Some aspects of ensuring information and psychological safety of schoolchildren

Report at the district parent meeting

Teacher-psychologist of the CPMSS "Trust" of the SAO of Moscow

Candidate of Psychological Sciences

Pirumova K.V.

The modern child lives in a world of ever-increasing information growth rates. The forms and methods of information dissemination have changed. The main role now belongs to global networks. On the Internet, any person, political party, groups of people, organizations can influence a child; there are no restrictions on the territory of influence, time. The means of influence and the possibilities of virtual influence are constantly increasing and becoming more complex.

All-Russian study "Children of Russia Online", conducted in 2010–2011. Internet Development Foundation together with the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov and the Federal Institute for the Development of Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, covering 1025 children aged 9 to 16 and 1025 their parents from eleven different regions of Russia, revealed more risky and, therefore, more defenseless behavior of Russian schoolchildren on the Internet than their peers living in developed European countries. Among the features of the use of Internet technologies are the following:

Children in Russia begin to go online for the first time at the age of 8–10;

Most Russian children go online on their own (about 80% of children), their parents practically do not control them;

Children often come across dangerous content (for example, almost a third of the children surveyed have encountered images of a sexual nature on the Internet in the past year);

Not all parents are sufficiently aware of the existing risks on the Internet and how to protect themselves from them; many often underestimate the problem of security.

The results of the influence of information on the health of the child, including his spiritual life, morality, are unpredictable. On the one hand, opportunities for a creative and interesting life, self-development are constantly increasing, on the other hand, information flows are so huge that a child does not always have time to process and remember even useful information. Children and teenagers can easily find or create a unique environment for virtual communication and just as easily become victims of manipulators and be subjected to all sorts of violence. InformationalOverloads lead many people, including children, to stress and depression.

Many children from an early age begin to play variouscomputer games, far from always developing in nature, which use the most fantastic virtual images, both positive and negative. I must say that the use of virtual images by a child in the absence of a foundation of bodily, mental and spiritual health (and in childhood there is only a bookmarkand the formation of this foundation) lead to the following consequences:

A) impaired perception of a living image, the growth of ineptness in activities under normal conditions, the perception of the world on an "artificial" scale, out of touch with real time and space.

b) confusing the real and virtual world. Until the age of 6-7, children do not have a mechanism for distinguishing between ordinary and virtual reality, the child continues the virtual duel in reality, puts himself above his parents, cannot adapt to his real "I".

Besides, up to 7 years, the child's consciousness does not have a protective barrier against virtual aggression. Only after the age of 12 do children have the opportunity to at least partially learn to separate virtual and real realities.

V) infection of consciousness with "information infection", that is, aggressive naturalistic images that lead to bodily "poisoning". Virtually killing and suppressingthe child takes pleasure in hitting, insulting, killing, his own anger and impunity. The usual human scale of values ​​is turned over, the child's perception of the world around is distorted.

G) mental retardationdue to the long-term perception of rigid, inflexible, predetermined image forms (as well as when using robotic toys).

e) Difficulties in the child's self-perceptiona change in consciousness, will, personality, emotions, body movements (motor awkwardness, unnatural body movements). The child develops inattention, restlessness, "walking in the clouds"; growing like a snowball, failure. Often this is accompanied by increased fatigue, irritability, impaired memory and thinking.

e) inclusion by the child in his image of someone else's image, identification with him.

Virtual images attract the attention of the child and create psychological dependence due to artificial stimulation, overexcitation of the nervous system. This leads to disharmony of brain rhythms and hyperexcitability of children.

Computer games are considered by psychiatrists all over the world to be a drug of a new generation, taking the child away from the real world into the world of illusions. Growing up, he will spend his free time on computer games to the detriment of real real life.

And, unfortunately, more and more often we talk about computer addiction.


pay attention topsychological characteristics of your child. Socially maladjusted children have an increased likelihood of acquiring Internet addiction. The reason is that the Internet allows you to remain anonymous, not to be afraid of condemnation (if you did something wrong, you can always change your name and start all over again), provides a much wider choice of communication opportunities than the real world. On the Internet, it is much easier for a child to build his own virtual world, where he will be comfortable. Therefore, if a child does not succeed in something in the real world, he will strive to stay where he is comfortable. On the other hand, the Internet can help a shy child to become more sociable, find the environment of communication that is more suitable for his level of development, and as a result increase his self-esteem. If your child is withdrawn, shy, or prone to discouragement in life, you need to carefully monitor his attitude to the Internet in order to prevent it from turning from a means of revealing the child's personality into a poorly controlled passion.

