A person living in the era of technological progress is regularly exposed to stress. The brain is forced to process gigabytes of information every day, learn new skills and hone old ones. The nervous system suffers from mental stress and constant lack of sleep. There is a tremor of the limbs and chronic fatigue. A person breaks down on others and falls into depression. How to return the ability to work and good mood? Strengthen the nervous system.

GOOG night kids

Lack of sleep and the habit of sitting in social networks or on forums until three or four in the morning gradually destroys the body. The immune system is weakened, chronic fatigue and irritability develop. Breaking bad habits is difficult, but necessary. If you do not normalize the schedule, depressive thoughts, insomnia and heart problems will be added to the lack of sleep. The ability to work will decrease catastrophically, it will become difficult to remember even a minimum of new information.

You need to go to bed before midnight, preferably from 10 to half past twelve at night. Set the alarm clock for 6-8 o'clock in the morning to wake up with the first rays of the sun. At first it will be difficult. The body, accustomed to nocturnal activity, will begin to resist. Insomnia, awakening from every rustle or loud sound outside the window, irritation and a desire to leave everything as it is. To make it easier to adapt to a new routine, you should perform the same actions before going to bed. A kind of relaxing ritual looks something like this:

  1. Open a window in the bedroom to let in fresh air and lower the temperature in the room a little.
  2. Take a warm bath with relaxing essential oils such as lavender.
  3. Stretch your shoulders and neck to relieve tension from sitting at a computer or a report for a long time.
  4. Wear comfortable pajamas. In winter, add woolen socks to your pants and shirt. In summer, this is an optional accessory.
  5. Do not turn on the TV or series on the laptop, but immediately go to bed.
  6. You can read any boring book: culinary recipes, an encyclopedia, or the autobiography of another political figure or star. The main thing is that this literature should make you sleepy, and your eyes will stick together after two lines.
  7. Having dealt with reading matter, turn off the light in the bedroom, not forgetting to draw the curtains, plug your ears with earplugs and close your eyelids.

Just a few repetitions, and the brain after the third or fourth point will be ready to switch off. The main thing is that the daily duration of sleep is at least 7 hours. For some people, a night's rest is not enough, so they are recommended to arrange an afternoon smoke break lasting 20–120 minutes.

oxygen starvation

Not enough nervous system and fresh air. Oxygen starvation is one of the causes of constant drowsiness and chronic fatigue. The workplace, like your own apartment, must be constantly ventilated. Open vents and windows, even in winter at -30.

If the office is located close to home, try not to use minibuses and buses, get up 1-2 stops earlier. Leave the car in the garage more often, moving around the city on a bicycle or roller skates. Of course, walking around the metropolis cannot be compared with relaxing in the mountains, where the air is crystal clear, but even walking down the street, you can get more oxygen than sitting in a stuffy minibus.

You can also read books or watch videos in the park, sitting on a bench under a tree or measuring the distance from the fountain to the ice cream kiosk. Useful for the nervous system evening walks and jogging. Weekends can be spent outside the city in the country or by the river, where it is beautiful, quiet and there is a lot of fresh air.

Fight against laziness

One of the best methods to disperse the blood and saturate it with oxygen is vigorous walking. For beginners who have forgotten what the gym looks like, it is recommended to start with small distances. For the first time overcome 1.5 km, gradually increase to 3-4. After a month of regular training, conquer from 6 to 8 km.

The second effective way is running. It strengthens not only the nervous, but the cardiovascular system, normalizes breathing and tempers the spirit. Evening jogging helps to relieve the emotional stress that has accumulated over the whole day, and fills the body with pleasant fatigue, thanks to which a person falls asleep much faster.

Regular exercise disciplines and makes the nerves stronger. Athletes are more balanced and better able to cope with stressful situations. They are calmer about problems at work and at home, do not flare up because of every little thing and know how to manage anger and irritation.

Along with the body, the immune system also develops. Infectious and viral diseases lead to general intoxication of the body, worsening the functioning of the nervous system. Strong immunity means high working capacity, a lot of energy and no chronic fatigue.

In addition to running, it is useful to go in for swimming, boxing and martial arts. You can sign up for yoga or fitness classes.

Lots of greens and no sausage

Physical activity and proper rest will improve well-being, but if you continue to poison the body with fast food and fried potatoes, apathy and depressive thoughts will not go anywhere. The body should receive B vitamins and ascorbic acid, tocopherol and retinol and beta-carotene. To provide the body with useful trace elements, you should use:

  • spinach and beans;
  • natural orange juice and rosehip broth;
  • brewer's yeast with germinated wheat;
  • chicken and beef liver;
  • sea ​​kale and baked or boiled potatoes;
  • broccoli with cauliflower and tomatoes;
  • sweet pepper, fish and prunes;
  • nuts like hazelnuts or almonds;
  • boiled eggs and steam omelets;
  • sunflower oil and bananas.

