Mankind has always dreamed of space and sought to learn as much as possible about the Universe. The first space flight was made by Yuri Gagarin. It is this journey that marks the beginning of the international development of space flights. Consider when Cosmonautics Day is in 2017, the history and traditions of the holiday.

Cosmonautics Day in 2017: what date

Every year on April 12, International Cosmonautics Day is celebrated. The holiday appeared in honor of the selfless act of the pioneer of space - Yuri Gagarin. Cosmonautics Day 2017 is approaching. How old is this holiday? The official decree on the celebration of Cosmonautics Day in Russia dates back to 1995, and in the USSR the holiday began to be celebrated the next year after Gagarin's feat. And since 1968, the holiday began to be celebrated all over the world.

Cosmonautics Day: the history of the holiday

The problem of conquest of space has always worried great minds. Therefore, scientists of all countries worked tirelessly to send a man into space. And it was the USSR that became the first country that was able to send its pilot into space. It's about about the first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, who in 1961 made an incredible breakthrough in space exploration. On April 12, the Vostok 8K72K spacecraft was launched into near-Earth orbit. The spacecraft was launched at the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan.

It was Yuri Gagarin who made the first flight around the planet, thus proving that the experiments and research of Soviet scientists are not an arrogant fantasy of scientists, but a reality. On this day, people all over the world were able to observe the decisive step of the first cosmonaut. Yuri Gagarin's flight lasted 108 minutes.

After the cosmonaut made one revolution around the earth's orbit, he landed the ship near the village of Smelovka, which is located in the Saratov region. When Gagarin's ship entered the atmosphere, and a few kilometers remained to the surface of the earth, he ejected from the device, landing on a parachute. After the flight into space, Yuri Gagarin was awarded the highest title - Hero of the USSR.

How this holiday is celebrated

Celebrate Cosmonautics Day on April 12th. What kind of holiday and how it is customary to celebrate it all over the world, you need to know in advance. The holiday is celebrated not only by pilots and astronauts, who are not so many. Cosmonautics Day is celebrated by people of various professions who are directly and indirectly related to space flights.

Without the invaluable contribution of people of various professions, this flight and the entire journey after it simply would not exist. That is why Cosmonautics Day is celebrated by engineers and designers, without whom one could not even dream of traveling into space. Therefore, on this day, it is imperative to congratulate all the people who work in the development of aerospace technology.

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April 12th 2018- date (when, what date is the holiday)

Cosmonautics Day is a favorite holiday of all generations. It was celebrated for the first time exactly one year after the conquest of space - April 12, 1962. To perpetuate the day of the upside down human consciousness events were proposed by German Titov, a pilot-cosmonaut, who is an understudy of Yuri Gagarin, the first cosmonaut forever inscribed in world history. Already in 1968, the holiday received worldwide recognition and acquired the prefix "World".

Cosmonautics day has come
And this is an important holiday.
Congratulate well
All the brave and courageous.

All of you who conquered the sky.
And even space is eternal.
Who discovered new stars
And this infinity.

Let the stars wait in the bright sky
You will certainly visit
And let there be comfort at home -
Simple, ordinary!

Let's remember Gagarin today
How boldly he got into the rocket,
Said "Let's go!" with a smile
And the first one flew into space,
And now all the astronauts
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts
On Cosmonautics Day, we wish
Accomplishments, great feats,
Let them conquer space further
Let them find life on Mars
But don't let them forget
What on Earth their families are waiting for!

On World Aviation and Cosmonautics Day, I want to wish you a clear and clear sky, cosmic expanses of happiness and inspiration. Let the stars show the right path to success, let every day please you with new discoveries, steep rises to the clouds of innermost dreams of the soul and heart.

May the guiding star
Illuminates your path
And the full moon is in the sky
Foretells good luck in life.

Let the sun shine hot
Melt ice and cold.
Let the right shoulder beside
Will always come to the rescue.

May all universes, galaxies
They help you in life.
Happy Aviation and Cosmonautics Day
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts.

There are dates that mean a lot
And it is impossible to forget them.
Able to show the way
Desire who you want to be.

