In modern man, the nervous system is constantly subject to stress. Especially often people in large cities face this, when the rhythm of life is very exhausting. Constant stress often leads to the fact that a person not only has a disturbed nervous system, but also exacerbates or develops somatic chronic diseases.

To improve your resilience to stress, the following is recommended:

First of all, in order to calm the nerves, the body needs to be rid of chronic intoxication, that is, to minimize the use of alcoholic beverages and give up cigarettes.

Ethanol is the most dangerous poison for nerve cells, as it disrupts inhibition and activates excitation processes, which quickly leads to overload.

The constant use of alcohol, even in small quantities over time, leads to the development of complex brain damage - alcoholic encephalopathy. In people with this disease, working capacity decreases, the ability to concentrate attention suffers, and memory deteriorates sharply.

Smoking also has a rather negative effect on the functional work of the nervous system, since nicotine constricts blood vessels. Which, in turn, leads to the death of the cells of the cerebral cortex of the head and oxygen starvation.

Both smoking and alcohol are the main disposing factors for the occurrence of strokes, after which it is often impossible to fully restore the functions of the nervous system.

If possible, you should not allow your physical and nervous overwork. It is imperative to optimize the daily routine. For a good rest, an adult needs at least 7-8 hours of sleep in a day.

Try to wake up and go to bed at the same time(including weekends). Don't stay late at work unless absolutely necessary. It is workaholics who most often experience nervous breakdowns against the background of chronic stress and overwork.

How to heal nerves with proper nutrition

Many people need to reconsider their daily diet. Frequent consumption of unhealthy foods (fast food, in particular) and "snacking on the run" most negatively affect the overall well-being of the body.

You need to pay great attention to foods that increase stress resistance, and include as many vitamins in your diet as possible. The best antidepressant products are considered citrus fruits, bananas and chocolate.

Essential Nutrients

For normal nervous activity, protein is required - both animal and plant origin. Proteins will help increase reflex activity and improve memory. The best sources of protein:

Moderate fat intake(especially vegetable) is also important, since the fatty acids in them improve emotional stamina.

Carbohydrates are the main source of energy to nourish the brain. Their lack causes daytime sleepiness, increased fatigue, recurrent headaches and impaired memory ability. Especially useful are carbohydrates, which are found in large quantities in cereals.

Essential Vitamins

The normal functioning of the nervous system with hypovitaminosis (lack of vitamins) is simply impossible.

Need to remember about trace elements. Phosphorus is especially important for nerve cells, it is abundant in cheese, fish (especially sea), peas, beans, buckwheat and eggs.

Hardening of the body

Hardening implies a dosed periodic effect on the body of various physical factors. The most accessible and common way are considered dousing and rubbing with cold water.

The temperature of the water must be gradually lowered, and duration of procedures - increase. The main role is played not by the strength of the stimulus, but by the duration of its action.

hardening stimulates mental activity, increases physical endurance and working capacity. It is important that the procedures are daily, the only way the body can adapt to them.

One of the factors that have a positive effect on all human systems and organs is moderate ultraviolet radiation. During the summer it is necessary sunbathe for 12-15 minutes every day. In winter, it is advisable to go to the solarium. It is important to do everything in moderation!

Physical exercise

To normalize the functioning of the nervous system, moderate physical activity is of great importance. morning exercises very useful for strengthening the body.

Exercise is best done in a well-ventilated area or outdoors. If possible, go to the gym several times a week.

It is useful to take short breaks throughout the day to perform simple exercises, especially for people who have work associated with a constant sitting position.

Helps prevent exhaustion of the nervous system alternation of physical and mental loads. This allows you to prevent the occurrence of a stressful state and restore the energy potential of cells.

An affordable and simple option for strengthening nerves are simple evening walks for half an hour at a calm pace. They are great for helping you recover after a hard day at work. It is advisable to walk just before going to bed, and then take a shower and go to bed.

Means from the group of medicinal plants help to improve the mental and emotional state. To prevent stress, as well as to cope with irritability and overwork, herbs with a sedative (calming) mild effect allow. These include valerian, motherwort, peppermint and melissa. From these herbs you can make infusions and decoctions yourself. In pharmacies, you can buy herbal remedies in the form of dry extracts in tablets and alcohol tinctures (they must be used with caution).

Cope with apathy and improve vitality allow eleutherococcus, echinacea and lemongrass. To restore the balance of inhibition in the nervous system and excitation processes, pharmacological drugs such as Persen and Novo-Passit are sometimes prescribed.

These drugs are made on a natural basis and are well tolerated (almost complete absence of side effects). Medicines prescribed to strengthen the nervous system:

  • Valocordin;
  • Barboval;
  • Adaptol;
  • Afobazol.

With significant nervous disorders, the doctor may prescribe medications from the group of antidepressants. When using these drugs, strictly follow the prescribed doses.

