Psychics are not born, but made. Even if you were born with the gift of a sixth sense, this does not mean that you will not need to work on yourself. There are a number of useful exercises for developing psychic abilities.

The ability to foresee is a consequence of a number of very important conditions. Several factors affect your ability to predict the future: the right state of mind and body (that's why meditation, yoga and set breathing are so important), tuned energy and a developed brain. Based on this, 5 exercises for the development of extrasensory abilities can be distinguished. To find out how strong you are right now, use our article on five ways to find out if you can see the future. This will help you draw conclusions about what you can do and what to focus on in training.

Useful exercises for beginner psychics

Exercise one: developing intuition. Psychic abilities are directly dependent on intelligence. Many scientists believe that the ancient people who were our first ancestors had incredibly strong brains. It did not work like ours, but almost 90% of the total capabilities. This allowed people to communicate non-contact, at the level of thoughts. Scientific research suggests that intuition and deja vu are a kind of heritage of ancestors, which sooner or later can manifest itself in every person.

The more active the brain works, the more likely it is that you are able to see the future. The development of both logic and abstract thinking will help to reveal extrasensory abilities. To do this, you need to read more and engage in the exact sciences. Effective classes will be attempts to predict what awaits you in the near future. Write down your thoughts and expectations so that you can later check them and compare them with reality. The more often you have the deja vu effect, and also the more often the matches appear, the better. Deja vu is when you feel like you experienced the current life situation in the past.

Exercise two: learn to feel your aura. The fact is that a person is surrounded by an energy field. To predict the future or guess the mood of people without words, learn to understand your energy. Almost every person has ever experienced such a feeling when unpleasant negativity comes from someone. Here you are sitting next to a man who feels bad at heart, and he is nervous. You begin to feel negative and also become infected with a bad mood, as your biofield is reconfigured and synchronized with his biofield.

The exercise is to learn to feel the boundaries of your field and, letting someone into it, feel the changes. Spread your arms out to the sides as far as possible. This is the approximate boundaries of your biofield. Stretching your arms forward in front of you, you will work like a magnet. Use the same exercise mentally when the interlocutor is sitting in front of you to develop the sensitivity of this magnet. Try to tune in to the wave of the person, capturing his energy waves.

Exercise three: meditation. Since we have lost our psychic abilities, given to us by nature at the dawn of civilization, concentration is very important now. The less vain thoughts in our head, the easier it is to find answers to questions about the future or what you want to see.

One way or another, but you need to relax as much as possible. You can meditate for this. If you want to clear your mind at home or just work out when no one is distracting you, sit back or even lie down. Further, everything is very simple - you need to imagine yourself in a special place where there are no people. The best options are space, the top of a snowy mountain, just darkness, or the cloud you're sitting on. The main thing is breathing. Breathe deeply and as infrequently as possible. Clear your mind of everything to feel the energy of the world around you, which permeates you from head to toe. Try it at home, and then you can do it anywhere.

Exercise four: they say that prophetic dreams- this is not the machinations of witches, but also a natural gift given to us in order to see the future. Famous stories about prophetic dreams - good to that example. This is really one of better ways predictions, since the brain at this time is deprived of thoughts about work and deeds, therefore it can interact extremely effectively with biofields.

As for the methodology for developing this area of ​​extrasensory perception, try to get rid of all unnecessary thoughts before going to bed and think about what you are interested in seeing. If these are questions of betrayal, then think about your loved one. If this is an exam, then imagine that you are already in the process of passing. This will help you see a prophetic dream, but at the beginning you should not give a similar interpretation to everything that you see. Watch yourself, and if there are results, then you are on the right track. Lucid dreams can also reveal unknown facets of your potential. A significant contribution to this direction was made by the ideas of Stephen LaBerge, which may be useful to you.

Exercise five: despite all scientific arguments, scientists have no explanation for how some witches or seers can see the future. It is said that reflective surfaces help to see what is hidden from our eyes. In this regard, the best assistant will be a mirror, which, according to experts, is the boundary between the worlds. It shows the future only to the chosen ones. To find out if you are chosen for this or not, special classes will help.

To test your strength and its presence as such, you will need two mirrors that will create an endless tunnel. Put them around you to try to see what you desire in the endless mirror reflections. Do this in complete silence, stillness and darkness. But be careful, because if the biofield is not strong enough.

