At a meeting in the city administration, they discussed the modernization of the Lipetsk aeration station - the construction of a new sludge dehydration workshop on the territory of MUP "LiSA". The meeting was attended by the heads of the regional department of Rosprirodnadzor and the Novolipetsk plant. The project, if implemented, will help reduce the load on the old dewatering complex and use the sludge for the production of mineral-organic fertilizer.

NLMK's experience in implementing large-scale environmental programs is interesting and useful for the city. We would like to join forces and synchronize our actions in this area, - said the head of Lipetsk Sergey Ivanov.

There are two technological lines in the complex of urban wastewater treatment plants: the first is owned by NLMK PJSC (it also treats wastewater from the left bank of Lipetsk), the second is municipal (serves the Right Bank). MUP "LiSA" processes the sediment of both lines. According to Yevgeny Lisakonov, director of the enterprise, the total annual volume is 70,000 tons of dehydrated sludge, including about 10,000 tons from the plant and the Left Bank.

Activated sludge - colonies of special bacteria and protozoa that are involved in wastewater treatment. It must be regularly removed from the water treatment process and disposed of. Now this is done by a specialized organization at a suburban training ground.

The joint environmental project of the city and NLMK will make it possible to dehydrate the sludge in the new workshop, and then carry out thermophilic anaerobic treatment, which should rid the LTZ area of ​​an unpleasant odor. The recycled sludge will not accumulate, but will become a raw material for the production of agricultural fertilizers.

This event MUP "LiSA" is included in comprehensive plan to reduce emissions of pollutants in atmospheric air Lipetsk, which is being implemented as part of the Clean Air national project. Representatives of NLMK plan to participate in it as experts.

According to NLMK Group Environmental Director Galina Khristoforova, despite the fact that the plant has a reserve landfill for sludge storage, which is not yet used, we need to think about new solutions now that will help reduce the environmental burden on the territory in the future. The idea of ​​a joint solution to the problem is supported by the department of Rosprirodnadzor for the Lipetsk region.

We need a balance and a roadmap, we will ask the specialists of the plant to act as experts on the project taken as a basis by the city, - Sergey Ivanov, the head of Lipetsk, summed up.

The meeting also discussed the feasibility of building post-treatment systems that will raise the quality of wastewater to the Voronezh River to a new level. The parties agreed on a new meeting and exchange of experience after NLMK representatives studied the options for the disposal of sludge proposed by LiSA.

The meeting was attended by the invited guest Chairman of the trade union committee of NLMK PJSC GMPR Litovkin V.A.

At the meeting, the report of the chairman of the trade union MUP "LiSA" Volkova N.A. was heard.

Options for solving the problem of unpleasant odor in the LTZ area during an off-site meeting were considered by the head of the city Evgenia Uvarkina, her first deputy Mikhail Shcherbakov, as well as heads of enterprises involved in the processing and disposal of waste, specialized structural divisions of the administration of Lipetsk and the region.

On April 20, the Green Spring 2019 environmental clean-up campaign starts all over Russia, but order must be restored daily.

03/26/2019 At the session of the Lipetsk City Council, the deputies once again changed the parameters of the municipal treasury. The deputies approved the allocation of 65 million rubles for the design of the construction of a complex of treatment facilities for the processing of sludge at the Municipal Unitary Enterprise Lipetsk Aeration Station.

The weather in the house depends on their work. Today, housing and communal services employees celebrate their professional holiday. More than 13 thousand people work in this area in the region. On the eve of the holiday, a solemn reception was held for the best representatives of the profession

An investor enters MUP LiSA, who will process the sludge into energy. At the same time, the exact cost of the project remains unknown, the mayor's office said.

The delegation of MUP "LiSA" with the exchange of experience, visited Kuryanovsk treatment facilities (KOS)with a design capacity of 2.2 million m 3 /day, which are the largest in Europe. Wastewater treatment facilities of KOS provide reception and treatment of household and industrial wastewater from the northwestern, western, southern, southeastern regions of Moscow (60% of the city's territory) and, in addition, a number of cities and towns. settlements suburbs.

Local residents complained to the city council about the unpleasant smell in the air, which has been shrouded in the village of tractor builders for the last 4 years. People believe that the issue of removing the stench from the aeration station needs to be resolved for a long time, and should be a priority for the mayor's office and the regional administration. They are asking to include in the budget of 2019 funds for the reconstruction of the equipment of MUE "LiSA" and start this work.

