The work of a teacher in developing a program of an academic discipline (UD) of the main professional educational program (OPEP) begins with an analysis of the Federal State Educational Standards of the secondary vocational education and the curriculum (CU) in the specialty.

1.1. In the course of working with the Federal State Educational Standards, it is necessary:

To study the requirements for the results of mastering the discipline (“be able”, “know”);

To study the requirements for the results of mastering those professional modules

(“have practical experience”, “be able”, “know”), professional competencies

(PC) which are indicated as guidelines in the study of this discipline;

Make a comparative analysis of the requirements for the results of mastering the discipline and the professional module in order to concretize and detail the results of studying the discipline.

This work will allow to include in the content of the discipline the necessary material that will be required when mastering the module and will be directed to the formation of a PC.

Note: professional and general competencies (PC and OK) for each discipline are separately indicated in the Federal State Educational Standard of SVE in Table 3 "Structure of the main professional educational program of secondary vocational education of basic training" in the column "Codes of formed competencies".

Attention! The content of the discipline is required to include only those topics, laboratory work and / or practical exercises that are necessary to achieve

the results of mastering the discipline specified in the Federal State Educational Standards (in the Federal State Educational Standards of the SVE, the results are “to be able”, “to know” are given in table 3 for each discipline separately).

1.2. Curriculum Analysis allow to study

  • list, volumes, sequence of study (by courses) of disciplines, professional modules,

  • types of training sessions,

  • stages of educational and production practices,

  • amount of time (in hours) for laboratory and practical classes,

  • course design (if available),

  • types of state (final) certification.
Curriculum content analysis shows:

The sequence of studying disciplines, based on interdisciplinary connections;

The study of which disciplines precedes the study of the module;

The study of what disciplines can be carried out in parallel with the module.



The title page of the work program is drawn up in strict accordance with the template established in the college (Appendix 1


3.1. Specification of professional competencies, skills, knowledge

The GEF SPO for each discipline contains a list of skills and knowledge (see column

“Names of cycles, sections, modules, requirements for knowledge, skills, practical experience” in the Federal State Educational Standard), OK and PC are listed (see the column “Codes of formed competencies” in the Federal State Educational Standard). It is impossible to change the PC and OK specified in the Federal State Educational Standard for the discipline.

It is important to understand that for disciplines for which PCs are not indicated as reference points in the FSES SVE in Table 3, it is necessary for software developers to independently

choose a PC for the development of which your discipline will prepare. (The list of PCs is given in the Federal State Educational Standard in section V "REQUIREMENTS FOR THE RESULTS OF MASTERING THE BASIC PROFESSIONAL EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM"). Remember that disciplines should prepare students for the subsequent development of the PC in professional modules, i.e. the content of the discipline must be built in such a way that topics and / or laboratory (practical) work are focused on the PC, but do not form them.

The purpose of the disciplines is to prepare for the development of the PC!

When concretizing the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards of SPO to the results of studying the discipline

it is necessary to fill in the table, which is a mandatory annex to the working

UD program.

necessary for the proper development of the UD program.

This table will determine:

  • content and type of training sessions;

  • name of laboratory work and / or practical exercises,

  • the need for the necessary equipment for their implementation (tentatively),

  • the topics of classes necessary for the formation of the knowledge listed in the Federal State Educational Standard, and to avoid the inclusion of "extra" topics in the content of the discipline and, as a result, duplication of topics with the content of professional modules.
If the discipline and the professional module have the same or very similar elements of the learning outcomes (“be able”, “know”), then it is necessary to think over the topics in such a way that there is no duplication of material. If there are laboratory and / or practical works focused on consolidating knowledge (i.e. those that do not form skills), the topics of these works must be reflected in the “List of topics” column.

If your discipline does not have hours for laboratory work and / or practical classes, then it is necessary to choose active forms of conducting classes, for example, a lesson-seminar, a business game, a lesson-presentation, a conference, etc., for the formation of skills, i.e. . types that will allow students to develop skills.

From the name of the work it should be clear what skill it forms. However, some skills are labor-intensive in execution technology. In such cases, the skill is formed by elements, on several practical jobs. Detailing the skill into elements is carried out:

  • by types of impacts;

  • by type of work or by system

  • on other features of the work performance technology.
The volume of one work, as a rule, should not exceed 2 academic hours.

