Vladimir Grigorievich Suteev

It was late autumn. Leaves had long fallen from the trees, and only a single apple still hung on the top of a wild apple tree.

In this autumn time, the Hare ran through the forest and saw an apple.

But how to get it? The apple hangs high - you can't jump!


The Hare looks - a Crow sits on a Christmas tree and laughs.

Hey Crow! shouted the Hare. - Grab me an apple!

The crow flew from the tree to the apple tree and plucked the apple. Only she didn’t hold it in her beak - it fell down.

Thank you, Raven! - said the Hare and wanted to pick up an apple, but it, like a living thing, suddenly hissed ... and ran.

What's happened?

The Hare was frightened, then he realized: the apple fell right on the Hedgehog, who, curled up in a ball, was sleeping under the apple tree. The hedgehog jumped up awake and rushed to run, and the apple clung to the thorns.

Stop, stop! - shouts the Hare. - Where did you drag my apple?

The Hedgehog stopped and said:

This is my apple. It fell and I caught it.

The hare jumped up to the Hedgehog:

Now give me my apple! I found it!

Crow flew up to them.

Argue in vain, - he says, - this is my apple, I plucked it for myself.

No one can agree with each other, everyone shouts:

My apple!

Scream, noise throughout the forest. And already the fight begins: the Crow pecked in the nose of the Hedgehog, the Hedgehog of the Hare pricked with needles, and the Hare kicked the Crow with his foot ...

This is where the bear came in. Yes, how to bark:

What's happened? What's that noise?

All to him:

You, Mikhail Ivanovich, are the biggest, the smartest in the forest. Judge us with justice. To whom you award this apple, so be it.

And they told the Bear everything as it happened.

The bear thought, thought, scratched behind his ear and asked:

Who found the apple?

I! - said the Hare.

Who plucked the apple?

Like r-time me! - croaked the Crow.

Fine. Who caught him?

I caught! - squeaked the Hedgehog.

That's what, - the Bear reasoned, - you are all right, and therefore each of you should get an apple ...

But there is only one apple! - said the Hedgehog, the Hare and the Crow.

Divide this apple into equal parts, and let everyone take a piece for themselves.

And they all exclaimed in unison:

How did we not think of it before!

The hedgehog took an apple and divided it into four parts.

He gave one piece to the Hare:

This is for you, Hare - you saw the first apple.

He gave the second piece to Vorona:

This is for you, Crow - you plucked an apple.

The third piece Hedgehog put in his mouth:

This is for me because I caught an apple.

The fourth piece Hedgehog Bear put in his paw:

And this is for you, Mikhail Ivanovich...

What for me? - the Bear was surprised.

And for the fact that you reconciled us all and taught us the mind!

And everyone ate their own piece of an apple, and everyone was happy, because the Bear judged fairly, did not offend anyone.

Olga Kriklenko

GOALS AND OBJECTIVES: to teach children the coherence, consistency and continuity of retelling, using abstract models of fairy-tale characters and actions with them as a visual support; continue to teach to speak independently on a topic from personal experience, to express their own opinion; to consolidate the formation and practical use of possessive adjectives; develop children's creative abilities, thinking, imagination, speech breathing.

EQUIPMENT: a puzzle encoded in pictures; storyteller's cap, basket and pieces of colored paper; 4 dice (large brown, medium gray, medium black, small gray, plasticine red apple on a string, modeling board, dry branch (“apple tree”, stack, piece of plasticine; manual for the game “Whose Tail?”, umbrella, tape recorder with a recording of cheerful music; a graphic plan of retelling with stylized pictures; a basket of apples.

PRELIMINARY WORK: reading the fairy tale by V. Suteev "Apple", a conversation on what was read, acting out animal dialogues.

1. Organizational moment.

Today I brought you an object and a drawn riddle about it. Let's solve this riddle. This item is made of branches, needed to go to the forest for mushrooms and berries. What is this? (Basket.)

Yes, it's a basket. And this basket is not simple, but magical. Let's remember which fairy tales have baskets. ("Little Red Riding Hood", "Three Bears", "Masha and the Bear".)