Watch for Symptoms of Internet Addiction. It manifests itself in the fact that children prefer life on the Internet to such an extent that they actually begin to abandon their real life, spending most of their time in virtual reality. The Internet addicted child is most often quiet and withdrawn, he can't wait until he can connect to the Internet, he has a hard time getting off of it, he gets depressed or becomes irritable if he is excommunicated from the Internet for several days.Internet independentthe child can easily switch to another channel of communication, leave the Internet, when the need arises, he always clearly distinguishes where he is currently communicating - online or not. Ask yourself: Does spending time online have an impact on your child's school performance, health, and relationships with family and friends? Find out how much time your child spends online.

Seek help from experts.If your child is showing serious signs of Internet addiction, consult a teacher or psychologist. Compulsive Internet use can be a symptom of other problems such as depression, irritability, or low self-esteem. And when these problems are solved, dependence on the Internet can go away by itself.

Don't ban the internet.For most children, it is an important part of their social life. Instead, set"Intra-family rules for using the Internet". They can include the following limits: the amount of time a child spends daily on the Internet; a ban on the Net until homework is done; restriction on visiting chats or viewing materials "for adults".

Keep your balance. Let the child often play with other children. Motivate him for such communication. Help your child participate in offline interactions. If your child is shy and awkward with peers, why not consider special coaching? Encourage your child to participate in activities that bring together children with the same interests, such as ship modeling, radio engineering, or literature.

Control your children.There are programs that limit the use of the Internet and control which sites are visited. However, a smart child, if he tries, can disable this service as well. Therefore, your ultimate goal is to develop self-control, discipline and responsibility in children.

Suggest alternatives. If you think your kids are only interested in online entertainment, try offering them an offline alternative to one of their favorite games. For example, if your child enjoys role-playing games on the topic fantasy , invite him to read books on the same subject, watch films.

The Internet can be a great place for learning as well as for relaxing and chatting with friends.

But like the rest of the real world, the Web can also be dangerous. Before allowing children to surf the Internet on their own, there are a few things they need to be aware of.

Tell your children about the dangers, existing on the Internet, and teach how to get out of unpleasant situations correctly. At the end of the conversation, set some limits on the use of the Internet and discuss them with the children. Together you can create comfort and safety for the guys on the Internet.

If you're not sure where to start, here are some thoughts on how to make internet browsing safe for kids..

Set rules for children on the Internet and be adamant.

Teach your children to take the following precautions to keep personal information private:

– When introducing yourself, you should use only your first name or pseudonym.

- You should never give out a phone number or address of residence or study.

– Never send your photos.

– Never allow children to meet online acquaintances without adult supervision.

Explain to the children that the difference between right and wrong is the same both on the Internet and in real life.

Teach your kids to trust their intuition. If something bothers them online, they should let you know.

If children are chatting, using instant messaging programs, playing games, or doing anything else that requires a login, help the child choose one and make sure it does not contain any personal information.

Teach kids to respect others online. Make sure they are aware that the rules of good behavior apply everywhere – even in the virtual world.

Insist that children respect the property of others on the Internet. Explain that illegal copying of someone else's work—music, computer games, and other software—is theft.

Tell your children that they should not meet online friends. Explain that these people may not be who they say they are.

Tell the children that not everything they read or see online is true. Teach them to ask you if they are not sure.

Control the activities of children on the Internet with the help of modern programs. They will help filter out harmful content, youfind out what sites the child visits and what he does on them.

Encourage children to share their online experiences with you. Go online with your kids.

Visit your child's online diary regularly, if he has one, to check.

Be attentive to your children!

Try not to lose emotional contact with them. Children should feel and realize that they are loved and accepted in the family, despite the mistakes that we all (and even more so children) willy-nilly make in life. Feeling the love and support of loved ones, the child will more easily learn all the above rules and recommendations related to the safe stay of a person in the virtual space.

