As of 2015, there were 7469 languages ​​in the world. But which one is the most common among them?
According to the well-known Ethnologue guide, which is developed and published in print and electronic form by the International non-profit organization SIL International, the list of the most widely spoken languages ​​in the world (by number of speakers) is as follows.

There is nothing in their books compared to Herodotus, Titus Livi, Strabo, Polybius, Joseph, Procopius and others. Well, of course you're not like you're talking. In the Moroccan dialect, for example, it is called rajli, in Egyptian goose and in Lebanese Jawz.

The wife is also called ahli, ball haya, mar ah, persimmon. In fact, what do you want to sell in this book? How were your whites or ancestors the belly of the universe, and from them they drew all of today's humanity, including the languages ​​of the earth? Run and sleep with your white race. See what they write to me. After you give signals of racism, you are ignorant and scientific.

10. Malay
Malay (incl. Indonesian) is a language that includes several related languages ​​spoken on the island of Sumatra, the Malay Peninsula, in the coastal regions of Borneo, Indonesia and Thailand. It is spoken by 210 million people. Official language Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia, one of the four official languages ​​of Singapore, working language in the Philippines and East Timor.

You are not racist, so you are not embarrassed to understand but do not understand where your inner boiling water comes from, are you a minority or are you from a mixed family? Imagine something about you to understand why you don't like crusaders or why you like this or that.

Everyone can make a mistake when we write a message or we have a conversation. Some mistakes are only frustrating for scientists, but others can even make us laugh. The most common speech errors are so common that some of them wonder if they themselves are correct.

9. Bengal
Official language People's Republic Bangladesh and Indian states - West Bengal, Assam and Tripura. It is spoken in parts of the Indian states of Jharkhand, Mizoram and Arunachal Pradesh, as well as in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. The second most spoken language in India. The total number of speakers in the world is 210 million people.

That is why today we will talk about the incorrect use of the phrase "how" instead of the traditional "how". Those who use this expression most often are those who want to avoid cacophony at all costs without realizing that they are actually trembling for nothing. Cacophony is not forbidden in Romanian, it is not grammatically incorrect, but at worst it is disturbing in speech because it has no musicality. Instead, the use of "like" is described by most as a violent and deliberate attack against the correct expression, and this fallacy is troubling.

8. French
The official language of France and 28 other countries (Belgium, Burundi, Guinea, Switzerland, Luxembourg, the Republic of the Congo, Vanuatu, Senegal, etc.), which is spoken by about 220 million people. The official and administrative language of many communities and international organizations such as the European Union (one of the six official languages), the International Olympic Committee, the United Nations and others.

Of course, if you want to avoid the cacophony, you can use instead of "similar" options as usual in Romanian, like "like" or "post", depending on the context. However, why do Romanians insist on using this erroneous expression? Many people believe that a simple "how" is not enough and betrays some poverty of vocabulary and means of expression. Instead, according to the same logic of the same people, "also" means to see God, sophistication, elegance and concern for good speech. In fact, of course, it's all over. “How” is correct, and “how” is lexical numbness and nothing more.

7. Portuguese
A language spoken by more than 250 million people living in Portugal and the former Portuguese colonies of Brazil, Mozambique, Angola, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Sao Tome, Principe, East Timor and Macau. In all these countries, it is the official language. Also common in the United States, France, South Africa, Bermuda, the Netherlands, Barbados and Ireland. One of the official languages ​​of the European Union and other international organizations.

This contraction is repeated several times a minute and goes away on its own most of the time. In some cases, however, medical intervention is required. The main purpose of the video lessons is to provide students with a concise and attractive form to strengthen their written language skills in order to gain more confidence in their own efforts by doing a written analysis of the Lithuanian language and literature.

Reflecting on the content of the “Friend with Lithuanian” video lessons, we first chose topics that would allow students to repeat the main practical applications of the language that are needed today for a literate person. Of course, we also took into account language errors made in the most commonly written exam notes, says Dr.

