Hello everyone, I am an active consumer of discount sites, recently I met in the blogosphere a new way to take money with the help of discount sites:

Many people remember stories with groupon and Chinese vacuum cleaner robots (you can read and).

The most enterprising entrepreneurs were inspired by the experience and flooded the discount sites with similar offers with the sale of another Chinese gomn (watches, video recorders, flying fish, home projectors of the starry sky, etc.)

Recently I noticed another type of honest money withdrawal, which is available to almost everyone.

On one of the sites with discount coupons I found a promotion for the sale of "Stars", for a fee they sell the right to name a Star by your name. Here is a link to the promotion. UPD: the action was also launched on Vigoda.ru.

Here is the price tag for this service:

  • Using a coupon, you can order a Certificate confirming the registration of your star name in the Catalog "RUSSIAN ASTRONOMIC CATALOG OF STAR BODIES"
  • Coupon cost of a star:
    • Star of the 19th magnitude - 780 rubles. instead of 2,000 (61% discount)
    • Star of the 16th magnitude - 990 rubles. instead of 2 850 (65% discount)
    • Star of the 13th magnitude - 1120 rubles. instead of 3,500 (68% discount)
    • Star of the 11th magnitude - 1470 rubles. instead of 4 900 (70% discount)
    • Star of the 10th magnitude - 1900 rubles. instead of 7 600 (75% discount)
    • Star of the 9th magnitude - 1960 rubles. instead of 9 800 (80% discount)
    • Star of the 6th magnitude - 3600 rubles. instead of 24,000 (85% discount)

Where's the salt, Onotole?


    Damn, that's what I had to come up with! Money out of thin air!

    Even from vacuum


    Well, this is already an old way of fraud, as well as selling plots on the moon.

    • Anonymous

      Old, but attracting people through discounts is something new.


    Anyway, I can't resist :)

    Chinese junk:
    DVRs are only Chinese, normal models are by no means junk;
    flying fish that are "original" from Air Swimmers, that Chinese identical and very funny toys;
    there are a lot of goods that only China produces, so it’s not worth talking about shit IMHO (the same electronic cigarettes).

    And this action really looks like nonsense)

    • Anonymous

      That's what we're talking about, you need to know which goods in China are "normal" and sort it out. And ideally, buy directly, and not from one-day firms, which just about disappear and all that remains is to demand a refund.

      • Ni

        Ideally, it won't, people are idiots.
        Here you either buy a registrar of the supposedly Japanese (European / American) company SpreadLoha for 2990 in some hypermarket, or for 2000 on the noname coupon site

        • Anonymous

          Well, that's why our blog was created, we explain how we can :)


      • Figase for 2 hours 200 "Stars" bought


1. Do stars even have names?

Yes and no. The stars do not have official names. The names known to us, such as, for example, Sirius, Antares, Vega, Fomalhaut, the stars received in antiquity. There are no more than three hundred of them. Moreover, some stars have several ancient names. These names are considered traditional. And they are predominantly Arabic. Moreover, many of them are not known to the general public and are rarely used. For example, do you know a star named Toliman? Don't be quick to deny. This is the Arabic name for the star Alpha Centauri. However, this is not her only name, there are others: Rigel Centaurus (in translation - centaur's hoof) and Bungula.

Alpha Centauri, by the way, is not so much the name of a star as its designation by the name of the constellation in which it is located. Greek letter? means that this star is the brightest among the stars of this constellation. In this case, the double star Alpha Centauri is the brightest in the constellation Centaurus (Centaurus).

The picture from the old atlas actually explains who the Centaur is - this is the mythological centaur Chiron. The wolf (his constellation on the left), pierced by his spear, will be sacrificed to the gods. Is there an asterisk marked with an arrow in the hoof of the left leg? Centauri /© skyatlas.ru

And the next in brightness - Beta Centauri - also has several traditional names: Hadar and Agena. By the way, unlike Alpha, Beta Centauri is already far from us: at a distance of 525 light years. This is the only reason why it seems less bright, in fact, this blue-white giant is much larger than those similar to our Sun? Centauri A and? Centauri B.

