This question is often asked by readers. I'll try to be brief. As always, only my emotions. At first, I felt great joy because I just entered there. Getting up at 6 in the morning, exercising, cleaning the territory and exercising in the field, eating according to the schedule - none of this caused any difficulties. As you can see, I have already outlined the circle of future difficulties.

But as I got involved in the process and compared my life with, for example, senior students came to understand that somewhere I was being played.

It all depends on the commanders and chiefs

Remember once and for all your life. Wherever you serve, whoever you work or do, everything is in the hands of your superiors and commanders. In the first year we were led by a very cruel company commander. It was the longest and most hard year my study. Here and so everything is new. It is necessary to combine study and service (who will say that the cadets do not serve - they were not there), and even constant pressure chief.

And it happened

By the way, the most idiotic way to get away from the army is to go to military school! Remember this. There was almost no personal time, for the misconduct of one person, sometimes not very serious, the whole course suffered. Permanent additional exercises for drill, study of charters and running. But! I studied at this base for the remaining 5 years. Everything that I learned from the charter - I learned in the first year. And the guard unit was enough for me in general for the entire service.

What are the difficulties

  • Life according to the schedule - someone likes it, someone does not. You begin to value time every minute.
  • A combination of study and service - today you have a laboratory, and you are on guard or on a bedside table, but you have to take it. 5-10 outfits came out per month. The learning gap is enormous.
  • Cleaning the territory - all the years of training, we were assigned a territory where leaves, snow and cigarette butts constantly fell. Order was put in place by our forces 24 hours 7 days a week all year round, think for yourself.
  • Life in concrete walls - a city behind the wall, and there only twice a week (it was like that in junior courses). How can you not go on your own?
  • Outfit for the dining room - I will single out a separate disaster. In any case, according to my feelings. Have you been washing last time a thousand and a half plates? And also spoons, forks and jars of food. Yes, and potatoes were sometimes peeled until 4 o'clock in the morning.

Basically everything. If someone can add, write in the comments.

On the video, a set of floor exercises No. 1. Not very clear, really:

Hello. My name is Evgeniy. I am 18 years old. I am one of those people who have a very hard time. He began his studies at a military university. Before entering, I did not know that it would be so unbearable for me to get an education there. Thoughts of suicide began to appear at 3 months of training. It's only been 5 months since admission. Learning is difficult only because I realize that this is not my thing. In the platoon, the attitude towards me is bad, I was not accepted in this society. Even at the enrollment, I realized that I needed to write a report on expulsion. Parents always talk about material well-being. And for me it is not the most important thing. I feel like I'm on the edge. He started smoking, which he had never done before. Why torture yourself and your parents by continuing your studies at this university. I still do not learn the program due to the lack of conditions. I went to a psychologist... He couldn't help me. I was told "be patient, it will be easier in 4 months", but on the contrary, it is worse and more difficult for me every day. I don't know if you can help somehow.
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Eugene, age: 18 / 11.01.2015


Hello Zhenya! In fact, the first year at the university is a complete stress for everyone (regardless of the university).
Have you tried mild sedatives? What was this psychologist? Searched by myself / parents or was it a university staff psychologist? How many sessions?
Thoughts of suicide due to falling behind in studies and due to the fact that relationships with classmates do not add up? If you do not need it, you feel so bad, then why all this? Is it important to get a diploma from this particular university? At any time you can write an application for expulsion, return home, confront your parents with this fact, find a job, prepare for the exam, pass it over 80 and enter an awesome university where there will be no such military discipline. There are military departments in normal universities - there will be no need to join the army. Another thing is that you need to think and weigh everything, so as not to regret it later.
Parents can say whatever they want - it's not their life. I'm sure, one way or another, they will have to support you, regardless of your decision.

