Already in 1830, Pushkin's position was determined rather categorically: he knows that "the noise of enthusiastic praise" quickly passes and then - "you will hear the judgment of a fool and the laughter of the cold crowd, But you remain firm, calm and gloomy." The spell sounded verses:

Walk along the free path, where your free mind leads you, Improving the fruits of your favorite thoughts, Not demanding rewards for a noble feat. They are in you. You are your own highest court...

There is no need to prove that the poetic formula - "God's command" - is devoid of even the shadow of religiosity in its church understanding - this is a characteristic Pushkin symbol. "Monument" absorbed the energy and symbolism of the "Prophet". "God's command" is a capacious, polysemantic image, he asserted the freedom of the poet from all earthly authorities - power, criticism, light; it was as if he was giving him a safe-conduct, making him beyond the control of the requirements, norms, and establishments of people.

Undoubtedly, in 1836 Pushkin perfectly understood social entity bourgeois parliamentarism, bourgeois democracy. Ultimately, it is possible that in the poem "From Pindemonti" Pushkin expresses this idea as well. But it is unacceptable to reduce the meaning of the poem, with its deep philosophy, aesthetically programmatic, characteristically Pushkin's understanding of the position of the poet and his place in society, in the "state" to "expressing the dissatisfaction of the individual with bourgeois parliamentarism.

We must not forget that the main and leading theme of the poem is the upholding of the poet's fidelity to his gift, the implementation of which requires freedom and independence. Pushkin, a poet living in Russia, knew well the fatality of dependence on the tsar.

The motif of the "Monument" receives its final completion in the poem "From Pindemonti". The poet’s idea that he is not subject to anyone, writes freely, indifferently perceiving praise and glory, is repeated in a different context, at a different level in the final poem: “Do not bend either conscience, or thoughts, or neck ...” Thus, the compositional ring is closed, the cycle acquired integrity and independent existence.

The inclusion of "Monument" in the composition of the cycle, of course, again may cause objections. First of all, the question arises - why did Pushkin not put the number on the autograph? This question cannot be ignored - it requires an answer. Apparently there were several reasons. But. do not forget about one thing - the time of writing: poems that do not have numbers. Both - "When outside the city, thoughtful, I wander" and "Monument" were written last - the first on August 14, the second on August 21. Obviously, the idea of ​​the cycle was born earlier, when four poems were written in June-July. Then the poet put the numbers, thereby determining their place, the order of arrangement in the cycle, in which, he had already decided, there should be two more poems - they would took 1st and 5th place. But after writing the last two poems in August, it became clear to Pushkin that no one would allow him to print the created cycle. That's why these two autographs were not numbered.

Indeed, there was nothing to think about the publication of the "Monument". And Pushkin was not mistaken. "Monument" was published in 1841 (in the IX volume of the posthumously published collected works of Pushkin) and only after Zhukovsky made changes that distorted its meaning. Instead of "He ascended higher as the head of the rebellious Pillar of Alexandria," it was printed: "He ascended higher as the head of the rebellious Napoleonic pillar." The fourth, central stanza suffered the most - Zhukovsky decisively corrected the text:

And for a long time I will be kind to those people, That I awakened good feelings with my lyre, That I was useful by the charm of living verses And called for mercy to the fallen.

“Arise, prophet, and leader, and listen, Be fulfilled by my will ...”