So why does the question of information security in general and the information security of children in particular arise? To answer this question, let's compare information with food. We have such a right, because the need for information is as important as the physiological need, and so, it is quite possible to “poison” information. You can consume harmful information and seriously harm your spiritual health. Like food, any information has one or another effect on a person - strong or weak, useful or harmful, saving or absolutely destructive. No wonder they say "You can kill with a word, you can save with a word, you can lead people with a word." The “word” here is what we mean by information. To protect children from harmful information, RVS activists have developed a manual on the information security of children.

The need for information is one of the basic natural human needs. No less important than purely physiological needs - food, sleep, warmth, etc. Since ancient times, man has eagerly sought and created information about the world around him, has traveled a gigantic path from myth to a scientific picture of the world, the greatest works of art and morality. Any human activity is inextricably linked with the exchange of information. Thanks to the exchange of information, we assimilated behavior patterns in childhood, learned social norms, comprehended the basics of science, art and law. When mom and dad explained to us how to behave, what is good and what is bad, when teachers at school taught the basics of science, they created an information environment for us in which we were brought up and formed.

So why does the question of information security in general and the information security of children in particular arise? To answer this question, let's compare information with food. We have such a right, because the need for information is as important as the physiological need, and so, it is quite possible to “poison” information. You can consume harmful information and seriously harm your spiritual health. Like food, any information has one or another effect on a person - strong or weak, useful or harmful, saving or absolutely destructive. No wonder they say "You can kill with a word, you can save with a word, you can lead people with a word." The “word” here is what we mean by information.

Since information inevitably affects a person, it must be filtered. If an adult copes with this task (and not always and not everyone), then the child still does not know how to do this. This means that he needs the protection of his information environment by adults. First of all, of course, from the side of the parents.

Why do we believe that the problem of protecting the information environment of a child is especially relevant today? Because the last 10-15 years it, the information environment, has undergone gigantic changes. This happened mainly due to technological progress, which often brings with it not only new huge positive opportunities, but also no less huge dangers. The human information environment will never be the same again. So, we must learn to protect it, to deal with it effectively.

In the past, a child's informational environment was relatively easy for parental regulation and protection. The television channels watched by the child, the books and magazines he read, even his social circle - all this was relatively easily controlled by the parents. At school, a good sports section, a children's camp, the child is safe - they won’t teach bad things there, and, as a rule, professionals work there. Thus, the problem of information security in the past was solved easily and as if by itself. Mom in childhood forbade communicating with strangers, walking in the company of "bad peers", watching the only TV in the family after 21:00, etc. And the authority of mom and dad was very high.

Everything changed when a computer and unlimited Internet came to almost every home. They have brought tremendous opportunities to their users. Their importance is difficult to overestimate. But along with the opportunities came radical changes in the information environment of the child. Let's think about what exactly happened. The child, not yet able to filter incoming information, not yet having stable social models, got access to social networks, forums, chats, dating sites, online games, information sites and blogs of various quality and content. He was literally flooded with a huge, powerful flow of very different information. He began to interact with her, often one on one. The situation is significantly worsened by the fact that many parents with a computer "on you" and in terms of the ability to use a personal computer, the child often very quickly bypasses his parents. The situation has become especially aggravated in recent years with the proliferation of individual portable computing devices such as tablet computers and smartphones. Thus, Internet access becomes portable and virtually uncontrollable.

In this brochure, we want to clearly analyze which information flows affect the child. Show what dangers he exposes himself to at a time when outwardly he is completely safe and warm at home at the computer.

What we don't want is escalation in the spirit of "computers, the Internet is evil, and children should be totally isolated from this evil." We don't think so. We are convinced that the Internet and a personal computer are excellent tools for work, education, entertainment, and spiritual growth of a person.

We believe that the child must be taught to properly manage the chaotic flow of information. And we will present our proposal in this brochure.

Danger #1: Loss of Parental Authority

Let's start with some numbers.

According to the study of the Internet Development Foundation, conducted in March 2009, the following data were obtained.

To the question “what is the most important source of information for you?” All students participating in the study put their parents first. The Internet is firmly in second place as a priority source of information. Eighth and ninth grade teachers are only in third place, i.e. the Internet has already become more authoritative than the teacher. In fourth place for this group of schoolchildren are friends and classmates.

Among high school students, the Internet shared second place along with teachers, friends and classmates.

The Internet Development Foundation notes that fierce competition prevails here, and if you do not learn how to effectively use the possibilities of the Internet in the learning process, it becomes quite obvious who will win in the end.