Calcium improves the conductivity of nerve endings, so it is recommended to drink a glass of milk or yogurt, kefir or fermented baked milk every day. Eat 100-150 g of cottage cheese or a few slices of hard cheese.

A piece of natural dark chocolate or a serving of seafood, such as shrimp or oysters, will help restore the nervous system after stress. Wheat, buckwheat, pearl barley and barley porridge are sources of complex carbohydrates, thanks to which the thought process is activated and headaches go away.

Health cocktail for the nervous system
The drink turns out to be high-calorie, so it is recommended to use it instead of a second breakfast or lunch. You will need:

  • grapefruit or orange juice, tomato juice is also suitable - 3 cups;
  • brewer's yeast and germinated wheat - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • egg yolk - 1 pc.;
  • honey - by eye.

Crush wheat with beer grains or chop with a blender, pour into juice. Put the egg yolk and honey so that the drink is not too sweet. Beat until smooth, divide into several servings. At a time, it is desirable to drink 1-2 tbsp.

Dessert for chronic fatigue

  • Bring 200 ml of milk to a boil.
  • Put chicken yolk.
  • Pour 3-4 tbsp. l. Sahara.

Switch the stove to minimum heat and keep the milk for 5-10 minutes, remembering to stir so that it does not burn. Wait until the dessert becomes warm or cools down completely, and you can eat it. Instead of a milk dish, try a mixture of crushed walnuts and honey.

Do you get headaches in stressful situations? A gauze bandage soaked in a decoction of a golden mustache should be applied to the temples and forehead. An alternative is crushed lilac flowers or leaves, fresh lemon zest.

Viburnum juice and berries mixed with sugar are effective for headaches that are accompanied by high blood pressure. Weakened nervous system caused migraines? Recommend a tincture consisting of:

  • grated horseradish - 150-200 g;
  • oranges - 0.5 kg;
  • red wine - 1 l;
  • sugar - 300-350 g;
  • a leaf of a golden mustache, choose a large copy.

Cut oranges into slices or small pieces. Chop the golden mustache and mix with citrus, horseradish and sugar. Pour the components into a three-liter jar, add wine and put the workpiece in a pot of boiling water. Keep the mixture on the steam bath for about an hour, leave to cool. Strained drink drink twice or thrice a day 2 hours after eating. At one time, use 75 ml of the product. When the tincture is over, you need to take a break, and if necessary, repeat after 4-6 weeks.

Prevention and treatment of VVD
Doctors diagnosed "vegetovascular dystonia"? This means that the nervous system has weakened and needs support. You can take special drugs or use folk methods.

Decoctions help, which include:

  • medicinal letter - 20 g;
  • Crimean rose petals - 10 g;
  • horsetail - 60 g;
  • leaves of plantain, lingonberry and bearberry - 20 g each;
  • nettle - 30 g;
  • strawberries - 60 g.

Grind the herbs to a homogeneous consistency, 2 tablespoons of the mixture per 500 ml of boiling water. Infuse for 30 minutes in a water bath, then cool and separate the drink from the sediment. Drink 150 ml per day.

To prepare the second option you will need:

  • dried mint - 10 g;
  • sweet clover and violet flowers - 20 g each;
  • strawberry leaves with goose cinquefoil and flax seeds - 30 g each;
  • white birch bark with yasnotka and bare licorice - 40 g each.

Mix herbs and grind into powder. Store in a jar or other glass container. For 500 ml of boiling water, take 2 tablespoons of the workpiece, leave for at least 6 hours. Drink 150 ml three times a day 20-25 minutes before meals.

homeopathy for depression
Got insomnia and irritability? Does the pressure go up and down? Tachycardia, tendency to catch a cold, lethargy? Symptoms indicate the development of depression, which arose due to chronic stress and problems with the nervous system. In order not to start the disease, it is recommended to drink decoctions:

  • from knotweed: a spoonful of grass for 2 cups of boiling water;
  • mint leaves: 2-3 sprigs per small teapot;
  • centaury: 25 g per 250 ml of hot water;
  • lemon balm: 10–15 g per glass of boiling water.

Invigorating and tonic agents
You can strengthen the nervous system with a mixture of:

  • orange flowers;
  • peppermint;
  • valerian root;
  • basil leaves;
  • lemon balm.

Combine vegetable ingredients in equal proportions. Grind, brew a teaspoon of the product with a glass of boiling water. Infuse for 15-30 minutes, drink three times a day, adding a little honey or viburnum jam.

Apathy is accompanied by constant weakness and decreased immunity? It is recommended to try echinacea tincture, decoctions of lemongrass or eleutherococcus.

To stay in shape, it is recommended to allocate 30-50 minutes daily for meditation or yoga. You don't have to curl up like a donut or sleep on nails. One or more elementary postures are enough to help you concentrate on your inner feelings and your own thoughts. The main thing is that at this time children do not run around, the TV does not work, and the hungry cat does not resent. Only silence and absolute calmness.

