Correct chronology in Russia.
What year is it really now? We need to remember our history and go our own way.

At present, we use the dating of the years from the birth of Christ and Gregorian calendar. not forgotten and Julian calendar, so-called " old style". Every year in January we remember him when we celebrate the "old" New Year. Also, the media carefully reminds of the change of years according to the Chinese, Japanese, Thai and other calendars. It certainly broadens our horizons.

Let's expand our horizons. But, in order to make our horizons even wider, let's touch the ancient tradition of chronology Slavic peoples- The Daariian Krugolet of Numbers, on which our Ancestors lived not so long ago. Now this calendar is used only by the Old Believers - representatives of the most ancient Slavic-Aryan Faith - Ynglism. The widespread use of our ancient calendar stopped a little over 300 years ago, when Tsar Peter 1, by his Decree, introduced a foreign calendar on the territory of Russia and ordered on the night of January 1 to celebrate the coming of the year 1700 from the birth of Jesus Christ.

The calendar reform has stolen (at least) 5,500 years of our history. And in Russia at that time it was Summer 7208 from the Creation of the World in the Star Temple. It is generally accepted that this innovation of Peter 1 was a progress for Russia, introducing it to the "European culture". But it does not say at all that the emperor did not just change the calendar, he actually “stole”, at least (!). five and a half thousand years of our true history. Indeed, under the event from which the counting of years was conducted - the Creation of the World in the Star Temple (5508, BC), it was not meant at all the creation of the universe by the biblical god, but literally; the signing of a peace treaty in the year of the Star Temple for Krugolet Chislobog after the victory of the Power of the Great Race (in the modern sense - Russia) over the empire of the Great Dragon (in the modern - China). By the way, the symbolic image of a rider on a white horse slaying a dragon, known in Christian tradition as George the Victorious, actually symbolizes just this victory. That is why this symbol has long been so widespread and revered in Russia among the Slavic-Aryan peoples.

From what events was the reckoning?
A natural question arises: what event was the reckoning from before the Creation of the World in the Star Temple? The answer is obvious - from an earlier significant event. Moreover, counting of years from different events could be carried out in parallel. That is how, with the mention of several time periods, the ancient chronicles began. For example, let's give several dates of the current year 2004 from RX: - Summer 7512 from the Creation of the World in the Star Temple - Summer 13012 from the Great Cooling - Summer 44548 from the Creation of the Great Kolo Rasseniya - Summer 106782 from the Foundation of Asgard of Iria - Summer 111810 from the Great Migration from Daaria - Summer 142994 from the period of Three Moons - Summer 153370 from Assa Dei - Summer 185770 from the Time of Thule - Summer 604378 from the Time of Three Suns, etc. Obviously, in the context of the modern "official" chronology, these dates look simply fantastic, but for an independently thinking person interested in ancient cultural heritage peoples of the Earth, such "an abyss of years" do not look so frightening. After all, not only in the Slavic-Aryan Vedas, but also in quite a few written monuments that have come down to us throughout the Earth, even much longer periods of historical time are mentioned. Unbiased archaeological and paleo-astronomical studies also point to these facts. It will also be very interesting to remember that in pre-Petrine times in Russia, not numbers were used to designate numerical values, as is now customary, but titled letters, i.e. Slavic letters with service symbols.

What did Cyril and Methodius “fix”?
And since the calendar is a written tradition (try to orally maintain and pass on such a complex and dynamic array of information from generation to generation), it is obvious that before the time of Peter I, writing in Russia already existed, at least (!) Seven over a thousand years. However, it is believed that writing was “invented” especially for us, “illiterates”, by two Greek monks Cyril and Methodius, who only added a few Greek letters to our alphabet instead of diphthongs they did not understand. And, modestly speaking, the ever-increasing pomposity during the annual "Cyril and Methodius" and "birthdays" of "Slavic" writing is surprising. At the present time, since we use the modern calendar (from AD), it would be more correct to use it only for the events of the last three hundred years. And more ancient events, for a clear understanding of their essence, must be dated in the system of chronology that was used before 1700. Otherwise, a misinterpretation of our history, culture, traditions and customs is possible. The dating of the pre-Peter the Great events in modern textbooks is sincerely regrettable. For example, 1242 is called the year of the Battle on the Ice on Lake Peipsi, and at that time it was 6750 in Russia. Or, for example, the year 988 from the birth of Jesus Christ is considered the year of the baptism of Kyiv. But in Kyiv then they celebrated Summer 6496 from the Creation of the World in the Star Temple.
Brothers and sisters, let's remember our past, look for it if evil minds hide it from us on purpose.
Slavs are a great race.

Creation of the world in the Star Temple

Do not worry. We are not talking about some occult knowledge and "ancient" texts of dubious origin.

We will rely only on scientific facts.

The existence of the Old Russian calendar is well known modern historians and is not in doubt.

His reckoning begins on September 23, 5508 BC. e. (There are different versions regarding the exact date).

And on December 19 (29), 1699, Peter I, by his decree, replaced the old chronology with a calendar from the Nativity of Christ. On this day, the year 7208 “from the creation of the world” became 1700 according to the Julian calendar.

According to various sources, on this day in the Star Temple a peace treaty was concluded (“the world was created”) with the Empire of the Great Dragon (in the modern sense - China).

At first glance - some kind of nonsense.

It turns out no...

It is a well-known fact that the name "China" is used only in Slavic languages.

The self-name of China is "Zhongguo" (translated as "Middle State", or "Celestial"). In Western European languages, various modifications of the Latin name for China "China" are used.

The Slavic name "China" originally referred only to the southern part of the legendary Tartaria and only then spread to the lands lying between Tartaria and Zhongguo, which were called "Manchuria" (# 7).

Please note that the territory of Manchuria almost completely coincides with the basin of the Amur River (#8).

Let's see what is known about this Far Eastern river.

The modern Chinese call the Amur the "River of the Black Dragon". According to legend, in ancient times, the Black Dragon, who lived in the river and personified good, defeated the evil White Dragon, which drowned boats, prevented people from fishing and, in general, attacked any living creature. The winner remained to live at the bottom of the river, which began to be called after him.

The “tail” of the Black Dragon is now in the steppes of Mongolia, the “body” lies in four Russian regions and one Chinese province, and the “head” of the Dragon rests on the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, where it “drinks water” of the Tartar Strait.

Whether there really was such a Dragon or is it a legend, we will not discuss.

Let us only pay attention to the fact that both in the self-name of China - "Zhongguo", and in the name "Manchuria" a similar hieroglyph "zhong" is used, which means "center of the universe" (# 9).

In this regard, it can be assumed that the word "zhong" is associated with "Jah" (Jah), which has a direct connection with "Yahweh" ( Jah ve) - the name of God in Hebrew.