To strengthen the nervous system, relieve fatigue and relax, acupressure of biologically active points or general massage allows you to relax.

A fairly common and effective way to relax considered yoga. You can practice these exercises yourself, but preferably in groups under the supervision of an experienced trainer.

Strengthening the spirit and body help traditional Chinese qigong and wushu exercises. Gymnastic exercises are best done in turn with meditation practices that involve temporary retreat into yourself and complete relaxation.

The main thing is avoid questionable groups"personal growth". Often, their advertising claims to achieve complete harmony and any solutions to mental and emotional problems, but in reality, for most people, everything turns into severe nervous breakdowns that require treatment by psychiatrists.

How to strengthen the nervous system and psyche of the child

Often the nervous system of a child suffers from a lack of minerals and vitamins of certain groups. Thus, children are most exposed to nervous exhaustion if their body is deficient in calcium. In this case, the child becomes more restless, nervous and irritable. Naturally, children can be given a complex of vitamins, where calcium is present in the composition, however, do not forget about good nutrition. Fermented milk products must be in the daily menu of the child.

In children, excessive arousal and rapid fatigue can contribute to lack of B vitamins. In order to improve attention in children, strengthen the nervous system and increase their efficiency, you need to include seafood, meat, dairy products and beans in the diet.

Do not forget that the child will be inattentive and quickly get tired during the day when he did not have a nutritious and satisfying breakfast. And you also need to remember to give the child handful of nuts in the morning, it will strengthen the nervous system.

But dinner should be lighter, and eating in the evening should take place no later than 3 hours before bed so that the baby does not go to sleep on a full stomach, otherwise there can be no question of any healthy rest at night.

Nothing can help strengthen the nervous system of children like entertainment and relaxation. Take more family outings be outdoors with the kids where you can play active games.

on vacation children must rest, do not load them with tasks when you see that the child is overtired. Make sure that the baby does not spend a lot of time near the computer playing games. Computer battles significantly overload the psyche and brain of the child, which does not help to strengthen the nervous system at all.

And only this comprehensive approach (good rest, taking a vitamin complex and balanced nutrition) will help you decide how to strengthen the child's nervous system.

What conclusion can be drawn from what has been said? If you pay attention to all the above aspects of our life and correct them, then life will be filled with new positive emotions, will sparkle with new colors, and nervousness, irritability, dissatisfaction with others or yourself, depression will simply disappear. A new energy will appear, which will help to rush into a new life completely without a trace.

In the modern world, every person from time to time faces unpleasant stressful situations. There will be no trace of small problems after a good sleep or a hot bath. However, in order to get rid of a strong emotional shock without the help of psychologists, efforts must be made. How to restore the nervous system in a difficult life situation? This question worries more and more people in our difficult modern life.

The health of all organs depends on the proper functioning of the human nervous system. In addition to fatigue, depression and irritability, exhaustion of the nervous system is fraught with serious illnesses. Therefore, it is so important to take care of your health and try to restore the psyche by adjusting the functioning of the nervous system.

The body needs harmony and balance. However, a tense rhythm and wrong values ​​lead to the fact that a person is forced to constantly be on the verge of his capabilities. A long stay in this state without proper rest will sooner or later lead to neurosis. It is important not to delay the treatment of depression, because it is much easier to restore nerves at the initial stage.

In order to identify stress in time, you need to understand its first symptoms. It could be:

  • loss of interest in life;
  • irritability and nervousness;
  • outbursts of anger at others;
  • sudden change of mood;
  • interrupted sleep or insomnia;
  • distraction, decreased concentration;
  • poor appetite;
  • apathy and helplessness;
  • depressive and pessimistic thoughts;
  • loss of strength and desire to do something.

The most common causes of stress

  1. Health problems.
  2. Difficult financial situation.
  3. Housing problems.
  4. Failure at work.
  5. Inability to build relationships with other people.
  6. Misunderstanding and disrespect.
  7. Parting.
  8. Unfulfillment in life.
  9. Death of relatives and friends.

Psychology divides the causes of stress into external and internal. External ones act on people from the environment, while internal ones flow from the human body. The first reasons include bad habits, failures in personal life and at work, difficult financial situation. The second category includes the thoughts and feelings of a person, his attitude to life and character traits.

On the way to the restoration of the nervous system for any person, a very important point is the analysis of the causes of stress. If you do not understand yourself, this kind of depression and problems will continue to haunt. Dig into yourself and try to understand why your nervous system reacts so painfully to various life troubles. Of course, this is life, and no one is immune from problems. Everyone has them. But learning to cope with them is very important, first of all for your peace of mind.

Ways to restore the nervous system at home

Unfortunately, the intense rhythm of modern life leaves its mark: people have no time to take care of their health. There is simply no opportunity to go to the doctors, even in the case of severe depression. Therefore, questions like “how to restore the nervous system after prolonged stress without resorting to the help of doctors?” has to be done alone.

