Card file





Walk 1

Observation of seasonal changes in nature

Goals: form ideas about changes in nature (the day has become shorter, the night is longer);

- to teach to distinguish and characterize the signs of early autumn, to recognize them in poems;

Progress of observation

The summer has passed

Autumn has come.

In fields and groves

Empty and dull.

The birds have flown

The days got shorter.

The sun is not visible

Dark, dark nights.

The teacher gives riddles to the children.

Gold coins are hanging on a branch. (Autumn leaves.)

On the ceiling, in the corner, there is a sieve - not spun by hand. (Web.)

Without hands, but the canvas weaves. (Spider.)

September - zorevnik, frown; holodnik and holoden-father September, but there is much to feed, they call him “singing autumn” and “golden flower garden”; grasses in meadows, fields, forests dry up, turn yellow, and the foliage of trees and shrubs becomes golden.

September is the first autumn month. At the beginning of the month, still warm sunny days are issued. The sky sparkles with blue, the leaves of maples and birches shine through with golden patterns. The air is clean, transparent, silver threads of the web fly. Such days are called "Indian summer".

Why is September called "chrysalis"?

What days of September are called "Indian summer"?

What are the signs of "Indian summer"?

Labor activity: Garbage collection on site.

Target: cultivate the desire to work.

Outdoor games: "Geese", "Shepherd and flock".

Goals: - improve coordination of movements;

- develop dexterity, spatial orientation.

Individual work: "Catch the ball."

Target: develop dexterity.

Independent games with remote material.


Walk 2

Flower garden observation

Target: to form children's ideas that flowers are alive, they grow and change.

Progress of observation

The plants in the flower bed grew well, bloomed while it was warm, there was a lot of light and water; now the days are getting short, there is plenty of water but little heat, the flowers wither, in their place seeds are formed, from which new plants can appear.

Autumn has come

The flowers have dried up.

And look sad

Bare bushes.

The teacher asks the children questions.

What were the flowers in the flower bed like?

Why did they wither?

What needs to be done so that the flowers grow again in spring? (Collect seeds.)

Labor activity

Collection of flowers in boxes.

Target: learn to distinguish mature seeds from immature ones.

Outdoor games

"Ducklings", "Birds and Rain".


- exercise in running, climbing, jumping;

- develop dexterity, speed.

Outdoor games

"Throw - catch", "Find where it is hidden."


- exercise in throwing and catching the ball;

- teach orientation in space.

Individual work

"Collect the toys."

Target: develop mindfulness.


Walk 3

Crow watching


- expand knowledge about the crow;

- to cultivate curiosity and interest in the life of birds.

Progress of observation

The teacher asks the children questions.

What does a crow look like?

What does she eat?

Wintering or migratory bird?

How does a crow cry?

The crow is a large bird. The head, beak, throat, wings, tail and paws of the crow are black, and everything else is gray. The crow is a cunning, dexterous and resourceful bird. It hibernates and lives next to humans. The crow usually sits on garbage containers and landfills, where there is always something to profit from, because the crow is an omnivore. She screams "kar-kar".

Lame old crow

It has been living in my garden for a long time.

In the dense green branches of the maple

She built her own house.

Labor activity

Collection of flower seeds.

Target: develop a desire to work together.

Outdoor games

"Bird and Cat", "Colored Cars".

Target: learn to move in all directions, without bumping into each other.

Individual work

Movement development.

Target: to consolidate the ability to jump on one leg (right and left).


Walk 4

Watching the weather

Purpose: s to strengthen knowledge about seasonal changes in the life of plants.

Progress of observation

The teacher asks the children questions.

What season is it now?

How did you guess?

Do you know where we are going now?

What grows in the garden?

How can you call it all in one word?

How many of you know riddles about vegetables?

Where do vegetables grow?

Each group of vegetables grows in its own garden. In autumn, gardeners harvest vegetables, then they are canned. Vegetables grow on the ground and in the ground. Today we will gather vegetables and take them to the kitchen so that the cook will prepare dinner for us. Reading a poem by Y. Tuwim "Vegetables".

Labor activity

Collective work to harvest vegetables.

Target: learn to work together.

mobile game

"Cucumber, cucumber."

Goals: - learn to quickly perform actions on a signal;

- improve coordination of movements, the ability to give strength to the throw

Individual work

Target: develop coordination of movements, the ability to give strength to the throw.


Walk 5

sparrow watching


- deepen knowledge about the features of the appearance of a sparrow, life manifestations;

- to activate the attention and memory of children.

Progress of observation

The teacher asks the children questions.

What does a sparrow look like?

What does he eat?

How does he move?

How does he sing?

Sparrow is a small lively bird. The back of the sparrow is brown, with wide longitudinal black stripes. The tail and wings are dark brown, decorated with a reddish border, the chin and throat are black, but the head is gray. A sparrow is an agile bird, jumping at a person’s feet without fear, pecking from a dog’s bowl, picking up crumbs, seeds, grains. It adapts well to human habits everywhere. Sparrows sing "chik-chirik".

Labor activity

Harvesting beets.


- accustom to work;

- Encourage adults to help.

Outdoor games

"Find yourself a mate."

Target: learn to move quickly on a signal, changing the direction of movement.

"Catch the ball."


- continue to consolidate the skills of tossing and catching the ball with both hands;

Individual work

Movement development.

Target: learn to walk on an inclined board.


Walk 6

birch watching


- continue to acquaint with the characteristic features of birch,

by which it can be distinguished from other trees;

- to cultivate the desire to admire the beauty of the tree.

Progress of observation

Alena is standing - a green scarf,

Thin camp, green sundress.

What tree is the riddle talking about?

How tall is the birch?

Where is the trunk of a birch wide, and where is it narrow?

Are birch branches thick or thin?

Can you get leaves?

What color is the birch trunk?

What is the trunk of a birch?

How can you say about birch?

What color are birch leaves?

Invite the children to admire the beauty of the birch. You can hug her, stroke her and say: "Grow up, dear birch, please good people."

Labor activity

Harvesting vegetables.


- teach to work collectively on the site;

- Develop teamwork skills.

mobile game

"Hares and the wolf".


- Teach them to follow the rules.

Individual work

"The fastest".

Target: exercise in running, completing tasks to improve the ability to navigate in space (changing directions on the run), jumping (jumping on two legs).


Walk 7

dog watching


- to form an idea of ​​​​the appearance of the dog;

- educate the need to take care of a pet.

Progress of observation

The teacher asks the children a riddle, offers to answer questions.

Grumbled a living castle,

Lie across the door.

Two medals on the chest

Better not come into the house.

What does a dog look like?

Where she lives?

What does it eat?

Who takes care of the dog?

A dog is a devoted friend of man. The dog Sharik is large, the coat is thick, warm, brown. Sharik's head is large, the muzzle is elongated, and white ears are hanging on the head; a beautiful tail with a ringlet, when happy, wags its tail. It has four legs with claws, covered with wool so that they do not freeze in winter.

Labor activity

Collection of cones and leaves.

Target: to encourage them to carry out elementary tasks independently.

mobile game

"Shaggy dog".

Target: learn to move in accordance with the text, quickly change the direction of movement.

Individual work

Walking on short and long paths.

Target: reinforce ideas about length.


Walk 8

dog watching


Expand ideas about dog breeds;

- to cultivate a caring attitude towards animals.

Progress of observation

The teacher asks the children questions.

What dog breeds do you know?

What benefit do they provide to people?

What kind of dogs do not exist: service, hunting, decorative. And all of them faithfully serve man. Sheepdogs help border guards guard the border, guard flocks of sheep. Laiki help hunters track down the beast in the forest. Decorative dogs - poodles, lapdogs, etc. are kept at home because they are beautiful and smart.

This is a guard dog

He can bark like he's alive.

But he doesn't bark because

That we liked him.

Labor activity

Clearing paths from leaves.


mobile game

"Catch me".

Target: learn to act quickly on a signal, navigate in space, develop dexterity.

Individual work

Movement development.

Target: to consolidate the skills of throwing objects at a distance.


Walk 9

Fire truck surveillance


- to expand knowledge about the role of machines and their mechanisms;

- Cultivate curiosity.

Progress of observation

The teacher asks the children questions.

Why do all vehicles let cars with sirens pass ahead?

Why do cars have flashing lights front and rear?

Why does a fire engine need a long, extendable ladder?

Why do firefighters wear helmets?

Cars with sirens rush to help people. Flashing lights warn that the car is turning right or left. A retractable ladder is needed to extinguish a fire in a multi-storey building. Helmets protect the head from falling objects.

Labor activity

Garbage collection on site.


- Arouse the desire to work in a team.

Outdoor games

"Traps", "Toss - Catch".

Target: develop independence in the organization of outdoor games.

Individual work

Walking on toes.

Target: to consolidate the ability to walk with a coordinated movement of arms and legs.


Walk 10

sparrow watching

Goals: - continue to consolidate and systematize knowledge about the sparrow;

- enrich the vocabulary with an artistic word about a sparrow; activate attention and memory.

Progress of observation

Guess what bird

Jumping down the track

As if the cat is not afraid -

Collects the crumbs

And then on the branch - jump

And chirp "chirp-chirp"!


Chik-chirik -

Jump to the grains!

Peck, don't be shy!


little boy

In a gray coat

Sneaking around the yards

collects crumbs,

Wandering through the fields -

Stealing hemp!


What changes have occurred in the life of a sparrow with the advent of spring?

Where do sparrows like to live - in the forest or next to people? Why?

Who are sparrows afraid of? What do they eat?

What size are they?

How should people take care of birds?

Labor activity:

Sweeping paths.

Target: educate diligence, a desire to help adults.

Outdoor games: "Bird in the nest."

Goals: - learn to jump on two legs on a signal;

- develop dexterity, attentiveness, coordination of movements.


Goals: - learn to perform movements in accordance with the text; perform jumps, pushing off simultaneously with two legs, jump off gently; be able to take a free place on a log.

Individual work:

Movement development.

Target: improve the skills of rolling the hoop in an arbitrary direction.


Walk 11

birch watching


- continue to acquaint with the characteristic features of the birch, highlighting the signs of the living;

- educate respect for the tree.

Progress of observation

There are white pillars

They have green caps.

fluffy in summer,

Yellowish in autumn.

Children approach the birch, say hello, admire the beauty of the autumn tree. The teacher asks the children questions.

What changes have taken place in the tree?

What happened to the birch leaves?

What color are they?

Are there many or few leaves on a birch?

When the wind blows, what happens to the leaves?

Invite the children to collect a bouquet of fallen leaves. Once again, note what color the leaves are. What are the signs that a birch is alive?

Labor activity

Raking fallen leaves with a rake.

Target: learn to finish what you start.

mobile game

"Find your color."

Target: look for your color at the signal of the teacher.

Individual work

Movement development.

Target: seek to improve walking technique: a clear and wide step, good posture, natural hand work.


Walk 12

Fall observation


- introduce the variety of colors of golden autumn, the concept of "falling leaves";

- cultivate love for nature.

Progress of observation

The teacher invites the children to guess what time of the year the verses are talking about.

Suddenly it got cold, suddenly it roared,

Leaves flew, leaves, leaves.

The fields were deserted and downpours like a river,

And tell me, what time is it?

Golden quiet groves and gardens,

Fields are fruitful, ripe fruits.

And you can't see the rainbow, and you can't hear the thunder,

The sun goes to sleep

Earlier every day. (Autumn.)

The teacher tells the children about signs. In September, the forest is thinner and the bird's voice is quieter, the titmouse asks for autumn to visit, and the leaf on the tree does not hold.

The teacher asks the children questions.

Why is autumn called golden?

What phenomenon is called leaf fall?

What do you think the autumn leaves will dream of?

Labor activity

Garbage collection in the garden.

Target: reinforce gardening skills.

Outdoor games

"Traps", "Find your house."

Target: develop dexterity, the ability to act quickly on a signal, to strictly follow the rules of the game.

Individual work

Jumping in place on one leg.

Target: develop dexterity.


Walk 13

Car surveillance


- learn to distinguish cars according to their purpose;

- to form an interest in the profession of a driver, the desire to master his labor activities.

Progress of observation

The teacher offers to watch the cars moving along the streets of the city. Consider their appearance, answer questions.

