The development of language is regulated by two bipolar tendencies: divergence and convergence. They are closely related and at different times give way to each other depending on the conditions of communication.

Divergence manifests itself in the course of the collapse of the once unified linguistic community: new linguistic features appear in the speech of one of the separated parts, without spreading to the language of other groups, and this leads to the accumulation of differences. This is how dialects are formed. Over a long period of accumulation of differences in the isolation of groups from each other, dialects can become different languages.

That is why Marx argued that if phenomena and essence coincide, science is not needed. Therefore, it is necessary to be critical of the study of accumulated knowledge in order to fruitfully apply the dialectical method. Earlier definitions that hinder dialectical thinking appear in contradictions that seem obvious. The contradiction between the world, directly experienced by people as an empirically given reality and the dialectical method, as a socio-historical perception of this reality, not only in the thesis, but also in fact from the angle of praxis.

On the contrary, in the case of the unification of groups (by one state), the integration of dialects begins. This is expressed in the fact that the differences are gradually smoothed out or combined into a single block. An example of education national language(“due to the concentration of dialects”) serves the Russian language, which developed in the 16th-17th centuries. in connection with the formation of the Moscow state. It is based on the Moscow dialect, which is an example of a transitional variety, where features of southern dialects are superimposed on the northern basis.

As something that is done objectively, as a whole, but from whose cause we can participate as conscious subjects. The dialectic then appears as "disorder", "indiscipline", "uncertainty" and, above all, "fear". Therefore, between a revolutionary ideology that intends to think about reality as dialectical, through Marxism, there is an abyss, and on the other hand, the difficulty of revolutionaries to think in this dialectic and, especially, to think about this dialectic.

In order to abolish capitalism and transform the world in a human direction, organic mediators, parties, unions, associations, agreements, tactics, strategies, disciplines, hierarchies are needed to potentiate the action of classes, segments and individuals. A subject who intends to change the world in a revolutionary direction cannot simply announce the clauses of the universal dialectic in a solemn and kind tone. For if it is, as we have seen, the fact that natural reality itself is in independent motion, and before our activity and consciousness, the human meaning of transformation can only be given by us, our consciousness and organized action.

> dialect word in reality

If you accidentally find yourself in a rural area, then in the speech of the local population, many words will seem unfamiliar, and in different areas there are their own special ones. it dialect words.

And you will ask yourself the question: “What do they mean?” Some words refer to rural realities (objects of the world around us), which are associated with agriculture, household village use or hut arrangement, but out of our everyday life. For example, in the huts of the northern regions, near the Russian stove, one could see an extension (closet) with a door leading to the underground. From above, the extension was used as a sleeping place. This building was called golbets, but in the more southern territories the whole underground was called that.

In this process, by virtue of specific mediators that potentiate our action, we are subject and object, means and goal, cause and effect. If we are not like the idealists in philosophy, who usually believe in historical evolution based on the almost linear development of the ethical-cultural dimension of society, and not just "contemplative" revolutionaries, we must be included in the structures of organized action. Moreover, knowing that this necessity suggests an unusual radicalism within capitalism that does not spontaneously sponsor an organic basis for the practice resulting from its destruction and replacement by socialism.

But not all dialect words denote only rural realities. There are many more that serve as the local name for a common word. Here mittens have many names: in Smolensk, Bryansk, Kaluga, Kursk, Oryol, Belgorod regions they are knitted, and in Pskov, Novgorod - dians. And swede has so many dialect names that it’s impossible to list everything: bukhma, bushma, bukla, gnaw, kalika, golanka, German, pruhva ...

This organic basis for the expanded reproduction of revolutionary theory and practice must be freely set by the subject, since Lenin was intuitively interested in his vanguard party thesis. However, revolutionary people, even when they are restored to an organic totality, from the point of view of immediacy, become objects rather than subjects, means rather than ends, consequences rather than causes. That is, the spontaneous thought that comes from the structures of collective action, including the Leninist vanguard party, in the immediacy of its self-perpetuating relations, is always partial, adaptive and integrated.

Often people argue about dialect words. One says that his grandfather put a motley on his back, where he put food supplies. Another said that the motley was not suitable for a long journey, since either straw or livestock feed was carried in it. But they are both wrong, because they are arguing about the word, but in fact they have in mind a thing, that is, a reality. A word is just a name for a thing.

