Passing the exam has now become a mandatory procedure for all schoolchildren, and the procedure for enrolling applicants to universities has changed every year since then. This year is no exception. So that there are no unpleasant surprises when applying to Voenmech, we have prepared answers to the most frequently asked questions for applicants.

What is required for admission?

  1. submit documents (copies or originals) within the specified time limits;
  2. pass the competition
  3. submit original documents (if not submitted earlier),
  4. write an agreement on enrollment, which indicates one priority direction, specialty.

What does "one priority area" mean?

An applicant still has the right to apply to five universities, and in each of them - to three specialties. However, when submitting originals, the applicant chooses not only one university, but also one specialty. This means that if you do not pass the points in the competition for the chosen specialty, you will be able to try to enter another only in the next wave, and without your knowledge, the members of the selection committee will not be able to “transfer” the original.

How are USE scores calculated?

  1. BSTU "Voenmekh" does not set additional restrictive levels: you can submit documents to us with scores equal to the minimum threshold set by the Ministry of Education for admission to a university, or exceeding this threshold.
  2. To enter the university, you must pass profile exam in mathematics and have at least three passed exams. Thus, if an applicant has passed three exams, and one of them is basic mathematics, then he will not be able to enter any university in the country. If the applicant passed four or more exams, but at the same time passed only basic mathematics, then he can enter those specialties or areas where mathematics is not required for admission. In BSTU "Voenmekh" there is only one such specialty - "Translation and translation studies", for admission to it you need to pass Russian and foreign language and also social studies. budget places not in this specialty.

What can you get extra points for?

Additional points can be obtained:

  • for sports achievements (1 point);
  • for a certificate with honors (9 points);

A school essay is not taken into account when entering the BSTU "Voenmekh".

What does winning the Olympiad give when entering?

A victory or a prize-winning place at the Olympiad for schoolchildren in a profile subject is equal to 100 points, if the applicant scored at least 75 points for the exam in it. The diploma of the Olympiad can be taken into account only in one university.

What are the privileged categories of citizens?

Based on the Regulations on military training centers under federal state educational institutions higher professional education, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 6, 2008 No. 152 and Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation and the Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of July 10, 2009 No. 666/249: “Military training is the targeted training of citizens from among students studying at the expense of federal budget, within the state assignments (control figures) for the admission of students in the main educational programs.

Number of citizens passing military training, is established by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and the federal executive body exercising the powers of the founder of the corresponding higher educational institution, based on the order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation". (From the Regulations on military training centers at federal state educational institutions of higher professional education)

