Hello dear readers!

All parents can already be congratulated on the almost coming Day of Knowledge - September 1. That is, the happy time of the year for all the children of schoolchildren - the summer holidays, alas, is over.

Days loaded with lessons begin, and it seems not the time to write about entertainment, but there are still reasons to write an article.

Ahead of us is waiting academic year in which there will be entrance, holidays, and, unfortunately, sick days, and just the need for a break from schoolwork. After all, not just studying ... 😉 Therefore, it's time to think about what to do when the children are bored at home and what to do with the children at home.

I'll start with a general good advice, which I read in one of the psychological magazines, intended for "alarmed", always busy moms, unable to distribute their time between work, household chores and activities with a child and constantly feeling guilty from this.

How wisely it was said there - do not think that good mothers constantly and inseparably play with the child. No. You must know:

If during the day you give the child at least 15 to 30 minutes of your time, but devote it fully, to nothing else but the child, without being distracted, then this will be enough for the child to feel that his mother loves him.

Well, and do not forget in the remaining time to exchange a couple of phrases with the baby, drive for the mess in the room, and for the sweets eaten before dinner. Everything, as it should be for a real mother 🙂

After all, our task is not so much even to entertain the child, but to show him how many different activities there are, how interesting it is to do them, and what, in my opinion, is very important, to teach the child to do some part of the time on his own, and not to languish with boredom Or spend hours on the internet.

This list is suitable for activities with young and middle children. school age, but for younger and older children, he may well be suitable, although when compiling it I was guided by the question of what to do when children of 10 years old are bored at home, in particular, a girl who stays alone at home, because my daughter is just the same age) So,

1. Board games

They were the main attraction of this summer. I had no idea how much the board game industry has come a long way in recent years.

During the next purchase of books in the online store, I accidentally noticed what beautiful and varied games it offered. I approached the choice carefully, in which the Igroved online store helped me a lot, on the site of which you can not only buy games, but also watch videos with detailed information on how to play them.

As a result, we bought the board game "Carcassonne", which allows you to play together with your daughter and a larger company.

Among the variety of board games, you can choose a game that meets all your needs: the age of the child, his interests, the number of expected participants.

If you know that your family members at their leisure will be happy to “buy new lands”, trade on the stock exchanges, or make the longest words, then you can safely buy a game designed for a large number of participants. If only mother “loves” to play them, then there are games for two participants, and in some the child will be able to play on his own.

Pros: Board games are fun.

You can "officially" enjoy a child's game, I'm not talking about a child.

Cons: The biggest disadvantage is that board games are expensive.

You can get acquainted with Carcassonne and other board games in more detail in the article.

2. Puzzles

On the one hand, this is also a board game, on the other hand, it is so peculiar that I want to highlight it as a separate item.

Helping your child to pick up pieces of the picture will have a good time, but if you are busy, then the child can handle it on his own. Invite him to collect at least part of the picture, be sure to admire the result.

It is very good if there are puzzles of different levels of complexity at home: easy, collecting which the child will always feel like a superhero, and more difficult, as an option for “assembly” with the help of adults.

advice from personal experience- do not buy puzzles with a large number of pieces, 300 or more, which depict animals. The beautiful mane of a lion and the fluffy fur of cute dogs will give you a nervous tic in just 10 minutes of selection. Even the endless blue sky is somehow easier to collect.

Pros: Few activities compare to jigsaw puzzles in terms of benefits for fine motor skills.

In addition, they develop perseverance and spatial imagination.

"Easy" puzzles the child will be able to fold independently.

Cons: During the next cleaning of the apartment, you have a chance to periodically “enjoy” the characteristic sound of puzzles tapping in the pipe of the vacuum cleaner))

3. Reading books

There are two options: the child reads with pleasure; The child refuses to read.

Everything is clear with the first one, if you have a reader at home, then there will be time not only for homework, but also for your own hobbies, it is enough to periodically update the children's library.

Everything else is not so simple, there are methods for teaching a child to read, but you have to work hard to achieve a result. Well, being a parent is not only fun 😉

Pros: There is no point in listing them. In short - useful, interesting, accessible (libraries now have almost everything).

Cons: If the child loves to read, you will have to select books to force him to do his homework or go to the store.

If the child does not like to read, you will have to develop a strategy to attract him to reading. A good "initial" option would be books based on cartoons or "biography" of your favorite toy characters. We had one of them.

4. Checkers, chess, dominoes, backgammon, lotto.

Unfortunately, I can only play checkers, and also lotto :)), but if you are a master of all other types of games, then this is just wonderful.

