In every era there were people who predicted the death of the whole human race or more than that, the destruction of the whole earth. End of the world- this is what excites the minds of people to this day. Many go crazy: paranoid thoughts about possible cataclysms make people build shelters, catacombs, unite in various sects. The convincing predictions of the seers of yesteryear are "poison" to the prejudiced human mind.

The Hopi Indians of southeastern Arizona in the United States predicted basic events modern history, such as the second World War, the war in Iraq (they also point out that the war in Iraq will certainly lead to the Third World War), earthquakes in Japan, Turkey.

Every year their forecasts are of more and more interest, which is primarily due to the depth of knowledge of the healers and sorcerers of this tribe about the Earth and man. As for predictions about the future doom of mankind, the Hopi argue that by 2035, the most terrible natural disasters will occur on Earth, astronomical phenomena, and what is most terrifying - diseases, cures for which will not be so easy to find. According to them, all these events will have to clear the world of "superfluous" people, and before the Judgment Day itself, a bright star should blaze in the sky.

Edgar Cayce is an American mystic and self-proclaimed magician and healer. He became famous for the fact that for many years he practiced predicting the diagnoses of seriously ill patients through clairvoyance. On his account there are many predictions about the fate of Mankind, including the End of the World.

According to him, the death of the Earth will come in 2120 from a series of terrifying earthquakes: all living things will perish, and the continents will be destroyed. Many scientists endow Casey's words with a high degree of probability, because indeed - every year the number of such natural disasters is growing, so to speak, exponentially.

Newton, relying on his numerous studies on celestial bodies, as well as theoretically based on the teachings of Daniel, put forward his hypothesis about the End of the World: according to him, in 2060, only the people who sincerely believe in God will survive and its infinite power. However, Newton referred only Jews to such peoples. The rest of the people, no matter how scary it sounds, will die.

The great and mysterious Nostradamus predicted several dates of the End of the World at once. His prophecies say that human troubles will begin in 2080 when a new "Great Flood" comes: part of the land will cease to exist, since everything will be flooded with water, while the other part will be in dire need of water, and eventually die.

Another prediction is that Humanity will perish in 2250, the cause of which will be a nuclear war. However, in letters to Caesar, Nostradamus indicates that in 3979 the "Great Judgment" will begin and this year will be decisive. Scientists, and ordinary people too, are skeptical about these forecasts, and there is a reason for that - the first date of the end of the world, indicated by Nostradamus, is erroneous - this is 1999.

Vanga is the most popular seer in the entire post-Soviet space. Her predictions are still listened to, and books with her sayings are still in demand today. The death of all living Wang refers to the year 2378. According to her, the Sun will cease to shine, and the Earth will be destroyed by the "Big Water". The clairvoyant calls the reason for this an asteroid that will collide with our planet, destroying all life. After that, global climate change is coming: where it used to be hot, it will become cold, and vice versa.

Most people tend to believe in the words of Vanga, because Her 700 predictions so far have come true with amazing accuracy. .

1. Prediction of the Blessed Matrona about the End of the World in 2017

The most sensational and actively discussed in all media is doomsday 19 august 2017, predicted by the seer Blessed Matrona. Literally, her prophecy sounds like this: “At sunset, all people will fall to the ground, and at sunrise they will rise, and the world will become different. And great sorrows await people, which they have not yet experienced. At first glance, these words do not contain specific indications of the fact of the death of Mankind, but many interpret them in this way. Moreover, astrologers are fueling these beliefs with reports that on August 19 a giant asteroid will approach the Earth, which will entail strong natural disasters.

Believe these predictions or not - decide for yourself. However, one should not forget that until today not a single such prediction about the End of the World has come true, no matter how accurate “guessing” the great seers of past years have delighted us with. Therefore, not to panic and keep a cool mind is the best thing you can do.

Someone considers her a great clairvoyant, and someone is an ordinary charlatan. The controversy surrounding her prophetic gift does not subside to this day. But on this moment statistics show that 80% of Vanga's predictions come true. She foresaw the outbreak of World War II and the death of Stalin, the terrorist attack on the United States on September 11, 2001, and the conflict in Syria. The predictions of the Bulgarian seer are more than 20 years old, and for a reason they still remain relevant and in demand.

