
  • to introduce students to the soft consonant sound [y`], the letter Y, y;
  • develop phonemic hearing, speech, attention, logical thinking, observation, memory;
  • educate mutual assistance, mutual support.
  • learn to distinguish, differentiate and characterize the sound [th`] in words;
  • promote correct, conscious, expressive reading and storytelling;
  • work on interdisciplinary connections.

Teacher equipment:

  • Demonstration poster "Letter Y, Y".
  • Picture dictionary, illustrations: Aibolit, Dunno, a sparrow, a jay, a scarab beetle, an ant, a Maybug, a T-shirt, a teapot, a tram, a trolleybus, a hare.
  • Demo sound circuits.
  • Audio cassette "Entertaining ABCs" by V. Volin fairy tale "Two tails".
  • Envelope with a letter from the library.
  • Photo "Order of Glory".

Equipment for students:

  • Textbook "Russian alphabet" V. G. Goretsky, V. A. Kiryushkin 1 class 2 part
  • Textbook "Russian alphabet plus" V. G. Goretsky, V.A. Kiryushkin 1st class.
  • Sound schemes.
  • Envelopes with the letters of the names of the heroes of fairy tales by K.I. Chukovsky

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

Look at our guests. Let's welcome them.

II. Checking homework.

  • In "Russian alphabet plus" reading by roles of the dialogue "Yolkino dress".
  • Theatricalization of the dialogue "Joke" from the "Russian alphabet".
  • Work on the intonation of students' speech.

III. Updating of basic knowledge.

  • What year is it now?
  • What season?
  • What day of the week?
  • What is today's date?

2). January 19 - a big holiday - Epiphany. And now there are real Epiphany frosts. This name has come to us for a long time. Both 100 and 200 years ago there were severe frosts at Epiphany, just like today. Therefore, people called them Epiphany frosts.

3). Look out the window.

IV. Selecting a new sound

one). Tell me what day is it today?

Winter, frosty, cold, cloudy.

What sound do you make at the end of all words? [y`].

2). Imagine that you cut your finger.

How do you scream? - Ai! Ouch!

What sound do you make at the end of these words? [y`].

3). And what should you anoint the wound with? - Iodine.

What sound do you make at the beginning of the word yod? [y`].

four). We have already met the sound [y`] at the beginning of a word or after vowels. It was denoted by the letters e, e, i.

Tell us what you know about the sound [y`].

This is a consonant sound, always soft, it sounds loud.

V. Presentation of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

Today in the lesson we will learn to recognize the sound [y`] outside the merger at the end of syllables, in the middle and at the end of words, learn to read and print the letter y and words with this letter.

The theme of the lesson is "Sound [y`], letter Y, y".

VI. phonetic training.

one). In a picture dictionary, determine the position of a sound in a word?

On the board illustrations: Aibolit, Dunno, a sparrow, a jay, a scarab beetle, an ant, a Maybug, a T-shirt, a tram, a trolleybus,

Conclusion: most often the sound [y`], denoting the letter y, occurs in the middle and at the end of the word. Rarely occurs at the beginning of a word. You need to remember three such words: yogurt, iodine, yogi.

2). Game "Recognize the sound".

If there is a sound [y`] in the word, clap your hands, if there is no hand, put it in front of you.

Words: fox, teapot, player, face, scissors, nightingale, bus, cunning, noki, car, snake, name, tea, get it.

3). Game "Replace the sound in the middle of a syllable."

  • cup - seagull
  • fishing line - watering can
  • paw - like
  • jackdaw - nut
  • river - river

VII. Acquaintance with the letter Y, y.

Look at how the letter Y is spelled.

  • What does the letter Y look like?
  • What is the difference?

2). Poem.

The letter Y is called "And short".
Y as And in your notebook.
Not to be confused with I
Write a tick at the top.

Learning the quatrain.

3). On the ribbon of letters, the letter y is shown in green. For what? To remember that the sound [y`] is a consonant, always soft.