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  3. Pugachev as the leader of the popular uprising and as a person (According to the story by A. S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter") Pugachev as the leader of the popular uprising ...
  4. Plan for analyzing the poem 1. What mood becomes decisive for the poem as a whole. Does the author's feelings change throughout the poem if...
  5. After the funeral of V. Mayakovsky, Marina Tsvetaeva will write: “I’m afraid that, despite the people’s funeral, all the respect for him, all the crying for ...
  6. "Prorok", written in 1841, is one of Lermontov's remaining verses, his poetic farewell and commandment. And the beginning of yoga...
  7. The writer, whose work was the reason for the development of a new direction in Ukrainian literature, whose fame thundered on native land nearly three decades...
  8. In 1826, after the revolt of the Decembrists, the great Russian writer sang Oleksandr Sergiyovich Pushkin to write his famous verses...
  9. The poem "Moses" refers to the best works. One of the main themes of the poem is the relationship between the leader and the masses. For forty years now...
  10. Tokareva G.A.: "W. Blake's mythopoetics" Blake is a prophet and visionary 19 century...
  11. The real name of the American writer O. Henry is William Sydney Porter (1862-1910). When William was three years old, his mother died. Porter senior...
  12. The action takes place in Mexico at the end of the 18th century. early XIX in. The novel opens with a description of the feast in honor of St. John's Day...
  13. Two adventurers - narrator Sam and Bill Driscoll - have already earned something, and now they need a little more to set off ...

I will share the strongest of musical impressions last days. Oddly enough, this is not some half-crazy free jazz saxophonist or trumpeter, which one might expect, but suddenly, out of the blue, an operatic contralto singer, and even so famous that one can only wonder how I managed to live to be fifty-two years old, never having heard this voice, not even knowing the name - but nevertheless it happened: I found out, heard and, in the words of Kostya from "Pokrovsky Gates", - "fell in love like a youngster."

Marian Anderson is the greatest performer of operatic arias and Negro spirituals. As you can see - an African American, that is, speaking in our language, in a politically incorrect way, a black woman. By the way, this aunt hammered a solid nail into the coffin of racial segregation: it is widely known that when in the thirty-ninth year a certain social organization The "Daughters of the American Revolution" for racist reasons did not allow Marian Anderson to participate in their holiday concert, not just anyone, but Eleanor Roosevelt herself left this stinking organization in protest.

Osip Mandelstam has a poem written under the impression of a radio broadcast of a Marian Anderson concert.

I am immersed in the lions' den and the fortress
And I'm going down, down, down
Under these sounds, a downpour of yeast -
Stronger than a lion, more powerful than the Pentateuch.

How close, how close your call comes -
Before the commandments of childbirth and first days -
Oceanian low pearls
And meek baskets of Tahitians...

My time is not limited yet:
And I accompanied the universal delight,
Like an undertone organ playing
Accompanied by a female voice.

Frankly, I never considered Osip Emilievich among the great poets, I always considered his only undoubted creative success "... the bell torn out with meat strikes me" - but now I'm not talking about my literary tastes. Smart banshur69 drew my attention to a mysterious circumstance, which may seem to some as a manifestation of a prophetic gift, and to others as a violation of the space-time continuum. I mean the highlighted lines that talk about "rich daughters". The full impression is that we are talking about those same racists - "daughters of the American revolution." That's just not a fig! The poem is dated thirty seventh year, that is, it was written two years before the above-mentioned events, and in the thirty-ninth Mandelstam, as is known, was no longer alive, and therefore this cannot be explained by a dating error either.

And one more thing: finally I heard that very spiritual, the repeated line from which - he never said a mumblin' word- became, translated into German, the title of the novel by Heinrich Böll Und sagte kein einziges Wort(in Russian translation - "And did not say a single word"). When you listen to Marian Anderson sing this spiritual, it seems that just a little more, and something will burst inside you.

About the expiration of some years, some period from the time of some event; about reaching a certain age. The boy was seven years old. It has been five years since my son died.

3. what or what. To penetrate, to be filled with some kind of feeling (book obsolete). Her soul was filled with joy. "Do my will." Pushkin .

Dictionary Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935-1940.