Mental stress should be alternated with physical. Write a few pages of a report, and then do a warm-up or go to the park to get some air. You can take a break to draw or color pictures.

Every day you need to please yourself with delicious food, small purchases and impressions. Go to the cinema, to exhibitions, festivals and admire the stars. Sometimes it can be difficult to set aside a few hours for entertainment, because there is still so much work not done. But the nervous system must rest and be nourished by positive emotions, which a report or statements will not give it.

If chronic stress threatens to develop into neuralgia or obsessive-compulsive disorders, you can not do without a psychotherapist. But it is better to love your own body and not bring it to nervous exhaustion. And for this, you should regularly relax, enjoy life, eat right and get rid of all bad habits, including alcohol and nicotine abuse.

Video: master class to strengthen the nervous system

Obviously, for example, difficulties at work or in personal life, the restoration of the psyche should begin with the elimination of the main problems. Until the irritating factor is eradicated, it is useless to try to bring the psyche into balance.

Try to stop replaying the same thoughts in your head. Take a piece of paper and write down everything that worries you. Often problems transferred to paper start to look different. Carefully analyze, decide what needs to be done first of all to deal with discomfort.

Talk about your condition with loved ones you trust. In addition to speaking out, looking from the outside will help you find new solutions to your problems.

Change the mode of the day and temporarily give up all additional part-time jobs. The most important thing in your situation is to try to achieve inner peace. In the free time, try to walk more and take time for yourself. You can do your favorite hobby or regularly do something that brings you joy - for example, go shopping, and a man - go fishing.

During a difficult psychological period, try not to forget about nutrition. Refrain from fatty, smoked and sweet foods. Eat more easily digestible proteins and vegetables. Remember that the state of our nervous system largely depends on proper nutrition.

Go to bed on time and get at least eight hours of sleep. Not for nothing do doctors say that sleep is the best medicine.

Take up swimming or yoga. With psychological problems, people have muscle clamps that are harmful to health, and also do not allow relaxation, which is very important for people who experience mental discomfort. Physical activity will help unload the muscles, and endorphins released during active movement will help you feel happier.

Feel free to contact a psychologist. The specialist will help to understand the accumulated problems, as well as advise effective trainings for relaxation.

If the condition worsens, you should consult a doctor. Often, mental problems can be caused by a violation of certain organs and systems (for example, endocrine). The doctor will prescribe an examination, and also refer you to a psychotherapist who can help not only with the help of conversations, but also with the appointment of medications that will help your psyche recover faster.

Once upon a time it seemed to us that we did not have nerves, but ropes, and we did not care at all. We didn’t sleep much, because we worked better at night, we smoked a lot, rarely remembered about the rest, and the accumulated tension was removed with alcohol.

Over time, everything changed: sleep disappeared, worsened, we became irritable and aggressive. “Nerves to hell,” we justify ourselves.

Just like in a joke: a man is sitting in a bar, drinking beer, when suddenly some guy runs in and shouts in a heart-rending voice: “Lyokha, your wife’s bag was stolen while you are sitting here!”. The man takes off, runs into the street - and immediately gets hit by a car. He woke up in intensive care, lies and thinks: “Nerves are completely to hell! I’m not Lech, but Vasya, and I never had a wife.”

Surrounding, too, seemed to agree: it seems to us that they are looking for a reason to annoy us. In addition to minor troubles, from time to time we experience serious ones, but we don’t know how to resist them. And now our once steel nerves have become like bare electrical wires, we explode, scream and throw tantrums with or without reason. Relatives look at us with apprehension and try not to disturb us once again, so as not to fall under the distribution. But above all, we suffer ourselves. After all, as doctors say, "all diseases are from nerves."

“I don’t need to make my nerves, there is someone to spoil them,” say Odessans.

Do nerve cells regenerate?

For the first time, in 1928, the authoritative Spanish scientist Santiago Ramón y Cajal declared that nerve cells do not regenerate. And the opinion that neurons are formed exclusively in the embryonic period of human development, and after birth they are only consumed, existed until the 60s of the last century. The phrase "Nerve cells do not recover" was very popular until recently. Many people continue to say this in the old fashioned way even now.

The belief that neurons are being destroyed, and the fear that their supply might run out, also served a good service: people tried not to be nervous once again, because no one wanted to become a neurotic in the near future.

And in 1962, it was experimentally proved that neurogenesis - the formation of new nerve cells - successfully occurs in the brain of adult animals. And in 1998, scientists found that nerve cells in the human brain also have the ability to regenerate.

Another piece of good news: the modern German neurobiologist G. Hüter claims that the restoration of neurons occurs at any age, both in young and in old age. The rate of emergence of new nerve cells can reach 700 neurons per day. Only in a 70-year-old person this happens 4 times slower than in a 20-year-old.

