Essay on the topic "Why do I need knowledge of psychology"

psychology family child problem

Asking myself the question why do I need psychology, I thought.

After all, psychology has entered today into the flesh and blood of people, into life attitudes, mentality, into everyday life, speech activity of each of us. Our speech is saturated with psychological terms.

Psychology carries knowledge about the motives of people's behavior, about the internal, hidden life of a person, about motives for action, about his will and lack of will, about the ability to maintain his status, human dignity in the most adverse conditions, that which is the distinguishing feature of man. In search of answers to the basic questions of being, our predecessors left us not only mistakes and delusions, but also brilliant insights and discoveries. They left not only answers, but also many questions. Over time, answers were found to some of them, and there are no answers to others, just like two thousand years ago.

The very views on the subject of psychology - the soul - have repeatedly changed over the past centuries. Plato believed that the soul is an idea, it is constant, unchanging and immortal, that it exists outside the body and, uniting with it, animates dead matter. His student Aristotle taught that the soul is inherent in all living organisms, including plants. According to the Democrat, the soul is material, consists of atoms and is mortal. Psychological knowledge has become a necessary component of modern culture, and its importance will grow.

We live in an exceptionally stressful time. More and more people can't handle this stress. The number of neuropsychiatric diseases, criminals, alcoholics, drug addicts, divorces, catastrophes, suicides (including among children and adolescents!) is growing catastrophically. And those who manage to refrain from breakdowns "take the blow" in the form of cardiovascular diseases, chronic fatigue syndrome, insomnia and neuroses.

Our society is in dire need of a psychological culture of attitude towards oneself, towards others, towards work.

After all, what does psychological culture mean in relation to oneself and others? This means the ability of an individual to correctly realize and evaluate, first of all, himself, the surrounding society, the world. After all, if you know your psychological characteristics, it is easier to solve the problems that have arisen.

Often, psychological knowledge is deposited in us already at an unconscious level. Because some life experience we put it in our memory cells and already consciously use it in the future.

Life itself very often provides an opportunity to accumulate knowledge of psychology. We begin to understand ourselves, in people, in situations - and that is why we begin to read books on psychology, to think, to talk. We need this knowledge to build relationships with relatives, colleagues, friends, children. And it is also very important to be able to help in difficult situation at least the right word.

There are also a number of professions in which the basics of psychology are needed. These are the professions when there is direct communication with a person.

Just as often, psychological techniques help us to establish contact with a person. For example, using the technique when you “adjust your intonations, gestures” to the interlocutor for the most successful solution of the issue.

In family psychology, we need such knowledge and skills to be able to smooth out sharp corners, be able to compromise, in the end, just understand the words and actions of your partner.

Of course, we often begin to study child psychology when our children appear. We need this knowledge in order to understand why our child acted this way and not otherwise, why should he? The ability to understand his psychological age and the problems associated with education at a particular stage of his life. And when we have children, we begin to understand parents even more.

In communicating with people around you, you also need to be able to apply that knowledge, be able to emotionally “unload”, and not pour your “garbage bucket” full of negative emotions on the heads of those around you (often innocent) people.

Thus, we can sum up. We need psychology in order to know ourselves and maybe partly the world. We live at a time when we need this knowledge, because it is not in vain that they have been accumulated for us for many centuries. And this will help us in some way to “unload” ourselves and at least our loved ones.

The word "psychology" in modern times is pronounced more and more often. People begin to talk about the psychological characteristics and difficulties of others.

Sometimes they often do not even think about what is meant by the term "psychology"? More than 200 interpretations have been developed and formulated. Here we present only one, which quite fully reveals its essence.

So, psychology is a science aimed at studying the human soul.

Humanity has been interested in the psyche of the living since ancient times. This is a unique quality of living matter, governed by special laws. Knowing the soul of someone, you can understand his inner state and, at least, predict his behavior. At the same time, this opens up space for manipulation. The subject becomes the object of our influence. Therefore, it is a powerful tool in capable hands.

Along with evolution, psychological knowledge also improved. It became more precise, extensive and comprehensive. There were many schools that considered a person from one angle or another.

Self-confidence and the help of a psychologist

People have long noticed that the specificity and quality of a person's life is largely mediated by his attitude towards himself and the composition of his environment. It is rare that someone is brought up well, does not have a wonderful environment and a positive self-attitude.

However, if they are lucky in this, then in the future they choose for themselves a favorable line for the development of their destiny themselves. They successfully cope with the difficulties that arise, so they rarely turn to psychologists.

Yet most people ask about the following questions. How to establish contact with conflicting personalities? How to change your life for the better? How can you increase your value to others? What is the meaning of their own life? Why are others more successful?

Why does a person need psychology?

First of all, it helps him in understanding and knowing himself. In addition, it serves to comprehend the essence of the other and eliminate interpersonal problems. It helps to reveal the causes of personal contradictions, and find ways to resolve them.

