If you still think that only people with superpowers are capable of learning several languages, you are. You don't need to have talent, be a genius, or be able to foresee events in advance. But how can you quickly learn languages? Let's figure it out!

  • New language - new words

To understand how the language is organized, it is enough to listen to how it is spoken and spend a little time on the basic grammar. The main is often understood as a couple of simple tenses. Let's start with the present tense. Next, you should pay attention to words, because it is thanks to their help that you can “weave” a phrase, sentence and text. What words to learn? Of course, the essentials! Here, many are lost and do not understand how to choose the very ones that are needed most often. Learn the words that you use daily in your native speech. It is known that 20% of effort will bring 80% of language understanding. Please note that most of the daily contains 300 to 500 words, which is not much at all.

If you want to get real and lasting use of this article, don't think that one deal will be enough. Save this page to your favorites and return to it from time to time. As you read, stop and think about how you can practice the tips shared here and don't forget to be creative, yeah!

The contrast between the ease with which a person learns a foreign language and the immediate impossibility that another person faces in solving the same problem is unexpected. More or less ease for languages ​​can be caused by several factors.

This happens with every foreign language. The schema is the same: new language- search for frequently used words - memorization. The app can work great for you today Anki: on one side of the virtual card is a question or a word, on the other - an answer or a translation. Thus, you will remember exactly those words that you could not learn. Cards made independently on certain topics also cope well with the task of expanding the vocabulary.

Age: for reasons of biological and psychological orders, it is clear that the sooner these studies begin, the better and faster the learning of a foreign language will be. The rate of assimilation of children is much faster. Linguistic formation: the greater the degree of similarity, than the native language with the language being studied, the easier this learning becomes. For example, Germans, Dutch, Swedes and even Brazilians find it easier to learn English than, for example, Japanese or Chinese.

Linguistic versatility: The language frequently learned is the individual's third language. This is also very important. Monolingual people rely heavily on their mother tongue to structure their thinking, whereas bilinguals are more versatile in their mentality as they are already exposed to learning a new language.

  • Related words - our everything

It is known that, for example, in languages, hundreds and even thousands of words sound very similar, the only thing you need to do is change the ending or rearrange the stress, and you can deftly maneuver between, and Portuguese.

  • Traveling or moving is not a step towards learning a language

Many people think that with a move, a long business trip or a long trip, they will start learning the language and immediately immerse themselves in the environment. Of course, you can immerse yourself in it from the very beginning, but start studying foreign language in place is quite difficult without any base. Another doubt that stops many of us on the threshold of a new language is the appropriateness of its use. "No practice - no language", at least, that's what most people think. And you need to go from the opposite. If you want to learn a new language, you need to look for as many opportunities for personal development and advancement as possible. world in your pocket, always in your gadget, online books, magazines, online news services are always at hand, you just need to pull out your phone. The world is at our feet, you just need to find time for yourself and start moving towards your goal!

This linguistic universality is accompanied by cultural universality, which also promotes identification with the target culture. Auditory acuity: Language is essentially an oral phenomenon, and given that a person's articulatory apparatus of sounds is extremely limited compared to the linguistic universe created by his mind, it is easy to infer the meaning that intimate phonetic differences bring to have.

Not only the perception, but also the articulation of sounds depend directly on the hearing aid, since hearing functions as a kind of speech monitor. We also know that hearing abilities can vary greatly from one person to another.

There are many reasons why people think about learning a foreign language. Some people want to gain new knowledge, as they say, for the future, while for others it is a vital necessity, associated, for example, with moving to another country or a chance to get a raise/increase in salary at work.

However, one should not forget that any way of learning a foreign language at home can give a result only under one important condition. It's about about a person's desire. Without it, any method becomes ineffective. You can learn a foreign language from scratch even if it seems to a person that he has no abilities. Your main assistants here will be:

Therefore, those who do not have good hearing are at a disadvantage, just as a person of small stature will be at a disadvantage to become a good basketball player. Personality characteristics: Psychological affective factors can directly affect learning ability, affecting both positively and negatively. People who are introverted and reserved tend to show slower rates of assimilation, especially in the area of ​​oral production, simply because they exhibit less and avoid many of the communication opportunities they encounter when they are in foreign languages.

