Almost everyone knows about the existence of tests that determine a person's intelligence (IQ). However, little is known IQ level normal for age. Therefore, before proceeding with the passage of such a test, it is worth knowing what an IQ indicator should be in an adult.

The IQ level of each person depends on various factors, for example, on his social position in society, heredity, environment, and others. In addition, the age of a person is of great importance. Thus, the intellectual level usually grows until the age of 26, reaching its peak at this age, and then begins to gradually decline. That's why IQ norms by age will be different for each age group.

How to check the level of intelligence?

There are many tests that allow you to quickly determine the IQ level of the norm by age. They contain a wide variety of tasks that can test your logical thinking, numeracy, find missing objects, recognize fragments, identify missing letters, remember certain facts, recognize drawings, and more.

Human IQ Norm with an average intelligence is from 100 to 120 units. To get such a result, you need to correctly solve about half of the tasks. The maximum result reaches 200 units if you solve all the tasks correctly.

With the help of the test, it is also possible to understand the specifics of the thinking of the person being tested. After passing the test, a person will be able to understand exactly where he has gaps in knowledge, and if he wishes, he can fill them in by solving the appropriate tasks.

What results does the test show?

In fact, an intelligence test does not determine the general indicator of a person's erudition, it evaluates only general indicators. Such tests were invented specifically in order to be able to spread the results with averages. The IQ level of an ordinary person can be different, but there are also indicators of the norm.

About half of all people tested get a score between 90 and 100, a quarter get less than 90, and the rest get more than 110. If the IQ is less than 70, then the person has mental retardation.

That is, with the help of an intelligence test, it is possible to understand only the level of an individual's abilities, but not to reveal his erudition in any way. Thanks to passing the test, a person will be able to clearly determine in which area he should develop.

However, it didn’t occur to you that you need to make some kind of gradation, so to speak, from separating the wheat from the chaff, Einstein from Beavis and Butthead. Therefore, a smart Pindos named Lewis Theremin back in 1916 (not to be confused with 2016 ... gyg), came up with the name of the test to measure intelligence. Today we will talk about the word that denotes this procedure, it is Aikyu which means you can read a little below. Our site tries to explain complex concepts in simple terms, so don't forget to add us to your bookmarks. Indeed, in the future we will have a lot of useful and interesting information.
However, before I continue, I would like to recommend that you check out a couple of my other new articles on science and education. For example, what does Paradigm mean, what is Overton's Window, what does Oxymoron mean, how to understand the word Taboo, etc.
So let's continue what does aikyu mean? This term was borrowed from English IQ", which can be deciphered as "intelligence quotient"(intelligence quotient).

Aikyu- this is the name of the intelligence test developed at the beginning of the century in France by the psychologist Alfred Binet

This test turned out to be extremely successful, and it began to be used in many countries of the world. And its name IQ", he received in the USA, which we already mentioned above. In addition, it was the Pindos who first began to use these tests to classify soldiers in 1917. About 2 million people passed this exam all the time. Then Universities became interested in this innovation who checked them future applicants.

Australian has the highest intelligence Terence Tao who came up with the Green-Tao theorem. His result is 200 points, while most people are unlikely to be able to score more than 100 points. I will not list people with high intelligence, because there are no Russians on this list.
In my opinion, such artificial tests are quite far from reality, because the Russians create the world's best submarines, combat aircraft, spaceships and much more. And among the Nobel laureates there are always either Jews or Anglo-Saxons. Karoch, this is understandable, the information war and all that, the Pindos are good at this like no other.
It should be added that people with high IQ have mental disabilities, because nature does not give something beyond measure. If it arrived somewhere, then it left somewhere else. The law of conservation of energy works here too.

Also, I wouldn't trust Bill Gates and Stephen Hawking's test results ( both have about 140 points each). A person with billions can easily bribe anything and everything, and Stephen, this is a common element of American propaganda, a crippled genius, a publicized person. If he was normal and healthy, without this veil of mystery that surrounded him thanks to the media, who the hell would be interested in him?

what does an IQ test mean?

For all the time of research, scientists have made several conclusions:

0.5% of people have an IQ over 140 points;

3% - over 130 - 140 points;

7% - about 120 - 130 points;

14.5% - have aikyu more than 110 - 120 points;

50% - have aikyu 90 - 110 points.

It is worth adding that 25% of people have aikyu above 110 points, while the other 25% have aikyu below 90 points. The most common result is 100 points.
If aikyu is below 70 points, then a similar result indicates mental retardation.

Actually the level aikyu only shows the speed of thinking, because all tasks are completed in a strictly limited time. However, there are many people who are able to solve the most complex problems in a sufficiently long period of time, especially when time is not so critical. Therefore, in our time, this test has lost its former popularity, although the Pindos actively use it.

To successfully pass IQ tests, you must have the following features:

possession of logical operations;

Imagination and ability to quickly manipulate objects in space;

Practical knowledge of the native language;


Good memory;

The ability to focus and isolate the main thing, separating from the secondary.

As you probably noticed, in this case there is nothing that would bind IQ with the definition of intelligence. Therefore, we can conclude that aikyu is not actually determined by intelligence, as such. Today, many people use a special term - "psychometric intelligence", which refers to the results of the test.

Although " IQ", will not determine your mind, but you can use it to draw a conclusion about your own children. After all, there are several levels of complexity with one technique.
Despite the fact that the IQ test consists of a huge number of various tests, in order to get 100 - 120 points, it is not necessary to complete them all.

Russian psychologists argue that an IQ test designed for the West is not entirely correct for Russia. After all, the intelligence of people from different countries is fundamentally different. The majority of Russians are dominated by a figurative style of thinking, which for the better distinguishes them from Western " biorobots". By the West, I mean Pindostan, because in the EU, things are much better, they have not yet fully turned into consumer, although actively seeking to do so.

By reading this article, you have learned what does aikyu mean, and now you will generally understand what these tests are, and why they are needed or not needed.

50% of people have an IQ level of 90-110 - the average level of intelligence.
2.5% of people have an IQ level below 70 - they are mentally retarded.
2.5% of people have an IQ level above 130 - I consider such people with a high level of intelligence.
0.5% are considered geniuses, they have an IQ level above 140.
Although the debate about who is considered smart, and whether IQ determines mental ability, continues.

10. Stephen Hawking: IQ level = 160, 70 years old, UK.

This is probably one of the most famous people from this list. Stephen Hawking became famous for his progressive research in theoretical physics and other works that explain the laws of the universe. He is also the author of 7 bestsellers and the winner of 14 awards.

9.Sir Andrew Wiles: IQ level 170, 59 years old, UK.

In 1995, renowned British mathematician Sir Andrew Wiles proved Fermat's Last Theorem, which was considered the most difficult mathematical problem in the world. He is the recipient of 15 awards in mathematics and science. He has been a Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire since 2000.

8.Paul Allen: IQ level 170, 59 years old, USA

The co-founder of Microsoft is by far one of the most successful people who has turned his mind into wealth. With a fortune estimated at 14.2 billion dollars, Paul Allen is in 48th place in the list of the richest people in the world, being the owner of many companies and sports teams.

7.YU dit Polgar: IQ level 170, 36 years old, Hungary.

Judit Polgar is a Hungarian chess player who at the age of 15 became the youngest grandmaster in the world, surpassing Bobby Fischer's record by a month. Her father taught her and her sisters chess at home, proving that children can reach incredible heights if started from a very early age. In the FIDE rating, among the first hundred chess players, Judit Polgar is the only woman.

6.James Woods: IQ level 180, 65 years old, USA.

American actor James Woods was a brilliant student. He enrolled in a linear algebra course at the prestigious UCLA and then enrolled at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he decided to leave politics for acting. He has three Emmy Awards, a Golden Globe and two Oscar nominations.

5. Garry Kasparov: IQ level 190, 49 years old, Russia.

Garry Kasparov is the youngest undisputed world chess champion, who won this title at the age of 22. He holds the record for the longest holding the title of world number one chess player. In 2005, Kasparov announced his retirement from sports and devoted himself to politics and writing.

4. Rick Rosner: IQ level 192, 52 years old, USA

With such a high IQ, it would hardly occur to you that this person works as a television producer. However, Rick is no ordinary genius. His track record mentions the work of a stripper, a waiter on roller skates, and a sitter.

3.Kim Ung-young: IQ level 210, 49 years old, Korea.

Kim Ung-Yong is a wunderkind from Korea who entered the Guinness Book of Records as the owner of the highest IQ in the world. At the age of 2, he was fluent in two languages, and by the age of 4 he was already solving complex mathematical problems. By the age of 8, he was invited by NASA to study in the USA.

2. Christopher Michael Hirata: IQ level 225, 30 years old, USA

At the age of 14, American Christopher Hirata entered the California Institute of Technology, and at the age of 16 he was already working for NASA on projects related to the colonization of Mars. Also at the age of 22, he received his PhD in astrophysics. Currently, Hirata is an assistant professor of astrophysics at the California Institute of Technology.

1. T herens Tao: IQ level 230, 37 years old, China.

Tao was a gifted child. By the age of 2, when most of us were actively learning to walk and talk, he was already doing basic arithmetic. By age 9, he was taking university-level math courses and at 20 received his Ph.D. from Princeton University. At the age of 24, he becomes the youngest professor at UCLA. For all the time he published more than 250 scientific papers.
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By the way, the figure of Garry Kasparov is very indicative.
EIf anyone remembers, in science he was an adherent of the "new chronology" - the teachings of Fomenko, which claims that almost the entire written history of mankind is invented. And its real depth is about 1000 years.
In the social sphere, Garry Kasparov is an ardent and completely unsuccessful Liberation politician and a fighter against the Putin regime.
That is high IQ does not help much when it comes to areas of life with a high sphere of uncertainty.
These include modern social science and current socio-political processes in Russia.