Pros: Very, very useful and developing activity.

Cons: Since these are paired games, they are only suitable for activities with a child if you have a considerable amount of time to play with him.

5. Games with cards, solitaire, tricks

About eleven years ago, children and playing with cards were considered incompatible concepts, since such games were considered gambling. In principle, it is such now, but nevertheless, now passions have subsided, and against the backdrop of casinos and “one-armed bandits”, cards look like innocent entertainment.

Moreover, in addition to the games themselves, there are solitaire games from which you can find out if your wish will come true. And tricks that are always interesting.

Pros: Develop memory and attention.

Knowing a certain number of tricks, a child at leisure can “shine” in the company of his peers.

Cons: The child must be taught all the tricks and games you know, and if you forgot or did not know them, you will have to learn it yourself.

The cards have not had a very good reputation since Soviet times.

6. Educational activities - coloring, drawings, plasticine

A great job that doesn't require a lot of investment.

I myself loved to paint as a child, and my youngest daughter sculpts well from plasticine, and she manages to sculpt her products well, oh, very tiny. I wanted to show you my favorite “works of art”, but I hid it somewhere that I couldn’t find it, they are small 🙂

Therefore, I had to steal their “breakfast” from the table at the dolls - scrambled eggs, a sandwich and a cake 😉 To show the “grandness” of crafts, I put a small 11-cm salt bowl next to it.

Pros: Of course, develops creativity.

If you are busy, you can safely go about your business, your participation is not needed, all that is required of you is just to praise the end result.

Cons: You will have to teach your child to do everything carefully, and clean up after yourself after class, if you can do it, there will be no problems with developmental activities. (At first, our entire floor was covered in multi-colored sticky blots of plasticine, which my husband had to pick off from his socks 😉).

7. Useful games

How many there are now! No, there were a lot of them before, but thanks to moms and dads, inventors and the media that tell us about these inventions, they have become simply an unimaginable number. This point deserves a separate article.

As an example, I will cite Galina Kuzmina's blog "Merry Science". That's where the inexhaustible fantasy))

Pros: Just a lot. And interesting, and development, well, just comprehensive.

Cons: Happiness, if you are a born organizer and experimenter, if not, you will have to learn this, which, admittedly, is not easy.

8. Needlework

A wonderful activity, especially if mom or dad is fond of it, who can teach the child. And there are a lot of handmade options: knitting, embroidery, beading, weaving from newspapers, wood carving, batik ... and this is only a small part.

Pros: These skills will always come in handy.

Cons: You will have to spend a long and tedious briefing that the needles should always be in the needle case, the knitting needles in the covers, and the threads and pieces of fabric in special bags and boxes. And after a needlework session, find all this in different angles and put it in place.

9. Pen and paper games

These are games that are played most often during lessons, because this is the best time for sea battle and tic-tac-toe 😉 But playing them at home, you will also get a lot of fun, and the child will train well so that later, at school, beat your classmates.

Pros: Do not require any material investments.

Cons: I don't even know what...

10. Stickers

Oddly enough, but they can be singled out as a separate item as a full-fledged lesson.

It seems to me that the production of stickers is just on a large scale. Firstly, on sale you can find a sticker of any hero of any cartoon. During my daughter's passion for the Winx fairies, my eyes and head just rippled from all these Flores, Muses and Techn (names of fairies), made based on all 120 episodes.

Secondly, stickers can be very interesting in terms of texture: glitter, voids with balls, volume, and many more various chips are added to them.

So that the child does not try to “update” the furniture with the help of Spider-Man or Gummi Bears, buy him a common notebook in which he will glue his favorite characters.

Pros: The child, snoring from effort, will be busy for a long time.

Cons: There is a chance to find stickers that unobtrusively decorate your documents or household utensils :)).

11. Useful activities - putting things in order after the game, washing doll clothes, cooking, etc.

As a child, girls love to wash doll clothes, sweep the floor and help their mother knead the dough, and the boys are happy to spoil the nails by hammering them, and sawing the planks, and they will also help to sculpt pies for their mother with enthusiasm. Here, the main thing is to allow.

But I have never heard of any of the children like to clean up after the game 🙂

Pros: Excellent development of skills needed in the future.

Often, children can really help you, most importantly, entrust a feasible task.

Cons: Well, here you all perfectly imagine ... spilled water, scattered flour, everything is smeared and turned upside down, but you have to endure ... The efficiency is too high 😉

12. Watch TV. Computer games

All our efforts come down to ensuring that the child spends as little time as possible near the TV screen and computer monitor, but we can’t get away from progress.