The so-called "digital divide" was also studied - the difference in the competence of using the Internet between parents and children. The following facts came to light:

  • less than half of parents are aware of the risks their child faces. One in three parents know that children see sexual images online because they see them themselves. At the same time, they have little idea that children are victims of aggressive behavior or can be aggressors themselves. Although the children themselves are most concerned about exactly what constitutes communication risks. Also, parents know very little about the fact that their children are dating those they met online;
  • the willingness of the child to see and accept help. A third of children say that they do not feel any support from their parents, although the parents themselves believe that they are helping their child.

At the same time, according to a study by the Internet Development Foundation and the Faculty of Psychology of Lomonosov Moscow State University with the support of Google, Russian teenagers overtake their parents in terms of the frequency of using the Internet. 89% of teenagers and 53% of parents of teenagers use the Internet every day. Moreover, 17% of all interviewed parents noted that they do not use the Internet at all.

What do we see in these numbers? As a source of authoritative information, the Internet has already surpassed the teacher. And he is preparing to oust his parents from the first place. Let's think about what this means. It turns out that the parent loses authority over the child, competing with a variety of people "from the other end of the Internet cable", that is, he loses the opportunity to raise his child. While, fortunately, the authority of the parent is still the most significant for the child, it is the parental word that is most significant. But today the Internet plays a very significant role in the upbringing of a child. That is, behavior patterns, norms, way of thinking, picture of the world - all that, in a word, which is called education, is largely scooped up by the child in the network.

To understand the fundamental novelty of the situation, let's think about what, in essence, is the Internet? The Internet can be called a virtual world. Of course, this virtual world is closely connected with reality - they earn very real money on the Internet, they order very real products with its help, they discuss very real news and they fall for quite real scammers. The Internet has the same real impact on the child. But, in its essence, the Internet is really a virtual world. Here, too, there are companies of "bad guys", for example, propaganda of extremist ideas, bad forums, groups in social networks. Here, too, there are drug dealers, with the help of the Internet it is quite possible to buy spices. Although we note that this is effectively counteracted. There are a huge number of bad films and clips, music of dangerous genres, etc. This will be discussed in detail in the following chapters.

Here we want to draw attention to the following phenomenon. Any normal parent keeps track of who influences his child. Does the child communicate with bad companies? Is the child in danger of being deceived by scammers? Does he read good books, does he watch bad films?

But for some reason, in the case of the Internet, very often, unfortunately, parental vigilance is asleep. You can often hear: Yes, he sits at the computer, but he doesn’t drink beer at the entrances, he doesn’t roam around discos! And in the house he is safe, under our supervision.". Parents, not understanding the dangers of online life, voluntarily allow strangers with very different intentions to raise a child.

The fact that the school is losing the competition with the Internet in authority is a very disturbing fact. Traditionally, the school played a huge role in the education of the individual, the formation of a picture of the world, accustomed to the norms of behavior in society. Now her influence has waned considerably.

If the trend continues, if the order of things is not changed, then very soon the growing personality will be shaped primarily by the Internet and only secondarily by parental education. In this case, there will be no talk of any trusting relationship between parents and children. Parents, in fact, will become guardians. And it will be a completely different, very sinister reality.

Danger No. 2. Subcultures, extremism, sects

Youth depressive subcultures are an extremely insidious and dangerous trap on the way of personality development. They are especially dangerous for teenagers.

Let's remember ourselves in adolescence - perhaps the brightest, most dramatic, difficult and wonderful period of a person's life. What's going on with the teenager? The world around him sharply becomes more complicated, completely new problems and concerns arise. Experiences hitherto unknown hit the soul. The first, still very pure, innocent love ... At the same time, the extreme vulnerability and pliability of the emerging personality. Teenagers with a rather sensitive heart and a subtle inner world are passionately searching for the philosophical foundations of the universe, furiously, with maximalism, they are trying to comprehend the ultimate foundations of being.

In this most difficult period of life, a teenager is looking for a way of self-expression, his place in society. He is in dire need of a sense of his independence and independence. It's very, very difficult for him to deal with it.

So, without exception, all depressive subcultures exploit these aspirations and problems, this natural energy of a teenager. Looking ahead, we note that the saddest, the most terrible thing is that children with a sensitive soul and a warm heart fall into the trap of subcultures first of all. Not only them, but they - in the first place. Let's figure out what a subculture is, what they are and what unites them.