The system of designating stars using letters and constellations was first introduced back in the 17th century by the German astronomer Johann Bayer. But sometimes there were not enough Greek letters to designate the stars, and then he used Latin ones. Modern astronomers lack even two alphabets. In such cases, the stars are designated according to the Flamsteed system. The designations, introduced by the English astronomer John Flamsteed, include the number of the star and the name of the constellation in which it is located. The numbering is assigned in ascending order of right ascension of the stars within the constellation. For example, the star, which is the fourth of the closest to us after the stars of the Alpha Centauri system, has the designation 66 Ophiuchus.

2. That is, I will not be able to name a star by the name of a person?

Yes. Paid star naming services and the issuance of appropriate certificates are only a private initiative of individual organizations and are not recognized by the International Astronomical Union, nor by states, nor by the scientific community. But we will talk about this later.

3. What about Barnard's star?

In fact, there are several stars that have "human" names. There are very few such stars, and no one handed any certificates to the people whose names they bear. This is a sign of respect for the scientific community, which, without inclusion in any catalogs and without official registration, considers the star named after the person who contributed to its study or discovery. These names are unofficial, but recognized by all scientists. This is how it has been in the history of science.

American astronomer Emerson Barnard made many discoveries. He discovered the star named after him in 1916. But this alone, of course, is not enough. A star located in the constellation Ophiuchus at a distance of some 6 light years from us is unusual. It has the highest rate of angular movement in the celestial sphere among other stars, of course, not counting the Sun. Simply put, Barnard's Flying Star (as it is also called) is currently heading our way. And in 8,000 years, it will be the closest to solar system star, taking this status from Proxima Centauri nearest to us. You already guessed that we are talking about the star 66 Ophiuchus?

"Flight" of Barnard's Star. From 1985 to 2005, with an interval of 5 years, the change in the position of the star against the background of other stars is shown. / © wikimedia.org

4. …and Cervantes' star?

The world-famous Spanish writer Miguel Cervantes also went to heaven. Of course, he was not an astronomer and did not discover the stars. But here is another story. In 2015, in order to popularize science, the International Astronomical Union launched a naming competition for exoplanetary systems NameExoWorlds. The names for the stars and their planets were invented and proposed by astronomers from all over the world, and everyone could vote for the proposed names. In December, the results were announced. The sun-like star, previously designated Mu Altar, was named after Miguel Cervantes, and its four planets were named after characters from his novel: Don Quixote, Sancho, Dulcinea, and Rosinante.

Exoworld of the Cervantes star as imagined by the artist / © estrellacervantes.es

The "star of Cervantes" received 38,000 votes. In total, the International Astronomical Union has named 19 stars and 31 exoplanets. On the project website, you can also learn about other stars and exoplanets that have received names. In total, more than half a million people from all over the world participated in the competition.

Map of the constellation Altar from the atlas of Johann Bayer. The star of Mu the Altar is not marked on it, but if you look closely, you can see the paws of a wolf sacrificed by the centaur from the image above. /© skyatlas.ru

5. If you can’t name a star, then you can’t give it as a gift?

Right. Buying, selling, donating and any other transfer of ownership of stars and other celestial bodies is not possible. The same applies to areas on the planets. They just aren't objects. civil rights. Although there are such proposals.

It's funny, but some time ago, one agency sold plots on Jupiter, which, as you know, does not have a solid surface. At the same time, investors were supposed to be attracted not by the firmament itself, but by the gigantic reserves of hydrogen in the bowels of the planet, which, as expected, will become the fuel of the future.

Human activity in space is regulated by the Outer Space Treaty, signed back in 1967. Probably at the time when space research were only within the power of the states, the possible claims of private persons to celestial bodies or their parts were not thought about. The treaty is rather vague. But most specialists in space law agree on the following: celestial bodies are the property of all mankind.