The end of the world is mentioned in the main books of all world religions. Ancient civilizations mentioned him in most of their legends. Even representatives of modern official science do not deny that one day the apocalypse will come, and all life on our planet will die. That's just the dates and options for the development of events in all forecasts differ.

Esotericists believe that this is due to the complexity of the structure of our world. After all, it is actually not as simple as we used to think. The universe is not single, and in the future there are several parallel worlds where everything goes according to its own unique scenario. Thus, each clairvoyant sees only one of options upcoming events.

All the finals already exist in the "universal program" and have the same chances of being embodied in our reality. Therefore, all predictions can be considered reliable, even despite the dissimilarity. But what kind of end of the world will come for humanity, first of all, depends on ourselves and on the decisions that we are already making today.

In her prophecies, Vanga rarely operated with exact dates. As for the end of the world in the visions of the Bulgarian clairvoyant, some sources speak of the year 2378, while others indicate the year 5079.

What Vanga predicted about the end of the world

According to Wang, humanity will perish as a result of the second global flood. Then all the continents will be flooded with water, the Sun will go out for 3 years, and the climate on the planet will become completely unsuitable for life. The cause of large-scale floods, the seer called the collision of the Earth with a large space object, as a result of which the atmosphere will turn into a continuous layer of dust and tiny grains.

These cataclysms will be preceded by a series of other natural disasters such as rainstorms, tsunamis and drought. Humanity will face food shortages and a terrible famine will begin, due to which most of the population of our planet will die.

Simultaneously with the described events, the global financial crisis will come, as a result of which countries will begin a fierce struggle for Natural resources and resort to arms. Military action will lead to poverty and epidemics. Most of the mainland will become a lifeless desert, absolutely unsuitable for existence.

As Vanga said, for humanity there will come scary times but it won't just happen. Trials will be designed to force us to rethink our way of life, our philosophy and faith. And if people can pass this exam, they will be able to restore peace and prevent the beginning of the apocalypse. If this does not happen, if a person does not come to his senses and does not stop in time, inevitable death awaits him.

What Vanga's predictions came true

  • For one of her predictions, the Bulgarian clairvoyant even ended up in prison. It's about about her foresight of Stalin's death - " big man with a pipe”, after whose death the world will become better and “kinder”. These words of Vanga came true just a couple of months after she voiced them.
  • The seer also foresaw the death of Indira Gandhi, once declaring that she would die because of the orange dress, all in fire and smoke. 15 years after the prophecy, Indira Gandhi was indeed killed by dozens of bullets. At the same time, she was wearing a sari made of orange-yellow fabric. For some reason, the woman did not wear a bulletproof vest under it that day.
  • Vanga's other well-known prophecy that came true was the sinking of the Russian submarine Kursk in 2000. The seer warned about the tragedy back in 1980, saying that at the turn of the century Kursk would go under water, and people all over the world would mourn the dead.
  • Wang foresaw the 9/11 tragedy in the United States. She said that "American brothers will fall" and a lot of innocent blood will be spilled, and this will happen because of the attack of "iron birds."

Among others, Vanga's predictions about the collapse of the USSR, the Chernobyl accident, America's first black president, conflicts in Syria and global warming came true.

Judging by the predictions of the great soothsayers and astrologers, 2017 will not be as calm as it seems at first glance. Humanity is waiting for change, both in political and social life. Many soothsayers even prophesy an imminent end of the world in 2017. All this news is getting a little creepy, so we propose to figure out the upcoming events together.

This article contains interpretations of the visions of great clairvoyants, as well as predictions from Saint Matrona. You will only have to decide whether to listen to them or decide your own destiny, because a lot also depends on our actions.

Predictions about the death of the world

Since ancient times, people have tried to unravel the mystery of humanity, to understand where we came from. But the most burning topic was and remains further fate inhabitants of the planet. Everyone knows that nothing is eternal, so people from time immemorial have been trying to understand whether the end of the world will happen, which will entail the mass death of all living things, or whether our race will never die out.

A vivid example of the fact that at all times there were soothsayers predicting the death of all living beings and the planet as a whole are presented below:

  • The Mayan calendar states that with the onset of the death of the Fifth Sun, the planet Earth, as well as all its inhabitants, will perish. The priests claimed the end of the world and even set its date - 12/21/2012. Fortunately, their predictions did not come true.
  • The predictions of Isaac Newton, a world-famous physicist, show that the end of the world will come in 2060 due to the fact that people transgress the Laws of God and behave inappropriately. He put forward his forecast on the basis of astrological observations and data set forth in the Book of the Prophet Daniel.
  • The sacred writings of the Zoostrians (information from the Avesta) prophesied the destruction of all life as early as the year 2000. The great Zarathustra wrote that our world would plunge into chaos. Note that this forecast was taken seriously by many inhabitants of the planet. The media were full of bright headlines that the end of the world was just around the corner. People were frightened by large-scale catastrophes, plane crashes, lack of electricity.

  • A well-known clairvoyant that the Apocalypse will nevertheless set foot on our lands. The exact date of this terrifying event could not be found out, although she said that in 2378 huge asteroid, which will provoke a worldwide flood, followed by the death of all living things. It is hard not to believe the predictions of this soothsayer, because many of the things that she saw in her visions have already come true and continue to come true.
  • Nostradamus also said more than once that the end of the world is near. His legacy is poetic predictions, hard to interpret, but some of them still managed to decipher. According to the most common version, the world will plunge into darkness in 2250 after a devastating nuclear war. However, not everyone will die in this battle. The survivors will last until 3797 - at that time the planet will collide with the cosmic body. It is this event that will trigger the end of the world.

Many prophecies never came true, and the scheduled date of the death of the world passed unnoticed by the inhabitants of our planet. But there is only one prediction, which still causes serious concern. It was made by Saint Matrona, the idol of millions of believers around the world.

Who is Saint Matrona?

A woman of an incredibly kind and bright soul was born at the end of the 19th century, or to be more precise, in 1881. A few days before the birth, Matrona Dmitrievna's mother saw an unusual dream in which her daughter was represented in the form of a white bird with a human face, but with her eyes closed. After the birth, they discovered that the girl was blind.

Another amazing incident occurred during the baptism of Matrona. As soon as the priest took her out of the font, a thick column of light rose above the baby, exuding a pleasant aroma. The clergy first encountered a similar phenomenon, so they thought that the girl would live a long life and be enlisted as a saint.

Already in childhood, Matrona treated sick people and helped those who were suffering. As an adult, she was forced to leave her native land and move to Moscow, where she lived out her last years. In 1952, the soothsayer died and already in 1998 she was declared a saint.

What did Matrona say about the end of the world?

Almost before her death, Matrona saw the events that should happen in 2017. Her words “Without a warrior, everyone on earth will die and it will be in the distant 2017” is already beginning to catch up with waves of fear on people. Matrona urges humanity to turn to God before it's too late, not to stop praying, because the end of the world is just around the corner. She claimed that they would hard times filled with grief and pain.

The great clairvoyant even named the approximate date of the Apocalypse - February 2017. According to her, everything will happen in the evening, there will be a war without war and thousands of lifeless bodies will simply lie on the streets.

Indeed, her prophecy inspires chilling horror and I want to believe that Matrona was wrong after all. Of course, inveterate skeptics do not believe such predictions and are in a hurry to turn to science in order to find a reasonable explanation for the statements of the clairvoyant. But even modern scientists cannot give an absolute guarantee that in the near future our planet will not collide with some celestial body, which will start the process of destruction of all life that is on Earth.

Despite the pessimistic attitude, humanity does not stop believing in better times. After all, even the great soothsayer said that after the Apocalypse, calm and peace will come. Surviving people will build new, happy states without aggression and hatred.

Whether the end of the world will come in 2017 is hard to predict. Only time can help in this matter!