6. Russian
The official language of Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. One of the six official languages ​​of the United Nations and the most widely spoken language in Europe. In total, 290 million people speak Russian in the world.

5. Hindi
The official language of India and Fiji, which is spoken by 380 million people mainly in the central and northern regions of India. In the Indian states of Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh, Haryana, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Rajasthan and in the capital Delhi, Hindi is the official language government controlled and the main language of instruction in schools. Also common in Nepal, Pakistan, Malaysia, Indonesia, Suriname, the Republic of Mauritius and the Caribbean.

Each video lesson is for one language. Video tutorials briefly recall the most important rules, demonstrate usage trends, and give examples. These lessons deal with one aspect of writing - the correctness of the language, which, according to the research of scientists, presents students with a number of difficulties.

Scholars point out that the student's work problem in the eyes of those most affected by so-called spelling problems is spelling and punctuation errors, weaknesses studied by grammar, especially the rules of words in the phrase of words. Surprisingly, some of the mistakes are due to student distraction and not because they are free from the language and its rules. Of course, the exam is such that it is not easy to focus on excitement. Nevertheless, it is time to take a closer look at the written text and correct the errors found, advises Dr.

4. Arabic
The official language of all Arab countries, as well as Israel, Chad, Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, Comoros and the unrecognized state of Somaliland. It is spoken by 490 million people worldwide. Classical Arabic (the language of the Koran) is the liturgical language of 1.6 billion Muslims and one of the official languages ​​of the United Nations.

The most important tip for graduates is to simply check the exam. The writers didn't actually write. Having received teachers' grades, it is likely that what makes the most mistakes is investigated, which is the most difficult for the student himself. It's just harder to know what to repeat in order to establish writing standards, says Dr.

She also emphasizes that graduates themselves should assess what knowledge they still need to put into practice before considering it, and then look for reliable sources that would quickly and attractively help to do this. For graduate students you want to focus, be careful to plan your time so that after writing your paper, you need to read it again. Read carefully, see if the sentences are cluttered, or all the words are clear, or words are missing, punctuation marks, or not written too much.

3. Spanish
Spanish (or Castilian) is a language that originated in the medieval kingdom of Castile on the territory of modern Spain and spread during the Age of Discovery, primarily in Northern and South America and also in parts of Africa and Asia. The official language of Spain and twenty other countries (Mexico, Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Chile, Cuba, Panama, Peru, etc.).
In total, 517 million people speak Spanish in the world. It is also used as the official and working language of many international organizations, including the European Union, the UN, the Union of South American Nations, etc.

Linking with alumni for success, dr. Milunaite notes that in this competitive world, language is one of the powerful tools for communication, transfer of experience, leadership, creation of new ideas and their dissemination. Who can skillfully use this tool can expect success in any activity.

Spelling lessons are like writing long and short vowels, putting words together and on occasion, and paying attention to spelling great words. In the divorce class, there is a brief repetition of sentence punctuation with several significant instances of divorce.

2. English
The official language of Great Britain, USA, Ireland, Canada, Malta, Australia, New Zealand, some Asian countries. Widely distributed in parts of the Caribbean, Africa and South Asia. In total, English is the official language of almost 60 sovereign states and many global and regional international organizations. The total number of speakers in the world is 840 million people.

In the "Not Applicable Grades" lesson, the words used in the example of other languages ​​are not mentioned in Common Lithuanian, they are told how to distinguish them from the correct grades. The Meanings of Words lesson discusses some of the meanings assessed by students in writing, focuses on the differences in the meanings of some words, and discusses the use of multiple forms.

The morphology lesson examines the use of grammatical forms of some parts of the language, and discusses the most common mistakes in student writing. Lessons Learned Consumption is primarily intended to discuss the tendencies of bilateral drinking habits, to show how to identify bilateral drinking habits and avoid these errors.