If in your discipline in the column "Codes of formed competencies" not single PCs from different types of professional activities (VPA) (section V of the Federal State Educational Standard) are listed, but all PCs related to one VPA, then instead of PC in the application "Concretization of the results of the study discipline") indicates the name of the type of professional activity.

Attention! In the course of studying academic disciplines, professional competencies are not formed! The purpose of the academic discipline is to prepare students for mastering a PC within the framework of professional modules.

Table 3.1.


PC on this VPD

Be able to:


List of topics:


student work

PCn - …….. (the name of the competence is indicated according to the list in the column “Codes

formed competencies” GEF)

Or the name of the VPD, if the column "Codes of formed competencies" contains all

PC on this VPD

Be able to:

Topics of laboratory / practical work (indicate the specific name of laboratory and / or practical work that forms skills and is aimed at preparing for mastering the PC in


List of topics:

(indicate the names of the didactic units of knowledge that are necessary for the formation of skills and are aimed at preparing for mastering the PC in the PM)


student work

Subject of independent work:

formulate through activity)

Attention! The completed table is a mandatory application to the work program of the academic discipline.

The sequence of filling the table:

  • from the text of the Federal State Educational Standard, professional competencies are written out (successively) into the table (from the column "Codes of Competences to be Formed" of the Federal State Educational Standard), in accordance with each specific competency, the lines "To be able", "Know" and then "Independent work of the student" are filled in

  • The compiler of the program must independently correlate the skills and knowledge listed in the Federal State Educational Standard with the corresponding PC or VPD. One PC can include one or more components of skills, knowledge, which are focused on its formation.

  • The requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards for learning outcomes (including the types of professional activities being mastered, competencies, practical experience, skills and knowledge) are mandatory and cannot be changed. You can add “your own” if you have hours for variable training.
Please note that situations may arise when skills and / or knowledge will be repeated in different PCs.

In this case, the content of the columns “Subjects of laboratory / practical work”, “List of topics” should differ by PC, because each PC is an independent professional function in a specific type of professional activity

The content of students' independent work must be formulated through activities. The subject of independent work should reflect the type and content of the student's activity, have a variable and differentiated character, take into account the specifics of the specialty, the content of the discipline. The formulation of independent work should be clearly understood by the student. These formulations will then go into section 2.2 of the work program and, with subsequent planning, into the calendar-thematic plan (CTP) of the discipline.

For reference:

Independent work is carried out by the student on the instructions of the teacher, but without his direct participation.

Independent work can be carried out individually or in groups of students, depending on the purpose, volume, specific topic of independent work, the level of complexity, the level of students' skills.

The wording of independent work should determine the topic and type of activity (describe what the student should do on this topic), be clearly understood by teachers, students, parents, and administration. Everything that does not intersect in topics with classroom work, but without which the discipline cannot be fully studied, is the student's independent work. Independent work is not included in the teacher's workload.

  • practical work

  • selection of the optimal solution

  • analysis of the pedagogical situation

  • solution of situational pedagogical problems

  • preparation for business games and participation in them;

  • preparation of abstracts, reports;

  • research educational work;

  • reading the original text;

  • additional literature;

  • drawing up a text plan;

  • cataloging

  • making a list;

  • graphic representation of the text structure;

  • registration of educational and methodological documentation (or its fragment

  • . search on the Internet and registration of the given information within the framework of the studied discipline;

  • note-taking

  • work with dictionaries and reference books;

  • work with regulatory documents;

  • drawing up tables to systematize educational material;

  • text analysis (annotation, reviewing, summarizing, content analysis, etc.);

  • compiling a bibliography,

  • crosswords;

  • testing;

  • solution of variable tasks and exercises;

  • preparation for projects, etc.
Note: At the discretion of the teacher, part of the practical work can be taken out as independent work.

Pay attention! Information about the content, forms and methods of control, indicators and criteria for evaluating independent work must be provided to students at the very beginning of studying the discipline.

Important! For the qualitative development of the content of the UD, it is necessary to consult with the developers of professional modules when creating the application "Concretization of the results of mastering the discipline". Only in close relationship between the developers of PM and UD will a good level of creation of a working program be guaranteed.

Based on this table, the content of the UD program is formed (Table 2.2 of the work program of the discipline). The sequence of filling in the table must be necessarily from skills to knowledge.

