What's more, according to the Cornerstone State of Workplace Productivity Report, about two-thirds of workers reported being overwhelmed with work, and 84% believe that the number of cases is only increasing every year.

In light of this, you probably want to find some know-how on the Internet to increase your own efficiency. Here are 10 things you can do in 10 minutes to increase your productivity.

10 things you can learn in 10 minutes

Artem Franich

1. Pomodoro Technique

Time management is very important for productivity. I have found that using the Pomodoro technique (and the app of the same name) is very effective. The point is to divide your daily tasks into 25-minute intervals. This allows you to focus on the important things. ( Syed Balkhi, OptinMonster).

2. Improve your average

Spend 5 minutes learning about psychologist Stan Beecham's "elite minds" philosophy and another 5 minutes improving your average productivity. Usually we are trying to increase our best results, while working with averages can greatly affect your productivity in general. ( Douglas Hutchings, Picasolar).

3. How to plan ahead

This is what I learned recently. Weekly planning and making a list of tasks for the whole week (and their solution) helps me to pay enough attention to my affairs, because it is so easy to get distracted when someone constantly needs something from you. This technique allows me to constantly monitor the implementation of my obligations. ( Corey Blake, Round Table Companies).

4. How to Meditate

Within 10 minutes, you can easily learn a meditation technique that you will use for the rest of your life. Meditation helps to calm the mind, relieve stress and bring clarity to thoughts. My productivity increases whenever I meditate and drops when I get out of my work rhythm. Watch the video on YouTube or read the instructions quickly on the blog. Meditation is easy. ( Andrew Thomas, SkyBell Video Doorbell).

5. Memory techniques

If you imagine the brain in the form of folders with files, then you will understand that it is impossible to forget anything. If you forgot something, you either did not save it, or hid the information somewhere far away, from where it is difficult to get it. Concentration and returning to your previous thoughts helps to retain memories. Focus and test yourself on the ability to remember. Return to thoughts by writing them down on paper and then erasing them with an eraser. ( Cody McLain, SupportNinja).

6. How to triple your reading speed

I read at least one book a week while driving, and my commute to work is very short. How to do it? Applications that play audiobooks allow you to scroll through them two to three times faster than usual. In just 10 minutes, the brain adapts to this speed. ( Jesse Lear, V.I.P. Waste Services, LLC).

7. How to take responsibility

Photo: Carsten Koall/Stringer/Getty Images.

Often people make up excuses for themselves instead of taking responsibility for work not done, a project budget misjudgment, or an accident that happened. If you learn to take responsibility, doing business will be much easier. It is much easier to solve a problem without trying to find its cause. Take responsibility and move on. ( Drew Gurley, Redbird Advisors).

8. How to reorganize tasks into important and very important

Making a to-do list seems to be necessary. Over time, however, their number will become so large that the execution of each individual task will be difficult. Of course, you can delegate, but it is much more efficient to divide tasks into very important (they need to be done right now) and important (they can be done at any other time). (

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We are constantly learning something - at school, college, at work ... It is a pity that not all knowledge comes in handy later. I wish I could learn something useful and quickly, for example, in 10 minutes, and apply it to my joy for the rest of my life. website talk about these skills.

1. Use "hot keys"

There are many keyboard shortcuts that you can use to quickly perform the same actions. They are used when working with windows, in text editors. in browsers, etc. Fortunately, we do not need to remember 350 combinations to quickly type and send text to print. About 10-15 is enough, but even they can make life easier. Select the ones you use the most (this will take about 5 minutes), and then try them out and memorize them (another 5 minutes). If memory fails, you can set the hotkey scheme as wallpaper on your desktop.

2. Master "advanced" search engine

Formulate the query correctly, and the search engine will quickly give you the exact answer. Operator commands that help refine queries are different for each search engine. If you prefer to "google" - Google search operators will help you, if you support a domestic manufacturer - get acquainted with Yandex operators. It will take at least 10 minutes to highlight the main thing in the list and remember it. And then it's a matter of practice.