I do not want to give a generally accepted definition here, in the end, the reader may well find and read it himself. We need to get to the bottom of it. A subculture can well be deciphered as a "subculture". From English, by the way, the literal translation sounds like “subculture”. That is, it is a certain set of values, behavioral patterns, specific words and concepts, clothing styles, musical preferences, etc., that distinguish it from the mainstream culture of society. Depressive, dangerous subcultures always radically oppose themselves to the mainstream culture. Thus, by the way, they satisfy the teenager's request for independence and individuality. Of course, slipping him the most dangerous spiritual surrogates.

In order to understand the essence of subcultures, let's look at one of them.

Goths, gothic subculture

One of the most popular subcultures. The worldview is based on the so-called dark culture - dark culture, with its cults of death, suffering, depression, hatred of life and joy. The Goths themselves characterize their worldview as "depressive-romantic". The worldview is characterized by frequent depression, melancholy, dark mysticism, a sharp rejection of the "crowd", that is, society, people who are not part of this subculture. The core of the gothic subculture is death viewed romantically. Everything connected with death in all its manifestations is great for the goths. Everything that is connected with life, positive emotions, spiritual positive upsurge is disgusting and is the lot of "cattle". The Goths themselves call this thanatophilia, that is, in other words, love of death. The Goths consider it romantic to stroll through the cemetery, fantasize about the afterlife. Ruins, skulls, bones are a wonderful sight for a Goth. A separate place in the Gothic subculture is occupied by everything related to vampires. Vampires embody gothic romance: otherworldly existence, complete detachment from the living world, the subtle relationship between life and death.

Among the specific paraphernalia on which enterprising figures earn money are skulls, rings with claws, skulls, crosses, the same pendants on a chain.

Since subculture is inextricably linked, it is worth saying a few words about it. There is a huge amount of gothic direction of music - from gothic metal to modern dark wave. The plots are the same: vampire aesthetics, death, despondency, depression, suicide - as the highest manifestation of individuality and spirituality - contempt for society, escapism (the desire to hide from the world, to avoid it). Among young people, bright representatives of this trend are popular: Otto Dix, Lacrimosa, Tiamat, Sirenia, etc. The genres of black metal (satanic metal), death metal (can be translated as “metal of death”) are often popular with Goths, that is, again all on the theme of death, horror and evil.

It should be noted that very often the path to a subculture lies through musical preferences. Music is indeed a very powerful tool for influencing a person, especially if a stable system of values ​​has not yet been formed. Conclusion: it is necessary to do everything to form a healthy system of values ​​in a child. Otherwise, they will be "formed" by others.

It does not make sense to describe the appearance of the goth here, there are enough photos on the network.

So, what do we see even after such a superficial review of the subculture? What natural needs of a teenager does Gothic surrogately satisfy? Philosophical request and the request to find the ultimate foundations of being - first of all. And this is the worst of all, since these are the purest, sincere and deepest demands of the child, and instead of the works of great thinkers, instead of high art - from books to music, he takes an extremely dangerous poison. In addition, the subculture determines the adolescent's attitude to society, satisfies his need for self-determination and independence, and solves the problem of insecurity. We emphasize again that the subculture does this in a terribly ugly form.

other subcultures. Punks, informals, rappers, emo, etc.

Although these are completely different subcultures based on music, whose members despise each other, they have a lot in common. All these subcultures are characterized by emphasized antisocial behavior, rebelliousness, protest against order, opposing themselves to the “crowd”. Often politicized, though not always. Antisocial behavior is seen as a form of protest. In the worldview and music - hopelessness, hatred of the world, drug addiction as a blessing, a cult of violence, drinking and promiscuous sex.

Anime and anime people

Not so dangerous subculture, and many argue that the anime hobby cannot be called a subculture. Perhaps this is true - anime does not offer a single worldview and philosophical explanation of the world. Nevertheless, hangouts of anime lovers often form.

You need to understand that anime (Japanese cartoons) are not at all as harmless as it might seem. There are wonderful anime, with very deep, wise content. But there are also those where monstrous cruelty is demonstrated, the eroticism of the characters is clearly expressed. Often anime characters lead an anti-social lifestyle. There are also completely crazy anime directions. The clearest example is "guro", comics and cartoons with the dismemberment of corpses, infliction of sophisticated sadistic injuries, extreme forms of sadomasochism, cannibalism. Or "hentai" - Japanese pornographic cartoons.