  1. As candidates for admission to the Baltic State Technical University"VOENMEH" named after D.F.Ustinov (hereinafter referred to as BSTU) for training in the main educational program higher professional education and military training at a military training center are considered citizens under the age of 24 who have a state document on secondary (complete) general, secondary vocational education, who have passed the preliminary selection at the military commissariat at the place of residence.
  2. Cannot be considered as candidates for admission to BSTU for training in the basic educational program of higher professional education and at the same time for training in the military training program at military training centers citizens:
    1. do not meet the requirements for citizens entering the military service under the contract; o who have been convicted and sentenced;
    2. in respect of which an inquiry or preliminary investigation is underway or a criminal case in respect of which has been submitted to the court;
    3. having an unexpunged or outstanding conviction for a crime;
    4. serving a prison sentence.
  3. Citizens who have expressed a desire to undergo military training at the military training center at BSTU submit applications to the military commissariat at the place of residence before May 1 of the year of admission to the university. As an exception, at the request of the rector of the university, a citizen (from among the applicants) can submit an application later than the specified deadline to the military commissariat at the location of the university (military commissariat of the Moskovsky district of St. Petersburg).
  4. The application shall indicate: surname, name, patronymic, date of birth, residential address, name of the educational institution, specialty in which the citizen wishes to study (Appendix No. 1, Appendix No. 2).
  5. Attached to the application: a copy of the birth certificate, a copy of an identity and citizenship document, an autobiography, a reference from the place of study or work (Appendix No. 3) a copy of the document on secondary education (students submit a certificate of current academic performance), three photographs without a headgear in size 4.5x6 cm.
  6. Citizens who have expressed a desire to undergo military training submit to the military commissariat documents from medical organizations confirming the fact that they are not registered (observed) for mental disorders, drug addiction, alcoholism, substance abuse, abuse drugs, infection with the human immunodeficiency virus, on dispensary observation for other diseases.
  7. Citizens who have expressed a desire to undergo military training at the military training center at BSTU in the process of studying in the main educational program of higher professional education undergo a preliminary selection at the military commissariat at the place of residence (at the place of stay).
  8. Preliminary selection of citizens includes determining their compliance with the requirements established in paragraphs 1, 2 of this Instruction, and suitability for military training in a military training center (at a military department) based on the results of a medical examination and professional psychological selection. Preliminary selection is carried out in advance. For citizens who have expressed a desire to undergo military training at a military training center, in April-June of the year of admission to an educational institution.
  9. For citizens who have expressed a desire to undergo military training at a military training center and who have passed the preliminary selection, the military commissariats form personal files, including the documents listed in paragraph 5 of this Instruction, as well as a medical examination card and a professional psychological selection card. Directions for admission to the selected educational institution (Appendix No. 4) and personal files in a wrapped form are handed over to candidates for submission to the selection committee (subcommittee for admission to the military training center) of the educational institution. Citizens who have not passed the pre-selection or, based on the results of the pre-selection, are recognized as not meeting the requirements for citizens entering military service under a contract, are not sent to an educational institution to participate in entrance tests for targeted admission in the interests of the Ministry of Defense.
  10. The selection of candidates for enrollment in military training is carried out by the selection committee of BSTU based on the results of the preliminary selection and entrance examinations. During the selection with these candidates, additional measures may be taken, including those aimed at determining the level physical fitness(requirements for the physical fitness of citizens).
  11. Candidates for admission to the military training center upon arrival at the university to pass the entrance examinations hand over a personal file to the admissions office. Together with the personal file, these candidates submit to the selection committee: a passport, a military ID or a certificate of a citizen subject to conscription for military service, an original document on secondary education and a document with the results of a unified state exam (admission to the UHC is carried out according to USE results: Russian language, mathematics, physics), as well as documents stipulated by the admission rules, including documents that provide benefits and advantages for admission to an educational institution in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the rules for admission to BSTU. Personal files of candidates, after entering the necessary information into the competition list, are transferred from the selection committee to educational part military training center. Personal files of candidates subsequently enrolled in a military training center are used for in-depth study students, the rest are destroyed in the established order.
  12. According to the results of entrance examinations competitive lists are formed. Competition List candidates for enrollment in the military training center is compiled in accordance with the rules for admission to BSTU. To the sum of points obtained as a result of testing or taking into account the results of the unified state exam (calculated in accordance with the rules for admission to BSTU) and determining the level of general education, an assessment of the candidate's physical fitness is added and his category of professional suitability is taken into account without fail. At the same time, candidates classified according to the results of professional psychological selection to the third category of professional suitability are considered for enrollment in a military training center after candidates assigned to the first and second categories of professional suitability. Candidates with the fourth category of professional suitability are not considered for enrollment in the military training center.
  13. The decision of the selection committee can be appealed by a citizen in the manner prescribed by the rules for admission to BSTU.
  14. Candidates who have passed the competitive selection, on the basis of the decision of the selection committee, conclude an appropriate contract in the form established by the Regulations on military training centers at federal state educational institutions of higher professional education (Appendix No. 5).
  15. The enrollment of a citizen on a target recruitment in the interests of the Ministry of Defense to a university and to study at a military training center is announced by order of the rector, after the citizen concludes an appropriate agreement with the Ministry of Defense.

Documents required for admission

When personally submitting documents to the selection committee ⚠ be sure to have:

  1. Passport and its photocopy (ONLY pages 2-3-4-5-19)
  2. Document on education (certificate, diploma) and its photocopy (when submitting the original, a photocopy is also required)
  3. Information about the exam (their knowledge) [optional]
  4. Documents on benefits / availability of quotas / target agreement / copy of the certificate of the TRP badge [if there are such documents]


When submitting documents by mail are required:

  1. Photocopy of passport (ONLY pages 2-3-4-5-19)
  2. Document on education (certificate, diploma) and / or its photocopy [when submitting the original, a photocopy is also required]
  3. Information about the exam (their knowledge)
  4. Completed application (indicate USE scores in it)
  5. Consent to enrollment
  6. Description of the letter. The letter must be registered with a notice, to resolve all possible conflict situations[additionally]
  7. 5 photos 3x4 (color is not important) [only when submitting the original certificate]
  8. Documents on benefits / availability of quotas / target agreement / copy of the TRP badge certificate [if any]
  9. Personal file formed in the department of the military commissariat at the place of registration - for participation in the competition at the UVC (Military Training Center) [if there are such documents]