Lady in Beijing, age: 20/11.01.2015

More patience. Learn to communicate with people, understand the reason why you were not accepted or treated badly. I also study at a military university only in the 3rd year. I had exactly the same thoughts as you. Study, there are conditions, it's just your laziness. Learn sampo, don’t do nonsense, read books on psychology, make contact with the platoon, this is your family that will accept you, be patient a little more, don’t give up, take care of yourself, evaluate your behavior, the reason is always in ourselves, I myself recently realized. This is your test, God wants you to learn to live here and now. I'm more than sure that you've had communication problems before.
I was also worried at first. But you can’t get depressed in such an educational institution, get out of it at any cost, and your parents are right. In our country, fairy tales about the fact that you need to find your own business, develop in accordance with your inner world etc. all this does not work. Your university is real good school life, and it is worth going through since God
ordered. Do not try to deduct, everything will work out, just communicate more.
For example, I ran on personal time for a year, and this is very good way get rid of depression and bad thoughts.
Comrade cadet! Leave depression! Your job is to serve your country. Give your time to study and sports, and try to communicate more, more humor and good mood. Work on your behavior and everything will work out, I promise you. Check out Nick Vujicic!
I believe in you!

Poromon, age: 20/11/01/2015

Hello! Zhen, the psychologist is right about something - when it's very bad - the simplest thing is to wait - because everything passes. You see, the simple rule is that nothing lasts forever. And if you really don’t like your studies, you can always change it. you can just work for a year. find where you like. Have pity on your parents and grandparents, and yourself. Lord, you have your whole life ahead of you! you can do everything. And I’ll give you 2 pieces of advice - first, go to church to the priest, tell him that you don’t know how to be. Listen to what he has to say, just listen. Read on the Internet about Matryona of Moscow, ask her for help - she said that whoever turns to her will never be left without help. And yet - try to post a photo on some dating site - so you can make new friends, girls. And new friends always bring a lot of interesting things. Pzhsta, do not fill your head with such stupid thoughts.

Elena, age: 42 / 01/11/2015

If this is not really yours, then I would have left if I were you. If you liked military affairs, then you could endure a bad attitude and immerse yourself in your studies. , but for what? I never worked in a specialty, to which my parents also sent me, and a diploma from the university (where I entered later) was also not useful. Now at the age of 35 I receive a second higher education in absentia.
I say all this to the fact that at your age and 2-3 years it’s not a pity to lose in order to make a choice future profession.

sk, age: 35/11.01.2015

Drop out, why suffer for 5 years and then work all your life where you don’t want to. Really think about what you're going to do next. Surely you will have to go to the army already, since you are fit for service, so if military service is so difficult for you, then you can be commissioned for medical reasons, since depression is obvious here, and they are not subject to conscription with it.

Anton, age: 25/11.01.2015

Hello. I sympathize with your story. Maybe I'm wrong, but I'll still speak out ... Maybe I really shouldn't torture myself in this university, and go where it's really interesting? Maybe you enjoy being creative? Or write programs? Think about what you would like to do. How many of these young people suffer because they have chosen an unloved specialty or the wrong institute. Military business is wonderful only if there is a calling for it. Try talking to your family. Material well-being is good, but you should not achieve it through constant hassle. Good luck in realizing what you want in life, and strength to overcome all difficulties.

Striped cat, age: 29/11.01.2015

Zhenya, hello! my son was in the military and know something about it. we are from the village, we lived very poorly ... so for our son it was a chance - not to hunchback all his life for a penny, to have a more or less respected profession and salary too. HE WAS DIFFICULT ... both in the first year and in the 3rd. but he recalled (and we helped too) how he spent time in the village and did not receive ANYTHING. he weeded 18 hectares of sunflower with us, he cleaned manure after nutria, and we reminded him - how in the heat 40 gr. most of our nutrias died, and we howled out of grief. we explained to him that a second time he would not have a chance. he knew that we paid HUGE money for admission. I think yours paid too. our son graduated. DOES NOT REGRET. He also had to ADAPT. understand - THIS IS LIFE!!! Think maybe you're wrong somewhere. Yes, and relationships can be improved - there would be a desire !!! I have a request to you - DON'T HURRY ... for sure, it's hard for other guys, they just hide everything, keep it in themselves. Zhenechka, hold out for a year, and then we'll see. HOLD!!!