3. Learn to quickly figure out the translation of words without leaving the web page

An extension for the Google Chrome browser - Google Dictionary will help to do this. Thesaurus is useful to anyone who studies English language or works on the Internet with English sources: click on an unfamiliar word, and you will see not only its transcript and transcription, but also a translation into your language. If a basic knowledge English you have, then using the built-in Google Dictionary will be faster, more convenient and much more useful than the Google Translate function (in which translation into Russian often turns out to be crooked). A similar feature is also available in the Firefox browser.

4. Master a couple of quick memorization techniques

The ability to hold large amounts of data in memory makes life easier not only for students before exams, but also for those of us who have already graduated. Knowing how to use, you can easily learn foreign language, buy in the supermarket all the products from the list that you did not take with you, and do not call your new friend Misha Vasya. There are several technicians, choose the one that will work for you.

5. Use a fire extinguisher

They hang wherever prescribed by safety regulations. They can save lives and property. But how many of us really know how to use them? Spend 10 minutes carefully reading or watching video, remember - and become a more useful member of society.

6. Properly pack things in a suitcase

We all travel from time to time. Once you have learned correctly (read: carefully, compactly, quickly, with minimal damage to things), you will consider this activity as pleasant entertainment, not a headache, for the rest of your life.

7. Measure anything with your own body

What to do if you urgently need to measure something, but there is no ruler or tape measure at hand? Wait for help or hope for an eye. But you can prepare for such a situation in advance by taking several measurements and remembering the resulting values. "Useful" units of measurement can be:

  • the maximum distance between the tips of the thumb and little finger;
  • the length of the foot from the tip of the thumb to the heel;
  • the distance between the tips of the thumb and forefinger;
  • the maximum distance between the tips of the index and middle fingers.

8. Tell the time without a clock

Think there is no clock! Let's look at the smartphone screen. But what if you find yourself in a situation of a complete "digital detox", but at the same time you are late for a date? It is not difficult to remember ways to determine the time without a clock, and there are a ton of benefits!

9. Remember the basic rules of table etiquette

If you often attend corporate receptions or just meet friends in cafe-restaurants, then knowledge of modern ones will come in handy. These include:

  • proper absorption skills various kinds food;
  • knowledge of the basics of serving;
  • table manners.

Or go "from the opposite" - find out about the main mistakes at the table and do not make them.

10. Learn to fall asleep quickly

Most of us know this sad feeling: it's time to sleep, you want to sleep, but you can't fall asleep. We offer a few simple "tricks" that will help:

  • try not to fall asleep
    Keep your eyes wide open, mentally repeat "I won't sleep." Our brain does not perceive the NOT particle well, so it will begin to execute the command.
  • remember the events of the day
    Scrolling in my head the smallest details(preferably in reverse order), you will clear your head of worries and obsessive thoughts.
  • roll your eyes
    Close your eyes and follow them rotational movements 3 to 5 times. Similar eye movements are made when we sleep. Simulating sleep will help release melatonin, the sleep hormone.
  • just fantasize
    Imagine yourself in a comfortable, pleasant, beautiful place (for example, in a tropical paradise) - do not forget about smells, sounds, touches. Soon you will relax and fall asleep.
  • use

Ask the children to vacate the class at recess, air it well, turn on one of Mozart's pieces, and invite students a few minutes before the start of the lesson. You will be surprised how well this technique helps to create the right atmosphere for learning. It has been proven that under the influence of Mozart's music mental capacity rises whether the listener likes it or not.

Listening to this music activates the work of almost the entire cerebral cortex, in particular, areas that are involved in motor coordination, spatial thinking, the visual process and higher processes of consciousness. As a result, thought processes are stimulated and memory improves. Whether or not your students improve, you are guaranteed to draw attention to your subject and your lessons!