VIII. Letter work.

one). Print letter Y on the board. This is how the letter is written.

2). If the letters line up

Everyone will talk right away.

Game "Complete the word".

Words on the board:

your own

Children complete the words with the letter y.

3). Lost letter game. The words are written on the board. Children insert the letter y.

  • sha_ba
  • kind_
  • _cucumber
  • study_those

four). This morning a letter came to the class from our librarian. She writes that someone mixed up the letters in the names of the fairy-tale heroes of K.I. Chukovsky and asks you to help her.

Work in pairs. The game "Collect the scattered names."

  • Aibolit
  • Barmaley
  • Moidodyr

IX. Fizkultminutka.

The cat plays the button accordion
Our bunny on the drum
Well, the donkey on the pipe
You are in a hurry to play.
If you help
We will play together.

X. Listening to an audio recording from the fairy tale "Two Tails".

Listen to a story about a boy - an artist. And think about how we can help the poor animal that the boy painted?

The word stutter is written on the back of the board. Children correct the letter I to Y. They explain which tail the boy forgot to write.

XI. Work with sound schemes.

Syllabic-sound analysis of the word bunny. If there is a [y`] sound in the middle of the word, then the syllable always ends with this sound. Drawing up a diagram on the board and on the desks.

An illustration of a bunny is posted.

XII. Work with the textbook. The development of speech.

one). Open the textbook "Russian alphabet" on p. 36 - 37.

Please note that the letter Y can be both uppercase and lowercase.

2). Reading proverbs, explaining the meaning.

3). Illustration work. Warriors of the Russian army of different times.

Our country is very large and therefore foreigners have repeatedly tried to win back part of the land. But the Russian army has always been strong and did not allow enemies to seize Russian land.

What is the name of the clothing of the ancient warriors? - Mail.

And what protected the head? - Helmet.

At the top of the page are the soldiers of Tsar Peter's army. They have a different shape.

  • What are they wearing?
  • What weapons do they have?

And on p. 37 depicts the soldiers of the last war.

  • What is their shape?
  • What weapon?

four). Reading a text about grandfather. With. 37

  • Who was the grandfather in the war?
  • What does grandpa have?
  • What does mom say about grandpa?
  • How do you understand this phrase?

Demonstration of a photograph of the "Order of Glory".

XIII. Summary of the lesson.

  • What can you tell about the sound [y`]?
  • What is the name of the letter?
  • What letter should not be confused with y?
Release 30

The Russian language video lesson for preschoolers began with an interesting task. Since many letters have already been learned at Shishkin's school, Vasilisa suggested that the students find out if there are letters that never appear at the beginning of words. Zubok decided that there were no such letters, but Freckle hesitated and offered to check, starting with the very first letter of the alphabet.

The animals diligently sorted out letter by letter and it turned out that there were no words for the letters "Y", "b", "b". Mouse Shun was upset: “Probably, these letters are very insulting - after all, words do not begin with them.” Vasilisa was surprised: “Is it possible to be useful only when you are ahead of everyone?” And Shunya agreed: "Of course, you can be useful everywhere, and not just at the beginning of a word." Vasilisa offered to study the letter “Y”, which begins only three words, but this did not make it any less important for the Russian language. At first, the students mistook it for the letter “I”, but then, carefully studying the letter, they realized that an important difference is the “tick” located on top of the letter “Y”. And this letter is called "And short." And the sound "Y" is hidden in this letter. And since the sound “Y” cannot be sung, then we have a consonant in front of us. Zubok was even surprised: “That's right! The letter "I" is a vowel, and its sister "I short" is a consonant. There are only three words starting with “Y”: YOD, YOG, YOGHURT.

At the beginning of a word, this letter is rare, but in the middle of a word it feels great. And invites students to play a game with her. Forest friends quickly completed the task and picked up the necessary syllables. The words turned out: T-shirt, nut, watering can and husky. At the end of the lesson, they repeated the letters with which the words do not begin: "b", "b", "y", "y".\

It remains only to collect the studied letter "And short".