Based on the fact that in 5508 BC. e. a peace treaty was concluded between Tartaria and Manchuria, one can assume what the Star Temple could be called, where this treaty was concluded: China-Ja, or Kitezh.

All this looks very implausible, if not for one "but".

Almost in the very heart of Tartaria, on the territory of the modern Republic of Tuva, there is a very remarkable archaeological site - Por-Bazhyn (#10).

Let's first see how the city of Kitezh is described in the surviving legends.

“And that city, Big Kitezh, was a hundred fathoms long and wide, and this first measure was small. And the noble prince George ordered to add another hundred fathoms in length, and the measure of the hail became two hundred fathoms in length, and one hundred fathoms in width.

Thus, the layout of the city was a rectangle of 100 by 200 sazhens.

Note that in Ancient Russia there were about 20 types of "sazhens" with a length of 142 to 285 cm.

Let's take at random the so-called masonry sazhen about 160 cm long. We multiply and get the size of the rectangle 160? 320 m

Now we look at the size of the Por-Bazhyn fortress. This is a regular rectangle measuring 158 meters by 211 meters (#11).

Surprisingly, the surviving city walls reach a height of 8 meters in some places, which is comparable to the height of the modern walls of the Kazan Kremlin.

That's not all.

As you know, Kitezh stood in the middle of Lake Svetly Yar, the waters of which protected him both from evil eyes and from attack.

Here's what the legend says:

“Having conquered some Russian principalities, Batu Khan found out about Kitezh and ordered to capture it. The Mongols soon captured Small Kitezh, forcing Yuri to retreat into the forests towards Big Kitezh. One of the captives told the Mongols about secret paths to Lake Svetloyar. The horde pursued Yuri and soon reached the walls of the city. To the surprise of the Mongols, the city did not have any fortifications at all. Its inhabitants were not even going to defend themselves and only prayed. Seeing this, the Mongols attacked the city, but then they had to stop. Suddenly, fountains of water gushed out from under the ground and began to flood the city and the invaders themselves. The attackers had to retreat, and they could only see how the city plunged into the lake. The last thing they saw was the cross on the dome of the cathedral. And soon only the waves remained on the site of the city.

As for Por-Bazhyn, it stands in the middle of Lake Tere-Khol, the research of which shows that the fortress was originally built in a valley that was flooded in subsequent times.

And even in the foreseeable past, the water here behaved very strangely.

It is known that on the maps of the early 1950s, the height of the lake above sea level was fixed at 1333 m, but in the early 1960s its level unexpectedly dropped by 300 m and amounted to 1030.8 m.

Then, around 1980, the lake began to fill with water again, reaching a height of 1298 m above sea level (#12) by now.

What attitude, you ask? ancient city Tartary has to Russian history?

To answer this question, let's turn to the distribution map of the R1a genetic group, which is a marker of the East Slavic ethnic group.

It turns out that a high concentration of this marker (53%) was unexpectedly detected in the Southern Altaians living in the Katun River basin, approximately 700 km east of Por-Bazhyn.

Interestingly, the Southern Altaians themselves call themselves "Altai-Kizhi".

And 500 km northeast of Por-Bazhyn, the Paleolithic site Malta was discovered, whose age is more than 20 thousand years.

To the north of Por-Bazhyn (670 km), on the banks of the Yenisei, there are several ancient sites, united by the name Afontova Gora, the earliest of which is more than 30 thousand years old.

The study of the DNA of an individual from the Afontova Gora-2 site showed his genetic similarity with the boy from the Malta site.

And in 2015, two individuals who lived on Mount Afontova in the 2nd millennium BC. e., the genetic group R1a was discovered.

To the south - at a distance of about 1350 km - on the territory of the Tarim Basin, legendary Tarim mummies were discovered, also dating back to the 2nd millennium BC. e.

Since the mummies are well preserved, it was possible to identify genetic markers in 12 males, 11 of which are unequivocally assigned to the R1a1a subclade.

In this regard, it is not surprising that the genetic analysis of three skeletons found in the burial of representatives of the Xiongnu elite in Duurling Nars (Duurlig Nars, North-Eastern Mongolia) also revealed a carrier of the Y-chromosomal haplogroup R1a1.

It is noteworthy that Por-Bazhyn is located exactly in the center of the territory under consideration, surrounded by ancient sites and burials, definitely identified as East Slavic (#13).

It is worth noting another interesting archaeological find- Burials of the most ancient people on the tiny South Deer Island (size 2500 m long and 500 m wide), whose age is estimated at 7.5 thousand years.

The island is very rich in the remains of primitive people, but only one of them, the Y-chromosomal group R1a1, was able to determine the genetic marker.

This would not have attracted our attention if only 12 km to the east was the famous island of Kizhi (#14).

It is difficult to say how Kitezh and Kizhi are connected. But, in addition to phonetic proximity and the above-mentioned self-name of the Altai-Kizhi people, we also note the presence in the Republic of Tyva (on the territory of which Por-Bazhyn is located) of a river with the name Kizhi-Khem and a village with the name Kizhi-Akhsy ...

Thus, it is possible to state with a high degree of certainty the deep antiquity of Russian history.

Let's see where she disappeared to.

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Have you heard the news yet? Peter I stole 5,000 years of history from us! No, haven't you heard? To retell briefly this epic myth from neo-pagans, the situation is as follows: Before Peter I the chronology was used “from the creation of the world”, and “the creation of the world”, according to the notorious neo-pagan freak A. Khinevich, happened between Russia and China, and this world was enclosed in a kind of "Star Temple". So, it turns out that 7524 years ago, it was not the biblical creation of the world by God, as Eastern Christians believed in the first millennium, and after them the Russians, but “the creation of the world in the Star Temple.” Thus, the claims of neo-pagans to Peter I are clear: according to them, the Russian emperor, having adopted the European chronology from the Nativity of Christ, “stole from us 5000 years (or rather 5508 or 5509 years (according to different systems of calculation)) of OUR - RUSSIAN history”! So, we are watching one of Hinevich's videos on this topic: " Khinevich (Pater Diy) New Year and New Year in Russia", as well as an action for the distribution of leaflets of members of the Levashov sect, indicating the date "from the creation of the world in the Star Temple":" We remember glorious victories! ROD VZV named after Nikolai Levashov "

It turns out interesting: the Romans, having adopted the chronology from the Nativity of Christ, remained with their history: go to Italy, everything is in place - architectural monuments, sculpture, and in the end, ancient Roman literature is available to anyone, anywhere in the world, who has an Internet connection. The Greeks also remained with their history, adopting the reckoning from the Nativity of Christ: why are there Homer, the Acropolis of Athens, Venus de Milo, when you can “touch” the ancient history of Greece by visiting the Crimea and personally visiting the territories of ancient Greek colonies founded by Greek settlers.