What types of transport do you know? (Ground, underground, water, air.)

What functions does a particular machine perform?

They can be seen everywhere, they can be seen from the windows,

A long stream is moving down the street.

They carry a variety of goods -

Brick and iron, grain and watermelons.

We love them for this job.

They are called ... (cars).

Labor activity

Collection and removal of dry leaves to a certain place, sweeping paths.


- to teach cleanliness and order;

- Strengthen the ability to work in a team.

Outdoor games

"Colored Cars"

Target: continue to develop motor activity through games with objects (rudders).

"Fox in the chicken coop"


- improve the ability to act quickly on a signal;

- develop dexterity.

Individual work

Jumping from a place on two legs - vigorously push off and land correctly.

Target: develop dexterity.


Walk 1

birch watching

Goals: - continue to introduce birch, highlighting the characteristic features and changes associated with the season;

To educate respect for the tree as a living object of nature.

Progress of observation

The teacher brings the children to the birch for a conversation.

What tree is this?

Show me the trunk of a birch.

What is it - thick or thin?

Show branches. Are they thick or thin? What colour?

Stroke the birch trunk.

What is she like? (Smooth, silky.)

What color? (Clarify that only a birch has such a black and white trunk.)

What changes have occurred with birch?

Where did the leaves go from the tree? Are they many or few?

Where are the leaves?

Who is tearing them down?

Offer to pick up the leaves, note that they have already withered on the ground.

What season?

What happens to a tree in autumn? (It falls asleep, prepares for winter.)

Labor activity

Territory cleaning.

Target: to teach to work together, to achieve the task by joint efforts.

Outdoor games: "Find a mate."

Target: choose different pairs on a signal.

"Run to the birch."

Target: learn to quickly perform actions at the signal of the teacher.

Individual work:

"From bump to bump."

Target: practice jumping on two legs.

"Cross the river."

Target: exercise in walking on a log straight and sideways.


Walk 2

Watching the weather


- pay attention to how nature has changed;

- learn to compare natural changes;

- develop observation skills.

Progress of observation

In October, in October

Frequent rain in the yard.

Grass is dead in the meadows

The grasshopper was silent.

Firewood prepared

For the winter for stoves.

S. Marshak

The teacher makes riddles for children, offers to answer questions.

Frowning, frowning, burst into tears -

Nothing will be left.

Shines under the sun after a cold

On gray asphalt ... (puddle).

What changes have taken place in nature?

What has the sky become?

How often does the sun shine?

Is it raining?

Labor activity

Cleaning up autumn leaves.

Target: develop a desire to work.

Outdoor games

"Geese-swans", "Catch up".


Learn to act quickly on a signal;

Individual work

"Catch me".

Target: learn to run in the right direction.


Walk 3

Weather monitoring

Goals: form an idea of ​​​​a natural phenomenon - fog; learn to observe seasonal phenomena; - notice the features of this phenomenon, draw conclusions.

Progress of observation

Autumn over the forest and swamp

The cloud flew by the plane.

A cloud flew LOW-LOW,

A parachutist jumped from it.

And now another one follows her,

And the flock is already flying after the flock.

Fog is a natural phenomenon, and the most common, only unexpected for everyone. Fog rolls over the ground. It seems as if the clouds descended low and low and entangled the earth with a thick white veil. Fog is made up of tiny water droplets. And in the clouds, and in the sky, and in the mists above the earth, these droplets were formed from transparent water vapor. It falls into a stream of cold air and begins to thicken, turn into droplets of water. If the droplets formed high in the sky, they became clouds, and if low above the ground, they became fog. They happen at all times of the year.

The teacher asks the children questions.

What is the sky like when it's foggy?

How are you breathing?

Which air is wet or dry?

Is it thick fog?

Why is the fog thinner near and thicker far away?

Labor activity

Garbage collection on site.

Target: develop a desire to work together.

Outdoor games: "Who is faster", "Kite and mother hen".

Goals: - improve the ability to run, climb, jump; develop a response.

Individual work:

"Picture the mood."

Target: to teach plastic movements to convey inner sensations


Walk 4

Migratory bird watching


- to expand ideas about migratory birds, about the change in the life of birds in the fall, when the cold comes;

- Raise love and care for birds.

Progress of observation

The waters rustled a fast stream,

Birds fly to warmer climes.

The teacher asks the children questions.

What birds fly to warmer climes?

Why are they doing that?

Birds gather in flocks, fly low above the ground. This means that soon they will fly away to warmer climes. The swallows will be the first to do this, since with the onset of cold weather insects disappear, which they catch on the fly. Ducks, geese, and cranes are the last to fly away, as water bodies begin to freeze and they cannot find food in the water.

The teacher asks the children to complete the sentence:

The sparrow is small, and the crane ... (large).

The duck is gray, and the swan ... (white).

Labor activity

Collection of tree seeds.

Target: involve children in collecting seeds and reinforcing the name of the trees.

mobile game

"Dog and Sparrow".


- to consolidate knowledge about the characteristic movements of birds;

Individual work

Movement development.

Target: consolidate the ability to throw the ball to each other from below.


Walk 5

Observation of autumn work in the garden

Target: consolidate knowledge about seasonal changes in nature.

Progress of observation

Violent winds are blowing,

Dark clouds are moving

Do not see white light in them,

Do not see the red sun in them.

The teacher asks the children questions.

How has the weather changed?

What has changed in the garden?

When it gets cold, how do you dress?

What do you think will happen to strawberries with the onset of cold weather, will it freeze?

So that the strawberries not only do not freeze, but also do not freeze, and in the summer they please us with ripe berries, you need to cover the strawberries with sawdust, and cover the bed with a transparent film on top.

Labor activity

Backfilling beds with sawdust.


- learn to work in pairs;

- develop friendships.

Outdoor games

"Find where it's hidden."

Target: learn to navigate in space.

"Run - don't back."

Target: strive to improve running technique, good posture, natural hand work.

Individual work

Movement development.

Target: improve walking and running technique.


Walk 6

sparrow watching


- expand knowledge about the appearance and habits of a sparrow;

- educate attention and observation.

Progress of observation

The teacher asks the children questions.

How are all sparrows similar to each other?

What is their difference?

What do sparrows eat?

Some sparrows are bigger, others are smaller. Some are lighter in color, others are darker, some are impudent, bold, others are cautious.

Sparrow in a puddle

Jumping and spinning

The feathers are ruffled

The tail loosened.

Labor activity

Invite the children to collect sand in the sandbox.

Target: to instill a love of work in a team.

Outdoor games

"Colored Cars", "Hares and the Wolf".

Target: exercise in loose running, jumping.

Individual work

Target: to consolidate the ability to throw an object at a distance.


Walk 7

rowan watching

Target: introduce mountain ash, show its structure: trunk, branches, leaves, berries; look at her bright autumn outfit.

Progress of observation

The teacher gives the children a riddle.

Flying to visit her

A flock of scarlet bullfinches,

On the branches they scurry,

Red berries are pecking.

Rowan leaf fall -

Under the branches of the leaves of the treasure.

The leaves have fallen

But the brushes remain

Red, bright

Gifts for bullfinches.

Mountain ash is a tall, slender tree; it grows not only in forests, but also in parks and gardens. Rowan trees are often planted along the fences of houses to please people with different golden-red leaves, put on a necklace of scarlet berries. People say: "In September, one berry, and that bitter mountain ash." If there are a lot of mountain ash in the forest, then the autumn will be rainy, and the winter will be frosty. In early autumn, rowan berries are bitter-sour and hard.

Labor activity

Collection of large debris on the site, sweeping paths.

Target: to form the ability to work in a subgroup.

Outdoor games

"Shaggy Dog", "Sun and Rain".

Target: learn to run all over the site, following commands at the signal of the teacher.

Individual work

Goals:- learn to perform an exercise with a ball;

- develop an eye, speed of running.


Walk 8

bird watching

Target: learn to find the difference in the appearance of different birds, paying attention to the size, methods of movement.

Progress of observation

Among the white doves

A nimble sparrow jumps,

Sparrow is a bird

Gray shirt.

Respond, sparrow

Fly out, don't be shy.

The teacher asks the children questions.

Which bird is bigger, dove or sparrow?

How does a sparrow move?

How does a dove move?

How do sparrows and doves cry?

Pigeons walk on the ground, on the roof, fly. Sparrows jump like on springs, fly, sit on trees.

It is important to invite children to jump like sparrows, and it is important to walk around, shaking their heads, often stepping their feet like doves. Shout like a sparrow "chirp-chirp", like a dove "gul-gul-gul".

Labor activity

Raking in heaps of dry fallen leaves.

Target: to teach to work in a team, to help adults.

mobile game

"Bird flight".

Goals: exercise in crawling and climbing;

- to cultivate attention and dexterity.

Individual work

Movement development.

Target: to form the ability to roll hoops to each other.


Walk 9

Magpie Watch

Goals: - to form ideas about the appearance of the magpie, its characteristic features, habits;

- educate the need to take care of wintering birds.

Progress of observation

Everywhere I fly

I know everything in the world.

I know every bush in the forest.

Maybe me for it

And they call it a forest newspaper.

The teacher asks the children questions.

What does a magpie look like?

What does she eat?

How does it chirp?

Magpie has many nicknames: white-sided magpie, chirping magpie, thief magpie. "Belobok" - because on the sides the feathers of the magpie are completely white. The head and wings are black. The tail is also black, the nose is very beautiful, with a greenish tint, long and straight, like an arrow. The magpie is called “chirping” because, flying from place to place, it loudly chirps “ha-ha-ha!”. With a loud alarming chirp, magpies warn local inhabitants of the danger. And she was nicknamed the “thief” because she loves everything bright and shiny.

Magpies feed on caterpillars, midges, bugs and mosquitoes. In addition to insects, magpies peck berries and fruits, seeds of plants. In autumn, magpies gather in small flocks, fly through gardens and parks, treat themselves to berries of mountain ash, hawthorn and sea buckthorn. She does not fly away from us in winter, but moves closer to people.

Labor activity:

Collection of autumn leaves.

Target: learn to fulfill labor assignments with desire.

Outdoor games:

"Crow and Dog", "Catch the Ball".

Goals: - learn to imitate the movements and sounds of birds;

- Catch the ball with both hands.

Individual work:

Movement development.

Target: learn to maintain balance, standing on one leg, hands on the belt.

Outdoor games: "Horses", "Cat and Mice".

Target: learn to run in all directions, maintain balance.

Individual work:

"Snowflakes are flying."

Target: develop plasticity of movements.


Walk 1

Watching the weather


- continue to form ideas about seasonal changes;

- develop observation, teach to analyze, draw conclusions.

Progress of observation

The gray day is shorter than the night

Cold water in the river.

Frequent rain wears down the earth,

The wind whistles through the wires.

Leaves fall into puddles

The bread was put away.

Before the winter cold arrives

Houses are warming up.

November is the last month of autumn. The foliage from the trees flew around, the grasses turned brown, drooped, the sky almost all the time was overcast with lead clouds. Cold long rains with snow often fall.

At the end of November, it is already frosty at night, and the dark sky resembles a star ball. Young ice crunches loudly in puddles, the ground freezes, tree branches ring in the wind. November plays on icy strings. This time is called "pre-winter".

Labor activity

Hanging bird feeders.

Target: cultivate a desire to take care of birds.


Walk 2

bird watching

Target: clarify the idea of ​​the presence of paws in birds and their functions.

Progress of observation

Birdie, birdie, here's some water for you

Here are the crumbs on my palm.

The teacher asks the children questions.

How many paws do birds have?

How are they different from animal paws?

What do birds need paws for?

Where do birds' paws end?

How many fingers are on their paws?

I know how many paws a cat or dog has. How many paws do birds have? (Two.) With the help of their paws, birds jump, walk, sit, forage. Different birds move differently: crows and doves walk, sparrows and titmouse jump. You noticed that birds have four fingers in front, and one on the side, at the ends of the fingers there are claws (long, hooked). When birds sit on tree branches, they cling to them with their claws. When looking for seeds, berries, blades of grass, birds rake the ground with their claws or hold blades of grass, and peck with their beaks.

