Spatial arts

the conventional name for the plastic arts, that is, the types of art in which artistic images exist in space, but do not develop in time, in contrast to the temporal (literature, music) and space-time (all theatrical arts).

(Source: "Popular Art Encyclopedia." Edited by Polevoy V.M.; M.: Publishing House "Soviet Encyclopedia", 1986.)

spatial arts

(plastic arts), types of fine arts that exist in real space - architecture, sculpture, arts and crafts, as well as painting and graphics, which create the illusion of space and volume on a plane.

18. Temporary arts.

Temporal arts are those types of art that spread in time, namely: music, dance, facial expressions. Time has nothing to do with sculpture, architecture, or painting, since they belong to the group of spatial arts.

19. Spatio-temporal art forms.

The spatio-temporal arts are complex, synthetic arts. The development of artistic practice and the aesthetic needs of society leads to a synthesis of the arts. In the very nature of some types of artistic creation lies the need for synthesis. These arts include theater, circus, stage, cinema, television. Synthetic - common feature each of these arts, but the nature of the synthesis in the theater is different from that in the cinema, and in the art of cinema it is different from television. Each synthetic art has its own specific visual features.

22.Architecture as an art form.

The art of architecture is theoretically understandable and accessible to every citizen or villager. In fact, it is not always accessible and understandable in its manifestations of the particular type of art. Rather, the usefulness of various buildings is what first of all becomes the subject of evaluation of an architectural object. This functional comprehensibility creates a veil in understanding the images of architectural structures as works of art.

But at the same time, “... it is precisely the ability of the image that distinguishes artistic architecture as an art from simple construction. An ordinary building serves practical needs; it "is" a residential building, a railway station, or a theatre; the work of artistic architecture depicts what it "should be", reveals, expresses its meaning, its practical and ideological name. It is generally accepted that "Architecture" - (lat. architectura - building art) - the art of designing and building buildings, structures.

“Architecture is the art of erecting buildings corresponding to specific purposes [residential buildings, public, administrative, representative and other buildings], reflecting the level of development of productive forces and characterized by the degree of combination of functional purpose with an aesthetic architectural form” . Even from the treatise of Vitruvius (1st century BC) it is known that architecture is triune: it combines strength with beauty. Modern researchers tend to call the same thing in terms: construction, function, form. This trinity is the main difficulty both in defining architecture as an art form and in studying it. Like every kind of art, architecture has its own goals, expressive means, methods, techniques, specifics of perception, its own history, filled with movement from the simplest elementary shelters to the most complex high-tech buildings of the late twentieth century.

Thus, the process of comprehending the foundations of knowledge about architecture, studying its history should be adequate to the features of this art form. Therefore, the tasks of studying architecture, coinciding with the tasks of expanding and deepening general knowledge and ideas about history, culture, science, should also reflect the requirement to reveal the role of architecture in the world historical and cultural process.

The definition of architecture as the material and spiritual basis of the life of a person and society will not be complete if architecture is not considered as a professional activity, including practical design activities, the pedagogical activity of an architect and scientific research in architecture. In relation to architecture, an architectural image. The study of the nature, patterns and features of the architectural image seems to be the basis for the study of an architectural work. The realities of the world as the building material of an architectural image, its ambiguity and understatement, individualization and generalization, metaphorical and paradoxical nature, associativity, the diversity of image forms and ways of understanding them, these are the possible directions for entering the world of architecture, often referred to as “second, artificial” nature.

Spatial arts Spatial arts

The conditional name of the plastic arts, that is, the types of art in which artistic images exist in space, but do not develop in time, in contrast to the temporal (literature, music) and space-time (all theatrical arts).

(Source: "Popular Art Encyclopedia." Edited by Polevoy V.M.; M.: Publishing House "Soviet Encyclopedia", 1986.)

spatial arts

(plastic arts), kinds visual arts , existing in real space - architecture, sculpture, arts and crafts, and painting and graphic arts, which create the illusion of space and volume on a plane.

(Source: "Art. Modern Illustrated Encyclopedia." Under the editorship of Prof. A.P. Gorkin; M.: Rosmen; 2007.)

See what "Spatial Arts" is in other dictionaries:

    The same as the plastic arts. See plastic arts ...