Residents of the LTZ village complain about the pungent smell from the Lipetsk aeration station. This problem, according to them, has not been solved for several years. Wastewater treatment plants cannot cope with the volumes, representatives of the mayor's office say. And Rosprirodnadzor assures that the concentration of harmful substances in the air is not exceeded. The work of the station was discussed at the next session of the City Council.

On January 31, 2018, a meeting on the technology for the treatment and disposal of sewage sludge, offered by INEVA, Turkey, was held at MUP "LiSA". The work was attended by the Head of the city of Lipetsk - Ivanov S.V., the Deputy Head of the city of Lipetsk - Shcherbakov M.A., the chairman of the housing and communal services department - Lepekin E.S., representatives of the administration of MUP "LiSA", representatives of the company INEVA: Zaguskin A., Shimsoken O.

The city of Lipetsk is a regional center with a population of 511 thousand people, located on both banks of the Voronezh River. Lipetsk is a modern, comfortable city with a centralized water supply and sewerage system.

The treatment facilities are located on the Left Bank of the Voronezh River. The first complex of facilities for mechanical wastewater treatment with a capacity of about 80 thousand cubic meters per day was launched in 1967.

The first complex of biological treatment facilities was put into operation in 1975. Until 2007, the sewage treatment plant of the Novolipetsk Iron and Steel Works, established in 1977, was engaged in the reconstruction and operation.

In October 2007, at the initiative of the Administration of the city of Lipetsk, under the jurisdiction of the Department of Housing and Communal Services, the municipal unitary enterprise "Lipetsk aeration station" was formed, or as it is called briefly - MUE "LiSA". It includes two technological lines, into which a single complex of treatment facilities is conditionally divided.

The first line, reconstructed in 2006, with a design capacity of 90 thousand cubic meters per day for wastewater from the left-bank part of the city, remained the property of the Novolipetsk Iron and Steel Works and was transferred to MUE LiSA on the basis of a service agreement. The second production line has an actual capacity of 150,000 cubic meters per day and purifies wastewater from the right-bank part of the city. NLMK donated it to the municipal property, and now it is operated by MUP "LiSA" on the right of economic management.

The technological scheme of communications allows you to redistribute water flows between lines if necessary. For example, when repairing or renovating.

The area occupied by the enterprise is 62 hectares. There is a reinforced concrete fence along the entire perimeter, about 5 km long, and the entire territory is under protection.

MUE "LiSA" does not work directly with the population and carries out wastewater treatment activities under contracts with three large subscribers - with "LGEK", an enterprise that provides water supply and wastewater disposal of the city, the Novolipetsk Iron and Steel Works and the meat processing enterprise "Lipetskkompleks".

Since 2008, the enterprise has equipped a reception station for special vehicles for the disposal of liquid household waste from non-sewered areas of the city, and organized accounting for the volumes of solid waste.

Treatment facilities are a complex of facilities for mechanical, biological wastewater treatment, disinfection of treated wastewater and sludge treatment. The facilities provide for purification from nitrogen and partially from phosphorus.

Purolate is used at treatment facilities in accordance with the requirements of the Chief Sanitary Doctor of Russia. The drug is introduced into the waste water into the channels after the gratings on both production lines. To ensure its effectiveness, the required amount of the drug is 1 liter per 7000 m 3 / hour of wastewater. Since 2010, its dosing has been switched to automatic mode. Consumption control is organized in such a way that through the e-government system, all regulatory authorities have access to information on the use of the drug - for example, Rospotrebnadzor in the Lipetsk region and Russia.

After the receiving chambers, the wastewater enters the sand traps designed to clean the wastewater from sand, which is removed to the sand platforms for dehydration. From sand traps waste water the second technological line enters the primary settling tanks, where the sedimentation of suspended solids occurs. Subsequently, they are removed to sludge treatment facilities. Also, in the primary settling tanks, floating impurities are removed, which are discharged to sludge sites for disinfection.

The clarified wastewater after the primary settling tanks enters the aeration tanks. One of them is a nitri-denitrifier aerotank, the other three are displacer aerotanks.