The only thing is to teach the child to skillfully use these benefits of civilization. Moreover, the child must be aware of popular films, cartoons and computer games, otherwise it may turn out to be a situation similar to what happened with the son of Yulia Menshova, which I mentioned in the article “Children on the Internet. Harm and benefit.

In situations where mom is really busy, cartoons and computer games are a lifesaver. The main thing is to help the child make the right choice, but, among the huge number of options, this will not be difficult to do.

We have a Disney channel connected at home, which almost always justifies the expectations placed on it. But to convince the child that old, but such beautiful and meaningful cartoon fairy tales are also very interesting, I fail, alas ...

Pros: Properly selected programs will help you learn a lot of new and useful things.

With a reasonable and metered choice of programs and games, the child gets a lot of pleasure.

Minuses: Basically one - how to get the child out of there.

I have listed our favorite pastimes, I hope they will help you at least a little when looking for an answer to the question of what to do when the children are bored at home, and maybe you will also tell me what else you can do with the children at home :))

Often the state of boredom is due to routine and the lack of new sensations in life. Because there is nothing to do and it is boring at home, people toil and become discouraged. Many spending time alone, and tired of everyday life and transparency, are looking for a home of peace and inspiration. Whilst away their leisure time at home, they absolutely do not know what to do with themselves. But there are many ways to diversify your vacation and spend it with benefit.

So, what to do at home if there is nothing to do?
Try to take care of yourself: your physical and spiritual condition. Develop and improve in all areas: sports, dancing, yoga, cinema, literature, art, theater, languages, various sciences. You can choose for yourself what is close to you and enjoy your time. If you don't know what to do at home when you are bored, try searching the internet for various instructional videos that will interest you. Remember that at home you can learn almost everything. The main desire.

What to do if the kids are bored at home

Often, children in their free time from school have absolutely nothing to do with themselves and they get bored at home. In this case, you need to take it seriously. We need to find a way to diversify the child's home life, but not to burden him. Rest at home should be useful and interesting. After all, the way a child spends his free time, depends entirely on his mood, state of mind and health.

It is important to note that if the child is closed, taciturn and apathetic, the parents are to blame. It is necessary to spend more time with the child and be able to interest him. If your children are bored at home, try to spend more time with them, communicate more, do something new together.
So, what to do if the child is bored at home - a few tips:

  • If the child is bored at home, play with him. On the Internet you can find hundreds of different exciting games that will allow the child to show imagination, train memory and mind. Try board games where the whole family can participate. This method will help the whole family to become closer to each other and overcome boredom at home.
  • Creation. Find out what your child likes and try to make something interesting with him that will allow you to become even closer with him, as well as let his imagination run wild. You can open him some new types of creativity: knitting, sewing, cooking, drawing, appliqué, origami, quilling, there are many options!
  • Disguised games. Any kind of homework can be turned into a game. Game "Gardener", game "Cook", etc. Any kind of work should be interesting and exciting.

What to do when a boy is bored at home

What should a boy do when he is bored at home? After all, the attention of the boy is much more difficult to attract. It is good when a father can devote time to his child and interest him. A boy can be taught to repair some things or, conversely, to make them himself.

It is important not to forget that the boy must be taught to cope with any difficulties that may arise in everyday life: changing a light bulb, fixing some thing, the ability to use various tools and devices. If you approach this type of learning and work from a different point of view, arouse interest and curiosity in the child, then the boy will never be bored at home.

Of course, one should not forget about the various educational games that will train your child's memory and mental thinking. Try checkers, chess, lotto, dominoes or backgammon.
Instill in him a love not only for physical labor, but also for creativity. Let the child make crafts and show imagination, perhaps this will help him find his calling in life in the future.

What to do with a girl if she's bored - ideas

Many girls at the age of 10-12 do not know at all what to do at home when they are bored. This is the age when different tastes begin to appear and preferences begin to form. Boredom, inattention, lack of interest greatly affect the mood of girls. At this age, the soul is still very vulnerable, and inattention to the desire and mood of the child can bring trouble. While the girl is under your supervision, you need to interest her and make her want to return home as soon as possible.

A few ideas on what to do with a girl if she is bored at home:

  • Try to instill in the girl an interest in needlework. You can arouse the interest of a girl with the help of sewing. At this age, taste is formed, there is a desire to like and dress well. Let the girl learn to sew, craft, invent clothes. This will interest your child and give impetus to the further choice of profession.
  • The next way is cooking. The ability to cook will be interesting only if it is presented correctly. Remember that this is a recreation, a hobby, but not a way to fill and load her extra time. Try to bake something new with her every day, and then invite her friends and treat them. This idea is incredibly good because the girl will be able to show off her culinary skills in front of her friends and earn the attention of the guys. Isn't that the best compliment for a girl?