"And short" - short,
It is so timid.
Do not be afraid, remember the main thing -
Everyone in the alphabet is equal!

Correction-developing tasks.

To teach the child to listen carefully to the speech of an adult, to correctly understand the logical and grammatical constructions.

Teach your child to pronounce the sound [Y] correctly.

Improve the skills of analytical and synthetic activities, develop the child's sound-syllabic representations.

Learn to analyze sentences, find prepositions and words with a certain sound in a sentence.

Learn to transform words.

Learn to write short sentences under dictation in compliance with elementary rules spelling.

Exercise 1. Didactic exercise "What is the right way?". An adult reads a sentence to a child. The child listens carefully, determines whether the sentence is correctly or incorrectly pronounced. If a mistake is made, the child corrects it.

The cart is carrying a horse. The cat caught the mouse. The horse is pulling the cart. The mouse caught the cat. The lantern is illuminated by the street. The street is illuminated by a lantern.

Task 2. Acquaintance with the sound [Y]. An adult invites the child to listen to a series of words and name the last sound in the words:

sparrow, stream, burdock.

An adult shows in front of a mirror and explains to the child the articulation of the sound [Y]:

  • lips slightly in a smile;
  • teeth are close;
  • the tip of the tongue behind the lower teeth, the back of the tongue is raised to the hard palate, forming a gap through which the air stream passes;
  • neck "works".

Characteristic sound: consonant sound (the tongue creates a barrier to air), sonorous, solid. Designation: blue circle with a bell.

Task 3. phonetic exercise.

How do they scream in fear? - Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!

Task 4. Consider a number of drawn objects, name them, select only those in the name of which there is a sound [Y], determine the place of the sound [Y] in words:

T-shirt, fly, books, house, tea, shed, seagull, burdock.

Task 5. Finish the word with a syllable. What is the same last sound in the first syllable of all words?

CA: mai..., guy..., tea..., bark..., zai...

Task 6. Guess riddles, determine the place of the sound [Y] in all riddle words, divide them into syllables, come up with a sentence with each word.

From the hot well

Water flows through the nose. (Kettle)

Grew up in the field, angry and prickly,

Needles in all directions. (burr)

Task 7. Recall the types of transport in the names of which there is a sound [Y] (tram, trolleybus). Divide words into syllables, determine the place of the sound [Y] in these words.

Task 8. An adult calls 3-5 words with the sound [Y], and the child must listen carefully and repeat all the words in the same sequence.

Task 9. Name the extra word in the series (according to the presence of the sound [Y] in the words):

T-shirt, seagull, nut, sofa; stupid, young, big, city.

Task 10. Pick up as many words as possible that answer the question “what?”. What is the same last sound in all these words?

Cheerful, brave, good...

Task 11. Remember as many words with the sound [Y] as possible.

Name words with the sound [Y], consisting

from one syllable (May,..),

from two syllables (bunny, ...),

of three syllables (trolleybus, ...),

of four syllables (balalaika, ...).

Task 12. Replace the third sound in words with the sound [Y]. What words did you get? Make sentences with each pair of words:

Cup - seagull, paw - ..., fishing line - ..., river - ..., hat - ..., midge - ...

Task 13. Answer the question: what words will you get if you remove the sound [Y] from them?

T-shirts - poppies, reiki - ..., likes - ..., jays - ...

Task 14. Learn vocabulary:

Ah-ah-ah - May is coming soon.

Uy-yy-yy - wind, blow.

Oh-oh-oh - take me with you.

Hey hey hey - drink some water.

Task 15. Learn a poem and then recite it by clapping your hands for each syllable.

What sound is often heard in the poem?


Yod is good, Yod is not evil.

In vain you scream: "Oh-oh-oh!" -

Slightly seeing the glass.