In general, to understand what anime is, it is best to watch a couple of cartoons. Japanese animation has firmly taken its place in world culture and not by chance: as mentioned above, there are very good anime cartoons (for example, "Spirited Away"). But there are also very dangerous currents.

A few words about sects and extremism

The service offers a range of services for blocking unwanted content, including ad blocking. The “home” version, costing 360 rubles a year, allows you to block sites on many grounds, for example, you can block all social networks, the black list of the Ministry of Justice, dating sites, etc. The service has its own huge database of addresses with content characteristics. There is a "white" list setting, there are "black" lists.

The main advantage of the service is flexible and convenient settings at a low price. Blocks websites containing viruses. Simple setup that does not require special knowledge.

Of the minuses - the service is not able to limit anything directly on the computer, it filters only access to Internet resources.

Reliability is high, getting around with the right settings is quite difficult.

2.Dr. Web Security Space and Kaspersky Internet Security

Documentation is also built into the product itself.

First of all, these are full-fledged anti-virus solutions, the parental control function is implemented “in the appendage”. Nevertheless, a very popular home computer solution that performs its tasks quite efficiently. Allows you to block not only unwanted sites and sites with viruses, but also limit the use of the computer by time, set a ban on the launch of certain applications, blocks access to specified folders and files on the computer.

Bypassing the configured parental controls on these products is very easy if you do not make additional settings. The fact is that permissions are configured for individual users of the operating system. From which, by the way, it follows that you need to create a separate user of the operating system with limited rights for the child.

What does a more or less advanced teenager do? He boots the computer in safe mode, selects the "Administrator" user, which is hidden in normal mode and therefore does not have a password, creates a temporary user with unlimited rights. It is very easy to do and teenagers learn it instantly. For some reason, the documentation does not pay attention to this moment. However, closing such a gap is easy - just activate the hidden user "administrator" and set a password for him. How to do it - at the end of this application.

Pluses - flexible settings, great control options, in addition to parental control, there is an antivirus and a firewall.

Minus - additional settings of the operating system are needed (creating an account for the child, creating a password for the "administrator" account).

3. How to activate the "administrator" account?

Click "Start", right click on "Computer" and open "Manage". We are interested in the "Local Users" branch.

In the window that opens, double-click on the "Administrator" user, in the menu that appears, uncheck the "Disable account" item and click "OK".

That's all. The "Administrator" account is activated. Next, you need to set a password for this account.

This problem is relevant for the Windows 7 operating system versions higher than Home premium.

4. How to create accounts, change passwords to them
Start - Control Panel - User Accounts. Here you can change passwords and create new accounts. Let us remind you that for parental control to work, a child must have their own Internet account (not an administrator!), for which rights will be limited.

Currently, information security is one of the most important problems of modern society. Information security, along with state, environmental, economic, physical and other types of security, due to the influence of objective factors, becomes an integral part of the overall security system of any enterprise, including libraries. Violations of the information security system can lead to very serious economic losses, pose a threat to the life and health of enterprise personnel and the public.

At the stage of accelerated development of information technologies, ensuring information security is an important issue for us. Today, all countries of the world are looking for ways to ensure information security, carrying out long-term activities in this area.

Speaking about the information security of libraries, the principles of protection against harmful information and protection of information resources are taken as a basis. We live in an information society where information is considered one of the most important resources. Increasing the role of information, information resources and technologies in the life of the state, society and citizens brings information security issues to the fore, as a result of which modern society has become practically dependent on it. Therefore, the protection of information and protection from information is a very significant, one might say, vital issue. The root of the problem is the accelerated development of the Internet, the protection of software systems created on the basis of new web technologies. Strengthening protection, studying and maintaining the innovations that appear every day are effective ways.

Ensuring the security of traditional, magnetic and electronic information resources created and stored in the libraries of the country, used for this technology, should be considered as one of the issues of national security of the Russian Federation and be closely linked with the approved Concept of the National Program for the Preservation of Information Resources.

The objects of information security in the library sector include the rights and freedoms of the individual, the material and spiritual values ​​of society.

The information security of libraries is primarily considered from the point of view of information availability.