Finally, I would like to say that scientists draw a clear parallel between eye color and extrasensory abilities. Earlier we wrote off about which eye color most clearly reflects a person's predisposition to the sixth sense. Good luck with your learning, and don't forget to press the buttons and

Many want to be able to read minds, see the past and future, and communicate with the subtle world. Psychics and mediums fascinate with their talents. Is it possible to acquire the same gift? How to develop clairvoyance on your own? All people, without exception, are endowed with intuition. Someone has spiritual gifts from birth, the rest need to make a lot of efforts to discover superpowers in themselves. There are proven techniques for developing clairvoyance.

Is it possible to common man discover the abilities of Vanga or Messing? How to become a clairvoyant on your own? Superpowers come to a person in several ways:

  • innate gift;
  • as a result of severe stress, mental trauma;
  • through spiritual practices;
  • training techniques.

If a child has a gift, then already at the age of 5-7, the baby can see spirits, predict future events. Often such children are extremely sensitive, vulnerable, self-absorbed. Unusual talents can also appear at a later age, after terrible events, traumas, death of loved ones, clinical death. The thing is that shock situations shake up the psyche and push the boundaries of perception. And if a person had "sleeping" gifts, then under the blow of fate, he can begin to see and hear the invisible.

The most powerful superpowers have always been possessed by saints, yogis, ascetics. These people voluntarily give up earthly pleasures, devoting all their time to spiritual development. Asceticism, sexual abstinence, fasting, service to people - all this makes a person more sensitive; mind is calmer. Spiritual life helps a person rise above passions and temptations. Siddhis or superpowers come to such people as a reward.

If there are no factors described above, but you still want to touch the paranormal, you will have to practice a lot. There are a huge number of exercises and techniques that reveal the maximum potential in a short time, the so-called opening of the "third eye" occurs. Many clairvoyants and psychics offer their teaching skills. Many books have been written with step-by-step descriptions of techniques.

Gift types

Many do not even suspect that they have a powerful force, considering prophetic dreams or recognizing other people's thoughts as an accident. This is how our supernatural powers are manifested. Superpowers are divided into the following types:

Often you can find several abilities in one person at once. One of them, as a rule, will be manifested more strongly than the others.

How to learn

How can you develop your magical abilities on your own? What are the best techniques? The first question that is better to ask yourself before starting training is: “What is this for?” Here the answer lies on the surface: psychic abilities help to open up new horizons and perspectives for the individual; mental strength is enhanced, the ability to control reality appears, a chance to help loved ones.

Special exercises help to awaken the talent of a psychic on your own. To be successful, they should be performed regularly, in solitude, without distractions. Each lesson is aimed at strengthening the concentration of the mind, at liberation from unnecessary thoughts. It is important to have pure thoughts and intentions when doing practices. You need to get enough sleep, eat light plant foods, get rid of stress. Some yoga asanas attune the personality to the other world.

The first simplest exercise to develop concentration of attention is on a candle. It is necessary to light a candle and look into the middle of the candle flame for a long time until the head is empty of thoughts and the gaze floats. After that, you need to look at a pre-selected point behind the candle. So repeat several times. If the technique is performed correctly, calmness comes, and the colors of the candle flame become brighter.

The next workout can be with photographs of strangers. They can be found in the browser's search engine or asked to bring friends. Having calmed down, you need to peer into the photo and fix the incoming thoughts, images. Having recorded the received information, it can be checked with real facts. Thus, one can learn to easily understand the fate of people.

Hidden gifts can be awakened and strengthened using the envelope method. It would be nice to get help from a loved one. Let him put in thick envelopes sheets with the image of different from each other geometric shapes different colors. When concentrating on the envelope, mental images, colors, objects similar to hidden figures will come.

Buddhists and yogis use special mantras to develop supernatural gifts. You need to recite them in a state of meditation at least 108 times. It is good to connect stretch marks and respiratory systems.

To become clairvoyant and easy to see energy body others, stereo animations are used. There are a great many of them on the web. You need to watch them in complete relaxation close to a trance. They help develop the third eye.

The well-known energy therapist Bronnikov V. developed the practice of developing clairvoyance. It's called the white screen. At the initial stage, the student learns to control emotions and thoughts, to achieve complete relaxation. In this state, close to sleep, you need to maintain the concentration of internal attention on the area between the eyes. Inside the head, represent a blank white screen. In the future, pictures of answers, aura colors, and the future will easily appear on it. The development and training of the practice of clairvoyance well cleanses the mind and enhances the spirituality of the individual.

Attention, only TODAY!