Labor activity

Cleaning the area from small pebbles and dry twigs.

Target: encourage to work in a team.

Outdoor games

"Bird Flight", "Throw and Catch".

Target: exercise in crawling, throwing and catching the ball with both hands.

Individual work

Movement development.

Target: to consolidate skills in jumping over two objects.


Walk 3

rowan watching

Target: to consolidate knowledge about the benefits mountain ash brings to animals and birds in the cold season.

Progress of observation

So the rowan berries caught the first frost, they became tasty and soft. Animals and birds love mountain ash. The bear, if he finds it in the forest, hung with clusters of berries, will deftly tilt the flexible tree and enjoy its fruits with pleasure; like rowan berries and forest giants - moose. They reach the very top of the tree, eating fruits and branches with appetite. Berries that have fallen to the ground are picked up by field mice, hedgehogs, chipmunks and squirrels. In pre-winter November days, flocks of bullfinches and waxwings arrive. They stick around mountain ash and peck at its juicy sweet berries. Birds peck quickly, dropping a lot of berries on the ground, then fly away further. Rowan saves many birds from starvation.

The crane's cry has already rang out,

The garden has been crumbling for a long time

And bright bunches of rowan

All also, hanging down, burn.

Labor activity

Collection of pebbles on the site.

Target: to form the ability to notice the cleanliness of the site.

Outdoor games

"Airplanes", "Sparrows and a cat".

Goals: - teach to quickly perform movements at the signal of the teacher and run in the indicated direction;

- cultivate friendliness.

Individual work

"Get in the basket."

Target: develop accuracy, eye.


Walk 4

Supervision of the work of the driver


- continue to form children's ideas about the work of a driver;

- to cultivate interest and respect for the work of adults.

Progress of observation

The teacher asks the children questions.

What are these machines?

How did you guess?

What does the car have? (Headlights, wheels, cab, body.)

What are headlights for?

Labor activity

Collection of pebbles on the site.

Target: to form the ability to carry out collective assignments, to agree with the help of a teacher on the distribution of work.

Outdoor games

“We are drivers”, “Leaf fall”.


- continue to develop the motor activity of children;

- to encourage the desire to reflect knowledge about the work of adults in gaming activities.

The wind plays with the leaves

Leaves are plucked from branches.

yellow leaves fly

Right into the hands of the guys.

Individual work

Movement development.

Target: promote the development of motor skills.


Walk 5

spruce watching


- to consolidate the ability of children to find familiar trees by one or two signs;

- to acquaint with the features of spruce, by which it is easy to distinguish it from other trees.

Progress of observation

The teacher gives the children a riddle.

What is this girl?

Not a seamstress, not a craftswoman.

Doesn't sew anything

And in needles all year round.

Spruce is like a pyramid, its branches are short at the top, long downwards, covered with short green needles. It is green in winter and summer. And the Christmas tree smells.

Labor activity

Collection of small debris (twigs, pebbles) in buckets.

Target: develop the ability to work together.

Outdoor games

"Find Your House", "The Crows and the Nest".

Target: exercise in running, the ability to quickly find your house (hoop).

Individual work

“Whose link is more likely to gather?”, “Crawl to the flag.”

Target: exercise in the ability to build in a circle, crawl on all fours.


Walk 6

Watching the work of a postman


- to consolidate specific ideas about seasonal changes in nature;

- to form ideas about the work of a postman;

- to cultivate interest and respect for the work of adults.

Progress of observation

The teacher gives the children a riddle, offers to answer questions.

Man walks everywhere

With a thick shoulder bag.


Why is such a profession needed?

What bag does he have?

What lies in it?

Labor activity

Collection of garbage on the site in a specific place.

Goals: - to teach to work together, to achieve the completion of the case by joint efforts;

- foster a sense of mutual assistance.

Outdoor games

"Leaf fall".

Target: learn to run without bumping into each other.

"Run to what I call."

Goals: - learn to run fast at the signal of the teacher;

- fix the name of the trees.

Falling, falling leaves

Leaf fall in our garden.

yellow, red leaves

They curl in the wind, they fly.

Individual work

Movement development.

Target: create an emotional mood from the walk.


Walk 7

Supervision of the work of the janitor


- continue to monitor the work of the janitor;

- promote the development of speech by enriching vocabulary;

- to cultivate interest and respect for the work of a janitor;

- to instill a love for nature, a careful and caring attitude towards the environment.

Progress of observation

September covered all the paths

Foliage yellow, as always.

And thin cobwebs

Hung out like wires.

The teacher asks the children questions.

What season is it outside?

On what basis did you determine this?

See how many leaves are on the paths and clearings. And who cleans these leaves? What does a janitor do? Who wants his job?

Labor activity

Collection of garbage from the site to a specific location.

Goals: - to form the ability to collect garbage in a certain place;

- educate the desire to help adults;

- individually consider the tools of the janitor.

Outdoor games

"Leaf fall", "Birds and rain".

Goals: - support joint games of children;

- develop the ability to interact with partners in the game;

- to encourage the desire to reflect in the gaming activity the knowledge gained in the course of familiarization with the work of a janitor.

Individual work

Movement development.

Target: improve orientation in space and time; sense of balance, rhythm, eye


Walk 8

Magpie Watch

Target: enrich knowledge about the life of birds in early autumn.

Progress of observation

The teacher asks the children a riddle, offers to answer her questions


Walk 1. Observation of seasonal changes in nature.

Goals: to form ideas about changes in nature (the day has become shorter, the night is longer); to learn to distinguish and characterize the signs of early autumn, to recognize them in poems; develop a love for nature.

Progress of observation : Summer has passed, Autumn has come.

In the fields and in the groves, empty and depressing.

The birds have flown away, the days have become shorter.

The sun is not visible, Dark-dark nights.

The teacher makes riddles for the children:

*Gold coins hang on a branch. (Autumn leaves.)

* On the ceiling, in the corner, there is a sieve - not twisted by hand. (Web.)

* Without hands, but the canvas weaves. (Spider.)

The teacher tells the children about signs.

September - zorevnik, frowning; holodnik and holoden-father September, but there is much to feed, they call him “singing autumn” and “golden flower garden”; grasses in meadows, fields, forests dry up, turn yellow, and the foliage of trees and shrubs becomes golden.

September is the first autumn month. At the beginning of the month, still warm sunny days are issued. The sky sparkles with blue, the leaves of maples and birches shine through with golden patterns. The air is clean, transparent, silver threads of the web fly. Such days are called "Indian summer".

Why is September called "chrysalis"?

What days of September are called "Indian summer"?

What are the signs of "Indian summer"?

Labor activity : Garbage collection on the site.Target: cultivate the desire to work.

Outdoor games: "Geese", "Shepherd and flock".Goals: improve coordination of movements; develop dexterity, spatial orientation.

Didactic game: "Who called?"Target:

Individual work: "Catch the ball." FTarget : develop dexterity.

Stand alone games with outgoing material.

Walk 2. Observation of the flower garden.

Target: to form children's ideas that flowers are alive, they grow and change.

Progress of observation : The plants in the flower bed grew well, bloomed while it was warm, there was a lot of light and water; now the days are getting short, there is plenty of water but little heat, the flowers wither, in their place seeds are formed, from which new plants can appear.

Autumn has come

The flowers have dried up.

And look sad

Bare bushes.

What were the flowers in the flower bed like? Why did they wither?

What needs to be done so that the flowers grow again in spring? (Collect seeds.)

Labor activity: Collection of flowers in boxes.Target: learn to distinguish mature seeds from immature ones.

Outdoor games: "Ducklings", "Birds and Rain".Goals: exercise in running, climbing, jumping; cultivate dexterity, speed.

"Toss - catch". Goals: practice throwing and catching the ball.

Didactic game: "Logical chain "Target:

Individual work: "Collect the toys."Target: develop mindfulness.

Stand alone games with outgoing material.

Walk 3 . Weather observation.

Target: consolidate knowledge about seasonal changes in plant life.

Observation progress: The teacher asks the children questions.

What season is it now? How did you guess?

Do you know where we are going now? What grows in the garden?

How can you call it all in one word?

How many of you know riddles about vegetables? Where do vegetables grow?

Each group of vegetables grows in its own garden. In autumn, gardeners harvest vegetables, then they are canned. Vegetables grow on the ground and in the ground. Today we will gather vegetables and take them to the kitchen so that the cook will prepare dinner for us.

Reading a poem by Y. Tuwim "Vegetables".

Labor activity: Collective work on garbage collection at the site.

Target: learn to work together.

Mobile game: "Cucumber, cucumber." Objectives: to learn to quickly perform actions on a signal; improve coordination of movements, the ability to give strength to the throw.

"Find where it's hidden". Goals: teach orientation in space.

Didactic game: "Traffic light" Goals

Individual work: "Who will throw next?"

Target: develop coordination of movements, the ability to give strength to the throw.

Stand alone games

Walk 4 . Sparrow watching.

Goals: deepen knowledge about the features of the appearance of a sparrow, life manifestations; to activate the attention and memory of children.

Progress of observation : The teacher asks the children questions.

What does a sparrow look like? What does he eat?

How does he move? How does he sing?

Sparrow is a small lively bird. The back of the sparrow is brown, with wide longitudinal black stripes. The tail and wings are dark brown, decorated with a reddish border, the chin and throat are black, but the head is gray. A sparrow is an agile bird, jumping at a person’s feet without fear, pecking from a dog bowl, picking up crumbs, seeds, grains. It adapts well to human habits everywhere. Sparrows sing "chik-chirik".

Labor activity: Sweeping the path leading to the site.Target: teach them how to use whisks correctly, encourage them to help adults.

Outdoor games: "Find yourself a mate."Target: learn to move quickly on a signal, changing the direction of movement.

"Catch the ball". Goals: continue to consolidate the skills of tossing and catching the ball with both hands; cultivate attention and dexterity.

Didactic game: "Away". Target : continue to consolidate the rules of conduct at a party, in the garden, in public places.

Individual work : Did. game "In the garden and in the garden"

Target: to consolidate knowledge about vegetables and fruits.

Stand alone games

Walk 5 . Birch observation.

Goals: continue to acquaint with the characteristic features of birch,

by which it can be distinguished from other trees;

cultivate the desire to admire the beauty of the tree.

Observation progress:

Alena is standing - a green scarf,

Thin camp, green sundress. (Birch.)

What tree is the riddle talking about? How tall is the birch?

Where is the trunk of a birch wide, and where is it narrow? Are birch branches thick or thin? Can you get leaves? What color is the birch trunk?

What is the trunk of a birch? How can you say about birch?

What color are birch leaves?

Invite the children to admire the beauty of the birch. You can hug her, stroke her and say: "Grow up, dear birch, please good people."

Labor activity: Collection of fallen leaves and other debris on the site. Target : to teach to keep order in the kindergarten area.

develop teamwork skills.

Mobile game: "Hares and the wolf".Goals: continue to develop motor activity of children; teach them to obey the rules. "The fastest". Target: exercise in running, completing tasks to improve the ability to navigate in space (changing directions on the run), jumping (jumping on two legs).

Didactic game: "Wild animals"Target

Individual work: Did. the game "What tree is the leaf from?"Target: to consolidate knowledge about the trees growing on the territory of the kindergarten.

Stand alone games

Walk 6 .Observation of the dog.

Goals: form an idea of ​​​​the appearance of the dog;

educate the need to take care of a pet.

Observation progress: The teacher asks the children a riddle, offers to answer questions.

Grumbled a living castle,

Lie across the door.

Two medals on the chest

Better not come into the house. (Dog.)

What does a dog look like? Where she lives? What does it eat?

Who takes care of the dog?

A dog is a devoted friend of man. The dog Sharik is large, the coat is thick, warm, brown. Sharik's head is large, the muzzle is elongated, and white ears are hanging on the head; a beautiful tail with a ringlet, when happy, wags its tail. It has four legs with claws, covered with wool so that they do not freeze in winter.

Labor activity: Collection of cones and leaves. Target: to encourage them to carry out elementary tasks independently.

Mobile game: "Shaggy dog". Target: learn to move in accordance with the text, quickly change the direction of movement.

"Dog and Sparrow".Goals: consolidate knowledge about the characteristic movements of birds; learn to imitate them by voice.