Public information is freely provided, transmitted, replicated, distributed according to the principle: what is not prohibited by law is available. It is publicly available information that is the object of accumulation, processing, analysis, and storage in libraries.

Modern libraries are not only sources of ideas, thoughts, technologies materialized in the form of books, magazines, dissertations, but also automated information centers that have media libraries and Internet cafes in their structure. Using in their work audio and video equipment, satellite television, Internet technologies, libraries, willy-nilly, can become distributors of methods and information that harm the personality of a citizen (pornography, drug addiction, swear words, 25th frame, racist statements, gambling and etc.). Information manipulation (misinformation, concealment or distortion of information) can also take place here.

The problem of ensuring the information security of children in information and telecommunication networks is becoming increasingly relevant due to a significant increase in the number of underage users.

In recent years, as a result of a significant increase in the provision of Russians with computers and Internet connections, the user activity of children and adolescents has increased dramatically.

According to the Safe Internet Center in Russia, 10 million children under the age of 14 actively use the Internet, which is 18% of the Internet audience in our country.

At the same time, minors are less prepared than adults for the problems they may encounter online, and often remain defenseless in front of them. Today it is children and teenagers who are the least protected from the flow of negative information on the Web.

The distribution of prohibited literature is equated with inciting ethnic hatred, for which Article 280 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation provides for imprisonment of up to five years.

Restricting access to this kind of information is the next step in ensuring the information security of an individual.

In this regard, a clear discrepancy should be noted: on the one hand, providing unlimited access to information resources, on the other, restricting access to information.

Since libraries provide unique access to information resources, achievements of science and technology, works of literature, culture, art, providing their readers with the opportunity to get acquainted with books, periodicals, films, videos, musical works and electronic documents, it is necessary to pay attention to information security as information security itself. resources and the information they contain.

Information security of the library fund

Since the beginning of the 21st century, terrorism as a phenomenon has become the object of increased attention. One of the reasons for this phenomenon is the Federal Law No. 114 of June 25, 2002 “On Combating Extremist Activity”, which defined the concept of “extremist materials” and established liability for their distribution. Under this law, information materials may be declared extremist by a federal court at the location of their discovery, distribution, or the location of the organization producing such materials, based on the presentation of a prosecutor, or in the course of a criminal or civil case.

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 13, 2013 on the Ministry

Our task is to regularly review these lists and identify prohibited materials in our library, and remove them from the collections in a timely manner.

The composition of materials recognized as extremist is diverse. These are books, brochures, issues or individual articles from periodicals, leaflets, posters, slogans, websites, videos. Among the authors of banned works are political and religious figures, journalists, as well as anonymous people who write their appeals.

Materials included in the federal list of extremist materials are not subject to distribution on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Persons guilty of illegal production, distribution and storage for the purpose of further distribution of these materials are subject to administrative or criminal liability, Art. 20.29 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (“Production and distribution of extremist materials which entails a fine or administrative arrest for 15 days.

Even with a shallow search on the Internet, it is easy to find sites where such socially dangerous phenomena as Satanism, sectarianism, racial and national intolerance, pedophilia, various types of sexual perversions, narcotism, etc. are positively evaluated. The emergence of websites belonging to organized crime groups and terrorist organizations is noted, through which they not only exchange information, but also try to promote their ideas and lifestyle. Young people with an unstable psyche, when visiting such sites, can actively perceive the views promoted here and transfer them into their daily lives.

Moreover, the possibility of anonymous participation in network communication often forms in young people the idea of ​​permissiveness and impunity for any manifestations in the network environment.

Most often, underage users get to dangerous pages by accident. Numerous pop-ups, queries misinterpreted by the search engine, links on social networks - all this leads the child to sites of unsafe content.

Threats lurking in the local network:

1. Pornography.

2. Depressive youth currents.

3. Drugs.

6. Extremism, nationalism and fascism.

Here I would like to recall the safety rules for children on the Internet, I will not read them out, you can find them in the leaflets "Safety rules for children on the Internet." (flyer attached)

Safety rules for children on the Internet.

1. Visit the net with your children, encourage them to share their experience of using the Internet.

2. Teach your children to trust their intuition - if something bothers them on the Internet, let them tell you.

3. Help your child enroll in programs that require a name and fill out forms without giving out complete information (child's name, email address, phone number, home address). To do this, you can create a special email address.