Do you have baskets? Why do you need it at home? (Children's answers.)

2. Drawing up proposals for two reference pictures.

Today we will remember the fairy tale "Apple". And who is the author of this tale? (Vladimir Suteev.) Let's make a sentence based on these two pictures.

Answer Samples:

"Apple and Tree" - An apple hung on top of an apple tree.

"The Hare and the Apple" - The hare ran through the forest and saw an apple.

“The Hare and the Crow” - The Hare shouted: “Hey, crow, pick me an apple!”

"Crow and Apple" - The crow did not hold the apple, and it fell down.

"Apple and hedgehog" - The apple fell on the hedgehog.

“Hare and hedgehog” - The hare jumped to the hedgehog: “Give me back my apple!”

"Hare, crow and hedgehog" - A hare, a crow and a hedgehog got into a fight.

“The Bear and the Apple” - The fourth piece was given to the bear: “This is for you, Mikhail Ivanovich, for judging us!”

How do you understand the word "reason"? This means what to do? (Make a decision about something.) How did the bear stop the fight in the forest? (He barked.) How to understand this - barked "? (Loudly shouted angrily.)

3. Retelling the tale.

Remember when I said I brought the magic basket? Let's blow on the autumn leaves and open the basket. (Children blow on "autumn leaves".)

Today I want to show you a fairy tale and brought fairy-tale characters from this fairy tale. (The contents of the basket are taken out.) Oh what is it? Where are my dolls? This is probably some evil wizard played a trick on us and turned fairy-tale characters into cubes. Who do you think it is? (Showing cubes of different colors and sizes.)

You know, guys, it seems to me that we can tell our fairy tale with these enchanted cubes. I will start and you will continue (the storyteller's cap is put on): “It was late autumn. Leaves have long flown around from the trees (the “apple tree” is attached to the board with the help of plasticine, and only one single apple still hung on the top of the wild apple tree ... "

A cap is put on the child, he continues the fairy tale, the models of fairy-tale heroes (cubes) are manipulated according to the plot of the fairy tale, the “apple” is cut with a stack. The retelling goes along the chain (the cap is passed to the narrator).

4. PHYSMINUTE "Whose tail?"

While cheerful music is playing, the "animals" run around the clearing. When the music stops, under the "noise of rain" they find their tail under the umbrella.

Sample response:“I am a fox. I have a fox tail"

The game is played 2-3 times.

5. The game "Invisible pictures".

Let's draw our story now. (“I draw” with my finger in the air.) I'm drawing a hare who saw an apple on a tree. What will we draw next? (Children draw.)

How would you judge the animals differently, help them share the apple? How would you thank the bear for justice? (Children's answers.)

6. Bottom line.

Well done! Today you helped me well to tell a fairy tale, and as a fair storyteller I decided to reward you. Close your eyes and help me cast the spell!

Shu-shu-shu, shu-shu-shu - I rustle with leaves,

Shi-shi-shi, shi-shi-shi - a miracle, a leaf, noisy.

(An empty basket changes to a basket with apples.)

It was late autumn. Leaves had long fallen from the trees, and only a single apple still hung on the top of a wild apple tree.
In this autumn time, the Hare ran through the forest and saw an apple.
But how to get it? The apple hangs high - you can't jump!

- Krra-krra!
The Hare looks - a Crow sits on a Christmas tree and laughs.
- Hey, Crow! shouted the Hare. - Grab me an apple!
The crow flew from the tree to the apple tree and plucked the apple. Only she didn’t hold it in her beak - it fell down.

Thank you, Raven! - said the Hare and wanted to pick up an apple, but it, like a living thing, suddenly hissed ... and ran.
What's happened?
The Hare was frightened, then he realized: the apple fell right on the Hedgehog, who, curled up in a ball, was sleeping under the apple tree. The hedgehog jumped up awake and rushed to run, and the apple clung to the thorns.
- Stop, stop! - shouts the Hare. - Where did you drag my apple?