In addition, according to the treaty, outer space and other celestial bodies cannot be the property of any state either by declaring its sovereignty over them, or by use or occupation, or by any other means. And since no country can claim its sovereign rights to celestial objects, the purchase of space real estate cannot receive the necessary legal recognition. That is, from a practical point of view, if “your” star or site on the Moon suddenly has another “owner”, then you will not be able to prove and confirm your right in any state court.

Here, however, it is worth adding that space law does not stand still. Under a recent US law, resources mined from asteroids, once delivered to Earth, become the property of the miner.

6. But besides the stars, there are other celestial bodies. What's wrong with them?

Yes, indeed, in addition to stars, there are also constellations, as well as many other celestial bodies: planets and their satellites, asteroids, comets. They give names and details of the surface of celestial bodies - craters, mountains, valleys, and so on. With constellations, everything is simple. The International Astronomical Union approved the final list and boundaries of the constellations back in 1930. There are 88 of them in total. The names of the ancient (classical) constellations, located mainly in the Northern Hemisphere, came to us from Ancient Greece. There are only 48 of them. Among them are Andromeda, Gemini, Ursa Major, Centaur (Centaurus) and others known to us. The remaining 40 received their names much later - in the era of the Great Geographical Discoveries. Another era and other names - Indian, Compasses, Compass, Telescope, Southern Cross and so on in the same style. There are no more places for new constellations in the sky. It's all divided.

But if there is demand, there is supply. On the Internet, it is quite possible to “buy” a “micro-constellation” - several stars that are nearby. True, in the modern sense, constellations are sections into which the celestial sphere. There is no unaccounted patch in the sky. And a group of stars that has a well-established independent name is called an asterism. There are not so many planets and their satellites to claim their names. Even William Herschel, who discovered Uranus, failed to name it after King George III of Great Britain. What then to say about mere mortals. Comets are usually named after their discoverers.

Andromeda, the daughter of the Ethiopian king Cepheus and Cassiopeia, from Greek mythology, one might say, was lucky - the Greeks named the constellation after her, and we already have a whole galaxy located in this constellation. /© skyatlas.ru

7. But asteroids are named after people?

Yes, asteroids seem to offer hope. They are opened all the time, and quite often they are given the names of people who are not related to their discovery. As of September 2016, 717,768 asteroids are listed in the so-called Minor Planet Circular (a catalog where information about asteroids is entered). The first asteroids began to be discovered in the 19th century. The word "asteroid" itself means "like a star". True, the first discovered asteroids were still considered planets, therefore they received mythological names -. Then, when scientists realized that the discovered celestial bodies were too small to be considered planets, the naming requirements became easier. But still, they continued to assign female names, even if they were named after men. For example, the asteroid named after the already mentioned Edward Barnard has the name Barnardiana. But the asteroid Rockefellia is named after the American philanthropist John D. Rockefeller Jr.

The current naming conventions are relatively simple. The right to propose a name for the asteroid discovered by him is his discoverer. The request is sent to a special committee of the International Astronomical Union. It must be accompanied by a justification for the proposed name. The naming decision is made by a commission of 15 professional astronomers. There are only a few restrictions on the choice of names depending on the orbit of the asteroid and the identity of the person whose name is proposed for the name. For example, it is possible to name asteroids after political and military figures only after 100 years after their death.

So, what about girls? Analysis of the names assigned to asteroids, allows us to conclude that if you are not professionally involved in astronomy, then your girlfriend must have outstanding qualities. There are many asteroids named after women in the minor planet catalog. Here are just a few of them: (326) Tamara - in honor of the Georgian Queen Tamara, (15231) Edita - in honor of the singer Edita Piekha, (1889) Pakhmutov - composer Alexandra Pakhmutova. The number in brackets before the name is the serial number in the catalog.