3.2. Concretization of technologies for the formation of OK

Among the educational results defined by the Federal State Educational Standards, general competencies (OC) are named, which are understood as “universal methods of activity common to all (most) professions and specialties, aimed at solving professional and labor problems and being a condition for the integration of a graduate into social and labor relations in the job market".

Federal State Educational Standards define OK as the end results of students' mastering the OPOP.

At the same time, OK is defined as the results of mastering academic disciplines (see the column "Codes of formed competencies"), and in such a way that the same OK can be the result of students mastering each of a dozen or more other UD and PM.

When concretizing the results of mastering the discipline in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, it is necessary to think over the forms and / or technologies for conducting training sessions, options for competence-oriented tasks of independent work, which will be aimed at the formation of OK at the stage of studying a particular discipline. To specify the technologies for the formation of OK, it is necessary to fill in the table given in Appendix 2.

The importance of this work is related to the fact that the standards clearly indicate that the formation of general competencies occurs within all structural units of the OBEP, which means that within any professional module or academic discipline, their formative assessment (point or binary) should be carried out ( credited / not credited)).

In this case, formative assessment acts as an intermediate type of assessment of the formation of OK in students.

Formative this type of assessment is called because the assessment is focused on a particular student, designed to identify gaps in the development of OK. Formative assessment is necessary in order to diagnose how the learning process is going on at the initial and intermediate, and not just the final stage, and - if the data turn out to be unsatisfactory - on the basis of the information received, make the necessary changes to improve the quality of learning activities (learning). It, in fact, acts as a feedback mechanism that ensures the continuity of the process of improving the quality of education.

In order to assess the level of mastery of the OC upon the fact of evaluating the results of studying the discipline, it is necessary to think over the technologies for their formation at the stage of developing the work program. The mark will be set on the basis of the totality of students' performance of competence-oriented tasks (including tasks of independent work) for each of the sections of the program of the academic discipline.

Since general competencies are generalized methods of activity, mastering them is a long-term and complex process and is provided to one degree or another by all elements (LE and PM, including practice) of the OBEP, then the summative assessment of general competencies will be carried out at the final stage of training.

WORK PROGRAM OF THE DISCIPLINE is filled in in strict accordance with the program template

New approaches to the assessment of professional and general competencies of students were developed during the experiment at the Technological College No. 14 in Moscow

Passions for the Unified State Examination have not yet subsided, there has not yet been an unambiguous attitude in society towards this innovation, and the education system is already facing new tasks - the transition to training in the new third-generation Federal State Educational Standards.

What does the transition to new educational standards mean? How do the Federal State Educational Standards differ from the old educational standards, and what tasks do professional colleges face in this regard?

The subject (discipline) was a structural element of the old educational standards. A structural element of the third generation educational standards based on competencies is the educational area, presented in the form of professional modules designed to master specific types of professional activities. In turn, the structural elements of professional modules are professional and general competencies, the totality of which in any type of professional activity is considered as integral quality indicator its development.

Thus, at present, the attitude towards learning outcomes and, accordingly, to the forms and methods of their assessment is changing radically. If before the assessment of learning outcomes was reduced to assessing the level of knowledge, skills and abilities, then in accordance with the new educational standards, the assessment of the results of mastering the type of professional activity (VPA) is complex, integrative: the formation of both professional and general competencies is assessed. General competencies are of a trans-professional nature and are expressed through such personal qualities as independence, the ability to make responsible decisions, constantly learn and update knowledge, think flexibly and systematically, carry out communicative actions, engage in dialogue, receive and transmit information in various ways. The assessment of the formation of these qualities is reflected in the assessment indicators and, accordingly, in the tasks developed on the basis of these indicators. When developing tasks, it was applied product approach, when the result of a completed task is a finished product or service. The tasks are designed in such a way that the assessment of the formation of competencies is carried out in stages in accordance with the logic of the professional tasks performed and in accordance with the developed assessment criteria, which are reflected in the assessment sheets.

Since the assessment should be comprehensive, integrative, the college developed a methodology for determining assessment indicators, which allows them to be divided into various forms of control: current, intermediate and final. This was done in order to avoid duplication both in the forms and in the evaluation methods for the different stages of control. The most relevant in modular competence-based learning were identified forms assessment of the formation of professional and general competencies: exam (oral, written, practical, etc.), portfolio defense, attestation, project defense (individual, group), final qualifying work (WQR), business game. And in accordance with the selected forms were determined methods, the most appropriate for the tasks of a comprehensive assessment of the formation of professional and general competencies: these are expert observation, expert assessment, interview (interviewing), questioning, testing, presentation.