Advice. First of all, turn to simple methods, without resorting to the use of drugs and pills. In case these methods do not work, you can proceed to heavier artillery.


Any physical activity has a beneficial effect not only on keeping the body in shape, but also on a good mood. During physical exertion, the human brain produces hormones of happiness, under their influence, the nervous system is restored and depression disappears. If not completely, then it definitely becomes much easier. We are sure that each of you has noticed this for yourself. In moments of motor activity, it is quite possible to escape from pressing problems and nasty thoughts that have settled in the head like a dead weight. Exercises that maximize muscle tone have the most effective effect on mood. Swimming, running, tennis, dancing, going to the gym - try a few sports and find yours. It will bring not only positive emotions, but also dramatically improve the figure. What is not a reason to rejoice, admiring your “new” reflection in the mirror every day?

Laughter therapy

Positive emotions, sincere laughter and joy have the best effect on the restoration of the nervous system. In fact, laughter is a kind of breathing exercise. At the time when a person laughs, the body is saturated with oxygen and mental balance is restored. And you can always find a reason for positive, the main thing is to want. And stop feeling sorry or blaming yourself.


Pets, such as cats and dogs, are sensitive to changes in their owner's mood. It is not for nothing that when communicating with cute pets, peace and tranquility are felt in the soul. The decision to get a kitten or a puppy to get rid of depression will be a good attempt to return harmony and peace of mind to your life.

Relaxation techniques

There are special methods aimed directly at restoring the nervous system and relaxing the body. Try yoga, meditation, breathing exercises with proper breathing. You will learn to control the voice of your mind and control your emotions. Isn't it great?!

Change of scenery and new experiences

It is not necessary to fly to the other side of the earth in order to restore the psyche. It is enough just to meet friends in a new place or go on a trip to a neighboring city. New bright emotions oh how help push negative thoughts into the background! You just won't have time to think about them! Force yourself to go somewhere. You will see that everything will go like clockwork.

Home spa treatments

Recreating an expensive spa at home after a busy day at work will help you relax, unwind and remove the accumulated negativity. A hot bath (possibly with herbs or oils), pleasant music, scented candles in silence will definitely improve your state of mind and set you in a calm, cozy mood. You can take your favorite drink to the bathroom with you.

sound therapy

Relaxing audio can work wonders. Listening to mantras, the ringing of Tibetan bowls, the singing of birds and the sounds of nature, as well as healing classical music, which has a healing effect on the mind, can put you in a light euphoria, forgetting about the sharpness of the soul-tormenting experiences.

Come up with a new hobby

A great way to get rid of negativity is to find yourself a new activity. Some types of needlework magically act on a person as a sedative and effectively fight stress. These are knitting, embroidery, modeling, drawing, coloring. As for coloring books: in any bookstore they sell special albums, which are called “Antistress”. In the process of exciting activities, you will be completely focused on business. It distracts and settles harmony in the soul. Be sure to try.

open up your heart

Sometimes we just need to talk. It's almost the same as if you came to an appointment with a psychologist, only for free. :) A person who understands you, thus imperceptibly, "helps" you. The burden of emotional experiences will definitely weaken, you will feel better. Telling the details, you are freed from negative energy. It is not for nothing that heart-to-heart talks are on a special note with psychologists.

Full sleep

Healthy and sound sleep is perhaps the number one medicine in the fight for peace of mind and even prevents disease. During sleep, all body functions are restored, the nervous system rests. Conversely, restless sleep and constant lack of sleep (the so-called chronic) are the main causes of mental and emotional disorders. Perhaps we don’t even feel it physically, but our inner “I” responds instantly.

However, the above methods only help to get rid of the effects of stress. In order to get rid of the problem completely, it is necessary to find its root and eliminate the root cause.

We restore our peace of mind with the help of folk methods

There are special recipes for tinctures and decoctions that help the body relax and restore the nervous system. Herbs affect the internal state and mood. They are brewed into tea or taken in herbal baths.

  • St. John's wort. The main component in the composition of St. John's wort flowers is hypericin. It has a calming effect on the human central nervous system. St. John's wort has long been considered a natural antidepressant, which helps to quickly restore a normal mental state.
  • Motherwort. It is used both separately and as part of a soothing collection, along with other medicinal herbs. Motherwort tincture helps to cope with feelings of anxiety and heart palpitations.
  • Mint. Everyone knows about the positive effects of mint tea on the nervous system. Such tea calms and restores nerves, and also improves sleep. It is useful to add lemon to such a drink. Citrus juice contains vitamins to maintain the tone of the body, and lemon peel contains essential oils that help to calm down.

