We do not use many formulas from the school mathematics course in everyday life. However, there are equations that are used, if not on a regular basis, then from time to time. One of these formulas is the calculation of the perimeter of a figure.

What is a perimeter?

The perimeter is the total length of all sides of a geometric figure. For its designation, the letter of the Latin alphabet "R" is used. Simply put, to find the perimeter, you need to measure the lengths of all sides of a geometric figure and add the resulting values. The length is calculated with a conventional measuring instrument, such as a ruler, tape measure, centimeter tape, and so on.

The units of measurement are respectively centimeters, meters, millimeters and other measures of length. The length of a side of a polygon is calculated by applying a measuring device from one vertex to another. The beginning of the division scale of the device must coincide with one of the vertices. The second numeric value that the other vertex hits is the length of the side of the polygon. In the same way, it is necessary to measure all the lengths of the sides of the figure and add the resulting values. The unit of perimeter is the same unit used to measure the side of a figure.

A rectangle should be called a geometric figure, which consists of four sides of different lengths and three corners of which are straight. When constructing such a figure on a plane, it turns out that its sides will be equal in pairs, but not all are equal to each other. What is the perimeter of a rectangle? It is also the total length of all figure lengths. But since two sides of a rectangle have the same value, in calculating the perimeter, you can add the lengths of two adjacent sides twice. The unit of measurement for the perimeter of a rectangle is also the generally accepted units of measurement.

A triangle should be called a geometric figure that has three angles (both of different values ​​and the same) and consists of segments formed from the points of intersection of the rays that form the angles. A triangle has three sides and three angles. Two of the three sides can be equal in it. Such a triangle should be considered isosceles. There are such figures in which all three sides are equal to each other. It is customary to call such triangles equilateral.

What is the perimeter of a triangle? Its calculation can be carried out by analogy with the perimeter of a quadrilateral. The perimeter of a triangle is equal to the total length of the lengths of its sides. Calculating the perimeter of a triangle in which two sides are equal - isosceles - is simplified by multiplying one length of equal sides by two. To the value obtained, you must add the value of the length of the third side. Calculating the perimeter of a triangle with equal sides can be reduced to a simple calculation of the product of one length of a side of a triangle by three.

Applied Perimeter Value

The calculation of the perimeter in everyday life is used in many areas, but most often when performing construction, geodetic, topographic, architectural, planning work. But the listed scope of perimeter calculation, of course, is not limited.

For example, when performing geodetic and topographic works, it is very often necessary to calculate the perimeter of the boundaries of a certain area. But in practice, the plots rarely have the correct shape. Therefore, the calculation of the length of the perimeter occurs according to the formula for calculating the sum of the lengths of all sides of the section.

The need to calculate the perimeter of the site is very often due to the fact that you need to know how much material is required to install fences. Even a simple personal plot needs to measure the perimeter in order to competently enclose it with a fence.

Measuring devices on the ground

To calculate the perimeter on the ground, it is impossible to use a simple student ruler. Therefore, specialists use special devices. Of course, the simplest and most affordable option is to measure the length of the site boundary in steps. The step size of an adult is approximately one meter. Sometimes one meter and twenty centimeters. But this method is very inaccurate and gives a large measurement error. It is suitable if there is no need to accurately calculate the length of the border, but there is a need to simply estimate the approximate length.

For a more accurate calculation of the length of the sides of the site and, accordingly, the perimeter, there are special devices. First of all, you can use a special metal tape measure or a regular wire.

There are also special measuring devices such as rangefinders. Devices are optical, laser, light, ultrasonic. It should be remembered that the farther the rangefinder is able to measure the distance, the higher its error. Such devices are used in geodetic and topographic surveys.

Below in the article you will learn what is and how to find the perimeter of a rectangle if its sides are known. And also how to find the sides of a rectangle if its perimeter is known. And one more interesting construction applied problem.

A little theory:

Perimeter is the length of a geometric figure along its outer border.

The perimeter of a rectangle is the sum of the lengths of its sides.

Formulas for calculating the perimeter of a rectangle: P = 2*(a+b) or P = a + a + b + b.

Let's recap! To calculate the perimeter of a rectangle, add up all of its sides.

Typical mathematical and practical tasks:

Task #1:

Initial data: Determine the perimeter of a rectangle with side lengths of 5 cm and 10 cm.


According to the formula, the perimeter of a rectangle is = 2 * (5 + 10) = 30 cm.

Answer: 30 cm.

Task #2:

Initial data: Determine the sides of the rectangle expressed as integers, if the perimeter of the rectangle is 10.


According to the formula, we determine the sum of the lengths of the sides (a + b) \u003d P / 2 \u003d 10 / 2 \u003d 5
Integer side values ​​can only be 1 + 4 = 5 and 2 + 3 = 5

Answer: The lengths of the sides can only be 2 and 3 or 1 and 4.

Task number 3 (practical):

Initial data: Determine the number of skirting boards in sufficient quantity to repair the floor in a room 5 meters long and 3 meters wide, if the length of one skirting board is 3 meters.