Only ONE application is required for the three majors

2. The number of places for admission to study under different conditions of admission


2.1. Within the admission control digits(indicating special and target quotas)

2.2. Under contracts for the provision of paid educational services

3. Information on the timing of the admission, including the start and end dates for the acceptance of documents required for admission, the conduct of entrance examinations, the completion of the acceptance of applications for consent to enrollment at each stage of enrollment

3.1. The start date for the acceptance of documents required for admission

June 18- start of acceptance of documents required for admission to study within the framework of the CPC and under contracts for the provision of paid educational services for full-time and part-time forms based on the results of the Unified State Examination and (or) entrance examinations conducted by the University independently (hereinafter referred to as VI)

3.2. Start dates for entrance examinations

July 15- the beginning of the entrance examinations conducted by the University on its own in the areas of bachelor's / specialist's / full-time master's / per full-time on-site training within the framework of admission targets and under contracts for the provision of paid educational services

10 September- the beginning of the entrance examinations conducted by the University independently for bachelor's / master's programs in correspondence courses for the main places and places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services

3.3. Completion of acceptance of applications for consent to enrollment, deadlines for enrollment of applicants within the target admission digits for targeted and general places, under contracts for the provision of paid educational services, for full-time and part-time forms of study for bachelor's / specialist's / master's programs

July 27- placement of lists of applicants on the official website and at the information stand

July 28th the acceptance of applications for consent to enrollment from persons entering without entrance examinations, entering places within quotas, if these persons simultaneously applied for admission to two or more organizations higher education in accordance with clause 69 of the Procedure

July 29 an order (orders) is issued on the enrollment of persons who have submitted an application for consent to enrollment, from among those who enter without entrance examinations, entering places within quotas

August 1 the acceptance of applications for consent to enrollment from persons included in the lists of applicants for the main competitive places and wishing to be enrolled at the first stage of enrollment for the main competitive places is nearing completion; within each list of applicants, persons who have submitted an application for consent to enrollment are singled out until 80% of the main competitive places are filled (taking into account rounding)

August 3rd an order (orders) is issued on the enrollment of persons who have submitted an application for consent to enrollment, until 80% of the main competitive places are filled; b) the second stage of enrollment in the main competitive places - enrollment for 100% of the indicated places

August 6 the acceptance of applications for consent to enrollment from persons included in the lists of applicants for the main competitive places is nearing completion; within each list of applicants, persons who have submitted an application for consent to enrollment are singled out until 100% of the main competitive places are filled

8 August an order (orders) is issued on the enrollment of persons who have submitted an application for consent to enrollment until 100% of the main competitive places are filled

from July 8 an order (orders) is issued on the enrollment of persons who have submitted an application for consent to enrollment in places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services in the areas of undergraduate / specialist training: 03/38/01 - Economics, 03/38/02 - Management, 03/38/03 - Personnel Management, 03/45/03 - Fundamental and applied linguistics, 05/45/01 - Translation and translation studies, full-time education and concluded an agreement on the provision of paid educational services

from August 8 to 22 an order (orders) is issued on the enrollment of persons who have submitted an application for consent to be enrolled in places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services in the areas of undergraduate/specialist/master's studies in full-time education and have entered into an agreement on the provision of paid educational services

September 20 an order (orders) is issued on the enrollment of persons who have submitted an application for consent to enrollment in places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services in the areas of undergraduate / graduate training in correspondence courses

3.4. Deadlines for completion of entrance examinations

26 July- completion of entrance examinations conducted by the University independently in the areas of undergraduate/specialist training in full-time education for places within the admission target figures and for places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services

26 July- completion of entrance examinations conducted by the University independently in the areas of full-time magistracy training for persons entering the main places and places within the target quota

August 9- completion of entrance examinations conducted by the University independently in the areas of master's degree training in full-time education for persons entering the field under contracts for the provision of paid educational services

September 13- completion of entrance examinations conducted by the University on its own in part-time education for the main places and places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services

September 17- completion of entrance examinations conducted by the University on its own in the areas of master's degree training in correspondence courses for places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services

3.5. Deadlines for the acceptance of documents

13 July 15:00- Completion of the acceptance of the documents required for admission from persons entering the study based on the results of entrance examinations conducted by the University independently in the areas of bachelor's / specialist's full-time education to the places within the admission control figures and places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services