The Hedgehog stopped and said:
- This is my apple. It fell and I caught it.
The hare jumped up to the Hedgehog:
- Now give me my apple! I found it!
Crow flew up to them.
- You argue in vain, - he says, - this is my apple, I plucked it for myself.
No one can agree with each other, everyone shouts:
- My apple!
Scream, noise throughout the forest. And already the fight begins: the Crow pecked in the nose of the Hedgehog, the Hedgehog of the Hare pricked with needles, and the Hare kicked the Crow with his foot ...

This is where the bear came in. Yes, how to bark:
- What's happened? What's that noise?
All to him:
- You, Mikhail Ivanovich, are the biggest, the smartest in the forest. Judge us with justice. To whom you award this apple, so be it.

And they told the Bear everything as it happened.
The bear thought, thought, scratched behind his ear and asked:

Who found the apple?
- I! - said the Hare.

Who plucked the apple?
- Like r-times me! - croaked the Crow.

Fine. Who caught him?
- I caught! - squeaked the Hedgehog.

That's what, - the Bear reasoned, - you are all right, and therefore each of you should get an apple ...
- But there is only one apple! - said the Hedgehog, the Hare and the Crow.

- Divide this apple into equal parts, and let everyone take a piece for themselves.
And they all exclaimed in unison:
How could we not have guessed before!
The hedgehog took an apple and divided it into four parts.
He gave one piece to the Hare:
- This is for you, Hare - you saw the first apple.
He gave the second piece to Vorona:
- This is for you, Crow, - you plucked an apple.
The third piece Hedgehog put in his mouth:
- This is for me because I caught an apple.
The fourth piece Hedgehog Bear put in his paw:
- And this is for you, Mikhail Ivanovich ...
- What do I need? - the Bear was surprised.
- And for the fact that you reconciled us all and taught us the mind!

And everyone ate their own piece of an apple, and everyone was happy, because the Bear judged fairly, did not offend anyone.

It was late autumn. Leaves had long fallen from the trees, and only a single apple still hung on the top of a wild apple tree. In this autumn time, the Hare ran through the forest and saw an apple.

But how to get it? The apple hangs high - you can't jump!

— Krra-krra!

The Hare looks - the Crow sits on the Christmas tree and laughs.

- Hey Crow! shouted the Hare. - Grab me an apple.

The crow flew from the tree to the apple tree and plucked the apple. Only she didn’t hold it in her beak - it fell down.

- Thank you, Crow! - said the Hare and was about to pick up an apple, but it, like a living thing, suddenly hissed ... and ran.

What's happened?

The Hare was frightened, then he realized: the apple fell right on the Hedgehog, who, curled up in a ball, was sleeping under the apple tree. The hedgehog jumped up awake and rushed to run, and the apple clung to the thorns.

- Stop, stop! shouts the Hare. Where did you take my apple?

The Hedgehog stopped and said:

- This is my apple. It fell and I caught it.

The hare jumped up to the Hedgehog:

Now give me my apple! I found it!

Crow flew up to them.

“You argue in vain,” he says, “this is my apple, I plucked it for myself.”

No one can agree with each other, everyone shouts:

- My apple!

Scream, noise throughout the forest. And the fight is about to start:

The crow pecked at the nose of the Hedgehog, the Hedgehog pricked the Hare with needles, and the Hare kicked the Crow with his foot ...

This is where the bear came in. Yes, how to bark:

- What's happened? What's that noise?

All to him:

“You, Mikhail Ivanovich, are the biggest, the smartest in the forest. Judge us with justice. To whom you award this apple, so be it.

And they told the Bear everything as it happened.

The bear thought, thought, scratched behind his ear and asked:

Who found the apple?

- I! said the Hare.

- Who plucked the apple?

“Like me!” - Crow croaked.

- Fine. Who caught him?

- I caught! - squeaked the Hedgehog.

- That's what, - the Bear reasoned, - you are all right, and therefore each of you should get an apple ...

But there's only one apple! - said the Hedgehog, the Hare and the Crow.