So why were these very “5000 years of our history” suddenly cut off so abruptly and finally, while other peoples remained with their own history and culture? I am afraid that the neo-pagans will not like the answer: because this story did not exist, and, therefore, there was nothing to disappear.

Perhaps there would be no point in analyzing Khinevich’s nonsense if his fantasies and lies had not been picked up by another false teacher, the pseudo-academician Nikolai Levashov, who flooded YouTube with his video lectures and popularized the “Slavic-Aryan Vedas” written by Khinevich. In order to stop the spread of this lie among people who are uneducated and do not bother reading sources of information alternative to Khinevich and Levashov, let's take a closer look at what the concept of "from the creation of the world" meant to our ancestors.

So let's first find out what "Russia" and "China" were in the context of world history, 7524 years ago? It's simple: in the 6th millennium BC, there was neither Russia nor China, and, moreover, there were neither Slavs nor Chinese. At this time, there was the Middle Neolithic and in Europe there was the Linear-band Pottery Culture, and in China the Yangshao Culture. A number of scholars associate the culture of Yangshao with proto-Chinese tribes, so they were not Chinese. Just like the Linear Pottery Culture, it was neither Slavic nor Proto-Slavic. “The ancestral home of the Early Slavs (Proto-Slavs) is the place where our ancestors lived. There is still no generally accepted, established view of the "ancestral home" of the early Slavs. There are several versions about its location. Among historians of the 19th century. the "Danubian version" of the origin of the Slavs was very popular, similar to Nestor's ideas set forth in The Tale of Bygone Years. “According to her interpretation, the Slavs settled in the Roman province of Norik, located between the upper reaches of the Danube and the Drava. Pressed by the Romans, they moved further to the Vistula and the Dnieper (Soloviev S.M., Klyuchevsky V.O.). Migration to the north and northwest was slow. So, according to V.O. Klyuchevsky, the Eastern Slavs, before they got to the Dnieper, for about 500 years stayed in the foothills of the Carpathians. And only in the 7th century. settled on the modern Russian plain. There are supporters of this version even today (V.P. Kobychev). Most modern scientists are inclined to the Slavic ancestral home in more northern regions, believing that it was located in the middle Dnieper and Pripyat, or in the interfluve of the Vistula and Oder. B.A. Rybakov tried to combine both variants of the origin of the Slavs. In his opinion, the Proto-Slavs were located in a wide strip from the Carpathians to the Baltic and from the Dniester, the Southern Bug to the Pripyat. He believed that the center of the settlement of the Indo-European unity was the northeastern part of the Balkan Peninsula and Asia Minor, from where at the beginning of the 2nd millennium BC. the settlement of pastoral tribes began towards the Rhine and Dnieper, ending in the middle of the 2nd millennium BC. transition to settled agriculture. Part of this gigantic stream became the ancestors of the Slavs. (Historical Dictionary, Ancestral home of the Slavs). The very first state that appeared in China was the State of Shang - a state formation that existed from 1600 to 1027 BC in the lands north of the exit of the river. Huang He to the Great Chinese Plain. It can be seen that the territories occupied by the Shang are small and limited.

So in the 6th millennium BC there were no opportunities not only to contact (at least militarily, at least peacefully) Russia and China, but also the Slavs and Chinese themselves.

Thus, even if you firmly believe Khinevich and Chudinov that the Slavs flew to Earth on space dishes a billion years ago, then think about where the Chinese came from then, if archaeological data show that the culture of the peoples who inhabited the area of ​​the Huang He River was not high and did not go beyond the Neolithic culture? Or will we have to admit that people in skins with clubs so bludgeoned the Slavic-Aryan space landing forces that they had to introduce the chronology “from the creation of the world with the Pra-Chinese” as a sign of this? Well, and most importantly: in history there is no information about the war between China and Russia - there is neither written nor archaeological (burials of the fallen in the war, weapons), nor traces in legends and folklore - neither among the Russians, nor among the Chinese. There is only a mention of Khinevich (as well as a mention of a certain "Star Temple"), who lives in Omsk, in XXI century.

Yes, apparently the cunning Khinevich did not guess that his followers could go to Wikipedia and read the article “ Constantinople era ”: “Under the emperor Constantius (353), an era was created, the chronology of which was conducted from Saturday, September 1, 5509 BC”; “The Constantinople era is still accepted in the Old Believers and some Orthodox churches, and on September 1 (in churches using the Julian calendar - September 14 N.S.) the church new year is celebrated.” And, of course, anyone with logic and a calculator can, after reading the article, make minimal logical calculations: so, we believe that, according to the medieval view of the Byzantines, God created the world 5509 years before the birth of Christ. And now let's add to these years the number of years that have passed since the birth of Christ (now the year is 2015): 5509 + 2015 = 7524 - the year "from the creation of the world" by God. Miracle? Yes!

In general, the Western Church also used the chronology from the creation of the world, but given the conventionality of the date of “the creation of the world by God”, it quickly switched to the chronology from the Nativity of Christ, when in the 6th century the monk Dionysius the Small calculated the date of the birth of Jesus Christ, and another monk introduced it and scholar Bede The Hon. By the way, it is interesting to quote from this saint: “The world is the whole universe, consisting of heaven and earth, formed from four elements and having the shape of an absolute ball” [Gloss Bridifert (a monk of the same monastery of Peter and Paul where Bede lived; presumably IX century .): “Absolute is such a thing that does not hang on anything and does not rely on anything.” (an interpretation based on the direct meaning of the Latin participle "absolutus" - "separated, not connected")] That is, it turns out, according to this Christian scientist, that the Earth is not only spherical, but is also part of the world - the Universe. Well, who created this world, you already know.

I think it will be useful to cite texts (from pre-revolutionary, Soviet and modern encyclopedias), confirming that 5508/9 years before the birth of Christ was not a war between Russia and China, but “the creation of the world by God”:

Linguistic and Cultural Dictionary (article “Julian calendar”): “In Russia, the Julian calendar was finally established along with the adoption of Christianity (X century). Since the new religion was borrowed from Byzantium, in Russia the years were counted according to the Constantinople era "from the creation of the world" (for 5508 BC). At the same time, until the end of the fifteenth century. New Year in Russia it began from March (according to tradition), and from 1492 - from September (according to the church calendar). By decree of Peter I in 1700, the European chronology was introduced in Russia - "from the birth of Christ", and not "from the creation of the world", and the beginning of the year is January 1. However, the Julian calendar was retained. It was replaced by the Gregorian calendar only in 1918 (see new style)."