Orbit of asteroid (12) Victoria. It is believed that it is named after the ancient Roman goddess of victory, Victoria. But skeptics claim that the English astronomer John Hynd named the asteroid in honor of another Victoria, the Queen of Great Britain, during whose reign the asteroid was discovered. Hot heads even wanted to rename. / © wikimedia.org

8. And who generally gives names to celestial bodies?

International Astronomical Union. As you have already noticed, we constantly mentioned it in the article. Founded in July 1919, the organization brings together the astronomical communities of the entire planet. The IAU is the highest international authority in solving astronomical issues. It was this organization that recognized Pluto as a planet in 1930 and stripped it of that status in 2006.

9. So what do the many "star sellers" offer?

Due to the widespread distribution of sales of stars and naming services for celestial bodies, the IAU has repeatedly clarified this issue. All that the lucky owner of the star will get is "an expensive sheet of paper and a temporary feeling of happiness." As the MAC explains, star names are not a commodity and cannot be bought.

However, this does not mean at all that by selling you a certificate, you are being deceived and you can go to court and the police. You need to read the contract carefully. As a rule, the activities of such agencies are built around private catalogs not recognized by the scientific community. There are many such "international" catalogs of stars, galaxies and other celestial bodies. These catalogs are even published as books, with proof copies national libraries. Like any creative work, such catalogs are protected by copyright. But the contents of such catalogs - the names assigned to the stars - are not recognized now and have no chance of being recognized in the future.

By signing a “celestial body naming agreement”, in addition to receiving a set of souvenirs, you get the right to “use an integral part of an intellectual property object”, in fact, a line in the catalog indicating “your” star, or simply receive a service for entering your chosen name in the catalog. However, many sellers so openly report that you are buying only souvenirs and do not acquire any rights to the stars.

A star as a gift is romantic and unusually loved.

Romantic people often seek to give their loved ones something no less romantic than themselves. It comes to the fact that a heavenly body is chosen as a gift, which can really become the property of a particular person after an official purchase. It is about giving a star from the sky that we would like to talk about in this article.

If earlier “give a star” was a figurative expression, now it sounds almost ordinary. Thousands of people around the world buy stars, although they cost a lot, to be honest. Star as a gift .... What could be more romantic? This original present can be a pleasant surprise and even a source of pride for any girl, since the purchased star is called as the customer wishes. But before investing in stars, we would like to tell you more about them.

What is a star as a gift from the sky?

A star is a celestial body that emits light on its own, which can be seen from Earth with the armed or naked eye. In simple words, stars are small bluish or whitish dots that shine with varying intensity. The human eye without additional devices is able to distinguish about 5 thousand stars, although there are hundreds of billions of them in the universe. As we have already said, stars can be divided by brightness. The first six magnitudes are stars that can be seen with the naked eye. Stars up to the twentieth magnitude can be viewed through a telescope.

Additionally, the stars can be divided into constellations and groups. For example, there are stars in the constellation Ursa Minor and Ursa Major, which are known to every child. The North Star is the brightest star in this constellation. If a star is not visible even with a telescope, it can still be detected using spectral analysis, since all stars emit their own light, including blue, red and purple.

How to give a star from the sky?

A distinctive feature of acquiring a star as a gift is not the fact of possession, but the ability to name the luminary in honor of a loved one or loved one. Stars are often given to friends and colleagues, but the girls are simply delighted with such a present. You can buy a star from 9 to 20 magnitude, that is, the degree of brightness. After you pay the named amount, the data on the celestial body, along with the name, will be entered in the RosAstro register. The buyer is issued a certificate for the ownership of the star, which spells out its location and details. Of course, it is not the star itself that is given, but a certificate of ownership.

The main disadvantage of such a present is the ability to acquire a star only from 9th magnitude, that is, the luminary that you cannot see with the naked eye. This is due to the fact that all visible stars have long had their own name. Only stars without a name are subject to sale, which will be named after their owner, or receive any other name, at the request of the client.

How much is a star as a gift?