Didactic game: "What is needed for what?"Target:

Individual work: Walking on short and long paths. Purpose: to consolidate ideas about length.

Stand alone games with geometric shapes.

Walk 7 . Watching a fire truck, talking about firefighters.

Objectives: to expand knowledge about the role of machines and their mechanisms;

Cultivate respect for the work of adults, curiosity.

Observation progress: The teacher asks the children questions.

Why do all vehicles let cars with sirens pass ahead?

Why does the car have flashing lights front and rear?

Why does a fire engine need a long, extendable ladder?

Why do firefighters wear helmets?

Cars with sirens rush to help people. Flashing lights warn that the car is turning right or left. A retractable ladder is needed to extinguish a fire in a multi-storey building. Helmets protect the head of firefighters from falling objects.

Labor activity: Garbage collection on site.

Goals: inspire a desire to work in a team.

Outdoor games: "Traps", "Toss - Catch".

Target: develop independence in the organization of outdoor games.

Didactic game: "Animals and their babies" Target : Develop speech, consolidate previously acquired knowledge about wildlife.

Individual work: Walking on toes.

Target: to consolidate the ability to walk with a coordinated movement of arms and legs.

Stand alone games with portable material, toys.

Walk 8 . Comparison of spruce with pine.

Purpose: to clarify knowledge about conifers, their similarities and differences (pine, like spruce, is always green, it also has needles, only longer, branches only at the top).

Observation progress: Pines want to grow to the sky,

They want to sweep the sky with branches,

So that during the year

The weather was clear.

I have longer needles than a Christmas tree

I'm growing very straight.

If I'm not at the edge,

Branches only at the top. (Pine.)

Pine is a tall tree. She has a straight trunk, twigs only at the top, the branches are covered with long green needles. The pine is green both in winter and in summer. And also a pine, like a Christmas tree, has cones.

Labor activity: Sweeping paths.

Target: educate diligence, a desire to help adults.

Outdoor games: "Bird in the nest".Goals: learn to jump on two legs on a signal; develop dexterity, attentiveness, coordination of movements.

"Frogs".Goals: learn to perform movements in accordance with the text; perform jumps, pushing off simultaneously with two legs, jump off gently; be able to take a free place on a log.

Didactic game: "Poisonous Mushrooms" Target : Develop speech, consolidate previously acquired knowledge of safe behavior in nature.

Individual work: Did. game "Find out, name and tell"Target: to consolidate knowledge about trees, shrubs and other plants growing on the territory of the kindergarten.

Stand alone games with natural material (cones, sticks, leaves, sand)

Walk 9 . Tree watching in early autumn.

Goals: continue to acquaint with the characteristic features of trees in the period of early autumn, highlighting the signs of the living; cultivate respect for plants.

Observation progress:

There are white pillars

They have green caps.

fluffy in summer,

Yellowish in autumn. (Birch.)

You can always find her in the forest -

Go for a walk and meet.

It is prickly, like a hedgehog,

In winter in a summer dress. (Pine)

Children approach the trees, say hello, admire the beauty of the autumn park, garden. The teacher asks the children questions.

What changes have occurred to the trees?

What happened to the birch leaves? What color are they?

Are there many or few leaves on the tree?

When the wind blows, what happens to the leaves?

Invite the children to collect a bouquet of fallen leaves. Once again, note what color the leaves are.

Labor activity: Raking fallen leaves with a rake.

Target: learn to finish what you start.

Outdoor games: "Find your color."

Target: look for your color at the signal of the teacher.

"Find where it's hidden."Target : learn to navigate in space

Didactic game: "Guess the description." Target : Continue to learn to name an object according to the described characteristics.

Individual work: Movement development.

Target: seek to improve walking technique: a clear and wide step, good posture, natural hand work.

Stand alone games with portable material, toys.

Walk 1 0 . Car surveillance.

Goals: learn to distinguish cars according to their purpose; to form interest in the profession of a driver, the desire to master his labor activities.

Observation progress: The teacher offers to watch the cars moving along the streets of the city. Consider their appearance, answer questions.

What types of transport do you know? (Ground, underground, water, air.)

What functions does a particular machine perform?

They can be seen everywhere, they can be seen from the windows,

A long stream is moving down the street.

They carry a variety of goods -

Brick and iron, grain and watermelons.

We love them for this job.

They are called ... (cars).

Labor activity: Collection and removal of dry leaves to a certain place, sweeping paths. Goals: to teach cleanliness and order;

reinforce the ability to work in a team.

Outdoor games: "Colored Cars" Target: continue to develop motor activity through games with objects (rudders). "Fox in the chicken coop"Goals: improve the ability to act quickly on a signal; develop dexterity.

Individual work: Jumping from a place on two legs - vigorously push off and land correctly. Target: develop dexterity.

Stand alone games with portable didactic material.


Walk 1. Observation of the state of nature.

Goals: pay attention to how nature has changed; learn to compare natural changes; develop observation.

Observation progress: In October, in October

Frequent rain in the yard.

Grass is dead in the meadows

The grasshopper was silent.

Firewood prepared

For the winter for stoves.

(S. Marshak)

*** Frowning, frowning, burst into tears -

Nothing will be left. (Cloud.)

*** Shines under the sun after a cold

On gray asphalt ... (puddle).

What changes have taken place in nature? What has the sky become?

How often does the sun shine? Is it raining?

Labor activity: Cleaning up autumn leaves.

Target: develop a desire to work.

Outdoor games: "Geese swans", "Catch up", "Catch up with me".

Goals: cultivate friendships, learn to run in the right direction.

Individual work: Did. game "Who needs the sun?" Goal: development of thinking, memory, speech

Stand alone games with natural material (cones, sticks, leaves, sand)

Walk 2. Watching the birch.

Goals: continue to introduce birch, highlighting the characteristic features and changes associated with the season; to cultivate a careful attitude to the tree, as to a living object of nature.

Observation progress: The teacher brings the children to the birch for a conversation.

What tree is this?

Show me the trunk of a birch. Is he thick or thin?

Show branches. Are they thick or thin? What colour?

Stroke the birch trunk.

What is she like? (Smooth, silky.)

What color? (Clarify that only a birch has such a black and white trunk.)

What changes have occurred with birch?

Where did the leaves go from the tree? Are they many or few?

Where are the leaves? Who is tearing them down?

Offer to pick up the leaves, note that they have already withered on the ground.

What season?

What happens to a tree in autumn? (It falls asleep, prepares for winter.)

Labor activity: Territory cleaning. Target: to teach to work together, to achieve the task by joint efforts.

Outdoor games: "Find yourself a mate."Target : choose different pairs for yourself on a signal. "Run to the birch."Target: learn to quickly perform actions at the signal of the teacher.

"From bump to bump."Target: practice jumping on two legs.

Didactic game: "Traffic light" Goals : Continue to acquaint children with the rules of the road.

Individual work: "Cross the river."Target: exercise in walking on a log straight and sideways.

Stand alone games with natural material (cones, sticks, leaves, sand)

Walk 3. Observation of the weather.

Goals: to form an idea of ​​​​a natural phenomenon - fog; learn to observe seasonal phenomena; notice the features of this phenomenon, draw conclusions.

Observation progress: Autumn over the forest and swamp

The cloud flew by the plane.

A cloud flew low, low,

A parachutist jumped from it.

And now another one follows her,

And the flock is already flying after the flock.

Fog is a natural phenomenon, and the most common, only unexpected for everyone. Fog rolls over the ground. It seems as if the clouds descended low and low and entangled the earth with a thick white veil. Fog is made up of tiny water droplets. And in the clouds, and in the sky, and in the mists above the earth, these droplets were formed from transparent water vapor. It falls into a stream of cold air and begins to thicken, turn into droplets of water. If the droplets formed high in the sky, they became clouds, and if low above the ground, they became fog. They happen at all times of the year.

The teacher asks the children questions:

What is the sky like when it's foggy? How are you breathing?

Which air is wet or dry? Is it thick fog?

Why is the fog thinner near and thicker far away?

Labor activity: Garbage collection on site.

Target: develop a desire to work together.

Outdoor games: "Who is faster", "Kite and mother hen".

Goals: improve the ability to run, climb, jump; develop a response.

Didactic game: "What is needed for what?"Target: Strengthen children's knowledge about tools.

Individual work: "Picture the mood."

Target: to teach with plastic movements, to convey inner sensations.

Stand alone games with portable didactic material.

Walk 4. Observation of migratory birds.

Goals: expand ideas about migratory birds, about changing

the life of birds in autumn, when the cold sets in;

educate love and care for birds.

Observation progress: The waters rustled a fast stream,

Birds fly to warmer climes.

The teacher asks the children questions.

What birds fly to warmer climes? Why are they doing that?

Birds gather in flocks, fly low above the ground. This means that soon they will fly away to warmer climes. The swallows will be the first to do this, since with the onset of cold weather insects disappear, which they catch on the fly. Ducks, geese, and cranes are the last to fly away, as water bodies begin to freeze and they cannot find food in the water.

The teacher asks the children to complete the sentence:

The sparrow is small, and the crane ... (large).

The duck is gray, and the swan ... (white).

Labor activity: Collection of seeds of trees, shrubs, flowers.

Target: involve children in collecting seeds and reinforcing the name of the trees.

Mobile game: "Dog and sparrow". Goals: consolidate knowledge about the characteristic movements of birds; learn to imitate them by voice.

Didactic game: "Guess the description."Target: continue to learn to solve riddles.

Individual work Target:

Stand alone games with portable material, toys.

Walk 5. Watching sparrows

Goals: expand knowledge about the appearance and habits of a sparrow; cultivate attention and observation.

Observation progress: The teacher asks the children questions.

How are all sparrows similar to each other? What is their difference?

What do sparrows eat?

Some sparrows are bigger, others are smaller. Some are lighter in color, others are darker, some are impudent, bold, others are cautious.

Sparrow in a puddle

Jumping and spinning

The feathers are ruffled

The tail loosened.

Labor activity: Invite the children to collect sand in the sandbox.Target: to instill a love of work in a team.

Outdoor games: "Colored Cars", "Hares and the Wolf".Target: exercise in loose running, jumping.

Didactic game: "What is made of what?"Target: Strengthen children's knowledge about the objects of the world.

Individual work: P\game "Who will throw further?".

Target: to consolidate the ability to throw an object at a distance.

Stand alone games with portable didactic material, toys.

Walk 6. Observation of mountain ash

Target: introduce mountain ash, show its structure: trunk, branches, leaves, berries; look at her bright autumn outfit.

Observation progress: The teacher gives the children a riddle.

Flying to visit her

A flock of scarlet bullfinches,

On the branches they scurry,

Red berries are pecking. (Rowan.)

*** *** ***

Rowan leaf fall -

Under the branches of the leaves of the treasure.

The leaves have fallen

But the brushes remain

Red, bright -

Gifts for bullfinches.

Mountain ash is a tall, slender tree; it grows not only in forests, but also in parks and gardens. Rowan trees are often planted along the fences of houses to please people with different golden-red leaves, put on a necklace of scarlet berries. People say: "In September, one berry, and that bitter mountain ash." If there are a lot of mountain ash in the forest, then the autumn will be rainy, and the winter will be frosty. In early autumn, rowan berries are bitter-sour and hard.

Labor activity: Collection of large debris on the site, sweeping paths.Target: to form the ability to work in a subgroup.

Outdoor games: "Shaggy Dog", "Sun and Rain". Target: learn to run all over the site, following commands at the signal of the teacher.

"Get on!" Objectives: to teach to perform an exercise with a ball; develop an eye.

Didactic game: "When does it happen?"Target: consolidate knowledge about the parts of the day.

Individual work: “What is superfluous? - development of thinking, memory, attention.

Stand alone games with natural material (cones, sticks, leaves, sand)

Walk 7. Birdwatching

Target: learn to find the difference in the appearance of different birds, paying attention to the size, methods of movement.

Observation progress: Among the white doves

A nimble sparrow jumps,

Sparrow - bird,

Gray shirt.

Respond, sparrow.

Fly out, don't be shy.

The teacher asks the children questions: Which bird is bigger - a dove or a sparrow? How does a sparrow move? How does a dove move?

How do sparrows and doves cry?