Era”): “The intermediate position is occupied by the Eras from the so-called. creation of the world, for example: Jewish E., according to a cut from the “creation of the world” to 1 AD. e. the year 3761 has passed; Byzantine (accepted by the Orthodox Church since the 7th century and canceled in Russia since 1/1/1700 by Peter I), where 5509 BC was accepted as the initial date. e." I hope the neo-pagans will not argue that when the Jews count from the “creation of the world”, they mean “the creation of the world between Israel and China in some Six-Star Synagogue”?)

Soviet Historical Encyclopedia (article "Calendar"): "Christianity, in the fight against paganism, tried to create its own chronology according to the Bible. myth "from the creation of the world." In the 6th c. through complex theological calculations, in connection with the Easter cycle, the 3 most accepted eras were established: Africana, according to which the year 754 from the founding of Rome was considered 5501, Alexandrian - 5493, respectively, Byzantine - 5509 (official, then moved to Russia).

Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron (article “Chronology”): “... the Byzantines decided to change this Alexandrian era so that the first year from the creation of the world was the first after the leap year and the first in all cycles. If they had simply added 1 (5492 + 1), then in 5493 they would have received the first year for indicts, but also a leap year (that is, the fourth in the cycle of leap years). Therefore, in addition to one, they added another 15, i.e., pushed the era back by a whole indiction period. So, 15 + 1 = 16 years is the difference between the creation of the world by the Alexandrians (5493 BC) and the Byzantines (5509 BC); but the first year after the creation of the world among the Byzantines (i.e., September 5509-5508 BC) is the first in all cycles and the first after the leap year. In order to obtain an indict, a solar circle, etc. for the Byzantine chronology, it is necessary to add 5508 to our year, and then divide by 15, 28, etc.; the remainder gives the desired sign of the year. It should, however, be noted that the Byzantines only began the new year and the indiction on September 1; they began the solar circle from October 1, 5509 BC, the lunar circle - from January 1, 5508.

Yes, exactly, as stated in the Soviet encyclopedia, “Christianity, in the fight against paganism, tried to create its own chronology according to the Bible. myth "from the creation of the world"". Of course, the Bible does not say exactly when, in what year, in what century, what era God created the world: “We are talking, of course, not about cycles of 24 hours, not about our astronomical day. We are talking about other periods of time. “With the Lord,” the Word of God proclaims to us, “one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like one day” (2 Pet. 3:8). God is out of time. And therefore it is impossible to judge how long this Divine creation took place... As it is said in the Bible, God did not directly create living beings, but produced water and earth. This indicates the involvement of all nature in the mystery of the creation of the new. (Metropolitan Kirill [now - Patriarch Kirill]. "The Word of the Shepherd. God and Man. The History of Salvation.", M., 2005, pp. 34-35). “The Bible was written by the prophet Moses in the ancient Hebrew language, and in this language both the day and the period of time were called by one word “yom”. But we cannot know exactly what these “days” were, especially since we know: “With the Lord,” the Word of God proclaims to us, “one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like one day” (2 Pet. 3:8 ; Psalm 89:5). The Holy Fathers of the Church consider the seventh "day" of the world to continue to this day, and then, after the resurrection of the dead, the eternal eighth day will come, i.e. eternal future life. As he writes about, for example, St. John of Damascus (VIII century): “There are seven centuries of this world, from the creation of heaven and earth to the general end and resurrection of people. century is the future. St. Basil the Great, back in the 4th century, wrote in his book "Conversations on the Six Days": "Therefore, you will call it a day or a century, you will express the same concept." (Seraphim Slobodsky. "The Law of God." Chapter "The Creation of the Earth - the Visible World.")

And here a legitimate question arises: if, according to Khinevich, there was still a war between the Russians and the Chinese, and the reckoning “from the creation of the world” came to Russia only after the Baptism of Russia from the Byzantines, then what did the Byzantines care about the conclusion of peace between Russia and China?

Moreover, the chronology from the creation of the world by God led to the fact that in 7000 “from the creation of the world” panic began in Russia: everyone was waiting for the end of the world. Do you think it was worth fearing the end of the world if the date of the conclusion of peace after the war between the Russians and the Chinese was taken as the basis for the chronology? Can you imagine that someone in our time would think of declaring that in a hundred or a thousand years from May 8, 1945, the end of the world will happen? You can not? And rightly so. It is worth citing excerpts from A. Alekseev's book "Joseph Volotsky" (M. 2014), which is a biography of a Russian saint, a prominent church figure XV - XVI centuries:

“The opinion about the end of the world and the expiration of the seventh thousand years has become widespread in the writings of some church authors of the 3rd-4th centuries. Commentators of the Bible found the rationale for this thesis in a number of biblical texts: “A thousand years before your eyes, as yesterday's day” (Ps. 89.5); “Give part of it to the seven, and then to Osmo” (Eccl. 11:2); “With the Lord one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like one day” (2 Pet. 3:8). The Holy Fathers Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian, John of Damascus, Anastasius of Sinai, John of the Ladder wrote about the “sevenfoldness” of human times. St. Gregory of Nyssa believed that the outcome of the “septenary of the current time” would be the “great day of the future age”, which would open with the Second Coming of Christ. Although in the works of the Fathers of the Church the gospel idea was carried out about the impossibility of predicting the dates of the Second Coming in advance, the opinion about the end of the world, which should occur in 7000 from the Creation of the world, was established in Eastern theology.

In accordance with the system of chronology from the Nativity of Christ, created by the monk Dionysius the Small (500-540), in the countries of Western Europe, the time of the end of the world was 1000. Calculations of years from the day of the incarnation of the Lord came into general use in Europe through the chronological and historical works of Bede the Venerable (670/73-735).

In Russian paschalia, two types of records about the end of the world with the outcome of the seventh thousand years became widespread: one of the records was placed under the year 6967, and the other under the 7000th. The meaning of the last entry is obvious: "In the summer of 7000, see the last, this is the end." The entry under the year 6967 read: “This summer has come to an end, in not tea is your world coming.” In the scenario of ideas about the end of the world, 33 years before the year 7000, the birth of the Antichrist should have been expected ... ”(pp. 108-109)

“The opinion that the end of the world will come with the outcome of the seventh thousand years from the Creation of the world became widespread during the 15th century.” (page 109)

“Already at the onset of the year 7000 (1492), Metropolitan Zosima also maintained faith in the near end of the world, writing that “having diligently tried to write Paschalia for the eighth thousand years, in it we had tea for the universal coming of Christ.” (page 110)

And, finally, Joseph Volotsky examined in detail the issue of the timing of the end of the world in the "Book of Heretics". In the eighth “word” of his treatise, he resolutely rejects the opinion about the connection between the exodus of the seventh thousand years from the Creation of the world and the onset of the end of the world: “From this ignorance, and now rushing forward, there are many words: 7000 years of life, and when the eighth thousand comes, then the end will be. If you read all the scriptures, you won’t find it, but, like a rech, no one knows the world’s ending.” Joseph also refers to the Gospel: “This is the gospel speech: About that day and hour no one knows, neither the angels of heaven, nor the Son, only my Father is one.” (page 113)

It is also interesting to note that even after the introduction of the new calendar by Peter I, the use of the chronology “from the creation of the world” continued to be used (for example, by the Old Believers). However, it should be noted that when writing "from the creation of the world", the word "world" in the old spelling was written differently than now. Let's see how the word "mir" and "peace" differed before the 1917 revolution.