A person armed with psychological knowledge becomes more observant and insightful. He is able to reveal the motives of people's behavior. He is ready to read another person like an open book in front of him.

Surprisingly, thanks to this information, you can even catch the thoughts of your interlocutor. He only thought, but it was already imprinted on his face in the form of the slightest mimic movements and gestures. This gives a huge advantage.

However, this does not mean that a psychologist, like a seer, will be able to set out all the details of the life of his partner in communication, just by looking at him.

Do not be afraid that the psychologist will reveal all your secrets and secrets. Ethical standards will not allow him to do this. His task is to create a trusting, non-judgmental atmosphere. Therefore, he will not judge you, so people feel a sense of ease in communicating with him.

Psychology can give us answers that we cannot find on our own. It allows you to reverse the course of the situation, to make changes in the life of not only a particular person, but also his loved ones.

Who can help?

A professional psychologist will certainly be able to help you resolve your problems. However, you should not count on the fact that only appealing to him is enough to deal with them. Willingness to contact a specialist is only half the battle.

He, having studied your situation, your features, specifics and resource opportunities, will offer possible options development of the existing contradiction. You still have to work: on your feelings, habitual ways of responding, and so on. You will have to correct your behavior, and this is not easy. Not everyone wants to go the way “from” and “to”, because they expected that the psychologist would do everything himself.

You should not think that a person who turns to a psychologist suffers from mental disorders or ailments. These problems lie in the area of ​​responsibility of the psychiatrist. Also, the psychologist does not use drugs in his work. He has slightly different methods and ways of fighting.

What is the help of a psychologist?

A true specialist with the help of diagnostic procedures is able to identify those barriers or behaviors that hinder the development of the client. It makes him aware of his own potential and resources. It gives man the opportunity to build for himself new world in which he will become the author and master of his own life.

So, the psychologist does not have a “magic wand” at the wave of which all problems go away by themselves. He gives you the tools to build your own happiness.

What makes a competent psychologist?

In many ways, his professionalism will be manifested as a result of the work done. Is your issue resolved? Great, you're in luck and you've come to the right place.

However, as already mentioned, this result largely depends on the readiness for changes on the part of the client himself. After all, he turned to a psychologist, because he could not cope on his own. Sometimes clients do not agree that in order to solve a problem, they also need to change and make efforts.

Although, to be fair, we note that the abundance of all kinds of certificates and regalia does not at all guarantee the competence of a specialist. At the same time, he should always have a clear idea of ​​how to get the client out of a problem situation.

If he offers him only to speak out in the form of psychological assistance and does not affect the ultimate goals of working with him, then you can safely look for another psychologist. After all, in the end, the psychologist seeks to change the life of his client in better side. If he has success in certain areas of life, then we can talk about the success and effectiveness of the specialist.

How is the training of future psychologists in universities?

The bulk of academic hours is devoted to acquaintance with the theories of psychology and the history of its formation. Practical skills in the walls educational institutions are almost never processed. Young professionals are encouraged to acquire them on their own through “trial and error”.

In addition, old methods of work are passed down from generation to generation. Psychologists begin to work on the basis of general recommendations, common recipes. The lack of progressive methods and procedures is evident. There is work on the template, which is not always effective.

In fairness, we note that these methods also accumulated gradually, step by step. As a result, those who did not get what they wanted are looking for solutions to problems in the church, with psychics, grandmothers or acquaintances.

However, everyone is free to choose the nature of assistance in resolving their problems. A psychologist, in spite of everything, is able to give effective means to deal with his difficulties and contradictions, unlike people with special abilities.

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If, as we wrote above, psychological knowledge can be obtained from everyday experience and from works of art, then why is it necessary to study psychology, and why are psychologists needed in institutions, enterprises, schools in the army, etc. The answer to this question depends on how, from what position you perceive the people around you and yourself.

Any modern enterprise or institution is primarily a social organization. People of various specialties, especially leaders of any rank, spend a significant part of their time communicating with people. There are people who tend to view others as a source of possible interference with their plans. In particular, at work, employees are one of the sources of production costs for them, clients and buyers are objects from which they need to "shake" as much money as possible, giving as little as possible in return, etc. Such people do not need serious psychological knowledge, although they may turn to books and even consultants in search of ways to manipulate other people. They can achieve relatively short-term successes, but, in the end, fail, not only in the business sphere, but also in the personal one.

Much more productive is the position in which a person is tuned to interact with others. People for him are the main resources in any business. Then naturally there is a need to learn more about them. If, when making a decision related to, say, a technique, a person usually would like to rely on fairly clear and reliable knowledge about the laws of its functioning, it is logical that knowledge of the same kind (albeit not so solid) turns out to be desirable in relation to human personality. Therefore, a scientific approach is being sought to describe the personality - this science, in fact, is called psychology.