And more seriously, it completely coincides with socially-given common sense. The subject is overcome in the middle of the road: he organically united himself to transform the world and transform himself, and he became a fixed element, not a critical one, not a reflexive one that does not even modify itself. The universal dialectic becomes a mystical and distant horizon. Its function in it is mediated by thought that imitates greatness through formal discourse, but in content it is partial, petty, utilitarian and manipulative.

But it also happens that one word has many dialectal meanings. For example, the word zhito in some dialects means rye, in others - barley, and in some even spring crops.

Previously, there were even more dialect words, but due to the ubiquity of radio and television, these real words are falling into disuse (under the influence of universal literacy).

And in organic reproduction, he himself, being manipulated, becomes a manipulator: order, power, hierarchy, discipline and forms become ends, and are not reduced to the means that they were born. This is what we can call the vicious circle of bureaucratic thinking. But just like everyday life is not an inevitable alienated aspect of life unless it remains in its aggressive spontaneity, much less the structures consciously created for revolutionary practice adamantly deny its purpose.

Now we can synthesize some more common features dialectical method, which are not explicit enough. Dialectics proposes to reveal the "object in itself" of the object. This implies two aspects that are related. First, he points out that dialectics wants to reveal the internal object, the movement and connections that come from its interior and constitute its concreteness. Second, the dialectic does not believe that objects are unknowable, that is, they contain an intimate secret that can never be revealed.

dialect words are called, the distribution of which is limited to a particular territory. Dialects are basically peasant dialects, which are still a means of communication (especially oral) for a certain part of the population of our country. In the literary language, dialectisms correspond to commonly used words: biryuk - wolf,kochet - rooster,zhamki - gingerbread,scraper - shovel,kutok - corner,breast - fire,base - yard,briskly - quickly etc.

Dialectic believes in the full possibilities of knowledge, although it considers truth as an endless process, which has its own criterion in practice. Dialectics presupposes the existence of a universal and structured relationship. So his point of view is wholeness. Reality is perceived as a specific aggregate, that is, something spontaneous as a whole, endowed with a certain internal structure.

Dialectics includes two simultaneous, opposing and complementary attempts: to separate and analyze the perceived totality, then rationally combine and combine the parts into a specific totality covered by the concept. Dialectic disputes the so-called "principle of identity": it says that the matter is not only "what it is", but also "its other", which is not. Now, if reality is really dialectical, the thing must at every moment also be its negation.

One of the ways in which dialect words penetrate into literary language is their use in the language of fiction. This makes it possible for the writer to depict reality more truthfully, to more fully reveal the characters of the characters, and to indicate the scene of action. Dialectisms in works of art are perceived as expressive, emotionally colored words.

For dialectics, there is no insurmountable gap between quantity and quality, since each is constantly changing for the other. These are two categories that imply two persons or two moments of movement, that is, accumulation and rupture, evolution and revolution. Things in their movement contain a process of internal differentiation, which necessarily manifests itself as contradictions. These are sources of energy for wholeness in their development and transformation. But the opposites are united, reality is the "unity of opposites", since it is from this unity that the structure of the totality arises.

Task 33.Indicate dialectisms in the text and explain for what purpose they are used by the author.

Pantelei Prokofievich stumbled over a high threshold, hit his lame leg and, blinking in pain, trotted wildly along the washed gangways.

He entered the hut almost together with Ilyinichnaya. It was unprofitable for him to stand next to his wife, so he took a step forward from the threshold, tucking his leg like a fox, and, throwing off his cap, crossed himself on a black icon ....

Movement and transformation lead to the overcoming, and not to the complete disappearance of what has ceased to exist. As the poet said, "everything remains a little." Indeed, we have already seen that there is something within the flow itself that gives connection and concreteness to successive moments of transformation.

In short, the dialectical method is a kind of "torment of the spirit", although it is a desired and conscious torment. He asks himself, at what point does birth announce that which disappears? Thought can to some extent predict what is born by understanding the totality of the phenomenon in its early development and its current contradictions. Thus, there is some real unexpected surprise that can never be fully foreseen and understood before the appearance. And even then the understanding is relative and temporary, as we do not fully know that the new will go away, trying to become old and inferior.

    Receive guests, Miron Grigorievich!

    Guests are always welcome…

The elderly hostess fanned the stools for show. Pantelei Prokofievich sat down on the edge, wiping his damp forehead with a rag.