So what can you do if you are bored at home? Every time, coming home from work, people think about what to do and relax at the same time. Most of us prefer watching movies.
Depending on your mood, you can choose a suitable movie for yourself and enjoy watching it to your heart's content. Also, any vacation will be brightened up by pleasant music, the preparation of various delicacies that can saturate and delight you.

There are people who, having come home, prefer to while away their rest by reading fascinating books. Reading and plunging into the plot, they are distracted from everyday and monotonous days.
For some, the hobby at home is learning. Special video lessons, techniques, video trainings and courses help you develop and learn at home for free. It can be languages, cooking, art, sports - whatever. Internet resources make available any knowledge. The main thing is the presence of ideas and the desire to implement them.

Many make up a small sketch for themselves in the form of thoughts and future plans. A sort of list of ideas that will serve as a daily reminder.

Remember, if you are bored at home, you need to try your best to diversify your vacation! Pleasant and useful rest is the key to good mood, development and success.

What to do at home when bored with a friend

There are days when even a friend is not able to change our mood. And some meetings result in terrible boredom, irritability and detachment. So what to do at home when bored with a friend? Stay alone or together still find a suitable occupation? If spending time together can't change your boredom, wouldn't it be better to spend your holidays alone?

Many prefer unity in this case. When you are not dependent on anyone, you are on your own. There is an opportunity to do something for yourself: to be in silence, or turn on the music, relax, watch your favorite show, try on your outfits, take a bath, in the end - relax or just sleep. Therefore, if you are bored at home with a girlfriend, it is better to spend your leisure time in a way that is convenient for you - in silence and solitude!

What to do if you are bored with a guy

If you are bored at home with a guy, there are a huge number of all kinds of ideas on how to spend your vacation with pleasure. If you are fed up with a joint vacation, and you decide to stay at home alone, try to take care of yourself: take care of beauty.

Take a relaxing bath, do masks, manicure, peeling. So you can relax and look beautiful at the same time.
Turn on your favorite movie, make yourself delicious tea, create a warm and cozy atmosphere for yourself. Please yourself and give the opportunity to get the most out of your vacation. There are a lot of options for overcoming boredom, the main thing is to know exactly what you want and not spare your time for it.

What to do in the evening at home if you are bored alone

Many make up a small sketch for themselves in the form of thoughts and future plans. A sort of list of ideas that will serve as a daily reminder. Here are some tips for making the most of your time at home:

  1. Watching films. A good quality movie of various genres is a great way to immerse yourself in a fascinating story and, burrowing into a cozy blanket, enjoy watching a movie. If you are tired of movies, you can watch documentaries and performances, thereby enriching their knowledge.
  2. Cooking. Try to experiment with food, discover your culinary skills, thereby delighting your loved ones and improving your skills. Remember that cooking is also an art form that requires the manifestation of imagination and one's own capabilities.
  3. In your free time, you can take care of yourself, your body (for example, take a relaxing bath with oils, after turning on pleasant music).
  4. Meditation, yoga, sports are great ways to unwind if you're bored. Physical recreation even at home will be a great way to relax, take your time and have fun at the same time.
  5. Another great way to keep yourself busy is creativity: sewing, knitting, painting, head-made. There is no limit to the manifestation of imagination and creativity. This type of leisure is uplifting and takes time perfectly. If you have a craving for this, but do not have special skills, you can watch a lot of training videos.
  6. Literature. Reading books not only enriches, but also makes it possible to live each story with the hero and visit different world. Don't forget that each interesting book is an exciting journey.
  7. Dancing. You can easily learn to dance at home. Special video lessons will serve as a great opportunity to learn any kind of dance.
  8. Education and self-development. Develop: expand your knowledge in any of the sciences, learn languages, go to exhibitions and libraries, join the culture.

If you're bored, there are plenty of ways to overcome boredom. Remember that at home you can relax, spend time with benefits for the soul and body, and at the same time get a lot of pleasure.

Boring? Nothing to do at home? This state is familiar to many, and no matter how old a person is - 10, 20, 50. In no case should you leave things as they are. Psychologists say that boredom visits a person when the novelty of sensations has passed, and one does not want to do the usual things.

If the brain stops receiving new sensations, then this is fraught with a bad mood, depression. But keeping yourself busy is not a problem. This raises the question of what to do at home when bored? Any guy, girl and even a child should be able to properly organize their leisure time.