larisa, age: 50 / 01/11/2015

Dear Eugene! Choosing a profession is a serious and very important matter. It is extremely important to make this decision yourself!!! Don't look at anyone!!!
Try to reason. The truth is not always on the surface.
We often look for an easier way, and this plays a cruel joke on us.
Is military business really not yours?! Maybe your training is weak? - It's quite fixable! Having a hard time adapting? Problems with discipline, self-organization? Is it hard to be in a group all the time? Such difficulties are on the way to any profession. With perseverance, all of them can be overcome.
My children study far from home. The first two years were continuous conflicts of everyone with everyone. As well as boycotts, set-ups, meanness and even hidden theft. Although in appearance they are all decent ... Teachers did not react to this in any way. We were shocked. We got to the director. He said: "Believe me, this is normal. In two or three years they will become one family. For life. This was the case with me when I studied here. This has been the case for all 40 years that I have been working here." He was right. Real friends also need to suffer. You can live without conflicts according to the principle "hello, bye, we can't baptize children together," but then no one will become truly close.
Do you need to drop everything now and look for something else?! There will be difficulties elsewhere, and they will also have to be overcome. Does it make sense to "change the awl for soap"?
Honestly answer yourself: "WHY did I come here, what attracted me, what exactly did I expect to get here?".
For a good salary? - You get money once a month, and you have to work every day from morning to evening. Money is important (especially if you plan to start a family). But they cannot be the ONLY incentive to get a certain profession. With effort, in any business you can see the pros for yourself.
Try to evaluate the benefits of learning for yourself personally. I think she's really big.
Without a doubt, life and health are more precious than any money and success. But before you submit a report for deduction, you need to decide what you will do after. Quitting a prestigious university, sitting at home or loitering in search of something unknown (under the general misunderstanding of others) is also a difficult test, believe me !!!
If you have no idea what you want at all, then it’s better to stay at your university for now and think actively, prepare ways of retreat. Find where you can transfer or where you are ready to accept. Or find a job that you could do. Is there any pleasure in looking at the world from the window of your room?!

Elena Ordinary, age: 39 / 11.01.2015

Zhenya, why don't you want to transfer to another university? Your university is not the only one in the country. try to choose something to which the soul lies. Then money can appear when you start doing what is interesting. And try to quit smoking, why would you depress your health? Look for yourself, be sure to look for your favorite thing! What is better to take your own life or leave the university and find your favorite job?
Don't worry, everything will work out with God's help! Pray as you can, as you can in your own words. If baptized - confess, take communion.
Many answers here
God help you!

Elena, age: 37/11.01.2015

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I won’t say that the decision to enter a military educational institution was quite conscious: then I still didn’t quite understand where I was going :) There are no officers in the family, it was only my choice and, no matter what, I don’t regret anything, because I got a school that you can't get anywhere else.
In order to avoid advertising or anti-advertising, let's omit the name of the university, and get straight to the point.

Study benefits:
1) Transparent admission system. In order to study on a budget, it is quite good to pass the UPE, physical training standards and pass a medical examination.
For 5 years of study, I have not paid for a single exam, which cannot but rejoice. Corruption, nevertheless, exists, but it will not interfere with those who have brains. Nobody asks for a bribe.

2) Good physical preparation. Teachers at the department are masters of their craft and know how to instill a love for sports. Over time, exercise becomes an integral part of everyday life.

3) Men's team. A definite plus, I think :) It's really easier to get along with men: they are straightforward and not prone to intrigues.

4) Hostels are provided to everyone without exception. Scholarship too, even for C students.

5) Stress resistance, organization and punctuality are developed. It helps in achieving any goals.

6) Employment after study.

7) Cadets must wear a uniform, so you don’t have to worry about what to wear every day :)

And now, according to the classics of the genre, we move on to the dramatic part. Minuses:

1) Restrictions on freedom and personal space. The first two years (conscription service) cadets live like in a cage. Walking is only possible on weekends. Not for long. On the way to the museum. Further (3-5 courses), the regime is more loyal, but you don’t have to think about walking around the city at night and in general about freely leaving the territory.
They rummage through personal things: they check the order. They open bedside tables, cabinets ... They don't need a court order for this.