See what "COMPLETE" is in other dictionaries:

    to come true, to come true, to come true, to materialize; minute, pass, knock, break through, fulfill, introduce yourself, lose, overflow, imbue, sing, feel, produce, work out, develop, ... ... Synonym dictionary

    - (nip, nip, 1 and 2 l. not used), nitsya; owls. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    EXECUTE 2 owls, what or what (obsolete and bookish). To penetrate, to be filled with what n. feeling. I. determination. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    - (nus, nits, 1st person and 2nd person not used), nits; sovereign 1. To materialize, to turn into a deed, to come true. The wish came true. 2. to whom (what). About age, term: reach a certain limit. The baby is one year old... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    1. Fulfilled, thread; St. 1. Be realized, be fulfilled. A wish, a promise fulfilled. 2. to whom what. Reach a certain limit (about age, term). The child is one year old. □ wordless I am thirty years old. Fifty years old... encyclopedic Dictionary

    be fulfilled- PERFORM / PERFORM PERFORM / PERFORM, nesov. and owls. pass, owl. minute, obsolete, owl. to break through, razg., owls. knock, knock decrease, owl. catch up ... Dictionary-thesaurus of synonyms of Russian speech

    I owl. neperekh. see performed I 1. II owl. neperekh. see performed II III owls. neperekh. see perform III Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Efremova

    Fulfilled, fulfilled, fulfilled, fulfilled, fulfilled, fulfilled, fulfilled, fulfilled, fulfilled, fulfilled, fulfilled, fulfilled, fulfilled, fulfilled, fulfilled, fulfilled, fulfilled, fulfilled, fulfilled ... Forms of words

    Verb, St., Use. comp. often Morphology: he / she / it will be fulfilled, they will be fulfilled, fulfilled, fulfilled, fulfilled, fulfilled, fulfilled, fulfilled see n. to be performed Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language Dmitriev ... Dictionary of Dmitriev


  • Tonino the Invisible, Gianni Rodari. Be careful with wishes, they can come true! The boy Tonino, not having learned his lessons, wanted to become invisible. And now, he is invisible! Only it turned out that in addition to joy and fun, it brought him ...

Everything about religion and faith - "may your prayer be done" with a detailed description and photographs.

“A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle”

Program prayers

Prayer program 12 steps.
Step 1. Lord, I'm powerless! May your will be done, not mine!

Step 2. Lord. I humbly commit myself to You and ask You to restore my sanity.

Step 3. Lord, I commit myself to You to create and create with my participation as You please. Free me from the fetters of selfishness so that I can better do Your will. Remove what weighs me down so that this victory will be a testimony to those whom I wanted to help, relying on Your Power, Your Love and understanding of the path You have destined. May Thy Will be done forever and ever.

(About the people who harmed me):

“Lord, help me treat these people with the same tolerance, with the same compassion and sympathy that I would treat a sick friend with.

“Lord, I ask you to help me not to be angry with this man. May Your Will be done

“Lord, I ask You to help me get rid of fear and focus my attention on what I, according to Your Will, should be.

“Lord, help me develop ideals and live in accordance with them.

“Lord, I ask You to tell me what to do in this situation.

– Lord, teach me how to be kind and tolerant towards everyone.

- Lord, I ask you to lead me to the path of goodness and truth.

– Lord, help me find high ideals, manage me in all difficult situations so that I can gain sanity and do the right thing.

Step 5. Lord, I thank You that I got to know you better.

Step 6. Lord, I ask You to help me gain the desire to get rid of my shortcomings.

Step 7. Lord, I ask You, my Creator, that You accept me with everything that is in me, both good and bad. I ask you to free me from all the shortcomings of my character that prevent me from being useful to You and others. Give me strength when I leave here to do Your Will, not mine.

Step 8. I ask You, Lord, that a desire would come to me to make amends for those whom I have harmed.

Step 9. Lord, I ask You to give me the strength and guidance to complete what was planned in the 8th step, whatever the consequences for me. (about peace in the family) Lord, I ask You to grant me the ability to forgive, teach me patience, kindness and love.

Step 10 Lord, I ask You to deliver me from selfishness, dishonesty, anger and fear.

(On the elimination of self-will)

“Lord, how can I serve You? May Thy Will be done (not mine)

- Lord, I ask you to direct my thoughts in the right direction, save me from self-pity, dishonorable acts, self-interest.