Most of today's children are visuals. Judge for yourself how much time they spend in front of TV screens, computers, phones and tablets? It turns out that having entered the classroom and being forced to leave all these means of modern communication and entertainment, students instantly lose interest in life, thinking only about the moment when they can again return to their beloved Youtube, Vkontakte, Viber and Instagram. Try to trick their thinking a little.

Start the lesson with a video, music video, short film, or TV clip that relates to the topic of the lesson, and then ask questions or write them on the board ahead of time. You can also record a video address to your students (let the laboratory assistant or any other teacher or high school student turn it on, and you will enter after it ends). General surprise and interest will be guaranteed. This approach will help to focus the attention of students on the topic under study and better learn the material.

From time to time change the arrangement of desks in the classroom. The trick is that a lot of things children quickly get bored. Agree, over time, the school for students becomes something familiar and ordinary, children already know a lot about the local routine, rules and classroom environment, so they enter a certain comfort zone and become lazier. Shake 'em up! Move the desks so that they stand in pairs on one day, in groups of 3-4 on the next, in a circle on the third, and so on. You can easily involve the students themselves in this, so as not to do it on their own (the boys will only be happy with such activity).

You can also associate your permutations with a specific class activity. Thus, the students will involuntarily think about what their teacher has prepared for them this time, and this will contribute to a deeper involvement of the children in the work process and the formation of interest in the subject. Do not be too lazy to do such a trick and you will see how, at first glance, a completely non-standard solution can help you unlock the educational potential of your students.

Like the previous one, this tip also applies to “shaking”. Pupils know very well that after the call and the call to sit down at their desks, a command will follow to get textbooks, notebooks and write down “number, class work” in them. Surprise them! Offer to put all class supplies in their briefcases and leave a clean desk in front of you. The children's curiosity will increase and they will wait with interest to see what will happen next. And then you can start the lesson with a controversial statement related to the topic of the lesson. This will make the children dive deeply into the topic being studied.

Good luck in all your endeavors, good mood and energy for new achievements, dear colleagues!

Word to you:

In your opinion, is it really possible to set up silence and efficiency in the first 5 minutes of the lesson?

Master Class. Making a ladybug


  1. Develop practical paper handling skills.
  2. Develop fine motor skills and creativity of students.
  3. Cultivate respect for nature.


  1. Create conditions for the formation of interest in educational activities.
  2. Practice doing basic mental functions: analysis, synthesis, generalization.
  3. Develop horizons, artistic taste
  4. To consolidate knowledge of safety precautions when working with scissors and glue

Master class progress


That cow doesn't moo

No horns. hooves, tail

Doesn't give us milk

Lives under the leaves.

In black dots, a red cape is worn by a beetle. Guard plants.

Deftly fights with harmful aphids. this one is ... (ladybug)

To make ladybugs you need: colored paper (red and green), scissors, glue, black markers, templates.

Before starting work, let's remember the safety precautions when working with scissors and glue:

Rules safe work with scissors

  • Keep order in your workplace.
  • Before work, check the condition of the tools.
  • Do not work with loose scissors.
  • Work only with a serviceable tool: well-adjusted and sharpened scissors.
  • Work with scissors only at your workplace.
  • Watch the movement of the blades as you work.
  • Put the scissors with rings towards you.
  • Feed the scissors rings forward.
  • Don't leave scissors open.
  • Store your scissors in their sheath with the blades down.
  • Don't play with scissors, don't bring scissors to your face.
  • Use your scissors properly.

Rules for safe work with glue

When working with glue, use a brush if necessary.

  • Take the amount of glue that is required to complete the work at this stage.
  • Remove excess glue with a soft cloth or napkin, gently pressing it.
  • Wash your brush and hands well with soap and water after work.

Step 1: Bend a square of red paper diagonally.

Step 2: Turn over the part and bend diagonally on the other side.

Step 3: Fold a triangle out of the square, bending the sides of the square inward. This is the basic origami model - a triangle.