1. Mandarin Chinese
Known as Putonghua (or Mandarin), a Chinese dialectal language spoken in northern and southwestern China. Official language of the People's Republic of China, Taiwan and Singapore. It is also distributed in places of residence of the Chinese diaspora: in Malaysia, Mozambique, Mongolia, the Asian part of Russia, Singapore, the USA, Taiwan and Thailand. According to the Ethnologue guide, the language is spoken by more than one billion people.


Lesson Syntax. Various things, some misunderstandings in the use of prepositions, misunderstandings are discussed, problematic cases of combining sentences and sentences are discussed. From ancient times different languages, cultures and cultures have existed and continue to exist in all the peoples of the Earth. And contrary to what we have learned, multilingualism is not a curse, not even an obstacle to communication between us.

In the era of globalization, as international trade, telecommunications, television and access have turned the Earth into a small global village, most of the world's half-hourly spoken languages ​​are endangered face of the earth. Given the negative perspectives that exist for at least half of today's "living" languages ​​on the planet. However, in last years many institutions, universities, international think tanks, non-governmental organizations and local communities themselves have begun to take action to preserve some of the endangered languages.

The population of the planet Earth is more than 7 billion people. Each of these 7 billion is the bearer of one or another language: it does not matter whether it is global or disappearing, having a written language or not. Today there are about 5-6 thousand languages. Approximately 2/3 of the world's population speak the 40 most common languages.

Hundreds of research programs Language writing, many of which exist only in oral form, and therefore will be extinguished with the death of their last speakers, continues, with the participation of linguists, anthropologists and other scientists. The publication of newspapers and books, radio and television programs and lessons for young members of local societies began, sometimes in the flying and sometimes in the already integrated society.

The main reason contributing to the reduction of linguistic diversity is mass migration to big cities-industrial centers either to improve work or to natural Disasters or waging war. For immigrants and refugees, the UN Declaration on emphasizes that "they must adapt, but not necessarily, assimilate into the cultures of the host countries." Another aggravating parameter for tongue shortening is associated with degradation environment pristine local communities and according to UN Biodiversity Program Manager Bai-Mass Taal: “land reclamation, destruction of forests and other natural ecosystems are pushing these populations into large cities, with disastrous consequences for the preservation of their languages.”

On a global scale, the number 40 is scanty, but for one person, no matter how polyglot he is, it is hardly possible to fully master so many languages. Of course, you can learn a few phrases for fun, but it is impossible to speak perfectly in 40 languages. Even if we limit ourselves to ten languages, few people (although there are certainly such people) manage to master such a number. After all, you see, most mortals (with the exception of their native language) manage to learn one more - two (well, three) languages ​​during their life. So which languages ​​to choose so that it would not be a shame for the time and nerves spent?


In Peru's Ampa Hermosa village, Natalia Sangama sat in her wooden hut in the Amazon jungle, keeping her two young grandchildren happy, forgets and starts speaking in her mother tongue, Shamicuro. But nobody can understand it. When we reach 18 months, our active vocabulary includes about 50 words, while at the age of five this number has increased to several thousand.

Therefore, each language is complex unit sounds and symbols which, combined with grammatical and editorial rules, constitute a tool for expressing orally and in writing the needs of each group or society that uses it. With oral speech, we share our thoughts, exchange common experience and knowledge. We are talking! In other words, we move in space and time because with joints we move, but we articulate! As a written language, language, in addition to communication, becomes a resource and means of learning and research for the future.

Obviously common. Here, I will make a reservation, for some exotics this criterion does not count: they want to know a rare, exotic language. For some, this is just an impulse of the soul, and for some - economic considerations (just imagine how much demand a translator with rare language). Some want to learn easy language, which, for example, is very close to the native language. Here success is guaranteed.

The mother tongue is said to be the "primary" language of a person. This is the language we were talking about in the first place. It has a wide range of basic features that make this a must. It is the language in which we identify and are the basic and necessary condition of our common mental development and socialization, as well as being the main instrument of our emotional and intellectual development.