Among the main enemies that destroy nerve cells,. Stress not only destroys existing cells - they suppress the ability to regenerate. So does some chemicals and high doses of radiation.

Canadian colleagues of G. Hüter examined long-lived nuns on magnetic resonance imaging and found that their brain works perfectly, and they do not have any manifestations of senility. The scientists came to the conclusion that the way of life and positive thinking of the nuns contributed to the formation of new nerve cells and the improvement of the conduction of nerve impulses: their active position and desire to change the world for the better.

G. Hueter himself concluded that a benevolent attitude towards people, understanding - at least one's own, the ability to organize one's life, ability, taste for life, an enduring desire to learn and learn new things have a beneficial effect on neurogenesis. And, in his opinion, nothing stimulates the formation of neurons as much as the found solution to the problem.

How to strengthen the nerves

1. Get enough sleep

The nervous system needs a strong one. It's easy to say, but what if it's not sweet and serene, like in childhood, but heavy and intermittent? And most importantly, falling asleep becomes a problem. This is not allowed to be done by restless thoughts, like a splinter that has settled in the head. The body is not relaxed, but tense, like a string. And only in the morning you finally manage to fall asleep, but it's time to get up. And so every day.

To fall asleep, some people start to take melatonin- sleep hormone But he either does not help them at all, or helps them weakly. The fact is that the human body produces enough of it. Melatonin begins to be produced at dusk, reaches a maximum from 12 at night to 4 in the morning, and with dawn its level in the blood drops. Melatonin deficiency can be experienced by residents of the northern regions during the white nights, “owl” people who work at night, or those who sleep in the light or with the TV on. For them, the additional intake of melatonin is an opportunity to get rid of insomnia. Melatonin is harmless and non-addictive.

For many people, sleep problems are not due to a lack of melatonin, but due to. Psychological stress, excessive physical activity, a large number of drinks containing caffeine, watching the news before going to bed, sitting on the Internet until midnight overload the nervous system, which eventually becomes “loose”.

Experts say that a sharp increase or, conversely, an increase in calories also negatively affects mental self-regulation.

You can try to relax with auto-training. Its essence lies in the fact that we pronounce certain phrases that should calm disturbing thoughts, relax muscles, and relieve nervous tension. The phrases are as follows (or similar):

  • I feel comfortable and well, I feel light, my body is relaxed.
  • My right hand gradually fills with warmth.
  • Now my left hand is filled with warmth.
  • Both hands are heavy.
  • My right leg fills with warmth.
  • Now my left leg is filled with warmth.
  • My legs are getting heavy.
  • A pleasant warmth spreads through my body, the body becomes heavy.
  • I feel good and calm.

If neither turning off the monitors in a timely manner, nor the daily routine, nor auto-training helps (it is still difficult for many to concentrate and convince themselves), you can turn to two more ways to fall asleep.

The first one is soothing herbs: valerian and motherwort, which are taken just before bedtime. (There is an opinion that motherwort should not be taken by men, as it reduces potency.)

Second - These are magnesium supplements.. For example, Magne B6. Magnesium relaxes muscle fibers, reduces the excitability of the central nervous system, it is an anti-stress mineral. Vitamin B6 contained in the preparation is necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system and the prevention of insomnia. It is important not to forget to take Magne B6 at bedtime. And even better - half an hour before taking the magnesium preparation, drink a calming herbal collection.

Facilitates sleep and glycine- an amino acid that has practically no contraindications. Glycine reduces psycho-emotional stress, normalizes sleep, improves mood and increases mental performance.

2. Feed the mind

The nervous system needs vitamins and minerals, but we do not get enough of them from food. Firstly, because the nutrition of most people can hardly be called balanced. Secondly, due to problems with the gastrointestinal tract, which most adults have, vitamins and minerals are not absorbed from food in the right amount. Therefore, in order for the body, including the nervous system, to function normally, it is worth taking them additionally. Pharmacy vitamin preparations contain prophylactic doses.

What foods increase neurogenesis?

Cocoa. It contains theobromine, which activates. Thanks to him, memory improves, the speed of information processing increases.

Spinach and berries, in particular cherries, black currants, dark grapes. The human brain is permeated with capillaries, over time they wear out, the blood supply to the brain is disrupted, and irreversible changes occur in it. The work of the nervous system is also disrupted. Berries and spinach contain flavonoids that increase the elasticity of blood vessels and reduce capillary fragility, thus preventing their sclerotic lesions.

Turmeric. The curcumin contained in this spice prevents the destruction of dopamine, the pleasure hormone, the lack of which leads to depression and anxiety disorders.

Green tea. The catechin contained in it neutralizes toxins that have a destructive effect on nerve cells.

Fish fat. Slows down the destruction of nerve cells and improves brain function.