Pigeons walk on the ground, on the roof, fly. Sparrows jump like on springs, fly, sit on trees.

It is important to invite children to jump like sparrows, and it is important to walk around, shaking their heads, often stepping their feet like doves. Shout like a sparrow "chirp-chirp", like a dove "gul-gul-gul".

Labor activity: Raking in heaps of dry fallen leaves.

Target: to teach to work in a team, to help adults.

Outdoor games: "Bird flight". Goals: exercise in crawling and climbing;

cultivate attention and dexterity. "Cat and Mice".Target: learn to run in all directions, maintain balance.

Didactic game: "What do you see with your eyes closed?"Goals: consolidate knowledge about the importance of the organs of vision in the life of every child, to cultivate a careful attitude to the eyes, the desire to care for them.

Individual work: Movement development.

Target: to form the ability to roll hoops to each other.

Stand alone games with portable material, toys.

Walk 8. Watching the fall of the leaves

Objectives: to introduce the variety of colors of golden autumn, the concept of "falling leaves"; develop a love for nature.

The course of observation The teacher invites the children to guess what time of the year the verses are talking about.


Suddenly it got cold, suddenly it roared,

Leaves flew, leaves, leaves.

The fields were deserted and downpours like a river,

And tell me, what time is it? (Autumn.)


Golden quiet groves and gardens,

Fields are fruitful, ripe fruits.

And you can't see the rainbow, and you can't hear the thunder,

The sun goes to sleep

Earlier every day. (Autumn.)

The teacher tells the children about signs. In October, the forest is thinner and the bird's voice is quieter, the titmouse asks for autumn to visit, and the leaf on the tree does not hold.

The teacher asks the children questions.

Why is autumn called golden? What phenomenon is called leaf fall?

What do you think the autumn leaves will dream of?

Labor activity: Garbage collection in the garden.

Target: reinforce gardening skills.

Outdoor games: "Traps", "Find your house."

Target: develop dexterity, the ability to act quickly on a signal, to strictly follow the rules of the game.

Didactic game: “What is superfluous? - development of thinking, memory, attention.

Individual work: Jumping in place on one leg.

Target: develop dexterity.

Stand alone games with portable material, toys.

Walk 9. Watching the autumn rain

Goals: continue to form ideas about seasonal changes in nature: the sky is covered with clouds, it has become overcast, there is often light autumn rain; cultivate an aesthetic sense of perception of nature.

Observation progress: The teacher gives the children a riddle.

Without a path and without a road

Walks the longest.

Hiding in the clouds in the darkness

Autumn rains are not at all like summer ones. The autumn rain is drizzling. As it begins to fall in small droplets to the ground, so it will go for a day, two, three ... Often without ceasing. And then it becomes very boring. There is slush underfoot, the sky is leaden, and cold, tedious rain is drizzling. It is good that autumn will eventually pass and winter will come. People wear raincoats and boots when it rains. Br!.. It's slushy! Even the birds hid themselves, they do not want to wet their feathers.

The teacher asks the children questions: When does it rain, drizzling, lingering?

What mood does it evoke? How does nature react to rain?

What are puddles? What do clouds and sky look like?

Labor activity : Collection of fallen leaves on the site.

Target: educate industriousness, the desire to work.

Outdoor games: "Jump higher", "Even circle". Goals: learn to act quickly on a signal; develop a sense of camaraderie.

Didactic game "When does it happen?"Target : to consolidate knowledge about the parts of the day

Individual work: Did. game "Guess the tale." Target:

Stand alone games with natural material (cones, sticks, leaves, sand)

Walk 10. Observation of spruce (pine).

Goals: to consolidate the ability of children to find familiar trees by one or two signs; to acquaint with the features of spruce, by which it is easy to distinguish it from other trees.

Observation progress: The teacher gives the children a riddle.

What is this girl?

Not a seamstress, not a craftswoman.

Doesn't sew anything

And in needles all year round. (Fur tree, pine tree)

Spruce is like a pyramid, its branches are short at the top, long downwards, covered with short green needles. Pine has long needles, its cones look down. They are green in winter and summer. And spruce and pine have a special smell that you can’t confuse with anything.

Labor activity: Collection of small debris (twigs, pebbles) in buckets. Target: develop the ability to work together.

Outdoor games: "Find Your House", "The Crows and the Nest".

Target: exercise in running, the ability to quickly find your house (hoop).

Didactic game "Wild animals"Target : to consolidate knowledge about wild animals living in our region.

Individual work: Target:

Stand alone games with portable didactic material.


Walk 1. Observation of the weather

Goals: continue to form ideas about seasonal changes;

develop observation, learn to analyze, draw conclusions.

Observation progress: The gray day is shorter than the night

Cold water in the river

Frequent rain wears down the earth,

The wind whistles through the wires.

Leaves fall into puddles

The bread was put away.

Before the winter cold arrives

Houses are warming up.

November is the last month of autumn. The foliage from the trees flew around, the grasses turned brown, drooped, the sky almost all the time was overcast with lead clouds. Cold long rains with snow often fall.

At the end of November, it is already frosty at night, and the dark sky resembles a star ball. Young ice crunches loudly in puddles, the ground freezes, tree branches ring in the wind. November plays on icy strings. This time is called "pre-winter".

Labor activity: Hanging bird feeders.

Target: cultivate a desire to take care of birds.

Outdoor games: "Doves and Sparrows". Goals: exercise in running, walking, tilting the head forward;

“From bump to bump” Purpose: to consolidate the ability to jump on two legs from one circle to another.

Didactic game: "Name the bird"Target: fix the names of birds flying to the kindergarten site.

Individual work : Did. game "Find out, name and tell"Target: consolidate knowledge about wild animals.

Stand alone games with remote did. materials, toys.

Walk 2. Birdwatching

Target: clarify the idea of ​​the presence of paws in birds and their functions.

Observation progress: Birdie, birdie, here's some water for you

Here are the crumbs on my palm.

The teacher asks the children questions: How many paws do birds have?

What do birds need paws for?

With the help of their paws, birds jump, walk, sit, and forage. Different birds move differently: crows and doves walk, sparrows and titmouse jump. You noticed that birds have four fingers in front, and one on the side, at the ends of the fingers there are claws (long, hooked). When birds sit on tree branches, they cling to them with their claws. When looking for seeds, berries, blades of grass, birds rake the ground with their claws or hold blades of grass, and peck with their beaks.

Labor activity: Cleaning the area from small pebbles and dry twigs.Target: encourage to work in a team.

Outdoor games: "Bird Flight", "Throw and Catch".

Target: exercise in crawling, throwing and catching the ball with both hands.

Didactic game: "Logical chain "Target: continue to consolidate the ability to find a pair of concepts that are logically suitable for each other.

Individual work: Movement development.

Target: to consolidate skills in jumping over two objects.

Stand alone games with portable material, toys.

Walk 3. Observation of mountain ash

Target: to consolidate knowledge about the benefits mountain ash brings to animals and birds in the cold season.

Observation progress: So the rowan berries caught the first frost, they became tasty and soft. Animals and birds love mountain ash. The bear, if he finds it in the forest, hung with clusters of berries, will deftly tilt the flexible tree and enjoy its fruits with pleasure; like rowan berries and forest giants - moose. They reach the very top of the tree, eating fruits and branches with appetite. Berries that have fallen to the ground are picked up by field mice, hedgehogs, chipmunks and squirrels. In pre-winter November days, flocks of bullfinches and waxwings arrive. They stick around mountain ash and peck at its juicy sweet berries. Birds peck quickly, dropping a lot of berries on the ground, then fly away further. Rowan saves many birds from starvation.

The crane's cry has already rang out,

The garden has been crumbling for a long time

And bright bunches of rowan

All also, hanging down, burn.

Labor activity: Collection of pebbles on the site.

Target: to form the ability to notice the cleanliness of the site.

Outdoor games: "Aircraft" Goals: teach to quickly perform movements at the signal of the teacher and run in the indicated direction; cultivate friendliness. "Get in the basket."Target: develop accuracy, eye.

Didactic game: "Guess" Goal: continue to teach riddles

Individual work: Did. game "In the garden or in the garden?" Target:

Stand alone games with portable material, toys.

Walk 5. Observation of the work of the janitor

Goals: continue to monitor the work of the janitor; promote the development of speech by enriching vocabulary; to cultivate interest and respect for the work of a janitor; to instill a love for nature, a careful and caring attitude towards the environment.

Observation progress:

September covered all the paths yellow foliage, as always.

And hung thin cobwebs like wires.

The teacher asks the children questions: What time of year is it outside?

On what basis did you determine this? See how many leaves are on the paths and clearings. And who cleans these leaves? What does a janitor do? Who wants his job?

Labor activity:

Goals: to form the ability to collect garbage in a certain place; nurture a desire to help adults; individually consider the tools of the janitor.

Outdoor games: "Birds and rain». Goals: support joint games of children; develop the ability to interact with partners in the game.

"Whose link will gather sooner?"Target: exercise in the ability to build in a circle, crawl on all fours.

Didactic game: "In the garden or in the garden?" Target: consolidate knowledge about fruits and vegetables

Individual work Role-playing game "Helpers".Target: to encourage the desire to reflect in gaming activities the knowledge gained in the course of familiarization with the work of a janitor.

Stand alone games with portable material, toys.

Walk 6. Observation of a magpie, a crow, a sparrow

Target: enrich the idea of ​​the natural world, involve in active mental operations; systematize newly acquired knowledge and consolidate previously acquired; to consolidate knowledge about the life of birds in late autumn.

Observation progress: The teacher makes riddles for children, offers to answer questions.

White as snow

Black as a beetle

Spinning like a demon

Turned around and into the woods.


Guess what bird

Jumping down the track

As if the cat is not afraid -

Collects the crumbs

And then on a branch - jump

And chirp "chirp-chirp"! (Sparrow.)

Why do birds fly to the feeder? Do birds need our help this time of autumn? Look at this picture. It has a bird on it. Who is this?

Describe her appearance. What is the body and head of the bird covered with? What colour?

Labor activity: Collection of garbage from the site to a specific location.

Target: to teach children to work with a rake and a broom, to see the result of their work.

Mobile game: "Birds and Rain"

Purpose: to learn to navigate the site and run in different directions.

Didactic game : "Migratory or wintering". Purpose: To consolidate knowledge about birds, to cultivate a love for nature.

Individual work : Did. game “What is superfluous? - development of thinking, memory, attention.

Stand alone games with portable material, toys.

Walk 7. Tree watching in late autumn

Goals: to acquaint with the characteristic features of wildlife in the period of late autumn; cultivate a desire to admire the beauty of trees and shrubs.

Observation progress:

The teacher makes riddles for children, offers to answer questions.

green in spring,

Burnt in summer

put on in autumn

Red corals. (Rowan.)

It's not even a mystery

Let's call it right away

If only someone would say-

Acorns on it (Oak)

What kind of girl is this?

Not a seamstress, not a craftswoman,

Doesn't sew anything

And in needles all year round. (Pine, spruce)

Curls dropped into the river

And sad about something

What is she sad about?

Doesn't tell anyone. (Willow)

What parts of trees do you know? Show them and name them.

What shape are the leaves? What color are they? How do they grow on a branch?

Are there berries or other fruits on the tree? What do they taste like?

Labor activity: Collection of leaves in the field.

Target: continue to teach how to perform joint actions to clean the area from the leaves.

Outdoor games: "Find us."Goals: fix the names of objects on the site; learn to navigate in space.

"Owl".Target: learn to act quickly on the signal of the teacher.

Didactic game: "What tree is the leaf from?"Target: fix the names of trees, develop attention, thinking.

Individual work: Walking step by step. Purpose: to improve the technique of walking with a side step.

Stand alone games with portable toys.

Walk 8. Observation of wintering birds.

Target: to expand the idea of ​​​​birds flying to the kindergarten site, to enrich the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe natural world, to involve in active mental operations.

Observation progress: The teacher gives riddles to the children.

Fidget motley,

long-tailed bird,

talking bird,

The most chatty. (Magpie.)

Find her in your backyard

She is for the joy of the children.

Don't you dare insult her!

