So, what is the goal of dual training, what are its main tasks and what can be obtained as a result?

This system of training specialists is aimed at improving the model for training professional personnel, taking into account the economic needs for specialists in order to increase the investment interest of the regions.

The main tasks of the dual training system include:

  • creation of models aimed at the financial participation of enterprises in the implementation of personnel training programs, development of formats and models of network interaction between NGOs and enterprises in personnel training;
  • creation, approval on the basis of checks, implementation and promotion of models of dual education in pilot regions.

The expected results of the introduction of dual models of vocational education include:

  1. Training focused on existing production.
  2. Increasing the interest of enterprises in financing.
  3. Improving the system for predicting the need for specialists.
  4. Variability of individual educational programs.
  5. Improvement of qualification. The growth of the prestige of professions.

Main aspects of the dual learning model

In the following list of characteristics, you can see the differences between practice-oriented education in relation to other types:

  1. Improved partnership mechanisms (social sphere).
  2. Orientation of goals to the economic sphere.
  3. The use of technological standards in teaching is defined as a primary guideline in choosing the means, methods and forms of teaching.
  4. The use, first of all, of practical forms of training, which are primarily focused on the development of specific skills and abilities according to standards.

Dual education implies the involvement and involvement in the software system of employer organizations as a provider of educational services. In the Russian Federation and in many other countries, the introduction of a dual learning model in this format is impossible.

The concept of "dual education" in Russia is used in a broad and narrow sense.

In a broad sense, dual education means infrastructural regional model. It ensures the interaction of several systems. These systems include:

  1. The system for forecasting the need for personnel.
  2. System of vocational education.
  3. System of professional self-distribution.
  4. The system of training, improvement and qualification of teaching staff. This also includes mentors in production.
  5. Professional qualification assessment system.

The systems are interconnected and one simply cannot exist without the other.

In a narrow sense, dual training can be considered as a form of organization and implementation of education, which implies theoretical training in the OO, and practical - with the employer in the organization.

Today, dual training is considered the most promising direction in training specialists for the real sector of the economy. Big business with high-tech production, the benchmarks of which are international standards for product quality and qualifications of the personnel themselves, directly affected.

Factors of attractiveness of the dual training system for business:

  1. The preparation of curricula is implemented taking into account the proposals of employers. For students, this results in the acquisition of knowledge, primarily related to what is useful to them in production. As a result, the qualifications of future specialists correspond to the current professional standards in production.
  2. The future specialist acquires professional skills, abilities, competencies right at the workplace - he is prepared for work in production and is motivated for production activities.
  3. The student gets acquainted and learns the norms of corporate culture in practice.
  4. The company saves on personnel recruiting. In the vast majority of cases, vocational graduates go to work in those enterprises where they did their internship.
  5. HR departments make fewer mistakes - during a long practice, the strengths and weaknesses of students can already be noted.
  6. Cooperation with NGOs in the framework of dual training provides the employer with the opportunity to organize a training system within the company and, within the framework of a professional development program, choose the most qualified teachers from an educational organization at its discretion.

Regulatory and legal registration of dual education: about the provisions

The step-by-step implementation of the dual learning model is as follows:

Let's stop and consider the second point in detail. In order to legally formalize the introduction of a dual learning model, it is necessary to prepare an appropriate legal framework. It is divided into three levels of management:

  1. Local.
  2. Regional.
  3. Federal.

As for the term "Dual education", today there is no definition for it at the federal level. It can be used by NGOs and employers if there are regulatory legal acts of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation on conducting a regional experiment.

Based on the experience of the pilot regions, it can be seen that the general conditions for the organization of vocational education are determined by the regulations of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. Documents may have different names, but, as a rule, this is the "Regulations on dual education". The document may have other names:

  1. Regulations on monitoring the employment of graduates of educational programs using elements of dual training.
  2. Regulations on mentoring.
  3. Model agreement on the network form of implementation of the educational process
  4. Regulations on the organization of training in the workplace.
  5. Regulations on the Service for the Promotion of the Employment of Graduates Trained in the Dual System of Personnel Training.
  6. Standard student contract.