- Lord, I ask You that the new day will reveal to me what my next step should be, and that everything that is necessary for solving my problems will be given to me. Release me from self-will. May everything You give me benefit other people as well.

(Morning against insecurity)

“Lord, I ask You for inspiration so that I have intuitive thoughts and decisions.

– Lord, I ask You for forgiveness, and tell me how to correct my mistakes.

(AT difficult situations, sponsor's prayer)

“Lord, I ask you to show you the right thought or action. May Thy will (not mine) be done.

(Prayer of Francis of Assisi)

- Lord, make it so that through me Your Peace and Peace descend to the people, so that:

Where there is evil, I brought the spirit of forgiveness,

Where there is discord, I brought harmony

Where there is error, I brought the truth

Where there is doubt, I brought faith

Where there is despair, I brought hope

Where there is shadow, I brought light

Where sorrow reigns, I brought joy

Lord, make it so that I can

to console, not to be consoled;

to understand, not to be understood;

to love, not to be loved.

For you gain - forgetting about yourself. When you forgive others, you receive forgiveness. When you die, you awaken to eternal life.

Lord, what can I do for those who are still sick?

- God, give me reason and peace of mind to accept what I cannot change; the courage to change what I can. and wisdom to separate one from the other. May your will be done, not mine!


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Prayers and Meditations

At the very beginning of the day, we ask God:

God direct my thoughts in the right direction,

Especially save me from self-pity,

Dishonest deeds, greed.

Show me all day long

What should be my next step.

Give me whatever it takes to solve problems.

Deliver me from selfishness.

I don't run my life.

May I do Your will.

Second Step Question (page 52, BC AA):

We had to fearlessly face the proposition: “Is God everything or is He nothing? Does God exist or does he not? What is our choice?

Third step. Decision-making:

God, I have made a decision that in this drama of life, You will be my Guide.

You are my Lord, I am the doer of Your will.

I made a decision to give (trust, entrust)

Your will; direction in life; And life itself

In Your caring hands.

Prayer of the Third Step (61 pages, BC AA):

Lord, I commit myself to You to create and create with my participation, as You please. Free me from the fetters of selfishness so that I can better do Your will. Remove what burdens me so that this victory is a testimony to those whom I wanted to help, relying on Your Power, Your Love and understanding of the path You have foreshadowed. May Thy Will be done forever and ever!

Prayer of the Fourth Step (an evil person) (65 page, BK AA):

God, I understand that (Name) who harmed me was possibly spiritually ill, although I do not like the symptoms of his illness and how (name) offended me, he was spiritually ill just like me. God help me treat him with the same tolerance, love and compassion with which I would treat (treat) a sick friend. (Name) offended me. He is a sick man, how can I help him? God help me forgive him. I want to do Your will!

Fourth Step Prayer for Fear (page 67, BK AA):

We allow Him to show through us what He can do. We ask Him to remove our fear and direct our attention to what He wants us to be. And immediately we feel that we are beginning to outgrow the fear.

Fourth Step Sexual Prayer Meditation (pages 68-69, BK AA):

We analyzed each relationship as follows: whether it was selfish or not. We asked God to help us develop ideals and live up to them. We remembered that our sexual abilities were given to us by God and therefore are a boon that should not be used lightly and selfishly, but also should not be treated with contempt or disgust.

When we meditate, we ask God to tell us how we should act in each specific situation. The correct answer will come if we want it.

Let's summarize everything that has been said about sex. We sincerely pray to have the right ideals, to be guided by a Higher Power in all difficult situations, to gain sanity and do the right thing.

Step Six Questions and Prayer (page 73, BK AA):

We emphasized everywhere that we cannot do without readiness. Are we ready now for God to deliver us from everything that we consider undesirable for ourselves? Can he free us from all this? If we are still clinging to something that we do not want to let go, then we ask God to help us find this willingness.