Special day with the number twelve
In the month of April we have
And many will try
To be Gagarin now.

Let the passion for flying show the way
And make him even.
Let life go with a special rage
Emphasizing the brightness of the days.

Let space open doors for you
Special and stellar destiny.
May health be great
May your dreams come true!
Rockets to take off quickly
And the people in them were wiser.
Sunrises to meet together -
From there it is much more visible.
Deep space!
Birth of new stars!
Successfully and worthy to carry this post to you!

I want to move forward
Soar from happiness to heaven!
Only let success await you
So, don't be disheartened!

Smile as often as possible
Health to you and long years!
Easily achieve all goals
I wish you only victories!

May stellar success await you
All bad weather goes away.
Unearthly heights only for you,
Only sky-high happiness!

Let the sun shine for you
And delight burns in the eyes,
And let love inspire
Let it take you to heaven!

Cosmonautics Day, folks.
Rockets, satellites - vivat!
Let from cosmic dreams
Brains will crackle nicely.

Happy Aviation and Cosmonautics Day

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Cosmonautics Day is a solemn date set on the calendar to remind us of the first flight of a manned spacecraft. On this day in 1961, Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin made one of those breakthroughs that are said to have “turned the world upside down”. 12 for the first time in the history of mankind, a spacecraft with a man on board left the Earth. For 108 minutes, the astronaut was left alone with the frightening expanses of space, supported only by distant voices that were transmitted from Earth. Less than two hours typical Soviet pilot flew around our planet, which not only earned him the high title of "Hero of the USSR", but secured a place for himself in the history and memory of the inhabitants of all states of the Earth.

April 12 is the day when man first went into space

The history of the holiday date

In 1962, Cosmonautics Day became a national holiday in the USSR, honoring the first step of mankind on the difficult and dangerous path of space exploration. The initiator of the introduction of the solemn date was cosmonaut German Titov, who submitted this proposal to the Central Committee of the Party. The process of development of human-controlled flights took place in the USSR in stages. At first, people were happy with small steps in the form of launching satellites and ships, as well as the creation of orbital stations.

Over time, entire orbital complexes were sent into space, causing pride in the success of domestic astronautics. A huge achievement was the flight of the world's first female cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova and the exit of Alexei Leonov for 12 minutes into vacuum, which occurred in 1965. Over time, representatives of the International Aviation Federation began to celebrate this day. Since 1968, the date has moved into the category of universally recognized world memorable days, having received the name " world day aviation and astronautics.

The holiday received the status of World Aviation and Cosmonautics Day in 1968.

Six years ago, when the world celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of Gagarin's orbital flight, at a meeting of the UN General Assembly, it was decided to proclaim this day "International Day of Human Space Flight." The text of the resolution was approved by more than six dozen countries, so now the holiday can be safely called global. The purpose of the introduction of this celebration was to maintain world interest in research and the possibilities of using outer space for peaceful purposes.

The date marks the beginning of the space age, and also confirms the contribution of representatives of the scientific and technical fields to the development of civilization and the improvement of the well-being of all countries and peoples. Already after the collapse of the USSR in Russia, which continued the glorious traditions of Soviet cosmonautics, it was decided to leave this day among the solemn and memorable dates.

The development of modern astronautics

Many years have passed since the first man saw the Earth from space, and mankind has taken a huge step towards the boundless expanses of the Universe: in 1975, the first international space flight took place, in 1981, the Americans launched the Space Shuttle program. Now flights into space have become a mass phenomenon, and crews from many countries of the world take part in programs to study the mysterious starry space.

Space tourism is no longer considered science fiction these days.

The Earth's orbit is filled with tens of thousands artificial satellites broadcasting radio and television signals, providing Internet communication and studying weather conditions; on the Moon, Mars and Venus, vehicles were launched that took soil samples, and several spacecraft were sent outside our star system to deliver messages to other civilizations. As never before, the prospect of developing space tourism has become close - seven people have already managed to make such a trip to the ISS.