In the 2010-2011 academic year at the Technological College No. 14 in Moscow, in the course of an experiment on the implementation of professional module programs on the basis of the Faculty of Restaurant Business, approaches were developed to assess the formation of professional and general competencies. The experiment showed that the assessment should be done in stages.

In our opinion, the first stage is very important - accompanying evaluation. It provides monitoring of the stage-by-stage formation of professional (PC) and general (OK) competencies in the process of theoretical training, educational and industrial practice and is carried out both by a mentor (tutor) and by the student himself (self-assessment).

For this stage, a fund of evaluation tools for monitoring the development of knowledge, skills, and practical experience that are included in the PC of the mastered VPD is being developed. The types of tasks for current control are compiled in such a way that they meet not only the tasks of forming professional competencies, taking into account the principle of individualization of training (of varying degrees of complexity), but are also aimed at the gradual development of personally significant qualities.

At the same stage, great importance is given to the formation of skills to produce self-assessment and assessment of the work performed by colleagues in training pairs, small groups.

Great importance is attached to keeping a diary of achievements, which the student receives at the beginning of training. It contains all the groups of skills that must be mastered. Therefore, from the first day of training, students, seeing the entire scope of the required skills, can independently or with the help of master mentors and teachers build an optimal sequence for mastering them. In addition, the diary allows you to monitor the formation of competencies throughout the entire period of study and identify difficulties in the early stages, when it is easy for the student to carry out the correction process.

Second phase - interim assessment the formation of professional and general competencies - takes the form of an exam or a test at the end of the development of the program of each MDT. This type of assessment is carried out, in our case, in two stages: testing allows you to quickly and accurately assess the assimilation of the entire amount of knowledge included in the PC of this interdisciplinary course, the second stage - modeling of professional activity - allows you to assess the degree of formation of practical skills. This type of control is carried out before entering the production practice, and the tasks are practice-oriented and show the degree of readiness of the student to perform tasks in production, directly at the workplace.

At the third stage, the final grade the formation of PC and OK during the qualification exam (EC), which is of a complex nature, including the simultaneous assessment of both professional and general competencies. This changes the structure of the traditional exam, approaches to its methodological support, development of assessment tools and exam procedures (see Fig. 1). In our case, we chose a combination of two forms: a practical exam - comprehensive demonstration of practical skills in the workplace(or in an environment that simulates the workplace) and protection portfolio achievements.

Figure 1. The structure of the qualification exam.

At the moment, a set of requirements has already been developed both for the procedure for assessing the formation of professional and general competencies, and for the assessment tools themselves:

  • validity of assessment materials;
  • compliance of the content of materials with the requirements for the level of knowledge, skills, practical experience of the PC included in the professional module;
  • clear formulation of evaluation criteria (indicators);
  • maximum objectivity of assessment forms and methods;
  • transparency of the evaluation procedure;
  • participation of highly qualified specialists and employers in the assessment procedure;
  • an unambiguous conclusion based on the results of the assessment (VPD mastered / not mastered).

Figure 2 shows the logic and sequence of selection of forms and methods for assessing the formation of PC and OK. First, we analyzed a set of requirements for the level of knowledge, skills, practical experience for all PCs included in the assessed VPA, taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, the requirements included in the PM program due to hours of the variable part on the recommendations of the college's social partners, as well as the requirements of the professional standard (for specialty 260807 "Technology of catering products").

Then, evaluation indicators were developed corresponding to paragraph 5 of the PM program for each PC and OK. And already on the basis of them, complex assessment indicators were developed, which made it possible to form a fund of assessment tools that most fully reflects the entire complex of both professional and general competencies.

Figure 2. The logic of developing forms and methods for assessing the formation of PC and OK.

Methodological support of the qualification exam (EC). To ensure the transparency of the exam procedure (given the lack of specific methodological recommendations at the moment), the college has developed a regulation on the qualifying exam. In accordance with it, the exam program is developed directly for each professional module. Also, a package of documents was developed on the procedure for the qualification exam: minutes of the meeting of the examination qualification commission, assessment sheets for PC included in the mastered professional module, a sample certificate issued to students based on the results of the exam. Evaluation tools, in addition to exam tickets, include task cards with step-by-step recommendations, which allows you to conduct a phased assessment of all practical skills in accordance with the developed indicators and add them to the assessment sheet.