Red meat and poultry. Carnosine, which is found in lean meats, acts as an antioxidant: it reduces the negative effects of free radicals, strengthens cell membranes, improves mental performance and improves memory. Carnosine is used in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease.

ginkgo. The extract from the fruits and leaves of this tree is used to treat cerebrovascular accident, it has a vasodilating effect and improves the supply of oxygen to the brain.

Our brain, and therefore nerve cells, loves foods containing phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, iodine. Therefore, our diet should include fish, eggs, bananas, strawberries, tomatoes, nuts, dairy products and greens.

3. Run away from neurosis

It turns out that running and physical activity in general have a positive effect on the formation of new nerve cells. According to numerous studies, they are the most powerful and reliable way to accelerate neurogenesis and improve mental abilities.

American scientists studying this issue came to the conclusion that running stimulates not only neurogenesis, but also angiogenesis - the process of formation of new blood vessels in the brain tissue, due to which the volume of brain tissue is preserved, which decreases with age in people who lead a sedentary lifestyle. .

Thus, running is a great way to improve brain function. Scientists believe that in the treatment of neurosis and depression, outdoor exercise, including jogging, is no less effective than antidepressants.

4. Take soothing herbal and salt baths

They are recommended to be taken two to three times a week for 15-25 minutes an hour before meals or 2 hours after it. For a soothing bath, take 300 g of salt, dissolve it in hot water, and then pour it into a bath of warm water. Here you can also add a decoction of soothing herbs. Fees from them are sold in a pharmacy. If there is no desire to mess with decoctions, add a few drops of aromatic oils to the bath to calm the nervous system. This oil is grapefruit, jasmine, clove, bergamot, sandalwood, patchouli.

(Before you do a salt bath, you should ask if you have any contraindications.)

5. Treat life philosophically

Our nervous system is not a bottomless well from which we can endlessly draw energy without giving ourselves the opportunity to replenish it, to recover. With a thoughtless attitude towards it, it is depleted and a syndrome of emotional burnout sets in. Austrian psychotherapist Alfried Pangle called burnout "ash after fireworks". Its result is irritability, sleep disturbance, increased anxiety, neurosis, depression.

The prevention of burnout syndrome consists in unloading the nervous system: we set, we do not impose excessive demands on ourselves, we do not take full responsibility, but we try to share powers with others. Do not forget to relax physically: we turn off the phone, we leave for nature and at least for the weekend we forget about rush jobs and time troubles.

Neuroses also affects people whose attention is focused exclusively on. They, like a sponge, absorb bad news, and life seems to them a series of troubles and dangers. They live in constant expectation of misfortune. No wonder their nerves are frayed.

You need to understand: most of the supposed troubles will not happen. We “die” a hundred times from troubles that may never happen. And if any of them happen, then we will experience them only once. Through repeated suffering, we engage in masochism. Therefore, we will solve problems as they come.

Every day we are faced with stress, psychological stress and other factors that adversely affect the activity of the nervous system. Such exposure, if not adequately controlled, can cause serious health problems, including depression, anxiety, insomnia, excessive irritability and distraction, as well as forgetfulness and mental fatigue. That is why people in whose lives there are enough such situations once the question arises about minimizing the influence of external factors on the psyche and nervous system. How to stop being nervous and strengthen the nervous system - approximately in this form one can formulate their question and desire to be less irritated. Let's talk on this page www.site about how to strengthen the nervous system and psyche with folk remedies in a little more detail.

So, how to strengthen the nervous system at home?

Products that strengthen the nervous system

Thinking about the need to strengthen the nervous system, you need to start with simple things - changes in lifestyle and diet. So the correct construction of the menu will help you cope with stress, nerves and irritability no worse than drugs.

Various berries will bring great benefits to our body as a whole and the nervous system in particular, because they are a source of a huge amount of vitamin substances. Of particular interest are blueberries and blueberries, because they contain anthocyanin, which can slow down the aging process of the nervous system.

Blueberries are also the leader in the content of manganese, which is extremely important for the normal functioning of the nervous system. Extremely useful berries will be those that have a lot of vitamin C in their composition, since the body actively loses it during stress. The currant is considered the leader in the content of ascorbic acid, blueberries, strawberries, rose hips, etc. are also rich in this substance.

Vegetables and fruits can also bring great benefits to the body. In this group of products, bananas lead in terms of usefulness, because one such product contains a lot of magnesium. And the deficiency of such an element is fraught with an increase in the excitability of the nervous system, a violation of the normal transmission and receipt of nerve impulses. Bananas also contain a lot of potassium and vitamin B, they also contain tryptophan, which the body processes into serotonin, which improves mood and eliminates depression.

Vegetables can also bring great benefits to the nervous system. In this group, beets, legumes, tomatoes and a variety of greens are leading in terms of usefulness. So, for example, tomatoes contribute to the production of the hormone of happiness, thereby uplifting. And legumes are a source of chromium, and this trace element is able to strengthen nerves.

Calcium can also benefit the nervous system, a decrease in its concentration in the blood is fraught with the development of depression and increased irritability. The mass of this substance is present in the composition of milk and dairy products.