13 July 15:00- Completion of the acceptance of documents required for admission from persons entering the study based on the results of entrance examinations conducted by the University independently in the areas of bachelor's degree training in correspondence courses for places within the special and target quotas

July 25- completion of the acceptance of the documents necessary for admission from persons entering the study based on the results of entrance examinations conducted by the University independently in the areas of master's degree training in full-time education for the main places and for places within the target quota

26 July 18:00- completion of the documents required for admission from persons entering the study based on the results of the Unified State Examination in the areas of undergraduate/specialist training in full-time studies at the places within the admission target numbers

August 8 17:00- Completion of the acceptance of documents required for admission from persons entering the study based on the results of entrance examinations conducted by the University independently in the areas of master's degree training in full-time study at places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services

August 15- Completion of the acceptance of documents required for admission from persons applying for training based on the results of the Unified State Examination in the areas of bachelor's / specialist's full-time education to places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services

6 September- completion of the acceptance of the documents necessary for admission from persons entering the study based on the results of entrance examinations conducted by the University independently in the areas of undergraduate education in correspondence courses for the main places and places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services

September 13- completion of the acceptance of the documents necessary for admission from persons entering the study based on the results of entrance examinations conducted by the University independently in the areas of master's degree training in correspondence courses to places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services

September 17- completion of the acceptance of the documents necessary for admission from persons entering the study based on the results of the Unified State Examination in the areas of undergraduate training in correspondence courses for the main places and places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services

3.6 Terms of enrollment (terms for posting lists of applicants and issuing orders for enrollment)

4. The minimum number of points for each entrance test for each competition

When applying for undergraduate and specialist programs, the results of each entrance test conducted by a higher education organization independently are evaluated on a 100-point scale, when admitted to study at a master's program - on a scale established by the organization independently.

The minimum number of points in educational subjects and entrance examinations conducted by the University independently

Direction codeDirection of trainingmathsRussian languagephysicsinformatics and ICTforeign languagesocial science
11.05.01 Radio-electronic systems and complexes27 36 36 - - -
11.05.02 Special radio systems27 36 36 - - -
17.05.01 Ammunition and fuses27 36 36 - - -
17.05.02 Small arms, artillery and rocket weapons27 36 36 - - -
24.05.01 Design, production and operation of rockets and rocket and space complexes27 36 36 - - -
24.05.02 Aviation and rocket engines 27 36 36 - - -
24.05.04 Navigation and ballistic support for the use of space technology27 36 36 - - -
24.05.06 Aircraft control systems27 36 - 40 - -
27.05.01 Special organizational and technical systems27 36 36 - - -
45.05.01 Translation and translation studies- 36 - - 22 42
09.03.01 Informatics and Computer Engineering27 36 - 40 - -
09.03.02 27 36 - 40 - -
09.03.04 Software engineering27 36 - 40 - -
11.03.01 Radio engineering27 36 36 - - -
12.03.01 Instrumentation27 36 36 - - -
12.03.02 Optotechnics27 36 36 - -
12.03.03 Photonics and optoinformatics27 36 40 - -
12.03.05 Laser technology and laser technologies27 36 36 - - -
13.03.01 27 36 36 - - -
13.03.03 27 36 36 - - -
15.03.01 mechanical engineering27 36 36 - - -
15.03.03 applied mechanics27 36 36 - - -
15.03.05 27 36 36 - - -
15.03.06 Mechatronics and Robotics27 36 36 - - -
20.03.01 Technosphere safety27 36 36 - - -
24.03.01 Missile systems and astronautics27 36 36 - - -
24.03.03 Ballistics and fluid dynamics27 36 36 - - -
24.03.05 Aircraft engines27 36 36 - - -
27.03.01 Standardization and metrology27 36 36 - - -
27.03.04 27 36 36 - - -
38.03.01 Economy27 36 - - - 42
38.03.02 Management27 36 - - - 42
38.03.03 Personnel Management27 36 - - - 42
45.03.03 Fundamental and Applied Linguistics27 36 - - 22 -

5. List of entrance examinations indicating the priority of entrance examinations when ranking lists of applicants

8. Information on the possibility of passing entrance examinations conducted by the organization independently, in the language of the republic Russian Federation: passing entrance examinations conducted by BSTU "VOENMEH" named after. D.F. Ustinov independently, carried out in Russian

9. Information on the procedure for taking into account the individual achievements of applicants

9.1. Accounting for individual achievements for admission in areas of undergraduate and specialist studies

An applicant for training has the right to provide information about his individual achievements, the results of which are taken into account when applying for training. Accounting for the results of individual achievements is carried out by accruing points for individual achievements.