Seventh Step Prayer (page 74, BC AA):

I want (ready; ask;), my Creator, that You accept me with everything that is in me, both good and bad. I ask you to free me from all the shortcomings of my character that prevent me from being useful to You and others. Give me strength when I leave here to do Your will. Amen

Prayer of the Eighth and Ninth Steps (77 page, BC AA):

To gain spiritual experience, we decided to make any sacrifices, we turned to God with a request to give us strength and indicate the direction of action in order to accomplish our plan, whatever the consequences of this for us.

Tenth step (page 82, BK AA):

We keep seeing selfishness, dishonesty, resentment and fear. When they appear, we immediately ask God to deliver us from them. We immediately discuss it with someone and quickly correct mistakes if we have harmed anyone. Then we decisively turn our thoughts to those we can help.

Love and tolerance for others is our code.

Every day is a day when we must bring the visualization of God's will into all our actions. “How can I best serve You? May your will (and not mine) be done.”

In the evening, meditation and prayer on the Eleventh Step (page 83 of BC AA):

When we go to bed, we constructively evaluate the day. Have we been resentment-filled, selfish or dishonest during the day, have we experienced fear? Or do you have to apologize to someone? Maybe we have something to ourselves that should immediately be discussed with someone? Have we shown love and kindness to everyone around us? What could we do better? Maybe we mostly think only of ourselves? Or have we thought about what we can do for others, about our contribution to the general course of life? It is not only necessary to succumb to worry, remorse, or gloomy reflections, for in this case our ability to benefit others is reduced. Remembering the events of the day, we ask God for forgiveness and ask Him how we can correct our mistakes.

Father, help me put aside all I know: About you; About life; About 12 steps, sobriety

And be open to Your new revelations.

Grant me: readiness, an open mind and impeccable honesty; God, help me stop dwelling on myself and in my head; Learn to love and serve others.

I have stopped fighting anyone or anything, even alcohol.

I stopped fighting with … … …

I pray only for the knowledge of Your will for me, and for Your power to carry out that will.

Because my dilemma is lack of power (I need Your power).

I am not healed of alcoholism (addiction, addiction, codependency). In fact, what I do have is a one-day reprieve, contingent on maintaining my spiritual condition.

God forbid that I do not judge myself or others. You sent me into this world not to judge, but to love.

  • live and let live
  • love and tolerance is our code

Our Father who art in heaven

Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done; And on earth as in heaven.

Give us our daily bread this day; And forgive us our debts; Just as we forgive our debtors; And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil

For yours is the kingdom, and the power and the glory forever and ever.

Prayer of peace and humility.

God, give me humility and peace of mind

Accept what I can't change (today)

Courage to change what I can (today)

And the wisdom to distinguish one from the other.

Live in today (live one day and then another)

Enjoy one moment (and then another moment)

Be where I am, otherwise I will miss life

Accept difficulties as the path to peace.

Accept this world as it is

Not the way I want it to be.

Trusting that You will turn everything around for the better

When I submit to Your will.

For me to be reasonably happy in this life

And supernaturally happy with You in the next (coming/future).

Extended Prayer for Peace of Mind:

God give me reason and peace of mind

Accept what I can't change

Courage to change what I can and

Wisdom to distinguish one from the other,

Patience for things that take time

Thanks for everything I have

Tolerance for spiritually suffering people,

Freedom to live beyond the limitations of my past

The ability to feel Your love for me and my love for others

And the strength to get back on your feet and start over

Even when I feel (I think) it's hopeless.

Prayer of Saint Francis

Lord, make it so that through me Your peace and tranquility descend to people:

So that where there is hatred, I bring love

Where there is evil, I brought the spirit of forgiveness

Where there is strife, I brought harmony

Where there is error, I brought the truth

Where there is doubt, I brought faith

Where there is despair, I brought hope

Where there is shadow, I brought light

Where there is sadness, I brought joy,

Teach me to search more like:

Comfort, not be comforted

Understand, not be understood

To love, not to be loved (oh)

For, forgetting about yourself, you gain.