As we have already said, there are stars from 9 to 20 magnitudes on sale. In addition, there are ultra-close, unique luminaries, as well as supergiants. Star prices depend on the following factors:

A standard star of magnitude 9-20, which, in the absence of clouds, can be viewed at night with binoculars (magnitude 9) or a professional telescope (magnitude 19), costs from 3 thousand rubles. A unique star, that is, a luminary of magnitude 9, which has any unique distinctive features, costs from 30 thousand rubles. An ultra-close luminary of magnitude 9, the distance to which does not exceed 100 light years, also costs from 30 thousand. If you want to shell out a round sum for a supergiant or even for an entire galaxy, then you can’t count on less than 60 thousand rubles.

Which star is the largest?

Until recently, the star Epsilon, which is located in the constellation Auriga, was recognized as the largest luminary in the sky. Its diameter exceeds the diameter of the Sun by 3,000 times. Recent discoveries have shown that Epsilon is just a small star. The star Alpha, located in the constellation Hercules, has a diameter 200,000 times larger than our Sun. If a person wants to fly around its equator in a jet plane, it will take him 80 thousand years. Today, Alpha is recognized as the largest of famous stars in the Universe. However, it is far from a fact that somewhere in space there are no luminaries with even more fantastic dimensions.

Useful tips for those who do not know what to give:

June 18, 2012, 22:28

To give a gift means to please your dear person! And the main thing here is to choose a gift with love and a good heart! Material gifts are the standard, and the mind is not needed here. After all, a way to please a loved one, colleague, boss or parents in a way that no one has ever pleased! Throughout life, a person is given many gifts, and, alas, he will probably not be able to remember most of them. But if you are the one who wants to cause delight with your gift, think about how to give a star! Such a gift for a romantic nature will be remembered for a lifetime and will forever be recorded in the rarity of a family historical relic!

Of course, you can give a star figurine, a set of dishes in the form of stars, a star candle, jewelry, you can invite a show business star, or you can give a real star from the sky! No matter how many years have passed, the fact that a star is named after you will give a whole range of pleasant emotions and spiritual strength!

How to buy a star

How to give a star? Just! To date, there are public services, thanks to which you can name a celestial star by your name, and purchase an appropriate international certificate that will confirm all your property rights.

Not only celebrities, but people of any status can buy a star or buy it in honor of a significant event. The service can be used by both legal entities and individuals. But the cost of a star gift is variable - it ranges from 20 euros and reaches millions of euros, it all depends on how brightly your star shines!

It doesn't take much time to buy such a fantastic gift:

  • Come up with a name for the star;
  • Choose its size and brightness according to your budget;
  • Fill in the form;
  • Pay for the order;
  • Get a star certificate.

You don't know how to give a star yet, then it will be useful for you to know that you can give a whole constellation as a gift! Choose a constellation for your date, which can be a birthday, wedding, calendar holidays, etc., and specialists will calculate your constellation, which will be located directly above your city.

How to get a star certificate

You have already figured out how to give a real star, but what is a certificate for a star? A certificate, or as it is often called a gift certificate, is a guarantee document that confirms all the rights of the owner of the star. As a rule, the certificate is of international standard and can be issued both in English and in Russian. It states:

  • Surname, name and patronymic of the owner of the star;
  • Date of registration of the name of the star;
  • Her serial number;
  • The certificate must have a hologram, wet seals and signatures of International Representatives;
  • The coordinates of the star are also reflected on the certificate.

You must understand that trading stars is stupid, because they cannot belong to anyone. Therefore, you buy the legal right to register a star under a specific name.

In addition to the certificate, you are issued a star passport, which contains all the information available in science about it, as well as a photograph of the star, which can be taken in the ultraviolet and infrared spectrum from a satellite telescope with multiple approximations. Moreover, you can even buy the sound of this star, which really exists and is recorded by special devices.

Having decided to give a star, you use a unique chance to give loved ones a drop of eternity, inexhaustible cordial love and care! Remember that with your love the stars get closer!