Divide this apple into equal parts, and let everyone take a piece for themselves.

And they all exclaimed in unison:

How could we not have guessed before!

The hedgehog took an apple and divided it into four parts. He gave one piece to the Hare:

- This is for you, Hare, - you saw the first apple.

He gave the second piece to Vorona:

- This is for you, Crow, - you plucked an apple.

The third piece Hedgehog put in his mouth:

This is for me because I caught the apple.

The Hedgehog Bear put the fourth piece in his paw:

- And this is for you, Mikhail Ivanovich ...

- What do I need? Bear was surprised.

- And for the fact that you reconciled us all and taught us the mind-reason!

And everyone ate their own piece of an apple, and everyone was happy, because the Bear judged fairly, did not offend anyone.

Fairy tale questions

Did you like the fairy tale? And who did you like the most?

Tell me who found the apple first. Who plucked the apple?

Where did the apple fall?

Why did the Hare, the Crow and the Hedgehog begin to argue with each other?

Who decided their dispute? What did the Bear suggest? Did the Bear fairly judge their dispute?

Who shared the apple? Why did the Bear get a piece?

Why do you think the animals thought that the Bear taught them the mind?

And how would you divide an apple: into equal parts or would you give someone a large part?

It was late autumn. Leaves had long fallen from the trees, and only a single apple still hung on the top of a wild apple tree.

In this autumn time, the Hare ran through the forest and saw an apple.

But how to get it? The apple hangs high - you can't jump!


The Hare looks - a Crow sits on a Christmas tree and laughs.

Hey Crow! shouted the Hare. - Grab me an apple!

The crow flew from the tree to the apple tree and plucked the apple. Only she didn’t hold it in her beak - it fell down.

Thank you, Raven! - said the Hare and was about to pick up an apple, but it, like a living thing, suddenly hissed ... and ran. What's happened?

The Hare was frightened, then he realized: the apple fell right on the Hedgehog, who, curled up in a ball, was sleeping under the apple tree. The hedgehog jumped up awake and rushed to run, and the apple clung to the thorns.

Stop, stop! - shouts the Hare. - Where did you drag my apple?

The Hedgehog stopped and said:

This is my apple. It fell and I caught it.

The hare jumped up to the Hedgehog:

Now give me my apple! I found it!

Crow flew up to them.

Argue in vain, - he says, - this is my apple, I plucked it for myself.

No one can agree with each other, everyone shouts:

My apple!

Scream, noise throughout the forest. And already the fight begins: the Crow pecked in the nose of the Hedgehog, the Hedgehog of the Hare pricked with needles, and the Hare kicked the Crow with his foot ...

This is where the bear came in. Yes, how to bark:

What's happened? What's that noise?

All to him:

You, Mikhail Ivanovich, are the biggest, the smartest in the forest. Judge us with justice. To whom you award this apple, so be it.

And they told the Bear everything as it happened.

The bear thought, thought, scratched behind his ear and asked:

Who found the apple?

I! - said the Hare.

Who plucked the apple?

Like r-time me! - croaked the Crow.

Fine. Who caught him?

I caught! - Yezh squeaked.

That's what, - the Bear reasoned, - you are all right, and therefore each of you should get an apple ...

But there is only one apple! - said the Hedgehog, the Hare and the Crow.

Divide this apple into equal parts, and let everyone take a piece for themselves.

And they all exclaimed in unison:

How did we not think of it before!

The hedgehog took an apple and divided it into four parts. He gave one piece to the Hare:

This is for you, Hare - you saw the first apple.

He gave the second piece to Vorona:

This is for you, Crow - you plucked an apple.

The third piece Hedgehog put in his mouth:

This is for me because I caught an apple.

The Hedgehog Bear put the fourth piece in the paw:

And this is for you, Mikhail Ivanovich...

What for me? - the Bear was surprised.

And for the fact that you reconciled us all and taught us the mind!

And everyone ate their own piece of an apple, and everyone was happy, because the Bear judged fairly, did not offend anyone.