Nutrition for Nerve Recovery

For stress and depression, you should choose foods rich in vitamin B8 (inositol). He struggles with various disorders of the nervous system. It is found in large quantities in the following products:

  1. Cow's milk and hard cheeses.
  2. Berries (strawberries, strawberries, watermelon).
  3. Fruits (oranges, grapefruits, bananas, apples, peaches).
  4. Vegetables (cabbage and cauliflower, carrots, beets, potatoes, tomatoes).
  5. Zeleni (green onion).
  6. Dark chocolate.
  7. Oatmeal, sprouted wheat.
  8. Barley porridge.
  9. Lentils, green beans and peas.
  10. Raisin.
  11. Nuts.
  12. Fatty varieties of fish.
  13. Pork, chicken, beef.
  14. Chicken eggs.
  15. Vegetable oil.

To lift your spirits, indulge yourself with your favorite foods and dishes that you love the most. In a depressed mental state, food eaten with pleasure will only benefit.

Recommendation. If you see that banal advice cannot help you, contact a psychologist or psychotherapist. A specialist will help you get out of a difficult state, look deeper into yourself, and also overcome your fears and long-standing complexes. There is nothing wrong with going to the doctor! Treating the soul, like other bodily diseases, is simply necessary.

Pharmaceutical preparations for nerves and stress

And how to restore nerves after severe stress? How to calm and put in order your emotions and thoughts? In the event that all of the above methods do not have the proper effect, pills and drops for nervousness and irritation will come to the rescue.

  • Sedatives

A severely depleted nervous system responds well to treatment with sedatives. The effect of sedative drugs is not as strong as that of tranquilizers, but such drugs mainly contain natural ingredients. They do not cause drowsiness and have a positive effect on natural sleep.

  • Antidepressants

Psychological problems can lead to a state in which light drugs to restore the nervous system and treat depression can no longer help. In such a state, it is already difficult to calm down on your own. In the course of prolonged depression, accompanied by a depressed state and apathy, antipsychotics and antidepressants are used. However, such medicines should be taken ONLY under the strict guidance of the attending physician! No self-rule.

It will not be superfluous to focus on the side effects of the medications taken. For example, severe drowsiness or, conversely, increased arousal. Many pharmaceutical preparations must be chosen based on the severity of the “disease”. Before use, even if you are well versed in drugs, be sure to consult a therapist.

Nerve cells are able to regenerate in different parts of the brain at different rates. However, despite this, with prolonged stress, a lot of the resources of our body are consumed, and as a result, protracted nervous disorders occur. Therefore, it is important to protect your nerves by cultivating emotional stability in yourself.

Try to appreciate your life by easily letting go of problematic situations. Heal the soul with feelings! May everything be fine with you!

A person living in the era of technological progress is regularly exposed to stress. The brain is forced to process gigabytes of information every day, learn new skills and hone old ones. The nervous system suffers from mental stress and constant lack of sleep. There is a tremor of the limbs and chronic fatigue. A person breaks down on others and falls into depression. How to return the ability to work and good mood? Strengthen the nervous system.

GOOG night kids

Lack of sleep and the habit of sitting in social networks or on forums until three or four in the morning gradually destroys the body. The immune system is weakened, chronic fatigue and irritability develop. Breaking bad habits is difficult, but necessary. If you do not normalize the schedule, depressive thoughts, insomnia and heart problems will be added to the lack of sleep. The ability to work will decrease catastrophically, it will become difficult to remember even a minimum of new information.

You need to go to bed before midnight, preferably from 10 to half past twelve at night. Set the alarm clock for 6-8 o'clock in the morning to wake up with the first rays of the sun. At first it will be difficult. The body, accustomed to nocturnal activity, will begin to resist. Insomnia, awakening from every rustle or loud sound outside the window, irritation and a desire to leave everything as it is. To make it easier to adapt to a new routine, you should perform the same actions before going to bed. A kind of relaxing ritual looks something like this:

  1. Open a window in the bedroom to let in fresh air and lower the temperature in the room a little.
  2. Take a warm bath with relaxing essential oils such as lavender.
  3. Stretch your shoulders and neck to relieve tension from sitting at a computer or a report for a long time.
  4. Wear comfortable pajamas. In winter, add woolen socks to your pants and shirt. In summer, this is an optional accessory.
  5. Do not turn on the TV or series on the laptop, but immediately go to bed.
  6. You can read any boring book: culinary recipes, an encyclopedia, or the autobiography of another political figure or star. The main thing is that this literature should make you sleepy, and your eyes will stick together after two lines.
  7. Having dealt with reading matter, turn off the light in the bedroom, not forgetting to draw the curtains, plug your ears with earplugs and close your eyelids.

Just a few repetitions, and the brain after the third or fourth point will be ready to switch off. The main thing is that the daily duration of sleep is at least 7 hours. For some people, a night's rest is not enough, so they are recommended to arrange an afternoon smoke break lasting 20-120 minutes.

oxygen starvation

Not enough nervous system and fresh air. Oxygen starvation is one of the causes of constant drowsiness and chronic fatigue. The workplace, like your own apartment, must be constantly ventilated. Open vents and windows, even in winter at -30.

If the office is located close to home, try not to use minibuses and buses, get up 1-2 stops earlier. Leave the car in the garage more often, moving around the city on a bicycle or roller skates. Of course, walking around the metropolis cannot be compared with relaxing in the mountains, where the air is crystal clear, but even walking down the street, you can get more oxygen than sitting in a stuffy minibus.

You can also read books or watch videos in the park, sitting on a bench under a tree or measuring the distance from the fountain to the ice cream kiosk. Useful for the nervous system evening walks and jogging. Weekends can be spent outside the city in the country or by the river, where it is beautiful, quiet and there is a lot of fresh air.

Fight against laziness

One of the best methods to disperse the blood and saturate it with oxygen is vigorous walking. For beginners who have forgotten what the gym looks like, it is recommended to start with small distances. For the first time overcome 1.5 km, gradually increase to 3-4. After a month of regular training, conquer from 6 to 8 km.

The second effective way is running. It strengthens not only the nervous, but the cardiovascular system, normalizes breathing and tempers the spirit. Evening jogging helps to relieve the emotional stress that has accumulated over the whole day, and fills the body with pleasant fatigue, thanks to which a person falls asleep much faster.

Regular exercise disciplines and makes the nerves stronger. Athletes are more balanced and better able to cope with stressful situations. They are calmer about problems at work and at home, do not flare up because of every little thing and know how to manage anger and irritation.

Along with the body, the immune system also develops. Infectious and viral diseases lead to general intoxication of the body, worsening the functioning of the nervous system. Strong immunity means high working capacity, a lot of energy and no chronic fatigue.

In addition to running, it is useful to go in for swimming, boxing and martial arts. You can sign up for yoga or fitness classes.

Lots of greens and no sausage

Physical activity and proper rest will improve well-being, but if you continue to poison the body with fast food and fried potatoes, apathy and depressive thoughts will not go anywhere. The body should receive B vitamins and ascorbic acid, tocopherol and retinol and beta-carotene. To provide the body with useful trace elements, you should use:

  • spinach and beans;
  • natural orange juice and rosehip broth;
  • brewer's yeast with germinated wheat;
  • chicken and beef liver;
  • sea ​​kale and baked or boiled potatoes;
  • broccoli with cauliflower and tomatoes;
  • sweet pepper, fish and prunes;
  • nuts like hazelnuts or almonds;
  • boiled eggs and steam omelets;
  • sunflower oil and bananas.

Calcium improves the conductivity of nerve endings, so it is recommended to drink a glass of milk or yogurt, kefir or fermented baked milk every day. Eat 100-150 g of cottage cheese or a few slices of hard cheese.

A piece of natural dark chocolate or a serving of seafood, such as shrimp or oysters, will help restore the nervous system after stress. Wheat, buckwheat, pearl barley and barley porridge are sources of complex carbohydrates, thanks to which the thought process is activated and headaches go away.

Health cocktail for the nervous system
The drink turns out to be high-calorie, so it is recommended to use it instead of a second breakfast or lunch. You will need:

  • grapefruit or orange juice, tomato juice is also suitable - 3 cups;
  • brewer's yeast and germinated wheat - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • egg yolk - 1 pc.;
  • honey - by eye.

Crush wheat with beer grains or chop with a blender, pour into juice. Put the egg yolk and honey so that the drink is not too sweet. Beat until smooth, divide into several portions. At a time, it is desirable to drink 1-2 tbsp.

Dessert for chronic fatigue

  • Bring 200 ml of milk to a boil.
  • Put chicken yolk.
  • Pour 3-4 tbsp. l. Sahara.

Switch the stove to minimum heat and keep the milk for 5-10 minutes, remembering to stir so that it does not burn. Wait until the dessert becomes warm or cools down completely, and you can eat it. Instead of a milk dish, try a mixture of crushed walnuts and honey.

Do you get headaches in stressful situations? A gauze bandage soaked in a decoction of a golden mustache should be applied to the temples and forehead. An alternative is crushed lilac flowers or leaves, fresh lemon zest.

Viburnum juice and berries mixed with sugar are effective for headaches that are accompanied by high blood pressure. Weakened nervous system caused migraines? Recommend a tincture consisting of:

  • grated horseradish - 150-200 g;
  • oranges - 0.5 kg;
  • red wine - 1 l;
  • sugar - 300-350 g;
  • a leaf of a golden mustache, choose a large copy.

Cut oranges into slices or small pieces. Chop the golden mustache and mix with citrus, horseradish and sugar. Pour the components into a three-liter jar, add wine and put the workpiece in a pot of boiling water. Keep the mixture on the steam bath for about an hour, leave to cool. Strained drink drink twice or thrice a day 2 hours after eating. At one time, use 75 ml of the product. When the tincture is over, you need to take a break, and if necessary, repeat after 4-6 weeks.

Prevention and treatment of VVD
Doctors diagnosed "vegetovascular dystonia"? This means that the nervous system has weakened and needs support. You can take special drugs or use folk methods.

Decoctions help, which include:

  • medicinal letter - 20 g;
  • Crimean rose petals - 10 g;
  • horsetail - 60 g;
  • leaves of plantain, lingonberry and bearberry - 20 g each;
  • nettle - 30 g;
  • strawberries - 60 g.

Grind the herbs to a homogeneous consistency, 2 tablespoons of the mixture per 500 ml of boiling water. Infuse for 30 minutes in a water bath, then cool and separate the drink from the sediment. Drink 150 ml per day.

To prepare the second option you will need:

  • dried mint - 10 g;
  • sweet clover and violet flowers - 20 g each;
  • strawberry leaves with goose cinquefoil and flax seeds - 30 g each;
  • white birch bark with yasnotka and bare licorice - 40 g each.

Mix herbs and grind into powder. Store in a jar or other glass container. For 500 ml of boiling water, take 2 tablespoons of the workpiece, leave for at least 6 hours. Drink 150 ml three times a day 20-25 minutes before meals.

homeopathy for depression
Got insomnia and irritability? Does the pressure go up and down? Tachycardia, tendency to catch a cold, lethargy? Symptoms indicate the development of depression, which arose due to chronic stress and problems with the nervous system. In order not to start the disease, it is recommended to drink decoctions:

  • from knotweed: a spoonful of grass for 2 cups of boiling water;
  • mint leaves: 2-3 sprigs per small teapot;
  • centaury: 25 g per 250 ml of hot water;
  • lemon balm: 10–15 g per glass of boiling water.

Invigorating and tonic agents
You can strengthen the nervous system with a mixture of:

  • orange flowers;
  • peppermint;
  • valerian root;
  • basil leaves;
  • lemon balm.

Combine vegetable ingredients in equal proportions. Grind, brew a teaspoon of the product with a glass of boiling water. Infuse for 15-30 minutes, drink three times a day, adding a little honey or viburnum jam.

Apathy is accompanied by constant weakness and decreased immunity? It is recommended to try echinacea tincture, decoctions of lemongrass or eleutherococcus.

To stay in shape, it is recommended to allocate 30-50 minutes daily for meditation or yoga. You don't have to curl up like a donut or sleep on nails. One or more elementary postures are enough to help you concentrate on your inner feelings and your own thoughts. The main thing is that at this time children do not run around, the TV does not work, and the hungry cat does not resent. Only silence and absolute calmness.

Mental stress should be alternated with physical. Write a few pages of a report, and then do a warm-up or go to the park to get some air. You can take a break to draw or color pictures.

Every day you need to please yourself with delicious food, small purchases and impressions. Go to the cinema, to exhibitions, festivals and admire the stars. Sometimes it can be difficult to set aside a few hours for entertainment, because there is still so much work not done. But the nervous system must rest and be nourished by positive emotions, which a report or statements will not give it.

If chronic stress threatens to develop into neuralgia or obsessive-compulsive disorders, you can not do without a psychotherapist. But it is better to love your own body and not bring it to nervous exhaustion. And for this, you should regularly relax, enjoy life, eat right and get rid of all bad habits, including alcohol and nicotine abuse.

Video: master class to strengthen the nervous system

The modern way of life, constant haste and stress lead to the depletion of the nervous system.

How to strengthen the nervous system and psyche, stop worrying and worrying for any reason? After all, everyone knows that most diseases are manifested as a result of severe stress and nervous exhaustion.

To date, there are many different ways and methods that will help solve the problem of how to strengthen the nervous system and psyche. Many seek solace in food, sports, or hobbies to solve it.

Nutrition is an important component of a healthy psyche

A healthy lifestyle and proper, balanced nutrition, in fact, are a panacea for many diseases. How can you strengthen the nervous system with food?

The balance and diversity of the daily menu will help the body get the necessary vitamins, minerals and nutrients. Thus, the negative impact of the environment (especially stress) will not be able to affect the state of health and balance of a person.

First of all, fresh berries and fruits should be present in the diet. It is these foods that will help you get the necessary level of vitamins. The superiority in such a peculiar rating is occupied by blueberries and blueberries, because they provide the body with anthocyanins, an important part of the body. How does anthocyanin work so that you can strengthen the nervous system and psyche? Its function is that it prevents aging and depletion of nerve fibers. In addition, blueberries contain a sufficient amount of manganese, which also has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

Berries and fruits rich in vitamin C should be consumed daily, these include currants, wild rose (tea and decoctions from it), strawberries.

Bananas contain high levels of magnesium. That is why they occupy a leading position among many fruits that are beneficial for the psyche and the body as a whole. Deficiency of this microelement leads to excitation of the nervous system, an increased level of nervousness and irritability. In addition, this fruit helps to improve mood, as it delivers tryptophan, which is later processed into the hormone of happiness - serotonin.