Etymological dictionary of the Russian language. M .: Russian language from A to Z. (Publishing house "UNVES", M. 2003), article "Mir":

“Old Russian is the world.

Old Slavonic - world.

Common Slavic - mirъ.

The word "world" is Slavic in origin. It has been found in Russian since the 11th century.

The basis for the emergence of the word was the common Indo-European root with the meaning "meek", "sweet".

A similar word can be found in languages ​​such as Albanian (mire - "good"), Latvian (atmietet - "soften"), Latin (meitis - "gentle", "soft").

Peace is "the absence of war, enmity, quarrels", as well as "consent", "peace."

“The world is the universe; substance in space and force in time (Khomyakov). | One of the lands of the universe; esp. | our earth, globe, light; | all people, all the world, the human race; | community, society of peasants; | gathering."

In the 11th century, two newspapers were published with the mention of the word "peace":

Russkiy Mir (Petersburg newspaper, 1859-1863) and Russkiy Mir (Petersburg newspaper, 1871-1880).

“The Russian world is the concept of an international transstate and transcontinental community united by involvement in Russia and commitment to the Russian language and culture. According to the supporters of the concept, the word "Russian" in the title indicates the historical roots of the community, originating in ancient Russia, and the word "world" is invested with the meaning "the whole world", "all people."

“December 10. Nominal - About the writing of Genvar from the 1st of the year 1700 in all papers of the summer from the Nativity of Christ, and not from the creation of the world.

In the Razryad and in all orders, in marks, in notes, in letters and in all Our Great Sovereign decrees on all sorts of affairs and in orders and in squares in all fortresses and cities Voivodes in lists and in marks and in estimates and marks lists and in all clerical and worldly affairs of the summer, write and count the years of Genvar from the 1st of the year 7208 and count this from the Nativity of the Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ in 1700, and a year later, from the 1st of the year from the future 7209, write from the Nativity of Christ from the 1st 1701 and in the future, repair according to the same, and of that new year of Genvar, the months and other months and dates should be written in a row until Genvar, without fail, and in other years, counting the years from the Nativity of Christ, therefore.

And then we instructed the Great Sovereign to inflict, in order that in many Christian and neighboring peoples, who keep the Orthodox Christian Eastern faith with us in accordance, years are written by the number from the Nativity of Christ.

And if anyone wants to write from the creation of the world: and they will write both those years from the creation of the world and from the Nativity of Christ in a row freely.

As you can see, Peter I did not prohibit (!) the use of the old calendar “from the creation of the world” and did not destroy anything (about “5000 years of our history”, we have already found out that there was no such history so that it could be destroyed). The fact that the Russian emperor took the Western calendar as a basis - from the birth of Christ, instead of the Byzantine one - is logical: Byzantium fell from the Turks back in 1453 and no one else widely used this calendar (except for the Greeks, who were from that time under the rule of the Turks) , and, secondly, Peter I sought to Europeanize the country, which led not only to the change of the Byzantine calendar to the European one, but also introduced European fashion, the education system, the Church management system, the system government controlled... However, it is worth remembering one more distortion historical facts neo-pagans, who, following Hinevich, say that Peter I postponed the beginning of the new year precisely to January 1, just for the sake of "fun" - on this day the Orthodox Church celebrates the feast of the Circumcision of the Lord. Is it so? Peter I, of course, was not an atheist, but was a deeply religious person: he regularly donated money to churches and monasteries, attended divine services, and evidence has been preserved that he loved to sing in the kliros (in the church choir) and read the “Apostle” (part of the New Testament, which is usually read at the Liturgy not by priests, but by sextons (assistants in the altar) - worldly people), one can recall the church of the Apostles Peter and Paul in Basmannaya Sloboda, the construction of which was carried out according to the personal decree of Peter I and according to the drawings personally drawn up by him (Sytin P. V From the history of Moscow streets. - M .: Moskovsky worker, 1958). But what is true is that he was critical of the priests themselves - hence his dismissive attitude towards them ... At the same time, I have to repeat: Peter I was a deeply religious person, we will quote “The relationship of Peter I and religion. I.V. Gurianova, Applicant of the Department of Education Management, Lomonosov Moscow State University N.P. Ogarev”: “When reading the letters of Peter and his sayings, it is clearly seen that the name of God in them is evidence of an undoubted religious feeling: “Whoever does not believe in God is either crazy or naturally insane”, “Whoever forgets God and His commandments does not keeps, he, with all his work, will not be successful and will receive little benefit! The Tsar by no means neglected the duties of an Orthodox Christian. He honored the Bible (“This book is wiser than all books. It teaches us to know God and His creations and draws positions for God and our neighbor!”), prayed fervently (“He sang loudly by heart as confidently as the priests, monks and psalmists who had books in front of him, for all hours and Mass the tsar knows, as "Our Father" (Notes of Just Jul, Danish envoy under Peter the Great (1709-1711)). ... Moreover, Peter I did not tolerate religious free-thinking and atheism ... Punishing one of the officials for irony over Holy Scripture, the king expressed an idea that characterizes him as a wise politician: "How dare you weaken such a string, which is the best harmony of any well-organized society?" (I.V. Gurianova. Relations between Peter I and religion)

Here is Peter I speaks of God (although he could only mention his own merits) in a letter to Menshikov regarding the victory of the Russian fleet over the Swedish in the battle of Cape Gangut on July 27, 1714. “We declare to you in what way the almighty Lord God deigned to glorify Russia ...” ... So it’s inappropriate and stupid to say, again, that Peter I, for the sake of a joke, moved the New Year to the feast of the Circumcision of the Lord: firstly, now schoolchildren are giggling at the word “circumcision”, and before the revolution, at least, they were calm about this ( especially considering that both then and now the Russian Orthodox Church celebrates the feast of the Circumcision of the Lord). And even now, the presence in the country of two hundred thousand Jews and a couple of million Muslims who practice circumcision, it is strange to say that circumcision is some kind of joke; secondly, Peter I, as was said, was a believer; thirdly, Peter I did not postpone the holiday himself, having personally chosen the day he wanted, but only copied European system chronology - that is, he took the one that had already existed for more than two thousand (!) Years in Europe (and the Europeans used the chronology system deeply without caring whether the Russians, or the Chinese, fought with someone, or did not fight). The Julian calendar is a calendar taken by Peter I, developed by a group of Alexandrian astronomers led by Sosigenes and introduced by Julius Caesar from January 1, 45 BC. e. (you understand that the astronomers and Caesar did not know anything about Christ, since the birth of Christ, bringing Him to the temple and circumcision had not yet taken place).