You can spend the day for a common lesson with a friend, together with a loved one. There are many ideas and ways to organize your leisure time at home, and at the same time relax and have fun.

What to do if the kids are bored at home

During the winter or autumn holidays, the child at home has nothing to do at all. Of course, if you do not give him unlimited access to the computer. Otherwise, cold and often inclement weather makes it impossible to take a walk outside, so you have to do something at home.

A girl or boy needs to be offered something interesting, new, non-standard, and only then will the child meet the offer with enthusiasm. Of course, in this case, help and guidance from adults is needed.

Various story games are suitable for the baby, you can play puppet theater together. Another interesting option is puzzles, logical games. In fact, finding common activities will be even interesting, and moreover, useful. At such moments, the family becomes one and the question of what to do when bored at home disappears on its own.

What to do when a boy is bored at home

It is not at all easy for a boy to sit at home, because his nature arranged in such a way that he needs constant movement. Attracting the attention of a restless little boy is not at all easy. What will the boy be interested in?

You can teach him how to make things. It is important for the boy to learn to cope with the difficulties that may stand in his way.

It will be useful for a boy to learn how to do homework so that there is no time to be bored. These skills are sure to come in handy. It is clear that the father should instill in the boy a love for such activities.

What can father and boy do together? Change light bulbs, repair some things, master appliances, equipment. The boy will definitely like the day off spent for a common lesson with his parents. He will definitely have an idea how to spend time even more interestingly.

There are many videos showing logic games of parents with boys and girls. We must not forget about traditional checkers, chess, lotto, dominoes, backgammon, monopoly and other exciting games.

They will help develop logical thinking, perseverance, desire to develop and reach the heights. It will be much easier for a boy to live if from childhood he learns to work, not only physically, but also mentally.

It is necessary to stimulate development, the desire to work. In childhood, a child is interested in tinkering, doing something with his own hands, and he will retain these skills for many years. It is clear that something will not come out the first time, but the wise advice of adults will help you find a solution.

The boy at home will not be bored if there is something to do, because everyday work will turn into entertainment.

What to do with a girl if ideas are boring

The girl at home does not have to be bored, she will always find something to do. A favorite hobby appears at a fairly early age, over time it is replaced by another hobby. It's good when adults stir up girls' interest in learning new things and fighting idleness, so they will never be bored at home.

We offer you to get acquainted with the most exciting activities:

1. scrapbooking now popular with adults and children. If one of the family members is engaged in scrapbooking, then there is always something to give for the holiday. It won't be boring for sure!

2. Decoupage- an equally interesting way to spend time without leaving the room. Making interesting decorations, decorating different surfaces is never boring.

3. Gymnastics, fitness. Outdoor activities for girls after 10 years of age will not only help pass the time at any time of the year, whether it be summer or winter, but will also help you become more confident.

The girl will be interested logical games, Reading books. Needlework in most cases becomes the main hobby, as the girl is interested in creating something with her own hands.

Embroidery, knitting, working with paper, modeling from a special mass - there are a lot of such activities. If a girl likes something, then she can try to recreate it herself.

In stores, you can buy whole sets that will help the girl learn new crafts.

It turned out to be a free evening, and a young guy or girl does not know how to spend it at home without being bored. If there is no way to go outside, then a person will definitely find what to do at home. Occupy yourself with watching TV, movies - not the most The best way fight against idleness.

What to do at home when bored with a friend

You can invite friends to visit - it will always be fun with a friend. What can a guy and a girl do at home with a friend? Together you can move mountains, the main thing is that both sides want to do something together.

A guy and a girl, when planning their leisure time with a girlfriend, can be guided by the following advice:

The activity must be age appropriate. How old are you? This is the first question you need to ask yourself. If the grandmother wants to knit, then the guy or girl will better turn on the music;

Together it will be more interesting to do something non-standard. Do something with your friend that you haven't done before;

It is necessary to take seriously the choice of entertainment with a girlfriend.

With a friend, you can look at photos, look through magazines, look interesting video. A girl and a friend can do each other's hairstyles, unusual makeup, sew, knit, have fun.

A boyfriend and girlfriend can spend time playing a computer game or learning something new.

What to do if you are bored with a guy

If a girl stayed at home with a guy and they had nothing to do, it suddenly became boring. This should not be a reason for sadness and grief. In the evening, of course, you can play chess or checkers, watch a movie.

A guy and a girl get to know each other better, learn to support, help, learn something new. And no matter how old the guys are, their joint work will only unite them. A guy and a girl can do a lot of things at home together and they will not be bored.