2) Over time, the understanding comes that some elements of training (combat training, for example) are needed in order to make cadets easily manageable.

3) Regular outfits, including daily ones.

4) It is difficult to plan your pastime, because there is always someone who planned it for you. Without asking your permission. Wanted to go to the cinema / to a concert / to visit for the weekend? Okay, but first - to the museum. Or on a tour. In a classic suit, even if it's hot outside.

5) New Year, Christmas, Easter and other family holidays, cadets often celebrate within the walls of their native barracks.

6) Collective punishment. Again, stupid control.

7) Many unreasonable, incomprehensible prohibitions. For example, you can’t go on layoffs in a T-shirt with straps or in a tracksuit. You can’t walk through the 3rd floor, you can’t catch the eyes of the rector, you can’t, you can’t ...

This is not the whole list, just the first that came to mind. Perhaps, over time, I will look at some things differently. In general, it is not in vain that the military has the right to retire early. After all, the longer in the service, the more the psyche suffers.

If you dream of linking your life with the Armed Forces, you should think about a military university. There you can get a profession and knowledge that will allow you to build a career in the military sphere.

Today we will talk about who and under what conditions can enter such a university.

You can choose a universal profession that will be in demand in the "citizen"

How to choose a university, where to apply?

First of all, decide on the direction of training and the type of troops in which you want to continue to serve: sea, land, air. When choosing a specialty, consider your abilities and inclinations, the army needs both the humanities and "techies".

You can choose a universal direction that will be in demand in the civilian world. These include: engineering, psychology, pedagogy, management, personnel management, journalism, medicine, etc. Here are a few universities where you can get universal professions:

The name of the university

Enlarged direction, specialties

Psychology of official activity

economic security

Legal support national security

Pedagogy and psychology of deviant behavior

Translation and translation studies

Conducting a military brass band

Military journalism

Moscow, st. B. Sadovaya, 14

Technique and construction technology

Military administration

Technique and technology of land transport

St. Petersburg, emb. Makarova, 8

Application and operation of automated systems for special purposes

Infocommunication technologies and special communication systems

St. Petersburg, K-64, Tikhoretsky prospect, 3

Military Medical Academy. S. M. Kirova

Medical business



Medical and preventive business

St. Petersburg, st. Academician Lebedeva, d. 6, lit. E

Military Institute physical education

Service-applied physical training

St. Petersburg, Bolshoy Sampsonevsky prospect, 63

List of other military educational institutions and the minimum threshold scores are on the website of the Russian Ministry of Defense.

Who can apply

The rules for admission to military universities are established by the Ministry of Defense. Requirements for applicants are much higher than in civil institutions. Required conditions for admission after school:

  • the presence of citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • getting the first higher education;
  • age from 16 to 22 years;
  • fitness for military service for health;
  • the absence of unexpunged and outstanding convictions and other problems with the law.

In addition, you need to have good physical fitness and a positive reference from school. They will not be admitted to a military university if you have health problems.

These include the following diseases and disorders:

  • mental disorders;
  • active tuberculosis;
  • malignant and benign formations that disrupt the functioning of organs;
  • anemia;
  • obesity of the 3rd-4th degree;
  • AIDS and HIV;
  • scoliosis of the 2nd degree;
  • flat feet of the 3rd stage;
  • enuresis;
  • gastrointestinal diseases - ulcers, polyps, etc.;
  • pathology of the organs of vision;
  • severe cardiovascular disease;
  • food allergy.