In addition, recommendations were developed on the development and presentation of a portfolio of achievements. The portfolio includes three parts: a portfolio of educational and professional achievements, a portfolio of creative achievements and a portfolio of social achievements. This allows the expert commission to assess the formation of the entire complex of general competencies.

The portfolio of educational and professional achievements includes evidence of the development of PC and OK (photos, videos, examination sheets, assessment sheets for laboratory and practical work, a diary of achievements with a mentor / tutor assessment).

The portfolio of creative achievements contains diplomas, awards, prizes, photos of manufactured products, indicating the presence of a steady interest in the chosen profession, active participation in professional skill competitions at various levels, in project activities, and research work.

The portfolio of social achievements contains evidence of communicative activity (characteristics from production), evidence of participation in student self-government, an active social position.

It is simply impossible to conduct a qualifying exam without using an established mechanism of mutually beneficial partnership between the college and the leading enterprises of the region. The employer participates both in the development of the qualification exam program at the stage of coordinating the exam procedure and the assessment materials themselves, and in the assessment procedure itself. The role of the employer is especially great in assessing the formation of professional competencies, when an assessment is made of the skills and abilities necessary for rapid adaptation to the conditions of real production.

Our experience in implementing professional module programs, conducting a qualifying exam, the results of student surveys, and assessing social partners have shown that the technology of modular competence-based learning is accepted positively by both the students themselves and employers. But the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standards on a modular-competency basis requires great efforts from the teaching staff of professional colleges to develop comprehensive methodological support for professional module programs, master innovative forms and methods of organizing the educational process and form a practice-oriented educational environment.


Today all over the world there is an increased interest in one of the central social problems - the search for new ways to develop the education system. Each teacher is looking for the most effective ways to improve the educational process, increase interest and increase student achievement. Because it is education that determines the shape of our future, what will be the humanity of the third millennium, its economic, intellectual, personal, cultural and moral potential depends on us.

The relevance of the work lies in the fact that creating educational and methodological support of the topic in the study of the discipline, the author makes a research path that any teacher goes through in the course of his activity. The ability of a teacher to correctly provide students with educational material, to choose the right means and methods of presenting material, to develop an interest in learning - this is one of the guarantees that students will be interested in the learning process itself, which in turn will positively affect their academic performance. Therefore, it is very important for the teacher to be able to study the educational material in the discipline and constantly improve in his teaching.

The purpose of the course work is to develop methodological support for the topic "Color Harmonies in Still Life" in the study of the discipline "Painting with the basics of color science".

Based on the above goal, the following tasks were defined:

Conduct an analysis of educational and methodological documentation;

Choose a topic from the thematic plan of the work program for the discipline;

Select and systematize educational material on the chosen topic;

Conduct a structural and logical analysis of educational material;

Develop plans for lessons of theoretical and practical training on the chosen topic;

Develop a system of teaching aids for theoretical and practical lessons;

Create thematic controls for theoretical and practical lessons.


educational thematic lesson

Analysis of the Federal State Educational Standard in the specialty SPO

This federal state educational standard of secondary vocational education (FSES SVE) is a set of requirements that are mandatory for the implementation of basic professional educational programs in the specialty 072501 Design (by industry) by all educational institutions of vocational education in the Russian Federation.

The field of professional activity of graduates of basic training: organizing and carrying out work on the design of artistic and technical, object-spatial, industrial and socio-cultural environment, maximally adapted to the needs of various categories of consumers.

The objects of professional activity of graduates of basic training are:

industrial products;

· object-spatial complexes: internal spaces of buildings and structures, open urban spaces and park ensembles, object, landscape and decorative forms and complexes of their equipment and equipment.

The designer prepares for the following activities:

1. Development of art and design (design) projects of industrial products, object-spatial complexes;

2. Technical execution of art and design (design) projects in the material;

3. Control over the manufacture of products in production in terms of their compliance with the author's model;

4. Organization of the work of the team of performers;

5. Performance of work in one or more professions of workers, positions of employees (Appendix 1 to the Federal State Educational Standard).

Sazonova Marina Nikolaevna

Lecturer GBPOU MO "Hydrometeorological College"

Analysis of educational and program documentation developed

based on GEF SPO.