The Julian calendar reformed the old Roman calendar and was based on the astronomical culture of Hellenistic Egypt.

Read: Julian calendar. Modern solar convection originates from ancient Roman solar convection, which was introduced on January 1, 45 BC. e. as a result of the reform carried out in 46 BC. e. Julius Caesar (hence the name). The day of January 1 also became the beginning of the new year (before that, the new year began in Roman K. on March 1) ... Correct Application Julian K. began with 7 AD. e.; since that time, all years of the Julian calendar, the ordinal number of which is divisible by 4, are leap years. In 325 AD e. at the Council of Nicaea the Julian Covenant was adopted by the Christian Church.” (Great Soviet Encyclopedia)

As Bolshaya writes soviet encyclopedia- the Julian calendar was adopted by the Orthodox Church and this is an important fact in revealing the circumstances why Peter I chose the Julian rather than the Gregorian calendar. The Gregorian calendar was used by the Catholic Church - this fact was important for both Orthodox and Protestant countries: “The Evangelical ranks of Germany, who were afraid of the adoption Gregorian calendar fall under the influence of the pope, accepted it, after long hesitation, only in 1700, when they had to issue already 11 days, for which the day following February 18 was recognized as March 1st. In the same year, Gregorian K. was introduced in Denmark and Holland, and the following year in many Evangelical cantons of Switzerland, where the XVIII century began on January 12, 1701. In England, Gregorian K. was introduced in 1752, for which there for 2 m Sept. counted the 14th; at the same time, January 1 was recognized in England as the beginning of the year, while earlier it fell on March 25 ... ”(Encyclopedic Dictionary of F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron). That is, we see that the Protestant countries (and Peter I traveled precisely on them) used the Julian calendar, fearing the influence of the Vatican. The Vatican also tried to persuade the Orthodox to accept the Gregorian calendar: “Catholics made a lot of efforts to encourage the Orthodox to accept the Gregorian calendar. The main objection that the Orthodox raise against the Gregorian calendar is that it is not canonical. By virtue of the definition of the Nicaean Council of St. Easter should not be celebrated either with the Jews (always celebrating their Passover on the first spring full moon), or earlier than them, but always later, at least one day; Western Christians, due to the astronomical accuracy of their K., from time to time celebrate Easter inconsistently with this rule. (Encyclopedic Dictionary of F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron).

By the way, these discrepancies in writing dates and calculating holidays even before Peter I led to the fact that changes were made to the chronology: under the Grand Duke of Moscow Ivan III in the Summer of 7000 from the Creation of the World, that is, in 1492, the Moscow Church Council approved the transfer of the beginning of the year from March 1 to September 1 (a decision that is valid in Russian Orthodox Church to this day).

So, based on the situation in Russia and the situation in Europe, we see that Peter I chose the Julian calendar on the basis of religious considerations, consistent with the tradition of the Orthodox Church: "The very spread of enlightenment, for which Peter undoubtedly did a lot, took place with a great eye on religion." (I. Voronitsyn, "History of atheism", 1930)

Now we see that the Julian calendar, created 45 years before the birth of Christ, was chosen by Peter I proceeding from the fact that he already had circulation in Russia in the Orthodox tradition (in parallel with the chronology from the creation of the world).

And, finally, it is worth mentioning that Khinevich says that there was no word “year” in Russian, there was only the word “summer”, and the word “year” was introduced by Peter I , who "communicated with the Dutch and other foreigners" and took the word from them " god"!

"Year: born. n. year, dial. year, year, year "enough", other Russian. year "time, period", Ukrainian. godi "enough, it's over", st.-glory. yearὥ ρα, καιρ ό ς, χρ ό νος, Bulgarian. year in the addition of some-year “whoever”, Serbohorv. Gȏ d, genus. p. g ȍ yes "holiday", Slovenian. gȏ d "time, ripeness, holiday, anniversary", Czech. hod "time, holiday", Pol. gody pl. "festivity", v.-lugs. hody pl. "Christmas", n.-pud. gody - the same. Here is the weather, benefit, please, fit, fit. From glory. loans. ltsh. gads "year"; see M. - E. 1, 581.

“... laker ѣ a hundred on the mountains ѣ gorodok and ask rkushche chii se gorodokѡ the same rkosha 6 was a day̑ take three ӕ Kii Shchek Horiv etc.ѣ lasha this year and izgybosha ... "

“... our lesson giving҂ in ҃ hryvnia ѿ year to year ... "

“... in the same ѡ bıchny ӕ p ѣ sni Bu ҃ to give out in the years ѡ bychny ӕ and other tsr ҃ kvi becoming ѧ she in the city ...”

to him…"

And here is a quote from “The Tale of the Life of Mikhail Klopsky” (a monument of Novgorod literature of the late 70s of the XV century): “And at that time Vladyka Ivan could not for 3 years ...”

And here is a quote from the famous “ Afanasy Nikitin’s Journey beyond the Three Seas” (according to the editions of the Sophia Second and Lvov Chronicles, dating back to the code of 1518, which, in turn, reflected the earlier chronicle code of the 80s of the XV century.) : “In the same year, I acquired the writing of Ofonas Tveritin, a merchant who was in Yndѣ e 4 years old, but he went, he says, with Vasily Papin. As for the experiments, if Vasily went with the krechats as an ambassador from the Grand Duke, and they said that a year before the Kazan campaign he came from the Horde, if Prince Yuria was near Kazan, then he was shot near Kazan.

And now, let's see what the word "summer" meant in ancient times: "SUMMER - Old Russian, Old Slavonic. The word was formed from the Indo-European stem leto, meaning "time of sunshine and warmth." Researchers believe that the Old Irish word laithe (day) is related to owls. In modern Russian, the word has the following meaning: "the warmest time of the year between spring and autumn." (Etymological dictionary of the Russian language Semenov).