Vanga told about the end of the world more than once. But it is difficult to speak unambiguously about Vanga's prophecies about the disappearance of mankind, since she made several rather contradictory predictions. One of them is that the last year for humanity will be exactly 2012, and very few people will survive after the global catastrophes of this year. And those who survive will suffer the consequences of chemical warfare and man-made disasters.

According to another prophecy, earthlings will live right up to the six thousandth century, and before that, humanity will have a lot of incredible and fantastic discoveries. For example, according to Vanga, in 4509 people will get to know God, and after another 90 years they will acquire immortality. In 5078, they will decide to leave the boundaries of the universe. Due to the fact that at the beginning of the fourth millennium a comet will ram the moon, a layer of stones will form around our Earth, so people will look for ways to go to other planets. Vanga said that by 3797 life will die on the planet, but people will have time to lay the foundation for life in another star system and some of them will move there. By the end of the millennium new planet will be populated very little, and its climate will provoke a mutation of the human body.

Further, according to Vanga, as a result of mutation, a person will begin to use the brain by more than 34%, and the concept of evil will disappear altogether. Also, humanity is waiting for new religions, prophets, assimilation with aliens. If Vanga's predictions do not deceive us, the end of the world will actually come in 5079, after people decide to leave the boundaries of the universe. Why exactly the human race will disappear remains a mystery.

The end of the world is sure! But after all, everyone means by this some of their own options for the development of events. Someone believes that all life on earth will die out, and someone believes that a new round in development will take place: old world will disappear and a new one will appear. And what did Vanga tell us about the end of the world?

First you need to understand that Vanga lived in 1911-1996, when there was little thought about the end of the world. Moreover, many remember the horror story that in the year 2000 something will happen that will destroy all of humanity, but nothing happened. Why do Vanga's predictions concern millions of minds of the inhabitants of our planet?

Vanga had two predictions about the end of the world and, although she did not like to talk about it, she believed that it was necessary to warn everyone about the impending threat.

The first end of the world will happen through the fault of mankind. The world will be covered natural disasters and man-made disasters. Indeed, if you look at the number of disasters over the past 5 years, it becomes scary: tens of thousands of people per year die from floods, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions. The climate is changing due to the influence of the human world on the natural balance. Vanga's predictions about the end of the world are becoming more and more dangerous - just remember what Last year There were 3 grandiose earthquakes: in Chile, in Ireland and in Japan. Earthquakes, which are associated with the accelerated movement of the earth's crust. And the fault is the problem with solar radiation, which penetrates the earth due to the damaged ozone layer. By the way, Vanga predicted that in 2011 nuclear catastrophe ... and it happened.

The second end of the world, according to Vanga, will come at the moment of the collision of the Earth with a certain cosmic body, most likely a comet. Huge waves will wash most of human civilization into the ocean, and then nuclear winter will come. Sunlight will not be able to penetrate the dust barrier raised into the atmosphere after a collision with a space object. Indeed, scientists are already declaring that the Earth is located near the orbits of many large comets, which, although they cannot destroy all life on earth, can calmly affect the Earth's orbit. Vanga's predictions about the end of the world were not empty talk - she saw where humanity was going and tried to report it.

But by and large, humanity itself is bringing the end of the world closer. There is an opinion that we live in a huge information field, which we ourselves change with our thoughts and actions. Therefore, when we think about the bad, it often happens, when we think about the good, life gets better.

Are not our thoughts with you the same doomsday magnet? Remember how many films have been made about the end of the world, about deadly infections, pandemics. But they began to use these events long before they appeared. Perhaps we ourselves attract the end of the world, without realizing it. But what to do?

When is the end of the world according to Vanga?

Unfortunately or fortunately, Vanga did not leave exact dates. This gives us the opportunity to think right now how to change the current state of affairs and not bring the end of the world closer on our own. The decline of human civilization will not be the end of everything - several millennia will pass and a new round of evolution will lead to the settlement of the Earth with new forms of life, but you don’t want to die like that. Therefore, no matter what Wang predicts about the end of the world, live for today and enjoy life.