For recovery, you should eat a large number of vegetables and a variety of greens. The most useful may be:

  • tomatoes (help produce serotonin);
  • legumes (deliver chromium to the body, which strengthens the nervous system);
  • beet.

In the question of how to strengthen the nerves, calcium occupies an important place. It is its deficiency that often leads to depression and increased levels of irritability. To do this, you should consume milk and dairy products.

B vitamins (buckwheat, cabbage, meat, orange juice), iron (beef), selenium and zinc (fish, seafood) are essential components of nutrition if you are interested in how to strengthen the nervous system.

How much and how much rest?

One of the most important components of maintaining and strengthening the psyche is a full and healthy sleep. The main recommendations that doctors always remind of:

  • sleep in a well-ventilated and cool room;
  • do not eat up at night (ideally, it is better to go to bed with a feeling of slight hunger);
  • avoid watching TV and listening to music at least 2 hours before bedtime;
  • you can drink a cup of herbal chamomile or peppermint tea instead of using any medication. It is important to bear in mind that medicines after prolonged use can be addictive to the body.

Healthy sleep is a powerful barrier with which you can protect yourself from stress and negative emotions. It is in sleep that the body fully restores its strength.

If you can’t fall asleep and disturbing thoughts come into your head, you can use one well-known technique developed by the English doctor Justin Glace. To do this, while in bed, you need to mentally look around your body (from head to toe), saying to yourself the words that all the muscles of the body are in a relaxed state, that the body does not disturb anything, it falls asleep, saying these words from the first faces. An important component of this technique is the correct sleeping position: you should bend your left leg under you, and stretch your right leg, turning to the right side. The fact is that it is in this position that the spine completely relaxes and rests, all the spinal muscles rest, and deep restful sleep sets in.

Folk recipes and medications to stabilize the nervous system

To maintain mental health at the proper level, you can use vitamin preparations, which are sold in any pharmacy. B vitamins are well combined with magnesium. They have a beneficial effect on the psyche and nervous system, fighting stress, depression, nervousness and distraction. Vitamin B6 helps to get a sound and healthy sleep, and B12 is a protector against depression.

There are vitamin complexes that contain vitamins of groups B, E and C, and also contain various trace elements (folic acid, biotin, calcium and iron) that support the nervous system. One of the most popular drugs with a similar composition is Superstress.

You can use a variety of herbal teas and fees to strengthen the mental state. Such drinks are good to use in the evening, as they have a calming effect on the human body. Herbal teas:

  1. Melissa tea. It helps especially well in acute form of nervousness and increased irritability. It stimulates the central nervous system.
  2. Drink from viburnum berries.
  3. Peppermint tea has a mild calming effect on the psyche and nervous system. You can brew mint leaves as an independent drink, or you can add them to other teas.
  4. Tea from the collection of herbs valerian, basil, mint and orange blossom helps to relax and rejuvenate after a hard and eventful day at work.

Such herbal drinks will help relieve irritation and fatigue, as well as set the body for a sound and healthy sleep.

- 4 simple ways to strengthen the nervous system
How easy it is to make nerves stronger
– Physical exercises and daily routine to strengthen the nervous system

Method 1. Passive types of recreation.
After experiencing stress, the first thing to do is to normalize your sleep and learn how to cope with excitement. Passive rest is a good way to do this: reading light literature, turning off all media broadcasters and the phone for several hours, taking a nap, taking a walk in the fresh air, visiting a spa. To restore the nervous system, practices such as yoga and meditation are suitable.

Yoga classes help to get rid of fussiness, master energy management methods, restore balance between body and mind, and meditative practices help to get rid of annoying and disturbing thoughts, calm down, relax.

It is good to have meditation sessions before going to bed so that it is calm and strong. Breathing exercises will be especially useful in yoga, because under stress the body receives less oxygen, and oxygen starvation is expressed in headaches, weakness and drowsiness. Breathing techniques help not only to restore good sleep, but also improve the general condition.

Particularly noteworthy are massages that help relax contracted muscles, stretch the knots formed there that cause pain. While at home, you can listen to pleasant music, have an aromatherapy session, watch a soulful movie or family video. A woman can just take time for herself, make a relaxing mask, self-massage of the face, make-up. American scientists have proven that such procedures increase the level of the hormone of joy - endorphin. Well calms the nerves and favorite needlework.

Method 2. Communication with family and friends.
With the development of information technology, people began to communicate less live. Being alone with your problems and experiences after suffering acute or prolonged stress, it is difficult to find peace and restore peace of mind. Intuitively, a person feels the need to talk with someone, share his pain, get advice from the outside, but not everyone is ready to turn to a psychologist. Communication with friends and relatives brings a lot of positive emotions, allows you to get support, distract from problems.