And so, you passed the test and you have a specific result in points. So what's now? Now you need to decipher these IQ test numbers. To do this, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the following information.

Sum of points up to 50:

You are a calm and balanced person. Perhaps you are on the threshold of discovery. At this stage, you don't know much, but you strive hard for it. You have the potential to develop new knowledge. Although you do not yet know how to apply it, but in the future you will be able to overcome all obstacles and become an independent and active person. We recommend that you read more useful literature. It can be famous classics and unknown science fiction writers. The main thing for you is to find the field of activity you need. Finding yourself in the world is not so easy. But you have already taken the first step. Perhaps the next step will bring you closer to your dream and elevate you much.

The value of the results from 50 to 65:

You are an active person. But at the same time, you are not in too much of a hurry to learn all the delights of secrets. For you, there is nothing that could unsettle you. You are gaining knowledge and could have accumulated more, but there is one “but” that hinders you a little. This is some unwillingness to become higher than you are. But this is already happening to you, since the fact that you are now reading these lines is a confirmation of this truth.

Test results from 65 to 85 points:

You are an inquisitive person. And it's not even that you want to know everything. The fact is that you are constantly in the center of events. Wherever new information appears, you immediately find yourself in that place. You actively seek new and new sources of knowledge. Even during a period of financial instability, you manage to open such information that brings you not so much moral satisfaction as financial. Many of your acquaintances have no idea what potential you hide. And you know that with a little effort, you can become a great person. And who knows, maybe in time they will write poems about you...

The final result from 85 to 115 points:

You are practically a genius. No, there are of course much smarter people, but you don’t have much left before them. Some small steps and you are on top! Everything is easy for you. From childhood, you were distinguished by a high speed of memorization. You were praised by your teachers. And even if you didn't know about it. Then know that it was so. It's just that sometimes you don't notice your superiority and the unique flexibility of your mind. But you have more to strive for. In fact, every person has something to strive for. Even the greatest minds doubted their greatness and constantly evolved. Yes, it was in stages. Yes, it wasn't right away. But you also have plenty of time. Even if you are 95 years old, you have plenty of time to learn new information and discover new facets of the possible and the impossible. Think about it.

The value of the results from 115 to 132 points:

You are practically unique. All your actions are confirmed by a clear understanding of everything that is happening around you. You know everything. What needs to be said where. With whom, how to talk and how to attract people. You are not afraid of change. You are always active and ready to protect your interests at any time. You are not alien to the advice of other, more intelligent and powerful people. You are like a sponge soaking up all the information. It helps you a lot in resolving some issues. You just need a little effort and you are practically the god of reason. Don't stop there. You have many discoveries ahead of you.

(132 is the maximum score in our test!)

Descriptions of values ​​that are on other services.

Test points from 132 to 165:

Well, what can you say to a highly developed person? You have everything as in a song. By itself. You only have to wish, and the river of knowledge fills your brain. But in the avalanche of information flows, one should not forget about the simple and human. About those who are close to you. But you probably already know this. You are like a magnet for the new and the unknown. Like a climber. And each of your conquered peaks is one more step. This is a huge plus for you. But don't stop there. You have great potential.

The sum of points received from 165 to 195:

You were born and at 2-3 years old you spoke easily. You knew a lot. Perhaps this knowledge has been passed down to you through a hereditary line. No one knows how knowledge is transferred to child prodigies. But you are also an ordinary impressionable person. You are even impressed that many people stand far behind you. You do not understand why you know, but others do not know. You can be advised to pay attention to self-development from the other side. That is, if you know a lot in the field of exact sciences, then open the curtain on the humanities. This will help you focus your energy on self-development. You have more to strive for.

Received points from 195 to 235:

Many psychologists say that your mind is like a vessel with valuable content. Whether this is so, we cannot say. We know one thing, that the more you discover for yourself, the more chances you have to join the smartest people. Yes, your knowledge base is so high that sometimes it seems to you that there is simply nothing to strive for. But it's not. You can see the world from the other side. For each person, this reverse side is different. In simple words, the less you know about a topic, the more you need to study it. Don't ever stop for anything.

The value of the test result is from 235 and above:

You are just a genius. And no wonder. That you are often afraid of people. An excellent and flexible mind can both attract and repel. But this does not mean that you have already known everything. You can know the whole world and know nothing. This phrase is for you to think about. Find what you have learned little. It is, and even the fact that you are now reading these lines confirms this. Every moment discover something new or find something new in what you have learned. This can be understood by delving into what you think you have already gone through.

Read everything and it will help you understand the small intricacies of testing. After passing the test, you can leave yours.