Then, we compare the word "year" and "summer:

“Year (Old Glory - wait, time, period) is the highest unit of time, determined by the duration of the Earth's movement around the Sun until it returns to the same point. The year is life cycle, once correlated with periods of dying and rebirth of nature. Initially, among Russian people, the year denoted an abstract concept of time and its expectation. Then it began to be divided into two parts - winter and summer time and only from the 15th century. all four seasons were introduced. (Fundamentals of spiritual culture (encyclopedic dictionary of a teacher), article " Year")

“Summer (old Slav. - year) is the season starting from the day of the summer solstice on June 22 and ending on the day of the autumn equinox on September 22. This is according to astronomical chronology in the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth. (Fundamentals of spiritual culture (encyclopedic dictionary of a teacher), article "Summer")

Thus, it can be seen that "summer" means calendar periodicity, while "year" means a period of time. So, in the same "Journey beyond the three seas of Afanasy Nikitin" we read under the indication "In lѣ then 6983 "-" In the same year, I received the writing of Ofonas Tveritin the merchant ... ". In our time, the concept of "summer" has already gone out of use (in the first half XX centuries, it was still used, although more in an emigrant environment, recall the novel “The Summer of the Lord” (1927-1948) by the Russian writer I.S. Shmelev) and only the word “year” remained in wide use, as well as the word “chronicle” nowhere you will not meet in use, but "yearbooks" are widely used.

Returning to Peter I it must be remembered that he knew German from a young age, being a regular German settlement: "Peter I from a young age knew German and then studied Dutch, English and French" (Great Soviet Encyclopedia). In German, God will be written "Gott" and sound like "Gott", and in Dutch "Go d "Pronounced like" Move": so there are no associations with the" year ", considering (and this is the main thing) that the Dutch did not call the word" God "year, contrary to Hinevich's statement, since the word for "year" is in the Dutch language: "jaar". That is, we see that Khinevich is engaged in the favorite thing of many neo-pagans - linguophryism, only neo-pagans, as a rule, explain Western words based on the Russian language, but here the opposite is the case. Well, Khinevich’s very idea that the word “year-God” was applied to Christ (since, according to Khinevich’s version, Peter I tied the New Year to the feast of the Circumcision of the Lord), is very absurd, since the question arises: “And the old God, who is this, if Christ is new?” Peter I was a follower of Krishna or Ahura Mazda? Or Peter I was a pagan and believed in Perun? Well, this is unlikely, given that Khinevich shouts throughout Ivanovo that “Peter I stole 5,000 years of our history” – Perunover wouldn’t do that, right?

So, let's sum it up:

1. 5000 years before Christ there could be no war between China / Chinese and Russia / Slavs, since such states and peoples did not exist, there is also no archaeological, folklore and literary information about possible conflicts between the Slavs and the Chinese;

2. The chronology “from the creation of the world” came to Russia from Byzantium, which was in no way connected with the history of Russia and China, and which clearly indicated that the world was created by God;

3. References to the creation of the world by God are found in written sources only after the baptism of Russia and can be read already in the writings of Kirik Novgorodets in XII century, while the mention of "the creation of the world in the Star Temple" is found only in Khinevich (and in Levashov, who later picked up his lie, however, who denied acquaintance with Khinevich's "works" (at the same time, he actively used his "Slavic-Aryan Vedas") in the XXI century;

4. In Russia, it was clearly understood that the reckoning “from the creation” of the world “implies the creation of the world by God, since in the Middle Ages people expected the end of the world and the second coming of Christ, when 7000 years would have passed from the creation of the world by God, and in modern times and before the 1917 revolution, dating from the creation of the world they wrote exclusively as from the creation of "m i ra”, since the word “mir” meant the world around, the universe, and not the absence of war;

5. Peter I did not destroy anything, since Russian history did not exist 5000 years before the birth of Christ, while he allowed the use of the old, Byzantine chronology (which was used by the Old Believers), but introduced the chronology from the birth of Christ in the official documentation, according to the European model;

6. From January 1, 1700, Peter I introduced into use the Julian calendar, compiled in 45 BC by Julius Caesar, and used after the Baptism of Russia by the Russian Orthodox Church, thereby not inventing anything new and not doing anything from himself personally.

7. Peter I did not invent the word "year", taking from the Dutch language the word " God ”, since the concept of “year” already existed in Russian, and in Dutch “God” did not mean “year”, but “year” was denoted by a different word, and the Dutch, Germans and English believed in Christ, like Peter I so that Christ could not possibly be the "new God."

Conclusion: if someone else tells you that Peter I stole 5000 years of our history, or that the Chinese and Russians concluded a peace treaty in the Star Temple, you already know where to send these dense ignoramuses ... That's right: to Omsk, to Khinevich.

(c) "Sergei Terentiev, art critic"
[reprinted with permission of the author]

Fire Phoenix New Year

On September 22, 2017, on the day of the Autumn Equinox, all enlightened Russ - Russians - Slavic-Aryans - will celebrate the New Year of the Fiery Phoenix! During this period, Summer 7526 comes from the Creation of the World in the Star Temple (S.M.Z.Kh)!
At present, the World is still under the influence of the "Biblical civilization" and most people use the dates from the Nativity of Christ and the Gregorian church calendar. The Julian calendar, which differs from the Gregorian by about 13 days, is also preserved in memory, called the "old style". It so happened in Russia that since the time of Peter I, every year in January they remember him when the "Old New Year" is celebrated.

Also, the media obsessively reminds of the change of years according to the Chinese, Japanese and other calendars. For example, the Chinese this moment the year is 4713, the Jews have already celebrated their year 5778.

Of course, this broadens the general outlook, but in order for it to become more real, objective, and reflect the true worldview, we need to touch precisely our native Old Russian tradition of chronology.

All holidays of the Rus are astronomical and are associated with their native Vedic faith. Therefore, they are firmly tied to the Cosmos and Star time, and do not depend on any human innovations - neither on the "old" nor on the "new" style of chronology.

The origins of the culture of our Ancestors lie many millennia before the beginning of the "new era", and echoes persist to this day...
In them we find the most ancient layer - objects and phenomena of the immediate environment, which were woven into human life.
These are the forces of Cosmos and Nature, and our Great Ancestors associated with them: Svarog, Lada, Perun, Veles, Makosh, - Our entire Family. But also animal and vegetable world, trees, groves, forests, rivers, lakes, stones, scrolls, etc.

Our Ancestors had many totem animals into which the Russian Gods could turn, that is, they were hypostases of these gods: Bear (Veles), Wolf (Semargl), Horse (Kitovras), Eagle (Perun), Finist Clear Falcon (image of the Rus) , Phoenix (Eternal Life - The Cycle of Svarog), etc.
The ancient Faith of the Rus is characterized as - Russian philosophical and Vedic teaching - wisdom that everything that exists is God, identifying the Universe, Nature and the absolute beginning of being. And man is a microcosm. God is not outside, but inside - in the abyss of the human soul. The object of worship was Nature, perceived as a single organic whole, full of various manifestations of life and in constant motion.