You can meet and chat with friends at home or go for a walk together, go to the cinema, sit in an interesting company in a cafe, meet new people. For those who have been married for a long time, a romantic date will be a real holiday. You can organize exciting family leisure activities, go on a picnic with the children, for example. You should not withdraw into yourself so that relatives do not feel guilty for what is happening.

Method 3. Proper nutrition.
Not only the advice of a psychologist, but also nutrition correction and proven folk recipes will help calm your nerves and relieve stress. Stressful situations and the constant mental "digestion" of problems greatly affects the appetite. Some people are prone to compulsive overeating, so they are able to quickly gain excess weight. Others, on the contrary, cannot eat properly.

All this has a negative effect on well-being. Wholesome, healthy food and vitamins help to overcome the effects of stress more easily. If a person has lost his appetite, fragrant and appetizing-looking dishes should be preferred. If you have a tendency to overeat, it is necessary to unload the refrigerator by removing all high-calorie foods in order to minimize the damage to the digestive system from a sudden bout of binge eating.

The following simple nutritional tips will help calm your nerves and relieve stress:

1) Give up cigarettes, alcoholic drinks and strong coffee, which cause great harm to the nervous system.
2) Include more fruits and vegetables in your diet, diversify your menu with vitamin salad recipes that suppress hunger.
3) Be sure to eat foods that have Omega-3 - various varieties of sea fish, eggs, linseed oil. This component contributes to the efficient functioning of the brain, which will help strengthen the psyche and nervous system, as well as vision and blood vessels.
4) Replace black tea with green tea, it has more polyphenols and antioxidants that restore nerve cells.
5) If you want something sweet, don't buy cake or ice cream, give preference to dark chocolate and bananas, these products can cheer you up and quickly overcome the blues.

Method 4. Active types of recreation.
Physical activity can help relieve stress and soothe frayed nerves at home. It is important to move more and put your daily routine in order.

You can choose different forms of physical activity - go swimming, running, team or individual sports. Even a simple morning exercise will help restore appetite, restore sleep, strengthen muscles and normalize weight.

Any sports training relieves muscle tension, restores vigor and strength, and has a positive effect on the entire body. Walking or running through the park, you can forget about the negative, get aesthetic pleasure from the views of nature. Experts believe that a person should take at least 10 thousand steps every day, this has a positive effect on the entire body.

How easy it is to make nerves stronger

In order to bring the body and mind into a state of rest. And the next thing I will talk about will be those rules, following which you can strengthen the nervous system and experience less nervousness in general, be calmer and more relaxed. These methods are focused on the long term, they will make you less stressed in general, and not just prepare you for a responsible event.

1) To correct the physiological factor of nervousness, and bring the nervous system to a state of rest, you need to meditate regularly. It is very good for calming the nervous system and calming the mind.

2) Go in for sports and carry out a set of health-supporting measures (contrast showers, healthy nutrition, vitamins, etc.). A healthy mind in a healthy body: your moral well-being depends not only on mental factors. Sport strengthens the nervous system.

3) Walk more, spend time outdoors, try to sit in front of the computer less.

4) Practice breathing exercises.

5) Quit bad habits! Learn to relieve tension without cigarettes, without alcohol and other things. Look for healthy ways to relax!

– Physical exercises and daily routine to strengthen the nervous system

Physical exercises are varied. Conventionally, they can be divided into gymnastics, sports, games and tourism. Regular physical activity helps to increase mental and physical performance, slow down the development of fatigue, prevent many diseases of the nervous system and internal organs, as well as the musculoskeletal system.

Physical exercise relieves mental stress. This is especially important for people engaged in mental work. The alternation of mental work with physical work switches the load from one brain cell to another, which helps to restore the energy potential of tired cells.

Of great importance for strengthening and is regular walking in the fresh air. It combines elements of physical exercise and hardening, is easily dosed, and does not require any financial costs.

Daily routine - the distribution in time of various activities and recreation, meals, exposure to fresh air, sleep. The correct mode of the day increases efficiency, forms emotional stability. The daily routine is individual for each person and depends on age, profession, state of health, climatic and other conditions. It is desirable that it be permanent. It is necessary to take into account the daily rhythm of the physiological functions of the body, adapt to it, increase or decrease the load in certain periods of the day.

Night sleep should last at least 7 hours. The younger the person, the longer the sleep should be, the earlier it should begin. Systematic lack of sleep and insufficiently deep sleep lead to exhaustion of the nervous system: irritability, fatigue appear, appetite worsens, and the activity of internal organs suffers.

The most useful sleep that begins no later than 23 - 24 hours and ends by 7 - 8 hours. Afternoon sleep lasting 1 - 2 hours is recommended for children and the elderly. It is important to have a constant time for going to bed and getting up. Before going to bed, a walk in the fresh air is advisable, dinner should be 2 to 3 hours before bedtime. It is necessary to create a favorable environment: silence, darkness or twilight, air temperature not higher than 18 - 20 ° C, clean air and a comfortable bed.