Step 4: Bend the resulting part in half, marking the middle, draw the base of the beetle on one side, cut it out.

Step 5: Circle with a pencil and cut out the second part

We have got such a preparation.

Step 6: We take the patterns of the details of the ladybug and glue

But why did this interesting bug get such a name? Listen, this is interesting. From time immemorial, kind and harmless people have been called "God's". That is how this bug seemed to be kind and harmless to a person. Why a cow? Yes, because the poisonous liquid that the bug emits in case of danger was called "milk". And so it turned out "ladybug". Some mistakenly believe that how many dots on a ladybug, so much for her and her years. This is not true. The dots do not indicate age, but what species the cow belongs to: two dots - two-dot, five dots - five-dot, seven dots - seven-dot.

Ministry of General and vocational education Sverdlovsk region State budgetary professional educational institution of the Sverdlovsk region "Kamyshlov Pedagogical College" COLLECTION OF MASTER - CLASSES "LEARN IN 5 MINUTES" Kamyshlov, 2017

Collection of master classes "Teach in 5 minutes" on the methodology of teaching productive activities. Author - compiler: Fateeva P.O., 3rd year student of the specialty 44.02.02 "Teaching in primary school" GBPOU SO "Kamyshlov Pedagogical College". Supervisor: Bolotova E.Yu., teacher of GBPOU SO "Kamyshlov Pedagogical College". The collection will be useful to students of pedagogical specialties, teachers, preschool educators. The collection includes master classes that can be completed in an average of 5 minutes. It includes a table of contents, an explanatory note, 5 sections (master classes using paper and cardboard; master classes using plastic materials; master classes using artistic graphic materials; master classes using waste and natural materials; master class using fabric ), Bibliography. 2

Table of contents Explanatory note ............................................................... ................................................. ................................4 SECTION 1. Master classes using paper and cardboard .................................. .........................5 "Ballerina snowflakes".................................. ................................................. ................................................. ...................5 "Bookmark bunny"....................... ................................................. ................................................. ....................5 SECTION 2. Master classes using plastic materials.................................. .................7 "Snail"............................. ................................................. ................................................. .................................7 "Keith"............ ................................................. ................................................. ....................... .................................................. 8 SECTION 3. Master classes using artistic and graphic materials ... .9 "Owl" .............................................. ................................................. ................................................. .......................9 "Bloat Butterfly" ............................... ................................................. ................................................. .......................10 SECTION 4. Master classes using waste and natural materials .............................. .10 "Penguin" .............................................. ................................................. ................................................. ...............10 "Pistachio tree"............................. ................................................. ................................................. .........11 SECTION 5. Master class and using fabric (threads) .................................. ......................... 12 "Fish"............................................. ................................................. ................................................. ..................................12 List of references .............................................. ................................................. ............13 3

Explanatory note One of the effective forms of disseminating one's own pedagogical experience is a master class. This concept is widely used in many areas of human activity, including education. Often in the pedagogical community, a master class is understood as public lesson, event, presentation of teacher's achievements. In the pedagogical literature, there are several dozen definitions of the concept of "master class". A master class is a special form of a training session, which is based on the “practical” actions of showing and demonstrating a creative solution to a specific cognitive and problematic pedagogical task. The difference between a master class and the usual form of a training session is that a student participating in a particular master class is able to learn something new from professionals, gain a lot of useful and interesting information. Often, such master classes are held by experts in their field. Participants of the master classes will be able to reveal their creative abilities, communicate with professionals and get new ideas for inspiration. four