When you forgive others, you receive forgiveness.

When you die, you awaken to eternal life.

Prayer of the Optina Elders

God, give me peace of mind to meet everything that the coming day brings me. Let me completely surrender to Your holy will. For every hour of this day, instruct and support me in everything. Whatever events occur during the day, teach me to accept them with a calm soul and a firm conviction that everything is Thy holy will. In all words and deeds guide my thoughts and feelings. In all unforeseen cases, do not let me forget that everything is sent down by You. Teach me to act directly and reasonably with each member of my family, without embarrassing or upsetting anyone. Guide my will and teach me to pray, believe, be patient, give thanks, love and forgive everyone. Amen.

God! Give me reason.

God give me reason and peace of mind

accept what I can't change

the courage to change what I can,

and wisdom to distinguish one from the other!

May your will be done, not mine.

To accept the things I cannot change

Courage to change the things I can

And wisdom to know the difference

There are no words in the English version: "Thy will be done, not mine," so you can pronounce it at your discretion.

By pronouncing this word, I recognize the existence of a Higher power, which has incomparably greater capabilities than I do.

This word contains the recognition that a Higher Power is able to bestow and bring something to me and others.

I am making a request for myself. Scripture says that if you ask sincerely, it will be given to you. There is no mistake in asking for the improvement of your inner qualities. If my character improves, then I myself and those around me will become happier, and my relationships with the world will also improve.

I ask for calmness, restraint and peace of mind for my life, so that I can push the boundaries of my own self, rightly reason and manage my actions properly.

I am resigned to the conditions that exist in my life now. I live in the present, I live here in this particular place and in this particular moment.

I recognized that any tragedy, death, suffering, illness and pain is an integral part of my life, a part that is neither bad nor good, like any element. I accept my limitations and fallibility. I accept my lot as it fell to me. As long as I don't have the courage to change the part of my life that I don't like, I must accept it without any resentment.

I cannot prevent these events or

conditions that will cause them to happen to me or to other people.

A quality that will allow me, while facing the problems and reality of life, to do without alcohol and drugs. An unyielding determination to remain “without a drink, facing all the events that can bring me back to drinking. The strength of my spirit, which allows me to withstand a collision with an obstacle. Fearlessness in the development of faith, modesty and honesty.

In clashes with negative sides my life, which I evaluate directly and impartially, I ask that I myself and the conditions of my life become different. I take an active position in these changes.

I ask you to help me in making the right decision. I would like everything that interferes with me to be removed from my life. I must constantly be face to face with reality and constantly seek my own spiritual growth.

I ask you to give me the strength to rise above my “I” and with a new look to fairly evaluate myself and my life. And then, with the help of this new quality, go further in life, finding mutual language with yourself, others, and a Higher Power.


I want to always clearly understand the true state of affairs. I want to be able to distinguish everything that concerns me, and to better understand the significance of what is happening to me and to other people. I need to feel how much more valuable it is to love others than to live only by myself.

Saying this simple prayer, every time we manage to make a certain spiritual gesture that leads us to the idea of ​​unity, security, meaningfulness of being.

Prayer is effective if it is moral, if we do not ask the Higher Power to give us more, but to help us become better. We follow the desire not to live better, but to be better. Before, we always wanted to live better. Feeling that alcohol gives us a sense of a better life, we began to consume it in such quantities that our very life was threatened. So now we have a different desire. It is expressed in the readiness to change oneself, to change the way of life. However, it is impossible to do it yourself without help from above. We ask for help by contacting Higher Power and we get it.

You need to know how to pray. Such spiritual exercises, probably, no one succeeds immediately. Especially to such inveterate skeptics and atheists as we were. But knowledgeable people say: nothing enlightens the soul like concentrated prayer. Turning to God must be learned, and success will be ensured, the main thing should be the principle

“Thy will be done, not mine”

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