All the above names can be applied at the regional level. However, they will not be contrary to federal law.

Participants can work out the educational process in detail local regulations, the content of which will depend on the specifics of a particular educational program, taken as the main one in a particular professional educational organization. For example, these can be documents with the following titles and corresponding content:

  1. Regulations on the production exam.
  2. Regulations on industrial practice.
  3. Regulations on the moral and material encouragement of the best graduates, teachers, masters of industrial training.

Here are examples of statements written by some OOs.


"Belgorod Construction College"


Developed by: master of industrial training

Salabay Marina Anatolievna

Titova Lyubov Mikhailovna

Belgorod 2017

"Dual system of education, in institutions of secondary vocational education"

The main problem of educational institutions of the system of secondary vocational education today is the low percentage of employment of graduates in their specialty. The solution to this problem is the introduction of a dual training system. Let us find out the meaning of the term dual training. "Duality" means "two-unity, duality." Dual training, as the practice of the European education system shows, is a product of close interaction between educational institutions and employers for the successful professional and social adaptation of a future specialist. The trainee, already at the early stages of the learning process, is included in the production process as an employee of the enterprise, who, according to functional duties, manages the allocated resources, bears official responsibility, masters professional skills, and in certain cases receives a salary. The dual system of vocational training is rooted in the medieval guild activities of artisans. The future craftsman entered the workshop as an apprentice, his task was to observe the work of the master and reproduce his actions. After successful training, the student became an apprentice, but in order to work independently or open his own workshop, he had to pass an exam for a master, and this, in turn, required training from other masters. From the second half of the 19th century, with the development of industrial production, apprentices began to move to industrial enterprises, where a system of factory training was already taking shape. At the enterprises, training workshops began to open, in which training in the technology of the craft was carried out on a systematic basis. The dual form of vocational education is considered by scientists as an educational phenomenon successfully adapted to the conditions of a market economy. Instead of the tradition of training a student like himself by an individual master, the economy demanded a new form of training specialists based on the social partnership of enterprises and vocational schools. The analysis of pedagogical research on this issue allows us to state that in the modern system of vocational education, the practice of training personnel in Germany is especially relevant. Its origins are in the concept of a dual form as the main method of training and education of young workers in pre-war Germany, when education in an educational institution was combined with part-time employment in production. The gap between theory and reality is an age-old problem of vocational education. At different times, she decided in different ways. The dual system in the world has proven its effectiveness in this matter. In the recent Soviet past, professional cadres were forged according to a similar principle, and, I must say, the result was. The modern system of dual education being introduced in our country places hopes on closing the gap between theory and practice. The introduction of dual education in any educational institution is a process of complex preparation for the transition from the traditional form of education to the system of additional education. This transition is accompanied by a change in the self-awareness of society and its readiness to accept new norms established by the need and demand of modern society, ready for development and self-improvement. According to the UNESCO International Standard Education Qualification, the dual education system is organized educational programs for young people that combine part-time work and part-time education in the traditional school and university system. Dual training is a form of personnel training that combines theoretical training in an educational institution (30%-40% of training time) and practical training in a manufacturing enterprise (60%-70% of training time). The main principle of the dual training system is the equal responsibility of educational institutions and enterprises for the quality of training. The dual system is in the interests of all parties involved in it - enterprises and organizations, students, the state: For an enterprise, this is an opportunity to train personnel for itself, reduce the costs provided for the search and selection of employees, their retraining and adaptation. For students, this is the adaptation of graduates to real working conditions and a high probability of successful employment in their specialty after graduation. The state also wins if it effectively solves the problem of training qualified personnel for the entire economy. An analysis of literary sources on the