Free Internet Olympiads for schoolchildren in English

Free international and open Russian Internet Olympiads

May 23-28, 2020. Spring Internet Olympiad in English

May 19-22, 2020. Spring Internet Olympiad in German

May 16-18, 2020. Spring Internet Chinese Olympiad

April 29, 2020. Spring Internet Chemistry Olympiad

April 20-28, 2020. Spring Internet Olympiad in Mathematics

April 17-19, 2020. Spring Internet Physics Olympiad

March 25-27, 2020. Spring Internet Olympiad on the world around

March 16-24, 2020. Spring Internet Olympiad in Russian

February 24-29, 2020. Winter Internet Olympiad in English

February 20-23, 2020. Winter Internet Olympiad in German

February 17-19, 2020. Winter Internet Chinese Olympiad

January 29, 2020. Winter Internet Chemistry Olympiad

January 20-28, 2020. Winter Internet Olympiad in Mathematics

January 17-19, 2020. Winter Internet Physics Olympiad

December 25-27, 2019. Winter Internet Olympiad on the world around

December 16-24, 2019. Winter Internet Olympiad in the Russian language

November 25-30, 2019. Autumn Internet Olympiad in English

November 21-24, 2019. Autumn Internet Olympiad in German

November 18-20, 2019. Autumn Internet Chinese Olympiad

October 30, 2019. Autumn Internet Chemistry Olympiad

October 21-29, 2019. Autumn Internet Mathematics Olympiad

October 18-20, 2019. Autumn Internet Physics Olympiad

September 25-27, 2019. Autumn Internet Olympiad on the world around

September 16-24, 2019. Autumn Internet Olympiad in the Russian language


E May 23-28, 2020. Spring Internet Olympiad in English

E February 24-29, 2020. Winter Internet Olympiad in English Enrollment in progress!

E November 25-30, 2019. Autumn Internet Olympiad in English


NB! Official information for teachers

E March 27-31, 2019. Spring Internet English Olympiad E December 25-29, 2018. Winter Internet English Olympiad E September 25-29, 2018. Autumn Internet English Olympiad


NB! Official information for teachers

E March 25-28, 2018. Spring Internet English Olympiad E December 24-27, 2017. Winter Internet English Olympiad E September 24-27, 2017. Autumn Internet English Olympiad


NB! Official information for teachers

M Regulations on the International Mathematical Olympiads 2016-2017. Material for teachers. SPb APPO, Nord Education, MetaSchool

M R F Regulations on the open Russian Internet Olympiads and competitions 2016-2017. Material for teachers. SPb APPO, MetaSchool


Author: Ilyina Alina Yurievna, English teacher.
Organization: MBOU SOSH 88 with cadet classes
Location: Barnaul, Altai Krai The script is intended for English teachers in elementary school, designed for children in grades 3-4. During the event, children will repeat and consolidate knowledge on previously studied material.
- development of interest in the subject of English;
- verification of practical skills and abilities on previously studied material;
- development of creative activity of students;
- developing students' communication skills when working together.
2 teams take part in the event.
Equipment: handout, cards, projector, computer, felt-tip pens and paper for a creative competition.

During the classes.

1 competition. Captains competition. Who are you? (Who you are?)
The students name their team and choose a captain. There are several names to choose from: Tigers (Tigers), Crocodiles (Crocodiles), Cats (Cats), Dolphins (Dolphins), Sharks (Sharks), Bears (Bears), Foxes (Foxes). A card with questions is also issued to help tell about the team:

The captains present their teams by answering questions from the teacher.
For example:
Teacher: Who are you? (Who you are?)
Captain: We are Foxes. (We are Foxes)
Teacher: Where do you live? (Where do you live?)
Captain: We live in the forest. (We live in the forest)
Teacher: What color are you? (What color are you?)
Captain: We are red. (We are redheads).
In the first competition, literacy and pronunciation are evaluated, the best team receives a point.
2 Competition. flowers. How do you spell it? (Flowers. How is it spelled?)
Students are shown cards (or on the screen) with the name and image of a flower. The facilitator reads the word, explains what it means. Participants need to spell it out (to spell).
Word list: tulip (tulip), sunflower (sunflower), orchid (orchid), bluebell (bell), poppy (poppy), snowdrop (snowdrop), rose (rose), violet (violet).

The competition assesses students' knowledge of the alphabet, the correct pronunciation of the names of the letters. For each correctly completed task, the team receives a point.
3 Competition. Let's count! (Let's count!)
Participants receive cards with mathematical examples that need to be correctly solved and voiced in English.

For example:
7+3=10 Seven plus three is ten.
13-4=9 Thirteen minus four is nine.
The competition assesses students' knowledge of numbers and numbers and their correct pronunciation. For each correctly solved example, the team receives a point.
4 Competition. Funny words. (Funny words)
Team members are given a set of cards with letters. A word appears on the screen, the participants must make this word from the letters as quickly as possible, holding the cards in their hands (i.e., the children must line up in the order in which they are needed).
Task options:
1) Flashcards: A, M, P, L. Words: LAMP, PALM, MAP.
2) Cards: E, A, R, C. Words: CARE, RACE, CAR, EAR.
3) Cards: F, A, L, Y, M, I. Words: FAMILY, FAIL, FILM, MAIL, MY.
4) Flashcards: E, L, S, I, M, P. Words: SIMPLE, LIE, LIPS, PIE.
The competition evaluates the speed of the task. For each correct word, composed faster than the second team, a point is assigned.
5 competition. Draw me. (Draw me)
Creative competition. Teams receive a card with a task. In the card is a description of the animal, it is necessary to depict it as accurately as possible on a piece of paper.
Task examples:
1) I am a cat. I'm black and white. I got big blue eyes and a very small pink nose. I like milk and fish. (I'm a cat. I'm black and white. I have big blue eyes and a very small pink nose. I like milk and fish.)
2) I am a dog. I am brown. I got long ears and big white teeth. I lhave got a short tail. I like meat and milk. (I am a dog. I am brown. I have long ears and big white teeth. I have a short tail. I like meat and milk.)
In this competition, the correspondence of the drawing to the text of the task is evaluated. The best team gets a point.