Another very important role for the optimal functioning of the nervous system is played by B vitamins. Without such elements, you cannot boast of really strong nerves. A significant amount of B vitamins is found in meat, offal, egg yolk, legumes, buckwheat, cabbage, etc. In addition, to saturate the body with B vitamins, you should systematically drink orange, tomato or grapefruit juice.

Other foods that will help improve the functioning of the nervous system include chocolate (a source of magnesium), black tea (a source of theanine), fish (a source of selenium and zinc), and beef (a source of iron and zinc).

Pharmacy vitamins that strengthen the nervous system

Ordinary vitamins, which are freely available at the pharmacy, can support the health of the nervous system in difficult times and improve its functioning.

To strengthen the nervous system, doctors most often advise using magnesium in combination with B vitamins. Such vitamin elements are usually sold as a complex. Vitamin B1 effectively copes with stress, distraction and nervousness, and vitamin B6 helps eliminate insomnia, neutralize bad mood and other symptoms of nervous disorders. As for vitamin B12, such an element perfectly protects the nervous system, relieves melancholy and depressive thoughts.

Among the most famous vitamin preparations for strengthening the nervous system is Magne-B6 (magnesium in combination with vitamin B6). Such a medicine can be purchased in the form of ampoules, the contents of one ampoule should be dissolved in half a glass of water. Each adult needs to take three to four ampoules per day. Also, Magne-B6 is also sold in the form of tablets - they are advised to take six to eight pieces per day.

Another well-known and effective vitamin preparation for strengthening the nervous system is the Vitrum Superstress multivitamin complex. Such a remedy is a source of vitamin E and C, in addition, it is rich in a number of B vitamins - B1, B2, B6 and B12. It also contains folic acid, biotin, calcium pantothenate and iron.

Vitrum Superstress should be taken one tablet per day for one month.

Also, preparations containing B vitamins can be good means to strengthen the nervous system. Milgamma, Neurobex, Neurovitan, etc. can act as such.

Herbs that strengthen the nervous system

Various decoctions, infusions and tinctures based on medicinal plants can bring great benefits to the nervous system.

So for the preparation of a highly effective collection, you can combine thirty grams of ordinary oregano with twenty grams of hawthorn grass, twenty grams of valerian, as well as fifteen grams of valerian roots and ten peppermint leaves. Three tablespoons of the crushed mixture should be brewed with half a liter of boiling water. Infuse this remedy for thirty minutes to one hour. Strain the prepared medicine and apply it in half a glass three times a day about half an hour before a meal.

This infusion will help improve sleep and appearance, as well as strengthen the nervous system.

To prepare the following medicinal composition, you should use a herb called oregano. Three tablespoons of crushed vegetable raw materials need to be brewed with half a liter of boiled water only. Infuse the medicine for one and a half to two hours, then strain. Take the resulting infusion in half a glass three times a day about half an hour before a meal. This composition will help calm the nervous system and improve sleep. It is believed that oregano is characterized by pronounced calming qualities, but it is not recommended to use it during the period of bearing a child.

To prepare the next healing composition, you should prepare a couple of tablespoons of crushed leaves of gray blackberry. Brew such raw materials with half a liter of warm, pre-boiled water. Boil the medicine on a fire of minimum power for eight minutes, then leave for another half an hour or an hour. Strained broth should be taken in half a glass twice or thrice a day to correct increased irritability and insomnia, and to strengthen the nervous system in general.

Quite often, doctors advise using valerian to strengthen the nervous system. So you can brew a couple of tablespoons of crushed rhizomes of this plant with half a liter of boiling water. Soak such a remedy under a lid in a boiling water bath for a quarter of an hour. Bring the filtered medicine with boiled water to the initial volume of half a liter and take half to a third of a glass thirty to forty minutes after the meal. Valerian has pronounced calming properties and helps to cope with many disorders in the activity of the nervous system.

An excellent therapeutic effect is also given by taking an infusion based on centaury. To prepare a healing agent, you need to brew a couple of tablespoons of dried grass with half a liter of only boiled water. Insist this medicine in a thermos throughout the night, then strain. Divide the prepared infusion into four equal parts and take them a day - half an hour before each meal.

Herbal baths

Herbal baths have an excellent strengthening effect on the nervous system. For their preparation, you can use celandine and string, and lavender, oregano and horsetail, and many other herbs.
So you can brew one hundred grams of dried oregano herb with three liters of just boiled water. Infuse this mixture for an hour, then strain the prepared infusion and pour it into the bath. Take a bath for twenty-five minutes shortly before a night's rest. In total, perform three such procedures per week, continue treatment for one month.

You can also brew sixty grams of lemon balm with one liter of boiling water. Place this mixture on the fire and bring it gradually to a boil. Infuse such a remedy for ten to fifteen minutes, then strain. Pour the prepared infusion into the bath, filling it with warm water. The duration of this procedure is ten to fifteen minutes.