Fitness for health reasons is determined by the draft board at the military registration and enlistment office

Who has special rights and benefits upon admission

  • Without entrance examinations general education subjects have the right to do prize-winners and winners final stage All-Russian Olympiad, as well as prize-winners and winners of international and list Olympiads approved by the Ministry of Education. This right can be used in case of admission to a specialty in the profile of the Olympiad. If the direction is different, you can get the maximum scores in the subjects of the Olympiads.
  • You can count on the advantage in admission and out-of-competition, subject to successful completion of professional selection, if you belong to one of the categories:
    • orphans;
    • children left without parental care;
    • persons under 20 years of age who have one disabled parent of group I with an income below the average subsistence level;
    • victims after the disaster Chernobyl nuclear power plant;
    • children of military personnel, prosecutors, as well as employees of the internal affairs department, the judicial system, drug control, fire and customs systems who died in the line of duty;
    • children of the fallen Heroes of the USSR and the Russian Federation, as well as holders of the Order of Glory;
    • children of military personnel who have served for at least 20 years, including those dismissed upon reaching the age limit or health status.
  • Another privileged category - military personnel who served on conscription or contract. If you do not enter the university the first time and serve in the army, after it you will be able to use special rights. How to enter a military university after the army, read our article.

What entrance exams do you need to pass?

When entering military universities, you will have to take the exam. Most institutions require specialized mathematics and Russian. Third exam depends on the direction profile. For example, physics is required for military-technical specialties, social science - for legal and legal, chemistry and biology - for medical, etc.

In addition to the exam, you must pass the internal physical fitness exam. It consists of the following standards:

  • run 100 m;
  • running 3 km (for girls - 1 km);
  • pull-ups on the crossbar (for girls - press);
  • swimming 100 m (not in all universities).

Some universities additionally conduct creative and professional tests. For example, there are creative exams in the specialty - "Conducting a brass band", and professional - "Service-applied physical training", "Legal support of national security" and "Translation and translation studies".

For girls, there is a slight relief when passing physical standards

How to enter a military university: step by step instructions

We have prepared a complete algorithm of actions for you.

Step 1. Decide on a university

You need to choose direction and . After that, go to the institution's website, find out the rules for admission and the list of entrance tests. In the same place you will find the admission control figures and the passing score for the last year.

Step 2. Pass the exam

You need to pass the required and core subjects. If you have not fully decided on the university, take several specialized exams. This way you will have more options to choose from.

Step 3: Pre-qualify

To do this, you need to submit an application to the military registration and enlistment office at the place of registration no later than April 20. If you are enrolling in a university that requires obtaining access to information constituting a state secret, no later than April 1. In the application, indicate basic information about yourself, as well as the university and specialty where you plan to enter.

In the military registration and enlistment office you will pass medical and psychological examination. The selection committee will decide on your eligibility.

The application must be accompanied by:

  • a copy of the birth certificate;
  • autobiography;
  • a reference from the school with a recommendation record on admission to a military university;
  • a certificate from the school on current academic performance;
  • professional psychological selection card;
  • medical examination card and other medical documents;
  • three certified photos without headgear 4.5 x 6 cm;
  • a copy of an identity document;
  • copies of documents confirming special rights and individual achievements.

When making a positive decision, the military commissar sends your documents to the military university. Farther selection committee the educational institution decides whether to admit you to professional selection or not. The written decision comes to the address of the military registration and enlistment office. In case of refusal, the reasons must be indicated.

Step 4. Pass the professional selection

  • determination of fitness for health reasons;
  • conducting psychological testing, on the basis of which the study of the socio-mental state is carried out;
  • entrance examinations, which consist of an assessment of general education (USE), passing physical standards and conducting professional and creative exams (in some specialties).

Upon arrival at the university, you need to provide a passport, a military ID, original certificates and documents confirming special rights and individual achievements.

Based on the results of professional selection, a competition for enrollment is held. Candidates with special rights pass first, the rest of the places are distributed in accordance with the scores, which are summed up for all tests.

The educational process in a military university is very different from civilian educational institutions. You will find tough discipline, living in the barracks and heavy physical exertion. In addition to lectures and practical exercises, you will undergo combat, fire and tactical training. Upon graduation, you will be required to work in the military field by distribution for at least 5 years (according tolasno obligatory contract for budgetary military training). Getting into a military university is difficult, but possible. Start now to prepare hard for exams and improve your physical fitness.