This Reference is compiled on the basis of the study of lecture materials of this course and methodological support on the essential characteristics of modern processes in vocational education, possible areas of innovation in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standards of SVE, as well as on the basis of an analysis of the existing educational and program documentation.

The composition of the educational-methodical complex of the specialty (UMKS) includes - work programs for the cycles of OGSE, EN, OP, along with the Federal State Educational Standards of secondary vocational education in the specialty and the curriculum of the technical school, work programs for professional modules, guidelines for industrial practice, preparation of term papers, organization of independent student work, graduation project, etc.

    GEF . The FSES SVE is based on a competency-based approach that determines, first of all, the requirements for the results of education, which leads to systemic changes in the main professional educational program and its main documents regulating the content and organization of the educational process: the curriculum, programs of academic disciplines, professional modules, methodological recommendations, etc. FSES SVE provides the appropriate qualifications and level of education through the development of competencies.

    Syllabus - a regulatory document that determines the composition of the main professional educational programs, the order (sequence) of their study by year of study, the forms and volume indicators of the minimum necessary and maximum possible time costs (hours) to achieve the planned educational results by an educational institution.

    UP . Training program- This is a normative document that outlines the range of basic skills and knowledge to be mastered in each individual academic discipline. It includes a list of topics of the material being studied, recommendations on the amount of time for each topic, their distribution by year of study and the time allotted for studying the entire course.

    RP . Working programm academic discipline, as well as MDK (interdisciplinary course),educational and industrial practice (industrial training) - a regulatory document that defines the learning outcomes, criteria, methods and forms of their assessment, as well as the volume, procedure, content of training and requirements for the conditions for the implementation of an academic discipline. The RP is part of the complex methodological support of the discipline (KMO) and is compiled for all forms of education (full-time, part-time), for the duration of the curriculum, for each academic discipline in the specialty . The expediency of developing several work programs in the same discipline for students of different specialties is determined by the cyclic commission that provides the teaching of the discipline.

    KOS . A set of control and evaluation tools for the academic disciplinedeveloped on the basis of the work program, designed to monitor and evaluate the results of mastering the academic discipline, includes control materials for ongoing monitoring, intermediate certification, etc.

    MR SR . Guidelines for extracurricular independent work of students are developed on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard and the current RP in the specialty.

    KTP. The calendar-thematic plan is an educational and methodological document compiled on the basis of the RP of the discipline, the working curriculum and the calendar study schedule. It: 1) reveals the sequence of studying sections and topics of the program, 2) distributes study time by sections and topics of the discipline . KTP is developed by the teacher and approved by the PCC annually.

    Lesson plans , include:

    lecture notes;

    instructions for conducting laboratory work and / or practical exercises;

    control and measuring materials for current and intermediate control of the results of mastering the discipline;In the KTP, the content of the educational material provided for by the program is distributed according to the training sessions: 1) forms and types of training sessions, laboratory and practical work, excursions, business games, training conferences, etc. are planned; 2) determine the amount of homework, their uniform distribution; 3) tasks and control of extracurricular independent work are determined; 4) the necessary teaching aids are prepared (books, visual aids, teaching materials and teaching aids).

« Modern teaching technologies and methods for assessing the quality of education in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard


Independent work No. 1

« Analysis of educational and program documentation developed
based on GEF SPO


Dezhenkova Anastasia Vladimirovna,

special discipline teacher


locality (city of Orekhovo-Zuyevo)

Studying work programs………………………………………………….3

The structure of the thematic plan of the PM on a specific example…………..4

The results of mastering the professional module……………………….5

Thematic plan of the professional module…………………………6

Drawing up a calendar-thematic plan…………………………..9

Study of work programs

Preparation of a teacher for work begins with the study and analysis of educational and program documentation (curriculum and curricula).

The curriculum gives a general idea of ​​the organization of the study of the subject, since it indicates the forms of organization of the educational process (types of training sessions), as well as the number of hours allocated for laboratory, practical classes, course design; forms of completing the course (test, exam, course project or work), mandatory milestone checks (tests, tests, semester exams).

Educational and program documentation - a set of program documents that determine the goals and content of education and training in a particular profession (specialty). Curriculum documentation includes, first of all, curricula, calendar (prospectively)-thematic plans.

The curriculum is a state document that determines the content and scope of knowledge, skills, priorities and significance of the subject, the sequence of its development by year of study, the content of individual sections and topics, as well as the time allotted for their study.