Folk remedies that strengthen the nervous system

Consider also the means of strengthening the nervous system, which have not proven effectiveness, but, nevertheless, have been actively used by mankind for centuries.
So folk healers advise to strengthen the nervous system using ordinary potatoes. You can boil potatoes in their skins, and take the resulting broth in small portions throughout the day.

You can also crush a dozen lemons and combine them with the shells of five eggs by grinding them in a mortar. The resulting mixture must be poured with half a liter of vodka. Infuse the medicine for five days, then take a couple of tablespoons three times a day. This tool will give you a feeling of peace and confidence.

Combine one hundred and fifty grams of grated horseradish with one large leaf of a golden mustache and half a kilogram of finely chopped oranges. Also add three hundred grams of sugar and one liter of red wine to this mixture. Place the container in a water bath and boil for an hour. Take the prepared medicine at seventy-five milliliters two hours after the meal.

Even to strengthen the nervous system, you can grind walnuts with honey. You can also add various dried fruits to this mixture by passing them through a meat grinder. Take a teaspoon three times a day.

A dessert spoon of crushed chamomile flowers should be brewed with one glass of boiled milk only. Infuse the medicine for thirty to forty minutes, then strain. Take the strained infusion at a time, sweetening it with honey. Continue therapy for two weeks.

Exercises to strengthen the nervous system

The simplest exercises to strengthen the nervous system can be performed at home, at work, and even in public transport.

Here is a description of several simple breathing exercises.

Inhale for four counts, then hold your breath for two counts, and exhale for four counts. Next, hold your breath for two counts. Repeat all over again. You can also take deeper breaths and exhalations, adhering to the proposed algorithm.

You can also stand near an open window or go outside. Take a fairly deep and free breath, slowly raising your hands up. Inhale until your hands join above your head. Next, you should hold your breath for ten seconds, then exhale freely, also slowly lowering your hands down. Repeat this exercise two or three times.

Another effective exercise for strengthening the nervous system: position yourself facing the wall, somewhere a step away from it. Lean against the wall with both hands and push up from it. On the bend of the arms, exhale, and unbend them - inhale. After five to ten repetitions, you need to sharply push off the wall and return to the starting position.

Ordinary physical activity can bring enormous benefits to the nervous system. Even walking will help you put your nerves and thoughts in order, eliminate stress and depressive mood. For some, running is more suitable, for others, swimming, and for others, visiting the gym. You may well choose the type of physical activity that will be optimal for you. So you will not only strengthen the nervous system, but also improve your health.

Organization of night rest

To strengthen the nervous system, it is extremely important to lead a healthy lifestyle: give up bad habits, do not eat junk food and adhere to the correct regime of work and rest. So a particularly important role for normal well-being, mood and health in general is played by quality sleep. All doctors, without exception, remind of the need for a good night's rest.

To organize quality sleep, you need to avoid overwork and stress during the day. Before going to bed, you need to turn off the TV, do not sort things out and do not overeat. To maintain the health of the nervous system, it is necessary to sleep in a ventilated room and on a comfortable bed. At the same time, you should not take pharmaceutical sleeping pills, as they can provoke addiction. It is advisable to use herbal teas.


Scientists have proven that essential oils can have a pronounced therapeutic effect on the body. They can activate the immune system, treat a variety of diseases and prevent their development. In addition, aromatherapy has a positive effect on the activity of the nervous system.

So, to eliminate headaches, insomnia, irritability and excessive fatigue, it is recommended to use oils of various citrus fruits, basil, ylang-ylang, as well as juniper, geranium and cypress.

If you are faced with longing and despondency, then it is better to give preference to the essential oil of bergamot, geranium, chamomile, lavender, sandalwood and jasmine. And general soothing will be provided by oils of rose, hops, lemon balm, neroli, jasmine, marjoram, valerian, patchouli, etc.

The described products can be added to a bath or used in an aroma lamp.

In fact, everyone can strengthen the nervous system with folk remedies and maintain its health. All this is possible with the help of simple improvised means. Give up bad habits, sleep well, eat right, exercise and do not forget the beneficial properties of medicinal herbs and aromas, and you will never complain of nerve problems.

Every day, almost every person encounters stress, which negatively affects the nervous system (both central and autonomic). As a result of exposure to negative emotions, various diseases develop. That is why it is so important to think in a timely manner about how to strengthen the nervous system and psyche, especially since the solution to the problem lies in simple and effective methods.

When stressful situations affect a person adversely, he needs to calm down as soon as possible. Unfortunately, many find relaxation in alcohol, cigarettes or sweets. People leading a healthy lifestyle cope with stress with the help of baths, massage, aromatherapy, tea drinking.