Are you sure you know everything about yourself? Probably, not each of us fully knows what he is capable of. It happens that a person lives life and does not even realize what is actually hidden in him. Everyone has some abilities and qualities of character, which, surprisingly, somehow magically appear in us at the moment of need. It turns out that in order to fully know our essence, we need to reveal what is hidden in us. The numerology of the name will help with this. So, let's take a closer look at how to correctly calculate the numerological number of our secret "I".

Write your full last name, first name and middle name on a piece of paper and write down all the consonants that make up this data. Then count the consonants and bring the result of their addition to a single digit.

Example: Ivanova Tamara Stepanovna. There are 12 consonant letters in this full name. We add the numbers that make up this number: 1 + 2 = 3. The resulting number will tell you about hidden talents and abilities.

Number 1- you have the makings of a leader and a talented organizer. If you still have not found these qualities in yourself, then you need to develop them. You know how to set goals and achieve them. Also, your mind is full of original ideas. If you have not noticed this in yourself until now, then try to discover these talents in yourself.

Number 2- you have the ability to psychological analysis. If you don't understand people so well and find it hard to get along with them mutual language It's time to develop your communication skills. If you succeed, you will feel how miraculously your life has changed. If you are thinking about choosing a profession, then you are advised to pay attention to such specialties as a psychologist, psychoanalyst.

Number 3- you have incredible creative abilities that you just need to develop. Maybe, once in your childhood, you couldn’t draw at all or someone criticized your plasticine sculpture, after which you decided to abandon your creativity forever. You have a great imagination and a talent for creating beauty, but you carefully hide it.

Number 4- your hidden abilities and talents are the ability to think logically and work hard. In fact, you are a workaholic. If now you cannot say this about yourself, it means that the time has not yet come when you would need to show diligence and patience in your work.

Number 5- an adventurer is hiding in you. If you have not noticed this in the future, then you need to experiment on yourself. For example, spontaneously break into a trip or start doing something that you never even dreamed of before. Watch your emotions: if what you do brings you joy and positive emotions, then you are definitely a hidden adventurer.

Number 6- You are a born actor! You need to develop your speech to perfection, put your voice on and, forward, to build an acting career. You are, without a doubt, a creative person. Even if you have nothing to do with creativity, in Everyday life, most likely, you are still surrounded by works of art.

Number 7- you know how to interest a person and convey the necessary information to him. You have a hidden teaching talent. You can not only help people gain knowledge, but you yourself are able to constantly improve and develop.

Number 8- You are ambitious and assertive. If you cannot achieve something now, then you should develop these hidden ones in yourself as soon as possible. In fact, you have business acumen and strategic thinking.

Number 9 You are a very noble and merciful person. If someone calls you ruthless and indifferent, it means that something made you become like that. Find these qualities in yourself, help people and you will notice how the world will sparkle with new colors.

We do not always play the role that is intended for us from above. If you used to think that you knew everything about yourself, now you have realized that there is always an opportunity to know yourself better. If you begin to develop in yourself talents and abilities that, for some reason, were hidden, you can change in better side not only yourself, but also the world around you. Don't stop getting to know yourself! And don't forget to press and

09.10.2013 18:03

The talents and abilities of a person for a particular activity can be determined by the hills on the hand. It's easy enough to do this...

There is talent in each of us

At every stage of life, we ask ourselves: who am I really? Sometimes people can go their whole lives and never figure out what makes them special. So how do you unleash your talent? This collection will help you.

Make up an analysis

Do you know that feeling when you do something very important for you, and everything works out for you? Do you remember this satisfaction? It was at that moment that you realized that success is hard work. Appreciating yourself is not pride. We must be aware of our value and know what we have talent for and what we don't. There is no need to be ashamed of your weaknesses. They create a wall to success, but once you break it, good things will happen in your life. Get out of the house and start achieving success through your own perseverance.

Make a list of all talents

Many people surround us throughout life. Some of them are unusually extravagant, others sing, play instruments. At the sight of other people, a smile appears on the face. Why is this happening? These people were able to find the magic they were gifted with. But if you don't know what you can do in life, take a piece of paper and write down all the talents that exist.

Divide them into this list:

  1. which can be used in everyday life (sociability, leadership, stubbornness, diligence);
  2. that are achievable through physical or mental exercises(talent for singing, dancing, playing chess);
  3. who are completely abstract (talent for humor, imagination).

Then arrange them according to your interests. Think about which ones you can develop today. If nothing comes to mind, start with things you would like to see in the other person, such as a talent for taking good pictures.