problem of using dual education in foreign countries suggests that this system can be adapted to our realities: 1) it is necessary to ensure close integration between educational institutions and enterprises; 2) it is necessary to predict the need of enterprises for workers in order to know exactly who and how much is needed; 3) it is necessary to develop professional standards and build educational programs on their basis; 4) to ensure that the blocks of theory and practice alternate during the entire training (for example, a week of theory and immediately 2 weeks of practice); 5) it is obligatory to carry out vocational guidance work with schoolchildren so that their choice of a future profession is meaningful. Dual training is a network form based on the interaction of employers and SVE educational institutions. Dual training involves the combination of theoretical and practical training, in which in college the student must master the basics of professional activity (the theoretical part), and the practical part of the training takes place directly at the workplace: in schools, institutions of additional education of the city, preschool institutions. Dual training programs implemented at specific workplaces in educational institutions of the city under the guidance of school teachers-mentors, preschool teachers, include three main components: 1) educational, industrial (pedagogical) practice; 2) practical and laboratory classes; 3) extracurricular work (excursions, round tables, workshops). Purpose: to create a system for training qualified workers that meets the needs of employers in terms of the quality of qualifications and competencies and the number of graduates required by the economy to increase its competitiveness. Tasks: - the level of qualification of graduates = the expectations of employers, - increasing the investment attractiveness of the region, - attracting investments in the vocational education system. At the first stage of preparation for conducting dual education, the college develops legal and educational documentation on the system of dual education: - agreements on dual education of college students with preschool institutions of the city; - additionally, educational institutions are determined for conducting certain types of dual training; - dual education programs are being developed in the specialty Preschool education, the coordination of programs with preschool educational institutions is being prepared; - a curriculum for the specialty is being developed, which will be agreed with preschool educational institutions; - dual training schedules will be agreed with the basic educational institutions; - an action plan is drawn up to ensure the educational process as part of the implementation of dual training; - preparing for approval the Regulations "On the organization and conduct of dual education in college"; – student agreements on dual education are being prepared for conclusion. (2) At the second stage - the stage of implementation of dual training programs, according to the approved schedules, dual training of students of 2-4 courses will be carried out through practical training and various types of practice on the basis of the employer. Practice within the elements of dual training is organized according to professional modules. Upon completion of the type of practice, differentiated tests are carried out. Protection of practice results becomes an integral part of the exam (qualification). Social partners have the opportunity to participate in the assessment of the quality of training of specialists through participation in examinations (qualification) conducted on the studied modules, state final certification with the assignment of qualifications in the specialty. College students do internships at city enterprises, so employers already at this stage form an opinion about the knowledge and skills that college students receive in the process of theoretical training. At the same time, during the internship, students have the opportunity to get acquainted with the mode of operation of an enterprise or organization, with the conditions and economic opportunities of an enterprise. Teachers of special disciplines have the opportunity to undergo an internship at the enterprises of social partners (general educational institutions, preschool educational institutions), take part in master classes, seminars, professional skill competitions, thereby improving their level of qualification and mastering new technological capabilities and modern equipment. Thus, the transition to a dual education system: firstly, will significantly strengthen the practical component of the educational process, while maintaining the level of theoretical training that ensures the implementation of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards; secondly, it will help solve the problem of training specialists who are fully prepared for pedagogical activity; thirdly, it will increase the professional mobility and competitiveness of graduates in the labor market; fourthly, it will strengthen the relationship between educational institutions of general and vocational education. Thanks to the dual training system, there is the possibility of real training effectiveness to meet the specific needs of production. Thus, we get the opportunity to reach the unification of the interests of business, young people and the state - a completely new level of tripartite partnership.


