
- This is one of the methods of activating the cognitive activity of students in the classroom. The word "cinquain" comes from the French word "five" and means "a poem consisting of five lines." This methodological technique is described in the audio lecture of the project "Legal Education" of the Russian Foundation for Legal Reforms. Cinquain is not an ordinary poem, but a poem written in accordance with certain rules. Each line contains a set of words that must be reflected in the poem. 1 line - the title, which contains the keyword, concept, theme of the syncwine, expressed in the form of a noun, 2nd line - two adjectives,3rd line - three verbs,4 line - 4 words, a phrase that carries a certain meaning, aphorism, with which you need to express your attitude to the topic. Such an aphorism can be a catch phrase, a quote, a proverb or a phrase compiled by the student himself in the context of the topic, 5 line - summary, conclusion, one word, noun.

Sincwine on the theme "State" ,

State.(title) Independent, legal.(two adjectives) collects ( taxes), judge, pay(pensions). (3 verbs) The state is us!(A phrase that carries a certain meaning) Protection.(Summary)

cinquain "Proverb"

Proverb, kind, cordial, cares, adjusts, protects. The world lights up like the sun. Good. Sinkwine is not a way to test a student's knowledge, he has a different task, moreover, a more universal one.

Sinkwain is a way at any stage of a lesson, studying a topic, to check what students have at the level of associations. The teacher begins to study a new topic and at the beginning of the lesson gives a syncwine: “What do you already know about this? What do you think?" After analyzing the results obtained, it is possible to correct the student's ideas about this concept in the course of studying the topic. ... The height of the lesson. The topic is very difficult to understand. The students are tired. Offer them a cinquain on some section of the topic being studied, and you will find out how the students perceive the new material. A quick way to change the type of activity without leaving the study of the topic. The study of the topic is completed. The quality, depth and strength of knowledge will be shown by the survey, the final control section.

And now, at the end of the lesson - syncwine. A worthy result of studying new material, which will demonstrate not so much knowledge as understanding, value judgments, value orientations of students. Ultimately, with a detailed analysis of syncwines, the teacher will see how much he managed to achieve the previously predicted result.

SINKWINE is a five-line verse.

The ability to summarize information, express complex ideas, feelings and ideas in a few words is an important skill. It requires thoughtful reflection based on a rich conceptual stock.

Cinquain is a poem that requires the synthesis of information and material in brief terms, which allows you to describe or reflect on any occasion.

The word cinquain comes from the French word which means five. Thus, a cinquain is a poem consisting of five lines. When you introduce students to cinquains, first explain to them how such poems are written. Then give some examples (below are some syncwines). After that, invite the group to write some syncwines. For some people, it will be difficult to write syncwines at first. An effective means of introducing syncwines is to divide the group into pairs. Name the theme for the cinquain. Each participant will be given 5-7 minutes to write a cinquain. Then he will turn to his partner and from two syncwines they will make one, with which both will agree. This will give them the opportunity to talk about why they wrote and to re-examine the topic critically. In addition, this method will require participants to listen to each other and extract from the works of others those ideas that they can relate to their own. Then the whole group will be able to get acquainted with paired cinquains. If there are codoscopes, then it is useful to show a couple of syncwines. Each of them can be submitted by both authors. This could spark further discussion.

Sinkwines are a fast and powerful tool for reflection, synthesis and generalization of concepts and information. It is important to do these exercises systematically, purposefully and with clear pedagogical goals.

When this is done, teaching and thinking become a transparent process accessible to all. There will be no mysterious or subtle processes that only those who are lucky will be able to notice. When processes become transparent, students not only learn the content, but also learn to learn.

Sinkwine from the point of view of pedagogy

Writing a syncwine is a form of free creativity that requires the author to be able to find the most significant elements in the information material, draw conclusions and briefly formulate them. In addition to using syncwines in literature lessons (for example, to sum up the work passed ) the use of syncwine is also practiced as the final task for the material covered in any other discipline.

Sincwine on the theme "Vitamin" 1. Substance 2. Useful, necessary 3. Absorb, take, use 4. You can’t live without vitamins! They are reliable friends. 5. Health Benefits

Sincwine "Human"

A person beautiful and happy. Thinks, does, speaks. And he does not forget that he is an individual.