This bird ... (Sparrow)

Greenish back,

yellowish belly,

black hat,

And a strip of scarf. (Tit)

I knock on wood

I want to get a worm.

Though hidden under the bark

It will still be mine. (Woodpecker)

Pay attention to what a bird that has flown to the site looks like.

Answer the questions.

What season is it now? What birds fly to the kindergarten site?

What color is the plumage on the head? What color is the chest and back? What color are the wings and tail?

Guys! Let's not get close to them, they are very shy, they can get scared and fly away. See how they move on the ground. What do you think they are looking for? What other features have you noticed? Show how they flap their wings in the air as they fly.

Labor activity: Collective work on cleaning fallen leaves, garbage. Target: to learn to work together, to bring the work begun to the end.

Mobile game: "Birds and Rain" Goals: to teach to act on the command of an adult, to exercise in the pronunciation of sounds;

cultivate friendships.

Didactic game "Wild animals"Target : to consolidate knowledge about wild animals living in our region.

Individual work: Did. game "Guess the tale." Target: consolidate knowledge about the heroes of fairy tales, develop speech, thinking, attention.

Stand alone games with natural material (cones, sticks, leaves, sand)

Walk 9. Watching the autumn leaves.

Target: show the variety of colors of golden autumn.

Observation progress: The teacher gives riddles to the children.

All the darker face of nature:

Blackened vegetable gardens

The forests are bare.

Silent bird voices

The bear went into hibernation.

What month has come to us? (October.)

Sits - turns green,

It will fall - it will turn yellow,

Lies - turns black.

When does it happen? (In autumn.)

The leaves turn yellow because they undergo great changes in autumn. In summer, green leaves contain a special substance - chlorophyll, which gives the leaf a green color. And when the leaf falls, this substance is destroyed. But in the cells of the leaf there are other coloring substances - yellow. Only in summer the lush greenery drowns them out, and when the green substances are destroyed, they come out brighter. The leaves turn yellow. And they don’t even just turn yellow, but become crimson, because another coloring matter is added. All this happens in nature in autumn. That is why the leaves change their color.

The teacher asks the children questions: Why do the leaves turn yellow?

What other color can they be? What happened to them and why?

Labor activity: Raking up fallen leaves.Target: learn to work together.

Outdoor games: "Hit the target", "From track to track."Goals: learn to throw the ball at the target, develop accuracy; keep learning to follow the rules of the game.

Didactic game: "Tell me how many times I'll clap" Target: Continue learning to count to 3 using an auditory analyzer

Individual work: Did. game "Understand me". Target : to teach body movements to create an image.

Stand alone games with portable toys.

Walk 10. Walk in the autumn park.

Goals: continue to form knowledge about the autumn months (September, October, November), seasonal changes in nature; consolidate knowledge of folk signs; develop a love for nature.

Observation progress: Autumn will come silently

Quietly stand at the gate

Cherry leaf in the garden

It will fall on the path.

This is the first clue

That summer is leaving us.

And the second is a raspberry bush

In the threads of the white web.

The day will be a little shorter

The clouds will darken

Like a shadow covers them

The river will become cloudy -

The third sure sign.

Autumn wanders close somewhere.

In the early morning on the meadows

White fogs fall

And then wait, don't wait -

Drizzling rain

The blue is covered with a veil.

So, autumn has come.

The teacher makes riddles for children, offers to answer questions.

pan flew,

Fell on the water

Doesn't sink on its own

And it doesn't muddy the water. (Sheet.)

Without a path and without a road

Walks the longest.

Hiding in the clouds in the darkness

Only feet on the ground. (Rain.)

Flying without wings and singing

Passers-by are offended.

Doesn't give one pass

He drives others away. (Wind.)

What is the name of autumn at its very beginning? What is mid-autumn called? What signs of autumn do you know? What changes have taken place in nature?

Labor activity: Collection of autumn leaves for the herbarium.

Goals: develop imagination; cultivate industriousness.

Outdoor games: "Hide and seek", "Who is faster?".Target: learn to run fast, act on the signal of the teacher, follow the rules of the game.

Didactic game: "Who called?"Target: Continue to learn to recognize the voice of comrades.

Individual work: "Autumn leaves are flying."Target: develop plasticity of movements.

Stand alone games with natural material (cones, sticks, leaves, sand)

Walk 13. Observation of poplar, ash and pine in autumn

Goals: to teach to conduct a comparative analysis of the appearance of trees (similarities and differences); to consolidate ideas about the characteristic features of trees, the conditions necessary for the growth of a tree.

Observation progress: The teacher asks the children questions:

What trees do you already know? What characteristic features of birch do you know? What characteristic features of mountain ash do you know? What do these trees have in common? What conditions are necessary for their growth?

Labor activity: Collection of sand in the sandbox. Target : teach joint labor actions, work together, helping each other.

Outdoor games: "Catch the plane." Target: learn to run fast at the signal of the teacher, without looking back. "Giants - dwarfs."Target: learn to alternate walking with small and wide steps.

Didactic game: "Traffic light" Goals : Continue to acquaint children with the rules of the road.

Individual work : "Leaf fall".Goals : promote the development of motor skills.

Stand alone games with remote material, toys, steering wheels, cars.

Walk №1 "Weather observation"


- continue to form ideas about seasonal changes;

- develop observation, teach to analyze, draw conclusions.

Progress of observation

The gray day is shorter than the night

Cold water in the river.

Frequent rain wears down the earth,

The wind whistles through the wires.

Leaves fall into puddles

The bread was put away.

Before the winter cold arrives

Houses are warming up.

November is the last month of autumn. The foliage from the trees flew around, the grasses turned brown, drooped, the sky almost all the time was overcast with lead clouds. Cold long rains with snow often fall.

At the end of November, it is already frosty at night, and the dark sky resembles a star ball. Young ice crunches loudly in puddles, the ground freezes, tree branches ring in the wind. November plays on icy strings. This time is called "pre-winter".

Labor activity

Hanging bird feeders.

Target: nurture the desire to take care of birds.

Outdoor games

"Horses", "Cat and Mice".

Target: learn to run in all directions, maintain balance.

Individual work

"Snowflakes are flying."

Target: to develop the plasticity of movements.

Walk No. 2 "Bird Watching"

Target: clarify the idea of ​​the presence of paws in birds and their functions.

Progress of observation

Birdie, birdie, here's some water for you

Here are the crumbs on my palm.

The teacher asks the children questions.

How many paws do birds have?

How are they different from animal paws?

What do birds need paws for?

Where do birds' paws end?

How many fingers are on their paws?

I know how many paws a cat or dog has. How many paws do birds have? (Two.) With the help of their paws, birds jump, walk, sit, forage. Different birds move differently: crows and doves walk, sparrows and titmouse jump. You noticed that birds have four fingers in front, and one on the side, at the ends of the fingers there are claws (long, hooked). When birds sit on tree branches, they cling to them with their claws. When looking for seeds, berries, blades of grass, birds rake the ground with their claws or hold blades of grass, and peck with their beaks.

Labor activity

Cleaning the area from small pebbles and dry twigs.

Target: encourage to work in a team.

Outdoor games

"Bird Flight", "Throw and Catch".

Target: exercise in crawling, throwing and catching the ball with both hands.

Individual work

Movement development.

Target: to consolidate skills in jumping over two objects.

Walk No. 3 "Observation of the mountain ash"

Target: to consolidate knowledge about the benefits mountain ash brings to animals and birds in the cold season.

Progress of observation

So the rowan berries caught the first frost, they became tasty and soft. Animals and birds love mountain ash. The bear, if he finds it in the forest, hung with clusters of berries, will deftly tilt the flexible tree and enjoy its fruits with pleasure; like rowan berries and forest giants - moose. They reach the very top of the tree, eating fruits and branches with appetite. Berries that have fallen to the ground are picked up by field mice, hedgehogs, chipmunks and squirrels. In pre-winter November days, flocks of bullfinches and waxwings arrive. They stick around mountain ash and peck at its juicy sweet berries. Birds peck quickly, dropping a lot of berries on the ground, then fly away further. Rowan saves many birds from starvation.

The crane's cry has already rang out,

The garden has been crumbling for a long time

And bright bunches of rowan

All also, hanging down, burn.

Labor activity

Collection of pebbles on the site.

Target: to form the ability to notice the cleanliness on the site.

Outdoor games

"Airplanes", "Sparrows and a cat".


- teach to quickly perform movements at the signal of the teacher and run in the indicated direction;

- cultivate friendliness.

Individual work

"Get in the basket."

Target: develop accuracy, eye.

Walk No. 4 "Observation of the work of the driver"


- continue to form children's ideas about the work of a driver;

- to cultivate interest and respect for the work of adults.

Progress of observation

What are these machines?

How did you guess?

What does the car have? (Headlights, wheels, cab, body.)

What are headlights for?

Labor activity

Collection of pebbles on the site.

Target: to form the ability to carry out collective assignments, to negotiate with the help of a teacher about the distribution of work.

Outdoor games

“We are drivers”, “Leaf fall”.


- continue to develop the motor activity of children;

- to encourage the desire to reflect knowledge about the work of adults in gaming activities.

The wind plays with the leaves

Leaves are plucked from branches.

yellow leaves fly

Right into the hands of the guys.

Individual work

Movement development.

Target: promote the development of motor skills.

Walk number 5 "Observation of the spruce"


- to consolidate the ability of children to find familiar trees by one or two signs;

- to acquaint with the features of spruce, by which it is easy to distinguish it from other trees.

Progress of observation

What is this girl?

Not a seamstress, not a craftswoman.

Doesn't sew anything

And in needles all year round. (Spruce.)

Spruce is like a pyramid, its branches are short at the top, long downwards, covered with short green needles. It is green in winter and summer. And the Christmas tree smells.

Labor activity

Collection of small debris (twigs, pebbles) in buckets.

Target: develop the ability to work together.

Outdoor games

"Find Your House", "The Crows and the Nest".

Target: exercise in running, the ability to quickly find your house (hoop).

Individual work

“Whose link is more likely to gather?”, “Crawl to the flag.”

Target: exercise in the ability to build in a circle, crawl on all fours.

Walk number 6 "Observation of the work of the postman"


- to consolidate specific ideas about seasonal changes in nature;

- to form ideas about the work of a postman;

- to cultivate interest and respect for the work of adults.

Progress of observation

The teacher asks the children a riddle, offers to answer questions.

Man walks everywhere

With a thick shoulder bag. (Postman.)

Why is such a profession needed?

What bag does he have?

What lies in it?

Labor activity

Collection of garbage on the site in a specific place.


- to teach to work together, to achieve the completion of the case by joint efforts;

- foster a sense of mutual assistance.

Outdoor games

"Leaf fall".

Target: learn to run without bumping into each other.

"Run to what I call."


- learn to run fast at the signal of the teacher;

- fix the name of the trees.

Falling, falling leaves

Leaf fall in our garden.

yellow, red leaves

They curl in the wind, they fly.

Individual work

Movement development.

Target: create an emotional mood from a walk.

Walk number 7 "Observation of the work of the janitor"


- continue to monitor the work of the janitor;

- promote the development of speech by enriching vocabulary;

- to cultivate interest and respect for the work of a janitor;

- to instill a love for nature, a careful and caring attitude towards the environment.

Progress of observation

September covered all the paths

Foliage yellow, as always.

And thin cobwebs

Hung out like wires.

The teacher asks the children questions.

What season is it outside?

On what basis did you determine this?

See how many leaves are on the paths and clearings. And who cleans these leaves? What does a janitor do? Who wants his job?

Labor activity


- to form the ability to collect garbage in a certain place;

- educate the desire to help adults;

- individually consider the tools of the janitor.

Outdoor games

"Leaf fall", "Birds and rain".


- support joint games of children;

- develop the ability to interact with partners in the game;

- to encourage the desire to reflect in the gaming activity the knowledge gained in the course of familiarization with the work of a janitor.

Individual work

Movement development.

Target: improve orientation in space and time, sense of balance, rhythm, eye.

Walk No. 8 "Observation of the magpie"

Target: to enrich knowledge about the life of birds in early autumn.

Progress of observation

White as snow

Black as a beetle

Spinning like a demon

Turned around and into the woods. (Magpie.)

Why don't birds like magpies, crows fly to the feeder?