Perform miss analysis

We often dream of something that is unattainable for us from the very beginning. We want other people to do a lot for us. Think about how much time you spend on social networks how many hours you spend in front of the TV. It's all wrong. You can spend your time in other ways. If you are afraid to take risks, then start - try it! There is nothing worse than the feeling of fear. Yes, it can also happen that nothing worked out for you. Stop for a moment and analyze why this happened. Most likely, this experience will help you in the next stages of your life.

Find like-minded people

As a rule, we can do little alone. What do we do when we have a problem? We are looking for someone who will listen to us, who will help us solve this problem. Similarly, you can discover your talent. Find your like-minded people, share your views on the world with them, tell them about your doubts. You can discover new talents in yourself together and reach the heights hand in hand. Help each other and you will succeed. Mutual assistance and cooperation can work wonders.

Try yourself in different areas

Constantly doing something new, you will find what is close to you. Every person is talented, but not everyone can find what exactly. Only through trial and error can success be achieved. Be multifaceted and you will be able to discover something unique in yourself that will distinguish you from others.

Listen to yourself

If you are not ready to waste yourself on numerous attempts to discover your abilities, then there is another way. Try to understand what you would like to do. Move hard in that direction.

You can answer these simple questions to better understand your personality

  1. When I was a child, my favorite toy (game) was...
  2. When I was a kid, the best movie I saw was...
  3. I rarely do this, but I like...
  4. If I always had a good mood, I would ...
  5. If it wasn't too late, I would...
  6. My favorite musical instrument...
  7. I like to read secretly... (what?)
  8. If my success were guaranteed in advance, I would like to become (make) ...
  9. If this wasn't a stupid idea, I'd like to...
  10. Music that improves my mood...
  11. I love to dress up... (how?)
  12. If I always had free time, I would…
  13. What gift would I like to receive?
  14. They will help you analyze own personality and understand your desires.

Take an example

To discover your abilities, it is enough to get carried away with something. On the example of some famous personalities, you can find the strength in yourself to try music, dance, cinema. Yes, you may fail, but does it matter? The main thing is that you will know for sure that this is not yours, and not be tormented by guesswork. Who knows, maybe inspired by the game of Angelina Jolie, you will become the new discovery of the 21st century in the film industry.

Talents are something important in us that creates charisma and makes our personality unique. Let's not let them fade away, but let's only improve our abilities. After all, now you know how to unleash your talent.

To remove all doubt.

Options for obtaining abilities

There are several options for obtaining abilities.

First way- is to inherit from the mother on the energy-physical level. Because the state of the energy structure and the capabilities of the mother, which were at the time of conception, are completely 100% transferred to the child, and he has them from the first moments of life. All the abilities, habits, energy connection that the mother had will be in the child.

Second. Abilities can be discovered by yourself by increasing your energy level, level of awareness and move from theory to practice. Develop the capabilities of your brain. And skills of management and work with energy.

Third. You can discover abilities in yourself by receiving a large set of negative shocks and the body will “throw off” all kinds of blocks and restrictions of society and the inner, and a person will almost immediately receive abilities in an “average size”. But this option gives an incredible load on the psyche.

This may include the opening of opportunities after accidents. When the level of brain development is increased to restore the human condition.

Purposefully it will not work out only when fate turns a person upside down a couple of times.

To Dar. This is when one person has developed abilities for life, and before death is ready to transfer them to another. Then a person receives a large set of knowledge, experience, and opportunities. But here it is required to maintain the Gift in a clean state, to maintain the chosen conditions for working with space.

Which is not always easy. It can be any person and the Gift of work with both the low-frequency range of energies and the high-frequency one.

By gender. This method differs from others, because different abilities are possible in the Family, and may not be at all. But if a person has established a connection with the Family, then upon request and importance for life, the abilities of the Relatives can be activated for him. This is a very good option, very deep, powerful and clean. Because the skills of the Genus have been polished for years.

A person can quickly grow to the level of a master. Abilities can be magical, monetary, communications, crafts.

cruising range

Without catching the goal of development, the need, it will be very difficult for a person to discover abilities. I highly recommend choosing first why it is and only then develop it. A typical problem is when a person wants to get acquainted with everything, then choose. But often gets minimal success on all fronts. There are no results, no sensations, no faith, yes, all this is nonsense. A person needs to know what he wants to achieve, and then you can get a hint. Having a goal, a person will withstand any storms, and you will swim to the goal.

Many mistakenly believe that it is necessary to know where to swim from the cradle. For many, their path is only visible from the top of a smaller mountain. And until a person reaches it, he will not notice his higher path.

Sitting and waiting is stupid, you need to methodically sift through the options that life gives.