Slavism is the oldest world Faith on our planet. The main core of the Slavs is the Old Russian Vedic Culture. The Slavs are Aryans - Russ - Russians who adhere to the Old Russian Vedic Faith, who glorify Rule - the laws of Space and Nature - the universal law of Svarog that governs the world. To glorify Rule is to glorify God. Praise Rule - this is Orthodoxy. As you can see, the Faith of our Ancestors was already called that at that distant time. Slavism - gave the basis to all the world's religions that exist today.

The Rus are a wonderful people with great Ancestors and a rich culture! And our people each month have their own holidays associated with Nature, Cosmos, our Russian Gods - our Family.
The Old Russian calendar - Kolyada Dar - Krugolet Chislobog came to us from our Ancestors from Slavic-Aryan astrology, according to which our Midgard-Earth not only moves around the Yarilo-Sun, but also rotates around its axis, and the axis, in turn, slowly moves in a circular cone. This movement is called precession. And as a result of this, the complete turnover visually observed from the Earth starry sky occurs in 25920 years - this is the known period of revolution solar system Yarilo-Sun around the center of the galaxy. Our ancestors called this celestial cycle the Svarog Circle (Days of Svarog).

The cycle of rotation of Midgard-Earth around the Yarilo-Sun was called Summer. From the word summer in our language, the concepts of chronicle, chronicler, chronology, etc., have been preserved.

Similarly, the longest period of time for our ancestors "Svarogy Circle" was also great: 25920 years. Such a huge figure still remains unnoticed by contemporaries who are accustomed to living on the scale of one human life, and not by the time scales of the Cosmic existence of mankind and ice ages.

Throughout the Svarog Circle for an earthly observer, our Yarilo-Sun moves across the firmament from constellation to constellation (otherwise - the chamber) in the opposite direction from the usual annual cycle. The position of the Yarilo-Sun in the sky is determined during the solstices. In what chamber is the Yarilo-Sun on September 22 (Aryan, Russian style) or March 22 (Latin, Western style) in that era we live.

Since, unlike Western and Chinese astrology, the Slavic-Aryans in the firmament distinguished not 12, but 16 zodiac constellations, then, accordingly, the zodiac era, in their opinion, lasted 1620 years. That is, the point of the autumn solstice of the Yarilo-Sun every 1620 years passes into a new chamber (constellation).

Almost all the holidays of the Rus coincide with the life cycle of the Earth and the Cosmos, and therefore not only spiritual, but also something else is important - familiarization with Nature, bringing into your life the feeling that the Universe is alive.

For tens of millennia, calendar dates served our Ancestors, helping them to cultivate the land, harvest, hunt and fish in time. Summer, divided into sixteen (modern - into twelve) parts, was depicted on ritual thickets and a special sign corresponded to each month. Summer (annual wheel) - Kolo Svarog - carried a special meaning, which consisted in the eternal rebirth and renewal of all living things. But the calendar is important not only for weekdays, it is always decorated with happy holidays.

Ramhat is coming - the month of the Divine Beginning. This month is associated with the beginning of the Russian calendar New Summer - the New Year in the New Slavic Space Age of the Wolf under the auspices of God Veles.

1 Ramhat - September 22 - Day of the autumn equinox, Day of the Family. Svarog Day, Harvest Festival - Russian New Year!

Astronomically, autumn begins on Ramhat 1 or September 22. These are the autumn months in which the Sun passes through the signs of Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius. Cold dew, the bee ceases to carry a bribe. Then the meeting of autumn, they see off the sunset in the field, with songs. And the last flight of swallows, roasting (completion of the harvest).

In the old days, this month was also called "ruyin" - from the roar of autumn winds and animals, especially deer. The old Russian form of the verb “ryuti” (roar) is known, which, when applied to the autumn wind, meant “roar, blow, call”. He received the name "frown" due to his weather differences from others - the sky often frowns, it rains, autumn comes in nature. Another name for this month, "spring", is due to the fact that heather begins to bloom at this time.

But the most ancient name of the month was "Ramhat" - the month of the Divine Beginning, the month of fortieth - 41 days. The first day of the month Ramhat corresponds to September 21-22, that is, the Slavic-Aryan day included the evening and part of the night of September 21, plus the rest of the night, morning and day of September 22.

During this period, Makoshino Poletye is celebrated - “old Indian summer”, a series of holy days until Ramhat 38 (October 28), dedicated to the Goddess Mokosh the Ancestor, the last warm days of the outgoing summer. Goddess Makosh - Goddess of the Universal Destiny, Goddess of the Law of Karma.

Makosh complements Veles, which personifies female wisdom, takes care of female fertility and productivity, thrift and prosperity in the house, and also patronizes female needlework on Earth. Goddess Makosh - Main Goddess of Russia! Thanks to this Goddess, in Russia there is the concept of “unknown fate”, since all the threads of the Fates are in the hands of Mokosh (whose Will is known only to the Family). Patronizing entirely family happiness and prosperity - Makosh is a rather strict and demanding Goddess.

Field work is ending, Makoshino Poletye is passing, the last warm days of the outgoing Summer are coming and Great holidays are coming: Rod, Svarog, Lada, Rozhanitsy, Mother Earth, Harvest!
This is the time to sum up the results, and the onset of the New Summer - making decisions on concluding a marriage union - after all, this is the astronomical Day of the autumn equinox - Ramhat 1 (September 21-22)!
On this day, they bring the requirements of the Almighty Family and the Heavenly Family - Ancestors-Ancestors, and also glorify the Earthly Family - all relatives by the Rule of the living:
"Glory to God Rod forever, praise to us for deeds."

1 Ramhat (from September 21 to 22) - Svarog Day - the most important day - the Day of the autumn equinox - the Feast of the Heavenly Smith. The rites of closing Svarga (interruption of the living connection between Heaven and Earth) have already passed. The influence of the Light Gods is falling. The earth remains in the care of Veles ...

So that people can experience hard times, Svarog gave them an ax, the art of craft. Therefore, blacksmiths, carpenters and all craftsmen are especially honored. The autumnal equinox, or harvest time, has traditionally been associated with the harvesting of wild or green fruits, gifts from Mother Earth. This equinox is the second of two days of the year when day equals night in Svarog Kolya, the end of the harvest of vegetables, fruits and leftover grains.
The day of the autumnal equinox reminds of the arrival of winter, during this period magic rituals are performed to ensure that there is enough food in winter: the rite consists in the fact that the best gifts of summer were first shown at the festival, and then eaten ...