"Sorry, what's the matter?" the owner smiled. Gregory entered. He glanced around.

- Had a good night.

“Thank God,” the owner confirmed. A brown color showed through the freckles that stung his face.

Otherwise, a brilliant philosophy could once and for all realize reality in all its manifestations. Perhaps not coincidentally, humor usually involves overt contradiction or surprise, that is, the production of an entirely new and unpredictable meaning in a familiar or everyday context. Unpredictable growth from predictable. Surprise interrupted the routine. A new one that hasn't even been announced and therefore creates embarrassment for the characters and critical laughter in the viewer or reader. In this sense, laughing at oneself can be a manifestation of really wisdom, or at least a vague dialectical disposition indicated by a hidden self-critical accessibility.

Task 34.In the sentences below, find the dialect words, indicate the way they are introduced into the work (with an explanation - without an explanation, in the speech of the characters - in the author's narration).

1. "Tell them to bring their horses to the bases. Let them throw hay for them," the owner turned to his wife.

2. Kaika rocked and moved away from the shore.

3. It’s already night on the steppe, and like lightning strikes - a blisk, - so all around I see only white roads.

In any case, dialectics as a method is not only "torment of the spirit." Understanding this and contributing to its construction in the sense of humanization through history is a lofty task that implies a legitimate satisfaction: that which comes from the struggle that the subject undertakes to transform reality, building himself in the process.

Principles of philosophy of law. Professor Zellal, in an interesting article in El-Watan entitled "Already Acquired Mother Tongue Not Learned in School". From a scientific point of view, as the name suggests, darijah already purchased should not be considered. The child learns alone darija, which allows him to structure his space-time, and then his ability to abstract. The child by nature seeks novelty, which fills him with joy. At 6 years old, the child leaves the language to join the rules of writing.

4. The stagecoach, rattling with a tied bucket, drove past an orchard, past an arbor, past an animal and poultry yard. At last he came abreast of the harman, that is, that level, well-trodden area on which bread is threshed and winnowed.

Task 35.Read. Explain why regional dictionaries are needed.

To create a regional dictionary means to preserve for many generations those words and turns of speech that, if not recorded, can either disappear without a trace or acquire a different meaning. Why, one may ask, is it necessary to preserve something that not only has not entered and, perhaps, will never enter the literary language, but has even become unnecessary to the speakers of this or that local dialect? Will we lose anything if we don't keep these words? Yes, we will lose, and we will lose no less than we would have lost if we had not preserved those ancient monuments (antique clothes, tools, household utensils, weapons, ancient manuscripts, etc.), which are so carefully collected and carefully stored in our museums, archives, scientific libraries and other institutions.

Therefore, he must tell stories that will develop his cognitive feelings, and then he can create beautiful theses for himself that will subdue his environment. Relearning what has already been learned is thus a regression, a delay in the normal development of the child. Professor Zellal supports his argument by referring to the French example where the child does not learn stalemate because it has already been acquired.

Professor Zellal's thesis is interesting, except that in France we don't study pato because it doesn't exist. On the other hand, the French language is not very far from the true French, i.e. from written French. Despite this, the three items to pass high school- mathematics, history and French. Mathematics is the basis of science, logic.

For science, each word is of a certain value, regardless of whether it is part of the literary language or is only an accessory of any local dialect, because it appeared in the speech of the people in order to designate, name some particle of reality (an object, sign, action, relationships between people, etc.). To lose dialect words means to lose for science, for the history of our people, the history of its spiritual and material culture, its language, a significant part of what constituted the content of the life of millions of people for many centuries. That is why it is our duty, our sacred duty to preserve these invaluable treasures of living folk speech, fixing them as fully and accurately as possible in the regional dictionaries we are creating. (G. Melnichenko)

History to know where we come from and the French to express it all. On the other hand, in Algeria there is a gap between Darij and Arabic, as it is taught in school or listened to in a twenty-hour diary. It would be a mistake to ignore this. This gap is not only the result historical facts, especially colonization, but also the result of the hospital school.

We were recruited by a call center as agents of a bilingual English clientele are a must so we were recruited for our knowledge Arabic. The company had a staff that spoke a total of 46 languages, you could hear all the languages, small world, it was exciting. We had a task to call clients from Arab countries, especially from the Persian Gulf; That's where most of the recipes come from. The Arabic language group included Egyptians, Lebanese, Palestinians, Algerians, Tunisians and Moroccans.