Room perimeter = 2 * (5 + 3) = 16 meters
Number of skirting boards = 16 / 3 = 5.33 pieces
Usually in building stores, skirting boards are sold not by linear meters, but by the piece. Therefore, we take the following integer. It's six.

Answer: The number of skirting boards is 6 pieces.


Solving the problem of calculating the perimeter is a fairly simple mathematical problem, but it has a very important practical value, for example, in construction or general planning of the territory.

This page provides the simplest online calculator for calculating the perimeter of a rectangle. With this program, you can find the perimeter of a rectangle in one click if you know its length and width.

In this lesson, we will get acquainted with a new concept - the perimeter of a rectangle. We formulate the definition of this concept, derive a formula for its calculation. We also repeat the associative law of addition and the distributive law of multiplication.

In this lesson, we will get acquainted with the perimeter of a rectangle and its calculation.

Consider the following geometric figure (Fig. 1):

Rice. 1. Rectangle

This figure is a rectangle. Let's recall what distinctive features of a rectangle we know.

A rectangle is a quadrilateral with four right angles and four equal sides.

What in our life can have a rectangular shape? For example, a book, a tabletop, or a piece of land.

Consider the following problem:

Task 1 (Fig. 2)

The builders needed to put up a fence around the land. The width of this section is 5 meters, the length is 10 meters. What length of fence will the builders get?

Rice. 2. Illustration for problem 1

The fence is placed along the boundaries of the site, therefore, in order to find out the length of the fence, you need to know the length of each side. This rectangle has sides equal: 5 meters, 10 meters, 5 meters, 10 meters. Let's make an expression for calculating the length of the fence: 5 + 10 + 5 + 10. Let's use the commutative law of addition: 5+10+5+10=5+5+10+10. In this expression, there are sums of identical terms (5 + 5 and 10 + 10). Let's replace the sums of identical terms with products: 5+5+10+10=5 2+10 2. Now let's use the distributive law of multiplication with respect to addition: 5·2+10·2=(5+10)·2.

Find the value of the expression (5+10) 2. First, we perform the action in brackets: 5+10=15. And then we repeat the number 15 twice: 15 2=30.

Answer: 30 meters.

Perimeter of a rectangle is the sum of the lengths of all its sides. Formula for calculating the perimeter of a rectangle: , where a is the length of the rectangle and b is the width of the rectangle. The sum of length and width is called semi-perimeter. To get the perimeter from the semi-perimeter, you need to increase it by 2 times, that is, multiply by 2.

Let's use the rectangle perimeter formula and find the perimeter of a rectangle with sides 7 cm and 3 cm: (7+3) 2=20 (cm).

The perimeter of any figure is measured in linear units.

In this lesson, we got acquainted with the perimeter of a rectangle and the formula for calculating it.

The product of a number and the sum of numbers is equal to the sum of the products of the given number and each of the terms.

If the perimeter is the sum of the lengths of all sides of the figure, then the semi-perimeter is the sum of one length and one width. We find the semi-perimeter when we work on the formula for finding the perimeter of a rectangle (when we perform the first operation in brackets - (a+b)).


  1. Alexandrova E.I. Mathematics. Grade 2 - M.: Bustard, 2004.
  2. Bashmakov M.I., Nefyodova M.G. Mathematics. Grade 2 - M.: Astrel, 2006.
  3. Dorofeev G.V., Mirakova T.I. Mathematics. Grade 2 - M.: Education, 2012.
  1. Festival.1september.ru ().
  2. Nsportal.ru ().
  3. Math-prosto.ru ().


  1. Find the perimeter of a rectangle whose length is 13 meters and width is 7 meters.
  2. Find the semi-perimeter of a rectangle if its length is 8 cm and its width is 4 cm.
  3. Find the perimeter of a rectangle if its half-perimeter is 21 cm.

In the following test tasks, you need to find the perimeter of the figure shown in the figure.

There are many ways to find the perimeter of a shape. You can transform the original shape in such a way that the perimeter of the new shape can be easily calculated (for example, change to a rectangle).

Another solution is to look for the perimeter of the figure directly (as the sum of the lengths of all its sides). But in this case, one cannot rely only on the drawing, but find the lengths of the segments based on the data of the problem.

I want to warn you: in one of the tasks, among the proposed answers, I did not find the one that turned out for me.

c) .

Let's move the sides of the small rectangles from the inner area to the outer one. As a result, the large rectangle is closed. Formula for Finding the Perimeter of a Rectangle

In this case, a=9a, b=3a+a=4a. Thus P=2(9a+4a)=26a. To the perimeter of the large rectangle we add the sum of the lengths of four segments, each of which is equal to 3a. As a result, P=26a+4∙3a= 38a .

c) .

After transferring the inner sides of the small rectangles to the outer area, we get a large rectangle, the perimeter of which is P=2(10x+6x)=32x, and four segments, two of x length, two of 2x length.

Total, P=32x+2∙2x+2∙x= 38x .

?) .