What to do in the evening at home if you are bored alone

What to do if there is no one else and you have to amuse yourself? It is necessary to be distracted from sad thoughts. The most wrong decision is a computer. A girl can give herself to her hobby, in the same way, a guy can take up his favorite pastime. A girl can take care of herself, for example, make a mask, hairstyle.

Hello friends! Becoming parents has changed our lives. And today I will tell you how beautiful she has become. And all thanks to the fact that we want to make the life of our kids better, we want to teach them everything useful, develop their abilities and discover talents. Do you know where it all starts? From what we think what to do when kids are bored at home. Of course, you can find an easy, but not productive way - slip a cartoon on your baby or quickly figure out which of your friends to take him to. But don't rush! Today we will talk about another opportunity that can transform our life, and the life of the crumbs.

Understand correctly, I am not against cartoons, I myself love and respect them for the fact that sometimes they give me:

  • A moment of calm, while the little one looks at them with enthusiasm;
  • And the opportunity to visually teach a lesson. Some cartoons raise and discuss very correct topics. And I pick up the baton and continue the lesson with my baby.

At the same time, if possible, I try to actively spend time with the child. I think that childhood is short, and there is so much to give to kids, so much to tell and teach. And at the same time, childhood is one in life, and therefore forcing a little one to do something is definitely not an option. And then, as if the case turned up: the little one is bored, he does not know things to do. Hooray! So, he himself will willingly agree to "have fun"! What do I mean by fun in this context? This is where I will stop.


The development of the crumbs suggests that we will expand his horizons. How can this be done unobtrusively and interestingly for everyone:

  • If you set goals. Or rather, to interest them.
  • Try to bring the little one to the circle.
  • Think outside the box. You have everything to keep your little one busy. You may like some of my ideas.


How do you usually interest yourself? Perhaps endless repetitions of the word “must” help you? Or are you completely shrugging off your desires? Or maybe you need a kick? You know, you can hurt yourself with all this. And what about the baby? He certainly will not be delighted with the goal imposed on him. Therefore, when choosing a task for a child, consider 2 points:

  1. His age and interests.
  2. Will YOU be able to keep the little one interested in this goal?

Let's say your child 12 years. He is old enough that when he gets bored, just take him by the hand and take him to the playground to other kids. Do you know what excites him, and how you can captivate him? Perhaps he is “sick” with the stars and loves to look at the sky, are you ready to study the starry sky map with him in the morning and why and how the stars shine, so that in the evening, armed with this knowledge, to study the stars with your own eyes? Can you buy a tube or a telescope, take it to an observatory, find a circle of young astronomers in your city?

You need a push to get interested. And it is possible that not alone, but for some time you need to be with the baby, live by his interest, help him.


Sometimes it’s not even the circle itself that matters to the kid, but the fact that he sees other children there, their interesting crafts, hears beautiful music. Choosing a circle is not an easy task, we have already talked about it. I’m just focusing on the fact that the circle is not only your choice, but also a little one, and a necessity. Now I will explain:

Yours - this is most often a standard unreasonable set: musician, artist, dance, sports, English.

crumbs- the one where his friends go, where he himself is interested.

Need - it is necessary not only to expand one's horizons, but also to invest basic knowledge that will be needed in study, life, career. For example, a child who 10 years already well versed in the computer world. If this industry is interesting to him, then it will not be superfluous to introduce him to programming languages.

But you need to think about each skill, spend the energy and attention of the child very carefully. He will be able to acquire some skills in the future himself. These skills will not distinguish him from the crowd, give him value. For example, English classes do not add weight to a person, this is a primitive skill, it can be learned at any age in a month, and the further, the easier, because a person is more motivated. 300 million Americans know English, and none of them is given any weight. That is, it can be removed to the background.

He will never need some skills, but they will give a person great weight, significance in life, they will stand out from the crowd and influence decision-making. This, for example, is receiving a musical education - mastering complex musical instruments (piano, cello, grand piano). But not the button accordion, not the guitar, not the saxophone, because they are already "hackneyed".

Instruments should be less poppy and not over-the-top losers from transitions. It is unlikely that you want the child, passing through the transition, to associate himself with these people. This scenario should be impossible for him. For example, no one plays the piano in the passage.

In the future, music education, mastery of difficult musical instrument will always distinguish it in any society. If he finds himself in a society with people high level, then they are unlikely to be surprised by the knowledge of English. And even vice versa, if they find out that you are proud of such a skill, this will most likely lower you in the eyes of others. But if they find out that you have a complex skill, such as gymnastics, playing the piano, in extreme cases, the knowledge of a specific language, such as Chinese (but do not forget that billions of Chinese speak this language and among them this skill may not be so valuable), then it will highlight and will always pull the child in the crowd.