All these options really have a calming effect, and in the second case, even without harm to health, but, unfortunately, with a temporary effect. It is worth noting that with little stress, such methods are really able to normalize the condition. But with a prolonged critical condition, they can harm and aggravate the situation, especially if you relieve nervous tension with nicotine, alcohol or sweets. Such funds definitely will not help strengthen the psyche and nervous system.

Ways to strengthen the nerves

If you learn to accept stressful situations as a non-standard training of the nervous system, then there are all opportunities to temper your nerves and psyche. The main thing on the way to its strengthening is to lead a healthy lifestyle.

hardening procedures

Hardening teaches the body to respond normally to cold temperatures. Winter swimming is one of his most effective methods. It well strengthens the immune system and develops willpower. Hardening has many interesting features. For a detailed understanding of all issues, it is recommended to study the relevant literature. You need to remember the following:

  1. The water temperature for hardening procedures should be lowered gradually.
  2. The process must be regular.

It is best to start small - give up socks and shoes at home. Then move on to wiping with cool water. To do this, moisten a towel and wipe the torso, legs and arms with it.

After that, you can try a contrast shower (spend 30 seconds under water at about 28 ° C, and then 30 seconds under water at 40 ° C, repeating the procedure about 10 times and ending with cold water), this is an ideal option to start the day.

The pool is another way to harden without much extreme. In addition, swimming in general has a wonderful effect on the body.

The skin in the bath lends itself to excellent thermal stimulation. In addition, this is a real ritual that allows you to tune in to positive thoughts.

Ultraviolet, combined with heat, also has a good effect. Therefore, a person hardens by walking for a long time or sunbathing on the beach, while the body also receives a good portion of vitamin D.

Physical exercise

Systematic physical activity increases the body's ability to work, nourishes the brain with oxygen, increases stress resistance and acts prophylactically against most diseases. Medium physical activity helps to restore the nerves, and this is very important when it is necessary to strengthen the nervous system.

The best option for such a load would be walking in the fresh air. At the same time, completely uncomplicated physical exercises are performed, a person hardens, the brain is saturated with oxygen and psychologically rests. After two weeks of daily hourly walks, an improvement in the emotional state will be seen.

Tourism will help to quickly improve the state. Hiking is great training and works wonders - after two days the nervous system returns to normal.

Sex helps to remove stress perfectly, but only in those cases when it does not give unnecessary reasons for worries and frustrations.

You can also turn to sports with a dosed, but regular load. . It is better to focus on the following types of it:

  • Fitness.
  • Yoga.
  • Aerobics.
  • Martial arts.

For those who decide to be puzzled by strengthening the central nervous system, it is very important to plan their day correctly. There are no basic recommendations, everything is very individual and depends on many factors (main activity, working day, age, hobby). The main thing is to allocate the same time to eating every day, to rest only at the appointed hour, at least two useful things must be present. It is necessary to plan the day so that a minimum of time is spent on gadgets.

To restore the emotional state, you need to get enough sleep. Therefore, the duration of sleep should be approximately 8 hours. Lack of sleep leads to a weakening of the central nervous system and a malfunction of the internal organs. It is better to go to bed before 24.00, and wake up no later than 8.00. Children, teenagers and people over 65 years of age are advised to take an extra 1-2 hours of sleep during the day. Before going to bed, the bedroom must be well ventilated, and in the summer it is better to sleep with the window open. This will help to avoid oxygen starvation of the brain.

First of all, you need to pay attention to the amount of iodine consumed and, if necessary, add iodized foods, such as salt, to the diet. Lack of iodine leads to a decrease in thyroid function. As a result, weakness, overwork, and a depressive emotional state appear.

The main products that help improve the nervous system: lean meats, beef liver, cottage cheese, bananas, seafood, citrus fruits, unpolished cereals, asparagus, greens. An organism suffering from emotional overstrain needs constant nourishment with useful substances, so there can be no talk of any fasting and diets. You need to adhere to proper nutrition and eat food 4-5 times a day in small portions so as not to overeat. At the same time, eat well.

Pharmaceutical preparations and home tinctures

Both special remedies and natural sedatives, which have been used by many generations, are considered very effective. Medicine does not stand still, only pharmaceutical pills should be used to treat a weak central nervous system with caution.

Medical therapy

Pharmaceutical products will help strengthen the nervous system and psyche. Preparations of this plan support neurosis, stress and nervous tics. Only it’s better not to self-medicate, even if the remedy is sold without a prescription. . Conventionally, they are divided into several groups:

Folk recipes

In the treatment of nervous disorders, folk methods can also be used. Herbal preparations have a very effective way:

Other plants also help with nervous disorders: viburnum, mint, oregano, lavender, motherwort, hawthorn, nettle. But decoctions of such herbs have some contraindications. Pregnant women should be especially careful with them, because some of them cause uterine contractions.

Only with the right treatment tactics can you achieve not only excellent health, but also completely change your life. To consolidate the result and for preventive purposes, you need to maintain a daily routine, actively move and adhere to a healthy diet.

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