What are they eating now?

Do birds need our help this time of autumn?

Look at this picture. Does it have a magpie on it?

Describe her appearance.

What is the body and head of a magpie covered with?

What helps the magpie fly from place to place?

How many paws does she have?

What does she eat in the forest?

And why do they say about the magpie that it constantly cracks?

Labor activity

Collection of garbage from the site to a specific location.

Target: to teach children to work with a rake and a broom, to see the result of their work.

mobile game

"Birds and Rain"

Target: learn to navigate the site and run in different directions.

Individual work

Movement development.

Target: learn to run in a circle and stop at a signal.

Walk No. 9 "Observation of the magpie"

Target: to expand the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bbirds flying to the kindergarten site.

Progress of observation

The teacher gives the children a riddle.

Fidget motley,

long-tailed bird,

talking bird,

The most chatty. (Magpie.)

Pay attention to what a magpie looks like. She has eyes on her head, a beak is sharp and long. Answer the questions.

What season is it now?

What birds fly to the kindergarten site?

What color is the plumage on the head? What color is the chest and back? What color are the wings and tail?

Guys! Let's not get close to them, they are very shy, they can get scared and fly away. See how they move on the ground. What do you think they are looking for? What other features have you noticed? Show how they flap their wings in the air as they fly.

Labor activity

Collective work to collect fallen leaves.

Target: to learn to work together, to bring the work begun to the end.

mobile game

"Birds and Rain"


- to teach to act on the command of an adult, to exercise in the pronunciation of sounds;

Individual work

Movement development.

Target: consolidate the ability to jump from one circle to another.

Walk No. 10 "Observation of mountain ash"


- to acquaint with the characteristic features of mountain ash, by which it can be distinguished from other trees;

- to cultivate the desire to admire the beauty of the tree.

Progress of observation

The teacher gives the children a riddle, offers to answer questions.

green in spring,

Burnt in summer

put on in autumn

Red corals. (Rowan.)

What parts of rowan do you know? Show them and name them.

What shape are the leaves?

What color are they?

How do they grow on a branch?

Berries are needed only for beauty or for something else?

What do they taste like?

What color and shape are they?

Labor activity

Collection of leaves in the field.

Target: continue to teach how to perform joint actions to clean the area from the leaves.

Outdoor games

"Find us."


- fix the names of objects on the site;

- learn to navigate in space.


Target: learn to act quickly on the signal of the educator.

Individual work

Walking step by step.

Target: improve walking technique with side steps.

Walk No. 11 "Observation of the magpie"


- enrich the idea of ​​the natural world, involve in active mental operations;

- systematize newly acquired knowledge and consolidate previously acquired.

Progress of observation

Magpies are amazing birds, very curious and interesting. They flew back to the bird canteen. Why do you think they often come here? Because it became cool, the leaves turned yellow and withered, the ground was covered with a thin layer of snow, there were no midges or worms, and we took upon ourselves the responsibility of feeding the birds. Let's pour grains, seeds, bread crumbs into the bird's dining room. Are we going to give them candy? Well, now let's get up on the path and watch. What are they pecking at? What food do they prefer? Why don't they eat candy? At the same time, these birds are very curious. They love everything shiny, sparkling. If they come across a shiny hairpin or brooch, they can take this thing to their nest in their beak, and then, slowly, examine it. These are amazing birds.

Describe the appearance of a magpie. What are her wings, tail, plumage? What paws and how many are there?

Labor activity

Instruct one subgroup of children to clear the paths from snow and leaves, and the second to collect garbage on the site.

Target: educate the desire to work.

mobile game

"Doves and Sparrows".


- exercise in running, walking, tilting the head forward;

- develop friendships.

Individual work

Movement development.

Target: to consolidate the ability to jump on two legs from one circle to another.

Walk No. 12 "Watching the autumn rain"


- continue to form ideas about seasonal changes in nature (the sky is covered with clouds, it became cloudy, a light autumn rain fell);

- to cultivate an aesthetic sense of perception of nature.

Progress of observation

The teacher gives the children a riddle.

Without a path and without a road

Walks the longest.

Hiding in the clouds in the darkness

Autumn rains are not at all like summer ones. The autumn rain is drizzling. As it begins to fall in small droplets to the ground, so it will go for a day, two, three ... Often without ceasing. And then it becomes very boring. There is slush underfoot, the sky is leaden, and cold, tedious rain is drizzling. It is good that autumn will eventually pass and winter will come. People wear raincoats and boots when it rains. Br!.. It's slushy! Even the birds hid themselves, they do not want to wet their feathers.

The teacher asks the children questions.

When it rains drizzling, lingering?

What mood does it evoke?

How does nature react to rain?

What are puddles?

What do clouds and sky look like?

Labor activity

Collection of fallen leaves on the site.

Target: educate industriousness, the desire to work.

Outdoor games

"Jump higher", "Even circle".


- learn to act quickly on a signal;

- Cultivate a sense of camaraderie.

Individual work

"Brave Guys"

Target: exercise in fast running, develop dexterity.

Walk No. 13 "Observation of autumn leaves"

Target: show the variety of colors of golden autumn.

Progress of observation

The teacher gives riddles to the children.

All the darker face of nature:

Blackened vegetable gardens

The bear went into hibernation.

What month has come to us? (October.)

Sits - turns green

It will fall - it will turn yellow,

Lies - turns black.

When does it happen? (In autumn.)

The leaves turn yellow because they undergo a big change in autumn. In summer, green leaves contain a special substance - chlorophyll, which gives the leaf a green color. And when the leaf falls, this substance is destroyed. But in the cells of the leaf there are other coloring substances - yellow. Only in summer the lush greenery drowns them out, and when the green substances are destroyed, they come out brighter. The leaves turn yellow. And they don’t even just turn yellow, but become crimson, because another coloring matter is added. All this happens in nature in autumn. That is why the leaves change their color. The teacher asks the children questions.

Why do leaves turn yellow?

What other color can they be?

What happened to them and why?

Labor activity

Raking up fallen leaves.

Target: learn to work together.

Outdoor games

"Hit the target", "From track to track."


- learn to throw the ball at the target, develop accuracy;

- continue to learn to follow the rules of the game.

Individual work

"Understand me".

Target: to teach body movements to create an image.

Walk No. 14 "A walk in the autumn forest"


To form knowledge about the autumn months (September, October, November), seasonal changes;

- to consolidate knowledge of folk signs;

- cultivate love for nature.

Progress of observation

Autumn will come silently

Quietly stand at the gate

Cherry leaf in the garden

It will fall on the path.

This is the first clue

That summer is leaving us.

And the second is a raspberry bush

In the threads of the white web.

The day will be a little shorter

The clouds will darken

Like a shadow covers them

The river becomes cloudy -

The third sure sign.

Autumn wanders close somewhere.

In the early morning on the meadows

White fogs fall

And then don't wait,

Drizzling rain

The blue is covered with a veil.

So, autumn has come.

The teacher makes riddles for children, offers to answer questions.

pan flew,

Fell on the water

Doesn't sink on its own

And it doesn't muddy the water. (Sheet.)

Without a path and without a road

Walks the longest.

Hiding in the clouds in the darkness

Only feet on the ground. (Rain.)

Flying without wings and singing

Passers-by are offended.

Doesn't give one pass

He drives others away. (Wind.)

What is autumn called?

What is early autumn called?

What is mid-autumn called?

What is late autumn called?

What signs of autumn do you know?

What changes have taken place in nature?

Labor activity

Collection of autumn leaves.


- develop imagination;

- educate diligence.

Outdoor games

"Hide and seek", "Who is faster?".

Target: learn to run fast, act on the signal of the teacher, follow the rules of the game.

Individual work

"Autumn leaves are flying."

Purpose: to develop the plasticity of movements.

Walk No. 15 "Watching the cat"

Target: reinforce the idea of ​​​​the characteristic features of a cat.

Progress of observation

pointed ears,

Pillows on paws.

Mustache like a bristle

Arched back.

Sleeps during the day, lies in the sun,

He roams at night and goes hunting.

The teacher asks the children questions.

Where does the cat live?

Who is looking after her?

What does a cat look like, what are its habits?

What does it eat?

The cat lives next to the person. He takes care of her. The cat is big and fluffy. She has ears on her head, large eyes that glow in the dark, a long mustache. She has four paws with soft pads. Therefore, she can walk very quietly and sneak up silently. The cat can climb fences and trees with sharp claws. And the cat has a long beautiful tail. She loves milk, eats fish and meat.

Labor activity

Sweeping paths, collecting garbage.

Target: to cultivate industriousness.

mobile game

"Cat and Mouse".

Target: to learn to run easily, without bumping into each other, to navigate in space.

Individual work

Movement development.

Target: consolidate skills in jumping on two legs moving forward.

Walk No. 16 "Observation of birch and mountain ash in autumn"


- to teach to conduct a comparative analysis of the appearance of trees (similarities and differences);

- to consolidate ideas about the characteristic features of trees, the conditions necessary for the growth of a tree.

Progress of observation

The teacher asks the children questions.

What trees do you already know?

What characteristic features of birch do you know?

What characteristic features of mountain ash do you know?

What do these trees have in common?

What conditions are necessary for their growth?

Labor activity

Collection of leaves in the field.

Target: teach joint labor actions, work together, helping each other.

Outdoor games

"Catch the plane."

Target: learn to run fast at the signal of the teacher, without looking back.

"Giants are dwarfs."

Target: learn to alternate walking with small and wide steps.

Individual work

Movement development.


- improve running technique;

- to form naturalness, lightness, energetic movements.

Walk No. 1 "Observation of the birch"


- continue to introduce birch, highlighting the characteristic features and changes associated with the season;

- to cultivate a careful attitude to the tree as a living object of nature.

Progress of observation

The teacher brings the children to the birch for a conversation.

What tree is this?

Show me the trunk of a birch.

What is it - thick or thin?

Show branches. Are they thick or thin? What colour?

Stroke the birch trunk.

What is she like? (Smooth, silky.)

What color? (Clarify that only a birch has such a black and white trunk.)

What changes have occurred with birch?

Where did the leaves go from the tree? Are they many or few?

Where are the leaves?

Who is tearing them down?

Offer to pick up the leaves, note that they have already withered on the ground.

What season?

What happens to a tree in autumn? (It falls asleep, prepares for winter.)

Labor activity

Territory cleaning.

Target: to teach to work together, to achieve the task by joint efforts.

Outdoor games

"Find yourself a mate."

Target: choose different pairs on a signal.

"Run to the birch."

Target: learn to quickly perform actions at the signal of the educator.

Individual work

"From bump to bump."

Target: practice jumping on two legs.

"Cross the river."

Target: exercise walking on a log straight and sideways.

Walk №2 "Weather observation"


- pay attention to how nature has changed;

- learn to compare natural changes;

- develop observation skills.

Progress of observation

In October, in October

Frequent rain in the yard.

Grass is dead in the meadows

The grasshopper was silent.

Firewood prepared

For the winter for stoves.

S. Marshak

The teacher makes riddles for children, offers to answer questions.

Frowning, frowning, burst into tears -

Nothing will be left. (Cloud.)

Shines under the sun after a cold

On gray asphalt ... (puddle).

What changes have taken place in nature?

What has the sky become?

How often does the sun shine?

Is it raining?

Labor activity

Cleaning up autumn leaves.

Target: educate the desire to work.

Outdoor games

"Geese-swans", "Catch up".


- learn to act quickly on a signal;

Individual work

"Catch me".

Target: learn to run in the right direction.

Walk No. 3 "Monitoring the state of the weather"


- to form an idea of ​​​​a natural phenomenon - fog;

- learn to observe seasonal phenomena;

- notice the features of this phenomenon, draw conclusions.

Progress of observation

Autumn over the forest and swamp

The cloud flew by the plane.

A cloud flew low, low,

A parachutist jumped from it.

And now another one follows her,

And the flock is already flying after the flock.

Fog is a natural phenomenon, and the most common, only unexpected for everyone. Fog rolls over the ground. It seems as if the clouds descended low and low and entangled the earth with a thick white veil. Fog is made up of tiny water droplets. And in the clouds, and in the sky, and in the mists above the earth, these droplets were formed from transparent water vapor. It falls into a stream of cold air and begins to thicken, turn into droplets of water. If the droplets formed high in the sky, they became clouds, and if low above the ground, they became fog. They happen at all times of the year.