Cosmonautics holiday today

Since 2001, which marked the fortieth anniversary of space flights, Cosmonautics Day has been celebrated on a truly global scale - at the initiative of the Space Generation Advisory Council, the so-called St. George's Night has been held in many cities, uniting all space fans. On this night, thematic exhibitions are organized, “ round tables”, scientific and practical conferences, teleconferences, film screenings and lectures.

The largest events on St. George's Night, oddly enough, take place in the United States. Everyone can take part in competitions, festivals and discussions. Specially for this holiday, art installations, striking in their scale, are being prepared, immersing the participants in the celebration into the events of 1961. Nightclubs open their doors to those who love theme parties, and cinemas show films related to space and exploration of the universe all night long.

Theme evenings are dedicated to the memorable date in different countries peace

In Russia, the largest events are held in the capital. The Moscow Planetarium organizes lectures on the history of space exploration and demonstrates the structure of the International Space Station. The large observatory organizes tours of the astronomical site and allows those who wish to look through a telescope to admire the moon and stars. On the territory of the All-Russian Exhibition Center, mini-rockets are launched, flash mobs, film screenings and exhibitions of space technology are organized.

Of course, behind all the achievements in the exploration of outer space is the work of many thousands of specialists who have devoted themselves to the cause of progress. So this holiday, of course, concerns not only the astronauts themselves, but also engineers, scientists, researchers and all those who follow their activities and are interested in space. This is the day of the triumph of human thought and science, opening up for us a future that extends far beyond the Earth.

Established by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of April 9, 1962 in honor of the world's first manned flight into space, made by a citizen Soviet Union Yuri Gagarin on spaceship"Vostok" April 12, 1961.

The launch of the world's first manned spacecraft was led by Sergei Korolev, Anatoly Kirillov, Leonid Voskresensky.

The ship "Vostok" with Yuri Gagarin on board spent 108 minutes in near-Earth space, completing during this time. Then the descent module of the spacecraft landed on the territory of the USSR. At an altitude of several kilometers above the Earth's surface, the cosmonaut ejected and landed by parachute at 10:55 Moscow time on arable land near the banks of the Volga near the village of Smelovka, Ternovsky District, Saratov Region.

This historic event paved the way for the exploration of outer space for the benefit of all mankind. In a short time since the first flight into space, a man visited the Moon, explored many planets solar system. New opportunities for space exploration emerged in 2000 when the International Space Station (ISS), a joint international project involving 15 countries, received its first crew.

The flight control of the station around the clock is carried out from two Centers: Russian (in the city of Korolev near Moscow) and American (in Houston, Texas). During its operation, the ISS has gradually turned into a huge laboratory in near-Earth space.

Over the years that have passed since the first flight of Yuri Gagarin, more than 550 people from almost 40 countries of the world have been in space.

The initiative to establish Cosmonautics Day in the USSR was first made by Yuri Gagarin's understudy pilot-cosmonaut German Titov in 1962. He also proposed, on behalf of the government of the Soviet Union, to apply to the UN with the idea of ​​organizing World Cosmonautics Day.

Yuri Gagarin

© Photo: provided by the press service of the Military Historical Museum of Artillery, Engineering and Signal Corps

Yuri Gagarin

The UN General Assembly expressed its deep conviction in the common interest of mankind in promoting the exploration and use of outer space, which is the property of all mankind, for peaceful purposes, in expanding the scale of this activity and in continuing efforts to ensure that all states can enjoy the associated benefits.

In many countries of the world since 2001, the action-event "Yuri's Night", named after Yuri Gagarin, has been held, organized by the Space Generation Advisory Council, which has the status of a permanent observer in the UN Committee on the use of outer space for peaceful purposes.It is dedicated to two events: the first manned flight into space (April 12, 1961, USSR) and the first manned flight under the Space Shuttle program (April 12, 1981, USA).

The goal of St. George's Night is to increase public interest in space exploration and inspire new generations to explore space.

In 2011, the year of the 50th anniversary of the first manned flight into space, more than 100,000 people in 75 countries took part in St. George's Night.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources