate from the internal affairs bodies.

5.3. Within the deadlines set by the college, the applicant presents the original state document on education. The interval between the date of completion of entrance examinations and the date of submission of the original document on education must be at least three working days. The end date of the entrance examinations is the day of the announcement of the list of applicants who have passed the entrance examinations, indicating the general results of passing the entrance examinations at the information stand of the selection committee.

5.4. An applicant who wants to pick up the original documents for admission (including the original document on education) from the college, these documents are issued upon a written application within 24 hours.

B. Correspondence education

5.5. Documents to be submitted to the admission committee:

  • statement;
  • a copy or extract from the work book;
  • document on education (original);
  • photographs 3×4 cm in size — 6 pcs.

The passport and certificate of the dispatcher or flight attendant are presented to the selection committee in person.

The Krasnoyarsk branch of the St. Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation is a large educational institution in the field of training specialists in air transport. The school has four faculties, ten departments, and the training of specialists is carried out in five areas.

One of the names of the school is the technical school of civil aviation in Krasnoyarsk. This is a relatively young educational institution, founded in 1981. Initially, it had the status of a school, and in 1997 it acquired the name of a college. From 2008 to 2009, the educational institution was transformed in the status of a branch of St. Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation. Today, the flight school annually graduates a large number of workers in the field of aviation technology with broad qualifications.

The 1990s, as a period of crisis for aviation, did not bypass the Krasnoyarsk Flight School. However, the employees of the educational institution did not give up and worked hard to keep the college afloat. New equipment was bought, educational programs were created, repairs were made in the classrooms and the fleet of equipment was expanded. With the help of the leadership and teaching staff of the college, he was able not only to survive a difficult period, but also to increase his pedagogical and technical potential.

A whole book is devoted to the history of the college, the release of which was timed to coincide with the thirtieth anniversary of KLUG. It describes the life of the school since its foundation through the eyes of eyewitnesses and direct participants in those events - teachers and members of the administration. The book contains photos of memorable moments and stories of college staff.

Specialties of the Krasnoyarsk Flight School

Krasnoyarsk Aviation Technical College of Civil Aviation trains specialists in the following areas:

  1. Technician for maintenance of air transport radio equipment and its navigation complex.
  2. A controller in charge of traffic in the airspace.
  3. Specialist in the organization and planning of transportation by aircraft.
  4. Fuel Technician.
  5. Pilot.

The third and fourth specialties are available for study by correspondence. There is a possibility of paid training.

How to enter the Krasnoyarsk flight school: documents, payment

The Institute of Civil Aviation, Krasnoyarsk, annually enrolls applicants for the above-mentioned specialties. Admission rules depend on the chosen specialization. For each of them, it is required to complete 11 grades of school or 9 grades plus a secondary specialized educational institution. All applicants provide the college with a passport, certificate, photographs, write an application for admission in the required form and compose an autobiography in free form. Applicants for admission in the specialties "flight operation" and "flight control" are required to pass a flight expert medical commission.

This is a serious complex of medical examinations, which includes examinations by specialist doctors, tests, research and a psychological interview. VLEK is held for a fee in a medical institution certified for this. The amount to be paid is approximately 5000 rubles. The deadlines for passing VLEK are set at certain time intervals, and for it you need to go through a series of examinations, each of which has its own duration of the certificate.

Applicants are enrolled in vacant places according to the competition of certificates. Subjects are mainly taken into account: mathematics, physics, computer science, Russian language.

In some specialties, it is also important Physical Culture and foreign language. In disputed cases, the choice is made in favor of the one who has the highest scores in these subjects in the order in which they are listed above. Also key role can play the result of a psychological interview in the case of passing VLEK. Those persons who do not plan to link their lives with flying and piloting undergo a routine medical examination.

The school is open to people with disabilities. In this case, they will be able to social scholarship, have enrollment benefits. However, it is important to consider that not every specialty may be suitable for them due to health conditions. The number of places is limited and depends on the form of study and specialty. The number of recruited cadets can be from 20 to 100 people per various types specializations. If the applicant does not go to the budget department, he can apply for paid education. Its cost will be from 74,000 to 95,000 rubles, depending on the specialty. Foreign citizens can also apply for admission. Their list of documents differs from the usual case: translation of documents or papers confirming the fact of citizenship of another country may be required.

Applicants are required to pass a flight expert medical commission

Higher education

The Krasnoyarsk Flight School, in addition to secondary education, provides students with correspondence higher education. For this purpose, a corresponding faculty has been opened in the branch. There are two specialties dedicated to the organization of airport activities and the organization of the use of airspace. The cost in previous years was a maximum of 65,000 rubles per year. Enrollment for this area is currently closed.

Education at the Krasnoyarsk Flight College

School cadets receive a comprehensive education with in-depth study specialized disciplines. The mandatory list of subjects includes general humanitarian and social disciplines, foreign language. Particular attention is paid to physical education and sports. Professional subjects include an extensive list of categories to study, the set of which depends on the chosen specialty. Produced every six months intermediate certification cadets, or a session, according to the results of which a scholarship is accrued or not accrued to state employees.

For training, the Krasnoyarsk Civil Aviation Flight School, whose official website is located under the domain, has two training buildings. They house faculties, auditoriums, laboratories, training centers and other premises necessary for study. Training workshops, a radio range and a control center are located separately. In building 1 there are three gyms, a canteen, a library and an assembly hall, in addition to classrooms.

In building number two, in addition to standard premises, a gym, a library and a canteen, there is a laboratory for the study of fuels and lubricants. Equipment for various manipulations with oil products is installed there. The control room has simulators for future controllers, including equipment for learning English using specialized vocabulary, as well as a simulator for practicing actions during rescue operations.

In addition to dispatching simulators, the school has modern training complexes for simulating the operation of the Mi-8 aircraft and helicopter. The Krasnoyarsk school is one of the few in Russia where they prepare for the management of this type of transport. At the radio range there are radio transmission towers, locator, indicator equipment, radio stations, television equipment, navigation systems and much more.

Study days of students

Dormitory and scholarships

Students live in two dormitories with more than 400 beds. A small amount is charged monthly for a bed - 270-290 rubles for state employees and 560 for paid employees. Scholarships are paid to cadets every month in case they do not have late liquidated academic debts or unsatisfactory grades in the session. There are many types of scholarships, the sizes of which differ from each other.

There are academic, increased, social and other types of payments. The increase in the scholarship is due to excellent studies and special merits of the student. Social payments are provided to orphans, disabled students and other individuals who are entitled to benefits: victims of the Chernobyl accident and other facilities, military personnel, etc. For this you need to provide Required documents, which will confirm the fact of compliance with social assistance.

Study days of students

sports and health

Sports are an integral part of the life of every cadet of an aviation school. The Krasnoyarsk Civil Aviation College has several sports halls for this purpose. Here you can sign up for basketball, volleyball, tennis, athletics, skiing and other types of physical activity. Cadets are provided with all the necessary sports equipment.

Teams from the school regularly take part in tourist and ski trips, races, Spartakiads among students of secondary and higher educational institutions. The college has volleyball, basketball and tennis teams. The health of students is taken care of by an outpatient clinic, where you can consult with specialists, undergo medical examinations, take some tests and, if necessary, lie down in a hospital.

Employment prospects after graduating from the Krasnoyarsk Flight Technical College

Graduated specialists of the school receive diplomas of secondary vocational education. Now they will be able to work both at airports, airlines, control centers, and at numerous aviation enterprises. The school website has a section dedicated to employment. Users are registered here, after which they can search for internships or view vacancies in various regions of Russia. Many cadets prefer to continue their studies at civil aviation universities, in particular, in St. Petersburg.

The place of future work depends on the specifics of the chosen specialty. A fuel and lubricants technician can work with petroleum products, transport them both by air and pipelines, and refuel aircraft. You can try yourself in oil fields or refineries. Thus, the qualifications of the technician will be enough not only for the aviation, but also for the industrial sector.

The organization of transportation includes air logistics, transportation of goods and passengers, flight safety, work with the transportation market of the Russian Federation and abroad. Radio technicians work with all kinds of electronic and navigational equipment in aircraft. Sphere and control - the "brain" of air technology, responsible for the course of the flight.

Air traffic controllers most often work in airport buildings, coordinating the actions of pilots of domestic and foreign aircraft flying through a specific air hub. This is a responsible job, facilitated by modern computer systems. Important on high level own foreign language and know the necessary vocabulary on it for communication with pilots from different countries.

Flight operation involves piloting aircraft. The future pilot must have good health, endurance, a lively analytical mind and the ability to make quick decisions. This is a high-paying job, which, however, is not so easy to get. In order to get a job in an airline, you need to have a certain amount of flying hours behind you, to master almost perfectly English language and have sufficient experience and knowledge. If the pilot does not have control skills specific model technology, he is retrained directly at the place of work.

educational activity

Like any educational institution, the Krasnoyarsk Flight College is engaged not only in training, but also in the education of future specialists. Cadets are instilled with love for the profession, responsibility and discipline. In hostels and educational buildings, there are clear rules of conduct that must be followed. The administration and students of the college organize patriotic and cultural events.

In contact with

Secondary vocational education
- Technical operation of transport electronic equipment (air transport)

Qualification- technician.
Full-time education. Basic level - 2 years 10 months, elevated level- 3 years 10 months.
- Maintenance of aircraft with fuels and lubricants
Qualification- technician.

- Air traffic management
Qualification- dispatcher
Full-time education. The term of study is 2 years 10 months.
- Organization of transportation and transport management (air transport)
Qualification- technician.
full-time, correspondence forms learning. Full-time - 2 years 10 months, in absentia - 3 years 10 months.
- Flight operation of aircraft
Qualification- pilot.
Full-time education. Basic level - 2 years 10 months.

Admission of applicants on the basis of secondary (complete) general education.
Enrollment on a competitive basis on the average score of the subjects of the certificate. Students studying at the expense of the federal budget in the specialties "Air Traffic Control", "Flight Operation of Aircraft" are provided with free meals. Hostel is provided subject to availability.

At the Krasnoyarsk branch of the FSBEI HE "St. Petersburg State University civil aviation "there is a zonal selection committee in higher educational institutions of civil aviation, implementing training programs for higher and secondary professional education. Including by specialties: VO - "Operation of aircraft and organization of air traffic", "Operation of airports and ensuring flights of aircraft"; SPO - "Flight operation of aircraft" (qualification - aircraft pilot, helicopter pilot). The geographical location of civil aviation educational institutions in the cities: Krasnoyarsk, St. Petersburg, Ulyanovsk, Omsk, Irkutsk, Kirsanov of the Tambov region, Sasovo of the Ryazan region, Buguruslan of the Orenburg region.