When applying for undergraduate and specialist programs, the University awards points for the following individual achievements:

The presence of the status of a champion and prize-winner of the Olympic Games, Paralympic Games and Deaflympics, world champion, European champion, person who won first place at the World Championship, European Championship in sports included in the programs of the Olympic Games, Paralympic Games and Deaflympics, the presence of a gold badge distinctions of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP) and certificates for it of the established form - 2 points;

Having a high school diploma general education with honors, or a certificate of secondary (complete) general education for those awarded with a gold medal, or a certificate of secondary (complete) general education for those awarded with a silver medal - 8 points; or

Participation and (or) results of participation of applicants in Olympiads (not used to obtain special rights and (or) benefits for admission to study on specific conditions for admission and specific grounds for admission) and other intellectual and (or) creative competitions, physical culture events and sporting events held in order to identify and support individuals who have shown outstanding abilities:

Name of the OlympiadPoints
"Defense and technical"Diploma 1st place - 8 points
Diploma 2nd place - 6 points
"Olympiad in engineering design and computer graphics"
"Regional festival-competition of children's creativity among students of the Leningrad region"
"Discover the scientist in you"
Olympiad on the basic course "Informatics and ICT"
Winner - 8 points
Diploma - 4 points
Participant (certificate) - 2 points
Information technology in the field of S&TDiploma 1st place - 10 points
Diploma 2nd place - 6 points
Participant (certificate) - 2 points
NPK high school students "The future of a strong Russia in high technology"Diploma 1st place - 10 points
Diploma 2nd place - 8 points
Diploma 3rd place - 6 points
Participant (certificate) - 2 points
Certificate and (or) certificate of training in the youth club of astronautics named after G.S. Titov with the recommendation of the club10 points
Certificate and (or) certificate of training in the youth club of astronautics named after G.S. Titov5 points
All-Russian military-patriotic public movement for children and youth "UNARMIA"10 points
"Programming Olympiad"Diploma 1st place - 10 points
Diploma 2nd place - 8 points
Diploma 3rd place - 6 points
"Information technologies without borders"Diploma 1st place - 10 points
Diploma 2nd place - 8 points
Diploma 3rd place - 6 points
Participant (certificate) - 4 points

9.2. Accounting for individual achievements for admission in the areas of master's training

I categoryPublication in publications included in the list recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission (HAC)
Publication in publications included in the list of peer-reviewed scientific journals included in international databases (equivalent to VAK).
Publication in publications included in the bibliographic database of the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) no more than 12
II categoryReport on research (with the exception of applicants for master's programs: 04/38/02, 04/38/03, 04/38/04)3
Patent for utility model, invention, computer programs, databases, etc.5
III categoryHonors degree10
IV categoryDiploma of the participant of the All-Russian and / or international conference3
V categoryDiploma of the winner or prize-winner final stage All-Russian or International Olympiad10
Diploma of the participant of the final stage of the All-Russian or International Olympiad5
Total maximum 30 points

Example: An applicant has 5 RSCI articles, 2 patents and 1 research report. When submitting documents to offset individual achievements, 1 article of the RSCI and 1 patent are accepted. Or 1 RSCI article and 1 research report.

10. Information about the possibility (impossibility) of submitting documents for admission to training in electronic form: submission of documents in electronic form BSTU "VOENMEH" named after. D.F. Ustinov is carried out through Personal Area incoming (will be available later).

12. Information on the conduct of entrance examinations using remote technologies: The university conducts entrance examinations using remote technologies, subject to the identification of applicants during the entrance examinations. Entrance examinations are conducted on the basis of organizations with which the following agreement has been concluded.

Code of direction of trainingName of the direction of training
09.03.02 Information Systems and technology
09.03.04 Software engineering
12.03.03 Photonics and optoinformatics
13.03.01 Thermal power engineering and heat engineering
13.03.03 Power Engineering
15.03.01 mechanical engineering
15.03.03 applied mechanics
15.03.05 Design and technological support of machine-building industries
20.03.01 Technosphere safety
15.04.03 applied mechanics
20.04.01 Technosphere safety
27.04.01 Standardization and metrology
27.04.04 Control in technical systems
38.04.02 Management
38.04.04 State and municipal administration

26. Additional admission information will be available later