    Spatial arts- one of the names of plastic. claim in, based on the classification according to the principle of contrasting works that exist in space, temporal (litera, music) and spatio-temporal products. (all types of theatrical claims). The term P. I. ... ... Russian humanitarian encyclopedic dictionary

    Also, spatial arts, a concept that unites art forms whose works exist in space, without changing and without developing in time. Works of plastic art are of a substantive nature, are performed ... ... Art Encyclopedia

    Also, spatial arts, a concept that unites types of art (See Art), whose works exist in space, without changing and not developing in time, and are perceived by sight. The works of I. p. have a substantive ... Big soviet encyclopedia

    See plastic arts. (Source: "Popular Art Encyclopedia." Under the editorship of Polevoy V.M.; M.: Soviet Encyclopedia Publishing House, 1986.) plastic arts are the same as spatial arts. (Source: “Art.… … Art Encyclopedia

    KINDS OF ART- certain ways of artistic embodiment of life content in works of art, characterized by specific visual expressive means and tricks. The diversity of the world cannot be revealed by means of one kind... Eurasian wisdom from A to Z. Explanatory dictionary

    organic compound various arts or types of art into an artistic whole that aesthetically organizes the material and spiritual environment of human existence. The concept "S. and." implies the creation of a qualitatively new artistic ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    - - the creation of a qualitatively new artistic product through the organic combination of art or art forms into a single whole. The final phenomenon is not reduced to the sum of its constituent components, it generalizes such properties as ideologically ... ... Wikipedia

    Aya, oh. adj. to space (in 1 value). Spatial relations. Spatial perception. ◊ spatial arts common name the art of artistic representation on the plane and in space; plastic arts... Small Academic Dictionary

    Aya, oh. 1. adj. to plastic (in 1 and 2 values). In this part of the picture, the power of conveying spiritual movements is not inferior to the beauty and plastic expressiveness of three-dimensional volumes, placed on a two-dimensional ... ... Small Academic Dictionary


  • Spatial arts in Western European artistic culture of the XIII-XIX centuries, M. I. Sviderskaya. The book contains problematic articles of a historical, artistic, theoretical, cultural nature and essays on individual creative personalities, as well as scientific, methodological and…

Spatial arts

the conventional name for the plastic arts, that is, the types of art in which artistic images exist in space, but do not develop in time, in contrast to the temporal (literature, music) and spatio-temporal (all theatrical arts).

(Source: "Popular Art Encyclopedia." Edited by Polevoy V.M.; M.: Publishing House "Soviet Encyclopedia", 1986.)

spatial arts

(plastic arts), types of fine arts that exist in real space - architecture, sculpture, arts and crafts, as well as painting and graphics, which create the illusion of space and volume on a plane.

18. Temporary arts.

Temporal arts are those types of art that spread in time, namely: music, dance, facial expressions. Time has nothing to do with sculpture, architecture, or painting, since they belong to the group of spatial arts.

19. Spatio-temporal art forms.

The spatio-temporal arts are complex, synthetic arts. The development of artistic practice and the aesthetic needs of society leads to a synthesis of the arts. In the very nature of some types of artistic creation lies the need for synthesis. These arts include theater, circus, stage, cinema, television. Syntheticity is a common feature of each of these arts, but the character of synthesis in the theater is different from that in the cinema, and in the art of cinema it is different from television. Each synthetic art has its own specific visual features.

22.Architecture as an art form.

The art of architecture is theoretically understandable and accessible to every citizen or villager. In fact, it is not always accessible and understandable in its manifestations of the particular type of art. Rather, the usefulness of various buildings is what first of all becomes the subject of evaluation of an architectural object. This functional comprehensibility creates a veil in understanding the images of architectural structures as works of art.

But at the same time, “... it is precisely the ability of the image that distinguishes artistic architecture as an art from simple construction. An ordinary building serves practical needs; it "is" a residential building, a railway station, or a theatre; the work of artistic architecture depicts what it "should be", reveals, expresses its meaning, its practical and ideological name. It is generally accepted that "Architecture" - (lat. architectura - building art) - the art of designing and building buildings, structures.

“Architecture is the art of erecting buildings corresponding to specific purposes [residential buildings, public, administrative, representative and other buildings], reflecting the level of development of productive forces and characterized by the degree of combination of functional purpose with an aesthetic architectural form” . Even from the treatise of Vitruvius (1st century BC) it is known that architecture is triune: it combines strength with beauty. Modern researchers tend to call the same thing in terms: construction, function, form. This trinity is the main difficulty both in defining architecture as an art form and in studying it. Like every kind of art, architecture has its own goals, expressive means, methods, techniques, specifics of perception, its own history, filled with movement from the simplest elementary shelters to the most complex high-tech buildings of the late twentieth century.

Thus, the process of comprehending the foundations of knowledge about architecture, studying its history should be adequate to the features of this art form. Therefore, the tasks of studying architecture, coinciding with the tasks of expanding and deepening general knowledge and ideas about history, culture, science, should also reflect the requirement to reveal the role of architecture in the world historical and cultural process.