There are no primary settling tanks on the first line in the technological cycle. And the waste water after the sand traps immediately enters the three aerotanks of the nitri-denitrifier.

The process of biological treatment in aerotanks is based on the ability of certain types of microorganisms to use pollutants for their nutrition under certain conditions. Many microorganisms (bacteria, protozoa, algae) make up the activated sludge of a biological treatment plant, which, being in wastewater, absorbs pollutants into the cells, where they undergo biochemical transformations under the influence of enzymes. This ensures the removal of organic contaminants, nitrogen and phosphorus compounds.

The time required to complete all processes in the wastewater located in the aerotank, according to the project, is about 16 hours. The entire cleaning process takes place with the participation of air that enters through aeration porous pipes. Air is supplied to the aeration system from blowers through a system of air ducts with shut-off and control valves.

After the aeration tanks, the sludge mixture enters the secondary settling tanks. They are integral part biological treatment facilities and serve to separate activated sludge and biologically treated water. Activated sludge settles to the bottom of the sump and is removed to the sludge chamber.

Biologically purified water is sent for disinfection by ultraviolet radiation. The UFO station of the first line was built by the metallurgical plant and has been in operation since 2006. The construction of the UFO station of the second line cost the city budget 100 million rubles in 2008. This made it possible to completely abandon the use of sodium hypochlorite, as a source of the formation of by-products that are harmful to the reservoir and human health, and also as insufficiently effective against a number of microorganisms.

The disinfecting effect of ultraviolet radiation is based on irreversible damage to nucleic acids that are contained in all cells of living organisms and are carriers of hereditary information. After that, the reproduction of microorganisms becomes impossible.

Sludge is formed during the wastewater treatment process. Its bacterial contamination is high, and it also has poor water return, since most of the water is in a bound state. Therefore, to reduce the amount of sludge formed and to disinfect it, sludge treatment facilities are used - aerobic stabilizers, sludge thickeners, sludge tanks, a mechanical dehydration shop, sludge platforms and sludge collectors.

Aerobic stabilizers with aeration system designed to improve settling properties. They receive excess activated sludge and raw sludge from primary clarifiers. The mixture of wet sludge and excess activated sludge is aerated with air for 48 hours. The stabilized sludge enters the receiving chamber of the sludge thickeners, which are designed to compact activated sludge.

Dehydration of compacted sludge is carried out on belt filter presses with thickeners using a flocculant. The dehydrated sludge enters the vehicle through the conveyor and is transported to the sludge collectors or to sludge sites on the territory of the enterprise. From storage tanks, sewage sludge is transported to storage sites at a distance of 30 km from the city for disinfection for 5 years. In the future, the sludge will be used as fertilizer in agriculture, in landscaping, land reclamation, in forest nurseries. The company is certified by the Ministry natural resources Russian Federation on the environmental compliance of the treated sludge with the standards.

Wastewater is discharged through three pipelines with a diameter of 1200 mm into the Voronezh River within the city. To achieve the MPC standards for a fishery reservoir in treated wastewater, the administration of the city of Lipetsk is reconstructing the treatment facilities of the second technological line.

In 2010, three primary settling tanks were reconstructed into the aerotank nitri-denitrifier. This increased the capacity of treatment facilities and the quality of treatment. Until 2013, it is planned to reconstruct three primary sedimentation tanks, three aerotanks, eight secondary sedimentation tanks, a blower station, an activated sludge station at the expense of a loan from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development in the amount of 311 million rubles and the city budget in the amount of 57 million rubles.

The company employs 211 people. Average age workers - 44 years. MUP employs 63% of women and 37% of men. The number of working days in a year is 365.

The structure of the enterprise includes technological personnel, mechanical, electrical, transport and repair and construction services, administrative personnel, as well as production chemical laboratory. It is accredited for technical competence and carries out production control over the quality of wastewater treatment in more than 30 indicators. In addition, studies of activated sludge and sewage sludge are carried out.

Every 10 days, studies of river water are carried out. This is necessary in order to determine what impact the discharged wastewater has on the Voronezh River. Samples are taken in the reservoir before and after treatment facilities. The results of the analyzes show that the quality of wastewater treatment is such that their discharge does not significantly change the properties of water in the river.

To preserve the life and health of workers, the necessary working conditions have been created, people are provided with overalls, special food, and protective equipment. There is a health-improving complex for employees of the enterprise in the administrative building. A number of social programs for employees are being implemented. Under the terms of the Collective Agreement, funds are allocated for the rehabilitation of employees and the recreation of their children in sanatoriums, rest homes, boarding houses, and children's health camps. In 2011, MUP "LiSA" took second place in the regional competition of collective agreements.


The municipal unitary enterprise "Lipetsk aeration station" is engaged in the operation of a complex of treatment facilities in the city of Lipetsk. The first set of facilities for mechanical wastewater treatment was put into operation in 1967. The complex of biological treatment facilities began work in 1975. Since 2009, the company has been a member of the Russian Association for Water Supply and Sanitation (RVV).

To achieve the standard quality of wastewater treatment at the outlet into the Voronezh River, the enterprise launched the Project for the modernization of treatment facilities in 2011, the total cost of which is 368 million rubles.

To date, the work has been fully completed at the expense of the city budget and credit funds from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. The aerotanks were re-equipped with the introduction of the best existing technology designed to remove nitrogen and phosphorus compounds. In addition, the reconstruction of secondary sedimentation tanks was carried out. A blower station was built, with the installation of energy-saving equipment, which provides the process of biological wastewater treatment.

Thanks to participation in the federal program "Development of the water management complex of the Russian Federation in 2012-2020", the enterprise reduces the financial burden on the wastewater treatment tariff, which has a positive effect on maintaining the proper level of quality of services provided to consumers in the city of Lipetsk in the context of limiting the growth in prices for utilities for population.

MUP "LiSA" has fully completed the installation of commercial metering devices on seven input collectors of JSC "LGEK". For a competent transition to calculations on metering devices, MUP "LiSA" and JSC "LGEK" adopted a program of measures that will allow finding sources to cover the costs of water disposal for the volumes of wastewater not presented for payment:

- wastewater consumed in the maintenance of common property (including not only the actual costs of ODN, but also the discharge of water during the annual flushing of pipelines of the central heating system, the discrepancy between the volumes actually consumed and the volumes required according to the standards for apartments not equipped with individual metering devices);

- storm sewage entering the centralized sewerage system through collectors embedded in it;

— Discharge of surface wastewater into the centralized wastewater disposal system, including unorganized discharge of surface wastewater;

— illegal tie-ins, distortion of the volume of wastewater in the presence of own wells, etc.

It should be noted that the employees of the enterprise were repeatedly awarded departmental awards, certificates of honor and letters of thanks from the administration of the city and region. Taking into account that the direction of activity of MUP is regarded as hazardous production, the enterprise is carrying out a social program aimed at improving the health of employees, which makes it possible to ensure a stable personnel policy and lack of staff turnover.

For participation in the city and regional competition "Collective agreement, production efficiency - the basis for protecting the social and labor rights of citizens", the enterprise was recognized as the winner 4 times in various nominations.

In February 2012, the administration of the city of Lipetsk and the City Council of Deputies awarded the enterprise memorial sign"For services to the city of Lipetsk."

In Lipetsk, the next stage of reconstruction of the city aeration station was completed - the modernization of biological wastewater treatment facilities. As part of this stage of the project with a total cost of 368 million rubles. three aerotanks and six secondary settling tanks were reconstructed and a new blower station was built. This made it possible to increase the capacity of facilities from 170,000 m3/day. up to 221 thousand m3/day and ensure the standard level of wastewater treatment.

In the next two or three years, it is planned to carry out the reconstruction of facilities for the treatment and disposal of sludge, the cost of which is estimated at 250 million rubles.

Sergei Linev, director of the MUP Lipetsk Aeration Station, tells about this.

MUP Lipetsk Aeration Station (MUP LiSA) carries out mechanical and biological treatment of wastewater that flows through the centralized sewerage system of the city of Lipetsk with a population of more than 500 thousand people. In 1975, in the city of Lipetsk, a complex of facilities for mechanical and biological wastewater treatment was put into operation, designed to treat 170 thousand m3 / day. Due to the development of industry and the increase in the urban population, the hydraulic load has increased, as well as the concentration of pollutants in the incoming wastewater. For these reasons, the requirements for the quality of treated wastewater into the Voronezh River at the MPC level of a fishery reservoir could not be achieved at existing biological treatment facilities without the introduction of new technologies, including those for the removal of biogenic elements (nitrogen and phosphorus compounds).

As part of target program a decision was made on the phased reconstruction of urban wastewater treatment plants due to the large volume of ongoing activities and the impossibility of suspending the work of wastewater treatment plants.

The total cost of the reconstruction project is 368 million rubles. The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development provided MUP "LiSA" with a long-term loan in the amount of 311 million rubles. Co-financing from the city is 57 million rubles.

At the first stage in 2008-2009. A UV disinfection station was built. The equipment was supplied by NPO LIT (Moscow) of tray type 88MLV-36A. Panel shutters for the Ural Federal District were supplied by CJSC NPF Ecoton (Belgorod). The cost of the project amounted to 100 million rubles, financed from the city budget.

As part of the second stage of the reconstruction of treatment facilities in 2010, three primary settling tanks were reconstructed into a aerotank nitri-denitrifier. At the same time, the following equipment was introduced:

— tubular aerators of CJSC NPF "Ecoton" with a diameter of 120 mm;

— two pumps FLYGT (Sweden) series 3001 with a capacity of 1500 m3/hour with a frequency-controlled drive for wastewater supply.

An in-depth calculation of the operation of FLYGT pumping equipment (Sweden) paired with a frequency-controlled drive was made, thanks to which it was possible to achieve the highest efficiency and, as a result, the lowest cost of pumping wastewater. At the same time, the reliable design of the FLYGT submersible pump has reduced the number of sudden equipment stops due to hydraulic clogging and reduced operating costs in general;

- four submersible mixers Wilo - EMUTR 221.57 - 4/12 (Germany) with a propeller diameter of 2100 mm for mixing activated sludge in the anaerobic and anoxic zones;

— sludge mixture recycling pump from the aerobic zone to the anaerobic zone Wilo — EMU 80-1.30-4/30 S-20-4 (Germany) with a capacity of 5000 m3/hour with a frequency-controlled converter.

The cost of the project is 50 million rubles, the source of financing is the city budget.

In 2011, three primary settling tanks were reconstructed with the replacement of sludge scrapers with IRPO-40 produced by CJSC NPF Ekoton (Belgorod). To remove the resulting wet sludge, FLYGT pumps (Sweden) with a capacity of 250 m3/hour with frequency converters were installed. Self-cleaning hydraulics FLYGT (Sweden) allowed to achieve uninterrupted operation in this area. The amount of budgetary funds amounted to 43 million rubles.

In 2012, the activated sludge pumping station was reconstructed, where five circulation pumps from ABS (Germany) with a capacity of 132 kW were previously in operation, which have exhausted their service life. They were replaced by energy-saving submersible pumps manufactured by Kaiguan ZQ 2010-3 (PRC) with a capacity of 75 kW, operating in an automated mode. The capacity of each pump is 3000 m3/day. There are 1-2 pumps in operation, equipped with a frequency converter, which allows you to flexibly adjust the technological process depending on changing conditions and allows you to use electricity economically.

In 2013-2016 the reconstruction of biological treatment facilities (three aeration tanks, six secondary settling tanks with a diameter of 40 m) and the construction of a new blower station were carried out. The reconstruction project was carried out by Ekovodokanal LLC (Lipetsk), the general contractor was Firma SENS CJSC (St. Petersburg) and Lipetskstroy OJSC trust (Lipetsk).

In 2013, aeration tank No. 1 and two secondary settling tanks were reconstructed at a cost of RUB 66 million. In 2014, aeration tank No. 2 and two secondary settling tanks were modernized, for which 45 million rubles were allocated. In 2016, aeration tank No. 3 and two secondary settling tanks were reconstructed at a cost of 107.5 million rubles, as well as the construction of a blower station building at a cost of 50 million rubles. 52 million rubles were spent on blower units.

The capacity of the facilities upon completion of the reconstruction was 221 thousand m3/day.