This will help him resist the opinion of the crowd and the temptations to which she succumbs. "If it's normal for the crowd, it doesn't mean it's normal for me: alcohol, indecent behavior, swearing." All these thoughts will be imperceptible to a person, he simply will not know why some nasty things do not stick to him, why he is disgusted when someone spits on the street. This is culture.

I also want to highlight several areas that not only increase the value of a person and weight, but are also extremely promising in terms of income.

Modern directions:

  1. Soroban (mental arithmetic) where the little one will learn to think and count in a new way (by the way, from the age of 4, children begin to add and subtract up to 100 using this method, see the video below). It's not just unusual to be able to add and subtract 10-20 numbers in a row like a calculator, it's a powerful brain trainer. Our brain is like muscles: if it is not given daily work, it becomes decrepit, becomes lazy, the command “think!” does not recognize. But if there is a load, the gray cells grow in the literal sense of the word.
    Scientists describe this process as follows: new synapses are formed between neurons, the cerebral cortex becomes thicker and more sinuous, new capillaries grow into the substance of the brain, axons conduct nerve signals faster, functional connections between individual brain structures become more complicated.
  2. 3d modeling- this is both technology and crafts together, which can be more exciting. Even more attractive and promising 3D modeling in computer programs. After all, soon virtual reality glasses will become available to everyone, and who will be able to simulate the virtual world? In the future, there will be several professions: a programmer and an operator, and many branches - a designer, an artist, and all this will be closely related to the computer. Just imagine how promising this is. Even if the child grows up to be an architect or designer, imagine he can make a virtual model of all the furniture or the future home, give the client glasses and the client will walk around his new home. And definitely, a designer with such skills will more easily get an expensive client than one who shows simple pictures. This is not a fact, there are already such glasses, there are already programs that allow you to simulate virtual objects in real time - augmented reality. What about a 3d printer? It costs like a regular laser home printer, but it allows you to print everything that you draw in the program, even robot parts, quadcopter parts, toys that come to mind.
  3. Animation. What kid doesn't love cartoons, imagine his delight when he can learn how to make them himself. And the one who knows how to make animation can do anything - videos for YouTube, commercials, games, presentations, seminars. You can take any lessons and animate them. These lessons are hundreds of times more effective, more convenient. These skills that you will receive open the way to the world of 3D modeling. You become such a god for yourself, who can create worlds, planets, animals, people, premises, necessary situations.

These were long-term ways to get rid of boredom. But what to do when is the baby bored now? How exactly at this moment will it be useful to occupy and cheer him up?

Short term relief from boredom

Ideas. This issue has already been covered a little in previous articles. Remember, we also had experiments with water. But you can develop in any direction, and by preparing goodies, and the baby will perceive all this as fun and he will be interested. Yes, even simple games at home are also an option! See

What else can be offered:

  1. create your own photobook
  2. try your hand at writing your own book,
  3. learn to draw,
  4. do research on the map and reference books of new countries.

Believe me, all this is exciting for both you and the little ones to discover a lot!

You know, I think you also have a lot of your own ideas. Let's collect them here in a great collection! And, if suddenly, such a moment of boredom comes, you will know where to quickly find a clue! Therefore, write in the comments your thoughts, share your experience. And do not forget to subscribe to new articles so as not to miss anything necessary and useful. And remember, all this is not only for you, but also for your friends. Therefore, tell them about our site, we will gladly accept them in our friendly team.

That's all. Bye Bye!

Hello everyone from Artem Bukanov and Sasha Bogdanova.

Today we asked ourselves the question: in fact, each of the people, no, no, and even misses, and this happens far more than once or twice in a lifetime. And absolutely everyone at this moment asks the question: what can you do at home when you're bored?

Therefore, you should resolve this situation and stock up on a hundred ways to dispel boredom. Only children on vacation do not get bored, but for us, adults, this is nowhere to be found.

So let's take a look...

Immediately, looking ahead, I want to download that some of these methods will be effective, some will be voiced for the sake of a joke, some will suit everyone, regardless of gender and age, others - a certain category of people. But first things first…

Banal remedies for blues

What can you do when you are bored at home - a lot of people ask this question, but, oddly enough, many of them most often remain in a dull state, doing nothing to change their mood.