Iodine, sometimes, of course, burns,

But heal faster

Iodine smeared wound.

V. Lunin

Task 16. Make up sentences from words. (Analysis of sentences, finding a preposition and a word with the sound [Y], determining their place in a sentence, recording a sentence scheme.)

Bunny, sit, bush, under; Seagull, sea, fly, over; Tram, ride, city, by.

Task 17. Introduction to the letter Y.

Here's a short one, take a look.

Three needles, thread on top.

V. Kovshikov

What else does the letter Y look like?

Letter games. Differentiation of letters I - Y.

Task 18. Independent sound-syllabic analysis of words, writing in block letters, reading words:

may, tea, kettle.

Converting words using split alphabet letters:

bunny - T-shirt - nut - gang - seagull.

Writing sentences under dictation, reading:

Who is here? Zina is here. Zina has a bunny. Dima is here. Dima has a T-shirt. Seema is here. Sima has a seagull.

1. Lesson about the letter I

2. Riddles with a generalizing word on AND

Girlfriend holding on to my ear
The century runs with me as a single stitch. ( needle and thread)

You can always find it in the forest.
Go for a walk and meet.
It is prickly like a hedgehog,
In winter in a summer dress. ( Spruce)

Angry touchy
Lives in the wilderness of the forest.
Too many needles
And not a single thread. ( Hedgehog)

These are different things, but what unites them together? - Needles!
How many syllables does this word have? - Out of three!
Why? - Since there are 3 vowel sounds.
What syllable is stressed? - Second.

3. Game "TV Broken" (idea from here)
The adult says the sound And and lays out a card with a picture - the child needs to finish the word.
(and) pear, (and) head, (and) zbushka, (and) rice, (and) zum, (and) Indian

4. Drawing up visual sound combinations from cards:

5. Development of phonemic perception

a) clap (or raise a card with the letter I) on the sound [and] from the sound range:


b) repeat only the words with the sound “and”:

Willow, quince, duck, turkey, game, smile, bus, name, angle, July, needle...

6. Exercise with lids - we move the lid beads for each line:

And my grandfather has.

Grandma has one too.

And my mom has it.

And dad has one.

And we have.

To know him

You have to say it out loud.


Name the names of boys and girls, and if the child hears the sound [and] in the name, then he needs to clap his hands:

Anya, Ulya, And van, And lya, Anton, And nna ...

Olya, Semyon, And grief, Sasha, Vera, Masha, And nga, Alyosha, Pavel, And ra, Nastya, Vasya, Kolya, Anna, And rma, Klava

7. The game "One-many" (an adult throws the ball to the child, naming the word in the singular, the child needs to throw it back, naming the word in the plural)
sock - socks
needle -
box -
Door -
Cup -
turkey -
a toy -
glove -
thread -
snowflake -
boy -
fork -
a drop -
girl -
umbrella -
boot -

8. Form adjectives-antonyms
high Low
wide narrow
big small
bad - good
cold - hot

9. Game "What is superfluous?" ("The Fourth Extra")
Several pictures or objects are laid out and it is necessary to determine in which picture there is no sound AND (or just by ear).

1= bear, fox, wolf, tiger
2= ​​glasses, wasps, willow, turkey

10 Wonder Tree
You need to choose pictures (inscriptions) in the name of which there is a sound And and "hang" on a tree like leaves. I made such a tree (print on A4) and sheets of paper (A5) for it - I give empty sheets, so that you yourself can enter the necessary words there:

11. Find the hidden letter I

12. Tale about the brothers Ik and Ish ()
There were two brothers. One was called Ie, and the other - Ishch. Ik was small, and Ish was huge (showing "portraits"). Ik had a house, and Ish had a house. And now I want you to help me tell about Ika.

(The game exercise "Finish the sentence" is being conducted).

Ick doesn't have a mouth, but...
Ick doesn't have a nose, but...
Ik doesn't have an eye, but...etc.