SECTION 1. Master classes using paper and cardboard. “Ballerina snowflakes” Purpose: development of paper design skills and the ability to make a silhouette composition. Tasks:  development of paper handling skills;  development of compositional silhouette thinking;  development of accuracy;  development of artistic taste and creative abilities. Equipment: ballerina patterns, paper (white), scissors, thread or fishing line. We are snowflakes, we are fluffs, We are not averse to spinning. We are snowflakes, ballerinas, We dance day and night. Work progress: 1. Cut out a square with a side of 20 cm. 2. Bend the square in half and bend again. 3. Bend diagonally. 4. Cut out the snowflake and unfold it. 5. We make an incision into which we insert the ballerina. 6. Snowflakeballerina is ready. "Bookmark Bunny" Purpose: Making bookmarks with your own hands. Tasks:  teach how to make bookmarks from paper; 5

 develop interest in artistic creativity;  develop fine motor skills of hands, eye, fantasy, aesthetic taste;   develop independence, accuracy in work. improve application skills and abilities; Equipment: scissors, colored paper, glue stick, black felt-tip pen, landscape sheet. I am a beautiful bookmark. You need me to keep order. In vain do not flip through the pages - Where is the bookmark, read there! Progress of work: 1. Gently fold the album sheet in half and cut it. 2. We bend the right corner, forming an angle on the left. 3. We cut off the excess, we got a triangle folded in half. 4. We place it at an angle up. Raise the right and left edges to the top corner. 5. Returned to its original position. 6. Bent the top corner. 7. Since the upper corner is double, we lower one sheet down, and raise the side corner up. 8. Bend along the line. 9. We fill it inside. 10. We do the same with the right corner. 11. Corner in the background, also fill inward. 12. From the second piece of the album sheet, we cut out the ears folded in half. 13. Glue the ears together and cut out the inside of the ears from pink paper. 14. We glue. 15. Glue the ears to the head from the back. 16. Cut out eyes from blue and black paper and glue them together. 17. Glue the teeth, nose and draw the antennae. 6

SECTION 2. Master classes using plastic materials. Equipment: plasticine, ballpoint pen, plastic knife. Progress of work: "Snail" 1. Let's prepare blocks of plasticine in three shades you like. We decided to create an original snail in bright and contrasting colors. We will use hot pink and lilac plasticine to sculpt the shell, and orange to create the body and horns. First of all, you need to create the body of the snail. We roll a ball with a diameter of orange plasticine. 2. We roll it with our palms into a thick sausage. Let's make one of its ends a little thinner. 3. Flatten the sides of the workpiece with your fingers to form thin edges. The base of the snail is ready. 7

4. Now let's start creating the shell. In order for us to get a beautiful marble pattern on the shell, we need to put together two pieces of plasticine of different shades, in our case hot pink and purple. We roll the resulting mass into a ball. After we create a long sausage from it. We begin to twist it from a thin tip. 5. Attach the shell in the middle of the body. 6. Bend the tip up. Give it a rounded shape with your fingers. 7. Using a skewer, we give smooth bends to the thin edges of the base. 8. Prepare a thin sausage from orange plasticine. We bend it in half, and then attach it to the head of the snail. We twist their ends a little. 9. Now we need a ballpoint pen to create the texture. We take out the paste, and then with a metal tip we press the texture on the body of the snail. Equipment: plasticine, stack and knife, brush, toothpick. Progress of work: "Whale" 1. From blue and blue plasticine we create a beautiful mass with a marble effect for sculpting the base of the whale. Carefully knead the pieces of the mass. In the process of mixing the two shades, light, barely noticeable stains will begin to appear in the mass. Then we roll the plasticine into a ball. 2. We begin to roll out the ball, giving it a teardrop shape. Gradually we form such a blank from a drop. The head of the whale should be more massive than the base of the tail. 3. From flat cakes we fashion the tail of the animal. We attach it to the thin tip of the base. 4. Draw the contour of the abdomen with a toothpick. From white plasticine we create a thin cake and stick it on the lower part of the body. Stretch the cake with your fingers to the intended contour line. 5. With a knife or a stack, we cut the line of the mouth. 6. For the eyes we create recesses. Glue small black balls or beads inside. 7. At the junction of two shades, not far from the line of the mouth, we fix the lateral fins. eight