4. Insist that children never give out their address, phone number, or other personal information, such as where they go to school or where they like to go for a walk.

5. Explain to the children that the difference between right and wrong is the same on the Internet and in real life.

6. Children should never meet online friends as these people may not be who they say they are.

7. Tell your kids that not everything they read or see online is true, teach them to ask you if they're not sure.

8. Control children with modern programs that will filter out harmful content, help you find out what sites your child visits and what he does there.

9. Insist that children respect other people's property, tell them that illegal copying of music, computer games and other programs is theft.

10. Teach children to respect others, make sure they know that good manners apply everywhere - even in the virtual world.

11. Set some clear and hard rules for your child to control schedules, connection times, and how they use the Internet. Make sure that the established rules are followed. It is especially important to control the access of the child to the Internet at night.

12. A good antivirus is an ally in protecting your child from the dangers of the Internet.

13. A child should not give their password to anyone other than adult family members.

14. It should be explained to the child that one should not do something that can cost the family money.

"On the protection of children from information harmful to their health and development"

On September 1, 2012, the Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2010 No. 436-FZ “On the Protection of Children from Information Harmful to Their Health and Development” (hereinafter referred to as the Law) came into force. Libraries, as well as all institutions that provide information to children in print or any other form, have a lot of work to do to determine the range of measures needed to implement this law.

The adoption of the new law, built on the principle of restriction, rather than free access to information, caused and continues to cause an ambiguous reaction from teachers, librarians, and representatives of the information and communication technologies (ICT) industry. But the law is the law and its implementation


Despite the existing contradictions in the interpretation of the application of the normative document, the Law has a direct bearing on libraries.

All receipts to public libraries released into circulation since September 1, 2012 must have an information product sign on the product itself and in the catalogs of information products (clause 4, article 11). For libraries, it matters that the exception is:

Periodicals specializing in the dissemination of information of a socio-political or production-practical nature.

This Law does not apply to relations in the field of: circulation of information products containing scientific, scientific and technical, statistical information; turnover of information products that have significant historical, artistic or other cultural value for society.

Place a sign of information products, in accordance with the Law, the manufacturer and distributor of information products, in accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 12

  • for children under the age of six years - in the form of the number "O" and the sign "plus" - 0+
  • for children who have reached the age of six years - in the form of the number "6" and the "plus" sign and (or) a text warning in the form of the phrase "for children over six years of age" - 6+
  • for children who have reached the age of twelve years - in the form of the number "12" and a plus sign and (or) a test warning in the form of the phrase "for children over 12 years old" - 12+
  • for children who have reached the age of sixteen years - in the form of the number "16" and the plus sign and (or) a text warning in the form of the phrase "for children over 16 years of age" - 16+
  • forbidden for children - in the form of the number "18" and a plus sign and (or) a text warning in the form of the phrase "forbidden for children" - 18+

In practice, it is clear that publishing houses clearly raise the bar, there is a discrepancy in age, thus publishing houses relieve themselves of responsibility.

In general, this is the norms of the Law, which should be remembered.

Dear Colleagues, I would like to note that in addition to the Law, recommendations have been issued on the application of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2010 No. 436-FZ “On the Protection of Children from Information Harmful to Their Health and Development” in relation to printed (book) products, approved by the Ministry communications and mass communications of the Russian Federation - January 22, 2013. They were prepared taking into account the discussions that took place in Rospechat with the participation of representatives of sectoral public organizations, leading publishing houses, and the library community.

  • The sign of information products and (or) a text warning about the restriction of distribution of information products among children are indicated on the page of the publication containing the imprint.
  • The sign of information products in size should not be smaller than the fonts used on the page of the publication. Sign of information products optional

may appear on the cover of the publication.

In relation to information products prohibited for children, the sign of information products must be placed on the first side of the cover of the publication. The sign of informational products should not be smaller than the fonts used on the cover, should be clearly visible and take into account the design of the book cover.

The information product mark is not marked:

  • publications containing normative legal acts affecting the rights, freedoms and duties of a person and a citizen, as well as establishing the legal status of organizations and the powers of state bodies, local self-government bodies;
  • publications containing information on the state of the environment;
  • publications containing information on the activities of state bodies of local self-government, as well as on the use of budgetary funds.

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