The definition of architecture as the material and spiritual basis of the life of a person and society will not be complete if architecture is not considered as a professional activity, including practical design activities, the pedagogical activity of an architect and scientific research in architecture. In relation to architecture, an architectural image. The study of the nature, patterns and features of the architectural image seems to be the basis for the study of an architectural work. The realities of the world as the building material of an architectural image, its ambiguity and understatement, individualization and generalization, metaphorical and paradoxical nature, associativity, the diversity of image forms and ways of understanding them, these are the possible directions for entering the world of architecture, often referred to as “second, artificial” nature.

spatio-temporal s e arts are complex arts, synthetic. The development of artistic practice and the aesthetic needs of society leads to a synthesis of the arts. In the very nature of some types of artistic creation lies the need for synthesis. These arts include theater, circus, stage, cinema, television. Syntheticity is a common feature of each of these arts, but the character of synthesis in the theater is different from that in the cinema, and in the art of cinema it is different from television. Each synthetic art has its own specific visual features.

Theatre. Revealing the specific features of theatrical art, we will try to identify its features and characteristics that are inherent not only in modern theater, but have always been characteristic of it, at all stages of its existence and development.

The theater belongs to the spatio-temporal arts. The artistic originality of stage art is expressed in the fact that it involves its simultaneous disclosure both in space and in time.

With the spatial arts - painting, sculpture, architecture - the theater is brought together by such elements as scenery, costume; with temporary ones - literature, music - a consistent change of pictures of the unfolding action. If the theater is deprived of one of these aspects, spatial or temporal, then it will cease to be an independent art form.

A work of theatrical artperformance - is a stage action organized in a special way, unfolding in time and space.

The theater acts as a view spectacular art. It combines the possibilities of the arts, designed for both visual and auditory perception.

In theater studies, there have been attempts to limitlessly expand the concept of stage art on the basis of its property - entertainment. The theater was identified with the game, rituals, labor processes, etc., which led the theater out of the system of arts. Undoubtedly, in the games of primitive people, in rites, rituals there are clearly expressed spectacular moments, outwardly they resemble theatrical performances.

But the fundamental qualitative difference between acting in real life and acting in the theater is that the theater aims to satisfy the aesthetic needs of the viewer, while the game in life is a means of satisfying the need for the game of its participants themselves. In ceremonies, rituals (everyday, religious and religious, etc.) there are some signs of the theater: organized action and even the presence of a spectator. But in this action there is no main sign of theatrical action - conflict, which is the essence of drama.

There is no reason to include in the concept of the theater and various kinds of mass and sports spectacles, although they may include some elements of the performing arts. Identification of the theater with rituals, play, mass theatrical performances leads to ignoring the artistic and figurative specifics of the theater, to belittling its ideological beginning, and hence to the elimination of theater as an art form.

The history of the world theater knows many examples that testify to the fact that theatrical art in the past more than once did without certain elements inherent in modern theater (for example, without dramaturgy, without scenery). But it is impossible to point to a single period in the development of the theater when it existed without an actor. . The actor is the main exponent of the specifics of the performing arts; it is acting par excellence.

What are the most significant features of the art of theater ?

Theater Arts - Secondary. Its ideological and thematic basis is formed by dramaturgy. The theater is different from other art forms - from literature, painting, music, sculpture, etc. - the fact that it implements the idea already given in another work, namely in a dramatic (in a play).

The painter, the composer, the poet deal with the direct perception of reality, while the playwright stands between the actor and reality. Dramaturgy determines the direction of development of the theater and the content of theatrical art, its genre diversity, as well as the variety of means of expression.

However, it happens that the theater does not reveal the meaning of the play in the performance, but uses it as a pretext for demonstrating acting and directing techniques, for demonstrating mastery of the expressive means of the theater, etc. This often leads to a complete emasculation of the content of the theatrical spectacle.

Theater is an independent art form. But this independence is not in an imaginary independence from dramaturgy and not in the director's right to arbitrariness in relation to the play, but in an original look at the play, at its conflicts and characters, in revealing the deep meaning of the play, in its original and fresh stage interpretation. In the stage interpretation of a play, theater can go very far; he can find facets of the play that the author did not suspect in it; thus the theater can artistically enrich the play.

Dramaturgy as a type of literature is very complex and has its own specific features that distinguish it from other literary genres, for example, from the novel. Thus, the novelist can and must force his hero to act, but at the same time, the author of the novel retains the right to tell the reader much of what is not revealed by the hero's actions themselves, the author can comment on the internal state of his characters, their relationships. In a dramatic work (play), the author does not act as a commentator on the actions of his characters. All relationships between characters inner world are revealed only through the stage action contained in the dialogues.

Therefore, the decisive feature of dramatic literature (plays) is efficiency . Dramatic works are based on acute social conflicts, clashes of clearly defined characters opposing each other.

Recognition of the leading role of dramaturgy in the performing arts in no way belittles or belittles the importance of the theater as an independent field of artistic creation. The dramaturgy itself needs the theater just as the theater needs the dramaturgy. The performance is not a copy of the play, but a new work of art created on its basis. Outside the theater, dramaturgy cannot reveal all the richness of the content contained in it. A dramatic work, even the most brilliant, can be revealed only when it receives its stage life.