What is the sky like when it's foggy?

How are you breathing?

Which air is wet or dry?

Is it thick fog?

Why is the fog thinner near and thicker far away?

Labor activity

Garbage collection on site.

Target: educate the desire to work together.

Outdoor games

"Who is faster", "Kite and mother hen".


- improve the ability to run, climb, jump;

- Develop response.

Individual work

"Picture the mood."

Target: to teach plastic movements to convey inner sensations.

Walk No. 4 "Watching migratory birds"


- to expand ideas about migratory birds, about the change in the life of birds in the fall, when the cold comes;

- Raise love and care for birds.

Progress of observation

The waters rustled a fast stream,

Birds fly to warmer climes.

The teacher asks the children questions.

What birds fly to warmer climes?

Why are they doing that?

Birds gather in flocks, fly low above the ground. This means that soon they will fly away to warmer climes. The swallows will be the first to do this, since with the onset of cold weather insects disappear, which they catch on the fly. Ducks, geese, and cranes are the last to fly away, as water bodies begin to freeze and they cannot find food in the water.

The teacher asks the children to complete the sentence:

The sparrow is small, and the crane ... (large).

The duck is gray, and the swan ... (white).

Labor activity

Collection of tree seeds.

Target: involve children in collecting seeds and reinforcing the name of the trees.

mobile game

"Dog and Sparrow".


- to consolidate knowledge about the characteristic movements of birds;

Individual work

Movement development.

Target: consolidate the ability to throw the ball to each other from below.

Walk No. 5 "Observation of autumn work in the garden"

Target: consolidate knowledge about seasonal changes in nature.

Progress of observation

Violent winds are blowing,

Dark clouds are moving

Do not see white light in them,

Do not see the red sun in them.

The teacher asks the children questions.

How has the weather changed?

What has changed in the garden?

When it gets cold, how do you dress?

What do you think will happen to strawberries with the onset of cold weather, will it freeze?

So that the strawberries not only do not freeze, but also do not freeze out, and in the summer they please us with ripe berries, you need to fill the strawberries with sawdust, and cover the bed with a transparent film on top.

Labor activity

Filling beds with sawdust.


- learn to work in pairs;

- develop friendships.

Outdoor games

"Find where it's hidden."

Target: learn to navigate in space.

"Run - don't back."

Target: strive to improve running technique, good posture, natural hand work.

Individual work

Movement development.

Target: improve walking and running technique.

Walk No. 6 "Watching Sparrows"


- expand knowledge about the appearance and habits of a sparrow;

- educate attention and observation.

Progress of observation

The teacher asks the children questions.

How are all sparrows similar to each other?

What is their difference?

What do sparrows eat?

Some sparrows are bigger, others are smaller. Some are lighter in color, others are darker, some are impudent, bold, others are cautious.

Sparrow in a puddle

Jumping and spinning

The feathers are ruffled

The tail loosened.

Labor activity

Invite the children to collect sand in the sandbox.

Target: to instill a love of work in a team.

Outdoor games

"Colored Cars", "Hares and the Wolf".

Target: exercise in loose running, jumping.

Individual work

Target: to consolidate the ability to throw an object at a distance.

Walk No. 7 "Observation of the mountain ash"

Target: introduce rowan, show its structure: trunk, branches, leaves, berries; look at her bright autumn outfit.

Progress of observation

The teacher gives the children a riddle.

Flying to visit her

A flock of scarlet bullfinches,

On the branches they scurry,

Red berries are pecking. (Rowan.)

Rowan leaf fall -

Under the branches of the leaves of the treasure.

The leaves have fallen

But the brushes remain

Red, bright

Gifts for bullfinches.

Mountain ash is a tall, slender tree; it grows not only in forests, but also in parks and gardens. Rowan trees are often planted along the fences of houses to please people with different golden-red leaves, put on a necklace of scarlet berries. People say: "In September, one berry, and that bitter mountain ash." If there are a lot of mountain ash in the forest, then the autumn will be rainy, and the winter will be frosty. In early autumn, rowan berries are bitter-sour and hard.

Labor activity

Collection of large debris on the site, sweeping paths.

Target: to form the ability to work in a subgroup.

Outdoor games

"Shaggy Dog", "Sun and Rain".

Target: learn to run around the entire site, following commands at the signal of the teacher.

Individual work


- learn to perform an exercise with a ball;

- develop an eye, speed of running.

Walk No. 8 "Bird Watching"

Target: learn to find the difference in the appearance of different birds, paying attention to the size, methods of movement.

Progress of observation

Among the white doves

A nimble sparrow jumps,

Sparrow is a bird

Gray shirt.

Respond, sparrow

Fly out, don't be shy.

The teacher asks the children questions.

Which bird is bigger, dove or sparrow?

How does a sparrow move?

How does a dove move?

How do sparrows and doves cry?

Pigeons walk on the ground, on the roof, fly. Sparrows jump like on springs, fly, sit on trees.

It is important to invite children to jump like sparrows, and it is important to walk around, shaking their heads, often stepping their feet like doves. Shout like a sparrow "chirp-chirp", like a dove "gul-gul-gul".

Labor activity

Raking in heaps of dry fallen leaves.

Target: to teach to work in a team, to help adults.

mobile game

"Bird flight".


- exercise in crawling and climbing;

- to cultivate attention and dexterity.

Individual work

Movement development.

Target: to form the ability to roll hoops to each other.

Walk No. 9 "Observation of the magpie"


- to form ideas about the appearance of the magpie, its characteristic features, habits;

- educate the need to take care of wintering birds.

Progress of observation

Everywhere I fly

I know everything in the world.

I know every bush in the forest.

Maybe me for it

And they call it a forest newspaper.

The teacher asks the children questions.

What does a magpie look like?

What does she eat?

How does it chirp?

Magpie has many nicknames: white-sided magpie, chirping magpie, thief magpie. "Belobok" - because on the sides the feathers of the magpie are completely white. The head and wings are black. The tail is also black, the nose is very beautiful, with a greenish tint, long and straight, like an arrow. The magpie is called “chirping” because, flying from place to place, it loudly chirps “ha-ha-ha!”. With a loud alarming chirp, magpies warn local inhabitants of the danger. And she was nicknamed the “thief” because she loves everything bright and shiny.

Magpies feed on caterpillars, midges, bugs and mosquitoes. In addition to insects, magpies peck berries and fruits, seeds of plants. In autumn, magpies gather in small flocks, fly through gardens and parks, treat themselves to berries of mountain ash, hawthorn and sea buckthorn. She does not fly away from us in winter, but moves closer to people.

Labor activity

Collection of autumn leaves for the herbarium.

Target: learn to fulfill labor assignments with desire.

Outdoor games

"Crow and Dog", "Catch the Ball".


- learn to imitate the movements and sounds of birds;

- Catch the ball with both hands.

Individual work

Movement development.

Target: learn to maintain balance, standing on one leg, hands on the belt.

Ludmila Drondina
Observations on a walk in October-November (middle group)

Observations on a walk in October - November(middle group) .

1. Observation behind fallen leaves. What is this phenomenon called and why? What color leaves lie on the ground, what leaves can be seen on the trees. Are there bare trees?

2. Compare pine with deciduous trees. Tell why they remain green, and if the leaves fall, they are replaced by young ones, the needles are not afraid of frost.

3. Observation behind the surrounding landscape, to fix the signs of autumn. What changes have occurred in nature compared to summer.

4. Examine the stones, compare them with sand. Tell them that stones turn into sand after many years.

5. Watching the weather. Mark what kind of weather, sunny or rainy, cloudy, windy, etc. expand the children's active vocabulary.

6. Show children snow on the grass, benches; observe

7. Offer to find insects on the site - they are not. Ask about why insects disappear in autumn. They hide in the bark of trees and other places.

8. Hang the feeder. It is increasingly visited by birds that have stayed for the winter. In winter, birds need to be fed, as it is difficult for them to find food.

9. Ask what wild animals the guys know, how they prepare for winter. How can people help animals in winter? Riddles about animals.

10. Talk with children about how people prepare for winter, insulate their rooms. Remember how windows were insulated in group to ask, why is this being done?

11. Observation for freight transport. Ask what trucks can transport to a construction site, to a kindergarten, to a store? What would we do without trucks? Fix the names of the parts of the machine (body, cab, wheels) .

12. Pay attention to the bark of trees. She is different in color. (for aspen light green, for birch - white, for maple - dark). Expand your understanding of trees.

Job assignments in October.

1. Harvesting autumn leaves - cultivate diligence.

2. Cleaning up the territory - to teach to work together, to achieve the task by joint efforts.

3. Collection of natural material - learn to work in pairs; cultivate friendships.

4. Hanging bird feeders - cultivate the desire to take care of birds.

5. Entrust one subgroup of children, clear the paths from snow and leaves, and the second - to collect garbage on the site - to cultivate a desire to work.

6. Clearing the site of snow - cultivate the desire to collectively ennoble your site.

7. Clearing snow from the slide and the path leading to the feeder - learn how to use the broom correctly until the end.

8. Clearing snow from paths, benches - to bring up the desire to help adults clean the area from snow.

9. Building a slide for dolls, slapping snow with a shovel - to learn to work together, to get joy from the work done and its result.

Removable material.

Shovels, scoops of different sizes

Ice skating rinks

Sultans and turntables for wind observations

Balls for outdoor games

Panicles for cleaning the veranda

November Observation on a walk in November.

1. Fall observation. Pay attention to how smoothly the leaves fall from the trees in calm weather and how quickly - in a strong wind. Learn to notice differences, compare the shape and color of foliage.

2. Invite the children to show high and low trees on the site. Ask what they are called. Determine the similarities and differences in the structure, color of the bark. Fix the characteristic features of trees.

3. Pine watching. Compare coniferous tree with deciduous trees: they stand naked, without foliage, while coniferous trees are beautiful, green. Ask what tree we decorate for the New Year.

4. Watching the wind: strong or weak, warm or cold. Try to determine the direction of the wind with a light ribbon.

5. Cloud watching, their movement. Strengthen the ability to notice and name the state of the weather. Pay attention to the fact that the days have become shorter, it gets dark early in the evening.

6. Soil monitoring. She is hard, frozen, because it's cold outside. To bring children to an understanding of the relationship that if it is cold outside, then the earth is frozen.

7. Pay attention to thin ice in puddles. Ask why ice formed on the puddles. watch as it melts under the rays of the sun.

8. tit watching. Consider its color, listen to the singing, bring the children to the conclusion that with the onset of frost, wintering birds move closer to human dwellings.

9. cat watching. Consider it, ask what benefits a cat brings to people - a pet. Fix the concept "pet".

10. Pay attention to the fact that people have already put on warm clothes. Tell that many animals are also preparing for winter: change their fur coats for warmer and less noticeable ones.

11. Watching the rain. The rain is light, drizzling, cold. Puddles dry up slowly. Remember how nice it was in the summer after the rain. To note the main state of the weather in autumn is cloudy.

12. Watching the first snow. What does he feel like (select adjectives). How can you play with snow? When does it snow most often, at what time of the year?

Labor assignments in November.

Clearing the site from snow - to cultivate the desire to collectively ennoble your site;

Clearing paths from snow - educate diligence;

Clearing snow from benches - to cultivate a desire to help adults;

Clearing the snow from the path leading to the feeder - teach correctly, use a broom, bring the work you have started to the end;

Feeding the birds at the feeder - educate the desire to take care of the birds.

Collecting snow for construction - learn to work together;

Clearing the path after a snowfall - to consolidate the ability to work together, enjoy the results of your work;

Building a slide for dolls, slapping snow with a spatula - to learn to work together, to get joy from the work done and its result;

Removable material.

Shovels for snow and creative activities

Ice skating rinks

Sticks and puck


Molds and buckets for building figures from snow

Sultans and turntables for wind observations

Balls and bags for throwing.

Doll dressed for the season, sleigh

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On the site of our kindergarten, trees of different species grow, especially a lot of mountain ash. This year, the mountain ash bears abundant fruit, the trees are standing.

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