1. Raven John. Competence in modern society. Identification, development and implementation.//M., 2002.

2. Tereshchenkova E. V. Dual system of education as a basis for training specialists // Scientific and methodological electronic journal "Concept". - 2014. - No. 4 (April). – P. 41–45. – URL:

3. Sherstneva N.V. Dual training is a promising system of training in TVE [Electronic resource]. URL: &view =article&id=1947:2013-04-25-15-19-19&catid=70:2012-04-18-07-08-22&Itemid=95

4. Issues of transition to dual education [Electronic resource]. URL:

Workshop: "The structure of the educational process with a dual model of learning"

Plan of the workshop:

The purpose of the practical lesson: discussion of topical issues on the introduction of elements of dual education and training of highly qualified, competitive specialists in the field of agriculture

I. Introduction (5 min)


    Filling in the reference sheet (first column)

II. Main part (1 hour 20 min)

    Conversation-lecture on the topic"The structure of the educational process in the dual

learning models” (10min)

    Group work (description of the benefits for participants in dual education: for enterprises, for the state and society, for the vocational education system) (15 min)

    Discussion of the benefits of dual education (mini-presentation of the group work) (6 min)

    Working in groups developing a sequence of actions for

introduction of a dual learning model (20 min)

    Drawing up a calendar schedule of the educational process in groups in the areas of training(17 min)

    Mini-presentation of the work of the groups (6 min)

III. Discussion of the results of the workshop (5 min)

Filling out questionnaires. (5 minutes)

Workshop progress:

Today, during our workshop, we ask you to fill out a questionnaire. At the beginning of our work, we suggest that you make entries in the first column of the questionnaire.

The process of training a qualified specialist has recently undergone significant changes.The system of secondary vocational education cannot develop today as a closed system. Schools, colleges and employers are links in the same chain. Employers are called upon to formulate requirements for both the quantity and quality of training of professional personnel, and educational institutions to meet these requirements.

The system of vocational education in the changed conditions of the country's socio-economic development is constantly being improved and requires new approaches to establishing interaction between the parties.

At present, the task of bringing the market of educational services in line with the needs of the labor market is becoming a priority.

In his report on the work of the Government, Vladimir Putin said "it is necessary to solve the basic task - to modernize the network of vocational education institutions, adjust it to the needs of the economy, giving the employers themselves the opportunity to directly participate in the management of vocational education."

It is possible to fulfill this task with the help of dual education - a new model that combines theoretical training and practical training in the workplace.

The situation of the modern market requires new methods of work of educational organizations and employers. Employers, as potential customers, should be actively involved in the process of forming the state order, determining professional competencies, participating in the student's professional training.

The term "Duality" means "Duality, duality."

The dual training model is understood as such a model in which the entire process of mastering a profession takes place in two educational institutions, that is, the practical (industrial) part - in a training enterprise, and the professional-theoretical - in an educational institution.

The dual education system is a product of a partnership between educational institutions and employers for the successful professional and social adaptation of a future specialist; it is based on the interaction of two legally independent areas within the framework of officially recognized professional education, carried out in accordance with the law.

Necessary system changes

Traditional learning

Aimless recruitment of applicants. Neither the quantity, nor the direction of training, nor, moreover, specialization for the workplace, is planned. All educational institutionsstrive, due to economic feasibility, to recruit as many students as possible, not paying attention to their personal qualities, abilities and needs of enterprises.

Minimum number of practical sessions. Places of internship have nothing to do with future employment.Mentorship in the enterprise is either completely absent or of very low quality.

Any planned or regularThere is no career advancement for college graduates.Much depends on the personal qualities of the graduate and the combination of circumstances.

Dual training

The student is enrolled in the 1st year, clearly understanding where he will work,practice during training is fully focused on the training and adaptation of the student in a particular workplacein a particular team (shift). The quality of training is very high.The student after graduation remains to work at the place of practice.

Each graduate who has completed vocational training has opportunities for professional and career growth.Main evaluation criteria– high quality of operations,mentorship, professional development.

Analysis of the state of implementation of dual learning

Responsibility of educational organizations

Development of the curriculum, schedule, work programs for UD and PM, practice programs

Creation of WCF

Development of the GIA program, organization of the GIA procedure

Coordination of interaction on the implementation of dual training

Development of regulatory documents for the organization of dual training

Registration of tripartite agreements (OO - student - enterprise)

Development of programs and training of mentors, training of employees of the enterprise at the workplace, in the MFTsPK

Updating the material and technical base

Enterprise Responsibility

Coordination of work programs for UD and PM, practice programs

Approval (approval) of the FOS

Coordination of the GIA program, participation of the representative of the employer in the GIA as chairmen and experts

Provision of practice places

Provision of jobs for the organization of internships for teachers of public education, masters of p / o

Group work

for enterprises

    personal training

    formation of personnelcapacity

    optimization of costs for the search, selection and adaptation of personnel

    increased inflowqualified personnel

for the state and society

    reduction in the unemployment rate amongyouth

    increasing the competitiveness of labor resources in the labor market

    improving the business and investment climate in the region

    training of qualified workers in demand by the real sector of the economy

    Improving the efficiency of the vocational education system and spending budget funds

Group work

Stage 1 - the establishment of contractual relations between the NGO and the enterprise:

    Creation of the Center for Continuing Agricultural Education

    Correlation of the Federal State Educational Standard and the requirements of the employer, fixed in professional standards and job descriptions - the allocation of additional competencies

    Making (at the level of thematic planning) changes in the content of programs

Stage 2 - distribution of the area of ​​responsibility for the implementation of dual training between the PA and the enterprise

    Drawing up a schedule for alternating theory and practice

    Coordination of the list of types of work that will be worked out at the enterprise

    Creation of a regulatory framework for the implementation of individual curricula for students studying according to the dual model

Stage 3 - designing the elements of the dual learning process

    Adjustment of the content of work programs towards practice-oriented

    Development of control and evaluation tools (content of tasks and evaluation criteria)

    Development of training programs for enterprise mentors and training

    Development of sets of educational and methodological support for work programs, taking into account the technology of dual training

Stage 4 - testing and adjustment

    Organization of the dual training process based on the developed set of documentation

    Identification of problems, prompt response

    Approbation of pedagogical technologies focused on effective learning

Now we suggest you work on drawing up a calendar schedule of the educational process. You are divided into groups according to the specialties of secondary vocational education. At what time of the academic year, in your opinion, it is advisable for students to undergo industrial training, taking into account the specifics of the specialty or profession.

Then, during the discussion, we will come to the optimal option.

(group work and defense)

At the end of the work, we ask you to complete the questionnaires and hand them over to us. Thank you.

Annex 1


Topic: "The structure of the educational process in a dual learning model"

I know (I use)

I found out

I want to know

I will use at work

Appendix 2

Benefits for participants of dual education

for enterprises

for the state and society

for the vocational education system

Appendix 3

The sequence of actions for the implementation of the dual learning model

Appendix 4

Calendar schedule of the educational process

by profession / specialty _______________________________________________________________

Assignment for an internship in Germany

1. Determine the topic (or direction of activity) that is relevant for you to improve the educational process: The tasks of a professional educational organization in the system of a practice-oriented (dual) model of education, "College 2020".

During the internship, select material on this topic (direction)

2. Select material for further use in the educational process, systematizing it in the form of the following table:

Observations (description of the technique seen, method, etc.)

Planned use

(in the organization of training sessions, in the creation of an educational environment ...)

The basis of education is not so much academic disciplines as ways of thinking and acting. The student is already at the training stage involved in the development of new technologies, adapted to the conditions of a specific production environment

To organize independent cognitive activity of students aimed at setting and solving specific educational tasks (cognitive, research, design, etc.). I plan to use a project approach to the organization of educational activities, when students acquire knowledge, skills, abilities and experience in the process of planning and performing gradually more complex practical tasks-projects

Practical presentation of training courses:

Training in economical driving of a tractor (fuel saving);

Increasing tractor tractive effort by using ballast and reducing tire pressure.