Unlike, perhaps, some other sciences, a certain knowledge of psychology is necessary for anyone who feels a serious responsibility for himself, other people and his own business. Here it has similarities with medicine. Not everyone, say, is a surgeon at all, but it is highly desirable to be able to provide first aid to yourself or a friend. It is also important to understand what can happen to the inner world of yourself and others. In particular, not knowing one's weaknesses, it is very easy to fall into primitive traps set, sometimes by circumstances, and sometimes by people. Without knowing the characteristics of the personality of a friend or even a spouse, one can be trapped by his (her) behavior without any of his (her) desire. In addition, knowledge of personality traits allows you to more correctly choose a profession and find your place in the work team. Thus, the attitude to effective interaction with other people and with oneself on the basis of psychological knowledge can help to avoid many business and personal failures, which means it is one of the main conditions for psychological security.

Besides, in modern life, especially when managing people or complex technology, their own psychological qualities, such as attention, memory, sociability, motivation and decision-making features are not just personal data, but specific "tools" with which a person achieves his goals. That is why the old slogan "Know thyself" is for modern man- not a good wish of a philosopher, but a condition for personal and professional success.

Feeling the need for psychological knowledge, a person can turn to a professional psychologist, of which there are quite a lot now. good psychologist can help to understand many situations of a personal and business nature, can suggest something. His advice may be unexpected, or it may be very simple, but such that the person himself for some reason did not notice. A psychologist can help a person get rid of any qualities that interfere with him and acquire new, useful ones. But the psychologist is an assistant, and not a "universal problem solver." No psychology can cancel the need to think for yourself, to communicate with people, to make decisions and be responsible for them.

Knowledge of the basics of psychology, including social psychology, is important for every modern person to know himself.

Why do we need social psychology

Knowing yourself is very important, it will teach you to live in harmony with yourself. However, we all live in a society, and therefore, knowledge is also important in social psychology. This is a special section that studies in detail and purposefully the behavior of people within the boundaries of society, as well as special mental phenomena that arise in the process of contacts, interaction or conflicts in certain social groups. There are certain patterns in the behavior of people of certain social groups, the way they think and interact with each other. This is a kind of synthesis of two sciences - sociology and psychology. Social psychologists deal with both intrapersonal processes and relationships between individuals within the same or different social groups.

What is the role of this science

Social psychology is extremely important in modern society, the knowledge possessed by specialists in this field helps in resolving conflicts, difficult situations both within very small groups (families, employees of a small office), and quite global ones - interethnic, interracial. Also, the basics of social psychology help the leaders of large companies to effectively manage people, the leaders of states - to manage the population, and so on.

The groups that are being studied may have different composition and dimensions, but they must be combined by one common action for them. These can be family groups, work collectives, as well as larger associations - nationalities or nations, races. Within each of the groups there are special mechanisms and ways of interaction that psychologists study. This knowledge is then needed in solving various situations - optimizing work, resolving difficult situations, establishing new connections. Often, it is the intervention of specialists that helps in correcting difficult situations, finding the best solution and creating a comfortable environment within the group.

Why study psychology?

For myself. The study of psychology, firstly, is aimed at self-knowledge - self-knowledge, to understand one's hidden qualities, to clarify one's strange actions and emotions that are open to everyone. Secondly, to understand your inclinations, abilities, motives in order to live in accordance with them and finally enjoy everyday life. Thirdly, the study of psychology is useful in that it helps to be honest with oneself. And boldly answer the question Why am I ... and then you can substitute various endings, for example, ... upset, ... laughed (alone), ... angry, ... thoughtful, ... lazy, ... opened up, ... burst into tears, ... activated, ... cheered up, etc. .d etc.

Can it be done alone? It is possible, but very difficult and very time consuming. In a group of the same seekers of truth about oneself, it is much easier, more fun, more interesting and faster to do this.

And, the last, or maybe the penultimate, and the last you put yourself. Studying psychology gives confidence. Moreover, confidence is not external, most often temporary, which can be worked out at special trainings, although this often looks like self-confidence. You will gain inner confidence, which gives spontaneity in your behavior, thinking and expression of emotions.

For the family. Studying psychology is useful for improving family relationships. Studying psychology child development, you involuntarily remember your childhood, the behavior and emotions of children become clear, you get the opportunity to enjoy your childhood, because it is never too late to have a happy childhood, although sometimes it seems that it is not so, understanding child psychology you will understand that it just seems bad. By examining gender psychology, you will begin to understand the difference in the behavior and thinking of men and women. In the end, you become more tolerant of your loved ones. All tensions in family relationships are made up of misunderstanding, understatement, distrust of oneself and others. It can be scary to say something, to understand something, to trust yourself and others. And there is a lot of potential in this and just a lot of joy for family relationships.

For work. Work is a good thing and we spend a lot of time on it. And if you understand the simple truth that a person does not particularly want to work and is not created, then the attitude towards work must be changed. Studying psychology helps you understand your individual abilities and correlate them with the requirements of the workplace that you have taken. It is never too late to change something: either work or attitude towards it. Finding your place in this life is the sacred duty of every person.