8. We decorate the base of the tail and fins with small cakes of dark blue and white. We also complement the tiny black eyes with highlights. 9. We draw the lower part of the whale with a stack. 10. At the top of the head is a hole through which the whale releases a fountain of water after rising from the depths. We will depict this process on a craft. We form thin sausages from white plasticine and connect them together. We twist the upper tips of the sausages and straighten them in different directions. We have a mini-fountain. 11. Then we create a recess at the top of the craft and fix the fountain in it. SECTION 3. Master - classes using art - graphic materials. Equipment: a simple pencil, a sheet of paper. Workflow: "Owl" 1. Draw small circles so that your owl has eyes. Between the eyes, draw two lines that should diverge in different directions. 2. Close the ends of these lines by drawing them around the eyes. 3. Draw the body of an owl, for this use a semi-oval circle, it should resemble the appearance of a chicken egg. 4. At the bottom of the owl, draw two straight lines, the owl will stand on them. Behind them draw a semicircle, this will be the owl's tail. 5. Next draw the owl's beak using the shape of a small rhombus, place the rhombus in the center between the eyes. 6. On both sides of the owl's body, draw the wings, pointed at the corners down. After that, draw the legs of an owl in the figure, three narrow ovals. 7. Now draw the owl feathers with strokes. And color using a brown pencil or felt-tip pen. 9

"Blot Butterfly" Equipment: landscape sheet, glass of water, flat brush, watercolor. Work progress: 1. First, fold the landscape sheet in half, pressing along the fold line. 2. We unfold the sheet and on one half we begin to draw a butterfly. In black color we draw a half of the head and torso. 3. We outline the outline of the wings in lilac. 4. Next, we will work with strokes. We apply several strokes of one color, another ... We paint the wings of a butterfly. 5. Wet the brush with plenty of water and blur the pattern. 6. Fold the sheet in half. We press it with our hand so that the drawing is well printed. Turn the sheet over and press again with your hand. Let the paint soak into the sheet for about a minute. 7. Expand the sheet. Butterfly is almost ready. Let's draw her mustache. SECTION 4. Master classes using waste and natural materials. Purpose: development of creative abilities, logical thinking, fine motor skills, "Penguin" artistic taste. ten

Tasks:  teach how to make various crafts from hand-made materials and use them for game situations;  develop constructive thinking and ingenuity;  to instill perseverance in achieving the goal;  train attention, memory, coordination of movements, imagination. Equipment: cardboard plate, glue, black gouache, orange, black, white cardboard. Progress of work: 1. We take a cardboard plate and paint over its reverse side with black gouache. 2. While the paint dries, cut out the beak and paws for the penguin from orange cardboard, make eyes from white and black cardboard. 3. Next, take a dried plate and bend one edge, like this. 4. Then we bend the other side of the plate. 5. Bend the resulting corner down and glue it. 6. Next, glue the eyes, beak and paws. Equipment: twigs (some straight and one tree-like), Pistachio Tree pistachios (shell), plasticine, ribbon and artificial grass (optional). Progress: 11

SECTION 5. Master class and using fabric (threads). Equipment: cardboard, scissors, colored threads, glue. Progress of work: "Fish" 1. Cut out a fish template from cardboard. 2. Wrap with threads. 3. Glue the eyes on top. 12

References  http://pedkopilka.ru/blogs/ekaterinaaleksandrovnagulkova/masterklassnezhinki balerinkiilivgorodprishlazima.html  https://masterclassy.ru/podelki/podelkiizbumagi/14445zakladkaizbumagizayka masterklasssfoto.html  http://onwomen.ru/ulitkaizplastilina.html  https://infourok.ru/masterklasspingvinizbrosovogomateriala1158577.html  http://www.liveinternet.ru/users/5138868/post290584251  http://moreidey.ru/02/igrushkakotoruyumozhetsdelatrebeno.html 13