Curricula used in the system of vocational education at any level are divided into two types: exemplary curricula and working curricula.

Working curriculum - a document (part of the educational and methodological complex), revealing the detailed content of the discipline, the requirements for the qualitative level of mastering the subject of the working curriculum. The working curriculum is developed by a teacher or a master of industrial training, approved by the methodological subject commissions of professional educational institutions.

Curricula must be constantly updated to reflect the needs of production. The principle of variability implemented in the country allows educational institutions to build the pedagogical process according to various models, including author's ones.

The working curriculum consists of three blocks: an explanatory note, a thematic plan, the content of theoretical and practical classes, structured by sections and topics.

The structure of the PM thematic plan on a specific example

Let us consider the structure and content of an approximate thematic plan of a professional module and exemplary curricula using a specific example. Exemplary curriculum for training in the specialty 23.02.01 Organization of transportation and management of railway transport in institutions of secondary vocational education.

The program of the professional module is an element of the main professional educational program in the specialty 23.02.01 Organization of transportation and transport management (by type) in terms of mastering the main type of professional activity (HPA): ORGANIZATION OF THE TRANSPORTATION PROCESS BY RAILWAY TRANSPORT and relevant professional competencies (PC):

PC 1.1 Perform operations for the implementation of the transportation process using modern information technologies for transportation management.

PC 1.2 Organize the work of personnel to ensure the safety of transportation and the choice of optimal solutions when working in non-standard and emergency situations.

PC 1.3 Prepare documents regulating the organization of the transportation process.

The work program of the professional module can be used in additional vocational education and training of workers by profession:

    25337 Transport document processing operator;

    15894 Centralization post operator;

    18401 Signalman;

    18726 Train Composer;

    17244 Cargo and baggage acceptance officer;

    16033 Hump operator;

    25354 Operator at the station duty officer.

Goals and objectives of the module - requirements for the results of mastering the module

In order to master the specified type of professional activity and the relevant professional competencies, the student in the course of mastering the professional module must:

have practical experience:

    maintaining technical documentation, monitoring the implementation of tasks and schedules;

    use in the work of electronic computers for processing operational information;

    calculation of norms of time for performing operations;

    calculation of performance indicators of transport facilities;

be able to:

    analyze documents regulating the operation of transport in general and its facilities in particular;

    use software to solve transport problems;

    use computer tools;


    operational planning, forms and structure of work management in railway transport;

    fundamentals of operation of technical means of railway transport;

    system of accounting, reporting and analysis of work;

    basic requirements for employees according to documents regulating traffic safety in transport;

    composition, functions and possibilities of using information and telecommunication technologies in professional activities.

Development results
professional module

The result of mastering the professional module is the mastery of the type of professional activity (VPA) by students Organization of service maintenance in railway transport, including professional (PC) and general (OK) competencies:

Name of learning outcome

PC 1.1

Perform operations for the implementation of the transportation process using modern information technologies for transportation management

PC 1.2

Organize the work of personnel to ensure the safety of transportation and the choice of optimal solutions when working in non-standard and emergency situations

PC 1.3

Prepare documents regulating the organization of the transportation process

Understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, show a steady interest in it

Organize your own activities based on the goal and ways to achieve it, determined by the head

Make decisions in standard and non-standard situations and be responsible for them

Search and use the information necessary for the effective implementation of professional tasks, professional and personal development

Use information and communication technologies in professional activities

Work in a team and team, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, consumers

Take responsibility for the work of team members (subordinates), the result of completing tasks

Independently determine the tasks of professional and personal development, engage in self-education, consciously plan advanced training

Navigate in the face of frequent technology changes in professional activities

Thematic plan of the professional module

Codes of professional competencies

Section names
professional module

Total hours

The amount of time allotted for the development of an interdisciplinary course (courses)


Mandatory classroom workload of a student

Independent work of the student


Production (according to the specialty profile),

(if dispersed practice is envisaged)


including laboratory work and practical exercises,


including term paper (project),

Section 1.Application of railway transport management technology

PC 1.2,
PC 1.3

MDK 01.01. Technology of the transportation process of railway transport

Section 2. The use of information technology in the work of railway transport

MDK 01.02 Information support of the railway transport process

Section 3. Application of automated control systems for the transportation process

PC 1.3

MDK 01.03 Automated control systems in railway transport

Industrial practice (according to the profile of the specialty) ,


Watch volume

Topic 1.1.