But this is not our case! Your attention is presented to options that can be used by everyone and in most common cases:

  • to watch a movie
  • delicious food
  • surfing the internet looking for something interesting
  • get stuck on social networks (today almost anyone can do this)
  • chat with an interesting person
  • make a new acquaintance (you won't get bored together)
  • look out the window (if you have any suitable view from it)
  • remember loved ones
  • collect your thoughts (maybe there are unfinished business)
  • make a to-do list (if you have any and you decide to get rid of them)
  • plan the necessary purchases
  • gaze at the stars (preferably at night)
  • admire the sky (this is already possible at any time of the day and in any weather)
  • fall asleep (in general, all advice - advice)
  • make yourself tea / coffee (not a fact that will dispel boredom, but it will distract you a little and, perhaps, lead to interesting thoughts over a cup of hot drink)
  • read your horoscope
  • listen to music
  • take a bath
  • play computer games (a thing, of course, is interesting and addictive, but not everyone will take up this / not everyone will do it)
  • sit by the fireplace (this is not the sky, and not everyone has it)
  • cook something tasty and unusual
  • go in for sports (for an amateur)
  • invite friends (which will be discussed later)

Company Options

I must say right away that it is highly desirable to try the following points in a company, because they imply that you invited someone to visit in advance or visited someone yourself.

So let's go… things to do with friends:

  • board games
  • fool around (although you can do it alone)
  • pass the interesting tests(you can also do this alone, but in the company it is much more fun, so you will immediately forget about boredom)
  • start an interesting argument (I emphasize: INTERESTING, and not the path to a scuffle; we still live in a civilized society, right ?!)

What to do for girls?

In this part, I, perhaps, will offer options (although, of course, a girl in my place would offer them much more) for girls. Things to do alone or with a friend when you get bored:

  • gossip (unfortunately many girls like it :/)
  • chat on the phone
  • take care of yourself (for a week there are things to do, perhaps, girls, after all 🙂)
  • turn around in front of the mirror
  • rummage in the closet

  • get a loved one (preferably your man)
  • run away from him
  • be offended that I caught up
  • run away again
  • Take a selfie and post it on social media. networks (or even more than one)
  • think why bored
  • tell everyone you're bored
  • wait…
  • understand that real friends are few
  • ...or none
  • …at your place
  • understand that you have you
  • stop killing yourself
  • rethink what to do
  • no, having children out of boredom is thoughtlessly

Time to rave!

Now we will not talk about that delirium when you are sick, but when you already start to suffer nonsense from boredom. Which of the crazy thoughts we have as a result:

  • "play schizophrenia"
  • knock the neighbors on the wall (and wait for someone to knock you ... on the head)
  • invent your own universe
  • listen to the clock (a la degradation in full swing)
  • set silence

  • let out an evil laugh
  • shut your mouth with your hand
  • grin evilly
  • look back
  • laugh out loud again
  • repeat until tired
  • to be sad again
  • don't forget to conquer the world

For natures extraordinary

In this section, I stuffed advice for people of intellectual, creative, refined natures, clean people and all the rest who do not sit on the priest evenly. Here's what happened:

  • read a book
  • start drawing something
  • play a musical instrument
  • take up embroidery
  • modeling
  • dance
  • think about something important to you
  • fantasize (dream)

  • make plans for the future
  • clean up the house
  • read the news
  • watch science shows
  • tidy up the room
  • clean your shoes
  • wash the dishes (in case there is anything)
  • arrange clothes
  • think about your life
  • read about other countries
  • get an encyclopedia (they always have something interesting for any age)
  • think big
  • reflect on the essence of life
  • pray (but what? And this has a place among believers)
  • start doing something
  • do needlework
  • rehearse something
  • origami
  • do a general cleaning
  • sing
  • rearrange the room

A treasure trove of long-term prospects

Finally, I would like to name a few things that are aimed at creating long-term activities with a certain result in the future.

I won’t say that it will cheer you up, but it will definitely bring considerable benefits. It is very suitable for those who are often bored, but do not mind using their time in the most productive way:

  • include an interesting series (the only "not very useful", but long-term among these items)
  • look for a new hobby
  • take care of your education
  • have a dream (which will later become a goal)
  • set a goal for yourself (provided that you start moving towards it)
  • take up writing
  • start journaling (not to be confused with writing)
  • consider changing activities (if you feel like you're not doing your job)
  • look for a new source of income (never be superfluous)
  • make a piggy bank ()

Well, something like this. Do not exact if some of the methods were too delusional. However, I would like to know your options in the comments.

And we - Sasha and Artem - say goodbye to you not for long. See you soon!