Sinkwine on the word "Tolerance": 1. Patience 2. Non-hostile, constructive, non-conflict 3. Interact, respect, listen 4. Human wisdom is also in tolerance. 5. Peacefulness

Sincwine on the theme "Nature" 1. Life 2. Fertile, nourishing 3. Be born, live, exist 4. Nature is an endless source of inspiration 5. Mother Earth


Creativity active, creative to be able, to do, to love to create, to be able to develop love

Water useful, transparent flows, streams, splashes the most soluble minerals on earth

Justice pure, faithful, does not lie, tests, enriches You are safe with her Sister of WISDOM

Life interesting, difficult to be born, grow up, decide life everyone wants to know hope

Books Mysterious, deep Help, teach, fall in love With their eternal heroes Thank you

City Beautiful, noisy Buzzing, blinding, living City filled with movement, vanity Life.

is a five-line verse. The word cinquain comes from the French word which means five. Thus, a cinquain is a poem consisting of five lines. It enriches vocabulary; prepares for a brief retelling teaches to formulate an idea (key phrase); allows you to feel like a creator at least for a moment; gets everyone.

RULES FOR WRITING SINQUEINE 1 line- one word - the title of the poem, the theme, usually a noun. 2 line- two words (adjectives or participles). Description of the topic, words can be connected by conjunctions and prepositions. 3 line- three words (verbs). Actions related to the topic. 4 line- four words - a sentence. A phrase that shows the author's attitude to the topic in the 1st line. 5 line- one word - an association, a synonym that repeats the essence of the topic in the 1st line, usually a noun.


Kind, smart

Helps, understands, works.

She is a good friend.


Affectionate, kind.

Loves, teaches, understands.

Loving mother, from whom it is always warm.


kind, affectionate

loves, sleeps, scolds

I can't live a day without my mom!

Holidays. Light, cheerful. Walk, relax, sleep. Rest - do not work! Happiness!


    Illustrious, brave .

    Fought, rejoiced, fled .

    scary n go through Russia .



    Valiant, shrewd .

    Led, smashed, conquered .

    Rus from enemy freed .

    Hero .

SINKWINE is a five-line verse
The ability to summarize information, express complex ideas, feelings and ideas in a few words is an important skill. It requires thoughtful reflection based on a rich conceptual stock.

Cinquain is a poem that requires the synthesis of information and material in brief terms, which allows you to describe or reflect on any occasion.
The word cinquain comes from the French word which means five. Thus, a cinquain is a poem consisting of five lines. When you introduce students to cinquains, first explain to them how such poems are written. Then give some examples (below are some syncwines). After that, invite the group to write some syncwines. For some people, it will be difficult to write syncwines at first. An effective means of introducing syncwines is to divide the group into pairs. Name the theme for the cinquain. Each participant will be given 5-7 minutes to write a cinquain. Then he will turn to his partner and from two syncwines they will make one, with which both will agree. This will give them the opportunity to talk about why they wrote and to re-examine the topic critically. In addition, this method will require participants to listen to each other and extract from the works of others those ideas that they can relate to their own. Then the whole group will be able to get acquainted with paired cinquains. If there are codoscopes, then it is useful to show a couple of syncwines. Each of them can be submitted by both authors. This could spark further discussion.

Sinkwines are a fast and powerful tool for reflection, synthesis and generalization of concepts and information. It is important to do these exercises systematically, purposefully and with clear pedagogical goals.
When this is done, teaching and thinking become a transparent process accessible to all. There will be no mysterious or subtle processes that only those who are lucky will be able to notice. When processes become transparent, students not only learn the content, but also learn to learn.

Cinquain is a five-line poem in which a person expresses his attitude to a problem.

The order of writing syncwine:

  • The first line is one keyword that determines the content of the syncwine.
  • The second line is two adjectives that characterize this sentence.
  • The third term is three verbs showing the action of the concept.
  • The fourth line is a short sentence in which the author expresses his attitude.
  • The fifth line is one word, usually a noun, through which a person expresses his feelings, associations associated with this concept.

Examples of syncwines

Cold, indifferent
Looking out, looking out, getting ready
Shoots straight without hesitation

Sharp, cruel
Squinting, aiming - you need to be in time
Your path is death

Young, tired, smart

Suffer, kill, think

War be damned!


Thoughtful and faithful.
Reject, prefer.
Complicated and important to me.

Complex, essential.
Do, think, weigh.
Needed by everyone.

Free, responsible.
Makes, points, decides.
Life is a series of choices.

Responsible and honest.
Think, decide.
There is always a choice.

Installed and hard.
Manage, restrain, allow.
Everywhere they follow me.

Necessary and obligatory.
Regulate, restrain help.
Take care of every person.

Terrible, irreconcilable.
Destroys, insults, kills.
Often inevitable for me.

Heavy and insoluble.
Destroys, corrupts, kills.

Private, unpleasant.
Sorit, anger, divide.
Can't live without it.

Private, public.
To provoke, annoy, quarrel.
Conflicts are unavoidable in life.

Inevitable and required.
Pursues, demands, compels.
Lies for my deeds.

Civil, criminal.
Overtakes, limits, forces.
All actions must be accountable.


Important and needed.

Sorit, reconciles, helps.

Plays on my feelings.


Old and strong.

Respect, understand, appreciate.

We are of the same blood, you and me.

Sinkwine: how to make examples? SINKWINE is a five-line verse
The ability to summarize information, express complex ideas, feelings and ideas in a few words is an important skill. It requires thoughtful reflection based on a rich conceptual stock. Cinquain is a poem that requires the synthesis of information and material in brief terms, which allows you to describe or reflect on any occasion.
The word cinquain comes from the French word which means five. Thus, a cinquain is a poem consisting of five lines. When you introduce students to cinquains, first explain to them how such poems are written. Then give some examples (below are some syncwines).

After that, invite the group to write some syncwines. For some people, it will be difficult to write syncwines at first. An effective means of introducing syncwines is to divide the group into pairs. Name the theme for the cinquain. Each participant will be given 5-7 minutes to write a cinquain. Then he will turn to his partner and from two syncwines they will make one, with which both will agree. This will give them the opportunity to talk about why they wrote and to re-examine the topic critically.

In addition, this method will require participants to listen to each other and extract from the works of others those ideas that they can relate to their own. Then the whole group will be able to get acquainted with paired cinquains. If there are codoscopes, then it is useful to show a couple of syncwines. Each of them can be submitted by both authors. This could spark further discussion.
Sinkwines are a fast and powerful tool for reflection, synthesis and generalization of concepts and information. It is important to do these exercises systematically, purposefully and with clear pedagogical goals.
When this is done, teaching and thinking become a transparent process accessible to all.

There will be no mysterious or subtle processes that only those who are lucky will be able to notice. When processes become transparent, students not only learn the content, but also learn to learn.
Cinquain is a poem that consists of
five lines in which a person expresses his attitude to the problem.

The order of writing syncwine:
The first line is one keyword that defines the content of the syncwine.
The second line is two adjectives that characterize this sentence.
The third term is three verbs showing the action of the concept.
The fourth line is a short sentence in which the author expresses his attitude.
The fifth line is one word, usually a noun, through which a person expresses his feelings, associations associated with this concept.

Sinkwine: how to make examples. Examples of syncwines

Cold, indifferent
Looking out, looking out, getting ready
Shoots straight without hesitation

Sharp, cruel
Squinting, aiming - you need to be in time
Your path is death

Free, responsible.
Makes, points, decides.
Life is a series of choices.

Installed and hard.
Manage, restrain, allow.
Everywhere they follow me.

Necessary and obligatory.
Regulate, restrain help.
Take care of every person.

Heavy and insoluble.
Destroys, corrupts, kills.

Private, unpleasant.
Sorit, anger, divide.
Can't live without it.

Important and needed.

Sorit, reconciles, helps.

Plays on my feelings.


Old and strong.

Respect, understand, appreciate.

We are of the same blood, you and I.

What is cinquain?

Translated from French, the word "cinquain" means a poem consisting of five lines, which is written according to certain rules. Compiling a syncwine requires the student to be able to find the most significant educational elements in the educational material, draw a conclusion and express all this in brief terms.

Sinkwain - concentration of knowledge, associations, feelings; narrowing the assessment of phenomena and events, expressing one's position, view of an event, an object.

Writing syncwine is a form of free creativity, which is carried out according to certain rules.

Rules for writing syncwine

First line - one word, usually a noun reflecting the theme of cinquain;

second line - two words, adjectives describing the main idea;

third line - three words, verbs describing actions within the topic;

fourth line - a phrase of several (usually four) words, showing the relationship to the topic; such a sentence can be a catch phrase, a quote, a proverb, or a phrase composed by the student himself in the context of the topic.

fifth line - summary word or phrase, associated with the first, reflecting the essence of the topic, which gives a new interpretation of the topic, expresses the personal attitude of the squeaker to the topic.

When compiling a syncwine, the author can refer to the text of the content of the topic being studied. At the same time, line-by-line tasks are for him a kind of schemes of the indicative basis of activity, using which he performs a specific fragment of the task of compiling a syncwine.

A correctly composed cinquain has a pronounced emotional coloring.

Thus, the procedure for compiling a syncwine allows you to harmoniously combine the elements of all three main educational systems: information, activity and personality-oriented.

Algorithm for writing syncwine.

1st line. Who? What? 1 noun.

2nd line. Which? 2 adjectives.

3rd line. What is he doing? 3 verbs.

5th line. Who? What? (New sound of the theme). 1 noun.

The use of syncwines at school

The student's ability to compose syncwines on a particular topic indicates the degree of the student's knowledge of the educational material of this topic, in particular, it is an indicator that the student:

- is able to highlight the most characteristic features of the studied phenomenon, process, structure or substance;

- able to apply the acquired knowledge to solve a new problem for him.

Working on the creation of syncwine is one of the effective methods for developing figurative speech, which allows you to quickly get results.

Sinkwine can be used at different stages of the lesson: at the stage of challenge, comprehension, reflection.

Examples of syncwines

Sincwine on the theme "NEW YEAR".






Sinkwine on the topic "Vitamin".

1. Substance

2. Useful, necessary

3. Absorb, take, consume

4. You can't live without vitamins! They are reliable friends.

5. Health Benefits

Master Class

On the subject: "The use of the cinquain method in the development of children's speech

senior preschool age "


What is cinquain

He who thinks clearly, he expresses clearly. Ancient saying A

Psychologists and practicing teachers note that older preschoolers often have speech disorders, poor vocabulary, children do not know how to compose a story from a picture, retell what they have read, it is difficult for them to memorize a poem. Compiling a syncwine is one of the ways to partially solve these problems. Sinkwines are often used by modern preschool teachers in direct educational activities and in school lessons. Already at preschool age, you can teach children to compose syncwines in the form of a game.

Favorite, affectionate
Play, delight, touch
Children are the flowers of life

These lines are similar to Japanese lyric poetry. But this is not Japanese poetry. This is syncwine. What does this unusual word mean?

cinquain - a French word, translated means"A Poem of Five Lines"

cinquain- this is an unrhymed poem, which today is a pedagogical technique aimed at solving a specific problem.

Relatively recently, teachers began to use cinquain to enhance cognitive activity and began to use it as a method of speech development.

To compose a cinquain , you need to learn how to find the main elements in the text, in the material, draw conclusions and conclusions, express your opinion, analyze, generalize, isolate, combine and summarize.

We can say that this is a flight of thought, free mini-creativity, subject to certain rules.

Rules for compiling syncwine

    Firstsyncwine string -header, a topic consisting of one word (usuallynoun,denoting the object or action in question).

    Secondline -two words. Adjectives.This is a description of the features of an object or its properties, revealing the theme of syncwine.

    Thirdline usually consists ofthree verbsor gerunds that describe the actions of the subject.

    4thline isphrase or sentence, consisting of several words that reflect the personal attitude of the author of the syncwine to what is said in the text.

    Fifthline is the last one.One wordnounto express one's feelings, associations related to the subject referred to in the syncwine, that is, this is a personal expression of the author to the topic or a repetition of the essence, a synonym.

It is assumed that with preschool children, strict adherence to the rules for compiling syncwine is not necessary.

It is possible that in the fourth line the sentence may consist of 3 to 5 words, and in the fifth line, instead of one word, there may be two words. Other parts of speech are also allowed.

An example of the syncwine "Our group".

our group Cheerful, friendly Learn, play, dance Our beloved home We are friendly!

Sinkwines will help to quickly and effectively teach a child the synthesis, generalization and analysis of various concepts. In order to correctly, fully, competently express their thoughts, the child must have a sufficient vocabulary. Therefore, work must begin with the expansion and improvement of the dictionary. The richer the child's vocabulary, the easier it will be for him to build not only a syncwine, but also to retell the text and express his thoughts.

Is it possible to teach syncwines to children who still cannot read?

Why not? Of course you can. Children who are only learning letters and cannot read can be offered the oral compilation of a syncwine with interrogative words. About who about what? What, what, what? What did you do, what did you do? With the help of leading questions, children learn to highlight the main idea, answer questions and, according to a certain algorithm, create their own oral non-rhyming poems.

Sinkwine algorithm for children who can't read yet:

    sign words (adjectives)

    action words (verbs)

    word-objects (nouns)

Drawing up a syncwine is a form of free creativity, which is aimed at developing the ability to find the most important and essential features in a large flow of information, analyze, draw conclusions, and formulate one’s statements multiple times.

Compiling a syncwine is like a game, because composing is fun, useful and easy!

Interest in the world around develops, speech, thinking, memory develops ... ..

Teachers who use the cinquain method in their work have noticed that cinquain contributes to the development of critical thinking.

One of the goals in compiling a syncwine - achieve the ability to identify main idea text, and also briefly express their thoughts. “The meaning of a word is a phenomenon of thinking,” wrote the famous Soviet psychologist L.S. Vygotsky in "Thinking and Speech".

Sinkwine is one of the most effective methods for developing the speech of a preschooler

What is its effectiveness and significance?

    First, its simplicity. Sinkwine can make everything.

    Secondly, in compiling a syncwine, each child can realize his creative, intellectual capabilities.

    Cinquain is a game technique.

    Compiling a syncwine is used as the final task for the material covered.

    Composing a syncwine is used to conduct reflection, analysis and synthesis of the information received.

Examples of some syncwines compiled by preschoolers:

1. Kitten Black, fluffy Playing, sleeping, eating He is my friend Pet

2. House Big, beautiful Protects, warms All people need asylum

3. Watermelon Round, delicious Rolling, growing, maturing Watermelon is a big berry. Summer

Let's try to compose the cinquain "Family" together


    What is she? (beautiful, strong, friendly, cheerful, big)

    What is she doing? (proud, cares, helps, loves, hopes...)

    Family proposal, aphorism or proverb. (The whole family is together - and the soul is in place. In the family, everything is going fine. I love my family.)

    A synonym, or, how else can you call a family (Cell of society. My home! Beloved. Native).

When compiling a syncwine with preschoolers, you need to remember that it is necessary to compile a syncwine only on topics well known to children and be sure to show a sample.

If compiling a syncwine is difficult, then you can help with leading questions.

You need to be prepared for the fact that not all children may like compiling a syncwine, because working on it requires a certain understanding, vocabulary and the ability to express their thoughts. Therefore, it is necessary to help and encourage the desire of children to compose a syncwine or answer questions. Gradually, children will get used to the rules for writing non-rhyming poems, and their compilation will turn into a game. And imperceptibly for the children themselves, playing cinquain will become a fun and entertaining activity for them. “Even instantaneous insight can become the first spark from which sooner or later the flame of creative search will ignite,” wrote V. Shatalov. Children will be proud of their achievements!

Conclusions about syncwine

    Cinquain is a French quintet, similar to Japanese poems.

    Sinkwine helps to replenish vocabulary.

    Cinquain teaches short retelling.

    Sinkwine teaches to find and highlight the main idea in a large amount of information.

    Composing a syncwine is a creative process. This interesting activity helps children express themselves through writing their own non-rhyming poems.

    Everyone can compose a syncwine.

    Sinkwine helps develop speech and thinking.

    Sinkwine facilitates the process of assimilation of concepts and their content.

    Sinkwine is also a way of control and self-control (children can compare sinkwine and evaluate them

    The procedure for compiling a syncwine allows you to harmoniously combine the elements of all three main educational systems:informational, activity and personality-oriented

    This method can be easily integrated with other educational areas of the program, and the simplicity of building a syncwine allows you to quickly get the result.

Tip: Make a piggy bank of syncwines with your child. According to poems, cartoons, read stories and fairy tales, situations from life ...