Fundamentals of the organization of transportation in railway transport

Initial concepts and definitions of the operational work of railways. The concept of transport production. Transport process and its characteristics. Basic concepts of railway operation. Prospects for the development of railway transport

Normative-legal base of activity of railway transport. Documents regulating the transportation process and traffic safety in railway transport.

Classification and indexing of trains. The concept of the train and accompanying documents.

Topic 1.2.

and station technology

General characteristics of the stations. Documents regulating the work of railway stations

The technological process of the stations.

The procedure for the development and approval of the technological process of the station

General information about the work of stations. Appointment and classification of railway stations, their technical equipment.

The above exemplary thematic plan of the professional module and exemplary programs are developed on the basis of the Standard of secondary vocational education in the specialty "Organization of transportation and management in railway transport".

Drawing up a calendar-thematic plan

To distribute the educational material provided by the program for training sessions, that is, to determine the time for studying each part of the educational material, a calendar-thematic plan is drawn up.

It is developed after the approval of new curricula and is used throughout all the years of its operation. In practice, this period covers 5-8 years. Naturally, certain changes can be made to it, caused by the development of science and technology, changes in the targeted training of specialists.

The calendar-thematic plan is annually reviewed by the subject (cycle) commission and either re-approves or approves changes to the current one. It should be borne in mind that changes can be made both in the distribution of educational material for classes, and directly in the content (addition and replacement of one material with another). When reviewing and re-approving the calendar-thematic plans, the following issues are considered:

a) new problems that are being solved in the field of science with which the given subject is associated, their significance for the training of a specialist in the subject;

b) new requirements for knowledge and skills related to targeted training of specialists, and their reflection in existing curricula;

c) the possibility of improving professional training both by revising the content of the educational material, and by changing the nature of tasks for laboratory and practical classes, improving the quality of individual elements of the lesson, and independent extracurricular work.

Necessary changes are made respectively in the columns "Content of educational material", "Types of training sessions". "Visual Aids", "Homework".

Changes can also be made to the ratio of theoretical and practical classes, as a rule, to improve the practical training of future specialists.

Teachers sometimes find it difficult to plan the types of training sessions. In professional institutions, the plans indicate the following types of training sessions: lecture, lesson, seminar, practical lesson, laboratory work. In addition, in the calendar-thematic plan, types of lessons can be distinguished in accordance with the classification adopted in the system of secondary specialized education: lessons for studying new educational material, combined, control, final-generalizing.

When developing a calendar-thematic plan, special attention should be paid to the content, volume and nature of homework assignments. When developing a calendar-thematic plan, it is necessary to consider tasks for independent work in the aggregate for the semester, which will make it possible not only to outline the optimal volumes of material, but also to analyze for a certain period the diversity of the nature of tasks, their focus on the formation of skills and abilities.

The calendar-thematic plan provides for the definition of educational and visual aids for the semester. The teacher draws up such a plan every year, preparing for the new academic year, in order to prepare manuals in advance, before starting to study the relevant topic.

Development of an educational and methodical complex.

It is a project of a systematic description of the educational process in the discipline (professional module), which will subsequently be implemented in practice. This is a means of solving the problem of equipping the educational process with educational, methodological, reference and other materials that ensure that students achieve the required quality of professional education, as well as the task of introducing advanced technologies and teaching methods into the educational process.

The following principles can serve as the basis for the construction of the WMC:

Compliance of the content of teaching materials with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard and the curriculum of the specialty / profession;

Providing all types of classes and tasks provided for by the work program of the discipline (professional module), all the necessary methodological, informational and other materials that allow achieving the planned results in the time allotted by the curriculum;

Availability of guidelines describing the processes and procedures necessary to perform all the work and tasks specified in the work programs of the disciplines (professional modules), as well as the development of standard processes performed by specialists in the relevant field of professional activity;

Sufficiency of the volume and content of educational, methodological and information materials;

Sufficiency of materials for the independent performance of all tasks and work provided for by the work programs of disciplines (professional modules) at the level of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard;

Accessibility for students of all components of the teaching materials within the walls of a professional educational organization;

Provision of students with the means of self-control of the level of mastering the content of disciplines, professional modules;

Mandatory application of disciplines, professional modules in teaching and reflection of innovative production technologies, methods and educational technologies in teaching materials.