Practical vocational education in the field of:

crop production;

animal husbandry

Student education is organized according to the scheme - 20% theory and 80% practice

Organization of practices in real production conditions at existing enterprises of the agro-industrial complex. Bring the percentage of theory and practice to 30/70

Education - Advanced training

Vocational education at "recognized" training enterprises

Create a register of social partners. Organize patronage, tutoring, mentoring at partner enterprises. Form attestation and qualification commissions, pay students for the time of professional practice

The role of the teacher (coach) in the course of completing tasks is to properly orient and advise students, develop self-organization skills

Creating a positive psychological microclimate, stimulating students' confidence in their own abilities, independence and perseverance in solving the tasks

3. Determine the main activities for the implementation of the results of the internship:

Name of the event, its characteristics

Implementation period

Expected Result

To organize a project approach to the organization of educational activities, when students acquire knowledge, skills, abilities and experience in the process of planning and performing gradually more complex practical tasks-projects

September-October, 2016

Students independently organize cognitive activities aimed at setting and solving specific educational tasks (cognitive, research, design, etc.)

Bring the percentage of theory and practice to 30/70

2016-2017 academic year

Bring the percentage of theory and practice to 20% - theoretical training and 80% - production

Organize internships for engineering and teaching staff at the leading enterprises of the agro-industrial complex of the region

November-December, 2016

Passing an internship in the direction of training "Technology of meat and meat products" on the basis of the Yubileiny Agroholding

Create a register of social partners. Form attestation and qualification commissions for taking qualification/demonstration exams on the basis of enterprises

December-January, 2016

Acceptance of qualifying examinations with WSR elements only at enterprises included in the register of "recognized enterprises"

Create a positive psychological microclimate, stimulate / encourage students' confidence in their own abilities, independence and perseverance in solving tasks

2016-2017 academic year

The role of the teacher in the course of completing assignments is to properly orient and advise students, develop self-organization skills

Germany internship report

Dual education (Duales Studium) is a vocational training system that is widespread in Germany. Students under such a program simultaneously receive theoretical knowledge at an educational institution and practical knowledge at an employer. The training of students is organized according to the scheme - 20% theory and 80% practice.

All professions that can be learned under the dual education program are stipulated in German law. In 2016, there are three hundred and fifty such professions in Germany. Among them are a salesman, an electrician, a cook, an IT specialist, and a mechanic for heating and air conditioning systems.

The Duales Studium program usually lasts two or three years. 3-4 days a week the student works in a company with which he signed a contract, another 8-12 hours a week he studies at a vocational school (Berufsschule). At the end of the training, you need to pass the state exam, which, in case of failure, can be retaken two more times. Part of the educational program may take place abroad. All this time, the student receives a scholarship that allows him to pay for housing and food.

A trainee student cannot be forced to make coffee and run to the post office. The employer can give the trainee only tasks that are directly related to the profession he is studying. The undeniable advantages of this type of education are the acquisition of practical knowledge and experience from the very first months of training and a high chance after completing the training to find a job in the company that provided practical training.

The basis of vocational education today should be not so much academic disciplines as ways of thinking and acting. Therefore, the training of a future specialist will most effectively take place in the process of organizing an independent cognitive activity of a student, aimed at setting and solving specific educational tasks (cognitive, research, transformative, design, etc.). So, for example, the most progressive, but actually not used in the educational process, is the projective approach to organizing the learning activities of students. In the educational process, the project method is a learning technology, when students acquire knowledge, skills, experience in the process of planning and performing gradually more complex practical tasks-projects. When organizing projective activity, I proceed from the fact that a project is a small creative work, in stages - from an idea to its implementation, which has an objective or subjective novelty; in the process of working on the project, the student comprehends real processes, lives through specific situations. Projects can be either individual or done in groups. The main stages of projective activity are: organizational and preparatory, technological and final, at which the results are presented and the students' activities are monitored. The role of the teacher during the implementation of projects is the correct orientation and counseling. A prerequisite is the creation of a positive psychological microclimate, the stimulation of students' confidence in their own abilities, independence and perseverance in solving the tasks.