  • diligence;
  • responsibility, and to oneself;
  • motivation;
  • subsequence.

How to learn a foreign language on your own at home - recommendations

So, you can start this only if you are really serious. You need to get ready for hard work. Experts recommend not to study several languages ​​at the same time. It is best to master one first, then the other, and so on, unless, of course, your goal is to become a polyglot.

The main factors that act as filters for increasing complexity are. Perfectionism: the tendency to worry too much about form; a radical notion of right and wrong when it comes to languages. Lack of self-confidence: low self-esteem, possibly caused by learning trauma at home or at school, can cause a lack of self-confidence that hinders creativity, an important element of language learning. Eloquence Addiction: Accuracy and elegance in conversation is a lifetime achievement, the fruit of an academic career. This ability, with our mother tongue, represents a security and strength that is hard to give up. It makes you start over in a foreign language, almost nothing, stumble, rudimentary, like we're not very smart, which can be very frustrating. Self-awareness: awareness of one's image; over-concern about what others might think of themselves. Anxiety: Caused by excessive expectation of results. The ideal attitude to the problem of foreign language assimilation is perseverance and continuity. Provincialism: excessive attachment to linguistic and cultural identity; extreme form of monoculture. The attitude is close to what you identify with, your way of being and speaking; feeling insecure outside of them is a problem often seen in teenagers. On the other hand, feeling dignity and self-confidence, disinhibition, creativity, self-confidence, empathy, curiosity and perseverance are positive characteristics.

However, the study of one language also needs to be dealt with in accordance with certain rules. Naturally, each person is individual. Therefore, we can only give general advice. Some people find learning easier than others. However, with due diligence, anyone can hope for a good result.

Perhaps English is for you or French will be very easy.

Memory: The ability to retain and recall information and experience is undoubtedly a mental skill that affects language learning. The degree of memory capacity of each may depend on biological and psychological factors, but will also depend largely on external factors.

Research on fixation and retention of memories allows us to determine that we are good at retaining experiences in which we were directly involved. On the contrary, we easily forget what is neutral, poorly structured, and not very meaningful. Just as chemistry is easier to learn in the lab than in the classroom, so forms of a foreign language will be more easily retained in memory if they are learned in real communication situations rather than in a decontextualized classroom environment.

At first, it is recommended to start with the study of words and not load yourself with grammar. At the same time, remember that any long journey begins with one, the first step. So you just need to do it. Even a few words a day is already a very good result. The main thing is that the classes are constant. In addition to learning words, you can watch daily video tutorials.

Mental availability: The degree of a person's mental availability in a foreign language is inversely proportional to the number and weight of family, professional and financial problems with which a person lives. The lower the mental availability, the lower the amount of memory and the rate of assimilation.

Motivation: Motivation is intrinsic driving force of decisive importance. Like learning in general, the acts of learning languages ​​are active, not passive. It's not about healing, it's about building a skill. The teacher does not teach, nor the method that works; is a student. Thus, student motivation in language learning is a key element. Previous experience of negative results may prevent the student from trying again. In addition, someone who does not identify with a foreign culture, or who sometimes even despises it, usually due to a lack of information about it, will be discouraged by learning their language.

Just be consistent - if you do not need to learn a foreign language is difficult, it is recommended to do everything sequentially. If the “terms are burning”, then, of course, it is better to sign up for courses or hire a tutor. Homeschooling takes a slow approach. Here you need to master the studied material well, and only after that move on to the new one.

Independence: The full development of competence in a foreign language occurs when the student, in addition to being driven by a personal interest or need, takes control in this process, acquires an awareness of his abilities and limitations, and develops a strategy that you can use your skills and make up for. limitations. Therefore, independence in relation to teachers and programs in psychological terms is a fundamental element.

Time of initiation and degree of participation: Of course, the more time spent in contact with a foreign language, the greater the degree of assimilation. However, not only the time of contact, but also the degree of affective and psychological involvement, in the event of contact, will have a decisive influence.

Imagine that you are a small child who is just learning to speak. Surely, everyone saw how children first listen, then try to make some sounds. At the same time, they also learn during this period to associate a particular word with an object or action. The next two stages are the pronunciation of individual words and the construction of sentences. Your training should follow the same algorithm. The period of "cooing" here will be attempts to correctly pronounce certain combinations of letters.

For example, if contact with spoken language If a student is talking to a foreigner, the more emotional involvement with this person, the higher the degree of interest or importance of the conversation, the better the assimilation. If the contact is written with written text, if the student tries to read the text on English language, the greater the student's interest in the subject, the greater his assimilation.

Thus, we can conclude that language training programs will be more effective if they offer authentic environments that stimulate motivation, and will be less effective if they predetermine the same pace for everyone. They must take into account individual differences, allowing everyone to build their development according to their talent, motivation and availability. That is, they must know how to use the talent of the fastest, and also respect the rhythm of assimilation of those who need more time to learn.

Most foreign language courses at home are designed to perform simple exercises to memorize words. With the help of the corresponding video, you can understand how they are pronounced correctly. It is best to start building sentences after you have a decent enough vocabulary. At the same time, it is best to set yourself a specific goal, starting from your own abilities. This could be, for example, learning 20 new words daily. However, the limit is set individually. According to experts, it is best to learn words in alphabetical order. For example, first we remember those that begin with the letter "A", then - with "B", and so on.

Therefore, of course, it is important to evaluate the study of at least one of these foreign languages, especially since these are not all who are close to them. If you are looking for a way to get to know other languages ​​better, there are some tricks that can help. A course at a language school or even online is always a good option. But if you are short on time or need something more accessible and inexpensive, there are always ways to solve it.

Use and Abuse: Applications and social networks. With countless one-touch remote apps, there's no reason not to test. Applications have different levels, which helps if you are not already familiar with the language. And what's more, they can be quite interesting: some of them look like games and offer rewards when you hit a daily goal. But the whole point is that since they are on your mobile phone, you can access the bus route in the class gap at any corner.

A very important point is the language environment. Naturally, not everyone has the opportunity to go, for example, to the UK to learn English. However, today there is no problem with this, because with the help of the Internet you can easily find both training videos and films in the desired language. In the second case, at first, just listen to the pronunciation. If your vocabulary allows, you can try to translate individual phrases. This also applies to printed texts. It is necessary to clearly understand how this or that letter is pronounced and written, as well as their combination.

Also, another feature that can be reused for noble purposes is social media. Access pages in English or Spanish like news sites or even your favorite artist. Always staying connected with languages ​​is one of the secrets you get used to it - and therefore learn faster.

So, is there "like" instead of "enjoy"? 😉. Stay connected with music, movies and TV shows. One of the most important tips we will give in this post is to immerse yourself in the language you want to learn. As we said in the previous paragraph, it is important to master the language as much as possible so that it becomes more and more “natural” for you. Therefore, listen to songs in the language and try to distinguish between the words performed, with the translation of the letter in hand. Watch movies and series with or without caption, also doing the same exercise: paying attention to each word - and its correspondent in Portuguese - and phrase building.

You can even study a foreign language on the way to work - today there are a number of relevant applications installed on your smartphone. This is also a good option to learn English, German or, say, French. These applications are good because all the tasks here are given gradually. Often, the user is given a kind of mini-exam, in which they will have to demonstrate their knowledge. The following tasks will open only after you answer all the questions correctly.

This is a great way to train your understanding of the text, your ability to hear and pronounce. Look for bilingual books. Just as we recommend with songs, movies and series, reading texts or whole books in the desired language cannot be omitted. You can start with short texts taken from websites, for example, and then move on to shorter books. The advantage of this tactic is that the text is all over the place and you can see how each word is spelled or write it down if you don't understand it for dictionary lookup later.

Build a regular training schedule. Learning a new language is not an easy task, so it is important to keep in touch with the language at all times. Mark the study period every day, even if it is a short time: 15 minutes, half an hour, one hour. Of course, if you attend language schools, consider practicing on other days as well. If you are a self-taught student, activate the practice with the tips we gave above.

An equally important point is the application of their knowledge in practice. Of course, we are not talking about speaking another language all the time. However, it may well be that among your acquaintances there are people who are fluent in the same English. It is with them that it makes sense to practice. In addition, you can speak a foreign language on specialized Internet sites. There is also another option - walking down the street or while traveling in public transport, say to yourself the names of the objects or animals you see in the language you are learning.