Refusing to speak one's own language is the same as not accepting its existence, its diversity, its cultural heritage and his personality. According to the latest findings of linguistics, all languages, as a means of expression for those who speak them, are considered equal and do not differ in the degree of learning difficulty. This has been confirmed by long-term studies and observations, for example. for children growing up in different native languages.

Some people just like the language and want to master it. In a word, the reasons are purely individual, but still, it does not hurt to know how many people speak the language that you know or are going to learn.

We limit ourselves to only top ten spoken languages. Let me briefly mention the languages ​​that are not on this list: German, Japanese, Korean, Cantonese, Vietnamese, Japanese, Italian, Turkish, and Thai! But the whole generation of our grandparents, and even parents almost without exception learned German!

Before we start our count-down, consider the following: firstly, the numbers are approximate, because it is impossible to count everything with an accuracy of one person. Secondly, when calculating, both native speakers and people who speak the language at a fairly high level were taken into account.

So, 10th position is French (129 million). It is spoken in France, Canada, Belgium, Rwanda, Cameroon, Haiti. It is considered by many to be a pleasant and romantic language. One of the 6 working languages ​​of the UN. It is easy enough to learn if you already know English, many of its words are similar to English (Or rather, there are VERY many French borrowings in English). However, here you are waiting for conjugations of verbs as many as 3 groups, troubles with articles and noun genders and many other surprises.

At number 9 is Malay Indonesian (159 million) In fact, there are many dialects in Malaysia and Indonesia, the most common of which is Indonesian. The writing of the Indonesian language is based on the Latin alphabet. The language is taught in well-known universities in Moscow and St. Petersburg in the departments of oriental languages.

8) Portuguese is spoken by over 191 million people in Brazil, Macau, Angola, Venezuela and Mozambique. It is a language of the Romance branch, closely related to Spanish, "sweet language @? according to Cervantes. The spelling is close to real pronunciation.

7) Bengali (211 million) Bangladesh, part of India. Many words from Sanskrit, the ancient language of India.

6) Arabic is spoken by over 246 million people in the Middle East (Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Libya and Egypt. It is one of ancient languages peace. Classical Arabic, the language of the Quran, is used to a limited extent for religious purposes by adherents of Islam around the world (total number of 1.57 billion people). In addition, it is one of the 6 working languages ​​of the UN.

5) More than 277 million people speak Russian all over the world - from Russia, Eastern Europe, Kazakhstan to the USA. The most common of Slavic languages. Again, one of the 6 working languages ​​of the UN. It is one of the five most translated languages ​​in the world. It is rightfully considered one of the most difficult languages ​​to learn: because of its flexibility and emotionality, and because we have ten exceptions for every rule!

4) Spanish is spoken by about 392 million people. (Spain, South and Central America, Cuba and USA). Another working language of the UN. Spanish (in other words: or Castilian) learn well with knowledge of French. Plus, relatively simple spelling.

3) 497 million people speak Hindustani (various dialects of India, the most common of them is Hindi). Uses different kinds letters: from Latin variants to Arabic letters.

2) The turn has come of English language, which, according to various estimates, are spoken from 508 million to 1 billion people worldwide, including England, almost all of Europe, USA, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Zimbabwe, Caribbean, Hong Kong, South Africa. Probably the simplest language in the world: there are no genders, cases, word agreement, the words are short, the verbs change only for the third person ... In a word - beauty!

1) No surprise for anyone - Chinese. More precisely, Mandarin Chinese (more than 1 billion people) . This abundance of native speakers has made it another one of the 6 working languages ​​of the UN. Everyone knows that Chinese is difficult to learn, but not everyone knows why. In fact, each word can be pronounced in 4 ways (or tones), which changes the meaning. Not everyone is able to catch and correctly pronounce these tones.

So, it's up to you to decide what to do!