Magic word to open

No matter how much a person walks in circles and repeats, I want, I want, he will remain at the same level of ability. For discovery and development, another special word must be used. This word is simple, but important, it must be said once and repeated each time for yourself, as there will be a desire to stop, this is an action word.

It sounds very simple NECESSARY discover abilities and fulfill your mission, it is for this (write in your own) that I need them. I'm ready). All doubts aside, I need it! Anyone who thinks differently, interferes, I decided (a), I need it, keep your opinions to yourself.

How to open abilities yourself

The first point is the energy level. This means that for the best result, a person must have energy and the more, the better. Lack of energy, the presence of negativity, self-blocking significantly limit abilities. Special training will help with energy.

The second point is the level of awareness. The higher the level of understanding, the development of the brain, the better brain processes information. And vice versa, the less resources he has to realize the received energy and information, the worse the results of his abilities work. Learn more about internal dialogue.

The third point is the level of acceptance. After a person has received the result, you also need to use it correctly. Otherwise, abilities will disappear, not strengthened. The point is imperceptible, but it is he, at the beginning, that essentially rejects independently beginners in developing their abilities.

It is important to move from the level of reflection on what and how to the level of practice..

Ability Discovery Boost

There is another option for discovering magical abilities - this is when a person quickly raises the level of vibrations and already consciousness and acceptance are in time for energy development.

Such an increase in vibrations is possible if a person stays at high Angelic frequencies for a long time. Rafail Vakula can do this at master classes and during personal work.

Pitfalls of magical abilities

First the pitfall is the society around man. A person needs to find someone who would support him, he could talk about his abilities and results. A person may not understand anything, but a beginner must speak out. Otherwise, all the power of potential from within will crush a person.

And more importantly, you can’t talk to non-believers, atheists, etc. Because they “break” a person’s optimism, “pump out” the positive energy of the result, and it will be several times more difficult for him to achieve the result again or from scratch.

Second paragraph. Success Log. Sooner or later, a person will come across who will cause the beginner to doubt his abilities, and he himself can fade a little. A special journal will help to solve this situation, where the successful results of certain actions and abilities will be described. The more colorfully it is described, the more it will help the beginner to gain momentum again and push through the breakdown.

After 50 successful attempts, any doubts look ridiculous and funny. And they give hundreds of tons of energy.

Third paragraph goes. Flirting. This is when, having received small results, the eyes are washed, and the person begins to think that everything is a victory. And he starts giving erroneous advice left and right, and then society rather cruelly lowers him down. It is best to first learn energy clearing, protection and have a friend who can do a simple 7 chakra diagnosis for a beginner. This will save the beginner from psychological stress and catching "glitches".

Lack of safety equipment. This is knowledge that allows you to keep the flow of energy and information under control, and exclude the transmission of negative energies.

Control techniques save a lot of time, energy, effort, you will appreciate it immediately after mastering it. To develop each skill in training, there are special safety techniques. Your personal safety is paramount.

Surface Stones of Magical Ability

These are the items that come with abilities, but people often overlook them.

1. Abilities are skills of the body, not a thing that comes from outside. It takes energy and time to develop a skill. If a person does not use abilities for a long time, they will fade away. If he does not exert more effort than the previous time, the power will not increase. The body turns off those functions that it does not use. The development of abilities requires energy. Because many people try something, but they don’t know what they work with, and as a result, even with the right schemes and great efforts, there are no results. There was simply no energy during the training. There was no matter that actually performs actions and affects the world.

2. Awareness. All trainings are performed under certain conditions. Without reaching such conditions, the result is impossible. It is forbidden to violate the schemes, they have the correct minimum, violating which you can not continue. We are talking about the control of internal dialogue and exercises for the development of the brain.

3. Scarcity and monotony lead to loss. Non-standard, originality, innovative approach will save training, practice and sessions from negative results. We are unique, having a scheme, we adjust our perception, training, exercises, our multifaceted inner world to our psyche.

Therefore, the plan for the development of abilities in these two groups is slightly different.


Why you need a teacher to teach your abilities and your abilities:

You don't know what can be achieved;
- Do not lead your mistakes;
- You do not know how this can be achieved more easily;
- There is no check of actions, development, state of the Chakras;
- Little psychological support;
- When falling, there is no one to pick it up;
- No, from whom to take the skill setting;
- You don't know where to look in development;
- There is no one who can pump up energy;
- There is no one who can speed you up;
- The inability to get an answer "why does not work";
- It's easy to stop learning by finding an excuse.

It is to obtain results that quality training is needed. Go to the section and choose a course to develop your abilities under the guidance.