Initially, the displacement aeration tanks used the traditional activated sludge process, which did not provide deep removal of nutrients. During the reconstruction, the Johannesburg process (JHB) was introduced, which provides for the division of the aerotank into four functional zones (Fig. 1.):

  1. Anaerobic zone where the release of biologically bound phosphorus occurs. The presence of free oxygen or nitrates is not allowed. Wilo-Emu mixing equipment is installed in these areas.
  2. Anoxic zones with agitators installed, where nitrate nitrogen is converted to nitrogen gas and organic carbon is oxidized by nitrate.
  3. Aerobic zones in which ammonium nitrogen is oxidized to form nitrates, and organic carbon is converted to carbon dioxide. These zones are aerated. For this purpose, polymeric aerators of the APKV series manufactured by CJSC NPF Ecoton were installed. Structurally, the APKV aerator consists of two pipes nested in each other with an air gap between them. The outer fibrous-porous pipe (dispersant) is made of high-pressure polyethylene (LDPE) applied by pneumoextrusion. The inner perforated pipe is made of polyethylene low pressure(HDPE) or PVC. The gap between them is supported by transverse annular inserts. For attaching the aerators to the aeration whip, polyethylene couplings with internal and external threads are provided on the ends of the aerators.
  1. Degassing zone in which free oxygen is removed from the activated sludge before it is circulated to the anoxic zone and fed to secondary clarifiers. In these zones, each aerotank is equipped with submersible sludge mixture recirculation pumps with a nominal flow rate of 830 l/s.

Simultaneously with the reconstruction of aerotanks-nitri-denitrifiers, six secondary settling tanks were modernized with the installation of stainless steel collection trays and a sludge removal system with adjustable sludge pumps of the IRVO-40 brand of ZAO NPF Ekoton.

Ilosos represent a single functional complex of equipment and technological devices. The main equipment includes: a bridge truss, sludge collection pipes with sludge collectors and a drive trolley. The working bodies of the sludge intake device are sludge collectors that collect activated sludge from the bottom of the sump. The sludge collectors are rigidly fixed on the collector sludge receiving (beam) pipe (pipes) suspended on steel extensions adjustable in length and equipped with a rubber skirt made of separate plates. The central support of rotation is made in the form of a bearing assembly of rotation. A bridge truss serves as access to the central part of the sludge scraper. At the outer end of the truss, a drive trolley is installed, equipped with an electric drive with variable speed control and wheels with polyurethane tread. An all-wheel drive trolley is available as an option. The other end of the bridge truss rests on the platform and the central axis. On top of the bridge truss, a metal or plastic flooring is organized, fenced with railings.

Sludge pumps and sludge scrapers are designed for many years of uninterrupted operation. In particular, extremely simple, but efficient system sludge intake, which, unlike the four-beam sludge collector, consists of one sludge pipe. This design proved to be stable, rigid and reliable in operation. The suckers are designed in such a way that there is no “occurrence” of silt on the bottom of the sump, since they are equipped with original elastic rubber plates that follow the bottom topography. In addition, the single-beam design allowed the collection of sludge with a lower moisture content. Side and edge cleaners of both sludge pumps and sludge scrapers are well designed and easy to adjust. Drive bogies have a smooth and even ride, and the electric part of the drive works without interruption in a wide variety of temperature conditions.

The largest specific energy consumption for the operation of the equipment falls on blower units. The commissioning of a new blower station in 2015 with the installation of energy-saving equipment for saturating the activated sludge with oxygen made it possible to significantly reduce energy costs. Four blower units from Siemens HVSTC-Go with a capacity of 21,000 m3/h operate in automatic mode and require a minimum Maintenance. AT permanent job there are 2-3 units, in reserve - 1-2. The vane control system makes it possible to control the air flow, to obtain maximum efficiency at minimum performance. According to preliminary calculations, electricity savings for the year will be about 876 thousand kW or 4.4 million rubles.

To control the parameters of the technological process, metering devices for waste water, return activated sludge and air are used.

The aerotanks are equipped with ultrasonic flowmeters of the ECHO-R 02 type (Russia), and the volume of air flow is carried out by flowmeters from Endress + Hauser (Germany).

The next step in the reconstruction of the city aeration station is the modernization of sludge treatment and disposal facilities, the cost of which is estimated at 250 million rubles. In 2014, Ecovodokanal LLC (Lipetsk) completed design and estimate documentation for Ecovodokanal LLC (Lipetsk). At the moment, the issue of financing the project, which is planned to be implemented in the next two to three years, is being worked out.