And what about Ish? If it's that big, it means it's all very big.

Ishch doesn't have a mouth, but...
Ishch does not have a nose, but ...
Seeking doesn't have an eye, but... and so on.

Many years have passed, but people have not forgotten about the brothers. If they want to name a small object, they think of their brother Ike. If it is necessary to name objects of huge size, then they remember brother Ishche.

In the names Ik, Ish there is overall sound. Name it please.

13. Find all the letters I and circle them (

And again for you rubric learn letters. As you guessed correctly, today we have a consonant letter "Y". Why consonant? And make a sound. So how easy is the sound? Of course, it meets obstacles, the tongue and teeth interfere.

At the beginning of a word you will meet this sound not so often, but in the middle and at the end of the word as much as you like. So start with, come up with words with the sound "Y". Lay out or sculpt a letter.

I'm just offering to help you practical material: art word , games, tongue twisters, riddles.

Letter "Y"

Merry Poems

Iodine is good, iodine is not evil.

In vain you scream: "Oh-oh-oh!" -

Slightly seeing a bottle with iodine.

Iodine sometimes, of course, burns,

But heal faster

Iodine smeared wound.

V. Lunin

A bird flies over the gate,

But he does not sit on the gate.

E. Tarlapan

I have a needle and thread

I learn to sew from my mother.

If I prick my finger

I will fill the wound with iodine.

Oh-oh and ay-ay

- Oh oh oh! – said Oh-oh. -

I, my friend, am quite big!

- You go, take a walk,

All will pass! - said Ay-ay.

G. Vieru

Because the comma

Sitting on her shoulders.

V. Kozhevnikov

Yogi Ivan would help

May a yogi live beyond the sea.


Distressed magpie

Returns from class.

The whole lesson chatted with the jay

And returned home with a deuce.

Proverbs and sayings

1. Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.

2. Make new friends, but don't lose old ones.

3. Don't be afraid of the cold. Wash up to your waist.


The game "Who is more."

Think of words with the sound [y] at the beginning (iodine, yogi, iota), In the middle (T-shirt, watering can, snake), at the end of a word (May, tea, edge).

The game "Transformation of words."

Change the words so that they indicate a request, an order, a call to action: worth ( stop), washes ( my), builds ( system), sings
(sing), decides ( decide), plays ( play), repeats ( repeat), floats ( swim), thinks ( think).

The game "Where is the sound."

The teacher invites the children to determine the position of the letter "y" in the words: strong, jockey, puck, iodine, ruler.

The game "Recognize the sound."

Clap your hands once if you hear the sound [th] in the words: fox, husky, player, face, washbasin, nightingale, bus, trolleybus, scissors, car, snake, name, tea.

Game "Tell me a word".

Game Curious.

- What is your name? (Andrew.)

- What do you like for breakfast? (Egg.)

- What type of transport do you prefer? (Tram, trolleybus.)

Where do you like to go on your day off? (To the museum.)

What do you use to collect water to water the flowers? (Into the watering can.)

- What fruit do you like? (Ivo.)

– What drink do you like? (Tea.)

The game "The letter is lost."

Insert the missing letters in the words:

sha - ba, hero -, tram -, study - those.

The game "Transformation of words."

1. Insert missing letters into words:

Answer: T-shirt, nut, bunny, husky, gang;

watering can, rail.

2. Change each word so that it contains the letter "y".

Builder ( construction), cast ( watering can), hare ( bunny), reader ( read), winter ( winter).

Game "Entertaining models".

Make up words according to the following patterns.

1. - - th (May, bark, tea, howl, fight.)

– – th – – (T-shirt, T-shirt, seagull, jay, nut.)

2. - - ai (Edge.)

- - - ah (Shed, deprive.)

– – – – ah (Custom, occasion.)

- - - her (Museum, lyceum, jockey, wheatgrass.)


Well, my dears, yours practical advice replenished with one more letter, this letter "Y".