Let's move 6 horizontal "steps" from the inside to the outside. The perimeter of the resulting large rectangle is P=2(6y+8y)=28y. It remains to find the sum of the lengths of the segments inside the rectangle 4y+6∙y=10y. Thus, the perimeter of the figure is P=28y+10y= 38y .

D) .

Let's move the vertical segments from the inner area of ​​the figure to the left, to the outer area. To get a big rectangle, move one of the 4x lengths to the bottom left corner.

We find the perimeter of the original figure as the sum of the perimeter of this large rectangle and the lengths of the remaining three segments P=2(10x+8x)+6x+4x+2x= 48x .

e) .

Moving the inner sides of the small rectangles to the outer area, we get a large square. Its perimeter is P=4∙10x=40x. To get the perimeter of the original figure, you need to add the sum of the lengths of eight segments, each 3x long, to the perimeter of the square. Total, P=40x+8∙3x= 64x .

b) .

Let's move all horizontal "steps" and vertical upper segments to the outer area. The perimeter of the resulting rectangle is P=2(7y+4y)=22y. To find the perimeter of the original figure, you need to add to the perimeter of the rectangle the sum of the lengths of four segments, each with a length of y: P=22y+4∙y= 26y .

D) .

Move all horizontal lines from the inner area to the outer one and move the two vertical outer lines in the left and right corners, respectively, z to the left and to the right. As a result, we get a large rectangle, the perimeter of which is P=2(11z+3z)=28z.

The perimeter of the original figure is equal to the sum of the perimeter of the large rectangle and the lengths of six segments in z: P=28z+6∙z= 34z .

b) .

The solution is completely similar to the solution of the previous example. After transforming the figure, we find the perimeter of the large rectangle:

P=2(5z+3z)=16z. To the perimeter of the rectangle we add the sum of the lengths of the remaining six segments, each of which is equal to z: P=16z+6∙z= 22z .

In this lesson, we will get acquainted with a new concept - the perimeter of a rectangle. We formulate the definition of this concept, derive a formula for its calculation. We also repeat the associative law of addition and the distributive law of multiplication.

In this lesson, we will get acquainted with the perimeter of a rectangle and its calculation.

Consider the following geometric figure (Fig. 1):

Rice. 1. Rectangle

This figure is a rectangle. Let's recall what distinctive features of a rectangle we know.

A rectangle is a quadrilateral with four right angles and four equal sides.

What in our life can have a rectangular shape? For example, a book, a tabletop, or a piece of land.

Consider the following problem:

Task 1 (Fig. 2)

The builders needed to put up a fence around the land. The width of this section is 5 meters, the length is 10 meters. What length of fence will the builders get?

Rice. 2. Illustration for problem 1

The fence is placed along the boundaries of the site, therefore, in order to find out the length of the fence, you need to know the length of each side. This rectangle has sides equal: 5 meters, 10 meters, 5 meters, 10 meters. Let's make an expression for calculating the length of the fence: 5 + 10 + 5 + 10. Let's use the commutative law of addition: 5+10+5+10=5+5+10+10. In this expression, there are sums of identical terms (5 + 5 and 10 + 10). Let's replace the sums of identical terms with products: 5+5+10+10=5 2+10 2. Now let's use the distributive law of multiplication with respect to addition: 5·2+10·2=(5+10)·2.

Find the value of the expression (5+10) 2. First, we perform the action in brackets: 5+10=15. And then we repeat the number 15 twice: 15 2=30.

Answer: 30 meters.

Perimeter of a rectangle is the sum of the lengths of all its sides. Formula for calculating the perimeter of a rectangle: , where a is the length of the rectangle and b is the width of the rectangle. The sum of length and width is called semi-perimeter. To get the perimeter from the semi-perimeter, you need to increase it by 2 times, that is, multiply by 2.

Let's use the rectangle perimeter formula and find the perimeter of a rectangle with sides 7 cm and 3 cm: (7+3) 2=20 (cm).

The perimeter of any figure is measured in linear units.

In this lesson, we got acquainted with the perimeter of a rectangle and the formula for calculating it.

The product of a number and the sum of numbers is equal to the sum of the products of the given number and each of the terms.

If the perimeter is the sum of the lengths of all sides of the figure, then the semi-perimeter is the sum of one length and one width. We find the semi-perimeter when we work on the formula for finding the perimeter of a rectangle (when we perform the first operation in brackets - (a+b)).


  1. Alexandrova E.I. Mathematics. Grade 2 - M.: Bustard, 2004.
  2. Bashmakov M.I., Nefyodova M.G. Mathematics. Grade 2 - M.: Astrel, 2006.
  3. Dorofeev G.V., Mirakova T.I. Mathematics. Grade 2 - M.: Education, 2012.
  1. Festival.1september.ru ().
  2. Nsportal.ru ().
  3. Math-prosto.ru ().


  1. Find the perimeter of a rectangle whose length is 13 meters and width is 7 meters.
  2. Find the semi-perimeter of a rectangle if its length is 8 cm and its width is 4 cm.
  3. Find the perimeter of a rectangle if its half-perimeter is 21 cm.