Summing up takes some time, the team with the most points for the event wins.

The Vologda regional branch of the all-Russian children's public organization "Public Minor Academy of Sciences "Intellect of the Future" invites you to take part in All-Russian creative competition in a foreign language .

Terms of participation in the competition :

1. Can take part in the competition students in grades 1-11 studying at vocational schools. Only individual works are accepted. Each work will be evaluated on a 100 point system according to various criteria, including literacy, originality, creativity, etc.
Laureates of the All-Russian creative competition in a foreign language (English, German, French) there will be participants (for each age group separately) who have received the maximum number of points for their work. They will receive laureate diplomas of various degrees. All others will receive certificates of participation in the competition. Curators (teachers) of the works of the contest participants also receive certificates. Educational institutions, creative teams, in which 10 or more people receive the title of Laureate, are awarded with special certificates.
Competition results (diplomas and certificates) will be sent within 15 days after receipt of the competitive work (electronic diplomas and certificates by e-mail, paper - by Russian Post to the address of your educational institution).

2. Works are submitted for the competition in the following nominations :

"Composition in a foreign language"; "Computer presentation in a foreign language"; "Comics in a foreign language"; "Fairy tale in a foreign language" .

Topics for nominations essay and computer presentation: “Friends”, “My favorite movie (cartoon)”, “My school (educational institution)”, “My city (village, town, village)”, “Pet”, “My journey”, “Future profession”, "My idol", "My hobby", "My favorite book".
For comics and fairy tale nominations- free theme.

Requirements for the design of works in the nominations "Essay in a foreign language", "Fairy tale in a foreign language" and "Comic book in a foreign language":
– Works are accepted electronically in Word, jpg, tif, or pdf document formats.
— The volume of work — from 1 page, but not more than 5 pages of A4 format, size 14, margins are standard.
— The text may be accompanied by drawings, photographs, etc. Illustrations are presented directly in the text of the work in any graphic format. In a word, the design is your creativity.
Requirements for the design of works in the nomination "Computer presentation in a foreign language":
- The work must be done in PowerPoint.
– Number of pages – from 10 slides, but not more than 25 slides.
- For each slide of the presentation, it is necessary to prepare a short written or audio electronic accompaniment.
3. Deadline for submission of works: from September 1, 2019 to August 25, 2020 inclusive .

4. To participate in the competition, you must send the following to the organizing committee by e-mail (one participant - one archive folder, which includes 3 documents):
- Completed registration card (the form is available on our website). In the registration card, indicate the nomination of the competitive work.
- Completed work .
— A copy of the financial document on the transfer of the target registration fee for participating in the competition. The target registration fee for participation in the competition for one participant in one nomination is: 190 rubles with a diploma on electronic media, 290 rubles with a diploma on paper. The quality of the diploma is indicated in the registration card. The target contribution is used to pay for the examination of works, overhead and office expenses. In order to reduce the costs (commission) for the transfer of the registration fee, works from one educational institution can be sent in one email, in the archive and paid in one amount.

Submit your competition materials by email. : [email protected]
Contact phone for inquiries : 8-921-715-63-80, receiving calls from 8.00 to 21.00 Moscow time.

Bank details for transferring funds :
Beneficiary: VRO ODOO "MAN "Intellect of the Future",
TIN 3518003782/351801001, account 40703810900210000015
Beneficiary's bank: PJSC Bank SGB,
Vologda, BIK 041909786, c/c 30101810800000000786.
Purpose of payment: target registration fee for participation in the competition in a foreign language (name of the participant in brackets), excluding VAT.

We invite you to actively participate and wish you good luck! Organizing Committee.

  • Contest
  • Olympics
  • Competition-game
  • subject week
  • family competition
  • Children with disabilities
  • control test
  • Summer camp
  • Online tests
Distance Olympiads of the Snail Center

Goals and objectives of the distance Olympiads of the Snail Center:

  • checking the level of knowledge of students
  • formation of the skill of independent appropriation of knowledge
  • formation and development of skills for independent search and analysis of information
  • formation and development of skills for using Internet services in education
  • increasing motivation to study the subject

They give the participant the opportunity to test and deepen knowledge in a particular school discipline or even in one of its sections. All tasks of remote Olympiads are divided into age groups and correspond to school programs and the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.


They give the participant the opportunity to test and deepen knowledge in a particular school discipline or even in one of its sections. All tasks of remote Olympiads are divided into age groups and correspond to school programs and the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

subject week

They give the participant the opportunity to test and deepen knowledge in a particular school discipline or even in one of its sections. All tasks of remote Olympiads are divided into age groups and correspond to school programs and the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

family competition

They give the participant the opportunity to test and deepen knowledge in a particular school discipline or even in one of its sections. All tasks of remote Olympiads are divided into age groups and correspond to school programs and the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Specialist. contests

They give the participant the opportunity to test and deepen knowledge in a particular school discipline or even in one of its sections. All tasks of remote Olympiads are divided into age groups and correspond to school programs and the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.